How to print a large image. How to print a large poster from A4 sheets

Greetings, readers of my blog. I’m in touch with you, Timur Mustaev. I decided to print a picture consisting of several A4 sheets. And of course, I used the Corel DRAW program in my arsenal to cut into several parts; of course, I could also use Photoshop, and then print on a printer. But then I became interested in what other methods could be used to do this.

I started to turn around the entire Internet, and it turns out that everything is so simple that anyone can do it without having powerful graphics programs. Today I will share with you how to print a picture on several A4 sheets, and believe me, you can easily do it yourself.

The first thing that is recommended everywhere is to split the image using the printer property. Yes, the option is good and quite understandable. The only thing is that this function is not available in the printer properties everywhere. Therefore, we will not consider this method.

For all methods, I will use the same photo.


And so, the first method in my arsenal is to use the Paint program. Yes, this is a program that is included by default in Windows OS. So where to start.
Open Paint. FileOpen

In the menu that opens, select where your photo is located. Let's open it. If the photo is of high resolution, then it will open in the editor at 100%. In order to reduce the size, move the slider to the left to obtain a normal visual size.

Then we open FileSealPage settings

In the menu that appears, set the settings:

  1. Paper. Size – A4, Feed – Automatic selection.
  2. Orientation. It's better to put it here Landscape. If you want to Book, then please, this will not spoil the picture.
  3. Margin (mm). Everything can be left unchanged.
  4. Centering. Check both boxes Horizontally And Vertically.
  5. Scale. Let's take a closer look here. If you want to print the picture in the original size that it is, then put 100% in the field Install. If you decide that 100% is not enough for you, feel free to put 200% or more. But remember the main thing, the more you zoom in, the worse the quality of the photo will be, as it is stretched.

In my case, original photo was divided into only 4 parts of A4 format, at 100%, for me it seemed too little and I set it to 200%, let’s see what happened.

Online service

Everything is simple here. This online service for splitting and preparing files for printing. At the end you get it ready PDF file from broken photographs into A4 sizes. The service is free. There is one “BUT”, the service is not English language. I think this will not be difficult for you, especially since I will try to describe all the steps in more detail.

What should we do first? We open the service. In the window that appears, left-click on Create your poster.

The next step is to choose a photo that we will divide into parts. In my case, I will use the same photo as in the previous example. And so, I press the button Review and indicate the photo. Then click on Upload and wait for the photo to load.

  1. Paper stings(Paper Settings). Here we are interested in the A4 paper size. And album ( Landscape) location. You can choose book ( Portrait) option by clicking on the arrows.
  2. Put a tick Add margin of 10 mm each side. What does this tell us? It's simple, these are printing indents of 10 mm on each side.
  3. Check mark Overlap page by 5 mm We don’t put it.
  4. Output size. This refers to how many parts the photo will be divided into. In this case, I put 3, this means the breakdown will be 3x3, that is, it will consist of 9 parts.

There is also Additional Information, in the lower right corner. Where indicated, Paper size, Size of the finished painting (Poster size), how many sheets the painting will consist of (Paper consumption) and a human figure 180 cm tall in the viewer (Human figure in preview is 180 cm tall). What does it mean? See the silhouette of a man in the middle. This silhouette is 180 cm high.

Next step, color ( Color). We set the following settings:

  • Raster color put Multicolor
  • Background color set White

To see what the poster will look like framed in the 10mm white border we installed at the beginning, check the box Show margin.

Click Continue.

IN final step Options awaits us, several settings. So:

  • Output choose Enlarge.
  • Other, put a tick Crop marks, these are additional marks on the photograph, convenient for cropping after printing. If you do not want to trim the white border, then do not check the box. Page position, page printing order. It doesn’t matter here, I don’t check the box.

Click Rasterbate 9 pages!

After which the separation process will begin and will give you a finished PDF file for saving. If automatic saving does not appear, click on click here.

As a result, we received a finished poster, in PDF format for printing, with the title Rasterbation.

