How to apply decorative plaster. Do-it-yourself decorative plaster of walls: step-by-step finishing of walls with decorative plaster

A method of obtaining a finishing coating that involves applying decorative plaster, Lately very popular. The explanation for this is the simplest - a large selection of source materials, the production of any coating color and a wide variety of, often unique, finished surfaces, examples of which can be seen below.

An example of how to apply decorative plaster in the Afresco style

Option for applying textured decorative plaster

If you try to find an accurate, established and unified definition of what decorative plaster is, then it will only be a waste of time. There is simply no generally accepted definition, each of the authors and specialists has their own concept and interpretation, but everyone agrees on one thing - decorative plaster serves to create an original finishing coating thanks to the materials used and methods of applying decorative plaster.

Often, it is the composition of the material that determines all further operations for its use, and the methods of applying the usual mixture make it possible to turn it into decorative plaster and obtain relief and original surfaces.

Plaster composition

The generally accepted classification of such materials is based on the type of binder and the size of the filler particles. Typically, two types of binders are used - synthetic and mineral. Cement or lime are used as mineral binders, and synthetic resins (polyvinyl acetate, styrene-acrylic, acrylic, etc.) are used as synthetic binders. The most widespread are mixtures based on synthetic resins, in particular their aqueous solutions.

Mineral (cement) based mixtures are more often used for applying decorative plaster for exterior finishing.

Samples of fraction (grain, crumb) size of plaster

The filler most often used is quartz, granite or marble chips, or mixtures thereof. In this case, the classification is made according to the size of the filler, than larger size particles, the more coarse-grained the mixture is considered. It is generally accepted that for interior decoration It is preferable to use fine-grained mixtures; for external use, coarse-grained ones, although there are no unambiguous rules, everything can be the other way around. The application of decorative plaster is related to the size of the filler fractions; the larger the fraction, the higher the material consumption when performing the work.

Types of plaster

There are several types of plaster on sale:

  • ready-to-use, usually based on synthetic resins;
  • dry mixture;
  • decorative plaster for interior work, designed to create some type of coating (Venetian, bark beetle, etc.).

The result obtained when using a dry and ready-to-use mixture is usually the same, unless special cases are concerned. But finished plaster requires less time to complete. preparatory stage and is more often used when applying decorative plaster with your own hands.

A completely different case is when work is done using specially prepared decorative plaster - such as Venetian, bark beetle or some other. In this case, the technique for applying decorative plaster is predetermined, and if it is violated, the expected result will not work.

Methods of applying plaster

The technology for applying such material was discovered in the ancient world. During this time, many different ways of applying decorative plaster have been created. Relief and textured surfaces look the most attractive and interesting. Let's try to consider possible ways getting some of them. But before you get to work on obtaining such surfaces, you need to stock up on the necessary tools and prepare the base for applying plaster.

Tool used

If it is decided that decorative plaster will be applied to the walls, the technology for applying such a coating requires the use of the following tools, and this list is not exhaustive:

  • container for diluting plaster;
  • trowel;
  • grater;
  • scraper;
  • various spatulas;
  • rollers, baths, brushes, combs, brushes;
  • drill with a mixer attachment.

It is best to use a forged tool of stainless steel. The fact is that a tool made of ordinary steel can leave invisible rust stains on the surface, which then cannot be removed.

Surface preparation

Regardless of what methods of applying decorative plaster will be used, work begins with surface preparation. It must be smooth, clean and dry, all traces of the old coating must be removed, cracks and irregularities must be repaired.

After this, a primer must be applied to the surface. It will ensure good adhesion and durability of the decorative coating. It is quite possible that some additional preparatory measures will be required; they should be set out in the instructions for using the plaster and must be complied with.

But after the surface is ready, you can consider various types of applying decorative plaster.

Spray method

The described method is the simplest option for creating a relief on a plastered surface, although it may be called something else, or the result of its application will have its own name, for example, “snowball” decorative plaster. The spraying method is carried out as follows - after applying and drying the first layer, a new one is applied on top of it. To obtain texture, various tools can be used, even using a broom.

It will look like this: take a broom in one hand, a stick in the other, dip the broom into the solution and hit the stick so that splashes of the solution fly onto the wall. On the surface of the plaster you will get flakes and splashes, the size of which depends on the broom and the thickness of the solution. The surface on which the plaster spray is applied can be pre-painted, e.g. Blue colour, and the applied stains should be white.

Similar to the described method is the so-called Italian finishing. Here all operations practically coincide with those described above. After applying the covering layer and leveling it, without waiting for it to dry, apply a second layer of a different color. So, if the first layer was green, then the second one can be yellow. When applying the second layer it should cover most previous layer. Before the material hardens, it is smoothed out.

What is described in more detail will allow you to see the application of decorative plaster - the video below:

Creating a relief surface with a trowel

To create an original surface, you can use not only the usual tools. After the covering layer is completed, a little plaster is applied to the trowel, and with light movements along the surface it is transferred to the base, creating a peculiar pattern. The materials below will help you see how this is done - video methods for applying decorative plaster:

Textured method

This application method allows you to decorate the walls in an antique style thanks to decorative plaster. To do this, you will need to create several layers of plaster and paint them. The technique of applying decorative plaster shows how to do this, the video below:


This option for creating a decorative coating is carried out on fresh plaster. It is processed with a metal brush. After this, the surface is dried for a day, and then particles of plaster that do not adhere well to the surface are removed with a sponge, spatula or rag. What the described operation looks like is clear from the photo below:

Roller stamping

Another way to obtain a relief image is to apply decorative plaster with a roller. To do this, you can use a roller with a special pattern. If this is not the case, then you can cut out some kind of design on the surface of a regular one or simply wrap a rope around its surface. The result will be a pattern resembling grass stems. You can see how to do all this in the video below:

Decorative plaster "sgraffito"

This technique of applying decorative plaster is more difficult to perform than those previously described, but you can do it yourself. To do this, you need to apply several layers of plaster and each of them must have its own color. The color of each layer is chosen at your discretion.

