Wallpaper for the kitchen in a private house. Photos of wallpaper ideas for the kitchen

Modern wallpaper collections amaze with their variety of colors, patterns and textures. To do optimal choice For kitchen interior, you need to take a closer look at many options and take into account some nuances.

Types of wallpaper: the right choice for the kitchen

To begin with, let us recall what types of wallpaper manufacturers offer us:

  • paper;
  • fabric;
  • natural;
  • non-woven;
  • vinyl;
  • glass wallpaper;
  • liquid.

Paper wallpaper is the most inexpensive, accessible, environmentally friendly, but short-lived and impractical. Today, such wallpapers are not even presented in catalogs in photos of modern kitchen interiors.

Fabric - they contain silk, linen or cotton. A little stronger than paper ones, but they are difficult to paste and impractical to maintain, so they are not suitable for finishing the kitchen.

Natural - consist of bamboo strips, wood shavings or dried grass stems attached to a fabric base with nylon thread or special glue. They are extremely environmentally friendly and do not accumulate dirt and dust. To preserve the natural effect, this wallpaper is not painted. But despite all its advantages, natural wallpaper is not the best option for the kitchen, as it immediately absorbs odors.

Types of moisture-resistant wallpaper for the kitchen

Non-woven wallpaper - consists of acrylic and polyester with the addition of cellulose or viscose. They are distinguished by fairly high moisture resistance, are elastic, fireproof, and smooth out unevenness.

Vinyl – polymer coating, applied to a non-woven base or special technical paper. Vinyl is moisture resistant, easy to clean, easy to maintain household products, does not fade, so it is ideal for decorating kitchen walls. Moreover, modern production offers so-called “breathable” vinyl wallpapers, which have micropores. They provide excellent air circulation, therefore they are even more moisture resistant compared to standard vinyl analogues, which eliminates the appearance of fungus and mold.

Fiberglass wallpaper - wallpaper that can be painted, gives an unusual relief. They are vapor and waterproof, durable, fireproof, and look incredibly stylish, but keep in mind that it will be very difficult to separate them from the surface of the walls.

Liquid wallpaper is a combination of adhesive, viscose, cotton, cellulose, acetate silk threads, etc. The coating is applied to the wall like plaster, which allows you to create different patterns. These wallpapers have good heat and sound insulation, they are easy to clean and have a wide range of colors.

Each option has its own pros and cons. For the kitchen, choose washable wallpaper. The optimal ones would be vinyl (compact vinyl, non-woven backing) or fiberglass.

Color, pattern, texture of wallpaper for the kitchen

IN color design kitchens need to take into account many factors - the flow of light, geometric shape room, its dimensions, etc. There are several key criteria when choosing a color for the kitchen, including wallpaper:

  • a large pattern visually makes the room smaller, a small one, on the contrary, makes it more spacious;

  • vertical images visually raise the ceiling, horizontal ones (especially stripes) expand the room, but reduce its height; wallpaper with geometric patterns with intersecting stripes and shapes creates the effect of continuity of space;
  • wallpaper with a pronounced texture creates stunning effects due to color and the play of light and shadow;

  • A long and narrow kitchen will be made more organic by light colors on long walls and dark colors on short ones;
  • a square room is a universal option that allows you to experiment without any restrictions. But still, a more advantageous decision would be to make one wall an accent;

  • when choosing the color of wallpaper for the kitchen, you need to take into account not only its dimensions, but also the location of all windows, because the direction of light is of significant importance in interior design.

Wallpaper in a small kitchen

In a compact kitchen, canvases with contrasting and very large prints or with vertical stripes are contraindicated. This will only aggravate the problem of lack of square meters - the room will seem even smaller. In this case, plain wallpaper in light shades or with a small, barely noticeable pattern would be appropriate.

If the kitchen area is combined with the dining room, you can emphasize the zoning by contrasting combinations of wallpaper, thus separating work area from the dining room.

Harmonious combination of wallpaper in the kitchen

In modern interiors there is a clear tendency to combine different textures, textures and technologies. At the same time, the same type of wallpaper fades into the background. But here it is important to understand the principle the right combinations, and the advice of professional decorators will help with this.

