Linear speed of combustion propagation. Methodology for conducting fire-tactical calculations

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Fire parameters: duration, area, temperature, heat, linear speed of fire spread, rate of burning of flammable substances, intensity of gas exchange, smoke density. Lecture 2

It is known that the main phenomenon in a fire- combustion, but the fires themselves are all individual. There are various types and modes of combustion: kinetic and diffusion, homogeneous and heterogeneous, laminar and turbulent, difflagration and detonation, complete and incomplete, etc.). The conditions under which combustion occurs are varied; the state and location of flammable substances, heat and mass transfer in the combustion zone, etc. Therefore, each fire must be recorded, described, investigated, compared with others, i.e. study fire parameters.

Fire duration τ P (min.). The duration of a fire is the time from the moment of its occurrence until the complete cessation of combustion.

Fire areaF P (m 2). The fire area is the projection area combustion zones on a horizontal or vertical plane.

On rice. 1 Typical cases of determining the fire area are shown. On internal fires in multi-storey buildings total area fire is found as the sum of the fire areas of all floors. In most cases, they use a projection onto a horizontal plane; it is relatively rare - to vertical (when burning a single structure of small thickness, located vertically, during a fire at a gas fountain).

The area of ​​the fire is the main parameter of the fire when assessing its size, when choosing an extinguishing method, when calculating the forces and means necessary to localize and eliminate it.

Fire temperature T P ( K). The temperature of an internal fire is understood as the average volumetric temperature of the gas environment in the room, and the temperature of an open fire- flame temperature. The temperature of internal fires is lower than open ones.

Linear speed of fire spread, V p (m/s). This parameter is understood as the rate of combustion propagation over the surface of a combustible material per unit time. The linear speed of combustion propagation determines the area of ​​the fire. It will depend on the type and nature of combustible substances and materials, on the ability to ignite and the initial temperature, on the intensity of gas exchange during a fire and the direction of convective gas flows, on the degree of grinding of combustible materials, their spatial location and other factors.

Linear speed of combustion propagation- the value is not constant over time, therefore, in calculations, average values ​​are used, which are approximate values.

The highest linear speed of combustion propagation has gases, since when mixed with air they are already prepared for combustion, it is only necessary to heat this mixture to the ignition temperature.

Linear speed of combustion propagation liquids depends on their initial temperature. The highest linear speed of combustion propagation for flammable liquids is observed at the ignition temperature, and the speed of combustion propagation in steam-air mixtures is equal.

Solid combustible materials have the lowest linear speed of combustion propagation, which require more heat to prepare for combustion than liquids and gases. The linear speed of propagation of combustion of solid combustible materials largely depends on their spatial location. Flame spread over vertical and horizontal surfaces differs by 5- 6 times, and when the flame spreads along a vertical surface from bottom to top and top to bottom- 10 times. The linear speed of combustion propagation along a horizontal surface is more often used.

Burnout rate of flammable substances and materials. She is one of the most important parameters burning in a fire. The rate of burning of flammable substances and materials determines the intensity of heat release in a fire, and, consequently, the temperature of the fire, the intensity of its development and other parameters.

Mass burnout rate is the mass of a substance or material burned per unit time V M (kg/s). The mass burnout rate, as well as the rate of combustion propagation, depends on the state of aggregation of the combustible substance or material.

Flammable gases mix well with the surrounding air, so they burn completely in a flame. Mass Burn Rate liquids is determined by the rate of their evaporation, the entry of vapors into the combustion zone and the conditions of their mixing with atmospheric oxygen. The rate of evaporation in the equilibrium state of the liquid-vapor system depends on the physicochemical properties of the liquid, its temperature, and vapor pressure. In a non-equilibrium state, the intensity of liquid evaporation is determined by the temperature of its surface layer, which in turn depends on the intensity of heat flows from the combustion zone, the heat of evaporation and the conditions of heat exchange with the lower layers of the liquid.

For multicomponent flammable liquids, the composition of their vapor phase is determined by the concentration composition of the solution and depends on the intensity of evaporation and the degree of equilibrium. With intense evaporation, a distillation process occurs in the surface layers of the liquid, and the composition of the vapor phase differs from the equilibrium one, and the mass burnout rate changes as the more volatile fractions burn out.

The combustion process depends on the mixing of liquid vapor with oxygen in the air. Thisthe process depends on the size of the vessel, on the height of the side above the liquid level (the length of the mixing path to the combustion zone) and the intensity of external gas streams. The larger the diameter of the vessel (up to 2- 2.5 m, further increasediameter does not in any way affect the parameter under consideration) and the height of the side above liquid level, the greater the length of the liquid path to the combustion zone, accordingly, the lower the burnout rate. High wind speed and temperature of the flammable liquid contribute to better mixing of liquid vapors with air oxygen and increased speed liquid burnout.

The mass of liquid burned per unit time from a unit surface area is called specific mass burnout rate V M , kg/(m 2 s).

Volumetric burnout rate is the volume of liquid burned per unit time per unit area of ​​the combustion surface,V ABOUT . For gases - this is the volume of gas burned per unit time m/s, for liquids and solids and materials- is the specific volumetric burnout rate m/(m . s) or m/s, i.e. this is the linear speed. Volumetric velocity expresses the rate at which the liquid level decreases as it burns out or the rate at which the thickness of a layer of solid combustible material burns out.

In fact, the volumetric burnup rate- this is the rate at which the liquid level decreases as it burns out or the rate at which the thickness of a solid combustible material burns out. The conversion of volumetric (linear) velocity to mass velocity can be done using the formula:V m = .

Burnout rate of thin (< 10 мм) слоев жидкости и пленок выше усредненной массовой или линейной скорости выгорания жидкости верхнего уровня резервуара при отсутствии ветра. Скорость выгорания твердых материалов зависит от вида горючего, его состояния (размеров, величины свободной поверхности, положения по отношению к зоне горения и т.д.), температуры пожара, интенсивности газообмена. Удельная массовая the burnout rate of solid combustible materials does not exceed 0.02 kg/(m 2 s) and rarely falls below 0.005 kg/(m 2 s).

The mass burnout rate of solid combustible materials depends on the ratio of the area of ​​the openings (Fnp), through which gas exchange occurs, to the fire areaFnp/Fn . For example, for wood, as the area of ​​openings decreases, the rate of burnout decreases.

Reduced mass rate of wood burning, kg/(m 2 s).

Relative area of ​​openings,F pr. / F p.









The burnout rate of solid combustible materials is takenproportional to the area of ​​the openings, i.e.

