How to calculate your future profession based on your date of birth. Numerology: how to choose a job by date of birth

Do you dream of finding out which profession is right for you? Take this numerology test to get the answer to your question.

Choosing a profession is not at all as easy as it might seem at first glance, because your future life, well-being and career will depend on it. This test invites you to discover your natural inclinations and talents from a numerological perspective.

To calculate the most suitable profession, you need to add the number of your date of birth and the number of your name.

The table below shows the numerical value for each letter:



















Calculate the sum of all the numbers corresponding to the letters of the first and last name, summed with the numbers of the date of birth, reducing this sum to a single digit number, by adding the digits of this sum and repeating this action as many times as necessary.

For example: Ivan Ivanov, date of birth June 2, 1990. 1+3+1+6 + 1+3+1+6+7+3 + 2 + 6 + 1+9+9+0 = 59 = 5 + 9 = 14 = 1 + 4 = 5.

The meaning of the profession number in numerology

Inventor, designer, pusher, pioneer, teacher, pilot, writer, lecturer. All types of creative work.

Actor, secretary, archaeologist, antiquarian. All peaceful and harmonious professions.

Lawyer, artist, musician, writer, doctor, manager. All activities related to food medicines, art supplies.

Specialties related to mechanics and physical research. Draftsman, architect, electrician, productivity expert, profitability expert, engineer, stenographer, accountant. Possible success in sports - athletics.

Scientific research. Analytical, detective professions. Psychologist, playwright, lecturer, insurance agent, traveler. All types of activities that require mental activity for success.

Numerology is the belief that numbers carry information and influence a person. This is a system of views on the world and on the person in it, in which numbers rule us.

The branches of numerology: Pythagorean, Kabalistic, Vedic or the ancestral shaman Baba Klava have been around for many centuries, but there is still no scientific confirmation.

Destination numerology is not yet a science.

Numerologists are not scientists, but adherents and followers of this philosophical point of view on human destiny.

So, it’s up to you to trust her to decide what mission you have on earth or not.

The recommendations are given too high-flying, abstract and with a million different variations and interpretations.

Borrowed money from past life

and didn’t return it - it’s time to give it back.

You broke your beloved’s heart in the 15th century, but in this century she will break yours.

You complained about your bad fate in a previous life, but in this life you will pray that at least they don’t shoot you.

The purpose of a person is to develop, gain experience, and repay the debts of the past.

  • Purpose ≠ a favorite thing and ≠ a professional calling.
  • Purpose is an individual task, mission, meaning.
  • For what purpose did you decide to be born on earth, or so, you just decided to smoke the sky.

Destination is not a profession

If you read the interpretation of your purpose, you will understand that it depends entirely on the worldview of the person who wrote it. There is a joke: there are as many philosophical points of view as there are philosophers. Likewise, there are as many opinions as there are numerologists.

Numerologists will not give two identical descriptions of your purpose.

“Life path number” is the most consistent with a person’s purpose based on Pythagorean numerology.
Let's write down the date of birth and sum up the numbers.

For example: 27 (day), 09 (month) and 1987 (year) – 2+7 + 0+9 + 1+9+8+7 = 4+3 = 7.


Decoding human purpose

Interpretation according to the book by E. Korovina and according to

Purpose - the implementation of extraordinary plans, to lead people. Image:

leader, leader, pioneer, but also destroyer, subverter. Motto:

Who if not me? Like all normal children, you dreamed of “grow up quickly and become big,” because then you wouldn’t have to “listen to your mother.” However, this is a rejection of a subordinate position, which for others “passes” even in the elementary grades

high school , in your case not only did not disappear, but also continued to grow with you. The early qualities of a leader fully determined the legitimacy of your desire for independence.

As a rule, the next stage is the formation of organizational qualities, the gradual strengthening of one’s position in any team, be it student group, work brigade or informal youth association. Satisfaction of personal ambitions, self-affirmation, the desire for a state of affairs in which your opinion is decisive in any situation are the key motivations during this period of time. As for professional opportunities, while you are young, full of strength, ambitious hopes and new ideas, confidence in the future.

Unfortunately, many people have a rather vague idea of ​​what exactly they want to be sure of and what this very “tomorrow” day should be like.