Rules for combining wallpaper in the kitchen:

  • adhere to a single level of price and quality - you cannot combine elite and cheap options, this looks very doubtful;
  • wallpaper should not stand out from the overall style of the kitchen;

  • when combining, keep in mind that the wallpaper should have approximately the same thickness, otherwise there will be problems with joining the seams and choosing the edging;
  • when choosing bright panels with large drawings, the rest of the space should be plain;

  • floral patterns combine perfectly with wood textures, and geometric patterns with abstractions;
  • bright accents look harmonious against a background of neutral tones;
  • Various textures are perfectly combined - rough with smooth, glossy with matte. The main thing is that such canvases should be in the same price category and the same thickness.

Additional decor and several design techniques

Zoning techniques and “ accent wall" Also, to visually adjust the height, designers use vertical stripes and patterns, and changes in area use horizontal ones.

The technique of symmetry in the use of vertical stripes

In the center of the room, wide strips of wallpaper in contrasting colors are glued to two walls. This visually balances the length and width of the kitchen space.

Reception of asymmetry

One wall is covered with a bright stripe in the middle, and the opposite wall with similar stripes, but different in width. This technique visually expands and at the same time makes the oblong kitchen shorter.

Illusions of contours

A popular method is to combine standard wallpaper (and paintable) with a border. Typical combination options:

  • striped wallpaper with a plain bottom;
  • large flowers and monograms with a plain border;
  • plain or finely printed top and striped bottom;
  • plain top and large bottom with a floral or other pattern.

The choice of combination depends on the specific task - what needs to be balanced with what.

Accent wall

Select the kitchen wall that your eye immediately falls on. She is singled out as the most different ways– 3D wallpaper, panels, bright canvases, or decorate with additional decorative elements. In fact, this technique more expresses the bright individuality of the owners of the house.

3D wallpaper in the kitchen

Along with the usual wallpaper, designers offer a more interesting 3D collection. These are large-format beautiful drawings and patterns applied to different types of canvas bases using special technology. Such wallpapers create a three-dimensional effect and a sense of presence in the image. The 3D illusion is achieved through lens-raster plastic (a set of lenses parallel to each other, cylindrical in shape and of different calibers). As a rule, such wallpaper is used to decorate only an accent wall.

Pros and cons of 3D wallpaper

The advantages of 3D photo wallpapers certainly include:

  • production of vinyl, non-woven fabrics, synthetic materials, etc.;
  • such canvases do not fade and retain color for a very long time;
  • environmentally friendly and completely non-toxic - high-quality Japanese paints are used in their manufacturing process;
  • fireproof;
  • practical to care for, easy to use with any household chemicals;
  • durable;
  • spectacular - they have no analogues in such realistic immersion in the image.

Obviously, the disadvantage of such wallpaper is its high cost, as well as its relevance only in large rooms.

Wallpaper is good because it does not require careful plastering of the walls, as is required for painting, it hides minor unevenness, and also allows you to correct some shortcomings of the room, for example, a low ceiling or a small area. They are also simply beautiful and can transform even the most boring interior. On the other hand, unfortunately, not every wallpaper can withstand difficult kitchen conditions and frequent cleaning. In addition, this material has a weak point - the seams, which over time begin to peel off and wear out. We will tell you in this article how to choose wallpaper for the kitchen so that it is beautiful, practical and lasts a long time.

Overview of wallpaper types

There are wallpapers different types, but only the following are suitable for decorating kitchen walls:

  • Vinyl (paper/non-woven backing);
  • Non-woven (for painting);
  • Fiberglass wallpaper (also for painting).

Let's look at each of these types in more detail.

Vinyl wallpapers

They consist of two layers - a decorative top layer and a base. The choice of base is simple: it can be either paper or non-woven. The latter is much more suitable for decorating kitchen walls.

  • The non-woven base greatly simplifies wallpapering process, because the glue is applied only to the wall. This means that its consumption is halved, and the canvases do not stretch or shrink when drying (joining the pattern becomes easier). In addition, the non-woven base better levels out small unevenness and cracks in the walls, and also allows you to peel off the wallpaper easily and without residue.

