Can ordinary silty clay soils swell? Dusty-clayey soils

Soil moisture is determined by drying a soil sample at a temperature of 105°C to constant weight. The ratio of the difference in the mass of the sample before and after drying to the mass of absolutely dry soil gives the moisture value, expressed as a percentage or fraction of a unit. The percentage of soil pores filled with water - the degree of humidity Sr calculated using the formula (see Table 1.3). The humidity of sandy soils (with the exception of dusty ones) varies within small limits and practically does not affect the strength and deformation properties of these soils.

Plasticity characteristics of silty-clayey soils are moisture contents at the yield boundaries w L and rolling w p, determined in laboratory conditions, as well as the plasticity number Ip and turnover rate I L calculated using formulas (see Table 1.3). Characteristics w L, w p And I r are indirect indicators of the composition (granulometric and mineralogical) of silty-clayey soils. High values These characteristics are characteristic of soils with a high content of clay particles, as well as soils whose mineralogical composition includes montmorillonite.


The foundation soils of buildings and structures are divided into two classes: rocky (soils with rigid connections) and non-rocky (soils without rigid connections).

Non-rocky soils are divided into coarse, sandy, silty-clayey, biogenic and soils.

Coarse-clastic soils include unconsolidated soils, in which the mass of fragments larger than 2 mm is 50% or more. Sandy soils are soils that contain less than 50% of particles larger than 2 mm and do not have the property of plasticity (plasticity number I r < 1 %).TABLE 1.5. CLASSIFICATION OF COARSE CLASSIC AND SANDY SOILS ACCORDING TO GRANULOMETRIC COMPOSITION

Coarse-grained and sandy soils are classified according to their granulometric composition (Table 1.5) and degree of moisture (Table 1.6).


The properties of coarse soil with a sandy aggregate content of more than 40% and silty-clayey soil of more than 30% are determined by the properties of the aggregate and can be established by testing the aggregate. With a lower aggregate content, the properties of coarse soil are determined by testing the soil as a whole. When determining the properties of sand aggregate, the following characteristics are taken into account - humidity, density, porosity coefficient, and of silty-clay aggregate - additionally, plasticity number and consistency.

The main indicator of sandy soils, which determines their strength and deformation properties, is their density. According to their density, sands are divided according to their porosity coefficient e, resistivity soil during static probing q with and conditional soil resistance during dynamic probing q d(Table 1.7).

With a relative content of organic matter of 0.03< I from≤ 0.1 sandy soils are called soils with admixture organic matter. According to the degree of salinity, coarse and sandy soils are divided into non-saline and saline. Coarse soils are classified as saline if the total content of easily and moderately soluble salts (% of the mass of absolutely dry soil) is equal to or more than:

− 2% - when the content of sand aggregate is less than 40% or silty clay aggregate is less than 30%

− 0.5% - with a sand aggregate content of 40% or more;

− 5% - with a silt-clay filler content of 30% or more.

Sandy soils are classified as saline if the total content of these salts is 0.5% or more.

Dusty clay soils divided according to the plasticity number Ip(Table 1.8) and by consistency, characterized by the fluidity index I L(Table 1.9). TABLE 1.7. DIVISION OF SANDY SOILS ACCORDING TO DENSITY

Sand Subdivision by density
dense medium density loose
By porosity coefficient
Gravelly, large and medium-sized e < 0,55 0,55 ≤ e ≤ 0,7 e > 0,7
Small e < 0,6 0,6 ≤ e ≤ 0,75 e > 0,75
Dusty e < 0,6 0,6 ≤ e ≤ 0,8 e > 0,8
According to soil resistivity, MPa, under the tip (cone) of the probe during static probing
q c > 15 15 ≥ q c ≥ 5 q c < 5
Fine regardless of humidity q c > 12 12 ≥ q c ≥ 4 q c < 4
Dusty: low-moisture and moist water-saturated q c > 10 q c > 7 10 ≥ q c ≥ 3 7 ≥ q c ≥ 2 q c < 3 q c < 2
According to the conditional dynamic resistance of the soil MPa, probe immersion during dynamic sounding
Large and medium size, regardless of humidity q d > 12,5 12,5 ≥ q d ≥ 3,5 q d < 3,5
Fine: low moisture and wet water-saturated q d > 11 q d > 8,5 11 ≥ q d ≥ 3 8,5 ≥ q d ≥ 2 q d < 3 q d < 2
Dusty, low moisture and humid q d > 8,8 8,5 ≥ q d ≥ 2 q d < 2


Among silty clay soils, it is necessary to distinguish loess soils and silts. Loess soils are macroporous soils containing calcium carbonates and, when soaked with water, capable of subsidence under load, easily becoming wet and eroded. Silt is a water-saturated modern sediment of reservoirs, formed as a result of microbiological processes, having a moisture content exceeding the moisture content at the fluidity limit, and a porosity coefficient, the values ​​​​of which are given in table. 1.10.



