How to install a shower cabin in a wooden house with your own hands? Shower cabin in a wooden house: stationary and portable design Shower in the house.

A shower cabin is a convenient type of plumbing fixture that takes up little space and fits perfectly into a modern interior. It can be placed comfortably even in a cramped bathroom, and this will allow the owner to enjoy water treatments without wasting time preparing the bath. However, the shower room in wooden house has many features that you need to know about before buying expensive plumbing fixtures.

Features of selection and preparation for installation

A shower cabin in a wooden house must be included in the project in advance, since it is necessary to provide for communications wiring: it is hot and cold water, as well as drain. You also need to think about where the cabin will be located: it can be placed in a corner, placed against a wall, or placed in the center of the bathroom.

The choice of option depends on the characteristics of the room and the taste of the owner. How to make a shower in a wooden house? First of all, the issue of waterproofing walls and floors should be resolved. Even if the shower room is equipped with last word equipment, splashes will inevitably fall on the surface, and the tree must be protected from negative impact

. In addition, the room must be provided with power supply of the required power.

Walls can be waterproofed by covering them with moisture-resistant plasterboard or lining treated with antiseptics; in addition, the walls can simply be painted with moisture-resistant paints. The bathroom space is usually small, so when choosing a finish it is better to pay attention to tiles and other light-colored materials.

Shower cabins: features of use and installation

How to make a shower cabin in a wooden house? You can choose suitable plumbing fixtures in any large store; when choosing, you need to pay attention to the name, characteristics, power, dimensions, functionality etc. It is important to install the cabin correctly so that it works flawlessly, and the risk of rotting of the walls and floor is completely eliminated.

A do-it-yourself shower cabin in a wooden house can only be installed after shrinkage is completed; usually at least a year passes until this point. The room must be equipped with special sockets designed to operate at high humidity.

Most of modern models requires working with electricity, so you need to be able to connect without additional extension cords.

Shower cabins in wooden houses are installed in several stages:

  • The cabin hose is connected to the sewer drain, and a pan is installed. After installing the drain and installing the siphon, it is necessary to check the tightness of the connections and, if necessary, use seals.
  • Installed Wall panels: front, side and rear, the final part of the work will be installing the door. Swing doors are placed on hinges, sliding ones - on roller guides included in the delivery set.
Walls and other elements are connected using aluminum profiles included in the kit. The delivery package always includes instructions that will help you understand the mounting features.
  • Arrangement of the interior of the cabin. When the main part of the equipment is installed, it remains to fully provide the cabin furnishings: showers, taps, mirrors, handles, shelves.

The kit may include devices that should operate not on 220V, but on 12V. In order not to damage the equipment, you need to purchase a special converter.

  • The equipment is connected to the power grid and water supply, and a test run is carried out. It is important to immediately check all the functionality of the shower stall, so that later you can apply for repairs under warranty.

A do-it-yourself shower in a wooden house is only possible if the owner has proven skills in working with plumbing and knows how to work with a particular model of cabin. If you have any doubts, it is easier to call specialists than to later eliminate the consequences of inept installation.

A shower cabin is a very convenient device for water procedures that can replace the usual bulky bathtub. It is quite possible to install a cabin in a wooden building without fear if you take care to comply with all waterproofing rules.

A modern homeowner, no matter what material the building is made of, does not want to give up the standard set of communal amenities. Traditionally, in wooden housing construction, the equipment of high humidity zones inside the house was critical. Baths and showers were placed in a separate building, eliminating the risk of damage to the natural fiber and premature damage to the structure of the main housing. New Generation building materials made it possible to safely operate rooms with high humidity. Today, the demand for installation of rooms such as a toilet, bathroom, shower room in a wooden house has increased significantly. The range of products on the market allows you to implement original, exclusive technical and design ideas.

