Personality in history: modern approaches. Personality in modern Russian society


Romanova, Ekaterina Alexandrovna

Academic degree:

Candidate of Philosophy

Place of thesis defense:

HAC specialty code:


Social philosophy

Number of pages:



1.1. Personality as a social and philosophical problem

1. 2. Integrity and integrity as personality characteristics


2.1. Conditions for the formation of personality in modern society

2.2. The problem of the integrity of the modern personality

Introduction of the dissertation (part of the abstract) On the topic "Individual integrity in modern society"

The relevance of the topic of this dissertation is due, firstly, to the increased interest in a specific individual in the modern turning point, when fundamental shifts in people's consciousness are occurring in society, associated with a revaluation of values ​​and changes in social life. A change in the paradigm of value thinking is carried out in the direction of the priority of universal humanistic values, recognition of the rights, freedom and dignity of each individual.

Secondly, the need to address the problem of personality is due to the exacerbation global problems modernity and the increasing role of the human factor in the historical process. In this regard, when considering the problem of personality, the parameters of personal responsibility, social activity and harmony come to the fore. general development, which are taken into account in the concept “ whole personality».

The degree of development of the problem. Getting acquainted with the literature on the topic of dissertation research "allows you to make sure that it is extremely * diverse. This is due, first of all, to the fact that the problem of personality is the subject of close attention not only from philosophers, but also from sociologists, political scientists, cultural experts, psychologists and a number of other humanitarian specialists.

Thus, the problem of personality received a serious theoretical justification in the works of Russian classics (JI.C. Vygotsky, C.JI. Rubinstein,

A.B.Zaporozhets, A.N.Leontiev, D.N.Uznadze) and foreign psychology (G. Eysenck, A. Maslow, G. Allport, E. Erickson), as well as a number of modern researchers, among whom the names of B G. Ananyev, A. G. Asmolov, A. V. Brushlinsky, V. P. Zinchenko, D. A. Leontyev, A. V. Petrovsky, V. A. Petrovsky, L. I. Slobodchikov,

V.V. Stolin, E.V. Subbotsky, E.V. Shorokhova. Special mention should be made of the works of E. Fromm, who carried out a synthesis of psychological and socio-philosophical approaches to the study of personality1.

From point of view social need in “personality” there is obvious increased interest in it in the field of cultural studies, the scientific genre of which is determined at the crossroads of historical, literary, philological and linguistic research. Among the variety of cultural studies on the topics of interest to us, we will point only to the most authoritative works in this field by M.M. Bakhtina, A.Ya. fy

Gurevich, G.S. Knabe *".

Numerous philosophical studies are also devoted to the phenomenon of personality, the number of which is steadily increasing as the world community increasingly recognizes the importance of the individual and personal principles in sociocultural life. The latter trend is clearly visible in the works of scientists who purposefully study philosophical and anthropological issues - Jl.Ib Bueva, B.T. Grigoryan, V.D. Gubina, P.S. Gurevich, Yu.A. Kimeleva, J.I.H. Kogan, B.K. Lebedeva, M.K. Mamardashvili, B.V. Markova, M.A. Maslina, K.S. Pigrova, V.A. Podorogi, I.T. Frolova, T.M. Shatunova - as well as E. Agazzi, A. Iyer, V. Bruning, M. Buber, A. Peccei, P. Ricoeur, P. Teilhard de Chardin 3.

A great contribution to the development of the problems of formation, personality, the formation of its inner spiritual world and self-awareness was made by G.M. Andreeva, S.F. Anisimov, BiY.Babushkin, I.E. Bekeshkina, B.S. Bibler, B.S. Bratus, A.A. Brudny, E.K. Bystritsky, I.F. Vedin, I.A. Dobrokhotov, A.G. V.V. Zhuravlev, E.V.*, E.M. Kalashnikova, N.I.