To create a pattern in the top of the applied layers, individual sections are cut out using a special stencil, pieces of plaster are removed with scrapers or cutters. If a sufficiently large amount is removed from the top layer, the remaining plaster looks like an applique against the background of the bottom layer. If you remove a little, you get a shaded picture. This type of plaster can be applied either over the entire wall or as a separate panel.

Other options for obtaining decorative plaster

Of course, all the methods outlined do not limit the possible ways of creating decorative plaster. Special ready-made mixtures are offered for sale, and they provide an individual application method for each of them.

For example, Venetian plaster is determined not by the composition of the material used, but by the method of application. Moreover, this method is intended only for obtaining the “Venetian”.

The same can be said about decorative bark beetle plaster. The resulting original pattern is determined both by the composition of the plaster and the method of its application.

But in any case, from the above review various methods creating a relief coating, it becomes clear that the surfaces obtained thanks to decorative plaster and various technologies Its application is a worthy decoration of any interior.

With the help of decorative plaster it is easy and simple to create expressive and unique patterns on the surface of the walls. Admiring the effectiveness of the facade, we can conclude that only specialists can perform such a task. However, it is not. The main role in creating original reliefs is played not by the skill of the specialist, but by the material he uses: decorative plaster.

Types of decorative plaster

It contains special substances: fillers. They help create a beautiful drawing. No special or expensive tools are required for this. But it is necessary to choose the right plaster mixture and know the technology of its application.

The composition of decorative plaster mixtures differs from the composition of conventional ones not only by the presence of filler. If the material is intended for facade (exterior) work, it also includes additional components that ensure increased resistance of the facing surface to moisture, temperature changes, and ultraviolet radiation.

Pattern effects that can be achieved using special techniques for applying decorative plaster:

  • aging;

  • cracking;

  • adding volume;

  • rough surface texture;

  • "silk";

  • planes with different relief depths.

There are three types of decorative plasters:

  • mineral;
  • textured;
  • structural.

They all have their own characteristics, both in terms of composition and application rules.

Mineral decorative plasters

The basis of mineral plasters is natural. Crumbs and dust of various valuable types of stone are used as filler: granite, marble, onyx, malachite. Includes quartz sand of different grain sizes. Cement and gypsum act as binders. Cement-based plasters are classified as façade plasters. Mixtures with a gypsum binder are used exclusively for interior work.

Mineral decorative plaster “Bark beetle” 2 mm. Premium quality. For outdoor use

All types of mineral plasters must be prepared for use by adding the dry mixture to water in the proportion specified by the manufacturer.

The finished mixture can be applied to the wall in several layers. The final stage of work is finishing with wax or painting. Wax serves as a protective and decorative coating.

Since all types of mineral plasters are diluted with water, they do not have a long “lifespan” of the mixture. Therefore, it is recommended to prepare enough mixture so that it can be worked out before it begins to harden. One of the advantages of mineral dry plaster compositions is that they have a much lower price than ready-to-use acrylic ones.

Textured plasters

Textured plasters are dough-like mixtures that can be tinted to any color during the mixing process, or coated with paint after the finishing layer has been applied and hardened. This type of plasters is characterized by unsurpassed plasticity, which allows you to create real masterpieces on the walls.

This effect is achieved due to the mixtures of natural fibers included in the composition, which can be cotton, linen, or wood. Some manufacturers use ground brick as a filler. Using mixtures of this type, you can create relief paintings, bas-reliefs and panels.

The popular “Venetian” plaster is not a separate type of decorative plasters, but belongs to the category of textured mixtures. It is called “Venetian” because of its special composition, which allows the use of a special application technique, which provides a spectacular wall pattern.

Structural plasters

Plasters of this type are heterogeneous granular masses. The binders are potassium silicate (silicate plasters), synthetic latex (latex plasters), and cement-lime composition. There are two types of structural plasters:

  • water based;
  • solvent based.

Hence the classification of these mixtures: water-soluble and organo-soluble. The main representatives of this type of finishing mixtures are “Bark Beetle” and “Shuba”.

They are the ones most often used in finishing facades. The reason is simple: these mixtures are easy to apply, form an attractive surface pattern, and have excellent wear resistance. In addition, they have one more advantage: reasonable price.

To dilute solvent-based mixtures, white spirit is mainly used. It should be noted that it does not dissolve anything in the plaster mass. He dilutes it to the desired consistency. Therefore, experts call any liquid added to the finishing composition not a “solvent”, but a “thinner”.

Acrylic plaster "Ceresit"

Pebble plaster "Ceresit"

Among structural mixtures, acrylic plaster is the most popular. Her distinctive feature is that it is ready to use immediately after purchase. These mixtures do not require dilution with water or solvent. This fact is their undoubted advantage. Besides, acrylic plasters much more elastic and durable.

They have higher adhesion rates (adhesion to the base) than mineral and solvent-based structural ones. Acrylics can be applied to almost any surface: wood, brick, concrete, aluminum.

IN sealed packaging acrylic plasters retain their properties from 6 months to 1.5 years. Some manufacturers produce mixtures with a shelf life of up to 2 years. Another advantage acrylic compositions The fact is that walls treated with them can be painted.

“Small bark beetle”, decorative acrylic plaster for exterior and interior use

The only drawback of these mixtures is their lower vapor permeability than mineral ones. However, it is sufficient to use this material to construct a “wet” facade, which is also a heat insulator.


Techniques for applying decorative plasters

Mineral plasters must be prepared for use by diluting with water. On average, up to 30% liquid is required. All manufacturers indicate the required proportions on the product packaging. Mineral mixtures are applied in two layers.

The use of any plaster compositions requires careful surface preparation. The walls must be inspected for the presence of deep cracks, and make sure that the load-bearing surface is strong enough and does not require major repairs.

The next stage of work is priming. To perform this task, use deep penetration primers intended for external finishing work.

Plastering of the facade begins from the corner of the building. The work is carried out in stages, gradually applying the mixture to areas small area. The first layer is the base layer. It is applied with a spatula so as to avoid overlaps and get as much as possible flat surface. For leveling, you can use a spatula with a wide blade or a rule.