A shower in a wooden house is easy if you know the basic rules

Required elements of a shower in a wooden house

The foundations for long, safe, comfortable use are laid during the design. The homeowner has the right to shape the space, choose materials and construction technologies at his own discretion. However, one should not neglect the norms and rules provided for by legislative acts, detailed in SNIP and other documents, since they take into account the experience of many generations, including negative ones. A welcome shower in a wooden house long years will delight the owners if the requirements for the following systems and elements of the room are accurately met:

  1. Waterproofing, vapor barrier layer.
  2. Lighting and electrical.
  3. Water supply and sewerage.
  4. Right choice plumbing fixtures.
  5. Use of materials that are optimal for wooden buildings.

Design project for a shower in a wooden house

The specificity of the work is that power structure The house is made of wood, and some devices and materials that are common in a city apartment or a stone or brick house are not suitable in terms of technical parameters for installation in such buildings. It is necessary to take the recommendations and rules seriously. Not only comfort and coziness, but also the safety of the inhabitants will depend on this.

Unlike traditional houses made of bricks and building blocks, a wooden structure is more flexible. Dynamic changes in geometry are several times higher than those of conventional objects. Although the period of greatest shrinkage occurs in the first year, the design continues to change in subsequent years. Noticeable distortions of the design dimensions are observed due to the impact of seasonal, operational changes in temperature and humidity. High-quality protection of wood fiber from moisture penetration significantly reduces the risks of critical defects and fluctuations in geometric dimensions. When installing a shower in a wooden house, waterproofing the walls, floor, ceiling and other structural elements becomes a priority.

High-quality waterproofing is necessary for wooden house

Types of moisture protection products

Means for protecting the structure of a house are conventionally divided into two types. Waterproofing materials, directly protecting the structure of the tree, and compositions for impregnating the fibers and giving them necessary qualities. The first category includes the following products:

  • Rolled, sheet materials on a substrate, impregnated with bitumen compounds. Cellulose fiber (roofing felt), polymer non-woven and mesh fabrics are used as a base.
  • Bitumen coatings. The protective layer is created directly upon application. For a wooden house, brands applied thermally using a burner should be excluded.
  • Polymer films, membranes. The industry offers products with and without a ready-made adhesive layer.
  • Polymer painting and coating compositions. A wide selection of products, many of which are universal, but some are designed specifically for treating wooden surfaces.

Polymer films protect against moisture and are easy to install

On our website you can find contacts construction companies who offer installation and design services for sewerage and water supply. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

The above waterproofing materials are used to create a protective layer when finishing a shower room decorative materials. A significant disadvantage of this category is the coating of the natural texture of natural fiber. Wooden houses are loved for created interior, where the most important part of the decor is the beauty, color and structure of the building material. Impregnating compositions will help preserve the charm and charm. The range of products will allow you to choose the right quality product that reveals best qualities natural wood. The following product categories are offered:

  • Oil impregnations. A method of protection proven over centuries. Today, products are produced using both natural oils, for example, flaxseed, and synthetic analogues.
  • Varnishes, stains. A large category of goods under the general name includes products based on polymer resins, organic solvents, and fillers. The choice of colors will help in creating an original decorative protective film. Varnishes are offered both colorless and specially tinted to imitate valuable wood species.
  • Hydrophobic compounds. The principle of action differs from the above products. Interaction with the surface occurs at the molecular level. The best option for wood. The resulting film repels water, and the treated surface completely preserves the structure of the wood.

Oil impregnation has been used for waterproofing in wooden houses for centuries

A variety of products from manufacturers in many countries are distinguished by a wide range of performance characteristics and application technologies. When working, you should strictly follow the instructions and recommendations, maintaining time modes, sequence of operations and using the proposed tool.

Video description

For more information about materials for waterproofing in the bathroom, as well as the ratio of the cost of raw materials, watch the video:

Lighting and electrical

According to SNIP standards, in the bathroom it is necessary to provide daylight. This is dictated by several reasons, the main one of which is to ensure safety in order to reduce threats to people’s health and lives during a power outage. When choosing a place for a bathroom or shower room, you should remember this. As a rule, the number of openings in a wooden house is limited, and when designing a standard layout, a special window is not provided. It is better to lay it down during construction, and if the house is already ready, then it is advisable to do it.