1 Maslow A. Motivation and personality. St. Petersburg: Eurasia, 1999; Z. Freud. Introduction to psychoanalysis. - St. Petersburg: Aletheya, 1999; Fromm E. Flight from freedom, - M.: Progress Publishing Group, 1995

2 Bakhtin M M Towards the philosophy of action // Philosophy and sociology of science and technology. Yearbook 1984-1985. -M.: Nauka, 1986; Gurevich A.Ya. Individual and society in the medieval West. - M.: ROSSPEN, 2005; Knabe G. S. Personality and individuality // Knabe G. S. Materials for lectures on general theory culture and culture of ancient Rome. M., 1993

3 Bueva L.P. Man: activity and communication. - M.: Mysl, 1978; Gurevich P.S., Frolov I.T. Philosophical comprehension of man // Man: Thinkers of the past and present about his life, death and immortality. Ancient world- Age of Enlightenment. M.: Politizdat, 1991

Kompanichenko, I.S.Kon, T.F.Kuznetsova, B.K.Lebedev, R.L.Livshits, V.S.Merlin, F.T.Mikhailov, K.H.Momdzhyan, A.T.Moskalenko,

B.V.Moskalenko, I.I.Munerman, V.G.Nemirovsky, V.V.Orlov, K.K.Platonov, I.I.Rezvitsky, V.M.Rozin, V.F.Serzhantov, S. V. Solovyova, N. N. Trubnikov, G. A. Tulchinsky, V. G. Fedotova, N. P. Frantsuzova, L. E. Shklyar, E. A. Yablokova, V. A. Yadov, V. N. Yarskaya-Smirnova, V.P. Yaryshkin, as well as J. Aronoff, R. Assagioli, D. Bannister, D. Bass, J. Wilson, D. Ziegler, R. Carson, K. Craik, C. Cooley, M. Cantor, J. Lamiel, J. Levinger,

C. Milgram, M. Moss, R. Nisbet, A. Rean, L. Ross, J. Strawson, C. Taylor, i

F. Francella, V. Hollicher, L. Kjell and other researchers4.

The concept of “integrity” of a person was first formulated and studied within the framework of Russian religious philosophy in the works of I.V. Kireevsky, A.S. Khomyakova, B.C. Solovyova, N.A. Berdyaev. BUT. Lossky and L.P. Karsavina 5.

A great contribution to the study of personality was made within the framework of philosophical anthropology by M: Scheler, G. Plessner, A. Gehlen, E. Cassirer6.

The problem of personality is also touched upon in the works of V!S. Barulina, K.S. Pigrova, S.E. Krapivensky7.

Of great importance for understanding the problem of personality in the conditions of modern Russian society was familiarity with the works in

4 Kemerov V.E. Polysubjective sociality and the problem of tolerance // Tolerance and polysubjective sociality: conference materials. - Ekaterinburg, 2001. - P.12-19; Ilyenkov E. V. What is personality? // Philosophy and culture - M.: Politizdat, 1991. - P. 387-414.

5 Berdyaev N.A. About slavery and human freedom Experience personalistic metaphysics. - M.: Republic, 1995; Karsavin L.P. Philosophy of history. - St. Petersburg: JSC Komplekt, 1993, Soloviev V.S. Philosophical principles of integral knowledge Soloviev V.S. Works in 2 volumes. M.: “Thought”, 1988; Khomyakov A. S. Semiramis // Works in 2 volumes. M: “MEDIUM”, 1994;

6 Gehlen A. On the taxonomy of anthropology // The problem of man in Western philosophy - M., 1988; Cashirer E. Favorites. Experience about a person. - M.: Gardarika, 1998; Plesner H. P. Stages of the organic and man: Introduction to philosophical anthropology - M.: "" (ROSSPEN), 2004; Scheler M. The position of man in space // Selected works. - M., 1994

7 Barulin B.S. Social and philosophical anthropology. General beginnings social and philosophical anthropology. - M: Onega, 1994; Pigrov K.S. Open hiddenness of personality (towards the formation of social cryptosophy). //MAN-PHILOSOPHY-HUMANISM. Abstracts of reports and speeches of the First Russian Philosophical Congress. T.4, Social philosophy and philosophy of politics. St. Petersburg, 1997; Krapivensky S.E. Devaluation of personality: causes and possibilities of correction / Krapivensky S.E., Feldman E. // Philosophy and Society. - 2004. - No. 2. which analyze the essence and characteristics of society in the transition period, put forward concepts for its transformation, and also make forecasts for the future of Russia. These are the works of T.A. Alekseeva, A.S. Akhiezer, L.A. Belyaeva, A.G. Zdravomyslov, V.N. Ivanov, A.A. Kara-Murza, V.V. Kozlovsky, N.I. Lapin, A.V. Lukyanova, A.S. Panarin, o

S.M. Pozdyaeva and others.

