Numerology of lucky numbers: calculate online for free. Numerology: choosing favorable days for a wedding

Choosing the right wedding date is very important. After all, the day you choose can affect the rest of your life. Let's try to figure out what the wedding date means from the point of view.

If you are not interested in a specific day, you can choose the month that is most favorable for getting married. In terms of numerology, this is the month:

  • The one that occurs two, three, five, eight and nine months after your birth date. That is, if you were born on October 16, the favorable months are January, February, April, July and August
  • Then determine the favorable months from the groom's birthday. If he was born, for example, on January 1, then it is advisable for him to go down the aisle in April, May, July, October and November

Look at which months coincided for both the bride and the groom. In our case, this is April and July. This means that they are most suitable for celebrations.

How to calculate a favorable number for a wedding?

If you have decided which month to get married, it’s time to find out the specific date. To calculate this number you need:

  • Calculate the number of the bride. Add all the digits of her date of birth to a single digit. For example, she was born on October 16, 1991: 1+6+1+0+1+9+9+1 = 28. We continue adding: 2+8 = 10. And again: 1+0=1. One is the number of the bride.
  • In the same way we calculate the number of the groom. For example, he was born on January 1, 1984: 1+1+1+9+8+4=24. 2+4 = 6. Six is ​​the number of the groom
  • At the end we add the number of the groom and the number of the bride. We get 1+6 = 7.

Seven is the common numerological number of a couple. It turns out that it is better to get married on the 7th of one of the favorable months that you calculated above.

Wedding date: meaning and calculation of a specific number

You can also find out what the specific wedding date you have already chosen means using numerology. Or find out what your number means if you are already married.

To do this, add up the numbers of the expected or already held wedding date. For example, if you went to the registry office on November 2, 2010: 2+1+1+2+1 = 7.


One is a sign of leadership and incredibly strong ambitions. Both partners will constantly “fight”, trying to gain authority. These are two very strong man, so their marriage is under threat - one person must be the leader. The spouses could be excellent business partners, but love relationship They are not doing very well. It's worth thinking about this - someone will eventually have to give in, otherwise divorce is inevitable.

And it’s better if a woman learns to be weak - otherwise she risks breaking her husband’s strong character, for which he will hate her.


This is a very favorable number. A marriage on your date has incredible potential because the spouses love each other very much. But, paradoxically, there is a very high probability of betrayal. Therefore, numerologists advise partners to avoid temptations - due to extreme emotionality, it will be difficult to resist.

If cheating does happen, the marriage will collapse. And both partners will remain lonely, because one will not be able to forget the other, and the second will never forgive the betrayal.


If the numerology number of your wedding date is three, it is very good. Such a union will be very long, happy and harmonious. They say about such people: “they lived long, happily and died on the same day.” Your couple has not only love, but also true spiritual friendship.

Relationships are usually very calm, spouses prefer to resolve conflicts peacefully and do not have violent quarrels. Happy children are born in such couples.


Four promises a rich and “well-fed” life. There will always be material wealth in such a couple - the spouses live the envy of many. You have a larger house than others, you travel often, and you can afford a standard of living that is much higher than average. But in the pursuit of material wealth, do not forget about love and the fact that your children need attention, and not just expensive toys.


The number five is a symbol of the unification of the masculine and feminine principles. This is the most auspicious sign for marriage. Your couple is doomed to love and be together not only in this life, but also in the next. You will have to go through many difficulties, sometimes it will seem that divorce is inevitable. But in the end, keep your love and become an example of an “ideal” relationship for others.


Six is ​​a karmic number, and therefore extremely unfavorable for concluding a marriage. Couples of sixes enter into a karmic union, and cannot leave it until they live this union completely. Such a couple will inevitably separate. And after parting, everyone will meet their real fate.


In couples, extremely talented, gifted children are usually born, despite the fact that you give birth - quite ordinary people. A marriage concluded on such a date can be either happy or not so happy - it all depends on the partners themselves. But the couple has great potential for joint intellectual development.