The project lays out the routes for laying power cables. Special conditions become specific to the installation of the system, in particular the fire hazard of the base material. Wiring is done in armored hoses, special boxes that guarantee protection of the building from fire sources during emergency situations And short circuits. Final output devices - sockets, switches, sensors, it is also preferable to purchase from the list of products with increased fire protection. Bathroom, toilet, shower in frame house must be grounded. It is better to entrust the calculation of the energy supply system to a specialist, even if you plan to do the installation yourself.

Plumbing, water supply and sewerage

Fundamentally, this type of work does not differ from an identical operation in buildings made of other materials. Attention must be paid to the passage of pipelines through walls. It is necessary to protect the tree from inevitable moisture condensation in places of contact with water supply and sewerage elements. The problem is solved by complete or partial installation of a heat-insulating and waterproofing layer. Finished products of this class are available for sale in the form of linings for pipes made of foamed polymer. You can make a protective layer yourself. All types of general purpose insulation and waterproofing are allowed, for example, mineral wool, expanded polystyrene, liquid compositions.

All modern views plumbing supplies are available to owners of a wooden house

Installing bathtubs, sinks, toilets, showers is not difficult. Having messed it up, it is sometimes easier to do this operation in a wooden house, since the wood is easier to process, cut, and drill. However, some recommendations will help you avoid common mistakes. Corner elements, including shower cabins, should be installed carefully. Due to the mobility of the house structure, fragile elements are at risk of destruction, so they are installed taking into account dynamic changes in the geometry of the room. Special fastenings with an elastic, movable connection will save you from trouble. It is safe to install a shower stall along one wall.

Selection and decoration of plumbing fixtures in rustic style will look natural and interesting

The method of removing water using a drain is popular today. You can successfully install such a system in a wooden house, but take into account the nuances of a structure made from this material. Having provided reliable waterproofing Taking into account the mobility of the structure, you can enjoy the results of your work for many years. Together with the ladder, a heated floor system can be installed in wooden houses. The temperature during operation is safe for wood and this scheme looks even less dangerous than other types of heating.

Very important element during the construction of a bathroom, shower room in a wooden house. Removal humid air becomes a key task. The speed of movement of air masses also matters, therefore coercive system preferable. Wooden houses are loved by users and professionals for their unique ability to maintain temperature and humidity balance indoors. An inevitable sharp increase in water particles in the air upsets this balance and is considered an extremely undesirable phenomenon.

Correct installation ventilation is necessary for the safety of residents

The functioning of a passive supply and exhaust ventilation system can also successfully cope with the task if it is installed correctly. The operating efficiency depends on the diameter of the pipeline and the available draft. It is recommended to install an air duct with a diameter of at least 100 mm. Good traction will be guaranteed if there are no horizontal sections or turns along the laying route. A necessary condition There is also a sufficient supply of fresh air to replace the exhaust air. The power control in such systems is a single valve or their sequential installation in several places. It is advisable to involve a specialist who understands the intricacies of the profession in the design and installation of effective ventilation.

Design and finishing materials

Technical excellence alone is not enough today. The aesthetics of the room, including the bathroom and shower room, are also of great importance. Minor restrictions due to features wooden houses are not a reason for refusing to implement original, sometimes exclusive ideas and design findings. How and with what to decorate a shower room in a wooden house is decided by the owner, who will be helped by thematic programs on television and publications on specialized websites on the Internet. You can rely both on personal taste and experience, and on the opinion of professionals offering ready-made projects.

Shower design in village house can be classic

Today, in finishing the shower room of a wooden house, all the technologies that are used in buildings made of other materials are used. The best option the maximum area will be maintained load-bearing structures. The color and naturalness inherent in natural raw materials looks noble and dignified. But if for some reason you decide to do a traditional finish, then you should remember that some techniques are undesirable or require a special approach. For example, plastering and Painting works It is not recommended to do it without reliable reinforcement.