The object of research is the personality of a person in modern society. Subject of study - internal features personality, the conditions of its formation and existence.

The question of the integrity of the modern personality is put forward as a working hypothesis.

The purpose of this work is to analyze the integrity of the individual in modern society.

In accordance with the goal, the following tasks are solved:

1. consider the evolution of ideas about personality in the history of philosophical thought;

2. identify the heuristic potential of the doctrine of the integral personality developed in Russian philosophy and, on its basis, reconstruct the idea of ​​“integrity” and “integrity” of the individual;

3. explore the conditions for the formation and existence of personality in the modern world;

4. identify the features of modern personality in relation to the concept of “integrity”. O

Alekseeva T.A. Personality and politics in the transition period: problems of the legitimacy of power // Questions of Philosophy, 1998. - No. 7. - P.58-65; Akhiezer A.S. Russia: criticism of historical experience. In 3 volumes - M.: Philosopher, society, IFRAN, 1991. Vol. 1; Belyaeva L.A. Social modernization in Russia at the end of the 20th century. -M.:IFRAN, 1977; Zdravomyslov A.G. Sociology of the Russian crisis. - M.: Nauka, 1999; Ivanov V.P. Russia: finding the future. - M.: RIC ISPI RAS, 1998; Kara-Murza A.A., Panarin A.S., Pantin I.K. Spiritual crisis in Russia: is there a way out? // Questions of philosophy. 1996. No. 5. - P.155-165; Kozlovsky V.V., Utkin A.I., Fedotova V.G. Modernization: from equality to freedom. - St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg University Publishing House, 1995; Lukyanov A.B. Philosophy, foresight, spirituality. -Ufa: Bash State University Publishing House, 1993; Panarin A.S. Russia in the civilizational process (between Atlanticism and Eurasianism). -M.: IFRAN, 1995; Pozdyaeva S.M. Russian society in the conditions of modernization (socio-philosophical analysis). - Ufa: Bashkir State University Publishing House, 1998, etc.

The methodological basis of the study is a sociocultural approach that allows us to analyze the relationship between social transformations and changes in personality structure. The dissertation research also uses the principles of structural-functional analysis and elements of the axiological approach.

The scientific novelty of the dissertation lies in the fact that the author

The heuristic potential of the doctrine of the integral personality developed in Russian religious philosophy is revealed; it is justified that the concept “ integrity of personality» is too broad within the framework of socio-philosophical analysis;

Based on ideas about the ideal of personality integrity, the concept “ integrity of personality", which represents the unity of ideological orientations, manifested in the autonomy of the individual, his responsibility for his actions, reflexivity, the ability to self-esteem, openness, as well as the ability for self-development and self-realization;

Trends in modern society that negatively affect the formation of personal integrity are highlighted;

It is substantiated that the integrity of the individual is a necessary property of the individual for adaptation to the transforming conditions of modern society.

The theoretical and practical significance of the work is determined by the needs of scientific management of the processes of upbringing and education, overcoming crisis state in the spiritual and moral sphere, the formation of a holistic, harmoniously developed personality.

The theoretical significance of the dissertation is that the results obtained in it can have a certain significance for solving practical problems related to the formation and social existence of a modern personality, and can play a methodological role for specific research in the field of sciences such as sociology, cultural studies, ethics, psychology .

The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that the results of the study can be used in research activities for further study of this issue in philosophy, sociology, psychology, etc. The materials and conclusions contained in the dissertation can be used in the preparation of special courses in philosophy, sociology, cultural studies, and psychology in higher and secondary educational institutions.

Approbation of work. The main theoretical conclusions and practical recommendations of the dissertation were presented at scientific and scientific-practical conferences, including “ Spirituality and beauty as a cultural phenomenon in educational process "(Ufa, 2005), III Sadykov Readings (Ufa, 2008), IV Sadykov Readings (Ufa, 2008), IV International Symposium “Islamic Civilization in the Volga-Ural Region” (Ufa, 2010), VIII International Scientific and Practical conference " Problems of formation and realization of individual potential in modern Russia "(Ufa, 2010), as well as in 6 publications of the author with a total volume of 3 pp.