Silty-clayey soils (sandy loam, loam and clay) are called soils with an admixture of organic substances with a relative content of these substances of 0.05< I from≤ 0.1. Based on the degree of salinity, sandy loams, loams and clays are divided into uninhabited and saline. Saline soils include soils in which the total content of easily and moderately soluble salts is 5% or more.

Among silty clay soils, it is necessary to distinguish soils that exhibit specific unfavorable properties when soaked: subsidence and swelling. Subsidence soils include soils that, under the influence of an external load or their own weight when soaked with water, give rise to sediment (subsidence), and at the same time the relative subsidence ε sl≥ 0.01. Swellable soils include soils that, when soaked with water or chemical solutions, increase in volume, and at the same time, relative swelling without load ε sw ≥ 0,04.

Clay soil is soil that is more than half composed of very small particles less than 0.01 mm in size, which are in the form of flakes or plates. The distances between these particles are called pores; they are usually filled with water, which is well retained in the clay, because the clay particles themselves do not allow water to pass through. Clay soils have high porosity, i.e. high ratio of pore volume to soil volume. This ratio ranges from 0.5 to 1.1 and is a characteristic of the degree. Each pore is a small capillary, so such soils are susceptible.

Clay soil retains moisture very well and never gives it all away, even when drying out, therefore it is. When frozen, the moisture contained in the soil turns into ice and expands, thereby increasing the volume of the entire soil. All soils containing clay are susceptible to this negative phenomenon, and the higher the clay content, the more pronounced this property is.

The pores of clay soil are so small that the capillary forces of attraction between water and clay particles are sufficient to bind them together. Capillary attractive forces, combined with the plasticity of clay particles, ensure the plasticity of clay soil. And the higher the clay content, the more plastic the soil will be. Depending on the content of clay particles, they are classified into sandy loam, loam and clay.

Classification of clay soil

Sandy loam is a clayey soil that contains no more than 10% clay particles, the rest is sand. Sandy loam is the least plastic of all clay soils; when you rub it between your fingers, grains of sand are felt, and it does not roll well into a cord. A ball rolled from sandy loam will crumble if you put a little pressure on it. Due to the high sand content, sandy loam has a relatively low porosity - from 0.5 to 0.7. Accordingly, it may contain less moisture and, therefore, be less susceptible to heaving. With a porosity of 0.5 (i.e. with good compaction) in a dry state, sandy loam is 3 kg/cm2, with a porosity of 0.7 - 2.5 kg/cm3.

Loam is a clay soil that contains from 10 to 30 percent clay. This soil is quite plastic; when rubbing it between your fingers, you cannot feel individual grains of sand. A ball rolled from loam is crushed into a cake, along the edges of which cracks form. The porosity of loam is higher than sandy loam and ranges from 0.5 to 1. Loam may contain more water and is more susceptible to heaving than sandy loam. Dry loam with a porosity of 0.5 has a bearing capacity of 3 kg/cm2, with a porosity of 0.7 - 2.5 kg/cm2.

Clay is soil in which the content of clay particles is more than 30%. The clay is very plastic and rolls well into a cord. A ball rolled from clay is compressed into a flat cake without cracks forming at the edges. The porosity of clay can reach 1.1; it is more susceptible than all other soils because it can contain very a large number of moisture. With a porosity of 0.5, clay has a load-bearing capacity of 6 kg/cm2, with a porosity of 0.8 – 3 kg/cm2.

All clay soils, under the influence of the load from the foundation, are subject to settlement, and it takes a very long time - several seasons. The greater the porosity of the soil, the greater and the longer the settlement will be. To reduce the porosity of clay soil and thereby improve its characteristics, the soil can be compacted. Natural compaction of clay soil occurs under the pressure of the overlying layers: the deeper the layer is, the more compacted it is, the less porosity it is and the greater its load-bearing capacity.