Depending on the top decorative layer, vinyl wallpapers are divided into 4 main types:

  1. Paintable wallpaper made of foam vinyl;
  2. Compact vinyl;
  3. Hard vinyl;
  4. "Kitchen Vinyl"

Wallpaper for painting made of foam vinyl are not suitable for finishing the kitchen, as they are not sufficiently resistant to brush friction, impacts, and scratches. But the other types are worth taking note.

  • Wallpaper made from kitchen vinyl They are attractive because they can withstand wet cleaning with a brush and even cleaning agents. However, such a “super-washable” coating is airtight, which means that underneath it can form favorable environment for mold. If the walls of the kitchen were once infected with fungus, the room is poorly lit, damp, pipes often leak or the windows sweat, then this option will not work. If you still decide to choose them, then the walls should be pre-treated with an antiseptic primer.
  • Compact vinyl wallpaper They are excellent for the kitchen, as they can withstand light wet cleaning, are resistant to impacts and scratches, their design does not fade in the sun, and their service life is about 10 years. In addition, the price of compact vinyl coating is not high (compared to solid vinyl), and the choice of designs is very large. But they also have a drawback typical of vinyl - lack of breathability. When choosing such wallpaper, you should, firstly, treat the walls with an antiseptic primer, secondly, frequently ventilate the room, and thirdly, make sure that it is not damp, the pipes do not leak, and the windows do not fog up.

  • Solid vinyl wallpaperthe best choice for the kitchen, if you want to wallpaper with a pattern and not paint it. After all, their properties are almost ideal - they are beautiful, durable, can withstand wet cleaning, are resistant to UV rays, and most importantly, they have micropores that will not allow the walls to “bloom” due to, say, accidental flooding. The only drawback is the high price (from 2000 rubles/roll).

Swedish hard vinyl wallpaper

Non-woven wallpaper for painting

The term “non-woven wallpaper” always causes confusion among buyers and even some sellers. So, for example, non-woven wallpaper is often called any wallpaper on a non-woven basis (whether paper or vinyl). And this name was also assigned to paintable wallpaper made of foam vinyl on a non-woven base, which we talked about a little earlier. But, strictly speaking, paintable wallpaper consisting of 100% non-woven material has the right to be called non-woven.

  • Non-woven wallpaper for painting has no relief and looks more like paper. And this is paper, only improved by adding polymers that bind cellulose.

Why are they needed if they do not have any decorative effect, even in the form of a relief for a simple matting? They come to the rescue when you want to paint the walls, but the base is far from ideal or, for example, when cracks are expected to occur due to shrinkage of the new building.

  • It is very easy to glue non-woven wallpaper, but the joints of the panels can be noticeable even after painting. Do walls painted on a smooth non-woven wall or on a putty wall differ? Yes, quite a bit, but they differ due to the translucent texture of the non-woven fabric. Water-based paints are suitable for painting filizel wallpaper. You can repaint them 4-5 times.

Glass wallpaper

There is no stronger wallpaper than fiberglass, made from a mixture of quartz sand, soda and lime.

  • Fiberglass wallpaper is more resistant to mechanical damage than paintable vinyl wallpaper, and unlike smooth non-woven wallpaper, it has a beautiful relief or pattern. By the way, due to its structure, glass wallpaper visually aligns the walls with small differences. They are not afraid of wet cleaning, are fire-resistant, elastic and hide base defects well. And glass wallpaper can be repainted up to 10 times, that is, twice as often as wallpaper for painting other types.

And a bit more useful information. Some glass wallpaper is already available in color, but it is still possible and advisable to paint it. Paints must be water-based (acrylic, water-dispersion, water-based).