Structure of the dissertation. The dissertation consists of an introduction, two chapters of two paragraphs each, a conclusion and a list of references, including 204 titles. The total volume of the dissertation is 147 pages.

Conclusion of the dissertation on the topic "Social Philosophy", Romanova, Ekaterina Aleksandrovna

List of references for dissertation research Candidate of Philosophical Sciences Romanova, Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, 2011

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169. Frank C.JI. Spiritual foundations of society. M.: Republic, 1992.511 p.

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171. Freud 3. Introduction to psychoanalysis. St. Petersburg: Aletheya, 1999. - 182 p.

172. Fromm E. Flight from freedom, trans. from English / General ed. P.S. Gurevich. M.: Publishing group "Progress", 1995. - 272 p.

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185. Kjell L., Ziegler D. Theories of personality. St. Petersburg: Peter, 1997. - 608 p.

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188. Shaikhislamov R.B. Sociocultural system and personality (theoretical and methodological analysis): monograph. / R.B. Shaikhislamov. - M.: Social and humanitarian knowledge, 2005. - 177 p.

189. Scheler M. The position of man in space // Selected works. M., 1994.

190. Shemanov A.Yu. Human self-identification and culture: monograph. / A.Yu. Shemanov; Federal agency on culture and cinematography; Russian Institute of Cultural Studies. M.: Academic Project, 2007. - 479 p.

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192. Yanitsky M.S. Value orientations of the individual as a dynamic system. / M.S.Yanitsky. Kemerovo: Kuzbassvuzizdat, 2000. - 204 p.

193. Fromm E. Selfishness and Self-Love

194. Risman D. Leisure and Work in Post-Industrial Society // Mass Leisure / E. Larrabee, R. Meyersohn, eds. 1958.

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Personality problem is always at the center of cultural research. This is natural, because culture and personality are inextricably linked. On the one hand, a certain type of personality is formed in culture. General historical past, historical memory, spatio-temporal relations, mythology, religious doctrines, generally accepted rituals, biosocial experience, system of generally valid models, features of geographical space, features social institutions, group conscience, prevailing economic models, collective opinions and feelings, prejudices, family patterns, historical traditions, ideals and values, attitudes towards other people’s values ​​- these are far from full list those factors that influence the formation of personality in culture.

On the other hand, personality recreates, changes, and discovers new things in culture. Without personality there is no culture, since personality is not only driving force and creator of culture, but also the main objective its formation. “Human self-realization takes place in culture, and only in culture in the sense, of course, that culture itself takes place in history. Although history is essentially a personal process, the personal process itself is a cultural process, and history acts as a sphere of objectification of culture” (M.B. Turovsky).

A person in culture not only adapts to the environment, as is typical for all living things, but creates his own “microworld”. She is able to leave her own world into someone else’s disordered one, penetrate into other cultures, into someone else’s spiritual life and determine her attitude towards them, create a “new” on the basis of this attitude. Genuine creativity cannot fail to recognize itself as the recreation of values ​​from the history of the past. This is of great importance for understanding and creating one’s own culture, because one’s own culture is built by combining two possibilities - the opportunity to distinguish oneself from another culture and the opportunity to discover oneself in another culture.

A person is distinguished by the fact that he separates himself as a figure of cultural and historical processes from the results of his activities. He gives the products of his labor to others. Therefore, inevitable multiplicity arises, alienation even within the framework of “one’s own” (when a writer is dissatisfied with his work, an artist rewrites a painting, and a philosopher denies his belonging to one direction or another).

The beginning of the true history of mankind was the emergence of transformative activities aimed at the future, based on continuity in traditions. Man began to create products of labor for his children, for subsequent generations, becoming a co-creator of history and culture. Indirect movement from one person to another through cultural products, experience and knowledge is the basis for the formation of human culture and history. The only universal way to comprehend the integrity of the surrounding world has become the method of interhuman communication in culture.