Eight is four multiplied by two. Therefore it also promises financial well-being in family. But not the same as in a marriage of four, but much more. Usually in such couples, the man goes from being a “soldier” to becoming a “general,” and the woman inspires him to do great things. As a result, the husband achieves incredible heights. There is every chance of becoming a very rich person.


Couple-nines usually have very stormy, passionate relationships. They constantly argue, then make peace, then hate each other, then love each other madly. Both partners cannot live without strong emotions, therefore, despite a very turbulent life, they are unlikely to separate.

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In our world, everything can be expressed through numbers, they affect us at the bioenergetic level, which is why a person dreams of knowing how numerology lucky numbers may have an impact on him personally. After all, with this knowledge you can open the way to a bright future - confess your love on your lucky day and receive a positive response, or win big money by betting on your lucky number, and also start some vital things on this number, tuning in right away but for a favorable result, which will have a great impact on the outcome of what was planned (after all, all our thoughts are material).

According to the knowledge of numerology, lucky numbers can be calculated by two methods - by the person’s name and by his date of birth. The technique is interesting and accurate, because numerology is not magic, but science!

Lucky number by date of birth

You need to write your date of birth on a piece of paper, for example, May 21, 1992. Now we count: 2+1+5+1+9+9+2 = 29 = 2+9 = 11 = 1 + 1 = 2. This means that the lucky number of a person born on this day will be equal to 2. Now you can find out the favorable days during which he will be lucky in any business, as well as numbers that bring good luck.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 January 31 February March April May June July August September October November December 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1 932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 19 58 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1 983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 20 08 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Lucky number by first and last name

This technique will help you find out your lucky number using your first and last name by calculating their numerical value, because all letters in numerology have a digital correspondence.

The total is: 62 = 6 + 2 = 8.

This means that Maya’s lucky number is eight, which means that it is better to start all important matters and appoint the eighth.

You can calculate your lucky number yourself using any of the schemes shown above and read its description below:

This number will help people who have leadership qualities. It is advisable to start new ventures, businesses, get married on this date. Just don’t visit medical institutions on the first of the month - problems may arise either with the doctor or with the diagnosis.

Happy days of the month: 1, 10, 19, 28.

Lucky numbers and numbers: 1, 10, 19, 28, 37, 46, 55, 64, 73, 82, 91, 100, 109.

If this is your lucky number, then you need to always be in a couple - start your own business only with a partner, start a family as early as possible, try to spend more time with friends, since loneliness can play a bad joke on you. And, of course, important events should be scheduled for this date.

Happy days of the month: 2, 11, 20, 29.

Lucky numbers and figures: 2, 11, 20, 29, 38, 47, 56, 65, 74, 83, 92, 101, 110.

This is a family number, so if it is your lucky number, then try to plan all important matters for you with the whole family, since they will be the ones who will help you in difficult situations. By the way, three is also the number of three saints, so its owners can always rely on heavenly powers.

Happy days of the month: 3, 12, 21, 30.

Lucky numbers and numbers: 3, 12, 21, 30, 39, 48, 57, 66, 75, 87, 93, 102, 111.

This number imposes a special task on a person - to be restrained and incorruptible, to spend a lot of time thinking, and not to throw words to the wind. Usually the owners of lucky fours are like this, however, they have a peculiarity - tediousness, which can become an obstacle to the accomplishment of their plans even on the fourth.

Happy days of the month: 4, 13, 22, 31.

Lucky numbers and numbers: 4, 13, 22, 31, 40, 49, 58, 67, 76, 85, 94, 103, 112.

Number of excellent student and love. It is on this date that weddings, love dates and declarations of love should be scheduled. But you shouldn’t start your own business on this date, and Friday (the fifth day of the week) is not suitable for these purposes. But on Friday you can make a wish to people whose lucky number is five.

