Nikolai Starikov VKontakte official page. Contemporary politician: Nikolai Starikov in VKontakte

It would be fair to say right away that this man is also a writer. This information simply wouldn’t fit in the title. In general, Nikolai Starikov social network Contact is famous for the fact that he is a writer, publicist (author of a dozen books on new and modern history). By the way, his books caused a very mixed reaction in some scientific circles This is how Nikolai found fame.

Nikolai Starikov is also known on VKontakte due to the fact that he is the founder and ideological leader of the civil organization "Trade Union of Citizens of the Russian Federation". In addition, he is one of those who created the New Great Russia party, which was later renamed the Great Fatherland Party (abbreviation: PVO). The name change was caused by the fact that the first option was very similar to the name of one already registered party. It was for this reason that the Ministry of Justice then refused registration. In addition, Starikov holds the position commercial director JSC "Channel One - Petersburg".

In this article we will definitely tell you whether Nikolai Starikov is personally registered in VKontakte. However, first we suggest you familiarize yourself with interesting biography this writer and public figure.


Politician and social network

So, is Nikolai Starikov VK? Eat! It is on this popular social network that you can write to Nikolai personally. Moreover, there is even an official community. You will now receive links to everything. In the group you can discuss, however, do not go too far, otherwise you may be banned by the administration.

  • Real Old People -

Now Nikolai Starikov is practically spent political material, sent to the slag - along with Kurginyan’s similar project “The Essence of Time”. The relevance of these figures and their hastily created projects for the Kremlin has dropped significantly and they are gradually being marginalized, like any aging informal club. For serious intellectuals, Starikov was marginalized even at the dawn of his activity, when his obvious political engagement, which very quickly became evident, combined with frontal manipulations in the form of focusing criticism on openly odious figures of the liberal wing and avoiding reasonable criticism of a whole bloc of people and their openly liberal course, led to disappointment in it and turning away from it serious intellectuals who are far from liberal, but above all moderate and patriotic. Accelerated process The growth of Starikov’s popularity in openly marginalized strata led everyone to a firm conclusion: Starikov is not who he was initially mistaken for. It was created specifically to work among the marginalized. His task is to bring their vaguely conscious anti-liberal protest onto tracks that are safe for the crypto-liberal authorities. Crypto means secret. Cryptoliberal means liberal in essence, but trying not to seem liberal. And even arguing with open liberals.

Starikov cannot be discussed seriously. He is the priest Gapon of our time, whose task is to bring everyone who disagrees with it to agreement with the crypto-liberal government. For this purpose, the crypto-liberal government is strenuously portrayed as illiberal. If Starikov were an independent intellectual in search of truth, we could talk to him. But Starikov is a propaganda tool for certain clans in power. And it makes no sense to expect scientific objectivity from him. Starikov is like a contract killer, and expecting an objective attitude towards the victim from a killer is nonsense. For Starikov, the victim is, first of all, not the Anglo-Saxon world, which historically is the main enemy of Russia, but the Soviet world. For Starikov, Soviet socialism is a real enemy, and therefore undeclared. To fight Soviet socialism, Starikov blames the Anglo-Saxons as the enemy for everything, but the purpose of such an accusation is to rally the Russian people around the anti-Soviet government under an external threat. Starikov strives in no case to allow the revival of the Soviet socialist ideology. To do this, he replaces it with unprincipled statism - the simple idea of ​​the supremacy of the state in general. But there is no state at all; the state is a product of the victory of a certain class. Starikov is unable to challenge the Marxist class theory of the nature of the state. And therefore he leans on manipulation. In fact, every state in all centuries has enemies. People and nations are friends, but states only compete. And Russia has always had enemies, is and will be. And they did not prevent Russia from becoming powerful under an effective and popular regime, whatever it may be. But to attribute to the enemies all the stupid activities of the regimes, which led to contradictions that these regimes did not allow and could not resolve, and this became the reason for the collapse of the state in which these regimes dominated - this is main meaning Starikov's manipulations. Diverting attention from real problems to fictitious ones in order to hide the duality and futility of the current regime in Russia. And no anti-liberal rhetoric will hide the fact that Starikov defends the liberal government. This is his manipulation.