On this note, I will say goodbye to you. I hope you found the article useful. Subscribe to my blog, comment, share with friends.

All the best to you, Timur Mustaev.

Here, as in that joke, we have several options. First, let's understand that a picture (or other information) that needs to be printed on several sheets is called a poster. The simplest and most universal way to print a picture onto several sheets is to use a spreadsheet editor. Its main advantage is the ability to print a poster in any case, using any number of sheets; The disadvantage is that it takes a little more time than when printing a poster using the printer options. Printing a poster using the printer interface takes much less time, however, not all programs for printers include such an option. Therefore, you have to use the first method. So, let's look at the options for the first method of printing a poster, i.e. using editors in the two most common operating systems: Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac OS. Microsoft Windows The most universal way to print a poster is to place our picture in the MS Excel editor. The algorithm of actions is as follows: Start->All Programs->Microsoft Office->Microsoft Excel; in the menu, select Insert->Picture (->From file), after which the “Insert Picture” window opens, where we find our picture and click the “Insert” button; for printers from the most popular companies Epson and Canon. Since their interfaces are most typical for all modifications of the Epson line, as well as Canon, it is easy to build general algorithms of actions.

3. The printing program for Epson printers has the following interface and procedure for printing a poster consisting of several sheets: “Properties” -> “Printing Settings” -> “Layout” tab; On the left, look at the “multi-page” field and put a bird there; We also put a dot in front of the “poster printing” property; using the poster sheet layout counter, select one of four options – 2x1, 2x2, 3x3, 4x4; When choosing poster options, look at the preview layout. 4. The printing program for Canon printers requires the following algorithm of actions: “Properties” -> “Printing Settings” -> “Page Settings” tab; “Orientation” option – allows you to select portrait or landscape type of poster sheets; the "Page Layout" option has a selection window, by clicking which we can choose one of the three options we like - poster, poster, poster; When choosing poster options, look at the preview window on the left. After confirming the changes to the printer settings, we can print our poster. I hope this explanation helped you, and in the future printing any poster on several sheets will not be difficult for you. Good luck! If you need to print

To print a large poster from A4 sheets, you can do without additional software. The standard printer software has many options for customizing printing. Among other things, there (in most cases) there is such a function as “poster printing”. It is she who will help us print any document on many A4 sheets. Thus, after gluing the sheets together, we will get a large poster or painting for the wall. If this is exactly the result you are trying to achieve, then look at the example.

Example: How to print a poster from several A4 sheets

Open the picture or document from which you want to make a large poster and press “print” or the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+P”. You should see a similar menu (see Fig1)

in which you need to select the properties of your printer.

Set the page size and desired sheet orientation (Portrait or Landscape). Next, scroll down a little (in the Page Layout section) you need to find “Poster Printing”. Standard poster printing sizes are 4 sheets. This means that your image will be divided into four fragments, which the printer will print. After putting these fragments together like a puzzle, you will get a large picture. If the size of 4 A4 sheets does not suit you, click the "Set" button.

Here you can specify a different number of segments into which your image will be divided. And also (very conveniently) you need to check the box “Cutting lines in the margins” and an edge will be allocated on each sheet ( Cut ) which needs to be trimmed evenly and the field is marked ( Paste ) onto which you need to apply glue and apply the next fragment of our large poster. All settings have been made - we send everything for printing. The result is an almost seamless large poster. If you are satisfied, then we have achieved the desired result using standard means. But as you can see, there are quite a few settings for printing a poster. That is why there are special programs for printing large posters on A4. They allow you to configure the partition more flexibly. We'll talk about this in another part of the article.

After making sure that the printer is connected, the drivers are installed and the device is working properly, you can start printing. Using the Word office program as an example, let's look at how to print text.

Open a ready-made text document or prepare it yourself, for which you need to copy or type the text on Word sheets, then edit and format it.

Further actions, based on the Office version, may vary slightly.

In version 2010 the printer icon for quick printing is displayed on the panel quick access. Pressing it will help fast printing.

