Liatris spicata. Liatris prefers sunny areas

What is a liatris plant?

The unusual spike-shaped inflorescences of liatris can become the highlight of any garden, resembling huge candles in appearance. The mechanism of their flowering differs significantly from similar plants - the buds open gradually, moving from top to bottom. Liatris are grown in almost all regions of the country; they are distinguished by their resistance to diseases and unpretentiousness.

Origin of unusual flowers

Liatris (from the Latin Liatris) is a representative of perennial herbaceous plants belonging to the Aster family (genus Asteraceae). Like other representatives of the Asteraceae, the culture is distinguished by a disc-shaped flower head and several arrow-shaped buds. There is a strong similarity with Garberia, with the exception of the latter’s shrub shape and karyotype.

In nature, liatris grows in Mexico, the Bahamas and North America. There are about 20 species of them in natural habitats. The name of the plant combines 2 words of Greek origin, which are translated as “doctor” and “smooth”. Liatrices are popularly called “deer tongue”, “flaming star” and “cheerful feathers”.

They have become widespread as a garden crop due to the excellent decorative characteristics of the candle inflorescences and the refined smell, combining notes of freshly cut hay and a light aroma of vanilla. For humans, such a smell is pleasant, which cannot be said about moths: they cannot stand it. Just one stalk of liatris is enough for an entire wardrobe to completely get rid of the pest of woolen items for six months.

Even a dried or cut plant retains its delicate, refined aroma for a very long time. Its flowers are popular in perfumery; they are used to create perfumes with a delicate, pleasant scent. Enjoys success and essential oil Liatris.

Description of Liatris - the most unpretentious culture

Liatrises are classified as perennial plants that survive the winter in the form of corms that form a rhizome. Their erect stems can be simple or branched, but are always densely covered with simple linear leaves, pointed towards the outer edge. Depending on the variety, there is a regular or whorled planting of pagons.

The leaves have a rich green color that remains unchanged until autumn. During the fall period, the foliage turns into a bright carpet of bronze color, which can become a decoration autumn garden. Liatris shrubs can be from 30 cm to 2 m in height. Some of its varieties are used as food for lepidopteran larvae.

The tubular flowers of liatris are collected in baskets, from which spicate or racemose inflorescences are formed, reaching a length of up to 0.5 m. The plant is distinguished by its particularly aesthetic shape, reminiscent of a candle. Blooming liatris produces arrow-shaped buds, creating the effect of a candle lighting up. The variety of shades of the plant is the widest: white, red, pink, purple, violet.

The rhizome of the plant has the shape of corms, which are connected to each other by thin shoots. It is usually located almost near the surface of the earth. Liatris fruits are represented by achenes covered with villi and having a ribbed oblong shape.

A unique plant, in addition to excellent aesthetic characteristics and a delicate aroma, has healing properties. Since ancient times, its decoctions have been used to combat various diseases, and cut nodules were applied to the area affected by a snake bite. An infusion of liatris helps cope with kidney diseases; it can be used to gargle with a cold or make a lotion on wounds to speed up their healing.

The culture is widely used as a panacea for malaria, a diuretic, and a cure for a number of sexually transmitted diseases. Cosmetologists use lotions from a decoction of liatris, which has an excellent tonic effect.

Peculiarities of flowering bright “candles”

Liatris blooms long time and very unusual. Its tubular buds bloom from top to bottom, forming a fluffy panicle inflorescence. It is noteworthy that the plant begins to bloom only after the peduncle has completely bloomed. Liatris is rich in a wide palette of colors, but former varieties are considered rare.

The uniqueness of the plant is manifested in the combination of many characteristics that are found in other crops separately: delicate aroma, originality of flowering, unpretentiousness, medicinal properties. Its flowering period is in summer. Typically, liatris begin to bloom in the first half of July and end at the end of August.

Liatris varieties

There are 3 main types of plants common in culture:

  • spicate;
  • filmy;
  • rough.

Liatris spicata (from the Latin Liatris spicata) originated from the southeastern lands of North America. Its thickly covered simple leaves the stems do not exceed 1 m in height. The inflorescences of the plant are represented by small baskets consisting of 10-13 tubular buds. All of them form spike-shaped peduncles up to 40 cm long. The flowering period of spikelet liatris begins at the end of June and lasts approximately 30-40 days. Upon completion it appears a large number of seeds

The spikelet lyatris was bred back in 1732. The most popular varieties are:

  • Floristan Weib - produces white flowers;
  • Floristan Violett - purple;
  • Kobold - pink or mauve;
  • Silver Tips - purple;
  • Pikador - purple;
  • Blue Bird - azure.

For planting Liatris spicata, ordinary garden soil and a fully sunny area are suitable. Such plants are often used to attract butterflies and birds.

A rare variety of spicate liatris is Floristan Weib, distinguished by the former color of the inflorescences. Its leaves are small compared to other varieties, but this feature is compensated by their quantity. The stem usually does not exceed 20 cm in height, and small flowers form inflorescences measuring 60 cm.

This variety of liatris is considered a good honey plant. During the flowering period the shrub grows up to 40 cm in width. The fruits are ribbed, covered with small hairs, and the seeds themselves are oblong. White liatris resistant to low temperatures, so it can winter without additional shelter.