Basic materials

Particular attention is paid to the design of corners, joints and surface matings. The movable structure of a wooden house significantly changes the geometry of the premises with changes in humidity and temperature. Sometimes this feature is leveled out by an elastic compensating layer. Compositions on gypsum base preferable to sand-cement mixtures. Sealants are widely used, the elasticity of which compensates for small changes in size. When choosing finishing materials For showers in a wooden house, owners often opt for traditional designs, which are divided into certain groups:

  1. Tile, porcelain stoneware, other tile materials.
  2. Drywall (moisture-proof, anti-corrosion reinforcement).
  3. Paints (for rooms with high humidity).
  4. Decorative panels made of plastic, modified wood fiber (MDF).
  5. Wooden slats to maintain style and accentuate interior details.
  6. Expanded polystyrene finishing elements (drawbars, plinths, sockets).


This is an incomplete list, which can be expanded with piece products, for example, ceramic and glass panels, waterproof films and wallpaper. A successful solution in a wooden house can be considered the installation stretch ceiling, which, due to its elasticity, is not susceptible to defects when the geometry of the room changes. Well-chosen accessories and pieces of furniture will complement the decoration of the shower room. Toilet sets, shelves, cabinets, curtains and screens, tastefully purchased by the owners or proposed by designers, will become the final chord in the design of the room.

Shower in a wooden house: difficulties in arranging a durable structure

Arranging a shower room in a wooden house is a task that is simple only at first glance. When implementing it, we will have to solve a number of problems related primarily to the properties of wood. However, if you have the necessary knowledge, a solution can be found in almost any situation.

Even in a wooden house you can make a comfortable and practical shower

Possible options and their features

Before making a shower in a wooden house, we need to decide whether we will purchase a ready-made stall or spend time and effort, but equip a corner for hygiene procedures ourselves. Each of these options has both pros and cons.

A finished booth and a tile “apron” are a simple but expensive solution

  • Installation (provided that all pipes have already been laid) takes several hours.
  • You can use the booth within 24 hours after installation.
  • The product is sealed, which minimizes the impact of moisture on wood paneling and frame.
  • High price of equipment.
  • Most cabins come in fairly compact versions, so it won't be too spacious inside.
  • When parts become worn out, it will be very difficult to replace them.
  • All work can be done with your own hands, which will save on labor costs for craftsmen.
  • Independent design makes it possible to build just such a structure that will fully meet our requirements.
  • Design and construction work takes quite a long time.
  • To work, you need to have the appropriate skills, as well as purchase the necessary equipment.
  • Low tightness leads to the fact that wooden structures are constantly exposed to moisture.

As you can see, the installation of a shower in a wooden house, both according to the first and second options, has its own characteristics. The choice here is entirely yours, and below we will look at an approximate algorithm of actions in both cases.

Open wall option

Installation of a finished cabin

If we bought a ready-made shower stall, then we can install it quite quickly. As a rule, the product comes with enough detailed instructions, therefore, to successfully complete the work, it will be enough to simply follow its recommendations.

We carry out installation work as follows:

  • First, let's prepare the room. We connect water supply and drainage pipes to the installation site, and treat all wooden parts with a moisture-proof compound.

Some corner models are produced without rear curtains: the calculation is that the structure will stand close to the wall.
In this case, the wooden paneling must be protected by tiling or installing shower screens made of glass or polycarbonate.

Attaching the legs to the pallet

  • We attach the legs to the cabin pallet. We place the pallet on the wooden floor and align it horizontally by rotating the adjusting screws.
  • We attach from below sewer pipe to the drain hole. If the booth is located in close proximity to the riser, you can use flexible corrugation.
  • We attach the lower guides for doors and fixed curtains to the pallet. We fix the guides with screws, and then seal the joint with silicone.
  • We fix the back panel to the wall, and then connect the plumbing equipment. faucet and shower head.
  • If necessary, connect the power wires(they are usually used to operate a radio, fan or space heater).

