L-Carnitine: beneficial properties and harm. L-carnitine harm and side effects L-carnitine harm to health

L-carnitine: features and effect

Kartinin experienced its popularity in the 1980s, when athletes began to actively take it. But then other drugs for increasing muscle mass successfully went on sale, and carnitine was quickly forgotten. Today, the vitamin-like substance is again at the peak of popularity. As carnitine's acceptance has grown, so has the amount of controversy surrounding it. Is it beneficial or not, does L-carnitine cause harm? Levocarnitine is recommended for use not only as a fat burner, but also as a medicine. The whole point is that L-carnitine delivers fatty acids directly to the “heart” of cells – mitochondria. As a result, fat does not accumulate subcutaneously and is well absorbed. In addition, levocarnitine has beneficial effects: it increases the endurance of athletes, allows you to burn fat faster and accumulate it more slowly.

The benefits of using L-carnitine

L-carnitine is used in medicine. Indications for use: treatment of strokes, muscle weakness, delay physical development in children, heart disease. Prescribed to older people to slow down the processes of inhibition of brain activity.

L-carnitine benefits and effects:

  • has a beneficial effect on brain cells and slows down their aging;
  • increases cell regeneration, slows down the aging process;
  • improves memory;
  • increases physical endurance and performance;
  • helps saturate cells with oxygen;
  • reduces bad cholesterol levels;
  • promotes fat burning.

An insufficient amount of carnitine in the body may be indicated by:

  • tachycardia or arrhythmia;
  • weakness and fatigue;
  • muscle tremors;
  • insomnia and irritability;
  • low pressure;
  • weight gain even on a diet.

Manifestations of carnitine deficiency are most often encountered by those who are losing weight, going on a diet and not receiving enough foods rich in carnitine. Also, a lack of vitamin-like substances can occur in people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; due to taking certain antibiotics and drugs that affect blood clotting; in vegetarians and raw foodists. It is worth noting that in order to absorb carnitine, you must definitely consume vitamins A, B6, B3, B9, B12. It is necessary to eat foods that contain iron and essential amino acids - lysine, methionine.

Harm caused by L-carnitine

The recommended dose of L-carnitine for women and men, prescribed in the instructions, is 500 – 1500 mg per day. Athletes can take 500 – 1500 mg of L-carnitine once 20 minutes before training. Some nutritionists recommend taking up to 5 g of levocarnitine daily. Such recommendations are questionable, since doctors are of the opinion that the body is unable to absorb more than 2 g of carnitine per day.

But it is also possible to oversaturate the body with carnitine. This is possible if you thoughtlessly take a fat burner, not following the recommended standards and not playing sports. The recommendations for taking the drug clearly indicate that L-carnitine should be taken in the recommended quantities. It is necessary to comply with this balanced diet. In order not to cause harm to your body, you should stop taking the drug if there are contraindications.

An overdose of carnitine is extremely rare. Signs of an excess of a substance in the body:

  • diarrhea;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • increased levels of ammonia in the body;
  • convulsions;
  • nausea.

Mixed reviews about L-carnitine among women. Representatives of the fair sex complain about disruption of the menstrual cycle when taking a fat burner. There may be several reasons for this. The first is increased physical activity. The main condition for taking L-carnitine is sports loads, since the substance itself does not burn fat, but is an assistant in this process. As a result, some women lose their cycle, which is the body’s reaction to additional physical activity. In addition, a sharp decrease in body fat can also trigger disruption of the menstrual cycle in women.

The second reason is a change in the functioning of the body. The female body is a system of interconnected, finely tuned processes. Even a small deviation from the norm of one parameter can lead to a failure of all processes. Therefore, the consumption of a natural fat burner and, as a result, a decrease in body weight, may be the cause of menstrual irregularities. If the cycle has not recovered after two to three months, you should consult a doctor for recommendations.

