Can a person have no posture? Correct posture Can there be a person without posture?

Using the textbook, answer the questions: What is posture? Can there be a person without posture? What changes in the body are associated with poor posture? Why does poor posture occur? Do you have poor posture?

1. Posture is a habitual posture (vertical posture, vertical position of the human body) at rest and during movement.
2. How can it not exist? Every person has posture. After all, the main task of posture is to protect the musculoskeletal system from overload and injury.
3. Posture is disrupted and deformation of the entire body occurs.
4. a) Staying in an incorrect position for a long time. This can happen due to poorly selected furniture, inadequate lighting, carrying a briefcase (bag) in one hand, etc. A dynamic stereotype of incorrect body position in space is formed and reinforced in the brain.
b) Insufficient motor activity, which leads to weakness of the back and abdominal muscles. It is these muscles that are involved in maintaining the vertical position of the body.
c) Insufficient sensitivity of receptors that determine the vertical position of the spine.
d) pathological changes in the musculoskeletal system of a congenital or acquired nature (dysplasia of the spine and large joints, pathology of the feet, rickets, birth injuries, abnormal development of the spine, etc.).
5. I don’t have it.

I've never seen you, but I'm still sure that you have problems with your posture. Simply because almost everyone has them. Many years of experience in a fitness center allows me to immediately see similar problems in any person, and it doesn’t matter whether he is sitting, standing or walking.

The trouble is not only and not so much that with drooping shoulders you look like a Neanderthal. You are now like a building with a damaged foundation - tension, cracks and distortions are running all over your body. You will experience severe pain in your back, shoulders, hips and knees, decreased flexibility, problems with motor activity and, as a result, obesity. Better shoot yourself right now. Or wait - maybe it’s still really possible to fix it?

Exercises to help straighten hunched shoulders

Performing the exercises below is not at all difficult, the main thing is not to forget about regularity! also recommends trying exercises for perfect posture.

  1. Stretch with belt

Pick up a belt, jump rope, or similar object. Stand straight, take the belt in both hands and straighten them at shoulder height (palms facing down).

Spread your arms slightly wider than your shoulders and, while inhaling, lift the belt above your head. As you exhale, bend your arms so that your elbows are approximately at shoulder level, bringing your shoulder blades together.

The belt should be behind your head. Inhale and raise your arms straight up again; exhale and straighten your arms in front of you at shoulder level. Repeat 3–5 times.

  1. Hands behind your back

Stand or sit straight, lower your shoulder blades down. Place both hands behind your back and grab your right elbow with your left hand and your left elbow with your right.

Three arguments that will make you straighten your back right now!

If you can't grab your elbows, try grabbing your forearms or wrists. Lift your chest and lower your shoulder blades down, as if pressing them into your spine. Take 3-5 deep breaths, switch hands and repeat the exercise.

  1. Reduction of the shoulder blades

This movement helps strengthen the muscles that hold the shoulder blades in the correct position. Execution: Sit up straight and bring both shoulder blades together, as if trying to hold a pencil between them.

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Hold your shoulder blades in this position for 10 seconds. Repeat 10 times. Try to do the exercise 3-4 times a day.

  1. Chest muscle massage

This procedure will relieve tension from the chest muscles. Execution: Take a tennis ball and place it between your shoulder and collarbone. Rest your body against the corner of the wall, gently pressing the ball into the wall, thus massaging the muscles.

If you find a painful point during the massage, continue to press on it (but not too hard) until the pain disappears.

  1. "Opening" of the chest

This exercise is good to perform in the morning or before bed to straighten your back, “open” your chest and relax your pectoral muscles.

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Execution: Lie on your back with your feet on the floor and your knees bent. Stretch your arms out to the sides, palms up, so that your body resembles the letter T.

For maximum relaxation, place a rolled towel (along the length of the entire spine). If you are using a towel, make sure your buttocks and head are on the roll. Do this stretching for 10 minutes a day.

  1. "Angels" on the wall

This exercise helps strengthen the muscles responsible for maintaining proper shoulder position. Therefore, if you have hunched shoulders, perform this exercise several times a day: stand with your back pressed against the wall, arms extended to the sides.