V ppm φ . = . V b.t. = ,

V m - .T where V ppm = - actual reduced mass burnout rate;- V m- tabulated reduced mass burnout rate; φ

coefficient taking into account gas exchange conditions. This expression is valid at φ = 0.25 0.085, and for open fires φ = 1. Gas exchange rate, I 2 T - kg/(m ּ c)

This is the amount of air entering per unit time per unit area of ​​the fire. The required intensity of gas exchange is distinguished and factual. The required gas exchange rate shows how much air is needed to enter per unit time per unit area to ensure complete combustion of the material. The actual intensity of gas exchange characterizes the actual air flow. The intensity of gas exchange refers to internal fires, where enclosing structures limit the flow of air into the room, but openings make it possible to determine the amount of air entering the volume of the room.Smoke intensity or density, X. This parameter characterizes the deterioration of visibility and the degree of toxicity of the atmosphere in the smoke zone. Deterioration in visibility due to smoke is determined by density, which is estimated by the thickness of the smoke layer through which the light of a reference lamp is not visible, or by the number of solid particles contained per unit volume (g/m3). Data on the density of smoke generated during combustion

substances containing carbon are given


There are quite a lot of fire parameters: fire heat, fire size, fire perimeter, flame propagation front, flame radiation intensity, etc. The concept of fire load. The main factor determining the parameters of a fire is the type and magnitude of the fire load. Underfire load of the facility understand the mass of all flammable and low-combustible materials per 1 m 2 floor area of ​​the room or area occupied by these materials on open area:R g- fire load; P – mass of flammable and low-combustible materials, kg;F- floor area of ​​a room or open area, m2.

The fire load of premises, buildings, structures includes not only equipment, furniture, products, raw materials, etc., but also structural elements of buildings made of flammable and low-combustible materials (walls, floors, ceilings, window frames, doors, shelving, ceilings, partitions, etc.).(flammable and low-combustible materials, technological equipment) and temporary (raw materials, finished products).

The fire load of each floor, attic, and basement is determined separately. The fire load value is assumed to be as follows:

- for residential, administrative and industrial buildings does not exceed 50 kg/m2, if the main elements of the buildings are non-flammable;

- average value in the residential sector is 27 for 1-room apartments

kg/m2, 2-room- 30 kg/m2, 3-room- 40 kg/m2 ;

- in buildings III degree of fire resistance- 100 kg/m 2 ;

- V production premises related to production and processing

flammable substances and materials- 250 - 500 kg/m2 ;

- in rooms where modern technological lines are locatedprocesses and high bay warehouses- 2000 - 3000 kg/m 2 .

For solid combustible materials it is important structure fire load, i.e. its dispersion and the nature of its spatial placement (densely packed rows; individual stacks and packs; continuous arrangement or with a gap; horizontal or vertical). For example, carton boxes with shoes or rolls of fabric located:

1.horizontally on the floor of a basement warehouse;

2. on warehouse racks with a height of 8- 16 m,

give different fire dynamics. In the second case, the fire will spread in 5- 10 times faster.

The degree of sufficient “openness” for combustion depends on the size of the surface of the combustible material, the intensity of gas exchange, etc. For matches, a gap of 3 mm is sufficient for each match to burn from all sides, and for wooden slab size 2000×2000 mm gap 10- 15 mm is not enough for free burning.

On practice free consider a surface that lags behind another nearby surface at a distance of 20- 50 mm. To take into account the free surface of the fire load, the combustion surface coefficient K p was introduced.

Burning surface coefficient is called the ratio of combustion surface areaF n .g. to the fire area Fn.g.: K n =F p.g.

When burning liquids in tanks, K p = 1, solid substances K p > 1. For this reason, for the same type of solid combustible material, for example, wood, almost all fire parameters will be different depending on the combustion surface coefficient (burning of logs, boards , shavings, sawdust). For furniture factories ( I and II degrees of fire resistance) the Kp value ranges from 0.92 to 4.44. For most types of fire load, the value of K p does not exceed 2-3, rarely reaching 4-5.

Burning surface coefficientdetermines the actual size of the burning area, the mass burnout rate, the intensity of heat release in a fire, heat intensity combustion zones, fire temperature, speed of its spread and other fire parameters.

Classification of fires and their features

Different types of fires can be classified according to various distinctive features, which include the closedness or openness of the combustion source, the type of aggregate state of the burning substance, and the fire extinguishing agents used. They all have their own characteristics of origin and development, or the location of the fire, etc. There is no single universal classification of fires. Here are several classifications of fires found in the specialized literature:

I. When a fire occurs in an open or confined space.

I a . Open fires- These are fires that develop in open space.These include fires in technological installations(distillation columns, sorption towers, oil, gas, chemical industry), in tanks with flammable liquids, fires in warehouses of flammable substances (wood, solid fuel), forest and steppe fires, fires of grain tracts. Internal fires in buildings and structures can turn into open fires.

Features of open fires include heat and gas exchange conditions:

1.there is no accumulation of heat in the combustion zone, since it is not limited by building structures;

2. the temperature of such fires is taken to be the temperature of the flame, which is higher than the temperature of the internal fire, since it is taken to be the temperature of the gas environment in the room;

3.gas exchange is not limited structural elements buildings, therefore more intense, and depends on the intensity and direction of the wind;

4. the heat impact zone is determined by radiant heat flow, since convective flows go upward, creating a rarefaction zone at the base of the fire and providing intense airflow with fresh air, which reduces the heat impact;

5. The smoke zone, with the exception of peat burning, in large areas and in the forest does not create difficulties in fighting open fires.

These features of open fires determine the specifics of the methods of fighting them, the techniques used and methods of extinguishing.

TO open type include fires called fire storms, which are a high-temperature thermal vortex

16. Internal fires occur in closed “confined” spaces: in buildings, airplane cabins, in the holds of ships, inside any units. Here, so-called anaerobic fires are sometimes distinguished separately, i.e. without air access. The fact is that there are a number of substances (nitrated cellulose, ammonium nitrate, some rocket fuels), which, with increasing temperature, undergo chemical decomposition, leading to a glow of gas barely distinguishable from a flame.

Internal fires, in turn, are divided into two classes according to the method of fire load distribution:

- the fire load is distributed unevenly in a large room;

- the fire load is distributed evenly over the entire area.

II. According to the state of aggregation of a flammable substance. There are fires caused by the combustion of gas, liquid, and solid matter. Their combustion can be homogeneous or heterogeneous, i.e. when the fuel and oxidizer are in the same or different states of aggregation.