The main work on decorating the facade occurs at the next stage of work: when applying the second layer.

Tools for creating a decorative surface

To apply decorative plasters, special textured rollers are used. They differ from ordinary ones only in that they are equipped with rollers with a relief surface.

Depending on the material the roller is made of, there are several types of rollers:

  • wooden;
  • rubber;
  • plastic;
  • leather;
  • pile.

Standard sizes:

  • with a roller width of up to 30 cm (short rollers);
  • with a roller width of up to 50 cm (medium length);
  • with a roller width of 50 cm (long rollers).

All types of rollers can be roughly divided into textured and structural. The latter have a more relief surface than the former. Textured ones are designed to create an imitation of marble, natural stone, textiles. “Bark beetle” and “Shuba” plasters are applied using textured rollers.

Structural rollers are designed to produce a pronounced relief pattern, consisting of a repeating rather complex pattern. Externally, it creates the effect of voluminous wallpaper. The decorating technique using these tools is more complex than when using textured rollers.

Working with structural ones requires extreme care and attention. The rollers of these tools are usually made of wood or plastic. The use of such rollers requires compliance with several rules.

  1. Surface decoration is carried out using a base layer that has already hardened and leveled. For application use a liquid mixture. If you work with a dense composition, the recesses of the relief texture of the nozzle will quickly be filled with the mixture, so it will not be possible to obtain a pronounced pattern.
  2. The pattern is applied in stripes by rolling the roller in the direction from bottom to top or top to bottom.
  3. Each subsequent strip should fit tightly to the previous one, but not overlap it.
  4. When decorating walls, they try to avoid putting pressure on the roller. In this case, the relief of the pattern will be of the same depth.
  5. During work, the wall surface is moistened using a sprayer or a paint brush.
  6. The roller is periodically dipped into a container of water, washing off the adhering plaster mixture from it.

How to get the “Marsiniada” invoice

To obtain the “Marsiniada” texture, structural plasters are used. Using this technique, they create a stylish and effective pattern that is suitable for decorating walls indoors and outdoors.

According to the instructions, the structural mixture Desan Versagele is required for plastering. However, the surface pattern is obtained using a special technique, and not due to any features of the composition. Therefore, to create the “Marsiniada” texture, you can use any suitable structural plaster.

Execution technique

Step 1. Open the container with wet plaster and thoroughly mix the composition with a spatula.

Step 2. Using a trowel or stainless steel spatula, apply the mixture to the wall, trying to obtain a uniform layer up to 5 mm thick.

Step 3. Immediately after applying the plaster, it is covered with thick plastic film. Smooth out all the waves with your hand so that the film sticks to the plaster mixture.

Step 4. Perform a series of movements with the palm, trying to displace part of the film without leaving a fingerprint. In this way, a thin layer of plaster is spread over the entire surface of the wall. Make sure that no air bubbles remain under the film.

Step 5. Wait for the relative hardening of the plaster mixture (at least 12 hours).

Step 6. Carefully remove plastic film.

Step 7 After the walls have completely dried (after 24 hours), treat the surface with fine-grained sandpaper.

Step 8 Using dry paint brush or rags remove dust from the wall.

Step 9 Apply a layer of finishing primer with a brush or roller.

For more reliable protection On a plastered surface, you can apply a layer of varnish or paint to the wall. To perform this task, use any most handy tool: spray gun, roller, paint brush.

An important point: rub the varnish or paint over the plaster with a soft foam sponge until it dries. This allows you to fill all the recesses of the relief pattern and gives the surface a finished look. While working with a sponge, periodically rinse it thoroughly with water and wring it out. You can apply several layers of varnish or paint. In this way, the desired shade of the façade color is obtained.

How to get the “Corals” texture

To obtain the “Corals” pattern, structural plasters with fine or medium-grain filler are used.

Step 1. Open the container with the composition and mix it thoroughly.

Step 2. An even layer of plaster mixture is applied to the wall. Use a trowel, trowel or stainless steel spatula.

Step 3. Smooth out the applied layer using a spatula with a wide metal blade.

Step 4. Take a spatula with a rectangular blade and gently press it against the wall surface. This is an important stage of work, so you need to be extremely careful.

To obtain a drawing, follow the following technique:

  • apply the spatula to the wall with the entire area of ​​the sole;
  • remove the spatula with a jerky movement;
  • apply the spatula to the wall, changing its direction: perpendicular or oblique relative to the previous imprint;
  • tear off the stuck trowel sole from the plastered wall.

Step 5. After 15-20 minutes, use the same tool to slightly smooth the pattern, leveling its relief.

Step 6. After 24 hours, the wall is treated with fine-grained sandpaper.

Step 7 Apply a protective composition: finishing primer, varnish or paint.

This way you get a beautiful relief pattern “Corals”. The print density can be any. But the most effective pattern is one without overlapping prints.

Video - How to apply decorative plaster with your own hands

Video - Decorative plaster, granite chips based on natural stone

There are many ways to decorate a house, but recently decorative plasters have become increasingly popular. They are very diverse and allow you to create walls and ceilings that are unique in appearance. Different types give different effects, plus the application of decorative plaster can also be different. As a result - huge number variations for any interior in any style.

Types of decorative plaster

Decorative plaster- wonderful interior decoration

Decorative plaster is used for finishing walls and ceilings indoors and building facades. The basis can be various substances of both natural (gypsum, cement, marble dust) and artificial (acrylic, silicone, silicate) origin. It is called so because it forms an attractive surface with different textures - from smooth Venetian plaster like marble to embossed stone or “fur coat” plaster. The number of options is endless - applying decorative plaster is a creative process and it is unlikely to be repeated exactly. This is another advantage of this type of finishing.