Then bend your elbows and rotate them so that the back of your hand touches the wall directly above your elbows.

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Slowly raise your hands up, place them behind your head, while trying not to lift the back of your hand and elbows from the wall. Slowly raise and lower your arms 10 times, as if you were drawing an angel in the snow.

Slouched (or rounded) shoulders are a fairly common type of posture disorder in our time, which is not only unaesthetic, but can also lead to pain. To avoid such troubles, recommends doing the simple exercises described above every day.

Help with Biology! 1) What is posture? What are the advantages of correct posture? 2) What are the causes of poor posture? How to avoid them? 3) How to determine whether you have spinal curvature and flat feet? P.S. Thank you in advance!

1) Posture is the spatial position of the vertebrae, which provides the shape of the body and reflects the degree of health of the spinal column. Benefits of correct posture: pleasant appearance, maintaining the health of the whole body in general and the spine in particular, ensuring correct position internal organs.

2) main reason postural disorders are its incorrect formation in childhood due to violations of the rules of sitting, reading, transporting heavy objects, etc. It is also affected by the state of the bone and cartilage system of the body, congenital pathologies and various injuries. Poor posture can be avoided by following the above rules and regularly monitoring its condition with a doctor.

3) The curvature of posture is determined by the doctor as a result of examination. You can also check for rough distortions in it at home. To do this, you need to stand with your back against the wall and firmly press your heels together against the wall, and also press the back of your head and shoulder blades against it. Then you need to try to stick your fist between the wall and your back. If your fist doesn’t go through, it means you have normal posture. It is also a bad option when your palm does not fit between the wall and your back - this also indicates poor posture.

Surely, from childhood, the familiar “Don’t slouch!”, “Straighten your back” and other calls to stay upright sounded from your parents’ lips.

Posture is very important, don’t go to an orthopedist here, and everything is clear. The back muscles support the spine, which, in turn, is the frame of the entire body.

Why are you slouching

  • Posture is directly related to your emotional state: when you feel bad or fatigue takes over, your shoulders drop forward, your head is tilted, your back is bent. This pose seems to confirm that a burden of problems is pressing on you from above. A person who is on an emotional upsurge usually has an even posture, his shoulders tend to move back, and a feeling of flight appears in his body.
  • Very often, the state of posture is affected by the presence of congenital characteristics or acquired injuries. Damage to the occipital bone associated with difficult childbirth, age-related changes in the condition of the spine, for example, scoliosis, accompanying flat feet, displacement of intervertebral discs due to sports and excessive stress.
  • Unfortunately, the body does not always choose what is useful for it: a slouched back is the most comfortable position for the back muscles, because they are in maximum relaxation.
  • Dancing and endless drills from childhood are also not a solution: in a state of eternal tension, the body gets tired and wears out even faster. To stop slouching, it is important not only to physically influence the back muscles, but also to maintain a calm mental state, which will bring the nerve endings into an adequate state.

How to stop slouching: what bad posture can lead to

Driving a car, working at a computer and other types of sedentary activities worsen the condition of the back muscles: in a slouched state, the chest is compressed, which makes it difficult for oxygen to enter the body. Because of this, a person is susceptible to stress and gets tired faster.


The consequences of poor posture are far from rosy:

  • weakening of muscles;
  • flat feet;
  • decreased immunity;
  • disruption of the visual apparatus;
  • violations nervous system;
  • displacement of internal organs.

How to get rid of stoop: living conditions

  • To avoid slouching, it is necessary to create conditions for the muscles and spine under which the load will be distributed evenly, without injuring the back, but also without reducing tone too much. Try to start with the little things around you.
  • Do It working space tailored specifically to you. The table and chair should be at an optimal height so that you do not have to bend.
  • The back of a chair or armchair should reach the middle of the shoulder blades, otherwise by the end of the working day the back will involuntarily bend forward.
  • You need to sit so that both feet are firmly adjacent to the floor surface, and your hips and knees form a 90-degree angle.
  • The monitor should be at your eye level.
  • Sleeping area meet all the necessary requirements: a not too hard mattress, a medium-sized pillow or bolster.

