How to write an email to prison. How to write a letter to a pre-trial detention center? How pre-trial detention center employees check a letter

All messages, both to and from the detention center itself, are subject to censorship.

They are opened and read by the censor. Therefore, you should think seven times about what exactly to write before you sit down to write.

You should not threaten or conflict in your message, express or communicate any information directly related to the essence of the accusation.

Firstly, such a letter is unlikely to reach the addressee - it will either not be transmitted or part of the message will be erased. Secondly, the information in the letter will definitely be of interest to the operational workers of the pre-trial detention center. This is one of the areas of their activity - assisting the investigation in solving a particular crime.

You should not write about the circumstances of the commission of the crime of which the defendant is accused, unknown to the investigation, or name any names, names, nicknames, etc.

You also cannot write about items prohibited in a pre-trial detention center - other means of communication, other items (transferred alcohol, drugs, etc.).

You should not write letters containing profanity, jargon, code, calls for the overthrow of the existing system, extremist slogans and thoughts. At best, such a message simply will not reach the addressee; at worst, it can serve as another reason for pressure from the investigation with the threat of initiating another criminal case.

Erotica and pornography are prohibited in the pre-trial detention center, and, therefore, you should not put photographs of erotic and pornographic content in the envelope. If there is a need to send photographs of children, wife, parents, etc. through a letter, then to be completely sure that the addressee will definitely receive them, it is necessary to make a note at the end of the letter about the amount enclosed.

For example, photographs of children – 2 pcs., photographs of parents – 1 pc., pocket calendar – 1 pc., postage stamps – 7 pcs. for the amount of 70 rubles. etc.

Note that, as current practice shows, it is quite difficult to get new envelopes in the isolation ward, and therefore you should always include 2-3 clean envelopes in each letter.

Number of letters

Long gone are the days when they could be convicted with the wording “without the right of correspondence.”

Today we live in rule of law, or at least we are trying to meet his standards, and therefore the number of messages to the person under investigation is not limited in any way.

This right is enshrined in the PVR of the pre-trial detention center of the penal system, approved by order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated October 14, 2005 N 189. In that regulatory document it is said that the number of letters and telegrams is allowed to be received and sent without limitation.

You must write letters and send telegrams at your own expense. Receipt of letters to persons under investigation is carried out through the management of the pre-trial detention center.

The fate of the letter in the pre-trial detention center

All letters sent “from outside” are registered in a special journal, which records the date of receipt of the message in the pre-trial detention center and its dispatch. Then, as already mentioned, it passes through the censor, and only then falls into the hands of the defendant. The same path, only in reverse order, is followed by a letter from the defendant “to freedom.”

Correspondence with the person under investigation via the Internet

Currently, there are many Internet services through which you can write a letter to a person under investigation by email. The best thing use the official services of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation according to your region. Such a service can usually be found on the official website regional administration execution of punishments, the jurisdiction of which includes pre-trial detention centers.

The advantages of this method of correspondence are numerous and obvious.

Let's list just a few of them:

  • speed of delivery of electronic messages;
  • convenience and comfort of writing for the sender of the letter;
  • the minimum time for a censor to review the contents of a letter.

The email is sent to the censor for review on the same or the next day. Checked and printed. Then it is delivered to the recipient. Available Possibility to attach photographs electronically.

Many pre-trial detention centers have long had photo printers on which it is quite possible to print photos for an additional fee. It would be a good idea to make inquiries about this possibility in advance.

This method is also convenient because the person under investigation can also respond by email. To do this, he writes a response on a piece of paper, passes it to the censor, who scans the response message and sends it to the specified email address.

To be fair, we note that this service is provided on a paid basis.

Its cost, as well as additional features V different regions vary. Before you use email correspondence with a person under investigation, you should check the cost with the GUFSIN of a specific region.

Writing letters to a pre-trial detention center is simply vital. Why should you use the most different ways. At the same time, you must comply with all the requirements and restrictions on correspondence with the person under investigation, and then he will definitely receive the long-awaited news “from the outside.”

(penitentiary institution), which provides temporary isolation of suspects, accused, defendants and convicts. Therefore, you should understand that sending a written communication requires compliance with the legal method of transmission and the attached content. To write a letter to a pre-trial detention center without problems for yourself and the addressee, you need to know some rules, which we will talk about later.