All wiring in the bathroom is laid in a hidden way.
And since the work is being carried out in a wooden house, we must lay the wires in closed cable channels made of non-flammable material.

  • After this, we fix the vertical supports and glazing(or polycarbonate panels).
  • At the final stage, we hang the doors on hinges or install sliding panels on the guides.
  • We seal all joints. after which we leave the booth open for at least a day.

As you can see, the design is quite airtight, so the toilet and shower can be placed in a room lined with wood.

It is much more difficult to make a booth from scratch, and we will talk about this in the next section.

Construction of a shower

Laying communications

A construction shower in a wooden house is a rather complex design. Ideally, work on its arrangement should begin at the stage of finishing the room itself.

What do we need:

  • We install additional supports under the floor in the place where the shower tray will be located. If the finished floor is supported by joists, then we lay a number of racks here that will prevent the wooden beams from sagging.

The photo shows the outlet of the drain pipe

  • We also lay the drain pipe in advance. We bring one end of it into the room, and pass the second through a hole in the foundation or base.
  • The next point is ventilation. It must be quite effective, because otherwise high level humidity will cause wood damage by mold fungi, premature failure of load-bearing structures and finishing.

Natural air draft is usually not enough, so in ventilation duct an exhaust fan is built in.
In this case, the inflow is ensured either through the operation of a wall valve (rarely used, since it allows cold air to enter) or through a gap in the lower part of the door.

Output of wires in cable channels

  • We lay water supply pipes and wires for the water heater and fan under the wall cladding. As we noted above, the wiring must be laid in non-flammable casings.

Preparing the base

To make a shower corner with your own hands in a wooden house, you need to spend a sufficient amount of time and money to protect the base from moisture.

We proceed as follows:

Tile fencing

  • We treat all wooden parts with hydrophobic and antibacterial impregnations.
  • We carefully level the walls of the nook, and then line it with ceramic tiles. We grout the seams between the tiles with a silicone-based compound, which will allow us to prevent liquid from seeping into the wooden base.
  • We also tiled the area of ​​the floor directly in front of the shower. If a pallet on supports will be used, then we lay the tiles under it as well.
  • When installing the pallet on a flat base, carefully level the floor underneath it. For alignment we use cement-sand mortar, which is poured onto a wooden base with a laid moisture-proof membrane.

Floor leveled under a pallet

  • If the drain will be done simply in the floor, then we form the drain from inclined planes. There should be a drain hole at the bottom of the drain, which we protect with a grill. We cover the surfaces with tiles containing abrasive particles that prevent slipping.

In this case, it is worth making a small threshold between the room and the shower itself by laying bricks on the floor and tiling them.
The presence of such a threshold will reliably protect the floor from moisture.

Completion of work

The shower room itself in a wooden house is simply equipped with your own hands:

  • If the design provides for this, then we install a tray on the tiled area of ​​the floor, which we attach to the drain pipe.
  • If a tray is not provided, then you can put a grate of sanded slats on the floor - it will be more pleasant to step on it than on tiles.

Original decoration of a shower room in a wooden house. Naturally, you can’t do without water-repellent impregnations.

  • To conclusions water pipes, fixed in the wall, we connect the mixer and shower.
  • We install vertical posts on the sides, to which we attach side walls made of polycarbonate, translucent plastic or tempered glass.
  • Inside, we attach a shelf for soap and other hygiene items to the wall.
  • We install a door on the front part or hang a curtain made of thick polyethylene.


A shower room in a wooden house can easily be made with your own hands at an acceptable cost of time and money. The main thing here is reliable protection of wood from moisture, so you definitely can’t do without special impregnations, tiles and well-functioning ventilation. This article will help you understand the nuances, so study it carefully before picking up the instrument.