How to remove slouching: daily life hacks

  • Firstly, motivation. You want to look attractive and be healthy? A straight back is the key to female beauty. Follow these simple steps to help you keep your back straight.
  • Self-control. Remember that you need to maintain your posture, over time it will become a habit.
  • A place to sleep. Remember to create comfortable living conditions.
  • Psychological condition. The more stable your emotional background, the more at ease your body is.
  • Distribute the weight. Try to carry weights evenly in both hands.
  • Sports activities. Regular exercise and walking are an excellent way to prevent slouching. Cardio exercise saturates the body with oxygen, and strength training gives muscles elasticity and endurance. Swimming is considered one of the most useful sports for healthy posture; this is especially true for those who regularly visit a gym with a swimming pool.
  • Massage. He works out muscle tension, making you feel light, and your shoulders will finally straighten out on their own.
  • Use the special orthopedic corset and shoe insoles to correct body position. Wearing a corset daily for 1-2 hours will teach your body to accept correct position.

How to maintain posture and avoid slouching when walking

Proud posture allows you to grow a couple of centimeters, lift your chest and even get rid of a double chin. Remember a few tricks to use when walking.

  • Pull your shoulders back and down slightly, as if you have tiny wings behind you.
  • Try to always look forward, but don’t throw your head back too much.
  • Raise your chest and pull in your stomach a little to tighten your silhouette.
  • When walking, do not take too long steps, try to lower yourself onto your full foot, and make sure that your feet do not point your toes inward.

How to remove slouch with exercises

You can eliminate stooping in an adult through regular exercise. Your task is to strengthen the body and saturate the body with oxygen. It's never too late to start! Daily home workouts will help you achieve smooth posture and a slender silhouette.

Exercise 1

  1. Go to a wall or closet, press the back of your head and shoulder blades firmly against the surface, look straight ahead.
  2. Stand like this for 5 minutes, then move away from the support, trying to maintain the position of your back for as long as possible.

Exercise 2

  1. Lie on your back, spread your arms to the sides.
  2. Lean on the back of your head and buttocks.
  3. Raise your back so that the support points remain motionless.
  4. Repeat 10-15 times.

Exercise 3

  1. Get on your knees, take your heels in your hands, bend back and throw your head back.
  2. Stay in this position as long as you can.
  3. Repeat 5 times.

Exercise 4

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar or classic plank for 30 seconds daily, 2 times a day. Try to do pull-ups or planks in the morning and evening, gradually increasing the time you perform the exercise.

Exercise 5

Bridge from the floor for 10-15 seconds, 5 approaches.

Exercise 6

  1. Stand up straight, clasp your hands behind you.
  2. Try to raise your clasped hands to your shoulder blades.
  3. Repeat 20 times, 2 times each.

Exercise 7

  1. Lie on your back, place a book or pillow under your shoulder blades.
  2. There should be a slight arch in the back.
  3. Take dumbbells or water bottles of 500 grams each.
  4. Raise dumbbells with straight arms 60 times in 3 sets.

Why is poor posture an almost obligatory consequence of the modern lifestyle? What prevents us from having correct posture? And do we even know what it is? The famous fighter against stoop, Dr. Toshiki Fukutsuji, suggests checking your posture at home.

Let's check your posture

Stand in front of the mirror so that you can see yourself in full height. Don't think about anything, just take a natural pose. Imagine that you are riding an escalator in the subway - how do you stand there?


Now try it show correct posture. Stand the way you think a person with a straight back should look. Notice if your shoulders, back, and lower back are tense.

In fact, the very position of your body has not changed in either the first or second case. But most likely, when depicting correct posture, you experienced unpleasant or painful sensations and felt unnatural.

Now put your feet together, tighten the muscles below the navel and try to support your upper body with them. Engage your lower back and hips. Raise the diaphragm. Your shoulders are a little tense, so lift and lower them a few times (up and down) to relax them. With your shoulders lowered and relaxed, hang your arms at the sides of your body.

Look: the back muscles are stretched out, the shoulders are lowered down, the chest is pushed forward - this is example of correct posture. So how? Do you feel light and cheerful?

Most likely, the actual correct posture is slightly different from the pose you yourself took. At this stage, there may be a misconception that correct posture is uncomfortable and painful.