The minimum porosity of clay soil will be 0.3 for the most compacted layer, which lies below the freezing depth. The fact is that when the soil freezes, heaving occurs: soil particles move and new pores appear between them. In the soil layer that is below the freezing depth, there are no such movements; it is maximally compacted and can be considered incompressible. depends on climatic conditions, in Russia it ranges from 80 to 240 cm. The closer to the surface of the earth, the less compacted the clay soil will be.

To roughly estimate the bearing capacity of clay soil at a certain depth, you can take a maximum porosity of 1.1 at the surface of the earth, and a minimum of 0.3 at the freezing depth and assume that it varies uniformly depending on the depth. The load-bearing capacity will also change along with it: from 2 kg/cm2 on the surface to 6 kg/cm2 below the freezing depth.

Another important characteristic of clay soil is its: the more moisture it contains, the worse its bearing capacity. Clay soil saturated with moisture becomes too plastic, and it can become saturated with moisture when groundwater is close. If it is high and less than a meter from the foundation depth, then the above values ​​for the bearing capacity of clay, loam and sandy loam should be divided by 1.5.

All clay soils will serve as a good foundation for the foundation of a house if the groundwater lies at a considerable depth and the soil itself is homogeneous in composition.

    Read also:

  • This article discusses the main types of soils - rocky, coarse, sandy and clayey, each of which has its own properties and distinctive features.
  • Load bearing capacity soil - this is its basic characteristic that you need to know when building a house; it shows what load a unit area of ​​soil can withstand. The load-bearing capacity determines what it should be reference area foundation of a house: the worse the soil’s ability to withstand loads, the larger the area of ​​the foundation should be.
  • Heaving soil is a soil that is susceptible to frost heaving; when it freezes, it increases significantly in volume. Heaving forces are quite large and capable of lifting entire buildings, so laying the foundation on heaving soil It is impossible without taking measures against heaving.
  • Groundwater is the first underground aquifer layer from the surface of the earth, which lies above the first impermeable layer. They provide negative impact on soil properties and house foundations, level groundwater must be known and taken into account when laying the foundation.
  • More than half of sandy soil consists of sand particles smaller than 5 mm. Depending on the particle size, it is divided into gravelly, large, medium and fine. Each type of sand has its own properties.
  • Frost heaving is an increase in soil volume at subzero temperatures, that is, in winter. This happens because the moisture contained in the soil increases in volume when it freezes. The forces of frost heaving act not only on the base of the foundation, but also on its side walls and are capable of squeezing the foundation of a house out of the ground.

5. Sandy soils consist of particles of quartz grains and other minerals with a particle size of 0.1 to 2 mm, containing clay no more than 3% and do not have the property of plasticity. Sands are divided according to grain composition and the size of the predominant fractions into gravel lines d>2 mm, large d>0.5 mm, medium size d>0.25 mm, small d>0.1 mm and dusty d=0.05 - 0.005 mm.

Soil particles with a particle size of d=0.05 - 0.005 mm are called dusty . If the sand contains from 15 to 50% such particles, then they are classified as dusty . When there are more dust particles in the soil than sand particles, the soil is called dusty .

The larger and purer the sand, the greater the load the base layer can withstand. The compressibility of dense sand is low, but the rate of compaction under load is significant, so settlement of structures on such foundations quickly stops. Sands do not have the property of plasticity.

gravelly, large And medium size Sands become significantly compacted under load and freeze slightly.

The type of coarse-grained and sandy soils is determined by the granulometric composition, the variety - by the degree of moisture.

Clayey – cohesive soils, consisting of particles with a particle size of less than 0.005 mm, having a mainly scaly shape, with a small admixture of small sand particles. Unlike sands, clays have thin capillaries and a large specific contact surface between particles. Since the pores of clay soils are in most cases filled with water, when the clay freezes, it heaves.

Clay soils are divided depending on the plasticity number into clay (with clay particles content more than 30%), loams (10...30%) and sandy loam (3...10%).

The bearing capacity of clayey foundations depends on humidity, which determines the consistency of clayey soils. Dry clay can withstand quite a lot of load.

The type of clay soil depends on the plasticity number, the variety - on the fluidity index.

Classification of soils by particle size.