It is important to note that the mutual influence of culture and personality is impossible without communication systems in culture. This communication system consists of systems for transmitting, distributing and storing information; systems of social and intercultural communication. The life of culture itself lasts in time and space, is expressed in symbols, transmitted through communication mechanisms, and enhanced through the creation of new elements in communication. During the development of culture, a variety of subject and symbolic means are created that provide indirect communication. Through information and communication media, people develop mutual language, experience, values, master social space and time. Information and communication systems are becoming the basic means of preserving and transmitting collective knowledge and experience - the most important factor in the development of culture. With their help, mutual exchange became mutual enrichment. The accumulation of cultural results, recorded materially and ideally, the cultural memory of humanity is a condition for our involvement in a continuous “field of meanings and meanings” (M.K. Mamardashvili), a condition for development creative activity person.

Creativity is the creation of new images, knowledge, means of communication, values. Creation - productive activity to renew life in culture. It is in the process creativity, self-development and self-realization of the individual occur. In the history of philosophy and in the theory of culture, creativity is considered, firstly, as a deep, truly human, “divine” process that cannot be rationally explained; secondly, as a result of the development of society, art, science and technology, the result of increasing demands for the creation of something new (since the Renaissance). The essence of creativity lies in co-creation, in the joint activity of people to renew life, in the understanding of responsibility to the universal, in the dedication of the individual. B. Pasternak said that creative act- This is the maximum revelation of oneself outside. Creative process in the culture of a certain period in history depends on: the social order for innovation; the presence of certain forms of culture for the implementation of innovations; characteristics of the social or professional group in which a creative personality is born; educational systems and conditions for creativity in society. In this regard, the study of questions about the sources of creativity, the interaction of the individual and the social and cultural environment, freedom and responsibility of the individual is of particular relevance. The main theme of the future should be the theme of man’s place in the world of culture, in the new world, his conscious right and responsible choice. For this it is important the problem of enculturation. . This concept means the gradual involvement of a person in a culture, the gradual development of skills, manners, norms of behavior, forms of thinking and emotional life that are characteristic of certain type culture, for a certain historical period.

In other words, this is a long-term and gradual development by a person of methods, norms, practical recommendations in Everyday life. The ancient art of practice is the basis of human self-affirmation in history. A person submits to stereotypes, procedures accepted in a group, culture. These procedures are recorded in gestural, bodily communication, oral speech, writing and reading.

Inculturation presupposes the presence of such socio-cultural elements as the language system; value and semantic guidelines; procedures for the development of creative activity; the totality of accumulated wealth in culture; traditions and forms of continuity. The processes of enculturation are studied in cultural anthropology (M. Herskowitz). The concepts of enculturation and acculturation should not be confused. Acculturation is the process of acquiring properties and forms of culture by one people from another people. The first condition for enculturation is a person’s self-affirmation over time. To do this, a person needs to appropriate acquired skills and abilities, prepare opportunities for creativity, and thus gain a certain independence from natural, social conditions in constantly changing circumstances. This conquest of time by man occurs through the creation of an autonomous cultural space. The next condition for enculturation is the appropriation of various ways of mastering space, its “vision”. To be able to see is to be able to predict, to run ahead of time and by “reading” space. But the most important thing in this process for a person becomes mastery of knowledge, experience, norms, skills in order to translate the uncertainties of history into the time and space of the cultural world understandable to man. It is carried out as socialization is the process of human development social norms and rules of social life for the development of an active, full-fledged member of society, for the formation of a cultural personality. In the process of socialization, the individual is gradually involved in the life of society, introduced to history and traditions, and the transfer of basic forms of sociocultural experience. In the family, at school, at a higher educational institution, an individual masters the necessary skills, acquires knowledge, and becomes familiar with cultural norms and traditions. Socialization is also an individual's identification with “others.” They can be parents, teachers, peers, favorite actors, behavioral models taken from literary works, television programs, etc. There are many interpretations of the socialization process. G. Tarde believed that the basis of socialization is the principle of imitation. T. Parsons saw in it the process of perceiving social norms, absorbing information about significant “others.” J. Smelser noted that socialization is the acquisition by people of experience and values ​​required to fulfill social roles. Socialization gives us the opportunity to interact with each other, and also contributes to the transfer of experience from generation to generation. In the process of socialization, personal, or private, and social sphere are in constant interaction and mutual determination. Private sphere(system of personal relationships) expresses public (public) opinion, entering into public dialogical relations with public institutions (J. Habermas).