Based on the type of surface being formed, the following types of decorative plaster are distinguished:

  • Embossed. After applying such compositions, some inhomogeneities and irregularities are often formed on the surface, that is, they create a relief. Their advantage is the low requirements for foundation preparation. It should be durable and should not crumble. There should also be no significant differences, but perfect smoothness is not required.
  • Smooth. There is only one subspecies in this category - Venetian plaster, but it allows them to create surfaces with different appearance. It is a plastic mass, often translucent. It contains dust from marble, malachite and other natural materials. With its help you can imitate marble, cork, leather, silk, precious woods, various metals, malachite and granite finishes.

It must be said right away that textured and plastic plasters are often difficult to separate, since they can be used different techniques on the same composition. The photo below shows options for only one type of plaster - different techniques for applying decorative plaster make it possible to obtain surfaces that are very different in appearance.

Some decorative plasters are so plastic that they can be used to create a work of art. The results are very beautiful and original panels.

A few touches...

By changing the application of decorative plaster, all these different reliefs are obtained - from simple to complex.

It is worth considering their division by area of ​​application. There are two large groups- for external and internal work. There are also universal compositions, but rarely. Almost all of the compounds discussed above are for interior work. These are more interior solutions. Some of them are resistant to abrasion, some can be washed with detergents and even brushes, but harsh operating conditions do not outdoors they won't stand it.

Some types are suitable for external use textured plaster- bark beetle, for example. This kind finishing material just refers to the universal ones. It can be seen on the façade and indoors. In apartments these are usually corridors, and in offices and institutions corridors or service rooms can be decorated in this way.

An example of finishing a house with decorative plaster on the outside: stone plaster on the base, bark beetle on the walls above

Putties for external use generally have a coarser structure and contain components that increase resistance to ultraviolet radiation and other climatic influences. In this category there are specific plasters - stone. They consist of small fractions of natural stones in a binder solution. This type of decorative plaster can be applied simply with a spatula or a stainless trowel. Other elements are rarely used. Creating reliefs on facades and fences is not best idea- dust will get clogged and spoil the appearance, and it is not easy to wash it out.

Surface preparation

For different types decorative plaster is required varying degrees surface preparation. But we can definitely say that we need to remove everything that can fall off. The surface must be durable, dry and clean, and must not crumble. Another obligatory step is priming. And not with any composition, but with a special one that creates a rough coating. It increases adhesion (grip).

For relief (structural and textured)

Under all the relief, you can’t particularly level the walls or ceiling. The composition is applied in a fairly decent layer - up to 1 cm, so it hides differences of up to 8-9 mm. But in order to reduce the consumption of an expensive composition, it is still recommended to remove large irregularities. The protrusions are trimmed off, the holes are covered with suitable plaster. The next mandatory step is primer coating. After drying, you can begin applying decorative plaster.

Structural plaster is usually applied in two layers. The first - basic - is laid flat and dried. The layer thickness is indicated by the manufacturer, usually with some tolerance. This layer also serves as a leveling layer, but again, to reduce costs, it is better to level the surface first. The second layer is applied a little thinner, and a relief begins to form on it.

But not all structural plasters are two-layer. On many, relief can be formed immediately after application, without a base layer. Usually the recommended layer in this case is somewhat thicker.

Under Venetian plaster

Compositions of this group require a perfectly flat surface. Not as smooth as for painting, but almost as smooth. Small differences are allowed - no more than 2-3 mm per square meter. standard - first, a layer of plaster (regular) is applied to the walls and a painting mesh is embedded in it. After drying, a leveling layer is applied until it is perfectly level. Next is the primer, and after this layer has dried, the application of Venetian plaster.

Application techniques

It is impossible to talk about every method of applying decorative plaster - there are so many different details and nuances. The simplest case is with textured plasters. They are simply applied with a spatula. The whole difference is in the direction of movement of the spatula, in the depth of the beards that leave inclusions, and in color. But this is in the basic version. No one is stopping you from experimenting with these compounds. Another thing is that on structural ones the effect of the same actions is more impressive - more flexible compositions.

What can be used to create a decorative effect

Application of decorative plaster is possible with many tools and ordinary household materials and devices made from them:

  • Metal trowels and graters. They are used not only for applying the composition in an even layer, but also for forming geometrically chaotic patterns on it.

  • Construction floats made of plastic, foam. They are used to level out and smooth out the newly formed overly protruding relief.
  • Fine grit sandpaper. Also for leveling the relief, but on already dried material. When compared with the previous method, the effects are different.
  • Foam sponges. They are multifunctional. They can:
  • Cellophane films and bags. Also a multifunctional tool:
    • By spreading a thin soft polyethylene film on freshly applied decorative plaster, you can form a relief with your hands. It could be some kind of abstraction or something with some motives. When the relief is ready, the film is carefully removed and the relief is left to dry.
    • The crumpled paper is wrapped in film. You get a simple but effective tool for forming a heterogeneous and chaotic pattern. You can use different application techniques - circular movements, short “jabs”, waves, strokes, comets, tails, etc.
    • Simply crumpling up cellophane, but this time harder, and “poking” it into the plaster, we get a surface somewhat reminiscent of the moon.
  • Rollers. Regular foam or fur rollers are used, as well as special ones with some kind of pattern. Regular ones are used to create a basic relief, on top of which more pronounced strokes are then applied. The type and shape of the “basic” relief depends on the length of the pile. When rolling with a foam roller, small protrusions and depressions are obtained. When rolling the hairy one, it becomes more clearly defined. The longer the pile, the greater the differences.

    Different rollers - different surfaces

  • Hands in rubber gloves. Any pattern can be made. The task is to repeat more or less similar on the rest of the plane.

  • Brushes. You can get stripes, waves and a bunch of other appearance options.

Principles of relief formation

Decorative plaster is attractive because it allows you to create a unique design - you can use your own imagination. To make this drawing look harmonious, you need to know a few general rules. Good manufacturers have rules for working with it in the description of each composition. It describes the procedure, application methods, and techniques for forming decorative surfaces.

A simple method is rolling with a roller with a pattern molded on it.