III. According to the speed of propagation of the combustion zone in a fire: deflagration(slow) propagation of the combustion zone (velocity from 0.5 to 50 m/s) and detonation (explosive) propagation of the combustion zone with a shock wave speed from several hundred m/s to several km/s.

IV. According to the type of initial stage of the fire: spontaneous combustion (spontaneous combustion) of flammable substances and forced (forced) ignition. In practice, the second type of fire occurs more often.

V. Based on the nature of the flammable medium and recommended extinguishing agents. IN According to International standard fires are divided into 4 classes: A, B, C, D , within which subclasses are distinguished Al, A 2, etc. It is convenient to present this in tabular form.

VI. According to the degree of complexity and danger fireit is assigned a number (or rank). Number or rank- a conditional digital expression of the amount of forces and resources involved in extinguishing a fire in accordance with the departure schedule or plan for attracting forces and resources.

The number of call numbers depends on the number of units in the garrison. The schedule should provide for the rapid concentration of the required (calculated) amount of forces and resources on a fire with a minimum number of numbers.

At fire no. 1 the full duty guard goes to the service area of ​​the fire department, as well as to facilities that have their own fire departments, to all accident sites, natural Disasters where there is a danger to human life, a threat of explosion or fire.

By fire no. 2 additionally send three- four squads (depending on how many arrived at No. 1) on tank trucks and pump trucks, as well as special services squads. As a rule, the guards on duty in the area of ​​departure of neighboring fire departments go to the fire in full force.

In garrisons with 10- 12 fire stations, no more than three ranks fire, where the most appropriate order is in which for each additional number, starting from the second, four went to the fire- five departments on the main fire trucks. When determining the number of fire departments responding to a fire at the highest number, some reserve must be provided in the garrison in case of a second fire. In small garrisons, this reserve can be created by introducing a reserve force into the combat crew. fire equipment with personnel free from duty.

More numbers ( 4 And 5) installed in large garrisons. When scheduling the departure of units for elevated fire numbers, the condition of roads and passages to individual departure areas is taken into account. For example, on bad roads, the number of forces leaving along No. 2 or 3 is increased and directed from different directions. Additional tankers and hose trucks are being sent to areas with insufficient water supply. For some of the most important and fire-hazardous facilities where it is possible fast development fire and the creation of a threat to human life, it is envisaged that forces and resources will be dispatched to the elevated fire number at the first report. The list of such objects includes important industrial enterprises or individual buildings, workshops with fire-hazardous production processes, warehouses for flammable liquids and gases, material assets, children's and medical institutions, clubs, cinemas, high-rise buildings and individual buildings of public organizations at the discretion of the chief of the fire brigade.

For some objects, an increased number may not be sent on the first report of a fire, and for fire No. 1, two additional numbers may be sent- three departments from fire departments on main or special vehicles.

Appendices are compiled to the departure schedule, which list:

- objects to which forces are sent due to increased fire numbers;

- waterless areas of the city, to which tanker trucks and hose trucks are additionally sent;

- multi-storey buildings, to which, upon the first report of a fire, ladder trucks, car lifts, gas pumping vehicles, and smoke exhaust stations are additionally sent.

The number of special vehicles and their type are determined depending on the characteristics of the facility. For example, when extinguishing a fire at an oil depot, foam or powder extinguishing vehicles are required; in buildings of museums, libraries, book depositories- carbon dioxide extinguishing vehicles and gas-fired extinguishing systems; in high-rise buildings- aerial ladders, car lifts, gas pumping stations vehicles, smoke exhaust stations.

fire chemical combat control

The rate of growth of the fire area is the increase in the fire area over a period of time and depends on the speed of combustion spread, the shape of the fire area and the effectiveness of combat operations. It is determined by the formula:

Where: V sn- growth rate of fire area, m 2 /min; DS n is the difference between subsequent and previous values ​​of the fire area, m 2 ; Df - time interval, min.

333 m 2 /min

2000 m 2 /min

2222 m 2 /min

Fig 2.

Conclusion from the graph: The graph shows that a very high rate of fire development occurred in the initial period of time, this is explained by the properties of the burning material (flammable liquid-acetone). The spilled acetone quickly reached the premises and the fire was limited to the fire walls. The reduction in the rate of fire development was facilitated by the rapid introduction of powerful water trunks and correct actions site personnel (the emergency drain was activated and the fire extinguishing system was started, but it did not work automatically, the supply ventilation was turned off).

Determination of the linear speed of combustion propagation

When studying fires, the linear speed of propagation of the flame front is determined in all cases, since it is used to obtain data on the average speed of combustion propagation at typical objects. The spread of combustion from the initial point of origin in different directions can occur at different speeds. The maximum speed of combustion propagation is usually observed: when the flame front moves towards the openings through which gas exchange occurs; by fire load

This speed depends on the fire situation, the intensity of the supply of fire extinguishing agents, etc.

The linear speed of combustion propagation, both during the free development of a fire and during its localization, is determined from the relationship:

where: L is the distance traveled by the combustion front in the time period under study, m;

f 2 - f 1 - time period in which the distance traveled by the combustion front was measured, min.

Administrative buildings 1.0 ÷ 1.5

Libraries, book depositories, archive depositories 0.5 ÷ 1.0

Woodworking enterprises:

Sawmill shops (buildings I, II, III degree fire resistance) 1.0 ÷ 3.0

The same (buildings IV and V degree of fire resistance 2.0 ÷ 5.0

Dryers 2.0 ÷ 2.5

Procurement shops 1.0 ÷ 1.5

Plywood production 0.8 ÷ 1.5

premises of other workshops 0.8 ÷ 1.0

Residential buildings 0.5 ÷ 0.8

Corridors and galleries 4.0 ÷ 5.0

Cable structures(cable burning). 0.8 ÷ 1.1

Woodlands(wind speed 7+ 10 m/s and humidity 40%):

Rada sphagnum pine forest up to 1.4

Elnik-long-moss and green-moss up to 4.2

Green moss pine forest (berry bush) up to 14.2

White pine forest up to 18.0

vegetation, forest litter, undergrowth,

tree stand during crown fires and wind speed, m/s:

8 ÷ 9 to 42

10 ÷ 12 to 83

the same along the edge on the flanks and in the rear at wind speed, m/s:

10 ÷ 12 8 ÷ 14

Museums and exhibitions 1.0 ÷ 1.5

Transport facilities:

Garages, tram and trolleybus depots 0.5 ÷ 1.0

Repair halls of hangars 1.0 ÷ 1.5

Sea and river vessels:

Combustible superstructure in case of internal fire 1.2 ÷ 2.7

The same for an external fire 2.0 ÷ 6.0

Internal superstructure fires, if any

synthetic finishing and open openings 1.0 ÷ 2.0

Polyurethane foam

Textile industry enterprises:

textile production premises 0.5 ÷ 1.0

Also if there is a layer of dust on the structures 1.0 ÷ 2.0

fibrous materials in a loosened state 7.0 ÷ 8.0

Combustible coatings of large areas (including hollow ones) 1.7 ÷ 3.2

Combustible roof and attic structures 1.5 ÷ 2.0

Peat in piles 0.8 ÷ 1.0

Flax fiber 3.0 ÷ 5.6

- textile products 0.3 ÷ 0.4
- paper in rolls 0.3 ÷ 0.4
- rubber products (in the building) 0.4 ÷ 1.0
- rubber technical products (in stacks on
open area) 1.0 ÷ 1.2
- rubber 0.6 ÷ 1.0
- timber:
- round timber in stacks 0.4 ÷ 1.0
lumber (boards) in stacks at humidity, %:
- up to 16 4,0
16 ÷ 18 2,3
- 18 ÷ 20 1.6
- 20 ÷ 30 1,2
- over 30 1.0
heaps of pulpwood at humidity, %:
- up to 40 0.6 ÷1.0
more than 40 0.15 ÷ 02
Drying departments of leather factories 1.5 ÷ 2.2
Rural settlements:
- residential area with dense buildings and grade V
fire resistance, dry weather and strong winds 20 ÷ 25
- thatched roofs of the building 2.0 ÷ 4.0
- bedding in livestock buildings 1.5 ÷ 4.0
- steppe fires with high and dense grass
cover, as well as grain crops in dry weather
and strong wind 400 ÷ 600
- steppe fires with low, sparse vegetation
and calm weather 15 ÷ 18
Theaters and palaces of culture (stage) 1.0 ÷ 3.0
Trade enterprises, warehouses and bases
inventory items 0.5 ÷ 1.2
Printing houses 0.5 ÷ 0.8
Milled peat (in mining fields) at wind speed, m/s:
10 ÷ 14 8.0 ÷ 10
18 ÷ 20 18 ÷ 20
Refrigerators 0.5 ÷ 0.7
Schools, medical institutions:
- buildings of I and II degree of fire resistance 0.6 ÷ 1.0
- buildings of III and IV degree of fire resistance 2.0 ÷ 3.0

Appendix No. 6

Intensity of water supply when extinguishing fires

Administrative buildings:

IV degree of fire resistance 0.1

V degree of fire resistance 0.15

basements 0.1

attic space 0.1

Hangars, garages, workshops, trams

and trolleybus depots 0.2

Hospitals; 0.1

Residential buildings and outbuildings:

I - III degree of fire resistance 0.06

IV degree of fire resistance 0.1

V degree of fire resistance 0.15

basements 0.15

attic spaces; 0.15

Livestock buildings:

I - III degree of fire resistance 0.1

IV degree of fire resistance 0.15

V degree of fire resistance 0.2

Cultural and entertainment institutions (theatres, cinemas, clubs, palaces of culture):

Scene 0.2

Auditorium 0.15

Utility rooms 0.15

Mills and elevators 0.14

Industrial buildings:

I - II degree of fire resistance 0.15

III degree of fire resistance 0.2

IV - V degree of fire resistance 0.25

Paint shops 0.2

Basements 0,3

Attic spaces 0,15

Combustible coatings of large areas:

When extinguishing from below inside the building 0.15

When extinguishing from outside on the coating side 0.08

When extinguishing from outside when a fire has developed 0.15

Buildings under construction 0.1

Trade enterprises and warehouses

inventory items 0.2

Refrigerators 0.1

Power plants and substations:

Cable tunnels and mezzanines

(innings water mist) 0,2

Machine rooms and boiler rooms 0.2

Fuel supply galleries 0.1

Transformers, reactors, oil

switches (mist water supply) 0.1


Cars, trams, trolleybuses

in open parking areas 0.1

Airplanes and helicopters:

Interior decoration(when supplying finely sprayed water) 0.08

Designs containing magnesium alloys 0.25

Housing 0.15

Vessels (dry cargo and passenger):

Superstructures (internal and external fires)

when delivering solid and finely atomized jets 0.2

Holds 0.2

Loosened paper 0.3



Balance, at humidity %:

Less than 40 0.5

Lumber in stacks within one group,

at humidity %:

Over 30 0.2

Round timber in stacks, within one group 0.35

Chips in piles with a moisture content of 30-50% 0.1

Rubber (natural or artificial),

rubber and rubber-technical products............. 0.3

Flax fire in dumps (supply of finely sprayed water) 0.2

Flax trust (stacks, bales) 0.25


Thermoplastics 0.14

Thermosets 0.1

Polymer materials and products made from them 0.2

Textolite, carbolite, plastic waste,

triacetate film 0.3

Peat on milling fields with a humidity of 15-30%

(at specific consumption water 110-140 l/m2

and extinguishing time 20 min) 0.1

Milled peat in stacks (at specific water consumption

235 d/m2, and extinguishing time 20 minutes)......... 0.2

Cotton and other fiber materials:

Open warehouses 0.2

Closed warehouses 0.3

Celluloid and products made from it 0.4

Pesticides and fertilizers 0.2



(when extinguishing, lightly spray with other water)

Acetone 0.4

Petroleum products in containers:

With a flash point below 28 degrees C....... 0.4

With a flash point from 28 to 60 degrees C 0.3

With a flash point of more than 60 degrees C...... 0.2

Flammable liquid spilled on the surface

platforms, in trenches and technological trays 0.2

Thermal insulation impregnated with petroleum products 0.2

Alcohols (ethyl, methyl, propidic, butyl

and others) in warehouses and distilleries 0.2

Oil and condensate around the fountain well 0.4


1. When supplying water with a wetting agent, the supply intensity according to the table is reduced by 2 times.

2. Extinguishing cotton, other fibrous materials and peat must be done only with the addition of a wetting agent.

Appendix No. 7

Organization of extinguishing a possible fire with the first RTP.

Appendix No. 8

The approximate supply of fire extinguishing agents taken into account when calculating the forces and means for extinguishing a fire.