Buyer Information

  1. Before paying for your purchase, be sure to make sure that all rolls came from the same batch (the batch number is indicated on the packaging). Otherwise, despite the same article, color and collection, you will get wallpaper of different colors, which will be very noticeable when hanging the canvases on the wall. By the way, the different colors of wallpaper from different batches is not a defect, but technical feature production.
  2. Wallpaper should always be purchased with a 5-10% reserve, which will be useful in case the canvases are damaged during gluing or in the future for local repairs. If you buy wallpaper with a pattern, do not forget to take into account rapport (the step of repeating the pattern).
  3. Keep in mind that it is not necessary to glue wallpaper behind the kitchen unit. But it is desirable that the wallpaper extends 10-15 cm behind the cabinet.
  4. When choosing kitchen wallpaper, read the labeling on the packaging. It is important that they are:
  • Light-resistant - look for the sign of the sun, or better yet the sun with a plus, if the wallpaper is very bright or dark;
  • Moisture resistant - look for at least two waves (they say that the wallpaper is washable and can be wiped with a damp cloth), and preferably three waves (super washable, which can be washed with a mild cleaner);
  • Friction resistant— a wave with a brush indicates that the wallpaper can be washed and rubbed with a brush.

  1. When choosing wallpaper adhesive, be guided by whether it is suitable for your primer and the type of wallpaper you have chosen.
  2. Remember that in the bright lighting of the store, the displayed samples look a little lighter than in real conditions on the kitchen wall of an ordinary city apartment.
  3. When decorating a kitchen, you can combine two types of wallpaper (for example, super-washable “kitchen” wallpaper in the cooking area and hard vinyl wallpaper in the dining area). In this way, you will be able to save on materials and reduce the load on a more expensive coating.
  4. If you like wallpaper that is not wear-resistant, then simply stick it on one wall, away from the stove. For example, in the dining area. It's best to just paint the rest of the walls. suitable shade or combine with other wallpapers.

Photo gallery and design tips

  1. Wallpaper with a large, dark or bright and/or very variegated pattern is best glued to only one or two walls. Otherwise, the space will be “overloaded” and visually reduced. It is also desirable that the kitchen interior with bright wallpaper be decorated neutrally.

  1. Walls small kitchen It’s best to simply paint the wallpaper in one tone with light paint or decorate it with wallpaper with a small, dim and unobtrusive print.

Beige and vanilla remain the most popular kitchen color. There are many reasons for this:

  1. 1 Beige color - perfect solution for a small kitchen, as its light palette “works” perfectly for visual extension space.
  2. 2 Beige is a neutral color and is perfect for recreating any style - from sophisticated classics to chic modern, from romantic shabby chic to textbook loft.
  3. 3 For those who think beige is boring, we advise you to pay attention to such shades as caramel, cappuccino, creme brulee. These delicious colors will make your kitchen not only cozy, but also especially homey.
  4. 4 Beige is a universal color and is not capricious in choosing a pair. On the contrary, by choosing one or another color of wallpaper for a beige set, you can charge your kitchen with a festive atmosphere, give it sophistication or create a harmony of comfort.

Wallpaper color for beige kitchen:

Beige and sand shades will create a very delicate and sophisticated interior.

Whites are a perfect match. The kitchen turns out bright and cheerful. But avoid boiling white, otherwise the interior will turn out faded and “dirty”.

Beige-brown- an original combination, if only beige dominates. It is better to choose white wallpaper with a dark pattern.

Purple or lilac- bold and bold. The interior turns out dynamic and rich. It is better to choose plain wallpaper without a pattern.

Muted red, burgundy, terracotta- a harmonious couple, provided that the decor is minimal.

Gray - the kitchen will be cozy and delicate. It is only important that both gray and beige are as light as possible.

Green - the result is an interior close in spirit to eco-style or country style. In such a kitchen, abundance is appropriate indoor plants and floral patterns.

Important: if you have a beige kitchen, avoid fluorescent, cold light. It will make the interior look dirty. The same applies to appliances - a beige refrigerator and stove against a background of beige furniture is too much. It is better to choose a metallic color technique.

For white headset

You can pair moss or olive-colored wallpaper with light green facades. But be sure to balance out the pair with pops of white. Light green furniture will look organic against a background of light, natural shades: brown, pink, blue, sand. Light green categorically does not accept proximity to lilac and violet.

Cold shades of green (with an admixture of blue, gray or cyan): mint, turquoise, pine, emerald harmonize with cold colors - blue, cobalt, steel, boiling white.

Black and white set

The duet of black and white is considered a classic - strict, but impeccably elegant.