Regarding Starikov’s creative fertility and the question of when, despite all the troubles, he manages to write so many books. He doesn't write them. They don't write books now. They are spoken into a tape recorder, and then a team of literary blacks transcribes them and puts them on paper. So you can write three books a year. The question is different: where does the commercial director of the First Channel TV branch in St. Petersburg get so much free time and money to provide for such a political hobby?

What a squeal began on his part when supporters suggested that the leaders of STOP WTO vote in the elections for parties that are against the WTO:

Today, the neoliberal part of the Russian government is doing everything to drag our country into the WTO. They even named the date – December 15, 2011. But December 15 is after the elections, and the decision itself on Russia’s accession to the WTO requires ratification.

Therefore, the political composition of the Duma is very important.

Now there is a unique opportunity to realize the objectives of the Movement by electing to the Duma those parties that oppose Russia’s accession to the WTO.

These are: Communist Party of the Russian Federation, A Just Russia, Patriots of Russia, LDPR. Understanding that Patriots of Russia have little chance of getting into the Duma, the majority in the Duma should belong to three parties: the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, A Just Russia, and the Liberal Democratic Party.

The STOP WTO movement agreed with this logical demand:

On November 1, 2011, the Stop WTO Movement announced the start of the action: Vote for those who are against the WTO, calling for votes for the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, A Just Russia or Patriots of Russia.

I don’t like Zyuganov, I despise Mironov, I laugh at Zhirinovsky, but there are no others who could stop Russia’s accession to the WTO.

The consequences for the majority of Russian citizens, both in the short term and more in the long term, overshadow my personal antipathies and political preferences, and naked calculation comes to the fore.

I stand like a money changer at the market and weigh the hypothetical, unproven billion dollars of income from Russia’s accession to the WTO (even without taking into account whose pocket it will go into) and the completely destroyed production of Russia, the depopulated small towns of its center, the drunken youth, the moral savagery following the loss of a job, food riots suppressed by a fed and tamed police force. And I understand that, even if this vision of mine is too much, then even a tiny fraction of this cannot be equivalent to a hypothetical fucking billion. I know that in Russia it will disappear like water through sand, but the broken destinies of thousands and millions of people will remain.

But this is a disaster for Starikov - he was not put in charge of cultivating patriots so that they would not vote for United Russia. And he writes an angry letter and leaves the movement:

Moral uncleanliness is unacceptable to me in any form. Not from friends, not from opponents, not from myself. I am one of the organizers of the “Stop the WTO!” Movement. It was created as a non-political organization uniting patriots to solve a specific problem - to prevent our country from joining the World Trade Organization. The non-political nature of this association was a conscious and principled choice for me.

Based on this, I consider those who posted “Stop the WTO!” on the Movement’s website to be morally unscrupulous and politically short-sighted. political propaganda calling for voting for certain political parties in State Duma elections. I consider this an attempt to earn political points by individual members of the Movement in the cheapest and most undignified way.

Then there was controversy:

Well, well, the “moment of truth” has finally arrived! The issue of Russia's accession to the WTO
is a “litmus test” that clearly highlights who is a patriot and who is an opponent of Russia. Now it is clearly visible - whose previous words are a sincere position - or they are populist propaganda slogans in order to attract more people-the electorate under “their banners”. Although, I’m not a fan of giving out “labels.” Let's refrain from attaching labels to anyone - to Starikov, to Putin, to Medvedev, to " United Russia" Let's just state the facts, without emotion and consistently. Sorry, I will give the facts in my personal subjective interpretation with my subjective links. Based on the postulate and axiom that Russia’s accession to the WTO will mean incalculable disasters for Russia in the future and the unequivocal destruction of the Russian economy, which we already whole year Nikolai Starikov argued.