6. According to the size of mineral soil particles, their mutual connection and mechanical strength soils are divided into five classes: rocky, semi-rocky, coarse-clastic, sandy (non-cohesive) and clayey (cohesive).

TO rocky soils These include cemented, water-resistant and practically incompressible rocks (granites, sandstones, limestones, etc.), usually occurring in the form of continuous or fractured massifs.

TO semi-rocky soils These include cemented rocks that are capable of compaction (marls, siltstones, mudstones, etc.) and non-water-resistant (gypsum, gypsum-bearing conglomerates).

Coarse soils consist of uncemented pieces of rock and semi-rock; usually contain more than 50% rock fragments larger than 2 mm.

Sandy soils consist of unconsolidated rock particles measuring 0.05...2 mm; As a rule, they are rocky soils that have been naturally destroyed and transformed to varying degrees; do not have plasticity.

Clay soils They are also a product of natural destruction and transformation of primary rocks that make up rocky soils, but with a predominant particle size of less than 0.005 mm.

Classification of sandy soils by degree of moisture.


Sand I P < 1

Sandy loam 1≤ I P < 7

Loam 7 ≤ I P < 17

Clay I P ≥ 17

Determine the type of soil being tested.

E. The fluidity index of clayey soil I L is a numerical characteristic showing the state of the soil under natural conditions.

Previously defined:

Natural soil moisture W tot [%]

Moisture at the yield point W L [%]

Humidity at the rolling boundary W P [%]

I L = (W - W P) /(W L – W P)

The consistency of the silty-clay soil is determined as follows:

Hard sandy loam I L ≤ 0

– plastic 0< I L < 1

– fluid I L ≥ 1

Loams and hard clays I L ≤ 0

– semi-solid 0< I L ≤ 0,25

– hard-plastic 0.25< I L ≤ 0,5 – мягкопластичные 0,5 < I L ≤ 0,75

– flowable 0.75< I L

We determine the condition of the soil under study.

Z. Purpose of the calculated soil resistance R o .

Previously defined:

Soil type by plasticity I P [dollar units]

Porosity coefficient e [dollar units]

Consistency index I L [dol. units]

For silt-clay soils, the calculated soil resistance is determined from the table.




Angle natural slope α is the maximum angle at which the unreinforced slope sandy soil maintains balance.

The angle of repose of sandy soil is determined in air-dry and submerged states. The value of the angle of repose is used in volume calculations earthworks, and most importantly, in calculating the strength and stability of soils, their pressure on fences, etc. In addition, the angle of repose can serve as a sign of the presence of quicksand properties in sandy soils containing free colloids (the angle of repose in the submerged state for such soils varies from 0 o to 12-14 o).


1. Device for determining angles of repose (Fig.) disk device

2. D.I.Znamensky UVT-3M device

3. Scale bar.

4. Level.

Work order:

A sample of air-dry sand with a volume of approximately 1 kg. Sift through a sieve with a hole diameter of 5 mm. And mix thoroughly. In addition to the D.I. Znamensky, determining the angle of repose can be done using a disk having a vertical calibrated rod. We put a device on top of such a disk with a hole on top, fill it with sand, and then very smoothly remove this device. Excess sand falls off, leaving a cone of sand in the disk. The top of which at the point of contact with the rod shows the value of the angle of repose.

Measure the height h and base l of the slope with an accuracy of 1 mm. The angle of repose is calculated (with an accuracy of 30 minutes) using the formula:

tan α = ; α = arc tan

For each sample of sandy soil in an air-dry state, at least three determinations of the angle of repose are made. A discrepancy between repeated determinations of more than 2˚ is not allowed. The angle of natural repose of sandy soil in an air-dry state is taken to be the arithmetic mean of the results of individual determinations, expressed in whole degrees.