Large companies (manufacturers or shopping centers) conduct master classes where anyone can try to work with a specific decorative plaster, which is also provided there, rather than experimenting “on the spot”. Therefore, before purchasing, be sure to read all the available material, watch the videos, which are also often available, and in large quantities— There are really many methods of work. Describing in words is difficult and often incomprehensible. It's much easier to do everything in video format. We will try to briefly summarize the techniques.

    • When working with structural plasters painted in the paste (the color is added to the composition), a thin base layer is first applied. It can be smooth, or maybe slightly textured - rolled with one of the rollers. This layer is allowed to dry (6-24 hours depending on the manufacturer). Then, using the same or clarified composition (an uncolored composition is added, obtaining a mass several tones lighter), one of the reliefs is formed. Next options:
        • Immediately after formation, until the plaster has dried, the overly protruding parts are lightly smoothed with a stainless or plastic trowel.

      • Wait until the layer dries. Sandpaper attached to a holder or a wooden block is used to clean off some part of the relief.
    • When working with textured plasters, apply one layer. Without waiting for it to dry, immediately take the grout and form the desired relief. An example is working with bark beetle plaster. This composition is widespread, but basically all surfaces are made the same - with vertical strokes formed by inclusions. There are some very interesting techniques in the video.

  • The most difficult technique is to apply Venetian plaster. The layers are very thin, translucent, there are many of them and they are applied in different ways:
      • An even, thin base coat is applied first. It dries up.
      • Thin chaotic strokes are applied, which gradually fill the surface. In this case, a certain, not very pronounced relief is obtained - strokes of different thicknesses and different directions are obtained.
      • The layer is left to dry for 4-5 hours.
      • Take a large stainless spatula or grater and rub (iron) the surface. At the same time, the sharp edges are slightly erased, the surface becomes smooth in places, and velvety in appearance in others. The “marble effect” begins to appear.
      • The next layer is almost the same, but you just need to level the surface as much as possible.
      • The layer is left to dry for 1.5-2 hours.
      • Smooth it with an even, burr-free spatula with rounded ends (so as not to accidentally damage it). At this stage, the surface acquires a glossy shine.
      • The final stage is coating with decorative wax. This layer increases the moisture resistance of the coating, and the glossy shine becomes more pronounced.

Applying decorative plaster: video tutorials

Not all the nuances of finishing work can be clearly described in words. Previously, everything was transferred from the master to the students through an internship. Modern technologies make the process more widespread - video lessons and master classes give an idea of ​​how to move, which is very difficult to describe in words. This section contains several interesting ideas for decorating walls with relief plaster.

As you understand, applying decorative plaster is a creative process. But without experience, it’s difficult to imagine what results any of your actions will lead to. We look carefully and try to copy the movements. First, it is advisable to practice on a piece of puttied drywall - to work out the technique. When you are satisfied with the result, you can start decorating the walls.

Even people who are far from repair know what plaster is. And if someone happens to make repairs, then you can hear a whole lecture from him on the topic “Which plaster is better.” However, in such a matter it is better to be an expert on your own than to listen to someone else’s opinion.

Which plaster is better: dry or wet?

Drywall, in fact, is nothing more than dry plaster, sheets of which are installed exclusively indoors. The ease of fastening and the absence of “wet” cases ensures significant efficiency of the process, even if a novice gets down to business. In the hands of a competent builder, dry plaster will allow you to implement the most daring multi-level structures and partitions both on the wall and on the ceiling. But the dry method also has its drawbacks - drywall is not resistant to the harmful effects of atmospheric phenomena, which significantly reduces the scope of its application; moreover, its strength still leaves much to be desired.

Monolithic plaster is the same “wet” method of applying mortar to the surface, by leveling which the builder receives a monolithic, perfectly even layer of coating, which, moreover, is resistant to weather and mechanical influences. This coating does not take up much space and has solid durability. Of course, the disadvantages include an increase in work time and a more complicated process, and a monolithic coating is more expensive than drywall.

Step-by-step instructions with exclusive photos and video materials.

In turn, monolithic plaster is divided into ordinary and decorative. We come across the first option most often - the main purpose of a smooth layer that smooths out all the roughness of the walls is to prepare surfaces for further painting processes or wallpapering. Decorative is used as a self-sufficient coating, sometimes playing a major role in interior design. Decorative coatings also divided by composition and appearance.

Which plaster is better to plaster walls - war of basics

The binder, as the basis of the mixture, is decisive in the classification of plasters. If there was an unambiguous answer to the question: “Which plaster is better for plastering walls,” we would have used only one for a long time, but the competition between the basics will be eternal, since the disadvantages inherent in one material are the advantages of another. This means that when choosing a mixture, you simply need to take into account how applicable this or that material is to the conditions of the room in which the work will be carried out.

Gypsum plaster is very elastic, it can be applied in a thick layer of up to 5 cm in one application and without fear of the appearance of shrinkage cracks, which are possible in cement mixtures. However, it should be borne in mind that this material sets very quickly, so craftsmen make batches in small portions. The weight of gypsum is significantly less than the same cement; accordingly, the same weight of gypsum material will allow you to cover a larger area. In addition, the low weight allows you to work with such mixtures when leveling ceilings. To the advantages gypsum mixtures include high heat and sound insulation. Plastering concrete and other smooth substrates is possible without the use of a special reinforcing mesh.

What cement plasters benefit from is their strength, which is a significant factor in their favor when plastering rooms with high degree risk of mechanical damage. The moisture resistance and frost resistance of cement-based mixtures also exceeds the technical characteristics of gypsum ones. Cement mixtures- one of the cheapest, which is why they have gained high popularity.

Universal lime-based plaster is characterized by its low cost and sufficiently high qualities for finishing both indoor walls and facades. Facade mixtures are used only in combination with other components, such as gypsum and cement. Manufacturers often add to their composition synthetic fibers, which strengthen the surface. The disadvantage of a lime base is that it is afraid of moisture, so it is not used for plastering walls in a bathroom or basement.