A dwarf variety of spikelet crop - Kobold, not exceeding 50 cm in height, grows best in sunny areas or in partial shade. The small shrub has a bright pink-purple color, its feather-shaped buds are located on neat stems. The plant blooms profusely and retains its aesthetic appearance for a long time. appearance with green leaves that remain attractive even after shedding.

Liatris membranous (from the Latin Liatris scariosa) has wider leaves than other representatives of the culture. They reach a width of 3 cm. The inflorescences of the plant are usually of a dark pink-lilac hue, and the peduncle in height is close to 1 m.

Liatris rough (from the Latin Liatris aspera) is a rare plant species that differs greatest height stem (about 2 m). The flowers of this plant are small and purple-pink in color. They grow densely and form long fluffy inflorescences.

Using liatris in garden decoration

The use of liatris in landscape design garden plots in single planting of a bush or in combination with different colors– phlox, gypsophila, armeria, verbena, brunnera. The crop can be grown for cutting; its flowers remain fresh for up to 10 days, and after drying they are used to form winter bouquets.

Liatris goes well with flowers that have an openwork bush structure and rounded inflorescences. The proximity to field plants will be successful. In solo planting, liatris is used as longitudinal plantings along the line of the sun, for example, near a fence, small buildings, flower beds, and architectural design elements.

The plant is often used in complex mixed-border flower beds or to decorate an area at the foot of an alpine hill. In flower beds it is placed in a circle, creating a large, beautiful bush. In rockeries, the liatris plays the role of a special minaret, which is complemented by a fountain, stones, and other flowers (broad-leaved ferns, hydrangea, phlox, etc.). A wide variety design solutions Liatris is shown in the photo in different combinations.

Growing and propagating liatris

The plant can grow in several ways: from seeds, corms or rhizomes. Planting material is purchased from nurseries or specialized stores, and is also prepared independently. Growing liatris always begins with choosing high-quality source material and creating conditions for planting.

The advantage of the plant is the possibility of flowering in the first year after planting in open ground. The appearance of the first buds, bright flowers, shiny healthy leaves will not require many years of waiting.

When and where to plant?

Before planting a plant, it is important to decide on a place where there will be maximum comfortable conditions for its growth and development. The best option for liatris would be an open sunny area. Direct rays will not harm the plant and high temperatures it tolerates well. But the same cannot be said about cold and dampness, which can lead to the complete death of liatris.

Do not forget about maintaining a sufficient distance between plants, the distance should be at least 25-30 cm. Despite the love of sunlight, the flower can withstand light shade. Liatris are planted in open ground in the fall or in early spring. In the first case, it is important to complete all activities a month before permanent snow cover is established. If you plant plants in the spring, it is better to do it as early as possible.

Liatris grown in suitable conditions grow well, creating beautiful bushes from young growth. They sometimes reach 2 m in height, pleasing the eye with luxurious inflorescences. If the conditions are not so favorable, the plant will be smaller in size, but it will not lose its aesthetic appearance.

Features of soil preparation

Liatris will feel comfortable in loose, well-drained soil, rich in microelements and useful substances. Damp, heavy substrates and clayey soils, which are often found in hollows and other depressions in the relief, are absolutely not suitable. For the plant, soil with a neutral pH reaction or slightly acidified is suitable.

Liatris is afraid of being close to her groundwater and frequent, abundant watering. Its root system is almost on the surface and can rot, which will certainly lead to the death of the plant. The best option for liatris is dry soil and lack of precipitation.

Growing a plant from seeds

Propagation of liatris by seeds can occur by seedlings or without seedlings. But there is no point in spending time and effort on growing seedlings, since the crop is resistant to low temperatures and unpretentious to growing conditions.

Liatris is planted with seeds in late autumn or as early as possible in spring directly into open ground. The plant is resistant to frost, but it is recommended to soak the material in a solution of humate or potassium permanganate for 12 hours immediately before planting. Usually it takes from 2 weeks to 1.5 months before the first shoots appear. To ensure better germination of seeds, you can store them in a cold and cold place for about 30-45 days. damp place.

The soil for planting is first dug up with organic matter: a bucket of humus and mineral fertilizers are added to each plot measuring 1 m2. Shallow grooves are made for the seeds, 1-1.5 cm is enough. The planting material is evenly distributed over the hole, sprinkled with soil and watered.

It is important to take into account the fact that when planting liatris from seeds, abundant flowering and full development of the plant should only be expected 2-3 years after planting. It is also possible for abundant self-seeding of adult flowers in the fall, then in the spring it is enough to just thin out the seedlings. Propagation of liatris by seeds does not always guarantee the preservation of genetic characteristics, which is especially evident when growing hybrids.

Liatris propagation by dividing the bush

The best and most in a simple way Plant propagation is considered to be division of the bush. A mature flower simply splits into several pieces. It is important to ensure that all parts of the plant have a root collar and tubers. The area for planting is first dug up with humus and mineral fertilizers.

Holes are made in the prepared soil, the depth of which depends on the size of the root and is usually about 20 cm. Separated parts of the bushes are planted in them:

  • the root of the plant is placed in the hole;
  • a small amount of humus is added to the bottom;
  • everything is covered with good soil;
  • A layer of mulch is laid out around the plant.

Liatris are planted at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other so that new bushes that grow further do not intertwine. This propagation method can be used once every 4 years and transplanted in early spring or late autumn. This will allow you not only to propagate the plant, but also to get flowering bushes from the first year.