In Word 2003 You will also find the printer icon without any problems.

IN 2013 There is no version of the Word icon on the quick access panel by default, but you can easily add it by clicking the drop-down list and selecting . There is also a point below View, if you want to preview the design of the document.

You can also access the window responsible for sending to the printer through the menu File/Seal.

A universal combination will work in all versions Ctrl-P. Next you will go to the settings window. For the 2010 version it looks like this.

For 2003 So.

Here you can tune page range or specify specific numbers, select the number of copies, and specify the printer to which you want to send the document. Among the many other settings, let’s focus on the setting color or black and white print. To go to the window for setting these parameters, you should open Properties.

Here you choose Color and press OK for confirmation.

It is worth noting that these actions similar for any program that works with text.

Printing a web page

There are two ways to do this. First - copy(Ctrl+C) the desired text from the web page and insert(Ctrl+V) in text editor(for example, the same Word). Then print as shown in the first paragraph.

The second way is to print directly directly from the browser.

The easiest way to do this is by pressing the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+P– a window will open settings. You can also open it using the menu button in the browser - Seal(example for Google Chrome).

Here, in settings, you can set all the same parameters as in a Word document with a slightly different interface, but quite intuitive.

How to print a picture

You can open the picture print window without even opening it by selecting in the menu, after right-clicking on the icon, item Seal.

If the picture is open in the window viewing, then there should be a button on the taskbar Seal. Or a universal method - pressing a combination Ctrl+P.

The settings window may vary slightly depending on the viewer. Let's look at a standard example.

Customizable Paper size and type, quality, number of copies and other parameters. To select colors, go to the link Options \Printer Properties.

If you need to print a photo, on the right there are layout settings indicating the dimensions. Eg, let's choose 10x15 . Button press seal will send the text to the printer.

3. The printing program for Epson printers has the following interface and procedure for printing a poster consisting of several sheets: “Properties” -> “Printing Settings” -> “Layout” tab; large poster at home without resorting to the services of a plotter - then this article is for you. But how can this be done?

You can split our document into a large number of small fragments and print it with a home printer on A4 sheets. As a result, we will get a large, almost seamless poster. In this article we will look in detail at two methods. print a poster - without additional software the "Page Layout" option has a selection window, by clicking which we can choose one of the three options we like - poster, poster, poster; When choosing poster options, look at the preview window on the left. big poster. As always, the article will contain detailed instructions on how to quickly achieve the desired result. Let's say we have a large document, a picture, a graph, a map of the area - in general, anything from which we need to make a large poster. We will need a printer, a pair of scissors, PVA glue and half an hour of time. If everything is ready, let's get started!

To print a large poster from A4 sheets, you can do without additional software. The standard printer software has many options for customizing printing. Among other things, there (in most cases) there is such a function as “poster printing”. It is she who will help us print any document on many A4 sheets. Thus, after gluing the sheets together, we will get a large poster or painting for the wall. If this is exactly the result you are trying to achieve, then let’s look at an example.

Example: How to print a poster from several A4 sheets

Open the picture or document from which you want to make a large poster and press “print” or the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+P”. You should see a similar menu (see Fig1)

in which you need to select the properties of your printer.

Set the page size and desired sheet orientation (Portrait or Landscape). Next, scroll down a little (in the Page Layout section) you need to find “Poster Printing”. Standard poster printing sizes are 4 sheets. This means that your image will be divided into four fragments, which the printer will print. After putting these fragments together like a puzzle, you will get a large picture. If the size of 4 A4 sheets does not suit you, click the “Set” button.

Here you can specify a different number of segments into which your image will be divided. And also (very conveniently) you need to check the “Cut lines on the margins” checkbox and on each sheet there will be an edge (Cut) that needs to be trimmed evenly and a field (Paste) on which you need to apply glue and apply the next fragment of our large poster. All settings have been made - we send everything for printing. The result is an almost seamless large poster. If you are satisfied, then we have achieved the desired result using standard means. But as you can see, there are quite a few settings for printing a poster. That is why there are special programs for printing large posters on A4. They allow you to configure the partition more flexibly. We'll talk about this in another part of the article.