Happy days of the month: 5, 14, 23.

Lucky numbers and figures: 5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50, 59, 68, 77, 86, 95, 104, 113.

A magic number, as well as a servant number, so on this day you need to hold events where you will be led, even if you are a person in a position high post. This number is also called sad - do not schedule entertainment events on this day - they will not be successful. The owners of this lucky number never get offended, this is their plus, but on the sixth you can show your ambition.

Happy days of the month: 6, 15, 24.

Lucky numbers and numbers: 6, 15, 24, 33, 42, 51, 60, 69, 78, 87, 96, 105, 114.

This number is the lucky one, so the owners of this number are always lucky in life, and even more so on Sundays and on days that are multiples of seven. This number will be especially favorable to women, so those representatives of the fair sex who “got” seven need not worry - the marriage will be happy and long, the work will be decent, and the friends will be real.

Happy days of the month: 7, 16, 25.

Lucky numbers and numbers: 7, 16, 25, 34, 43, 52, 61, 70, 79, 88, 97, 106, 115.

The number is infinity, so the owners of such “happiness” are endlessly lucky in happy Days month. You can even take a risk, for example, play in a casino or borrow a large sum and start your own business. But you shouldn’t get pregnant on these dates, as it won’t work out or the pregnancy will fail.

Happy days of the month: 8, 17, 26.

Lucky numbers and numbers: 8, 17, 26, 35, 44, 53, 62, 71, 80, 89, 98, 107, 116.

This is the final number, so the lucky ones of this number need to plan their affairs in such a way that by 9 and multiples they have to calculate debits and credits, do general cleaning, write tests, etc., then luck will be on their side. However, it is not worth making a first date, negotiations with new partners and other “new” things on this day.

Happy days of the month: 9, 18, 27.

Lucky numbers and numbers: 9, 18, 27, 34, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, 90, 99, 108, 117.

Even today, a wedding and the choice of a wedding date are shrouded in a veil of superstitions, signs and sayings. You shouldn’t believe them unconditionally, but it doesn’t hurt to listen. For example, numerology will help you choose happy date wedding and can tell a lot about your union.

In numerology, all numbers are reduced to single digits using the method of addition. Each such number has a specific meaning assigned to it.

Numerology, determining whether this or that day will be successful or not, uses the date of birth of the bride and groom in its calculations and, based on the results obtained, concludes whether this wedding date is suitable.

How to choose a wedding month

When choosing a wedding month, numerology advises you to choose those months that follow 3, 4, 6, 9, 10 months after the month of your birth (you no longer take your month into account). For example, if you were born in March, then the favorable months for you to get married, according to numerology, are June, July, September, December, January.

You can also determine favorable months for a wedding based on your groom's birth month. Compare your data, if there are months that suit both of you, then feel free to choose them.

Calculating the wedding date. How to choose a wedding date

Method 1. To choose a wedding date, you need to calculate the individual numbers inherent in each person. For example, the bride’s date of birth is 02/14/1989, and the groom’s is 05/12/1985, then the calculation is as follows:

Bride's number: 1+4+0+2+1+9+8+9=31=3+1=6

Groom's number: 1+2+0+5+1+9+8+5=34=3+4=5

Thus, the total number is 6+5=11 - this will be the most favorable wedding date, according to numerology, for both of you.

Numerology also makes it possible to choose a date at the end of the month: to do this, you need to subtract your number from the last day of the month (30 or 31) and get another lucky wedding day for you. So you can choose either the 11th day of the month or the 19th (in the case of a 30-day month) or the 20th day of the wedding (if the month has 31 days).