A wooden house gives its owners a special atmosphere of coziness, a comfortable environment surrounded natural materials and a special peaceful state. Such sensations put your thoughts in a good mood, give the body a reserve of strength, sleep becomes deep and overall well-being improves significantly. Once upon a time, people lived in such conditions, without thinking about the existing shortcomings of everyday life - lack of a bathroom, hot water etc. IN modern world, these conditions are an integral part of human life and the idea that a shower can be in the yard does not fit into the mind. Our generation is accustomed to comfort and optimization country houses everything necessary for convenience.

Plumbing fixtures in showrooms are presented in numerous collections and configuration options. Choosing a shower cabin – crucial moment, treat this matter carefully. Find the optimal combination of functions by evaluating characteristics several devices.

Basic criteria for choosing shower equipment

A shower cabin in a wooden house requires special attention when purchasing it.

It is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the bathroom in a wooden house, since the following parameters will depend on them:

  • Width and length. The minimum dimensions for installing the cabin yourself are 800x800 mm. These values ​​are determined by ergonomics; washing in a cabin with smaller dimensions will be uncomfortable. The optimal parameters are 900x900 and 1000x1000 mm; such showers can be installed even in a bathroom with small area. If the room is spacious, you can consider the option of a shower with larger dimensions of width and length, however, the price of such a device will be higher. Maximum size length for shower enclosures is 1700 mm. The cost of such a model can reach up to 1 million rubles;
  • Shower height. When determining the optimal value of this parameter, be guided by the fact that the building material of the house shrinks at first. In addition to the allowance for shrinkage, you need to take into account the doorway in the bathroom, since before installation it is necessary to freely bring the device into the room. The ideal height gap is 300 mm (between the ceiling and the top panel);
  • Form. This criterion combines comfort of movement and aesthetics. View shower corner can be polygonal, semicircular, asymmetrical, square, round, in the form of a spiral. The idea of ​​the bathroom interior and its area will tell you which the shape will fit better.

Design features of a shower room in a wooden house

IN to a greater extent, the shower cabin is associated with modern interior. There is no need to worry or doubt the appropriateness of this element when surrounded by natural materials. Elements made of chrome and glass look very interesting against the background of walls made of logs.

The texture of wood combines well with the stone surface. An excellent option would be to lay out part of the wall of the room next to which the cabin is located with tiles with a stone texture.

Since official approval for the installation of communication systems is not always necessary in a wooden house, you can place shower equipment on the veranda or in the bedroom.

The shower stall is installed in one place, which is then not attempted to be changed. Sometimes dismantling is carried out, but this imposes certain inconveniences during the process. If you purchased a hydrobox, then when you move, you can take it with you and connect it in a new place. A shower corner can successfully complement the space not only with its benefits, but also with its decorative qualities. Transparent doors will become excellent option to add lightness to the space.

Main features of hydroboxes:

  • Clear and logical device installation process. However, installation in a private home requires some experience in this area, so it is advisable to entrust the implementation of a shower enclosure to specialists;
  • Saving space in the bathroom;
  • Wide range of additional options: steam generator mode, radio, massage with water, bath effects, telephone, etc.

Technological rules for ventilation and insulation

Before installing the cabin in a wooden house structure, it is necessary to carry out waterproofing and ventilation operations. Effect of moisture on wooden walls bathroom carries destructive effect, so protecting the premises is a must. Usage modern technologies and building materials, allows you to install a shower cabin in a wooden house without any problems.

Waterproofing of premises, material options

Construction technologies make it possible to equip country cottages with all the necessary plumbing fixtures. In a wooden house you can realize all your ideas for a comfortable life. Place for installing a shower cabin with your own hands in wooden room choosing is quite simple, there are no strict rules for its location, the main thing is not to forget about the insulation of the walls and ceiling around the shower stall. The room for the shower corner is organized on the first or second floor and even in the attic space.