The law does not prohibit writing and receiving letters while in a pre-trial detention center.

What you can write and what you can’t

The procedure for receiving correspondence is established in Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated November 3, 2005 N 205 “On approval of the Rules internal regulations correctional institutions." This order states that all correspondence received or sent falls under the control of the censor, that is, in other words, everything that is written will become known to third parties, who are the censors of the correctional institution.

There are also certain requirements for the content of the letter. The sender needs to understand that everything that is said may subsequently be used against the prisoner. Therefore, in order not to aggravate the already difficult situation of the prisoner, you should not touch upon such topics and methods of communication in your letter as:

  • any information or facts related to the criminal case;
  • information related to previous offenses;
  • discuss other persons associated with the ongoing investigation;
  • mention anything (phone, notes, etc.);
  • use profanity;
  • Any materials related to pornography and erotica are prohibited;
  • use ciphers or code words;
  • discuss topics such as drugs, weapons, terrorism and others.

You also need to understand that everything written can ultimately affect you. Unfortunately, the information can also reach other people, and there are law enforcement officials who may wish to make money from the information provided.

There are many examples in criminal cases, the following:

Citizen Ivanov was in a pre-trial detention center as a suspect for theft and participation in an organized crime group. His wife, who apparently had information about the structure and participants of the organized crime group, in a letter asked her husband to confess everything and point out the remaining accomplices, and mentioned specific individuals. This information contained in the letter reached the members of the organized crime group, and as a result, under threats of murder, Ivanov’s wife was forced to change her testimony in court and “put pressure” on her husband so that he would take all the blame upon himself.

Of course, the case described in the example is more like a plot sketch from films, but similar situations occur in reality. According to the established rules, the following things can be sent along with the letter:

  • (children, spouses, parents), usually the number is limited to 5 photographs;
  • envelopes and stamps, since they are quite difficult to find in such institutions;
  • one calendar (pocket).

At the end, be sure to indicate a list of what was transmitted; if any of the above does not reach the recipient, he, of course, will not be able to influence it, but at least he will be aware.

Shipping methods

It is worth highlighting two main methods: standard (message sent by mail) and email, sent using specialized resources. The use of paper media is more common for people, but as a disadvantage of this option, it is worth mentioning at least the delivery time, which includes not only registration in a pre-trial detention center, as well as verification by censors. As a result, the message can reach the addressee in a couple of weeks at best.

The message is required to include the following mandatory information:

  • name of the institution and its postal address;
  • last name, first name and patronymic of the addressee, his year of birth, without using abbreviations and without errors;
  • sender's contact information - full name and postal address.

The cost of sending this way will depend on the weight of the message and the location of the recipient.

Email to the pre-trial detention center

There is a specialized service called “FSIN-Letter”, of course, it is not free, but the amount is insignificant and does not greatly exceed postal rates. But, accordingly, the delivery time is disproportionately shorter than when using mail. This the best choice for those who have even the slightest knowledge of using the Internet. In order to use this service and write a letter to the pre-trial detention center via the Internet, go to the website “” and go to the “Write” section, then you will need to do the following:

  1. In the “Where” block, select the region where the institution is located and select its name from the list to the right.
  2. In the “To” block, fill in the information about the recipient - his full name and year of birth.
  3. In the “From” block, enter your details as the sender - full name, phone number and contact email. Pay attention to the line below - “Remember my data”, check the box there if you plan to use the service again in the future.
  4. In the “Text” block, indicate your message accordingly, observing all the rules and regulations described above. The cost of 1 page up to 2500 characters is 55 rubles.

You can attach a photo to the message, the cost of one is 30 rubles. Receiving a response is also paid - 55 rubles. You can pay either in a one-time way, for example, with mobile phone, or purchase a payment card “FSIN-Letter” with a denomination of 330, 550, 1100, 2750 and 5500 rubles.


Two methods of sending messages (electronically or in writing) to a pre-trial detention center were described above, and which way to send depends on personal preferences and capabilities, but it is always necessary to comply with the rules and regulations of content and sending.

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