It should always be remembered that the process of socialization ultimately always becomes a process of self-determination. Each society and culture gradually develops its own character of the process of socialization of the individual. The characteristics of the types of socialization depend on the historically specific structure of society and the type of culture. In the modern world, socialization and inculturation are carried out in conditions of cultural “schisms” and sociocultural crises, the growing role of instability social processes, collisions and mutations of cultural paradigms. All this is aggravated by the catastrophic influence of information flows on human consciousness, which increasingly complicate cultural self-identification.

In these conditions, perhaps the only means of saving the individual, his survival and development is familiarization with the origins of his native culture, understanding the danger of losing cultural identity, and a critical attitude towards cultural globalization.

The study of cultural studies can be of great help in understanding the responsibility of the individual, especially young man, for the fate of the Motherland, its culture.


Batkin L. M. Italian Renaissance in search of individuality. M., 1989.

Batkin L. M. Don't dream about yourself! On the cultural and historical meaning of “I” in “Confession” by Bl. Augustine. M., 1993.

Gurevich P. Man as a microcosm // ONS. 1993. No. 6.

Husserl E. Articles about renewal // Questions of philosophy. 1997. No. 4.

Zenkovsky V. Unity of personality and the problem of reincarnation // Russia XXI. 1998. No. 9-10.

Kon I.S. In search of myself. M., 1984.

Kon I.S. Opening Ya. M., 1978.

Kon I.S. Child and society. M., 1988.

Culture: theories and problems. M., 1994.

Cultural anthropology. St. Petersburg, 1996.

MudM. Culture and the world of childhood. M., 1988.

Mikhailov F. T. The mystery of the human Ya. M., 1976.

Odysseus. Man in history. M., 1995.

Odysseus. Man in history. Cultural and anthropological history today. M., 1991.

Odysseus. Picture of the world in the popular and scientific consciousness. M., 1994.

Systematization and connections

Social philosophy

I decided to move the topic about personality from the philosophical forum. Maybe someone will find the information already collected useful, and I also hope that the topic will find further development at FS.


Anyone who constantly looks at topics and posts on FF has noticed that more and more often they are filled with terms related to the information war aimed at zombifying people. Behind the scenes they spend huge amounts of money on this, and on a conscious level they began to organize this somewhere immediately after World War 2 with the creation of the institute in Tavistock (which was mentioned by A.B.V. in the topic “Thoughts for the day”). The results are obvious, especially in recent decades with the development of ICT: zombified peoples are completely destroying their once prosperous countries, although the transformations could have been carried out peacefully, but their brains have been blown out! And it is especially painful that Ukraine has succeeded here. And what’s going on at the everyday level: take, for example, the same students who shoot teachers and classmates.How not to turn into a puppet in greedy hands?How to not just preserve yourself, but develop your abilities, become a full-fledged person with an independent worldview?

What qualities should a person have to be a useful person for society? Methods for achieving this level.

This is what I would like to talk about. Surely everyone has thoughts on this matter or something from life experience, why not exchange. Look, maybe we can defeat the world hydra.

There are a lot of developments, but I think for these developments you should turn not to programmers, but to psychologists. For example, to people like Kurpatov, with his Higher School of Methodology)

But don’t forget, we need to determine the qualities that a Personality should have. And one of them is the presencemain (strategic) goalon the implementation of which, as they say, life is invested. Of course, tactical moves are allowed, such as, for example, the Bolsheviks, with the help of the NEP (in fact, capitalism), built socialism, but the goal is always before the eyes of the individual. But the goal doesn't change.
And also, what is inherent in Personality?

gra - As usual, they “start and lose”!
Because already from the first step there is a mistake!
There is a person and there is a society, which means there are personal and there are public goals!
And only when a person can connect the first and second into a single whole, only then does the goal simply becomesocially significant goaland simply the individual becomespersonality!
Choosing a goal is not a banal desire, it is a conscious necessity, it is an actfreedom!

Important clarification!A person who has a socially significant goal has the right to be called a person.Then such a person must be a professional and have the skill to provide society with a quality product. For example, the Bolsheviks were called that"professionalrevolutionaries." They really qualitatively solved the problems that arose. To the point that they radically changed their policies, for example: military communism, in a minute, was replaced by the NEP (they saved socialism with capitalism). They have a lot of such examples, so they not only survived, but won in those turbulent years.