Growing crops from rhizomes

The underground part of lytris is represented by a rhizome formed by nodules. The latter are connected to each other by processes. Each tuber is shaped like a flattened onion. Dividing the rhizome into parts does not harm the plant and allows you to grow new bushes that bloom in the first year. Therefore, propagating liatris in this way is preferable to growing from seeds.

Rhizomes are dug up in the fall, after the green mass has dried. The tubers are cleared of soil, dried and sorted. It is important to choose tubers no smaller than 2 cm. If there are none, you can purchase planting material at a specialized store. Small tubers can be planted for growing.

When preparing to plant tubers, you need to inspect them for rotting or mechanical damage. The correct location of the root is also important: the depression located on it should be directed towards the surface of the earth. For planting, you need soil fertilized with compost, in which holes 8-10 cm deep are made. The distance should be 25-30 cm. Regardless of the growing method, it is advisable to dig up adult plants every 3-4 years and divide them into tubers. Best time for the procedure - May or August.

Safe wintering of plants

When the green mass of the plant turns yellow and crumbles, the entire above-ground part is cut off, and the surface of the earth is mulched with a 10-15 cm layer of peat, dry leaves, compost or spruce branches. Straw is not suitable for shelter, as rodents can nest in it and feed on the plant's rhizome in winter. In mild winter conditions, liatris can winter well without mulching.

Features of caring for liatris

  • The plant is watered as needed; it can tolerate drought well. But liatris does not like stagnant moisture, so during the rainy season it is worth organizing an artificial drainage system so that water does not accumulate at the roots. Moisture from rain will be enough for the plant if there is precipitation at least once every 7 days.
  • Liatris is unpretentious to temperature conditions; it tolerates frost and heat well. Particular attention should be paid to the soil, mulch the plant and rake soil to it, similar to potatoes. Loosening the soil should be done with extreme caution; its nodules are located close to the surface and can be damaged, which will harm the flower. Instead, the ground should be mulched with organic fertilizer or fertile soil. This will protect root system plants and make it easier to care for, eliminating the need for regular weed removal.
  • Liatris needs feeding: nitrogen mineral fertilizers are suitable for spring, phosphate-potassium fertilizers are suitable for summer. Tall flowers sometimes require tying to a support to prevent the plant from breaking off. Withered inflorescences are removed, which prevents the plant from losing its decorative appearance even after flowering. To prepare liatris for winter and strengthen its tubers, it is worth applying nitrogen fertilizers at the end of autumn. It is very easy to recognize a lack of these substances in a plant: its green mass begins to lighten significantly.

Pests and diseases of liatris

Planting and caring for liatris is quite simple and does not require special knowledge or effort. It is resistant to diseases, but can be damaged by snails or mole crickets. A simple folk method works well to combat them: a bottle of beer (about 100 ml) is dug into the ground at an angle of 45° so that its neck is in a small hole, 2-3 cm below the surface level. Snails and mole crickets will crawl towards the smell of beer and fall into the trap. The disadvantage of this method is the need to regularly update the beer in the bait.

From excess moisture, liatris can rot. To save the plant, it is worth cutting off all rotting pagons above the ground and treating it with a fungicide. In cases where the disease is caused by its placement in heavy soil or the proximity of groundwater, you should think about changing the site.

The comic name of liatris is “lazy flower”, due to its resistance to the environment and low susceptibility to diseases and pests. All types of plants are good honey plants. Liatris can rightfully take a special place in the garden experienced florist, and a beginner or an amateur.

Anyone who has seen liatris bloom at least once in their life in a garden or in a photo is unlikely to ever forget its beauty.

Although it is rare in household plots, it is certainly a great honor for true connoisseurs of flora to have it in the collection.

Especially considering that this plant is perennial and frost-resistant, and its height reaches about 2 meters.

Preparing seedlings

It has been noticed that only 50% of the seeds germinate, so you should prepare them with a reserve.

Also, it is not advisable to immediately place it in open ground: although Liatris Spicata is not afraid of cold weather, it is still better if the ground is warmed up.

To germinate seeds, you should take a container or wooden box and fill it with a mixture that includes humus and river sand.

Before planting, the seeds of the plant are soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate and left for 8-10 hours. The seeds of empty flowers will immediately float to the surface, while the full ones will remain at the bottom.

Planting in a container

After everything has been prepared, the liatris seeds can be planted.

Before this, the soil is well moistened, after which the seeds are spread on it in a small layer. To retain moisture from above, they are covered with sawdust.

After about a week, the first young shoots will appear, and the container is moved to a place where there is a lot of light.

After 14 days you need to pick the plant.

A number of gardeners do not transplant sprouts into pots, but immediately plant them in the soil; however, temperatures below +5 degrees threaten the death of the plant.

To obtain selected seedlings of varieties such as white liatris (Liatris Spicata Alba) or blue (Liatris Spicata Blue), you can germinate seeds in containers as early as March.

Planting in open ground

The soil for liatris must be prepared in the fall, when it is dug up with humus.

The seedlings are immersed in the soil up to the very lobe leaves, and the rhizomes are abundantly covered. All types of plants are watered abundantly for two to three days so that the liatris takes root well.

After this, watering should be done from time to time, about twice a week. As a rule, growing liatris in open ground takes place without fertilizing; only when the leaves lose their dark green color, nitrogen fertilizer can be added to the soil.

How to care for a plant

In addition to watering and occasional feeding of flowers, regular weeding is required, and faded inflorescences also need to be removed.