Fact No. 1. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said that Russia is ready to accept compromise proposals within the framework of the negotiation process on accession to the WTO, which in Lately discussed with the participation of Switzerland: ...

Fact No. 2. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said: “The negotiation process on Russia’s accession to the World trade organization(WTO) will be completed in 2011.” In his opinion, the question of accession is of a political nature. “I hope that we can complete this process this year. For our part, we did EVERYTHING to make this happen,” the head of the Russian government said in an interview with Chinese media: ...

Fact No. 3. Putin and Medvedev finally “merged” Russia into the WTO, the date for signing all documents has already been set - December 15, 2011: ... ...

Fact No. 4. Ratification of documents on Russia's accession to the WTO will also be required in the State Duma. And if United Russia gets the majority in the State Duma after the elections on December 4, 2011, then it will ratify all these documents “without a squeak” and unanimously - they will “merge” Russia just like their leaders - the ruling “tandem”. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation will oppose it, and there is also a reasonable hope that the LDPR and A Just Russia will fulfill their patriotic duty and block Russia’s accession to the WTO. And for us, voters, our only chance to save Russia from the WTO is to “ride” United Russia in the Duma elections.

Fact No. 5. The “Stop-WTO” movement offers precisely this only way out of the current situation - not to allow “United Russia” into the State Duma in order to disrupt Russia’s accession to the WTO planned by Medvedev and Putin:

Fact No. 6. PGR (Trade Union of Citizens of Russia) began voting on its actions in December. PGR proposes to hold a “success march” on December 1, and picketing against Russia’s accession to the WTO on December 10. In fact, these are two mutually exclusive, directly opposite actions. The “March of Success” with a list of real and imaginary achievements of Russia is a camouflaged campaign for “United Russia” covered with a “fig leaf” - on December 1, BEFORE the elections to the State Duma, and picketing against the WTO, which should be directed against “United Russia”, so that to block accession to the WTO in the State Duma will take place AFTER the elections, on December 10. That is, before the elections, Starikov, in fact, proposes to speak out for “United Russia”, and after the elections - against “United Russia”, when such a protest will no longer be of any use. There will be no decency, but if you call a spade a spade, then it’s called:
- “trying to sit on two chairs”;
- “and the sheep are safe and the wolves are fed”;
- “both ours and yours.”

Fact No. 7. Nikolai Viktorovich Starikov still showed his civil position and specifically renounced the “Stop-WTO” movement, thereby erasing all the sincerity of his previous efforts to fight against the WTO, in fact openly siding with Putin, Medvedev and “United Russia”, who are DEFINITELY dragging Russia into the WTO. I think there can be no halftones here - either “for” or “against”. We are talking about the fate of Russia.

Let everyone decide for themselves who they are with - with the patriots of Russia (the Stop-WTO movement, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and movements and parties in solidarity with them), who are trying to use every last chance to prevent Russia from joining the WTO. Or with their opponents, who are dragging Russia into the WTO. Nikolai Starikov wrote a bunch of correct articles about the consequences of Russia’s accession to the WTO, uniting thousands of people around him. I think that now, even “noodles on the ears” of the people and readers of this site about some higher secret political justification for such a “draining” of Russia by its highest officials, - will no longer “work”, no matter what arguments justify it. If Starikov was not informed about the decisions of the Stop-WTO movement, I fully understand his indignation. But I will give a counter-argument - if you do not go to meetings of a public organization or withdraw yourself from participation in its activities, then, it seems to me, the meeting will not run after each of its members. This applies not only to some political party or a movement, a professional association or the Board of Directors of an enterprise, but also just a friendly or any other group.