Most fires:

water for extinguishing period 5

water for the period of finishing extinguishing (disassembly,

watering burning areas, etc.), hour 3

Fires for which volumetric extinguishing

non-flammable gases and vapors are used 2

Fires on ships:

foam agent for extinguishing fires

MKO, holds and superstructures 3

Fires of oil and petroleum products in tanks:

Foaming agent 3

water for fire extinguishing foam 5

water for cooling above-ground tanks:

mobile vehicles, hour 6

stationary and facilities, hour 3

water for cooling underground tanks, hour 3

Note: The supply of water in reservoirs (reservoirs) when extinguishing fires from gas and oil fountains must ensure the uninterrupted operation of fire departments during the daytime. This takes into account the replenishment of water during the day by pumping units. As the practice of extinguishing fires shows, the total volume of reservoirs is usually 2.5-5.0 thousand m 3.

Appendix No. 9

Resistance values ​​of one pressure hose 20 m long.

Sleeve type Sleeve diameter, mm
Rubberized 0,15 0,035 0,015 0,004 0,002 0,00046
Non-rubberized 0,3 0,077 0,03 - _ -

Appendix No. 10

Water yield of water supply networks (approximately).

Network pressure, m Type of water supply network Pipe diameter, mm
Water pressure, l/s
Dead end
Dead end
Dead end
Dead end
Dead end

Appendix No. 11

Work performed during a fire Required number of people
Working with the RS-50 barrel on a flat plane (from the ground, floor, etc.)
Working with a RS-50 barrel on the roof of a building
Working with the RS-70 barrel 2-3
Working with the RS-50 or RS-70 barrel in an atmosphere unsuitable for breathing 3-4 (GDZS unit)
Working with portable fire monitor 3-4
Working with an air-foam barrel and GPS-600 generator
Working with the GNS-2000 generator 3-4
Working with foam 2-3
Installing a foam skimmer 5-6 (department)
Installation of a retractable portable fire escape
Insurance of a retractable portable fire escape after its installation
Reconnaissance in a smoky room 3 (GDZS unit)
Exploration in large basements, tunnels, subways, lightless buildings, etc. 6 (two GDZS units)
Rescue of victims from a smoke-filled room and seriously ill patients (one victim)
Rescue people using fire escapes and ropes (at the rescue site) 4-5
Work on a branch and control of the hose system: when laying hose lines in one direction (per one machine) when laying two hose lines in opposite directions (per one machine)
Opening and dismantling of structures: performing actions in the position of a trunk working to extinguish a fire (except for the trunk operator); performing actions in the position of a trunk working on protection (except for the trunk operator); work on opening a covering of a large area (per one trunk working on the covering) work by opening 1 m of: plank tongue-and-groove or parquet panel board, plank nailed or parquet piece floor, plastered wooden partition or ceiling lining metal roofing roll roofing By wooden formwork insulated combustible coating at least 2 1-2 3-4
Water pumping: control over the flow of water into the tanker (for each vehicle); control over the operation of the hose system (per 100 m of pumping line)
Delivery of water: car attendant, work at a refueling point

Appendix No. 12


Combat operations ___________ guard HPV (HRP) No._____________

at a fire that occurred


(day month Year)

(compiled for all fires)

1. Object ___________________________________________________

(name of object, departmental affiliation - ministry, department, address)

2. Type of building and its dimensions ___________________________________

(number of floors, fire resistance and dimensions of the building in plan)

3. What and where burned ________________________________________________

(floor, room, type, amount of substances, materials, equipment)

4. Time: fire occurrence _________, detection __________

fire reports _____, departure of the duty guard _____, arrival

for a fire _____, supplying the first guns _____, calling additional

assistance ______, localization _______, elimination _____, return

to part __________.

5. Composition of the visiting units ___________________________

(type of vehicles and number of combat crews)

6. Features and circumstances of fire development _________________

7. Result of the fire __________________________________________

(burnt materials, substances, equipment and fire damage)

8. Characteristics tactical actions during a fire _______



9. Evaluation of the work of the guard _____________________________________

(positive sides, shortcomings in the work of personnel, departments and RTP)


10. Additional comments (but the work of equipment, logistics) ____________

11. Proposals and measures taken ________________________________

12. Note on the fire investigation and additional data obtained during the fire investigation _____________________________________________

Appendix No. 13

Graphic symbols

Crawler-mounted vehicle Firefighter communication and lighting vehicle Gas and smoke protection vehicle Fire pumping station Firefighter vehicle with a stationary fire monitor Firefighter staff car Gas-water extinguishing vehicle
Firefighter seaplane Three-way branching sleeve
Firefighter helicopter Four-way sleeve branching
Portable trailed fire motor pump Portable hose reel Mobile hose reel
Fire powder trailer Hose bridge
Adapted vehicle for fire extinguishing purposes Fire hydraulic elevator
Other adapted equipment for fire extinguishing purposes Firefighter foam mixer
Fire pressure hose Fireman's hand barrel (general designation)
Fire suction hose - Barrel A with nozzle diameter (19.25 mm)
Sleeve water collector Barrel for forming a finely atomized water (water aerosol) jet
Two-way sleeve branching Barrel for forming a water jet with additives
Barrel for forming low expansion foam (SVP-2, SVP-4, SVPE-4, SVPE-8) Firefighter smoke exhauster: portable trailed
Barrel for forming medium expansion foam (GPS-200, GPS-600, GPS-2000)
Nozzle for extinguishing live electrical installations Ladder - stick
Trunk “B” On the third floor K – on the roof P – basement H – attic
Retractable fire ladder
Fire monitor portable stationary with water nozzles and stationary powder with foam nozzles portable Stationary fire extinguishing installation (general and local protection of the premises with automatic start-up)
Foam drain lift Stationary fire extinguishing installation with manual start
Foam lift with generator comb GPS-600 Installation foam fire extinguishing
Water aerosol fire extinguishing installation Water fire extinguishing installation
Fire extinguishing station Traffic control post (traffic controller). With the letters KPP - checkpoint, R - traffic controller, PB - security post GZDS
Carbon dioxide fire extinguishing station
Other gas fire extinguishing station Radio stations: mobile portable stationary
Gas aerosol fire extinguishing installation
Powder extinguishing installation Speaker
Steam fire extinguishing installation Telephone
Portable (manual, backpack) fire extinguisher Headquarters location
Smoke removal device (smoke hatch) Radio network
Smoke and heat removal devices MOVEMENT OF UNITS, INTELLIGENCE
Manual control natural ventilation Reconnaissance patrol. With the letters KHRD - chemical reconnaissance patrol Internal fire with heat affected zone
The exit of forces from the occupied line External fire with smoke zone
Locations of the victims
Location of the fire (hearth)
First aid squad A separate fire from the area and the direction of its spread
Temporary collection point for victims Firestorm
SITUATION IN THE COMBAT ZONE Fire zone and direction of its spread
Fire internal Direction of fire development
External fire The decisive direction of action of fire extinguishing forces and means
Building on fire Boundaries of the fire fighting area Oil depot, fuel warehouse
Radiation level measurement point indicating the radiation level, time and date of measurement Complete destruction of a building (facility, structure, road, gas pipeline, etc.)
Staircase communicating with the attic
Single track Railway
Furnaces Double track railway
Air shaft Moving under the railway
Moving over the railway Metal fence
Moving on the same level as the barrier Reinforced concrete fence
Tram line Stone fence
Underground water supply Earth embankment (embankment)
Pipeline Ring water main Dead-end water main Well