The combination of black and white facades always looks impressive, elegant and fits perfectly into the concepts of avant-garde, art deco, minimalism, and retro.

Combinations of black and white set and wallpaper color.

White wallpaper or white with black graphic design. This tandem creates a monochrome atmosphere. I felt like I was in a newsreel from the beginning of the last century. The perfect combination to create a retro style - you can add posters with graphic designs and retro accessories.

A good option for small kitchen- cover the accent wall with black wallpaper with a white pattern, and the rest with white wallpaper with the same black patterns.

If the facades of the furniture are glossy, then for the walls it is good to choose warm shades of white: cream, beige, milky.

Gray or “wet asphalt” colored wallpaper is appropriate in modern interior. Goes well with metallic shine kitchen appliances. But the interior requires bright lighting.

Blue wallpaper will dilute the interior with colors, and blue wallpaper will add softness and tenderness to the black and white kitchen. Yellow wallpaper looks good in combination with a black and white set, if yellow is more like the color of dull gold.

For yellow furniture

Yellow color for a kitchen set is very insidious from the point of view of psychological impact.

The brighter the shade of yellow, the more sunshine and joy there will be in your kitchen. But an excess of yellow surfaces causes rapid fatigue and irritation.

Neutral shades are considered optimal - golden, sand, mustard, gray-yellow. Juicy, acidic shades of yellow are appropriate for modern kitchen. For classics, it is better to choose muted tones. Tip: If you like several shades of yellow, always choose the lighter one.

Yellow furniture goes well with white, milky, green (any shades), blue, pink wallpaper. Golden yellow plus red is a great pair for oriental style.

Yellow and blue are a royal combination, provided that the yellow has a hint of gold. Yellow and brown are a combination taken from nature. Add green accessories to such an interior and you will get an interior close to eco-style.

For blue and light blue furniture

Depending on the combination of shades of blue and wallpaper color, you can significantly influence visual perception interior It all depends on what kind of atmosphere you want to create in your kitchen.

If the furniture is saturated of blue color add white, light green or sky blue wallpaper, the interior will turn out cool.

Peach-colored wallpaper will help “raise the temperature.” Do you want to add cheerfulness to your blue kitchen? You can combine blue with yellow, grass green or orange.
Blue furniture and red and white striped wallpaper are a bold decision that will highlight the retro style. But such decoration looks good in a spacious kitchen.

If the furniture is cornflower blue, match it with wallpaper in a sunny yellow or straw shade. This color pair is reminiscent of summer, a field of flowers, a sunny sky and is perfect for embodying a country style.

The combination of blue furniture and gray walls- option for a spacious kitchen in modern style. But such an interior necessarily requires bright lighting. And don’t forget about the color tonality - the same cold shades of gray go well with cold blue.

For purple and lilac furniture

Purple is perhaps the most controversial color in the palette, as it combines the coldness of blue and the fieryness of red. It is usually believed that purple is not the most good choice for furnishing a kitchen.

But this color has so many shades that there will probably be one that you like. Choose: lilac, violet, lavender, plum, blackberry, amethyst.

Rich purple is a chameleon color. Depending on the background, it can change its tone.

Thus, purple facades against the background of red walls will appear purple, and against the background of blue wallpaper they will take on an indigo hue.

In any case, these combinations require a splash of white (to balance the contrast) and bright kitchen lighting.

Various shades of purple are combined with different colors:

  • For a lilac kitchen, green, blue, light yellow, and cream wallpapers are well suited.
  • Pinkish-purple facades look most advantageous against the background of emerald green or white walls.
  • The combination of a purple set with white or light gray walls is a win-win option. The interior turns out rich, but not dark. You can also add black as decoration.
  • The soft lilac color of the kitchen set looks especially attractive against the background of light wallpaper, especially if the facades are glossy. It is better to choose wallpaper in conservative colors: white, beige, milky, cream.
  • Want to add romance? Choose wallpaper with a light background and discreet patterns of lilac and pink flowers.

For a modern style, you can choose wallpaper with white and lilac stripes. But such bright wallpaper is better used for an accent wall, leaving general background light walls.