Then there was an epiphany:

Nikolai Starikov as a deflated or unprofessional citizen

The sun went out when Nikolai Starikov left the Stop WTO Movement. It became dark and empty. I wanted to cry. Yes, and the weather was bad, it was kind of slushy.
But there is one more oh-so-principled person and one less professional citizen.
What is the principle of our non-professional citizen?
A kind of citizen without a civic position.
It turns out that the “Stop the WTO” Movement should simply shout that the WTO is a bad thing, wave various flags, wait for those who already know that the WTO is a bad thing to hear it, but are dragging Russia there. It got to the point that even the head of the IMF, Christine Lagarde, said that Russia would not receive benefits from joining the WTO, and we are all preparing documents for joining the WTO with manic persistence; we even didn’t give a damn about Abkhazia and South Ossetia when negotiating with Georgia.

To be honest, it was funny for me then to read this whole play of the abandoned and deceived. Wasn’t it initially clear who Starikov was, and why he went so far as to organize the Internet project “Putin Must Stay”?


But he prints Starikov.

But complaints about moderation, to which Starikov responds:

“Please address all questions about the “technique” of the site personally to Vladislav Tsyplukhin. [email protected]"

And here is Starikov’s post, quoting the amazing proposals of the “independent” journalist Tsyplukhin:
July 1, 2009
So, in one of the last entries, fears were expressed that Nikolai Starikov might interfere with someone and he would simply be bought or “removed.” To be honest, in some ways I agree with these concerns, because Starikov is fighting almost alone. Here on the site everything is so calm and cozy, but on LiveJournal there is a real war going on. Nikolai even has to deal with personal insults, but he continues to argue. One against many...

Nikolai Starikov asked for a more specific explanation at the end of what is required from readers who want to help, since it became unclear to some. My fault. Based on the applications received, everyone is divided into the following groups:

1. People who already blog: if you run your blog on one of the blog services (Livejournal,, liveinternet, etc.), then you simply need to place active links to Nikolai Starikov’s posts (with your comments) in your diaries. Important: you need to link not to the site, but to articles in LiveJournal (they are duplicated there). If you maintain your blog on some third-party site (or provide links on literary forums), then you can link wherever you like. Links must be made active: not, but All technical consultations by mail.

2. People who want to start their own blog: you need to write an email [email protected]. Received applications have already been taken into account. Then the conversation with everyone will be individual - I will help open and develop their own blogs, which will then belong to group number 1.

3. Offering to place banners: email the size and technical requirements to the banner (if they exist). In response to the letter, a banner will be sent, which we will make as soon as possible. The request for a 138×63 banner has already been accepted.

4. Programmers and technical specialists: your requests are also taken into account, thank you. In response, letters will be received in which we will discuss everything.

One of these days, an operational headquarters will be created, as it was called in the comments. Information on accessing it will also be sent by email.

Starikov’s website itself is hosted on the server of the publishing house “Piter”, where Starikov’s creations are published.


from 05/16/2008 to 10/01/2009: the site is registered to Starikov

person: Private Person
phone: +7 7 9219570950
e-mail: nstarikovbkru
registrar: R01-REG-RIPN
created: 2008.05.15
paid-till: 2009.05.15
source: TC-RIPN

from 10/21/2009 to 09/04/2010: now on Tsyplukhin

person: Private Person
phone: +7 911 7547604

registrar: R01-REG-RIPN
created: 2008.05.15
paid-till: 2011.05.15
source: TCI

from 09/05/2010 to 09/29/2010: and here Tsyplukhin
person: Private Person
phone: +7 911 7547604
e-mail: tsyplukhingmailcom
registrar: R01-REG-RIPN
created: 2008.05.15
paid-till: 2011.05.15
source: TCI

from 04/07/2011 to 05/06/2011: Starikov is back
person: Private Person
phone: +7 911 7547604
e-mail: nstarikovrugmailcom
registrar: R01-REG-RIPN
created: 2008.05.15
paid-till: 2012.05.15
source: TCI

In 2010, Mr. Tsyplukhin had no time, he went for a promotion:

Mr. Tsyplukhin

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