Seduced by the imaginary significance of your “everyday victories,” at some point you suddenly realize that your desire for leadership has led you to the position of a link in the chain, a permanent place of residence on one of the steps of the social ladder, where all the neighboring steps are occupied by the same leaders. And you won’t be able to break out of this chain, and you won’t be able to get off the stairs. Because you are a “component”. If the number is yours

life path

Purpose - the implementation of extraordinary plans, to lead people.– “Unit”, you should always remember that you are a “soloist”, and you can experience true satisfaction only when you do something yourself, and the final result depends only on you.

leader, leader, pioneer, but also destroyer, subverter. The purpose is to live among people and mentor them.

a peacemaker, assistant, adviser, contactee, but also an envious gossip, an intriguer or a sticky earphone.

Contact? There is contact! Life path number “Two”. Your whole life is a search for generally acceptable solutions, compromises, and peaceful resolution of all emerging contradictions. Over time, you will understand that this seemingly obviously passive position can actually be very, very active if you learn to see situations where it would be appropriate.

The importance of the presence of a wise and balanced peacemaker when various life conflicts arise cannot be overestimated.

The most titled of them all is called the Secretary General of the United Nations, but you don't have to aim that high right away.

At any level, be it settlement

Purpose - the implementation of extraordinary plans, to lead people. enthusiast, lucky, darling of fortune, representative of the spoiled “golden youth”.

leader, leader, pioneer, but also destroyer, subverter. Smile, gentlemen!

An optimist and lover of life by nature, you will understand quite early that our world is overpopulated with gloomy, nervous, complex people who need positive emotions like air. And, therefore, a cheerful disposition, wit and friendliness are the most popular currency with which you can buy affection, trust, admiration, even adoration anywhere.

For some time this will be enough for you, but only until you see that there is a much more valuable “product” - gratitude. However, you will have to “pay” for it with something more substantial than banal jokes and encouraging glances. Your reserves will be needed -

Creative skills , artistry, innate artistic taste. And then prospects on a completely different level will open up before you.

You will understand that you can bring joy to life not only by “bringing to life” another individual neurasthenic, but also on a much larger scale.

This may play a decisive role in choosing a career path in his professional life.

Purpose - the implementation of extraordinary plans, to lead people. You are free to choose among all existing directions

leader, leader, pioneer, but also destroyer, subverter. creative activity

the one that suits you most. Express yourself on paper, on canvas, in music or dance, build palaces and temples, grow unprecedented flowers, create unique stage images - all this is organic for you and can bring incomparable pleasure. Just never forget that your calling is to give, not to take, to give, not to accumulate. Otherwise, one fine day you risk discovering with surprise and disappointment that “in your soul” you have only junk - past glory, a couple of dozen forgotten friends and the same number of unsuccessful novels. And you never got the most valuable thing - gratitude and love.

You initially divided your life into stages. Actions at each stage are clearly defined, a positive result is expected, and failure is absolutely unacceptable. In this case, you will simply find another way to achieve your goal.

Your confidence in the correctness of your actions is all-conquering. Any external influences that could negatively affect the course of events you have planned are nipped in the bud. The qualities listed above will make you a desirable employee in any organization that has more than one person on staff. The fact that any deviation from the rules is completely unthinkable for you will be a guarantee of your reliability for your employees. They will trust you. Thus, the management of large material and

by human resourses

, distribution of financial flows, organization

Purpose - the implementation of extraordinary plans, to lead people. production processes

leader, leader, pioneer, but also destroyer, subverter. any level.

And since your actions at the first stage of life will be aimed at obtaining an education, acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills, you will not have any difficulties in carrying out the tasks assigned to you.

As a result, your most developed qualities are independence, courage, resourcefulness and foresight.

Of course, there will always be someone who will call your courage rashness, resourcefulness resourcefulness, and the ability to foresee the results of certain actions simple luck. Therefore, if you want to work in a team, you will have to constantly prove the legitimacy of your views and actions. But, as you know, dogs hate the wolf precisely because he is free, so you will have a hard time.

However, you will have enough common sense to come to terms with the fact that free man– is lonely by definition and does not “cling” to a group.

You can choose any type of activity, for which you alone will be enough.