If there is a need, then in the spring you can feed the liatris with nitrogen fertilizer, in the summer - with phosphorus-potassium fertilizer, and in the fall again with nitrogen fertilizer.

How to use in design

Liatris Blue and Listris Alba are widely used in landscape design.

Options for design solutions can be seen in pictures on the Internet. The crop is grown by tubers and has a very beautiful flowers in the form of candles.

As a decoration for a garden plot, liatris can be used as an independent plant, or you can plant gypsophila and various herbs next to it.

The spikelet flower looks great in bouquets and lasts longer than a week.

In addition, liatris is used in the formation of winter bouquets. It will look beautiful with wildflowers. The plant can also be grown solo, planted longitudinally along the line of the sun. It can be planted next to a fence, small buildings, or in a flower bed.

How to grow and propagate

  • There are several ways to propagate liatris:
  • seeds;
  • bulbs;


Planting materials are sold in specialized stores. This plant is a perennial, so you need to choose high-quality source material and create conditions for planting.

The description of the advantages of liatris should include the fact that in open ground it begins to bloom in the first year. This is how “Picador” produces bright and juicy buds.

It is ideal to plant the plant in an open sunny area, as it loves warmth and does not tolerate cold. However, the distance between each flower should be 15-20 cm.

    1. Let's consider the options for propagating liatris in detail:

Growing a plant by dividing the bush

The area where planting is planned should first be dug up with humus, after which holes 20 cm wide are made into which the roots of the plant are planted. Propagation using this method is used once every 4 years, which allows you to achieve very beautiful flowers already in the first flowering season.

    1. Growing crops from rhizomes

Liatris has a rhizome, tubers and many shoots underground. A tuber is a bulb, slightly flattened at the edges. The rhizome can and should be divided into parts; this does not cause any harm, but, on the contrary, helps the liatris grow and get stronger.

For example, division allows you to grow pink flowering liatris in the first year. Therefore, this method is considered more productive than using seeds for these purposes. In this way, you can grow different varieties of plants.

After the green mass dries in the fall, the rhizomes are dug up, cleared of soil, dried and sorted. R It is recommended to choose liatris tubers at least 2 cm in size. If there aren't any, it's better to buy them. Tubers small sizes It is better to use for growing.

Good to know: It is recommended to divide adult plants into tubers approximately once every 3 or 4 years. To do this, the plants need to be dug up, dried and divided. This applies to any method of planting a plant, since tubers are formed in any way.

Before planting, you should carefully examine the tubers to identify possible rotting or mechanical damage. It is very important to position the root correctly, because if there is a depression on it, it must be in the ground. It is important to carry out proper care and watering, especially in the first period.

How to help survive the winter

As soon as the plant matures, the leaves turn yellow, wither and begin to fall off, it needs to be cut off. The soil in the flower bed is mulched with dry leaves or spruce branches.

Straw should not be used due to possible nests of rodents that will feed on the rhizomes. Mild winter climates do not require mulching the plant, since it can withstand slight cold without damage.

It is not afraid of even light frosts, since liatris tolerates climate changes normally.

How to divide liatris tubers, see the following video:

Liatris – perennial, belonging to the Asteraceae family. During the flowering period, liatris shoots out a long straight arrow, which begins at the base as a multi-leaf stem, and closer to the middle, smoothly turns into a huge number of small flowers. Which, when blooming, cover the entire peduncle with thin long hairs. It's just an incredibly beautiful sight.

General information

This delicate and fluffy flower will decorate any flower bed. You can choose a variety of color combinations, since the range of shades is the brightest, most saturated: white, pink, violet, purple and red. And that's not all of its advantages.

In addition to the abundance of bright colors, Liatris boasts an unusually sweet aroma of vanilla with spruce and subtle notes of freshly harvested hay. This is the result of the release of a natural flavoring agent called coumarin from the leaves (used to make essential oils).

Another undoubted advantage is the fact that the aroma of this flower drives away moths. Therefore, it will be enough to put one sprig of liatris in the closet with clothes and forget about the existence of moths for six months. Moreover, this applies to both fresh and dry branches, since even in dried form this flower retains its incredible aroma. Two in one: a pleasant aroma and protection for your belongings.

Varieties and types

- is a tubular form of inflorescences, densely clinging with small flowers around the stem. This species has well-leafed stems about 80 cm long, on which panicle inflorescences 20-25 cm long are located. Flowering occurs for about two months (from June to July). Depending on the variety, there are white, violet, magenta, lilac, pink and azure inflorescences.

– has wider leaves and fluffy white inflorescences, and some variety September Glory boasts a fairly tall peduncle, reaching one meter in height and having bright pink flowers.

- the highest type. You can find specimens reaching two meters in height. It has a powerful, erect stem with glossy lanceolate leaves and small (about 1 cm in diameter) purple flowers, which are collected in long inflorescences, but do not grow as profusely as previous species.

Liatris planting and care in open ground

The flower feels great both in a sunny area and in the shade. For good growth and bright flowering, liatris needs fertile and well-drained soil.

To do this, do not forget to apply fertilizers before planting and periodically during the phase of active growth and flowering. In rich soils the plant can grow up to two meters in height.

Watering Liatris

Liatris is a moisture-loving plant, although it easily survives slight drying out. But what you shouldn’t do is over-water it. Excess moisture can contribute to rotting of tubers and roots.