Now stand sideways to the mirror and try to straighten your back as I just explained to you. And if you notice one of the following signs, then you still have a stoop.

  1. The chin and neck moved forward.
  2. Shoulders slumped forward.
  3. The shoulder blades are rounded.
  4. The knees did not straighten.

Note that you may not have a rounded back, but if your upper body is tilted back, this is also a sign of poor posture.

And also, if you stand facing the mirror and see that one shoulder is higher than the other, and your head is tilted forward (even slightly), then this can also be considered a violation of posture.

I asked you to stand correctly to see if you can support your upper body with your lower back and hips. This is the main purpose of the test task.

The pelvic bones provide support when walking and at the same time maintain the correct position of the internal organs. You could even say that the pelvis is the main assistant in maintaining correct posture. When we checked your posture, first you tensed the muscles below the navel and lower back. This is to check that your pelvis is properly supporting your upper torso.

If the pelvis is deformed, the spinal column, which runs through the entire human body, will also change shape. This curvature is what causes stooping.

And then the divergence of the shoulder blades will follow due to the curvature of the spine and deformation of the pelvis. The shape of the spine becomes rounded.

Initially, when healthy, the shoulder blades can move apart and close together, helping the arms and shoulders move freely. But when the body is tilted forward due to slouching, the movement of the shoulder blades is limited. Together with the torso and shoulders, they also move forward. And moving backwards (bringing the shoulder blades together) becomes the most terrible test.

If you do realize that you have a stoop, let's find out how it appeared.

Lifestyle in the era of slouching

I believe that the emergence of this disease (there is no other way to call it) is closely related to the modern rhythm of life and the habits formed under its influence.

Remember how often during the day you take time off from work to simply stretch and straighten your back? Agree that you perform most of your daily activities with your back bent and your gaze directed downward.

The head, which is supported by the neck and lower back, feels heavy from tilting. And you don’t even notice how your body gradually bends forward, and this becomes its natural position.

The same thing happens with the arms: the spine is rounded, the shoulders protrude forward, the arms hang down, there is tension on the left and right. This causes the shoulder blades to diverge. Again, everything happens unnoticed by a person and very quickly becomes a habit.

The body gets used to the new position and receives a signal of calm. Moreover, we even think that we can relax in a bent position. But as soon as we stop slouching for a minute and straighten our backs, we immediately become uncomfortable. Poor posture has become so ingrained in our body that it has become natural state body.

Pay attention to how much you sit in a chair during the day. Sitting on a chair is the main difference modern life from the life of our ancestors. However, it is not sitting on a chair as such that is harmful, but the fact that we sit leaning on its back.

Previously, the Japanese sat on the tatami without leaning anywhere. In this pose, the back always remains straight, the upper body is supported by the pelvis. The spine stretches naturally. In addition, the muscles that support this body position train on their own, so our great-grandparents had practically no chance of developing poor posture.

And now we are sitting on a chair, leaning against the back, or even worse - reclining on soft sofa, and our pelvic bones are inactive - they simply have no need to support the upper body.

Our body is held together not only by the skeleton, but also by the muscles attached to it. Thus, the muscles of the back and lower back help us stay upright and sit or stand without leaning against a wall or chair. When the muscles are completely weakened, it is almost impossible to keep your back straight.

How are fatigue and lung capacity related?

We often hear from different people: “I have no strength at all.” I am sure that many people feel exhausted precisely because of poor posture. Stoop and strength are closely related.

The source of strength is in the large volume of the lungs. We are talking specifically about the potential of our lungs, that is, it is important how much air they theoretically can accommodate, and not how much we inhale at a time. Normally, for an adult male, the lung volume is 3000–4000 ml, for a woman - 2500–3500 ml. In one breath, approximately 400–500 ml of air enters our lungs.

You can train your lungs like athletes do. If you don't have enough strength, take a very deep breath and exhale slowly. Repeat several times. Over time, you will get used to taking in more air into your lungs.

However, if your posture is poor, these breathing exercises will not give much results, because due to high pressure air cannot penetrate into all corners of the lungs.