Acrylic plasters are characterized by exceptional elasticity and adhesion, which are simply irreplaceable when applied to an inconvenient surface. They are highly wear-resistant and can be easily washed with a brush without fear of use. detergents. The disadvantages of acrylic mixtures are their relatively high cost and low vapor permeability. However, with proper calculation, both disadvantages can be reduced to zero - acrylic mixtures are usually colored, which allows you to save on the process, and a correctly calculated facade insulation system will cope with vapor permeability.

The site’s site experts have prepared a special calculator for you. Plaster consumption calculator. You can easily calculate required quantity plaster.

Silicate plasters are not inferior in cost to acrylic plasters. They are based on liquid potassium glass, which gives them special vapor permeability, so they are most often used for plastering walls insulated with mineral wool. The advantages of a silicate base include resistance to mold and mildew, as well as self-cleaning from dust. Their disadvantages are the price and the ability to change color with changes in humidity. However, when dry, they again acquire their original appearance.

There are also compositions based on silicone resins. They are not subject to rotting and are indifferent to weather conditions and mechanical damage. High vapor permeability, adhesion to any substrate, hydrophobicity - the list of advantages of silicone plasters is quite long.

A variety of colors and application techniques are also their advantages. The downside is the rather high price. Talking about what facade plaster Better yet, you simply cannot categorically settle on one option - as you have seen, each composition has its own pros and cons. The wisest decision when renovating is to weigh the pros and cons and remember to consult your wallet.

Which decorative plaster to choose - consider the appearance

We have dealt with the basics; all that remains is to find out how mixtures are qualified based on external characteristics in order to easily decide which one to choose for our repairs. Experts divide the compositions into colored, stone, terrasite (mineral) and Venetian; there is also a special type of decorative plaster - sgrafitto.

Colored compounds typically contain an acrylic base mixed with dye and sand. Such mixtures are ready for use - they only need to be diluted with water in correct proportion and apply to the surface. Plaster of this type is often decorated with various effects, for example, this is the well-known Bark beetle Color mixtures are used for both interior design premises and for facade work.

Stone plaster, as the name implies, imitates stone surfaces, for example, marble. It is used for finishing work on various building elements, such as columns and plinths. In essence, this is fine-grained concrete, in which stone chips serve as a filler, and cement and lime paste serve as a binding element.

Terrasite plaster mixture is used when cladding facades to imitate rock materials. It's pretty heavy covering, therefore, prepare the surface for it by making a grid of shallow scratches at a distance of 3-5 cm. This is done using a hammer and chisel or any other suitable tool. The terrasite mixture is based on lime, mica and cement, as well as sand and stone chips.

Sgraffito is a special type of artistic plaster, with the help of which a relief patterned coating with a selected design is obtained. The technology for working with such a coating is to uniformly apply multi-colored layers on top of each other and then remove parts to obtain a counter-relief. The process is very labor-intensive, which makes such a coating a very rare and unique addition to the interior.

Of course, you cannot ignore Venetian plaster. This is a special material based on acrylic binder material and marble flour. However, the secret of the Venetian coating is not only in the solution itself, but also in the technology of applying plaster - many thin layers that form the texture of a chaotic pattern. A thin application gives the coating a visual pearlescent shimmer. The disadvantage of this coating is a continuation of its advantages. To achieve such beauty, you need an experienced specialist and expensive materials.

Currently, decorative plaster is understood to mean several various types this finishing material. Experts assure that this is marketing ploy manufacturers. The composition of this plaster is almost the same. You should study this aspect more carefully to understand the types and methods of using this tool.


Decorative plaster is the main competitor of wallpaper when it comes to covering walls. It is worth knowing that this is not the material that is used to level walls. This species building material has its own characteristics. It is both a leveler and a final coating in itself.

Decorative plaster contains additional substances that distinguish it from ordinary plaster.

This type of finishing material has a number of undeniable advantages. For example, such plaster can be the base and at the same time the finish. It perfectly hides wall unevenness and, due to its high percentage of plasticity, can fill any cracks and crevices.

Decorative plaster has no special restrictions on application. It goes well with stone, brick, concrete and plasterboard walls. The only feature is that it must be firmly attached to the wall. But this requirement applies to all types of finishing materials.

Decorative plaster does not absorb odors at all and is perfect for decoration kitchen space. This is one of its features and an undeniable advantage compared to other finishing materials. It has excellent soundproofing properties.

Another feature of decorative plaster is its unique appearance. The final version will look unique depending on the application technique and the tools used. If there are small defects on the wall, you may not need to carry out preliminary preparation. Experts recommend getting by with just a light primer of the surface.

The most common use of decorative plaster is indoors. It allows air to pass through and prevents the formation of fungi and other harmful microorganisms. Due to this specific finishing material, the repair will last its owners much longer.

Thanks to the properties of the material, unusual patterns and designs can be created in the process of wall finishing. Some experts recommend making multi-colored designs from decorative plaster. This way the walls will look original and stylish.

Basically, the plaster contains natural ingredients. They are environmentally friendly and safe for people, children and pets. For some, this is the main criterion when choosing a finishing material. Such a coating can serve long years. It can withstand minor mechanical damage, which can often happen in the kitchen and nursery.

When professionals work, everything seems simple and easy. When applying decorative plaster, there are a number of features that you need to remember.

This will help you avoid mistakes during the work process and get the desired result.

When choosing decorative plaster, you need to study the entire range of this product presented in the hardware store. It would be a good idea to consult with the seller. It is best to find a large sample with plaster applied to it. It is necessary to buy material with a reserve. This will save you from additional expenses and hassle. It will not be very pleasant if the plaster runs out in the midst of renovation work.

It's important to choose necessary tools for a specific type of plaster and achieving the desired effect. The minimum is two spatulas. It is necessary that one of them be wide and the second narrow. To make more textured designs, you will have to purchase a special roller and a smoothing iron with round ends. If the owners want to paint the walls, then they need to purchase additional brushes or rollers for applying it.

If there are no serious defects, you can forget about leveling the walls. Decorative plaster has an amazing property - it will hide all the imperfections. But if the defects on the walls are obvious, then you should first go over the entire surface with putty. This will significantly save the family budget. Experts believe that the finer the relief pattern, the better the alignment of the walls.