Lack of responsibility to the team will give you the opportunity to constantly try yourself in new qualities, never stopping there. This is how you can realize yourself as an individual and, what is ultimately no less important, bring tangible benefits to others,

leader, leader, pioneer, but also destroyer, subverter. by example

proving that he Freedom is not just a word from a newspaper editorial, but a fundamental right of any person. Our purpose is to support people. Image

: a mentor is one who cares for the humiliated and insulted and guides humanity on the true path. We're the same blood. Along your life path, your characteristic manifestations of rationality, the desire to patronize, teach and advise, can lead to painful disappointments, in particular of a personal nature.

Youth is susceptible to manifestations of originality and even some recklessness in representatives of the opposite sex, and is extremely intolerant of all kinds of restrictions and encroachments on freedom of action. Therefore, you should be prepared for accusations of tediousness, inertia and intolerance. Thus, the management of large material and

Don’t let this bother you - with the onset of maturity, everyone wants to have a reasonable, caring and devoted person next to them.

And the more your care was neglected in your youth, the more it will be valued later in your life.

Purpose - the implementation of extraordinary plans, to lead people. As for professional activity, you should choose a type of work for yourself where your “nanny” qualities would be necessary, and the desire for sacrificial service would meet with understanding and approval.

leader, leader, pioneer, but also destroyer, subverter. The desired types of professions abound in the fields of medicine, pedagogy, religion, sociology, as well as


There is no doubt that as a result of the years you have lived, you will be an admiration of your chosen profession, an excellent family man and a wise adviser, whose opinion will always be taken into account. Purpose is to understand the world. seeker of truth, researcher, predictor, human symbol.

To know the unknowable. practical work, in a word, wherever clarity of thinking and perseverance in searching for the optimal solution are required.

It is likely that the offensive mature age you will have time to decorate the walls of your office with diplomas from various scientific societies and certificates from patent offices, or, if you are a person more inclined to working with hands, you will fill all the rooms at your disposal with the “bicycles” you invented.

In any case, in your declining years you will have something to be proud of.

Purpose - the implementation of extraordinary plans, to lead people. The purpose is to ensure the multiplication and distribution of the energy of money throughout the planet.

leader, leader, pioneer, but also destroyer, subverter. owner, self-made man, financier, banker, merchant, entrepreneur.

Wealth is not a sin; you don’t go to hell for it.

The life path of a voluntarist. The desire to rule, to have the right to make decisions and give orders that are not subject to discussion. And inseparable from this right is the burden of responsibility that will fall on your shoulders as soon as you leave adolescence. In the early stages of life, your desire for independence and independence can lead to conflicts, and in some cases, a complete break in relationships with loved ones.

Very soon you will understand that the chosen path is the path of a loner, since using someone else’s help and support will mean losing the opportunity to rule autocratically.

In order to avoid such a situation, you will need to strengthen your position with knowledge, arm yourself the highest qualifications in the area that you choose for yourself.

The purpose is to create your own happiness, and at the same time transform the ordinary world into a world of beauty and harmony.

Purpose - the implementation of extraordinary plans, to lead people. a wanderer on his way to perfection, a gardener who has nurtured a beautiful rose bush in the middle of the garden of harmony.

leader, leader, pioneer, but also destroyer, subverter. Stay on the edge! If you fall, get up!

Receptivity, insight, and the ability to penetrate into the essence of things will be the light that accompanies you on the path of life. Regardless of gender and age, you will always be someone's best friend

, an attorney, and in personal affairs a “shoulder” on which you want to lean.

This unique talent will manifest itself in early childhood, so by the time you reach adulthood, you will have no doubt about what you should devote your life to. Your path will choose you. The fact that your destiny is to do good wherever there is a need for it is absolutely indisputable. Another question is what exactly you should use as a “tool” to fulfill this purpose.

Here you should trust your instinct, remember what skill aroused your delight, admiration, and perhaps even envy.

It’s not that a mistake in preferences can play a fatal role in your life, depriving you of the qualities mentioned above.

You just won’t be able to use them to the fullest, thereby depriving yourself of the fullness of moral satisfaction.

And this is important for you.

Your responsiveness and philanthropy will most likely find application in medicine and social work.

Then you need to gain external freedom - not to depend too much on the source of income, on relatives, work and other dependencies taken not of your own free will.

Take turns rereading the interpretation of each number and evaluate how similar it is to you. I will do this using my own example.

My Destiny Number is 7. Calculated by date of birth, my purpose is to explore the world. The main feature is curiosity and the search for truth.