How to print a large poster from A4 sheets

How to print a picture at the desired size.

To print a picture the right size on the printer, you must first place it on a sheet of a given format. This can be done using Microsoft Office Word. This is perhaps the most popular program that everyone who is familiar with working on a computer will certainly come across.

1.Open Microsoft Office Word and create a new document.

2. Set page parameters using the command Main Menu - Page Layout - Margins.

Adjust the margins of the document so that the picture fits completely on an A4 sheet of paper.

3. Find the desired picture and insert it into the document using the command
Main menu - Insert - Drawing.

To insert several pictures into a document at once, you need to select them by clicking the mouse while holding down the key Shift.

4. To change the size of the picture, move the mouse cursor over the picture and click the right mouse button.

How to print a large poster from several A4 sheets

In the list that opens, select the command Size.

5. In the window that opens, make the necessary settings.

6. Save the picture. Office Button - Save
or click on the icon

Printing output. Office Button - Print.

Guide on how to print A3 on two A4

It may seem that printing A3 on two A4 sheets is difficult and this is a job only for professionals. But there are several ways to help solve this problem. With their help, it is possible to print one picture on two sheets standard sizes even a schoolboy.

What will we talk about:

How to carry out the process in Word and PDF

To print A3 on two A4 in Word, you should do the following:

  1. Open a Word document and go to the print menu. Next, select A3 paper size.
  2. Select items: number of pages per sheet – 1, according to page size.
  3. Click on A4 print format.

The document will begin printing on two A4 sheets.

Opening word document, go to print and select A3 paper format

It is possible to print A3 on two A4 in PDF if you have the programs Adobe Reader, Evince or others that offer viewing of documents in this format. To print, you need to make a scale that will divide the image into two pages. Next select “Print”.

Click on the menu - 1 page per sheet -> Fit to page size -> A4

Using a spreadsheet

This method is available for experienced users who often process documents with Excel. First you need to create a blank table in the program. Then add the image you need to print.

The next step is to go to the “View” section. In “Page Layout” you need to stretch the image so that it goes beyond the margins and is divided into two parts. This creates two pages. For convenience, select the scale, which is in the lower corner, and reduce it.

How to print a picture on several A4 sheets?

To prevent errors during operation, you should check for their presence in the “Preview”. All that remains is to print.

Using PlaCard, Easy Poster Printer, Posteriza programs

The PlaCard program is designed to print large images on 2-3 pages. How does this happen? The program prints by breaking 1 image into several fragments of a standard sheet (two or more). Using the program, you can make selective printing, change and edit the image.

After downloading the Easy Poster Printer software, you can print A3 format on two A4 in a short time.

To achieve the best effect, quality control, drawing scale, line markings are fully adjustable.

Easy Poster Printer

The free Posteriza software allows you to change the number of fragments in an image. This must be done by selecting the required data for printing in the “Size” tab.

AutoCAD - an easy and fast printing method

Any printer can work with AutoCAD. The operating procedure is as follows:

  1. Using invisible frames, divide the A3 sheet into two parts.
  2. Increase the width of the resulting frames by 1 cm. This is necessary to glue the halves of two images together.
  3. Check the scale so that it matches the two images.
  4. Select the “Print” option. First put one half of the picture in the queue, and then the second.

Printing on A4 sheet in Compass

Compass is a simple way to print an A3 size image on two sheets. To get started, you need to go to “Preview”, select the “Service” option and expand the image. Rotate the drawing and adjust the required scale. Next, in the same menu, set the horizontal and vertical sum of pages equal to 1. Print finished document on standard sheets.

Printing drawings in Compass

Having studied all these methods, it becomes clear how to print an A3 image on standard sheet A4. Using this data, you will forget about the problem and be able to solve it yourself.

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