Method 2. For example, we select any wedding date (11/10/2012) and carry out mathematical addition operations:

We get from it: 1+0+1+1+2+0+1+2= 8

So, magical meanings numbers for wedding:

  1. Unit– a symbol of leadership and ambition. If the wedding date contains this number, then career aspirations will take place in the life of the spouses, but they may cause disagreements, so be careful. Numerologists say that this day is ideal for starting new things, for concluding agreements and contracts.
  2. Deuce– a symbol of two loving hearts, a symbol of a couple. But be careful, duality is the pitfall of the number “2”. Be careful, in such a marriage there is a high probability of betrayal. Two is characterized by extremes; this number is like day and night - combining polar qualities, it maintains balance. Numerology advises not to take active actions on such a day. This is not a day for actions. On this day, everything that starts well ends badly, and vice versa - everything that starts badly ends well.
  3. Troika- a mysterious number, one of the most important sacred numbers in the Russian tradition. She is a symbol of the unity of three periods of life: youth, maturity and old age. This is the number of love, wisdom and peace. A wedding on the third promises you a long happy life in marriage.
  4. Four- This is a powerful symbol of prosperity and stability in family life. The one who chose this number will always live in material prosperity.
  5. Five is the main patron of marriage, combining the masculine (three) and feminine (two). A couple who gets married on the 5th is doomed to lifelong happiness of true love. Also, a day under the sign of five is full of surprise and surprise, full of adventure. You can only take risks if you are confident that your plan is realistic and your goal is worthy. This day is not suitable for fictitious marriages, weddings of convenience. But the unity of two loving hearts will make this day bringing success and happiness; a wedding on this day promises a long and happy life. Provided that you really love each other, of course!
  6. Six- This karmic number. It has long been believed that many misfortunes are associated with it, but at the same time, the six brings stability, which in a sense is good. And even if the relationship is devoid of passion, it will be stable. If you have been planning a certain event for a long time, completely confident in your feelings, then the six will help you in your endeavors. But if you have even the slightest doubt about getting married, the number six will not help you, because any uncertainty on this day can become fatal and destructive. This day is not for frivolous decisions and superficial matters.
  7. Seven- a magical and mysterious number. Usually, in a union concluded under the auspices of the number seven, gifted children are born. Seven is a favorable number for marriage. Seven symbolizes the seven ruling planets, seven days of the week, seven notes. Seven consists of one and six, this is the number of the psyche, spirituality. Such a day promotes reflection, study, intellectual pursuits, and is favorable for creativity. This day often becomes a day of happiness. A wedding on days under the auspices of the seven is a celebration of lovers discovering each other. Their journey, begun on this day, will be the path of knowledge.
  8. Eight- symbol material well-being and prosperity. This is a double four, that is, well-being and prosperity multiplied in half. Eastern lovers prefer to have their wedding on this day. A day under the sign of eight is a day of important affairs, big, significant events. All business started on this day is doomed to financial success. A wedding on this day will not only be successful, but also profitable.
  9. Nine- a symbol of completion. Typically, marriages concluded on the ninth will be monotonous and stagnant, but at the same time durable. They usually say about such unions that “there was an idea to kill each other, but never to divorce.”

Whether to follow these tips or not is up to each individual. But neither astrology, nor numerology, nor other wisdom can save your marriage, only... love can do this.

You also need to remember that everyone chooses their own path. And whatever day you set the date for, try to make it the best for the two of you, the most memorable and the happiest.

What awaits the spouses after the wedding? How to turn out family life after the lovers exchanged rings? Does marriage threaten divorce? Numerology will help answer these and many other questions. If you follow this science, you can calculate a favorable day for a wedding and, thus, already know in advance what to expect from marriage.

So, in order to calculate a successful day, you need to add up in order all the numbers on the date on which the wedding is scheduled. For example, you are planning a wedding for May 29, 2014. Add all the numbers until you get a single digit number.

Number: 29=2+9=11=1+1=2.

Month: 05=0+5=5.

Year: 2014=2+0+1+4=7.

As a result, we got three numbers that also need to be added: 2+5+7=14=1+4=5. The result is the number 5. It is this that will determine the future married couple. Once you have calculated the numerology number of your wedding date, all you have to do is check the meaning of the numbers in numerology.