For black headset

Black furniture always looks luxurious. But the abundance of black surfaces can cause a depressing mood, especially if the facades of the set are made in matte shades.

Black color requires bright lighting and the most neutral background - preferably white.

It is no coincidence that black and white has long become a design classic. White wallpaper and grey colour for the floor, they go perfectly with the black color of the set. Add a few rich shades in the decor, and you will get a wonderful kitchen in a modern style.

Black can be combined with ash gray, smoke color or steel - they will fit well into such an interior Appliances steel shade.

Black furniture and red wallpaper are the solution for a spacious kitchen. Designers only advise avoiding flashy shades of red. Coral, burgundy, and cardinal colors are best suited. With such a palette, it is necessary to add white decor.

Dining room- not only the food area, but total territory all household members, filled with warmth and comfort. Therefore, when arranging this room, it is important to keep in mind all the details of the interior design. In particular, determine which wallpaper is best suited for the kitchen and which for the dining room.


When choosing wallpaper for a small kitchen in Khrushchev, you need to answer the following questions:

  • What properties do they have, what parameters should you rely on when determining and choosing color, texture, type of coating?
  • Is there a large or small kitchen in the Khrushchev house? What is the best way to increase or decrease space?

To choose the right kitchen wallpaper, you also need to focus on your preferences and ideas.

Wallpaper properties

The best wallpapers for the dining room are non-woven wallpaper, vinyl, and fiberglass coverings. In the kitchen they are exposed to a number of physical, mechanical influences and rapid wear. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the labeling and not buy high quality wallpaper for walls.

How to choose wallpaper for the kitchen? It is necessary to select canvases that meet the following criteria:

  • Moisture resistance. In the kitchen for several square meters They are constantly steaming and frying something. Here you need to choose wallpaper that can only be wiped with a soft damp cloth or sponge without powders or gels. You can choose washable fabrics that can be cleaned with special products.
  • High density. The choice of linens for the kitchen should be based not only on aesthetic criteria, but also on their technical specifications. On high-density wallpaper, there is less accumulation of grease and dirt.
  • Vapor resistance. The walls in the Khrushchev must dry quickly after cooking.
  • Burnout protection. Burnt spots have no place in an ideal interior.


New dining room– this is not always a colossal investment. Sometimes it is better to replace the old covering to completely change the design and refresh the atmosphere. To make the wallpaper in a Khrushchev or house pleasant to admire, you need to choose a color based on the following criteria:

  • large or small kitchen in Khrushchev;
  • apartment ceiling heights;
  • sufficient light in the room;
  • general interior style.

A small white kitchen will look better than. Pastel colors visually expand the space. It can be not only white and beige, but also green, blue and other light shades.

It is worth taking into account the psychological component of shades. When there is an excess of bright and flashy color (in black and red, black and white, etc.), a tense atmosphere is created. It’s another matter if the room has enough space. Then you can combine dark and contrasting colors (black and white, black and purple, black and yellow paint are suitable).

Important! It is not advisable to oversaturate the design with cold compositions, since such a kitchen will be devoid of comfort and warmth.

If there is not enough sunlight in the room, then you should opt for warm beige tones of finishing materials. Apartment interior design ideas in calm shades of light paint, such as brown, orange and yellow, will look good.

If there is an excess of sun in the room, then it is better to avoid bright colors. They will only become more saturated and will burden the atmosphere and interior of the kitchen. The same goes for white paint. Beige will do just fine. brown, blue paint.

Green tones are considered the best option. They will not only fit harmoniously into the decor of the room, but also improve the digestion process and appetite. Soft salad, mint, and pistachio - perfect option.

Important! Modern design The interior design involves the use of red and orange glossy furniture. In this case, it is better to use for walls White color, which will fit into any style and design.

Texture and patterns on wallpaper

The choice of wallpaper for the kitchen should be made not only by color, but also by texture and pattern. Picture meanings:

  • if you choose horizontal lines, the room will visually expand;
  • to increase the height of the room, wallpaper design ideas with vertical lines should be considered;
  • a large kitchen in a Khrushchev-era building will be visually smaller if its design is dominated by large black drawings; on the contrary, small drawings will make the room more spacious;
  • if you make a choice in favor geometric designs in the form of intersecting stripes, then an illusionary optical illusion will appear - continuous space;
  • the choice of diagonal lines will bring movement and dynamics to the interior.