Work order:

  • Waterproofing the floor. Using a screed, you can place all the plumbing elements, mask communications, and cover the floor and walls with ceramic tiles (or porcelain stoneware). Choose only good quality tile adhesive;
  • After concrete screed, lay two protective layers. To protect wood from moisture, the waterproofing properties of rolled lining materials and roofing felt are used;
  • Moisture protection. In this part of the waterproofing work, experts recommend using a double protective layer, as for the floor of the room. Installation of sheets to the walls of the bathroom is carried out overlapping, using certain equipment or a stapler for construction work. The finishing materials that are most often used are plastic panels, porcelain stoneware or ceramic tiles.

Ventilation work

Special attention should be paid to organizing the ventilation system in the part of the room where the shower stall is planned to be located. Good ventilation prevents the appearance of condensation, fungal bacteria on the surface of the wood and other microflora that are harmful to human health. For better protection material from destruction, it is necessary to use special impregnation compounds wooden structures home, thereby carrying out disinfection.

To have a shower in the bathroom for a long time served properly without destroying the structure of a wooden house, a competent ventilation device is necessary. The most simple option is to use a fan and maintain air speed in the room. In this case, no installation is needed supply and exhaust system, which is quite difficult to implement in a residential wooden building. Recommended fan power – 110 cubic meters at one o'clock.

Important! Rooms in which the humidity level is higher than normal must be equipped with a mechanical ventilation option so that the air circulates constantly.

To ensure that the air flow is not hampered by the door fence, you need to create a small gap, closed with a special grille, in the lower part door leaf. This will allow air to enter the bath more naturally. After completing the water procedures, turn on the fan for a while. Proper installation of ventilation will remove excess moisture from the room and normalize the microclimate.

Drainage system for shower and its correct installation

If your house is located within the city or the cottage complex is connected to the central sewer system, preparations for the installation of the bathroom are being completed. If there is no connection, you need to build a special drainage system. The most suitable time for this kind of work is the stage of construction of a wooden house.

Let's consider two possible ways, for installing a drainage system:

  • Under the bathroom. A metal tank is buried in the ground. Large stones are placed at the bottom of the tank, and the walls of this container are processed using a chisel. Next, a drainage pipe is attached to the surface of the tank;
  • On the site of the future house, a large pit will be created, its role is to provide drainage. Simultaneously with the installation of the sewer system, a drainage system is installed, consisting of special trays and certain pipes. Water will flow through them into the well.

Optimal location of the device

Before starting installation, you need to carefully consider the future location of the cabin in the bathroom, since changing it is quite difficult. Let's consider the important components when choosing:

  • The position of the water supply and sewerage system should not be remote from the location of the cabin;
  • It is desirable that the floor in the bathroom is flat, without serious differences in height;
  • It is necessary to leave room for revision of the drainage system;
  • The electrical outlet must be protected from moisture.

Installation of shower equipment

The installation of a shower in the house can be wherever you wish - a corner location or against a wall, etc. There are some features when installing the cabin:

  • All communications and electrical wiring in a wooden building must be laid before installation of the shower unit begins;
  • On the eve of assembly, study the sequence of actions indicated in the instructions;
  • The difference in heights between the elevation of the drainage system pipe and the floor surface should not be more than 700 mm;
  • Insulation of connection points is an important aspect.
It is very important that the connection between the device hose and the sewer pipe is treated with a sealing compound to avoid leaks. After this, you can install the tray and install special brackets to secure the shower panels. The assembled shower structure must be tested for leaks.

Standard shower cabin option:

  • The pallet element can be low, equal to the floor level or high;
  • The body of the structure and enclosing walls are made of matte or transparent plastic, as well as glass;
  • For shower enclosure doors, two types of mechanisms are used: hinged and sliding;
  • The top panel of the shower is necessary to maintain the microclimate inside the cabin; lighting, a radio device, and a mirror element are also attached to it.

Each design component can be replaced. For example, if you don't want to purchase an acrylic pallet, you can make your own using ceramic tiles or porcelain stoneware. If you do not want to close the cabin from above using a panel, you can leave the structure in an open version. The advantage of creating shower cabins with your own hands is that from time to time you can modernize the design as desired, changing its functional content, shape, and dimensions.