Number 1– the marriage relationship in this case will be strong, but not easy. Both in a couple will strive for leadership, which will complicate the relationship. Career will be important for both personal growth. Such a union will be happy only if the spouses find a compromise solution.

Number 2- family life under the auspices of this number promises to be long and happy. The relationship between the couple will be equal. Both will strive to please each other and surprise each other with something. Passion, romance, care and attention - this is what fills such couples. However, in case of betrayal, the marriage can collapse like a house of cards.

Number 3- not the best lucky number marriage. Such an alliance speaks of instability and indifference to each other. As a rule, both in a couple under the auspices of this number will only care about their needs, will pay more attention to their friends, work and other matters, but not to communicating with each other. In addition, conflicts on domestic grounds are quite likely: no one will want to take responsibility for running the household.

Number 4– the relationship in this couple can be called more business than family. For both, personal growth and career will come first, not family and children. It is likely that it will be convenient for such people to maintain such a cold and calculating relationship for some time, but when one of them realizes that he wants something more from the family, he will leave his soul mate. Although such a marriage does not always end in divorce. The second scenario for the development of such relationships is complete alienation.

Number 9– this marriage number will bring good luck to those spouses who do not have great ambitions. In this case, they will devote their lives to their family and live for each other. If one of this pair intends to achieve success in his career, then the other will have to listen to his opinion and support him in everything. This union is more suitable for those who want to live in the interests of their family.

Numerology of numbers allows you to look into the future and predetermine life in marriage. But it is necessary to understand that if there is love and mutual understanding in the family, then no difficulties will interfere with family happiness.

18.09.2013 13:15

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Numerological calculations are a good help in life. With their help, you can avoid many troubles, as well as achieve prosperity and happiness in love.

Numerologists say that the wedding date can tell a lot about a couple's relationship. With the help of accurate calculations, you can find out new details of your life, adjust your behavior and achieve harmony in your family. In addition, this calculation will help you choose optimal time for marriage and will become a guarantor of strong relationships. If you are already married, then the presented calculation will help you determine weak sides and together with your partner, fix the relationship.

To get the number you need, you need to add up all the numbers in your wedding date, continuing to add until you get a single digit number. For example, your wedding date is 08/16/2010 = 1+6+0+8+2+0+1+0=18=1+8=9. The number you are looking for will be your key to unlocking the secrets of family well-being.

You can also calculate the most favorable number for your wedding. To do this, you need to add the numbers of the date of birth of the bride (for example, 05/11/1988 = 1+1+0+5+1+9+8+8=33=3+3=6) and the groom (for example, 07/11/1986 = 1+1+0+7+1+9+8+6=33=3+3=6), then add the resulting numbers (6+6=12=3). This means that the third day of any month will be a good day for you if you decide to legalize your relationship.

Meaning of numbers

1. A unit promises a stable marriage for the couple, but there may be discord in the relationship. One is the number of leadership, so family relationships it is necessary to start with the search for compromises. In such a family, the halves will strive to “pull the blanket” over themselves and insist on their own, which can cause a storm of indignation. Don't try to put yourself and your desires above your significant other to avoid quarrels. If you can get along, then over time the stormy relationship will subside, and harmony and harmony will come in the family. In addition, the vibrations of the number 1 help spouses support each other in ambitious endeavors, develop a business together and constantly give their partner new ideas. interesting ideas. Such an alliance, based on mutual understanding and concessions, promises to be strong and durable. Experts on the site recommend that couples with this number of wedding dates eliminate boredom from their relationship. It will be detrimental to your relationship. Diversify your leisure time interesting travels, active pastime, and you will be able to channel excess energy into a peaceful direction.