Side effects of the fat burner

Side effects, with varying levels of probability, occur when taking any medications. Levocarnitine is no exception. As a result of taking carnitine, the following are possible: side effects:

  • sleep disturbances when taking the drug in the afternoon or at night;
  • dyspepsia;
  • muscle weakness;
  • allergic reactions;
  • individual intolerance, which is expressed in nausea, headache, and stool disorders.

Side effects in the form unpleasant odor from the mouth appear in people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. If side effects occur, you should consult a doctor.

It should also be remembered that not everyone can take carnitine. Contraindications to the use of the substance:

  • individual intolerance to carnitine or related components;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Why take L-carnitine

Taking levocarnitine exclusively as a fat burner, forgetting about the peculiarities of its action, and not engaging in physical activity is pointless. There will be no benefit from this. On the forums there are stories about mythical abs that supposedly appeared in those who took a fat burner and pumped up their abs, and after stopping the drug, the “cubes” disappeared. Such reviews are just the result of wishful thinking. Carnitine does not have such an effect as independent breakdown of fat. Levocarnitine is recommended to be taken as an auxiliary substance during training, creating beautiful body. It is optimal to start taking a fat burner after your first acquaintance with the gym, if you haven’t had any before. physical exercise did not have. With significant increases in loads, transition from the so-called beginner level in sports to the intermediate level, taking L-carnitine is most optimal. It helps the body cope with the tasks assigned to it - increased physical activity and promotes fat burning. The last point is important when forming a beautiful and fit figure while playing sports.

L-carnitine is a vitamin-like substance that is produced in the body. It is synthesized from two amino acids: lysine and methionine. Shortly after its discovery, L-carnitine was called a vitamin, but this is erroneous, since vitamins are not produced in the body. It is used in the treatment of various diseases, also for weight loss.

Read also: What foods contain L-carnitine?

L-carnitine: features and effect

The main purpose of L-carnitine is fat burning (photo: 834-studentka.joylady.top)

Kartinin experienced its popularity in the 1980s, when athletes began to actively take it. But then other drugs for increasing muscle mass successfully went on sale, and carnitine was quickly forgotten. Today, the vitamin-like substance is again at the peak of popularity. As carnitine's acceptance has grown, so has the amount of controversy surrounding it. Is it beneficial or not, does L-carnitine cause harm? Levocarnitine is recommended for use not only as a fat burner, but also as a medicine. The whole point is that L-carnitine delivers fatty acids directly to the “heart” of cells – mitochondria. As a result, fat does not accumulate subcutaneously and is well absorbed. In addition, levocarnitine has beneficial effects: it increases the endurance of athletes, allows you to burn fat faster and accumulate it more slowly.

Read also: L-carnitine: what is it for, benefits and harms

The benefits of using L-carnitine

Carnitine is the vitamin of youth and beauty (photo: arhsportfood.ru)

L-carnitine is used in medicine. Indications for use: treatment of strokes, muscle weakness, delayed physical development in children, heart disease. Prescribed to older people to slow down the processes of inhibition of brain activity.

L-carnitine benefits and effects:

  • has a beneficial effect on brain cells and slows down their aging;
  • increases cell regeneration, slows down the aging process;
  • improves memory;
  • increases physical endurance and performance;
  • helps saturate cells with oxygen;
  • reduces bad cholesterol levels;
  • promotes fat burning.

An insufficient amount of carnitine in the body may be indicated by:

  • tachycardia or arrhythmia;
  • weakness and fatigue;
  • muscle tremors;
  • insomnia and irritability;
  • low pressure;
  • weight gain even on a diet.

Manifestations of carnitine deficiency are most often encountered by those who are losing weight, going on a diet and not receiving enough foods rich in carnitine. Also, a lack of vitamin-like substances can occur in people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; due to taking certain antibiotics and drugs that affect blood clotting; in vegetarians and raw foodists. It is worth noting that in order to absorb carnitine, you must definitely consume vitamins A, B6, B3, B9, B12. It is necessary to eat foods that contain iron and essential amino acids - lysine, methionine.