The amount of water for each bush depends on how widely it has grown. On average, one bucket of water is enough. Water until the soil absorbs. It is better to water more often and little by little than to over-water and injure the plant.

Fertilizer for liatris

Fertilizing with mineral fertilizers for flowering plants is held three times per season. The quantity and consistency of the drug is indicated on the packaging. If the leaves of the liatris begin to lose their brightness, then it is recommended to fertilize the bush with nitrogen fertilizer at the rate of 20 g of the drug per square meter.

Do not forget about the need to periodically hill up the bush and add a little fresh soil. This is due to the fact that the root system is located very close to the surface and with each watering or rain, the tubers and roots become too exposed.

Liatris pruning

This flower is suitable for creating bouquets. Stems cut and placed in water can be pleasing to the eye for a week to two. You can also use liatris to create ekibana, since even when dried it is able to retain its decorative properties.

Just don’t just lay out freshly cut specimens on a flat surface (table, floor). For proper and uniform drying, it is necessary to hang each stem on a rope with the cut side up. The room should be dry and dark. The height at which pruning is done depends on the future use.

As for the inflorescences, if you did not use them in the bouquet, then they must be cut off immediately after flowering. Otherwise, the seeds will scatter in the wind throughout the entire area and the flower will sprout in the most unexpected or undesirable place. Since not the entire stem is cut off, but only the inflorescences, the plant will continue to delight the eye with its green foliage until the onset of winter.

Liatris wintering

At the end of the season, in preparation for winter, liatris must be pruned at the root. The plant is winter-hardy, so it does not require any complex additional shelter; simply cover the already trimmed bush with dry leaves from the garden (or you can use humus), a layer thickness of 10-15 cm will be quite enough.

Liatris growing from seeds

Firstly, be sure to soak the seeds in a humate solution overnight before sowing. Secondly, first dig up the ground with humus (on the basis that one bucket should be used per square meter of soil). In the morning you can start sowing. The seeds are evenly poured into holes 1-2 cm deep and closed (sprinkle with earth on top).

When propagating by seeds, one should take into account the fact that liatris gradually increases in height; only in the second or third year does it gain full height. Therefore, you should not worry if in the first year the flower is not the height you expected.

Liatris propagation by dividing the bush

Dividing a bush is quite simple method reproduction. In this case, they are carefully separated from the mother plant. required amount shoots (without damaging neighboring shoots). In such a way that each of them has its own healthy and well-developed root collar.

Then holes are dug at a distance of at least 30-40 cm from each other, taking into account the fact that the liatris grows very well and new root tubers with young shoots appear around each bush. When planting, the shoot deepens by 10-15 cm, depending on the density of the roots. Then a third of the humus is poured there and the rest of the soil is sprinkled on top.

The number of parts separated from the bush depends on the age of the flower, so it is recommended to carry out such propagation no more than once every 3-4 years. During this time, the bush will be able to grow enough so as not to suffer from division. Separate no more than a third of the entire bush.

Liatris propagation by tubers

Choosing a suitable tuber for propagation is the most important task. The ideal one is one that has a diameter of 2 cm and if it grows on an adult plant (at least three years). Selected tubers are planted in holes to a depth of 8-10 cm and covered one third with humus and the rest with soil.

The important point is correct location tuber in the hole. Before planting, you need to inspect the bulb and make sure that the notch (you need to find it) is located at the top, because it is from it that the shoot will begin to sprout. The first shoots will begin to hatch within a month.

Diseases and pests

Pest attacks occur mole crickets And snails . In the fight against them, folk methods have proven to be effective. One of them is to use a bottle half filled with beer. It is buried in the ground at angles of 45°, so that the neck is in a small hole 2-3 cm below the ground level.

The fact is that the smell of beer attracts these pests. It is imperative to change the liquid every day, while destroying those pests that managed to fall into the trap.

Another method is to place a damp cloth around the bush and wait until the slugs begin to gather there. Just don't leave the rag on overnight. Cooler temperatures at night and a damp cloth on the tubers (roots) can lead to disease.

One of the diseases is considered decay from waterlogging. To do this, it is necessary to cut off all rotten areas and treat them with a fungicide.

Liatris is a large herbaceous plant native to North America. It may be less common in private gardens than other perennials, but there are plenty of admirers of its beauty among gardeners. Gardeners love it for its unpretentiousness. Knowing some features, growing it is not difficult at all. In the article we will tell you about growing liatris and give recommendations for reproduction.

Liatris attracts not only original flower- a candle, but also a unique smell reminiscent of vanilla.

Sowing seeds in open ground

The traditional way of propagating liatris is to sow the seeds directly into the flower garden, before winter or in the spring of next year.

  1. The soil is dug up with a shovel full and the weeds are carefully selected. If the soil is heavy, it is better to optimize it with coarse sand and organic fertilizers. Although liatris is not a capricious plant, but on the rich fertile lands It grows larger and the flowering is more spectacular.
  2. Contribute:
  • Sand – 21 kg/sq. m;
  • Humus – 5 kg/sq.m. m;
  • Wood ash 300 – 500 g/sq.m.

Tip #1. Please note that in heavy soils where water stagnates, the roots of the liatris rot. Before sowing, it is important to ensure sufficient looseness of the soil.