Before using decorative plaster, the entire surface of the walls is thoroughly primed. For a novice master, it is better to start working with inconspicuous areas. This will help you gain a little experience, and the resulting defects will be hidden from view. Many builders recommend practicing on a sheet of drywall first.

After applying the plaster, you can make a certain relief or design on it. High-quality applied material is moisture resistant. These walls can be washed. It is important not to use aggressive chemicals. It is better to use soft sponges and rags. Metal brushes and scrapers are not allowed when washing decorative plaster.

Some builders additionally cover such plaster with a layer of wax. But this method will protect from moisture rather than from various damages. If there is a need to change the interior, the plaster can simply be painted over with a different color.

In case of further wallpapering, it is permissible to putty the walls on top of the old layer.

Types and effects

There are several types of decorative plaster in the construction industry. Very often it is divided according to the type of filler or binder. It is better to check in advance about its quality and features with builders or consultants in specialized stores.

If we consider this material by filler type, it will differ in appearance, not composition.

Let's look at some types and effects of decorative plaster:

  • Textured or embossed plaster creates a rather noticeable pattern on the wall. It will help make any imperfections on the wall invisible. This plaster is very inexpensive and is very popular in our country. It is quite easy to apply, which is a definite advantage for beginners.

It can be divided into several textures that have interesting names. The "bark beetle" resembles furrows in an old tree. And when using colored paint, this effect is only enhanced. Lamb creates a grainy surface that appears very soft and curly from a distance. “Fur Fur” is a little similar to the second option, but visually more fleecy.

  • Structural view is the most unpredictable in terms of final finish. Even an experienced craftsman will not be able to predict the final appearance of this decorative plaster.

  • Venetian plaster has a smooth surface. To apply it to the wall, the master must have sufficient experience. It takes quite a lot of time to apply it. But in the end, the owners get a perfect wall that looks a little like stone. In bright lighting, the effect of a marble surface and internal lighting is created.

  • Other options decorative plaster have diverse characteristics. You can buy wood-effect decorative plaster at a hardware store. Material that imitates silk is becoming popular. It is very popular to decorate utility pantries and warehouses with gypsum plaster. Colored plaster can also be classified as this group materials.

Wood effect

Imitation silk

Gypsum plaster

Scope of application

Many experts consider this product to be one of the most versatile types of finishing material. It can be used on any surface. The result is a very interesting and intricate relief of the walls and ceiling.

The widespread use of plaster is explained by its good vapor permeability, durability and resistance to various natural influences.

In addition, this type of material does not always require additional putty on the walls.

When using this material in a children's room, you should carefully choose the composition. Decorative plaster should not contain resins of synthetic origin. When applying the material to the walls, do not make sharp corners. It is important to think about the safety of your child.

In the bathroom and toilet it is worth using cement-based material.

For the kitchen area it is worth using glass and plastic aprons. This is especially true for the food preparation and dishwashing areas. For those who want to use decorative plaster in the kitchen, experts recommend covering the walls with an additional coat of paint or clear varnish. Such additional means of protection will help protect the walls from grease and soot, which are simply inevitable in the kitchen.

There is a special type of material on sale that is intended for outdoor use. This type of plaster is absolutely not suitable for use at home. This is due to the substances included in the composition. They give the plaster additional resistance and strength to the effects of snow, rain and sun.

Other mixture options are only suitable for indoor use. This decorative plaster is environmentally friendly and contains natural ingredients. This material cannot be used for finishing building facades. Due to its natural composition and the absence of aggressive components, the material will not withstand the effects of natural disasters.

In specialized stores you can also find universal plaster. It can be used in residential apartments. It also performed well when used on building facades. This decorative plaster contains substances that are safe for people. The composition also contains special components that extend the service life of the material on facades. This type of decorative plaster is the most expensive.

Many builders are sure that such plaster looks great in rooms with a large area. Decorative plaster is used to decorate all walls or small fragments of them. Designers are confident that some types of material can visually increase the area of ​​a room.

This is achieved through a special application style and the use of light paint.

Currently, the material can be applied to wood, drywall or brick. You can use a concrete or already plastered wall as a base. Plastic surface is not the best the best option for applying decorative plaster. It is a fairly strong material, so it is important that it is applied correctly.

It can also be used in the hallway. It will be able to withstand minor mechanical damage that can happen in everyday life.

How to cook it yourself?

Currently, this type of finishing material does not lose its popularity. Construction stores offer a huge range of this material. It has different composition, service life and finishing surface. All types of decorative plaster have in common only a fairly high cost.

If you wish to have original interior, but limited financial capabilities or clearly defined estimates for renovation work, you can try making decorative plaster with your own hands.

It may contain sand, gypsum or cement. Fillers can be crumbs natural stones. It is advisable to add components to the resulting composition to increase the viscosity of the material, as well as antiseptic and moisture-resistant additives.

Cement and sand


Crumbs of natural stones

The finishing option will depend on the type, quality and quantity of filler. The most widely used version of decorative plaster contains grains up to five millimeters in size. It is important to know that in decorative plaster the filler should not exceed 70% of the total amount of solution.

Exist different ways preparation of decorative plaster. Let's look at the simplest and most popular of them.

Very often, gypsum plaster is used during repairs. This type of decorative plaster dries instantly, is easy to apply and levels well. It's very easy to do. You need to purchase gypsum flour and make limestone dough. These components must be mixed together in a ratio of one to three. Then a small amount of water is added. You need to add water gradually, stirring the solution evenly.

As a result, it should resemble thick sour cream in consistency. At the very end, if desired, color is added. In order for the solution to be plastic, all proportions must be strictly observed.

To make your own lime paste, you will need slaked lime and water.

The ratio of components should be one to three. After kneading, cover the resulting consistency with a lid and put it in dark place for about a day.

Popular methods for preparing plaster at home are those with the addition of silicate-based components. Preparation of the bulk is carried out in the same way as in the first case. Another element is liquid glass. It is poured into the resulting solution, and then a little water is added. The amount of silicate in such a mixture should not exceed 5%.