In general, at the age of 30 I am actively demonstrating these “talents” of fate.
I take another number - 1. Purpose - to be an organizer, to implement a creative work.

I've been busy with this for the last decade. All about me.
The next number is 2. Purpose is to live and instruct.

Oh my God! Also similar to me. Assistant, advisor - why not. Every grandmother at the entrance has this purpose.
Numerology of the number – 3. Cheerful person, cheerful person.

Exactly me! I am also an optimistic life-lover. Born on the wrong day.
Numerology – 4. Mission on earth – to run a business with a technical focus.

They wrote 100% from me. I'm qualified by education and business.
Numerology – 5. Purpose – movement, travel, fantasy.

200% about me. For fun with children, I can invent the beginnings of Alice’s world of wonders, travel into the future, or invent some mythical animal - easily.
Numerology – 6. Purpose – to support and mentor people.

If by the age of thirty I am already fulfilling these roles, then the older I get, the wiser I will be in fulfilling these roles and with more willingness.
Numerology – 8. Purpose and mission – to make money on earth.

I love earning money and paying with it. I am an entrepreneur, my favorite pastime is managing finances in the morning.
Numerology – 9. Purpose – to create goodness and harmony.

Kindness is one of my noticeable qualities, although it is hidden behind jokes.

All this says is that I am a whole person. I implement a full range of roles, showing different character traits. Not crippled and not oppressed by the outside world.

A living and active participant in the construction of his destiny. Why find out your purpose if you can create it with your own hands. Review of numerology by date of birth.

I had a personal consultation, and on for $25 I bought access to extended information: numerology of date of birth and name, motivation, profession, periods of life -

If you carefully read the interpretations, not 1-2 articles, but 2-3 books, collecting lines with common sense. Make sure that everything there is about a person’s character, about inclinations, aspirations - such powerful traits of a person that it is difficult not to see in yourself..

Numerology does not reveal the secret of your birth, it only hints at the obvious. Moreover, inherent in all people, even in varying degrees Self-analysis, self-observation, consultation with a psychologist, or even banal.

psychological tests— will provide an order of magnitude more information for thought and analysis.

And you can collect it for several years, observing yourself, and not just “calculate its purpose” one day.

So that later you can catch at least one from him

useful idea

Set your own purpose

, and put all your freed energy into its implementation, and not into searching for an answer “from above.”

Choosing a profession based on date of birth is not common. However, you can avoid many problems if you choose the right profession based on your date of birth.

We always ask ourselves questions: how to find our profession, which job suits me, and which one is more suitable for our child. And adults are not always sure of the correctness of their choice of profession. But we all spend more time at work than at home and our other needs, regardless of whether we work in a company, in an office, or at home. Do not think that you can get the benefits of life without any effort at all. Even if you have received a huge inheritance, then, without making efforts to preserve it, after a while you can be left with nothing.

So how to determine profession by date of birth? It’s good if a person has made up his mind since childhood. What if he cannot make this choice on his own? Then the advice of parents, friends, classmates, teachers or even casual acquaintances comes into play...

As a result, an excellent doctor becomes a policeman, and an outstanding lawyer becomes a worker. And it is not only this person himself who suffers from the wrong choice, but those around him. Because this person chose a profession that is not suitable for him!

Numerology of numbers sees behavior, preferences and determines the character of a person by date of birth only depending on the numbers.

Experts say that the profession of numerology gives about 80% correct results, because it can correctly determine a person’s character by date of birth.

Now many have turned their attention to alternative knowledge, including numerology, and, thanks to this, have the opportunity to better know and understand both themselves and other people.

And numerology of profession by date of birth will help us with this!

Three main numbers influence our lives:

1. Name number (life path number or date of birth).

2. Destiny number

3. Soul number.

: a mentor is one who cares for the humiliated and insulted and guides humanity on the true path. professional activity the number of fate influences.

Therefore, a profession based on your date of birth gives you a greater chance of achieving success!

The number by date of birth determines our incarnation and purpose. It reveals the nature and abilities that allow us to realize ourselves in the world.

It is by the number of fate that you can tell how to choose a profession based on your date of birth!

The meaning of numbers in numerology, simple arithmetic operations with them they can predict your destiny by date of birth!

To determine the fate number you need to add up all the numbers full date birth, and write the date starting with 0 if it is less than two digits.