Soak the seeds in a growth stimulator, for example, Epin - Extra. Sown to a depth of 1 - 1.5 cm. Shoots appear in 20 - 40 days, and the first flowering occurs in the third year, when the liatris grows to its full potential. " The remarkable ability to produce abundant self-seeding in autumn is successfully used by experienced gardeners. In the spring of next year, all that remains is to thin out or replant the finished planting material.

It is difficult to regulate planting density; most likely, the seedlings will have to be thinned out or transplanted. If possible, place the grains at a distance of 15–20 cm.

Preparing seedlings for planting in the ground

It cannot be said that propagation of lychnis by seeds is the most effective of all existing methods. To improve the germination of purchased seeds, it is better to germinate them with seedlings.

Growing seedlings in boxes and pots

Capacity Characteristics of work
Planting box, height 8 – 10 cm Fill with universal seedling substrate. If there is none, prepare it yourself. Mix garden soil, sand, humus in a ratio of 2:2:1.
Lightly compact the soil and water until moist. Excess water that has seeped into the pan must be poured out.
Form grooves at a distance of 3–5 cm, 0.5–1 cm deep. You can use a ruler for this.
Place the seeds at intervals of 2–3 cm.
Sprinkle with soil or sand.
Spray with water from a spray bottle.
Cover with a transparent lid or plastic wrap.

The first shoots appear on the twentieth day. When the second or third true leaf grows, the liatris is planted in pots or cassettes with a diameter of 8–10 cm. Seeds are sown in such containers without subsequent transplantation into larger containers.

Features of sowing in peat tablets

Modern materials for seed germination make sowing much easier and do not require picking. These include peat tablets, this is a dry nutrient substrate based on bottom peat. " You can purchase a special container at gardening stores that makes it easier to germinate them.

Step-by-step instructions for use:

  • Before sowing, the tablets are filled with water;
  • Excess water from the pan must be removed.
  • In the center of each tablet, using a match or a sharpened pencil, make a depression of 0.5 - 1 cm. Place one seed in it.
  • Close the substrate by squeezing with two fingers.
  • The crops are covered to maintain moisture.

With water, the tablets increase in height by 5 times, while the diameter remains the same.

Tip #2. Seedlings grown in tablets do not need to be picked. The plant is planted in open ground along with the substrate.

Advantages and disadvantages of growing liatris from seeds

When sowing liatris in open ground, it is impossible to arrange the seeds so as not to thin out and replant the seedlings. There is a distance of 25–30 cm between adult plants in a flower garden. Initially, there is no point in sowing with such an interval, since not all plants will sprout. So it turns out that the seedlings need to be thinned out and placed in the desired order.

The advantage of planting seedlings is that the strong plants are immediately planted in a permanent place, where the liatris grows for several years.

Seedlings grown in pots and cassettes take root better because the earthen ball protects the thin roots. The same function is performed by peat substrate in tablets. This ensures 100% survival rate of plants.

Planting and care in flower beds Liatris is an unpretentious perennial, but it becomes most decorative on light sandy loam soil rich in humus. The size of the plant and the abundance of flowering are influenced by good lighting and warmth. On open sunny places

the height reaches two meters. This is due to the long peduncle, on which the buds bloom from top to bottom, for one month and a half in June and July.

For stability, plants and bushes are hilled up like potatoes, forming cones from the soil. For this purpose, it is better to use additional soil so as not to expose the roots at the edges.

  • Care during and after flowering
  • As the flower stalks grow, they are tied to a support, otherwise the fragile stems may break.
  • To preserve the decorative effect, it is better to remove wilted petals immediately.
  • If seed collection is not planned, dry flower stalks are cut off immediately, then nutrients accumulate in the roots. This is the beginning of preparing the plant for winter.
  • Liatris can adapt to modest conditions and does not require special care, but its appearance and condition are noticeably improved thanks to feeding.

Fertilizers for liatris - 5 best brands

During the growing season, liatris is fertilized in the spring and early summer with nitrogen-containing substances, in the summer with products in which potassium predominates, and in the fall with phosphorus preparations. Many gardeners prefer ready-made balanced mixtures for flowering plants. Top – 5 brands:

Fertilizer name Fertilizer type Characteristic Deadlinesand application features
"Fertika Flower" Mineral Composition: NPK 18-9-11, with trace elements. Improves plant size, increases color brightness. Spring. Early summer before flowering.
"Arvi Fertis for flowering garden plants" Mineral Composition: NPK 12-8-16 + trace elements. Promote good growth and abundant flowering May – early June.
“Arvi Fertis – Autumn” Mineral Composition: NPK 5 – 15 – 25 + microelements. Strengthens plant tissue and root system. Second half of summer, autumn.
Gumistar Biofertilizer Based on vermicompost. Use only in warm seasons.
Dunamis Complex biofertilizer Organic origin. Designed for growth and activation of soil microflora.

The advantage of mineral fertilizers in fast action on plants. But chemical salts are easily washed out of the soil, so their effect is short-term. In addition, they need to be applied in accordance with the growing season of plants seasonally. Features of biological and organic matter- enrichment of soil microflora, which is activated at a temperature of + 12 0. In colder times it is useless to add them.

It is not always possible to purchase a ready-made product. Experienced gardeners share homemade recipes for feeding liatris.

  • Dry bread crusts are soaked in water overnight.
  • Approximate proportion 1:3.
  • The infusion is thoroughly stirred until liquid.
  • Fertilizer is applied after watering, covered with soil or mulch.