The lungs themselves cannot expand and contract. The air gets there thanks to the coordinated movements of the diaphragm, chest, spine and ribs. When a person slouches, the chest and diaphragm are greatly compressed, and the lungs cannot expand to their maximum size. Therefore, no matter how much air this person tries to take in, the volume of the lungs will not increase.

When we get rid of slouching, the chest and diaphragm straighten out, the volume of the lungs naturally increases, and their saturation with oxygen will be much more efficient.

Poor health - from poor posture

From the human brain to the pelvis runs the spine, which contains many important nerve endings. At its very center is the spinal cord, which runs from the brain along the spinal canal. It is responsible for various body functions and contains many nerve endings and capillaries.

The spinal cord is protected by three membranes and cerebrospinal fluid. To function properly, it constantly needs abundant blood flow.

The lymphatic vascular system also plays a very important role in the body. It helps get rid of toxins and renew the cerebrospinal fluid.

Slouching can cause curvature of the intervertebral discs. Because of this, the cerebrospinal fluid, which protects the spinal cord and nerve endings, will be compressed, which will significantly impede the functioning of the lymphatic vessels. And if the lymph does not remove old worn-out cells (waste) from the body, this will cause circulatory problems! And then a general deterioration in the functioning of the internal organs controlled by the spinal cord will begin.

Over the years, we increasingly hear about the need for prevention or atherosclerosis. But we are extremely rarely told that we simply look bad, or advised to straighten our backs.

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Healthy posture is not only about a harmonious appearance. Each vertebra in our body is responsible for its own area within the body. Therefore, curvature of the spine can lead to malfunctions in a variety of internal organs. Thus, incorrect neck position often causes headaches. And a “strained” back actually turns out to be a symptom of intestinal problems.

Poor posture is not just an obvious stoop or a rounded back. Some curvatures of the spine may not be visible to the naked eye. Bright Sideru invites you to go 5 simple tests, which will help identify unobvious problems with posture. The results will let you know whether your heart really hurts and whether your headaches are just caused by fatigue.

What does posture affect?

But first, a few words about what the incorrect position of each vertebra can lead to.

Cervical vertebrae (headache, bags under the eyes)

The first 7 cervical vertebrae are connected to large vessels that supply the brain. Incorrect neck position can impair blood circulation. Consequently - headache, weakening vision and tired eyes with swelling and bags.

Base of neck and chest (heart and stomach pain)

Nerves connected to the heart pass through this area. Incorrect position of the spine not only reduces the space in which the heart muscle works. Curved vertebrae can compress these nerve endings. Therefore, apparent pain in the heart sometimes only signals that you need to watch your posture.

This same area of ​​the spine is connected to the main digestive organs. Therefore, stomach pain can also occur not because of gastritis, but because of poor posture.

Lower sternum (toilet problems)

The 11th and 12th vertebrae of the thoracic region are associated with the functioning of the urinary system. Poor posture can lead to urinary tract dysfunction, not to mention abdominal pain. Such pain is usually associated with “pulled” muscles; in fact, they may indicate a curvature of the spine.

Lower back (also problems in the toilet)

The lumbar vertebrae directly affect the functioning of the intestines. Curvature of this area of ​​the spine leads not only to lower back pain, but also to stool disorders and so-called dysbiosis (in fact, such a disease does not exist; for ease of understanding, this word combines various symptoms that arise from improper bowel function).

5 tests to help identify non-obvious posture problems

We invite you to take 5 simple tests. They will help determine if you have hidden postural problems. Each of them will only take a couple of minutes. You can do them without leaving your computer.

1. Thumbs face hips

Take the pencils in your hands, lower them and relax your hands. Where are the pencils pointing? If you go ahead, the test is successful. If the pencils are turned toward the hips at a smaller or larger angle, posture problems may occur.

The position of the hands directly depends on the rhomboid muscle. She connects the 6th cervical vertebra and the scapula - accordingly, she turns her shoulders back and puts her arms out, as in the left picture. If the muscle is weak, the person slouches, the shoulders go forward and the arms turn, as in the right photo.

2. Ankles are displaced inward relative to the feet

Place your hand vertically next to inside feet at a distance of a couple of centimeters from it. Relax your leg. If the ankle touches the arm, a curvature of the spine is possible.

3. It’s impossible to touch your chin to your chest.

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