Example of what date of birth means:

Date of birth 05/23/1989: 2+3+0+5+1+9+8+9 = 37 = 3+7 = 10 = 1+0 = 1

Thus, the destiny number of this person is 1.

There are 9 fate numbers in total: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.

Let’s consider each of them, since they are the ones that influence a person’s purpose by date of birth:

Numerology number 1

A person whose birth number is 1 has business acumen and is dedicated to his work. He is active, dynamic, organized and always shows his individuality. This person is able to independently evaluate something and adheres to this assessment; he is able to be fired up by a certain idea or deed and attract other people with him. The place he occupies, success and recognition are important to him.

Such a person needs a job according to his date of birth without a routine, which requires activity, determination, responsibility and new ideas.

This is work that involves travel and business trips, communication with a wide range of people: spiritual, legal, social activities and everything where the generation of ideas is needed.

Numerology number 2

A person whose destiny number is 2 is very reliable. He does everything systematically, responsibly, but slowly. He is completely devoted to his work and delves into its subtleties, thanks to which he notices details and details that are not visible to others. This person has developed intuition.

Activities that require working with people are suitable for him - social work, service sector. He must see the results of his work, for example, making furniture and jewelry.

But work by date of birth related to administrative activities, where you need to be tough, as well as work that requires a quick reaction or related to experiments is absolutely contraindicated for this person.

Numerology number 3

A person whose destiny number is 3 is energetic, capable of generating ideas and has the innate ability to achieve success. He has a good imagination and high intelligence. His interests are varied. He is an optimist and an enthusiast.

Such a person is suitable for a job in which results are achieved in a short time, where ingenuity, intellectual effort, and travel are needed.

These are most often media and financial activities.

This person is contraindicated in a profession with monotonous work and activities where he is responsible for other people.

Numerology number 4

A person whose birth number is 4 is serious and patient. He is responsible, conscientious and represents support and protection for other people. He loves stability, reliability, planning and order. He starts anything new only after good preparation.

Material activities are suitable for such a person: industry, construction, agriculture and trade, as well as control and security.

But here the characteristics of a person by date of birth suggest professions where conditions often change, quick decisions are needed and as soon as possible, he can't. Like adventures and various dubious affairs - he will definitely go broke there.

Numerology number 5

A person whose destiny number is 5 is a good organizer, strictly complies with the requirements of the law and other documents, and knows how to communicate with people. He loves variety free mode day, knows how to make decisions quickly.

Such a person is suitable for the work of a manager, administrator, leader at any level, social and political activities.

And choosing a profession based on date of birth in structures where there is no prospect, as well as monotonous and monotonous activities, is not recommended for him.

Numerology number 6

A person whose birth number is 6 is executive, sociable, and organized. He is reliable and smart, a real workaholic. Prefers collective work and delves into other people's problems. The team and the interests of the business come first.

Anything related to education, medicine, social activities - anything that requires caring for people - is suitable for this person. And also art.

Administrative, organizational work, where it is necessary to take decisive and quick measures, is not a profession for him based on his date of birth.

Numerology number 7

A person whose destiny number is 7 has an analytical mind, developed intuition, insight and self-confidence. He is always open to new knowledge, fairly balanced and patient, which allows him to do painstaking individual work.

Such a person can do everything related to science, teaching, law, law and order and finance, art, design and the like.

Profession by date of birth indicates that collective work or anything that requires a lot of effort and a high pace is contraindicated for him.

Numerology number 8

A person whose birth number is 8 is capable of making bold decisions, he has common sense, strong principles, dynamism and responsibility, and is able to inspire and unite people. This person is capable of achieving large long-term goals and projects. Has all the prerequisites for financial well-being. But as a result of the fact that such a person makes his achievement his main priority, which can lead him to losses.

When choosing a profession based on date of birth, you need to take into account that leadership, business, finance, and solving complex problems are suitable for him.

Numerology number 9

A person whose destiny number is 9 has a great creative imagination, high intuition, and a developed sense of beauty. He has comprehensive interests and can cover prospects as a whole without delving into details. He always prefers to work independently, follow his own initiative, with a free daily routine.

Such a person is suitable for any profession based on his date of birth, where he can realize his ideas, apply his knowledge and abilities. And also everything related to protecting the interests of other people.

But those types of work that require attention to detail, thoroughness, perseverance, as well as monotonous repetitive actions are not for him.

Check if you have correctly determined which profession is right for me!