The positive side of a homemade product is its availability and safety for plants and humans. Disadvantage: acidification of the soil after prolonged use. But mineral fertilizers, for example, ammonium nitrate, have the same effect. Therefore, the pH level must be controlled.

Prevention from diseases and pests

Liatris diseases are so rare that experts do not consider it necessary to study this issue. Liatris is a plant that is resistant to adverse factors, rarely gets sick, but is not immune to mole crickets and snails. Dealing with them is problematic. Experienced gardeners suggest setting traps for them.

  • Bury a small 100 ml bottle obliquely, so that the neck is 3 - 4 cm below ground level.
  • Pour beer into the container, which attracts pests.
  • The drink needs to be changed when the smell decreases and the bait does not work.

Advantages and disadvantages of different varieties

In domestic ornamental gardening, three types of liatris are most often grown - spikelet, rough and filmy. The varieties bred on their basis differ in size and color.

View Variety Height Flower color
Spicate Floristan Weiss 90 cm white
Floristan Violet 80 – 90 cm purple
Kobolt 40 cm pink-lilac
Rough White Spire 1m white
Filmy September Glory 90 – 110 cm hot pink
Alba 80 – 100 cm white

Liatris membranous Alba - the tallest among varieties

All liatris hybrids, like the original species, are unpretentious and do not require care. The disadvantage is that when planted with seeds, the properties of the variety are not preserved. But this can be easily corrected if the plant is propagated vegetatively.

Vegetative propagation by tuber division

The plant is four years old and more can be divided into parts.

  • In the fall, the tuber is dug up.
  • Only those tubers that have shoots are separated.
  • The resulting sections are dusted with a rooting agent.
  • They are planted in flower beds to a depth of 8 - 10 cm. The distance between plants is determined by the variety, between smaller ones - 25 - 30 cm, tall ones are placed at intervals of 40 - 50 cm.

Use in landscape design

Liatris goes well with large flowering perennials and cereals in mixborders. His neighbors are often:

  • Lupine multileaf;
  • Nivyannik is beautiful;
  • Rudbeckia pilosa;
  • Coreopsis drumonda;
  • The sedum is prominent;
  • Armeria maritime;
  • Common yarrow (varieties);
  • Aster is perennial;
  • Miscanthus chinensis;
  • Bluehead flat-leaved;
  • Red fescue (varietal);
  • Poultry sedge (varietal);

Widely used with ornamental shrubs: Thunberg barberry, white and red dogwood, with all types of spirea, European forsythia, brilliant cotoneaster and others. Effectively decorates rocky structures of large scale. "

Growing in winter in greenhouses, at home

Fans of liatris grow it not only in the garden, but in greenhouses and at home. More often they use low-growing varieties that occupy less space on the windowsill or in a balcony box. Located on south side. Containers for the plant are selected with a height of at least 25 cm, they are filled with a universal substrate for indoor crops. Although liatris is resistant to short-term drought, it will have to be watered much more often than in the garden.

This is basically what makes care different. In addition, you can fertilize the plant with preparations for indoor plants, approximately once every three weeks. You can achieve winter flowering if, starting in October, you maintain a temperature of +20 0 - + 28 0 and lighting for 14 hours. Such conditions can be created in a greenhouse.

Category: “Questions and answers”

Question No. 1. When to sow liatris seeds for seedlings?

Taking into account uneven germination from three weeks to one and a half months, sowing is carried out from late February to early March. Do mature seedlings need selective picking as the seedlings grow?

Question No. 2. I was given liatris seeds of a magnificent lilac color. After sowing, very few of them sprouted, but even those that sprouted have not bloomed for 3 years, although they were supposed to do so. What's wrong with them?

Most likely, you got a first generation hybrid. Seeds collected from such plants often do not germinate at all or do not retain the decorative qualities of the given variety. To get the expected effect, propagation is best done vegetatively.

Question #3. In the first year, the liatris bloomed thickly and brightly, and the next year it was much paler and more modest. What is he missing?

This is a clear disadvantage nutrients. Apply complex mineral fertilizer, for example “Fertika for flowering plants” or 0.5 buckets of humus + 300 g of wood ash for each plant.

Mistakes gardeners make when growing liatris

  1. Some gardeners try to propagate varieties using seeds. Unfortunately, this method does not guarantee the preservation of the decorative qualities of artificially bred hybrids. The color of the flowers changes to the specific shape. This becomes clear only in the third year of cultivation; it is after this time that it blooms.
  2. Often the cause of death is excessive watering.
  3. Planted in the shade or in a damp place, liatris will not grow; it needs light and warmth.

Liatris is a beautifully flowering herbaceous plant that can be an excellent decoration for a flower bed thanks to its long, fluffy candle-like inflorescences. It belongs to the Asteraceae family and is native to North America. Liatris is also called “deer tongue”, “cheerful feather”, “flaming star”. The aroma of lyatris is no less interesting. It is slightly sweet, close to vanilla, but complemented by tart notes of fresh hay. Surprisingly, this enchanting smell is unpleasant to moths, so flowers are placed in a wardrobe to repel the pest. Has liatris and medicinal properties. It’s not for nothing that his name can be translated as “doctor.”

Description of the plant

Liatris is a perennial herbaceous plant with a fibrous root system covered with corms. A dense turf with erect stems 0.3-1 m high quickly forms above the ground. The shoots are densely covered with bright green linear foliage without petioles. The leaves grow in whorls or singly, arranged alternately. It is on the leaves that there are glands that secrete coumarins - aromatic substances used to create essential oils.