2. Deuce helps a couple maintain love with its trembling and tender feelings for many years. This figure is responsible for trust and close partnerships, a romantic mood. Don’t forget to pamper your other half with cute gifts, show your feelings and confess your love to them, and your relationship will retain the thrill of the first meeting. Negative factor For such a marriage, one of the halves may become suspicious of the partner’s infidelity. You can save your marriage if you periodically separate for a short time. Loneliness will help diversify relationships and introduce a touch of sadness into them, which after the meeting will turn into joy and new confessions of sincere feelings. Protect each other from suffering and disappointment, and your union will be something to emulate.

3. The number three brings disharmony and anxiety into relationships. In such unions, selfish tendencies are not uncommon, when the halves stop interacting and begin own way development. Such relationships are destructive, so to preserve strong family you should take into account the opinion and desires of your partner. Three creates vibrations that affect the perception of routine life. Boredom and monotony can destroy a family. You can maintain harmony if you treat your other halves with care and distribute household chores equally. Frequent travel and a change of scenery, minimalist interior design and a minimum of things will also help save your marriage. This way you can spend less time cleaning, and in your free time find something to do that will bring a lot of pleasure to both of you.

4. The union of people ruled by the four is not the most reliable. This figure is responsible for self-development, so the interests of partners extend only to personal achievements and goals. In such a marriage, the man and woman are rarely attached to each other and often perceive the other half as an obstacle to personal growth and development. The presence of children also changes little in a relationship, so numerologists recommend weighing the pros and cons before entering into a marriage under the influence of a four. Often in such families, problems accumulate for years, and then spill over into major quarrels. You can preserve relationships in an already established family with the help of attention to your partner and diligence aimed at achieving mutual understanding. You may be united by common goals, business development or other achievements, which you can achieve hand in hand, helping and supporting your partner.

5. Five is responsible for new emotions, impressions and hobbies. The marriage of people united by this number promises to be stable and interesting. They are surrounded by many acquaintances, and common interests or hobbies help them cope with everyday problems. Spouses will be able to achieve high altitudes in the business field, supporting each other's endeavors. The energy of the five allows partners to literally radiate energy and direct it in any direction. As a rule, in such families there is always a place for laughter and a good mood, and children in a union are born under the lucky star of good luck and luck. However, despite all the rosy attitudes, spouses should be attentive to each other’s needs and allow their halves to be alone from time to time.

6. Six is ​​the most harmonious number. The positive vibrations of the six allow spouses to enjoy each other's company and live in mutual understanding and love. Families in which spouses pay attention to each other, support each other in all endeavors and do not try to put themselves above, quickly get on their feet and gain financial independence. In order for the family to remain strong and harmonious for many years, spouses need to remember home comfort- an important part of a happy life.

7. The number seven often makes people want to isolate themselves and protect themselves from the outside world. In this regard, in couples where one of the halves is not used to going without communication for a long time, discord quickly sets in. However, if both partners are accustomed to living in a narrow family circle and not allowing outsiders into it, the marriage will be long and happy. The vibrations of the number seven affect both partners, so people who are calm and steadfast should marry under such auspices, otherwise the impulsiveness of one of the partners will cause a lot of inconvenience to the couple.

8. Married couples who plan to marry under the influence of the number eight should be attentive and careful. The fact is that this figure unites people aimed at career growth. If one of the partners needs constant attention, and the other most will devote time to work, then quarrels and conflicts are inevitable. Numerologists call eight the number of workaholics, and if you do not consider yourself one of them, then you should move your wedding date to another number. Unfortunately, most marriages concluded between partners with different goals in life are destroyed by the vibrations of this number.

9. Nine is the number that protects family relationships. If a couple is more important than a career, but a family, then this number will become your talisman of happiness and prosperity. A harmonious union in which spouses find pleasure in devoting themselves to the family, without demanding anything in return, is doomed to success and happiness. In such unions, a couple should think about several children in order to give them their love and care. Often families with code nine have several pets, feeling the need for constant care of helpless creatures.

Planning your wedding date is an important step in a relationship. To be confident in your chosen one, you can calculate the numerological compatibility code and turn the relationship into an ideal one.

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