Sequence of recording the determination results:

1. Name of the type of sandy soil

2. Determination of the angle of repose

Appendix 1 to lab work No. 1

Mineral hardness

Classification of igneous rocks by SiO 2

Rock composition


SiO 2 dioxide content (%) minerals deep poured out (analogues of deep ones)
Acid rocks (75-65) Quartz, feldspars (usually orthoclase), micas Granites Quartz porphyry, liparite

Medium breeds (65-52)

Feldspars (usually orthoclase, hornblende, biotite) Syenites Orthoclase porphyry, trachyte
Plagioclase, hornblende, biotite Diorites Porphyrite, andesite
Main breeds (52-40) Plagioclase (usually labradorite), augite, sometimes olivine Gabbro Diabase, basalt

Ultramafic rocks (less than 40)

Augite Pyroxenites -
Augite, olivine, ore minerals Peridotites -
Olivine, ore minerals Dunites -

Appendix 2 to lab work No. 1

Let us consider in more detail the characteristics of clay soils:

  • They consist of tiny clay particles (less than 0.01 mm in size, shaped like plates or scales) and sand particles.
  • They have high porosity, and therefore have the ability to freely absorb and retain water. Even when partially dry, they retain moisture.
  • When the liquid freezes, it turns into ice, thereby increasing the overall volume of the soil. All rocks that contain clay particles are susceptible to this negative influence, and the more it is in the composition, the more pronounced this property is.
  • Due to the consistency of clay soils, the rock has binding properties, which are expressed in the ability to retain its shape.
  • In accordance with the content of clay particles, there is a classification of clayey soils: clay, loam and sandy loam.
  • The ability of rock to deform without breaking under the influence of external loads, and to retain its shape after its termination, is called the plasticity of clay soils. The degree of plasticity determines the construction properties of clayey rocks: humidity, density, compression resistance. As humidity increases, density and compressive strength decrease.

Granulometric composition and plasticity

Classification of clay soils in more detail:

  • The content of clay particles in sandy loam is about 10%, the rest of the volume is occupied by sand particles.
  • Its characteristics are almost no different from sand. There are two types: light (composed of up to 6% clay particles) and heavy (up to 10%).
  • Rubbing sandy loam in wet palms, sand particles are clearly visible.
  • Lumps in a dry state have a crumbly structure and easily crumble upon impact.
  • A ball formed from moistened sandy loam easily crumbles under pressure.
  • It has a relatively low porosity (0.5-0.7), due to the high sand content.
  • The bearing capacity of sandy loam is directly dependent on the moisture content of clay soils.

In loam, the content of clay particles can reach 30% of the total weight. Like sandy loam, loam contains most sand, so it can be called sandy-clayey soil.

  • Compared to sandy loam, it is more cohesive and, under certain conditions, can retain its shape without breaking into small pieces.
  • Heavy loams contain up to 30% clay particles, and light ones up to 20%.
  • Dry pieces of sglinka are not as hard as clay; when struck, they crumble into small pieces.
  • When moistened, loam has little plasticity.
  • When rubbing, sand particles are clearly visible in the palms.
  • Lumps are easily crushed.
  • A ball formed from moistened loam, when pressed, turns into a cake, with characteristic cracks along the edges.
  • The porosity of loam is slightly higher than that of sandy loam (0.5–1).

Clay contains more than 30% clay particles. Among soils, it has the greatest cohesion.

  • When dry, clay is hard, but when moistened it becomes plastic, viscous, and sticks to your fingers.
  • When you rub the sand particles in your palms, you hardly feel them; it is quite difficult to crush the lumps.
  • When cutting a layer of raw clay with a knife, no grains of sand are visible on the smooth cut.
  • When pressed, a rolled ball of moistened clay turns into a cake without cracks.
  • It has the highest porosity (up to 1.1).

Compositions with various impurities

Silty-clayey soils are a composition that contains an admixture of organic substances (0.05–0.1). They are divided according to the degree of salinity:

  • saline – the salt content in the composition exceeds 5%;
  • unsalted;

Silty-clayey soils include specific rocks that exhibit unfavorable properties when soaked:

  • swelling - soils that, when soaked with chemical solutions or water, are capable of increasing in volume.
  • subsidence - rocks that, under the influence of external pressure or their own weight, as well as with significant moisture in water, are capable of subsidence.

Among the silt-clay rocks, silts and loess should be distinguished separately.

  • Loess rocks have a characteristic macroporosity, they contain calcium carbonate, and when soaked big amount Water under load causes a drawdown, easily gets wet and washed away.
  • Silt is the sediment of water bodies that was formed as a result of various microbiological processes and has a moisture content bordering on fluidity.

All of the above rocks, from sandy loam to clay, when certain hydrodynamic conditions are created, are capable of taking on a quicksand state, turning into a thick, viscous liquid.

Watch the video: Soil removal

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