Federal State state-financed organization All-Russian Order of the Badge of Honor Research Institute of Fire Defense of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia





Candidate of Technical Sciences

IN AND. Klimkin


Tests to determine the linear speed of flame propagation

Solids and materials

Professor N.V. Smirnov

Moscow 2013

This methodology is intended for use by specialists of the Federal PS IPL EMERCOM of Russia, supervisory authorities of the EMERCOM of Russia, testing laboratories, research organizations, enterprises - manufacturers of substances and materials, as well as organizations working in the field of ensuring fire safety objects.

The methodology was developed by the Federal State Budgetary Institution VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia (Deputy Head of the Research Center for Fire Prevention and Warning emergency situations with fires, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor N.V. Smirnov; Chief Researcher, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor N.I. Konstantinov; Head of Sector, Candidate of Technical Sciences O.I. Molchadsky; head of sector A.A. Merkulov).

The method presents the fundamental principles for determining the linear speed of flame propagation over the surface of solid substances and materials, as well as a description of the installation, principle of operation and other necessary information.

This technique uses an installation whose design basis complies with GOST 12.1.044-89 (clause 4.19) “Method for experimental determination of the flame propagation index.”

L. - 12, app. - 3

VNIIPO - 2013

Scope4 Normative references4Terms and definitions4Test equipment4Test samples5Calibration of the installation6Conducting tests6Evaluation of test results7Drawing up a test report7Safety requirements7Appendix A (Mandatory) General form installations9

Appendix B (Mandatory) Mutual arrangement radiation panel

And holder with sample 10

List of performers12Area of ​​application

This technique establishes the requirements for the method for determining the linear speed of flame propagation (LSRP) over the surface of horizontally located samples of solid substances and materials.

This method applies to flammable solids and materials, incl. construction, as well as paint coatings.

The technique does not apply to substances in gaseous and liquid form, as well as bulk materials and dust.

Test results are only applicable to assessing material properties under controlled laboratory conditions and do not always reflect the behavior of materials under actual fire conditions.

This methodology uses normative references to the following standards:

GOST 12.1.005-88 System of occupational safety standards. General sanitary and hygienic requirements for the air in the working area.

GOST 12.1.019-79 (2001) System of labor safety standards.

Electrical safety. General requirements and nomenclature of types of protection.

GOST 12.1.044-89 Fire and explosion hazard of substances and materials.

Nomenclature of indicators and methods for their determination.

GOST 12766.1-90 Wire made of precision alloys with high electrical resistance.

GOST 18124-95 Flat asbestos-cement sheets. Technical conditions.

GOST 20448-90 (as amended 1, 2) Hydrocarbon liquefied fuel gases for municipal consumption. Technical conditions.

Terms and Definitions

In this methodology, the following terms with corresponding definitions are used:

Linear speed of flame propagation: The distance traveled by the flame front per unit time. This physical quantity, characterized by the translational linear movement of the flame front in a given direction per unit time.

Flame Front: The area of ​​a spreading open flame in which combustion occurs.

Test equipment

The installation for determining the linear speed of flame propagation (Figure A.1) includes the following elements: a vertical stand on a support, an electric radiation panel, a sample holder, an exhaust hood, gas burner and thermoelectric converter.

The electric radiation panel consists of a ceramic plate, in the grooves of which a heating element (spiral) made of X20N80-N wire (GOST 12766.1) is evenly fixed. Spiral parameters (diameter, winding pitch, electrical resistance) must be such that the total power consumption does not exceed 8 kW. The ceramic plate is placed in a thermally insulated casing, mounted on a vertical stand and

Connected to electrical network using a power supply. To increase the power of infrared radiation and reduce the influence of air flows, a mesh made of heat-resistant steel is installed in front of the ceramic plate. The radiation panel is installed at an angle of 600 to the surface of a horizontal sample.

The sample holder consists of a stand and a frame. The frame is fixed on the stand horizontally so that the lower edge of the electric radiation panel is located from the upper plane of the frame with the sample at a distance of 30 mm vertically and 60 mm horizontally (Figure B.1).

On the side surface of the frame there are control divisions every (30±1) mm.

An exhaust hood with dimensions (360×360×700) mm, installed above the sample holder, serves to collect and remove combustion products.

4.5. The gas burner is a 3.5 mm diameter tube made of heat-resistant steel with a sealed end and five holes located at a distance of 20 mm from each other. The burner in working position is installed in front of the radiation panel parallel to the surface of the sample along the length of the middle of the zero section. The distance from the burner to the surface of the test sample is (8±1) mm, and the axes of the five holes are oriented at an angle of 450 to the surface of the sample. To stabilize the pilot flame, the burner is placed in a single-layer metal mesh cover. The gas burner is connected by a flexible hose through a valve that regulates gas flow to a cylinder with propane-butane fraction. The gas pressure must be in the range (10÷50) kPa. In the “control” position, the burner is moved beyond the edge of the frame.

The power supply consists of a voltage regulator with a maximum load current of at least 20 A and an adjustable output voltage from 0 to 240 V.

A device for measuring time (stopwatch) with a measurement range of (0-60) min and an error of no more than 1 s.

Thermal anemometer - designed to measure air flow speed with a measurement range of (0.2-5.0) m/s and an accuracy of ±0.1 m/s.

To measure temperature (reference indicator) when testing materials, use a thermoelectric converter of the TXA type with a thermoelectrode diameter of no more than 0.5 mm, an insulated junction, with a measurement range of (0-500) oC, no more than 2 accuracy classes. The thermoelectric converter must have a protective casing made of of stainless steel with a diameter of (1.6±0.1) mm, and fixed in such a way that the insulated junction is located in the center of the cross-section of the narrowed part of the exhaust hood.

A device for recording temperature with a measurement range of (0-500) oC, no more than 0.5 accuracy class.