Harm caused by L-carnitine

Harm after taking the drug usually occurs with an overdose (photo: fthmb.tqn.com)

The recommended dose of L-carnitine for women and men, prescribed in the instructions, is 500 – 1500 mg per day. Athletes can take 500 – 1500 mg of L-carnitine once 20 minutes before training. Some nutritionists recommend taking up to 5 g of levocarnitine daily. Such recommendations are questionable, since doctors are of the opinion that the body is unable to absorb more than 2 g of carnitine per day.

But it is also possible to oversaturate the body with carnitine. This is possible if you thoughtlessly take a fat burner, not following the recommended standards and not playing sports. The recommendations for taking the drug clearly indicate that L-carnitine should be taken in the recommended quantities. It is necessary to maintain a balanced diet. In order not to cause harm to your body, you should stop taking the drug if there are contraindications.

An overdose of carnitine is extremely rare. Signs of an excess of a substance in the body:

  • diarrhea;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • increased levels of ammonia in the body;
  • convulsions;
  • nausea.

Mixed reviews about L-carnitine among women. Representatives of the fair sex complain about disruption of the menstrual cycle when taking a fat burner. There may be several reasons for this. The first is increased physical activity. The main condition for taking L-carnitine is sports activities, since the substance itself does not burn fat, but is an assistant in this process. As a result, some women lose their cycle, which is the body’s reaction to additional physical activity. In addition, a sharp decrease in body fat can also trigger disruption of the menstrual cycle in women.

The second reason is a change in the functioning of the body. The female body is a system of interconnected, finely tuned processes. Even a small deviation from the norm of one parameter can lead to a failure of all processes. Therefore, the consumption of a natural fat burner and, as a result, a decrease in body weight, may be the cause of menstrual irregularities. If the cycle has not recovered after two to three months, you should consult a doctor for recommendations.

Read also: How to take L-carnitine for weight loss

Side effects of the fat burner

Taking L-carnitine in the evening can cause sleep problems (photo: arhsportfood.ru)

Side effects, with varying levels of probability, occur when taking any medications. Levocarnitine is no exception. The following side effects are possible due to carnitine intake:

  • sleep disturbances when taking the drug in the afternoon or at night;
  • dyspepsia;
  • muscle weakness;
  • allergic reactions;
  • individual intolerance, which is expressed in nausea, headache, and stool disorders.

Side effects in the form of bad breath occur in people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. If side effects occur, you should consult a doctor.

It should also be remembered that not everyone can take carnitine. Contraindications to the use of the substance:

  • individual intolerance to carnitine or related components;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Why take L-carnitine

L-carnitine helps to effectively cope with high physical activity and burn fat (photo: tvoyasuperfigura.ru)

Taking levocarnitine exclusively as a fat burner, forgetting about the peculiarities of its action, and not engaging in physical activity is pointless. There will be no benefit from this. On the forums there are stories about mythical abs that supposedly appeared in those who took a fat burner and pumped up their abs, and after stopping the drug, the “cubes” disappeared. Such reviews are just the result of wishful thinking. Carnitine does not have such an effect as independent breakdown of fat. Levocarnitine is recommended to be taken as an auxiliary substance during training and creating a beautiful body. It is optimal to start taking a fat burner after your first acquaintance with the gym, if you have not done any physical exercise before. With significant increases in loads, transition from the so-called beginner level in sports to the intermediate level, taking L-carnitine is most optimal. It helps the body cope with the tasks assigned to it - increased physical activity and promotes fat burning. The last point is important when creating a beautiful and fit figure while playing sports.

(levocarnitine, carnitine) – a bioactive substance similar in structure to B vitamins. chemical composition is an amino acid. Endogenous synthesis of levocarnitine occurs in the liver and kidneys with the participation of lysine and the donor of methyl groups - methionine. The synthesis of this substance is impossible without the participation of vitamins C, group B, folic acid and iron.