That is, in order to choose a socially significant goal and become a person, an individual must, as they say, mature - acquireadvanced worldview.
And so, we identified two morePersonal qualities - professionalism (skill) and advanced worldview.

Desires are something from physiology, at the level of a reflex. This is a dependent state, it’s not for nothing that there is such a saying: “Slave to desires.”
A conscious need is an order of magnitude higher level of human development. Let's start with the word necessity - this is a stable, essential connection between phenomena, processes, objects of reality, conditioned by the entire previous course of their development. The more extensive and high-quality a person’s knowledge is, the more opportunities he will have for informed choice (there will be plenty to choose from). Neglect of necessity leads to voluntarism (a striking example of this is Khrushchev, who went down in history under the driver - Kukuruznik).
So, having only desires is a slave state. The personality, through conscious necessity, acquires freedom. Hegel said so: “Freedom is a conscious necessity.” That is, -to be free means to know objective laws and make decisions based on and taking into account this knowledge.

You don’t have any “philosophy”, you have only obscurantism in your head and you lie behind every word!
Quite recently they argued that there is no truth, there is only faith! And now the truth has become just an “assumption”?!

I constantly repeat:in order to work “at the level” today, you have to be an atheist, a materialist, a dialectician - this is the required minimum!

As always, you try to make everything into a joke!
Why is it difficult to communicate on forums? The fact that you are constantly required to “show the structure of the Universe on your fingers,” which is almost impossible!
Selecting from the available options gives "individualpicture of preferences" and says practically nothing about a person as an individual! But what does it say?
The criterion is simple and it would seem that it should be understandable to anyone.Create something new that didn’t exist before and you are a “personality”!
To push the boundaries of our existence, to expand the scope of our capabilities is the goal and not everyone can do it! It’s not for nothing that they say: “Great goals for great people!”
Do we choose our goals or do our goals choose us? Choosing a target is strictlyprivatechoice and here everyone chooses for themselves!


Various studies are conducted on life satisfaction in people at different age periods. Life satisfaction acts as the most important internal factor of a person, determining his social activity, and relationships with other people, and attitude towards oneself as an individual. It acts as a common basis for many other values ​​- satisfaction with marriage, health, work and life in general. The level of subjective satisfaction with human life is influenced by optimism. The concept of optimism is understood as manifesting itself in different situations a feeling of confidence associated with generalized positive expectations relating to different areas of life. At the same time, young people have a more pronounced relationship between job satisfaction and satisfaction with their future life's path, and among older people between satisfaction with their work and their real life

In the modern world, there is an increase in average life expectancy, which leads to an increased role of elderly and senile people in all spheres of society, which determines relevance of this study.

The average and longest life expectancy is longer for women in both developed and less developed countries. developed countries. An exhaustive explanation for this fact has not yet been proposed. The average difference in life expectancy between men and women is from 2 to 9 years. It is determined by the biological component of mortality, depending on age, while its so-called background component, depending on other causes (accidents, acute infections, etc.), is usually the same in men and women.

Characteristics of the health of centenarians are especially important, since they are the ones who come closest to the standard of physiological aging. It should, however, be borne in mind that people who have reached extreme old age differ significantly from each other in terms of signs of aging and well-being. It is in long-lived groups that a very large scatter of indicators characterizing individual rates of aging has been repeatedly noted. According to the degree of vitality, the following stand out among them: vigorous centenarians with increased activity; centenarians with limited ability to work, who usually do not leave their apartment; bed sick. Of course, we can only talk about approaching the type of natural aging in relation to the first category of centenarians.

problem psychosocial development elderly people are dedicated research I.I. Mechnikova, P.A. Bogomolets, V.V. Boltenko, A.G. Nagorny, E. Erickson, G. Craig, V.D. Shapiro.

However, this area of ​​the problem of developmental and age-related psychology has not been studied enough, which requires a more in-depth analysis of the essential characteristics, especially during the transition period.

The purpose of the study is to study the influence of life satisfaction on life expectancy.

Object of study– life satisfaction as a psychosocial phenomenon.