For measuring linear dimensions use a metal ruler or tape measure with a measurement range of (0-1000) mm and centimeter. 1 mm.

To measure atmospheric pressure, use a barometer with a measurement range of (600-800) mmHg. and c.d. 1 mmHg

To measure air humidity, use a hygrometer with a measurement range of (20-93)%, (15-40) oC and c.d. 0.2.

Test samples

5.1. To test one type of material, five samples are made with a length of (320 ± 2) mm, a width of (140 ± 2) mm, and an actual thickness, but not more than 20 mm. If the material thickness is more than 20 mm, it is necessary to cut off part

Material from the non-front side, so that the thickness is 20 mm. When making samples, the exposed surface should not be processed.

For anisotropic materials, two sets of samples are made (for example, weft and warp). When classifying a material, the worst test result is accepted.

For layered materials with different surface layers, two sets of samples are made to expose both surfaces. When classifying a material, the worst test result is accepted.

Roofing mastics, mastic coatings and paint coatings are tested applied to the same base as used in the actual structure. In this case, paint and varnish coatings should be applied in at least four layers, with the consumption of each layer in accordance with the technical documentation for the material.

Materials with a thickness of less than 10 mm are tested in combination with a non-combustible base. The fastening method must ensure tight contact between the surfaces of the material and the base.

Should be used as a non-flammable base asbestos cement sheets dimensions (320×140) mm, thickness 10 or 12 mm, manufactured according to GOST 18124.

Samples are conditioned in laboratory conditions for at least 48 hours.

Installation calibration

Calibration of the installation should be carried out indoors at a temperature of (23±5)C and relative air humidity (50±20)%.

Measure the air flow speed in the center of the cross section of the narrowed part of the exhaust hood. It should be in the range (0.25÷0.35) m/s.

Adjust the gas flow through the pilot gas burner so that the height of the flames is (11±2) mm. After which the pilot burner is turned off and transferred to the “control” position.

Turn on the electric radiation panel and install the sample holder with a calibration asbestos-cement board in which holes with sensors are located heat flow at three control points. The centers of the holes (control points) are located along the central longitudinal axis from the edge of the sample holder frame at a distance of 15, 150 and 280 mm, respectively.

Heat the radiation panel, providing a heat flux density in stationary mode for the first control point (13.5±1.5) kWm2, for the second and third points, respectively, (9±1) kWm2 and (4.6± 1) kWm2. The heat flux density is controlled by a Gordon-type sensor with an error of no more than

The radiation panel has entered stationary mode if the readings of the heat flow sensors reach the values ​​of the specified ranges and remain unchanged for 15 minutes.


Tests must be carried out indoors at a temperature of (23±5)C and relative humidity (50±20)%.

Adjust the air flow speed in the exhaust hood according to 6.2.

Heat the radiation panel and check the heat flux density at three control points according to 6.5.

Fix the test sample in the holder, apply marks on the front surface in increments of (30±1) mm, light the pilot burner, turn it to working position and adjust the gas flow according to 6.3.

Place the holder with the test sample in the installation (according to Figure B.1) and turn on the stopwatch at the moment the pilot burner flame contacts the surface of the sample. The ignition time of the sample is considered to be the moment the flame front passes the zero section.

The test lasts until the flame front stops propagating across the surface of the sample.

During the test, the following is recorded:

Sample ignition time, s;

Time i for the flame front to pass through each i-th section of the sample surface (i = 1.2, ... 9), s;

Total time  for the flame front to pass through all sections, s;

Distance L over which the flame front spread, mm;

Maximum temperature Tmax flue gases, C;

Time to reach maximum flue gas temperature, s.

Evaluation of test results

For each sample, calculate the linear speed of flame propagation over the surface (V, m/s) using the formula

V= L /  ×10-3

The arithmetic average of the linear speed of flame propagation over the surface of the five tested samples is taken as the linear speed of flame propagation over the surface of the material under study.

8.2. The convergence and reproducibility of the method at a confidence level of 95% should not exceed 25%.

Drawing up a test report

The test report (Appendix B) provides the following information:

Name of the testing laboratory;

Name and address of the customer, manufacturer (supplier) of the material;

Indoor conditions (temperature, OS; relative humidity, %, atmospheric pressure, mmHg);

Description of the material or product, technical documentation, trademark;

Composition, thickness, density, mass and method of manufacturing samples;

For multilayer materials - the thickness and characteristics of the material of each layer;

Parameters recorded during testing;

The arithmetic mean of the linear speed of flame propagation;

Additional observations (material behavior during testing);


Safety requirements

The room in which the tests are carried out must be equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation. The operator’s workplace must

Meet electrical safety requirements in accordance with GOST 12.1.019 and sanitary and hygienic requirements in accordance with GOST 12.1.005. Persons duly admitted to testing must be familiar with technical description and operating instructions for testing and measuring equipment.

Appendix A (mandatory)

General view of the installation

1 – vertical stand on a support; 2 - electrical radiation panel; 3 - sample holder; 4 - exhaust hood; 5 - gas burner;

6 – thermoelectric converter.

Figure A.1 - General view of the installation

Appendix B (mandatory)

The relative position of the radiation panel and the holder with the sample

1 – electrical radiation panel; 2 – holder with sample; 3 - sample.

Figure B.1 – Relative position of the radiation panel and the holder with the sample

Test report form

Name of the organization performing the tests PROTOCOL No.

Determination of the linear speed of flame propagation over a surface

From “ ” Mr.

Customer (Manufacturer):

Name of material (brand, GOST, TU, etc.):

Material characteristics (density, thickness, composition, number of layers, color):

Indoor conditions (temperature, OS; relative humidity,%; atmospheric pressure, mmHg):

Name of test method:

Test and measuring equipment(serial number, brand, verification certificate, measurement range, validity period):

Experimental data:

No. Time, pp. Maksim. temperature of flue gases Time for the flame front to pass through surface sections No. 19 Indicators of flame propagation

Ignition Achievements Tmax1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Length L, mm Linear velocity V, m/s1 2 3 4 5 Note: Conclusion: Performers:

List of performers:

Chief Researcher, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. N.I. Konstantinova Head of Sector, Ph.D. O.I. MolchadskyHead of Sector A.A. Merkulov

Administrative buildings................................................ ................................... 1.0 1.5

Libraries, book depositories, archives.................................................... 0.5 1.0

Woodworking enterprises:

Sawmill shops (buildings I, II, III degree of fire resistance) .................... 1.0 3.0

The same (buildings of IV and V degrees of fire resistance.................................................. ..... 2.0 5.0