The task is to participate in fat metabolism and saturate the body with energy. As a result chemical reactions From fatty acids and coenzyme A, the well-known acyl-CoA compound is formed. By itself, this molecule cannot penetrate the mitochondria. And then an amazing thing happens. Carnitine replaces coenzyme A in the molecule and turns into acyl-carnitine.

Unrecognized, it freely passes through the double membrane of the cell, which also contains coenzyme-A, and penetrates into the mitochondria. Inside the cell, the acyl-CoA molecule is resynthesized on its own. There, a further process of its oxidation takes place to the final products of metabolism - water and carbon dioxide. In this case, c is released a large number of energy (ATP molecules). What about L-carnitine? He comes back freely.

The body's need for L-carnitine

Sources of amino acids (lysine and methionine) are foods consumed and proteins from your own muscle tissue. But, only 100–300 mg of this substance per day comes with food, while an adult of average build needs to consume 300–600 mg of carnitine during this period. With an increase in energy consumption, various diseases, and pregnancy, the need for it increases 5-10 times and amounts to 2000 mg or more.

The liver produces 25% of the daily requirement of the substance; the rest of L-carnitine is obtained from foods:

  • fish (red, rich in amino acids and PUFAs - Omega-3)
  • meat of domestic and wild animals, poultry;
  • dairy products, including cheeses;
  • avocado.

There is a problem for fitness - the low bioavailability of pure levocarnitine when eating (only 5 - 15%). Then how to take L-carnitine? Athletes need to consume up to 4 g of carnitine from food and supplements to increase the amount of the substance by 10%.

It is possible to stimulate more effective use of the drug if you combine it with carbohydrates (increasing the pool by 21%). This combination is suitable for swimmers, marathon runners and athletes accustomed to consuming carbohydrates.

What properties are inherent in L-carnitine?

Today the properties of this substance have been sufficiently studied. They are also used ordinary people, and athletes, and people dreaming of losing weight. Carnitine:

  • has anabolic and cytoprotective effects. Accelerates tissue regeneration, promotes the growth of muscle mass and muscle strength, enhances performance;
  • increases the body's endurance by converting fat into energy;
  • improves memory and thinking ability, reduces symptoms of depression and pain;
  • optimizes reproductive function, stimulates spermatogenesis.
  • improves vision function - inhibits dystrophic changes in fiber vessels;
  • utilizes “waste” and toxic metabolites accumulated in cells during fat oxidation;
  • reduces the formation of lactic acid;
  • assists in supplying the myocardium with oxygen;
  • slows down aging.

During the process of transporting acids, fats are not burned. Only energy supply to muscle cells occurs. Therefore, it is worth remembering that L-carnitine for weight loss is used only with regular, intense training.

About the benefits of L-carnitine

L-carnitine participates in universal biochemical processes in the body. This feature allows us to talk about it as a useful supplement and use it in the widest range of medicine, including cosmetology and the sports field. It is worth saying what benefits it brings and why it is needed.

Carnitine for the heart:

  • being an antioxidant, it protects heart cells from ischemia, hypoxia and the effects of stress;
  • lowers cholesterol levels in the bloodstream.
  • increases the rate of lipid breakdown;
  • prevent the formation of blood clots;
  • improves cardiomyocyte metabolism and preserves ATP reserves;

Carnitine for the brain:

  • has antidepressant properties, enhances the effect of serotonin;
  • improves memory, attention, increases learning ability.
  • increases resistance to emotional stress and overload;
  • improves sleep;

Drugs in sports medicine:

  • maintain an optimal physiological state and provide the muscles with the necessary energy during heavy physical exertion;
  • increase efficiency and endurance during training.
  • increase muscle mass through the use of fat depots;

For the body as a whole, L-carnitine will give a boost of energy for the whole day, create good mood and will increase confidence in your abilities.