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how to install a shower stall in a wooden one

This will require skills in plumbing installation and tiling. But even a novice builder can handle a simple shower on a ready-made pallet. The main thing is to correctly assess your capabilities.

Of course, it is much easier to plan a future shower room in a house under construction. In this case, imagination is almost unlimited:

  • construction of a shower room with a sloping floor;
  • device for a tray “recessed” into the floor;
  • installation of a monolithic pallet with a side;
  • installation of a finished pallet;
  • connection of a modern shower cabin.

So, to organize a sloping floor, even at the construction stage, its level must be made lower than the floors in the remaining rooms by at least 10-15 cm. The same applies to a shower with a tray, the edges of which are located at floor level - so that you do not have to make a threshold into the bathroom.

If you need to re-equip a shower room in a finished house, but it is not possible to dismantle the floors, you will have to limit yourself to only the last three “floor” options. Their advantage is undoubtedly - such a shower can be made with your own hands, even without professional skills.

Features of piping in the shower

The second method is much more complicated - first the water enters the collector, and from it separate pipes go to each object - sink, shower, toilet and other appliances. This solves the problem of pressure drop when several water intake points are turned on simultaneously.

Do it right without special skills collector system it won’t work, so in houses built with their own hands they use serial connection. And so that boiling water does not pour out of the shower when filling washing machine, it is enough to use pipes of different diameters - 3/4" for the common pipe and 1/2" for connecting devices.

Another important point– organization of drainage from the shower. When choosing a siphon, you need to decide in advance:

When choosing a place for a shower, the distance of the sewer connection is important - if it is more than 3 m, you will have to do deaeration to remove the air coming with the water.

Waterproofing and ventilation of the shower - what to pay attention to

Organizing a shower even in a wooden house is not a problem thanks to modern materials and solutions. So, you can level and protect the walls with moisture-resistant plasterboard with mandatory gluing and puttying of the joints. The sheets should not reach 0.5-1 cm from the floor. If the walls are concrete or brick, you can immediately begin finishing them.

The waterproofing is applied to the screed and should cover the entire floor, extending onto the walls at least 15 cm. The walls in contact with the shower are also covered with waterproofing.

It can be either mastic or built-up roofing felt. Special attention should be paid to the outlets of pipes and electrical appliances. At the junction of the walls and floor, as well as at the corners, an additional sealing tape is glued, the edges of which are also rubbed with mastic.

But proper organization of waterproofing in the shower is only half the battle. Constant high humidity, even if it has no effect on the facing material, can ruin the most modern bathroom. That's why forced ventilation should be provided for at the planning stage.

The direction of air in the ventilation shaft, if it also affects living rooms, should be from “dry” rooms to “wet” ones - the bathroom and kitchen. Otherwise, constant dampness in the bedroom will be ensured. At the same time, it is advisable to do the hood even if there is a window - in the cold season it is hardly rational to constantly ventilate the shower room.

Shower with a ready-made tray - a simple and aesthetic solution

Installing the tray is extremely simple - just follow the instructions. Steel and acrylic pallets, in most cases, are equipped with special legs. But even in this case, it is better to place the pallet on a monolithic base with a support in the center - so that it does not sag or move.

The installation process includes five steps:

To simplify installation, instead of installing glass screens, you can attach a curtain bracket. To add originality to your shower, you can use non-standard brackets - oval, semicircular or even spiral.

How to make a shower without a tray

A shower without a tray looks very stylish. Such a shower in the house is convenient for children and the elderly, as well as for bathing pets. The absence of a curb is compensated by the correct slope for draining water, so you don’t have to worry about complete flooding of the bathroom.

The process of organizing such a shower is also quite simple, although it takes a lot of time:

To avoid screeding the entire floor twice, you can make a shower with a border. To do this, bricks are laid along the desired contour, and the whole process is repeated, but only in the space limited by the curb.

How to make a shower with such a tray with your own hands is very clearly shown in the video:

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