Dryers........................................................ ........................................................ .......... 2.0 2.5

Procurement shops................................................... .................................... 1.0 1.5

Plywood production................................................................ ..................................... 0.8 1.5

premises of other workshops......................................................... ..................................... 0.8 1.0

Residential buildings........................................................ ........................................................ .......... 0.5 0.8

Corridors and galleries................................................................... ................................................ 4, 0 5.0

Cable structures (cable burning) .................................................... ............. 0.8 1.1

Forested areas (wind speed 7-10 m/s and humidity 40%):

Rada sphagnum pine forest.................................................... ........................................ up to 1.4

Elnik-long-moss and green-moss.................................................... ............... up to 4.2

Green moss pine forest (berry bush) .................................................... ........................... up to 14.2

White-moss pine forest.................................................... .................................... up to 18.0

vegetation, forest litter, undergrowth,

tree stand during crown fires and wind speed, m/s:

8 9 ..................................... ........................................................ ......................up to 42

10 12 .................................... ........................................................ ...................up to 83

the same along the edge on the flanks and in the rear at wind speed, m/s:

8 9 .......................................................................................................................... 4 7

Museums and exhibitions........................................................ ........................................................ .1.0 1.5

Transport facilities:

Garages, tram and trolleybus depots.................................................... ..... 0.5 1.0

Repair halls of hangars................................................... ................................... 1.0 1.5

Sea and river vessels:

Combustible superstructure in case of internal fire.................................................... 1 .2 2.7

The same in case of an external fire................................................... ........................... 2.0 6.0

Internal superstructure fires, if any

synthetic finishes and open openings.................................................... ........ 1.0 2.0

Polyurethane foam

Textile industry enterprises:

Textile production premises................................................................... ......... 0.5 1.0

Also if there is a layer of dust on the structures................................................. .1.0 2.0

fibrous materials in a loosened state............................................. 7.0 8, 0

Combustible coatings of large areas (including hollow ones) ..................... 1.7 3.2

Combustible roof and attic structures.................................................... ............ 1.5 2.0

Peat in stacks......................................................... ........................................................ 0.8 1.0

Flax fiber......................................................... ........................................................ ....... 3.0 5.6

Textile products........................................................ ........................................... 0.3 0.4

Papers in rolls......................................................... ........................................................ 0.3 0.4

Rubber technical products (in the building)................................................... ............. 0.4 1.0

Rubber technical products (in stacks on

open area) ..................................................... ........................................... 1.0 1 ,2

Rubber........................................................ ........................................................ .......... 0.6 1.0


Round timber in stacks.................................................... ................................... 0.4 1.0

lumber (boards) in stacks at humidity, %:

Up to 16 .................................... ........................................................ ........................ 4.0

16 18 ........................................................................................................................ 2,3

18 20 ........................................................................................................................ 1,6

20 30 ........................................................................................................................ 1,2

Over 30 ................................................ ........................................................ ................... 1.0

heaps of pulpwood at humidity, %:

Up to 40 .................................... ........................................................ ............ 0.6 1.0

more than 40 .................................................... ........................................................ ............... 0.15 02

Drying departments of leather factories.................................................... ....................... 1.5 2.2

Rural settlements:

Residential area with dense buildings of grade V

fire resistance, dry weather and strong wind.................................................... ......... 20 25

Thatched roofs of buildings................................................... ........................... 2.0 4.0

Bedding in livestock buildings................................................................. .1.5 4.0

Steppe fires with high and dense grass

cover, as well as grain crops in dry weather

and strong wind................................................... ........................................................ .. 400 600

Steppe fires with low, sparse vegetation

and calm weather........................................................ ........................................................ ......... 15 18

Theaters and palaces of culture (stage) ............................................... ........................... 1.0 3.0

Trading enterprises, warehouses and bases

inventory items................................................................... ........................... 0.5 1.2

Printing houses........................................................ ........................................................ .......... 0.5 0.8

Milled peat (in mining fields) at wind speed, m/s:

10 14 ................................................................................................................. 8,0 10

18 20 .................................................................................................................. 18 20

Refrigerators........................................................ ........................................................ ..... 0.5 0.7

Schools, medical institutions:

Buildings I and II degree of fire resistance.................................................... ............... 0.6 1.0

Buildings of III and IV degree of fire resistance.................................................... ............. 2.0 3.0

Appendix 8


Intensity of water supply when extinguishing fires, l/m 2 s.

Administrative buildings:

V – degree of fire resistance................................................... ........................ 0.15

basements........................................................ ................................ 0.1

attic rooms......................................................... ..0.1

Hangars, garages, workshops, trams

and trolleybus depots................................................... .................................... 0.2

Hospitals; ........................................................ ........................................................ ..0.1

Residential buildings and outbuildings:

I – III degree of fire resistance.................................................... ........................... 0.06

IV – degree of fire resistance.................................................... ........................... 0.1

V – degree of fire resistance................................................... ........................... 0.15

basements........................................................ ................................ 0.15

attic spaces; ........................................................ ........................... 0.15

Livestock buildings:

I – III degree of fire resistance.................................................... ........................... 0.1

IV – degree of fire resistance.................................................... ........................... 0.15

V – degree of fire resistance................................................... ........................... 0.2

Cultural and entertainment institutions (theaters,

cinemas, clubs, palaces of culture):

· Scene................................................... ........................................................ ....... 0.2

· auditorium............................................... ........................................... 0.15

· utility rooms......................................................... ........................... 0.15

Mills and elevators................................................... .................................... 0.14

Industrial buildings:

I – II degree of fire resistance.................................................... .................... 0.15

III – degree of fire resistance................................................... .................... 0.2

IV – V degree of fire resistance.................................................... ............... 0.25

paint shops................................................... ........................................ 0.2

Basements........................................................ ........................... 0.3

Attic rooms......................................................... ........................... 0.15

· combustible coatings of large areas:

When extinguishing from below inside the building................................................... ............ 0.15

When extinguishing from the outside from the coating side.................................................... 0.08

When extinguishing from outside when a fire has developed.................................... 0.15

Buildings under construction0.1

Trade enterprises and warehouses

inventory items................................................................... ................... 0.2

Refrigerators........................................................ ........................................... 0.1

Power plants and substations:

· cable tunnels and mezzanines

(supply of finely sprayed water) .................................................... ............... 0.2

· machine rooms and boiler rooms................................................... .... 0.2

· fuel supply galleries........................................................ ........................ 0.1

· transformers, reactors, oil

switches (mist water supply)............................................. 0.1

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