How to take L-carnitine

For each person, the dilemma of how much and how to take L-carnitine must be solved strictly individually, based on one’s own energy consumption: the more energy spent, the larger the dose of the substance consumed will be needed. It is worth adhering to certain rules for taking levocornithyl:

  • For athletes, the daily dosage is 2000 mg.
  • Any liquid form of the drug requires its use within 40 minutes. before playing sports.
  • The tablet (capsule) is taken at breakfast.
  • The liquid form of the substance is sold in bottles, like syrup (must be diluted with water) or in ampoules. Usage regimen: 3 times a day, one of them before training. The dose for athletes is 15 ml, for others – 5 ml. You should not abuse the supplement for more than one and a half months.
  • Children drink the drug for 30 days at a dose of 25 drops (2.5 mg of carnitine) per day.
  • In tablet form, levocarnitine is swallowed (not dissolved) with plain water. The dose ranges from 0.2 g to 0.5 g, taken three times a day. One tablet is taken before sports activities.
  • The capsule is swallowed and washed down with a glass of plain water. Take – 3 times a day, 1 – 2 capsules (for athletes – 1500 mg). The course of adoption ranges from 2 to 6 months. Drink for a month, then take a 7-day break.
  • Powder is a form familiar to athletes. They often make cocktails from it, so the preparation procedure is familiar to them. Dilute the powder in the amount of liquid specified in the instructions. They drink the drink not in separate sips, like tea, but all at once.

It is better to discuss individual dosage issues with a trainer or doctor. It is worth recalling that L-carnitine for weight loss for people who are only on a diet is a useless remedy. It is not classified as a fat burner. Only systematic fitness and sports activities will allow you to use this drug as a means of losing weight.

On the subject of discussion: “How to use L-carnitol and is it dangerous?” It is worth noting that levocarnitine is not a dope; it is considered a vitamin-like metabolite and is used in sports nutrition without restrictions.

I bet that many of you have already heard about such a supplement as L-carnitine. But how many of you know what it is, what effect this substance actually has and, just as importantly, how to take it correctly? Let's talk about this.

First, let's try to quickly understand what L-carnitine is. This is a substance related to B vitamins (but is not itself one of them). It would be more correct to call it a vitamin-like substance, because the body has the ability to produce it independently. Specifically in the body, levocarnitine is found in muscles and liver. So to what does this substance owe its wild popularity among athletes? This is where we, perhaps, move on to the most interesting part - the functions and effect of levocarnitine.

Functions and effects of L-carnitine

Carnitine performs quite a few functions in the human body, but for us, athletes, it is worth highlighting three main ones.

L-carnitine - fat burner

The main effect due to which this substance has become one of the most popular sports nutrition supplements is, of course, the fat-burning effect. Oddly enough, fats are the most important source of energy for the body, along with proteins and carbohydrates. L-Carnitine transports fats, or rather their components - fatty acids, into the metachondria of cells, where they are safely broken down, releasing a certain amount of energy.

Anabolic effect

The anabolic effect of L-Carnitine has been proven by researchers, but only experimentally. The mechanism of this action has not yet been studied. Most likely, this is due to the participation of the substance in phospholipid metabolism, as well as in optimizing the acyl-CoA/CoASH balance and maintaining the required level of free CoASH in cells.

Reducing bad cholesterol levels

It has been repeatedly proven that L-Carnitine, when taken over a long period of time, significantly reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the body and, as a result, protects and strengthens cardiovascular system person. The latter really matters during constant, serious physical activity.

Where is L-carnitine found?

Carnitine is found mainly in fish, meat, and also in dairy products. There is only one problem - after all, in order to get at least the daily requirement for the average person (not exposed to strong physical activity), we will have to consume at least 400 grams of meat per day (calculated in raw form). However, when boiling, frying and even baking meat most of useful substance will be lost. Based on this, it is worth thinking about taking additional L-carnitine.