In summer, abundant flowering begins. At the ends of the shoots, lush, bright inflorescences up to 40 cm long bloom. They last for 30-40 days. The long spike consists of several tiers of miniature inflorescences of baskets, which contain 3-9 tubular flowers of white, pink, violet or purple color. The inflorescences begin to bloom from the top, and the lower buds open last.

The corollas consist of long narrow petals, so the entire ear appears fluffy. The wonderful aroma attracts many beneficial insects to the area. After their work, the fruits ripen - oval, drooping achenes with pronounced vertical ribs.

Types of Liatris

The genus includes about 50 plant species, but only 3 of them are most often found in culture.

Liatris spikelet (spicata). A low herbaceous plant with erect, densely covered stems. Their length does not exceed 50 cm. The linear, smooth leaves are painted bright green. In June-July, a dense ear 30-35 cm long blooms. Varieties:

  • Kobold - pink-purple inflorescences bloom on shoots up to 40 cm high;
  • Florian Weiss - stems about 90 cm high end with large snow-white candles;
  • Floristan Violet is a group of varieties that bloom in different shades of purple.

Liatris rough (aspera). Forms thickets of erect shoots up to 1.5-2 m high and leaves. The leaves are painted a rich green color. The tops of the sprouts are decorated with shorter round or triangular paniculate inflorescences of a dark lavender or purple hue. The White Spear (white) variety is decorated with snow-white fluffy flowers.

Liatris membranous (scariosa). Wider bluish-green leaves are arranged in whorls on dense stems. The tops are decorated with lush paniculate inflorescences resembling pompoms. They consist of small pink-lilac flowers. Varieties:

  • Alba - dense white inflorescence with soft fragrant flowers;
  • September Glory – tall plant with large bright pink flowers.


Liatris reproduces by seeds, dividing the bush and tubers. Most often, seeds are sown immediately in open ground at the end of March or November. Only in the northern regions is it advisable to first grow seedlings in a cold greenhouse. To do this, in a well-lit, open area make grooves 1-1.5 cm deep and distribute the seeds into them. The crops are sprinkled with earth on top and additionally covered with peat for the winter.

Shoots appear in 1-2 weeks and do not cause much trouble for the gardener. Grown plants are thinned out, watered and weeded. In September they can be transplanted to various corners of the garden, where they form dense green turf. Flowers on the bushes will appear only after 2 years.

Much more often, gardeners propagate liatris vegetatively, dividing large bush into several parts. Moreover, every 3-4 years this procedure is necessary to rejuvenate the thickets. In autumn or early spring, the bush is dug up, cleared of soil and taken apart by hand. The resulting divisions are immediately planted in the ground to a depth of 8-15 cm with a distance of 25-40 cm. It is important not to bury the root collar when planting.

Tubers form on the rhizome of adult liatris. If their size exceeds 2 cm in diameter, the nodule can be separated and planted in April-June. Planting is done in open ground, in a small hole with the sprout up. Tubers germinate in 3-4 weeks.

Planting and care

Liatris is planted in an open, well-lit area. Regular garden soils of neutral or weak acidity are suitable for it. Heavy and damp soils are contraindicated for plants, so they are not planted in ravines, lowlands or near water bodies. Liatris care is insignificant. Plants tolerate drought well and rarely need watering, only if there has been no precipitation for more than 10 days.

In April-May, the first mineral fertilizing is carried out with a complex with a high content of phosphorus and potassium. In summer, during the flowering period, it is recommended to water the bushes with a solution of rotted manure. You should regularly weed the soil near the flower garden to remove weeds and improve air access to the roots. In this case, loosening is carried out very carefully, since the tubers on the rhizomes lie close to the surface of the earth.

Withered inflorescences are cut off so that they do not reduce the decorativeness of the plantings. Green thickets with narrow leaves themselves perfectly decorate the garden. Although liatris flowers are perennial, in the fall the entire above-ground part dies off. It is cut down to the ground.

Liatris is resistant to any temperature changes; it grows well in hot summers and in damp, rainy weather. Roots can freeze only in severe snowless winters at temperatures below -25°C. In this case, it is better to cover the flower garden with fallen leaves, peat and spruce branches to a height of 10-15 cm. Straw is not used for these purposes, because rodents that have settled in it can gnaw the tubers.

Liatris suffers from rotting corms, as well as powdery mildew. The fungus develops when the soil is frequently flooded and damp. Dense thickets also attract snails, slugs, mole crickets, click beetles and mice. To protect the plantings, the plants are sprayed with an insecticide and the soil is treated. When infected with fungal diseases, fungicides are used. Leaves and shoots affected by mold or rot must be ruthlessly cut off and destroyed.


Landscape designers use liatris to decorate mixborders, alpine slides, rockeries and mixed flower beds. The plant perfectly complements the composition with lush, dense greenery and unusually beautiful inflorescences. They are usually planted closer to resting places or windows to enjoy the amazing aroma. Partners for liatris in the flower garden will be ferns, hydrangeas, decorative onions, cereals, roses, geraniums and sedums.

The inflorescences can be dried and used to make flower arrangements. They are also used to repel moths and other harmful insects in the house.

A decoction of liatris leaves has tonic, diuretic, healing and bactericidal effects. It is consumed internally and is also used to wash problem skin.

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