Did you know before that there is a numerology profession based on date of birth, which determines a person’s character and his purpose? Write about it in the comments!

With help you can find out which profession is right for you. This will allow you to find suitable job, which would bring not only good income, but also moral satisfaction.

How to calculate the numerological number of your work

In order to determine suitable profession, you need to add up all the numbers of your date of birth. For example: 05/23/1963 = 2+3+0+5+1+9+6+3 = 29 = 2+9 = 11 = 1+1 = 2. In this example, the number of work is two.

After you calculate the profession number, all you have to do is find out the value of your result.

The meaning of the numerology number of work

  1. Professions in management and management are suitable for you. Creative work (designer, writer, musician) will also bring you financial success. In addition, you can earn big money by starting your own business.
  2. A job in finance is right for you. You will make an excellent bank employee. You can also succeed in working as a psychologist, secretary, teacher and educator.
  3. Your numerology number indicates public activity. Success is guaranteed if you work with people or on stage. Fine work will do presenter, actor, musician. You know how to beautifully express your thoughts and communicate with people. It gives you the opportunity to achieve success in writing, trading and teaching.
  4. You have a talent for organizing and analyzing. In addition, you have organizational skills. You can find yourself in science, agriculture, as well as in the field of finance and accounting.
  5. Your work must necessarily involve constant movement. Monotonous work is not for you. Five people will be able to reach the top of their careers in television, journalism, show business, trade and entertainment.
  6. You need a profession related to people or everyday life. You can start producing clothes, toys, food, furniture. You can also become an excellent psychologist, doctor or social worker.
  7. It is important for you to work individually. Only alone can you achieve success. You can become a scientist, writer, critic, clergyman, lawyer and teacher.
  8. You will be able to achieve career heights by dealing with investments, monetary assets and real estate. You can also become an excellent manager and manager. The main thing that should be present in your profession is a large scale of activity.
  9. Activities associated with risk and great responsibility are contraindicated for you. You can find yourself in design, art, medicine, psychology.

With the help of numerology by date of birth, you can determine the most profitable and an interesting profession and achieve financial well-being. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

30.04.2014 13:07

Are you expecting a baby and want to quickly find out if it’s a boy or a girl? Or maybe you're just planning...

Thanks to knowledge of numerology, today each of us can not only understand ourselves better, but...

A man was born. What name should I give him? And often a person is born with a name - caring parents, regardless of signs, think in advance about what the baby will be called. Each name carries information: what profession should the child choose, what type of activity can he engage in, in what area can he achieve the greatest success.

You need to take the choice of a child's name seriously. You should definitely seek advice from a psychologist, and if the choice has already been made, you need to carefully monitor the child’s inclinations and interests.

There are many characteristics of people with one name or another. For example, according to his observations, Stanislav is much worse and more difficult to master the profession of a doctor than a technical worker. But it won’t be difficult for Alexander to become a good psychiatrist; Vladimir can be an excellent cyberneticist, physicist, mathematician, doctor; Oleg has been passionate about mathematics and design since childhood. And it would be nice for Evgeny to become a teacher; Edward is more suited to a leadership position; out of ten Victors, all ten drive cars excellently, are well versed in technology and can disassemble and assemble the engine themselves.

Certain patterns also apply to female names. For example, Natalya has shown an interest in drawing since early childhood, loves to sculpt, cut out, glue, dances beautifully, has a sense of rhythm, is musical, easily remembers poems and loves to recite them, and has good plasticity. She should be enrolled in a choreographic school; she can become an excellent teacher or an experienced nurse, but she will make a mediocre surgeon. Elena is good at being a translator, speaker, psychologist, and she can also participate in a photo-model competition or be a tour guide. Irina is multi-talented and can become a musicologist, pediatrician, artist, or assistant. Oksana needs to be identified from childhood sports school– can show high results in sports. Nellie has a complex character; she must be treated strictly and not left unattended. But Asya is a very gifted girl and can master the specialty of psychologist and become a theater director.

Taking your choice seriously future profession of their child, parents - from his early childhood - can develop those abilities that are genetically inherent in him and are formed under the influence of the sounds of the name he bears. And thereby help him find his soul. Everyone understands how difficult it is for a person who cannot realize himself: his character deteriorates, he becomes withdrawn and sad. Bears the stigma of being a loser. Many become irritable and angry.

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