Subject of study– conditions for life satisfaction and its impact on longevity.

Research objectives:

Study theoretical sources on the research problem;

To reveal the essence of the conditions for life satisfaction in late adulthood;

Research methods:

Literature analysis;

Questionnaire “Are you satisfied with life”;

Quantitative and qualitative interpretation of results.

The methodological basis of the study is the philosophical position on the role of social conditions in the formation social status and its change.

Research hypothesis: I assume that factors such as need satisfaction, health, economic and Family status, positive functioning, level of communication with others - affect a person’s life expectancy.

Chapter I. The influence of life satisfaction on its duration.

Personality and aging in the modern world.

The period of late adulthood is often called gerontogenesis or the period of aging and old age, which is associated with a whole complex of biological, socio-economic, and psychological reasons, therefore this age is studied by various disciplines - biology, neurophysiology, demography, psychology, etc. Most researchers divide people who have reached this age into three groups: elderly age(for men - 60-74 years, for women - 55-74 years), old age (75-90 years) and centenarians (90 years and older). However this classification is not the only one. For example, Burnside et al. divided this age into four periods: presenile (60–69 years), senile (70–79 years), late senile (80–89 years), and frailty (90–99 years).

There is an increase in average life expectancy around the world. In Russia, the average life expectancy has exceeded 71 years. This means that old age is turning into an independent and long period of life with its own social and psychological characteristics. General population aging is a modern demographic phenomenon: the proportion of groups of people over 60-65 years of age is 1/6 or 1/8 of the entire world population.

These demographic trends lead to an increased role of elderly and senile people in all spheres of society, and require an analysis of the essential characteristics of human development during this period of life.

Feeling satisfied with life in old age is an important indicator psychological health a person, which manifests itself in his interest in life and the need to live on.

As psychological studies have shown, a person’s satisfaction with life in old age and the success of adaptation to it depend on many factors. These include: health, economic and marital status, positive functioning, level of communication with others and even the ability to use vehicles.

Among all the factors influencing a person’s satisfaction with life and the success of adaptation to it, health is considered the most important.

A huge number of elderly people, regardless of own desire, leave work due to health problems. A sudden deterioration in health does not allow a person to realize his plans and forces him to limit the scope of his activities. This often leads an elderly person to a feeling of helplessness and futility in future life, especially if health problems turn out to be global and lead to disability. In this case, a person experiences a sharp weakening in the strength of needs, a lack of desire not only to do anything, but also to live on.

According to the results of psychological studies, satisfaction with one’s own health depends very little on age. At both 60 and 80 years old, older people can experience satisfaction simply from the fact that their body continues to function properly. The desire to maintain good health for as long as possible is a powerful incentive that encourages an elderly person to lead a healthy lifestyle (engage in physical exercise, nutrition, get involved in various theories of nutrition, etc.).

Another important factor influencing a retiree’s level of satisfaction with their life is their economic situation.

The economic situation is understood as a satisfactory financial condition (a sufficient amount of money to satisfy a person’s basic needs), the presence of social and housing conditions that are prepared by the person in advance. An elderly person expects attention and care from the state. Possibility of preferential use of vehicles, payment of social benefits, assistance in social services, etc. – all these factors create a certain atmosphere in society that allows people to feel needed and continue to function positively.

Positive functioning in late adulthood determines a person's satisfaction with their life from the point of view that old people largely divide their lives between the time before and after retirement. Using the mechanism of social comparison, old people compare their situation in these two periods, as well as with how pensioners lived when the person was still working, or with what he expected when preparing to retire. The degree of satisfaction depends on the result of this comparison.

A negative comparative result reflects the inability to fully satisfy the needs of older people. The resulting dissonance prompts a person to eliminate it by changing his own behavior, revising his needs, modifying his goals, comparing his situation with the situation of other older people (there will always be that person who lives or feels worse).

Psychological research shows that such a mechanism psychological protection how social comparison of one’s situation with that of other older people allows a person to remain optimistic about the future and better adapt to illness. Moreover, social comparison in combination with social integration, the preservation of significant roles, social reference points and reference groups by a person, mitigates the negative effect of poor physical health and has a positive impact on the feeling of satisfaction with life, reducing psychological suffering associated with aging and facilitating the achievement of goals for further development .

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