If you are regularly exposed to intense physical activity, which we, of course, include Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, then the optimal daily dose for you will be 1-2 grams per day. It would be reasonable to divide it into several doses of 500 grams (standard dose in one capsule). It is mandatory to take L-carnitine in the morning and half an hour before training. On non-training days, divide the daily dose into a morning and afternoon dose.

Liquid L-carnitine or capsules?

Of course, carnitine is liquid form It will be absorbed a little better, but you definitely won’t notice a significant difference with taking carnitine in capsules.

Is L-carnitine harmful?

The benefits and harms of L-carnitine are absolutely not comparable, if only because, in contrast to the proven beneficial properties and effects, none of the studies conducted have yet revealed at least one truly harmful effect on the human body. Currently, L-carnitine is one of the most harmless and safe supplements.

L-Carnitine and side effects

The side effects of l-carnitine are not pronounced and are questioned by many scientists. Purely theoretically, a person may have an individual intolerance to carnitine, which may result in nausea, vomiting, etc. But this phenomenon is extremely rare. You should also not take carnitine if you are undergoing hemodialysis. Again, it is extremely rare that insomnia can develop, generally due to higher level energy production (a consequence of the main function of L-carnitine).

And we also have

What is the principle of action of L-carnitine?

For reference:

Subcutaneous fat in the human body, under the influence of hormone-sensitive lipases, it breaks down into free fatty acids and glycerol. Once in the blood, they combine with albumin, after which they enter the cells. Thanks to L - carnitine and some enzymes, the fatty acid penetrates the mitochondria and, as a result of complex biochemical reactions, undergoes oxidation.

L-carnitine is used as a supplement for weight loss, but its main function is to improve energy metabolism in the human body. L-carnitine also improves all metabolic processes in the body.

Initially, our liver produces it not to burn fat, but to ensure that every cell in the body receives a sufficient amount of bioenergy. 200 mg of L-carnitine is the daily requirement of a person who wants all the cells of his body to function fully.

What is the fundamental difference between L-carnitine and fat burners?

Are there any particularities regarding the use of L-carnitine depending on a person’s gender?

Is it true that it is only effective in combination with physical activity?

Yes, aerobic exercise is one of the key conditions for L-carnitine to work. But there is one very important nuance— the loads must be in a certain pulse zone. Otherwise, water is removed from the body, and the fat remains in the cell. Everyone has their own anaerobic threshold and it is advisable to know it. But 99% of people who go to the club have never done this test, and therefore do not know the required heart rate zone for effective fat burning! Everyone is just running.

How much L-carnitine should you take specifically for weight loss?

  • physiological requirement 200 mg;
  • The average daily dosage is 1-1.5.2 grams *;
  • If there is a large amount of adipose tissue - up to 5 grams *.

*Divide into several steps.

Here you need to understand how much excess fat tissue a person has. If this is a girl who wants to lose 3-4 kg, as she thinks, excess weight, we can talk about a dosage of 1-1.5 g per day. If we talk about enough full man— it is important to understand what we are dealing with: fat or water. It happens that a person is very large, and he thinks that he has a large amount of fat in the body, although in fact it is water accumulated due to impaired kidney function. L-carnitine, even in large dosages, will not help him.

How to take L-carnitine correctly? Is it necessary to adhere to any special diet?

Does it make sense to take a supplement at night?

L-carnitine is available in ampoules, tablets, powder and liquid. Which is better and more effective?

Are there other factors that influence pricing?

How can you understand what raw materials a product is made from?

Drinks with L-carnitine are often offered in fitness clubs. The concentration of the substance in them is extremely small, in addition, it is a sweet drink. Is it even acceptable to drink them during training?

If you are interested in utilizing fats, you do not need to consume carbohydrates. The main task is to burn those carbohydrates that are stored in your liver in the form of glycogen, so that the body switches to using fats as energy sources. And then it turns out that the energy runs out, we add carbohydrates, the body uses them again, without including fats in the work. Same thing with L-carnitine bars. From a weight loss point of view, such a bar is not effective; it contains more carbohydrates.

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