More budget option Decorative plaster will be a mixture of sand and cement. To prepare such a composition, you will need cement, sand and slaked lime. The proportions of this composition are approximately one to two. After mixing the main components, silicate is added to the mass. Its share should not exceed 5% of the total mass. At the very end, water is added to the mixture. Stone chips should not exceed 70%.

It's pretty simple methods production of material. It is important to maintain accurate proportions and consistency. Before starting work, you can watch a master class from an experienced builder.

To purchase decorative plaster that does not require preliminary preparation, you should contact ready-made mixtures. In this case, you should pay attention to textured plaster. Its surface is almost flat. The desired pattern is obtained using spatulas, brushes and rollers. In addition, experienced craftsman more possibilities when working with such material. Structural plaster is applied much easier and faster. It is ideal for an inexperienced craftsman.

For rooms with high humidity, you should pay attention to cement plaster. Builders add about ten kilograms of tile adhesive to a bag of cement. 500 grams of plasticizer are added to the resulting mixture. Then water is poured in evenly and everything is thoroughly mixed.

Venetian plaster is considered the most exquisite and amazing. It belongs to the textured varieties. Due to its popularity and variety of effects, it is allocated to a special group.

Marble dust is quite expensive. To reduce the cost of manufacturing such a coating, granite and malachite chips are usually added to it. After applying the material to the wall, it needs to be treated with a trowel. This means that the plaster must have very finely ground stones in its composition.

For this, it is better to use natural and finely dispersed fillers.

The next component is slaked lime. It acts as a component for linking all funds. Usually ready-made construction mixtures Instead of slaked lime, the composition contains acrylic resins. Special dyes will also be required. Previously, natural plant juice was used. Currently, they have been replaced by synthetic components.

It is possible to use running water during operation. It is important to monitor its temperature. It should not be below ten degrees. The standard recipe for preparing Venetian plaster contains all of the above components. Stone dust and slaked lime are thoroughly mixed until they form a homogeneous mass of fairly thick consistency.

Then running water is added to the resulting composition and everything is mixed again. At the same time, dye, antiseptic and metallizing particles are added. Due to the peculiarities of applying this type of decorative plaster, the finest fillers are required.


Experienced builders suggest considering two more options for preparing this type of material. The first is quite simple - the material is mixed with white marble flour. The proportions are one to ten. Then water and colored paint are added to the resulting composition.

The second option is a little more difficult to prepare. For 7 kilograms of marble sand, about 1.5 kilograms of flour of a similar composition are added. Then 700 grams of white Portland cement are added to the composition, followed by about a kilogram of lime dough.

A novice master needs strict adherence to all proportions. It is better to use paper to write down all the components.

Consumption per 1 m2

Before you start finishing works When using decorative plaster, it is important to make a competent calculation of the material. As a rule, it is customary to consider the mixture consumption per square meter.

Decorative plaster perfectly imitates stones, wood or leather. Despite its cost, it is very budget-friendly in terms of consumption. Most often, the consumption per square meter of wall or ceiling ranges from one to one and a half kilograms.

Plaster, which resembles wood in texture, has the lowest consumption. The total thickness of the layer should not be more than one centimeter.

If the plaster contains large grains, then two layers must be applied.

Structural plaster is made from a mixture of acrylic, cement or gypsum. This mixture is sold in 25 kilogram packages. To decorate a ten square meter wall you need one or two bags.

The mixture based on acrylic dispersions is homogeneous in consistency with the presence of small grains. The size of these grains does not exceed two millimeters. Plaster in finished form has quite a noticeable consumption. If there is a fraction of one millimeter, the consumption is two and a half kilograms per square meter of wall or ceiling.

This plaster is usually sold in plastic packaging of 15 kilograms. For 10 meters of wall you need about two plastic packages. This amount of material will be needed to apply one layer of decorative plaster.

Structural material, which contains: marble chips or a mixture of marble and granite chips. The layer of material can be from one to three millimeters. This depends on the depth of texture required. To apply the material to a wall of 10 square meters, you will need one package of material with a volume of 25 kilograms.

If we consider the structural material, then most often it is used to decorate the fireplace. A solution of such plaster is sold in plastic packaging of 15 kilograms. To apply plaster to a ten square meter wall, you need to buy two packages of the material.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the decorative plaster “Bark beetle”. The consumption of this product ranges from 2.5 to 4 kilograms per square meter. This scatter is due to the different grain sizes in the structure of the product and the thickness of the layer.

Still, before purchasing, you should consult with the seller at the hardware store. A specialist will accurately determine the possible consumption of decorative plaster of this type. It would be a good idea to read the information about the material on the packaging.

Venetian plaster allows you to create an imitation of marble on the wall in all its splendor. In terms of consumption, it is the most budgetary. Savings result from a perfectly level surface. Considering the cost of work and the price of the material itself, Venetian plaster is the most expensive.

Application process

For plastering works you will need a set of tools. This should be sandpaper or a special machine, two types of spatulas, brushes, polyethylene film, putty and primers.

The technology for applying decorative plaster is not very complicated.

At the beginning of work, the surface is cleaned and traces of corrosion are removed, old paint or wallpaper. The entire surface is treated with sandpaper. Remaining dust can be removed using a vacuum cleaner or brush. Cracks or gouges may appear on the wall. They should be sealed with putty and wait for it to dry completely.

After this, it is worth treating the surface with a primer. It must be applied twice with an interval of 3-4 hours. Completion of this stage of work is mandatory. The primer will improve the adhesion of the plaster to the wall.

During the drying process of the primer material, the entire work area should be covered with polyethylene film. It is advisable to cover furniture and all mirror surfaces. For reliability, the film is fixed with construction tape. Then you should start preparing decorative plaster.

To apply the structural material, use a spatula with a wide base. The plaster is applied to the wall and then stretched using a wide spatula. The first layer can be of different thicknesses, the main thing is that it is even. You can continue working only after 5-12 hours. During this time, the plaster should thoroughly adhere to the wall and primer.

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