If you hang textured beige wallpaper, it will add zest to the design of the dining rooms of ordinary apartments, because they look extraordinary. They are able to give a room a new quality, add originality, visually create additional dimensions, and also light game shades, shadows, textured tints and other unusual effects.

Finishing materials to match the furniture

It is much better to take into account the color and style of the furniture when selecting wall material for the kitchen. Before you think about the design of the room, you need to figure out how suitable these two components are to each other:

  • You can match almost any color to white furniture finishing material: green, red, yellow, blue, brown, peach. They always add dynamism.

  • Classic brown set(including those made to look like wood) looks great against a white, peach or beige wall.

  • Orange furniture a design in muted colors (white, beige, gray and green color). A successful shade of white paint, perfectly combined with delicate orange paint, is the milky color scheme. Kitchens in this design are distinguished by calmness and nobility.

  • Green kitchen set based on the simplest compositional rules: bright furniture - muted wall decoration, calm tone of the facade - rich details in the wallpaper. This palette perfectly combines white and beige.

  • Black and white furnishings involves selecting a coating in light colors. You can choose a coating with a ready-made pattern. Preference can also be given to a black pattern with a dim ornament, but not for the entire perimeter, but only in certain areas. Then black and white furniture will look advantageous.

Modern furniture in white, green and orange palettes is often presented in a glossy design, so they are not suitable here additional elements decor. It is better to stick a plain neutral covering on the walls, for example, beige wallpaper. This great option for a bright headset.

Wallpaper for tiny kitchens

The following wall design ideas will help you understand how to choose the right one:

  • It is better to stick light pastel paint material on the walls(pink, blue, light green, mint or pale purple). You should not use black, black-blue, black-brown, marsh and other gloomy colors.
  • It is necessary to exclude large drawings and patterns, vertical stripes. Such techniques can compress space, even if the kitchen is white.
  • If bright shades are used, they should be secondary and in no case dominant. With a black-pink or black-orange version, dark paint needs less, light and white - more.

What wallpaper for the kitchen is in fashion now (3 videos)

Types of wallpaper for the kitchen (40 photos)

Wallpaper is one of the most affordable finishing options suitable for the kitchen. A wide variety of textures and patterns makes it possible to choose the perfect option for any style. What you should pay attention to before buying wallpaper and how to create a delightful interior with it will be described below.

Types of wallpaper, their advantages and disadvantages

Since the kitchen, along with the bathroom, is one of the most wet areas in the house, then for its decoration it is better to choose wallpaper that is resistant to such a microclimate.

For example, inexpensive paper ones will quickly lose their aesthetic appearance and within a year, or even earlier, repairs will have to be done again. Periodic exposure to water vapor also has a very negative effect on textiles - they can stretch, sag, fade, and become stained.

But vinyl, non-woven, acrylic, bamboo, cork wallpaper, as well as fiberglass - will perfectly cope with the function of a beautiful and durable wall covering for the kitchen.

The main disadvantage of polyvinyl, which is its inability to allow air and moisture to pass through, turns into a real advantage in the kitchen. The only exception is, perhaps, wallpaper with a foamed top layer, in the micropores of which water can collect. At the same time, vinyl coverings with a smooth surface or one resembling mother-of-pearl embroidery with hot stamping (silk-screen printing) can even be washed with a wet sponge with the addition of some neutral detergent.

Such wallpaper is a flexible cellulose fabric. They are usually used for painting, but there are also colored ones. For better protection from moisture, it is advisable to use latex or acrylic paint. In order not to spoil the embossed relief, this type of wallpaper should be repainted no more than 3-5 times during its entire service life. The advantage of non-woven fabric is its environmental friendliness, and the disadvantage is its ability to absorb moisture (less than paper).

The composition of this material is similar to vinyl, but in this case surfactant applied to a paper or non-woven base point method, leaving micropores for air. Acrylic wallpaper weighs about half as much as polyvinyl wallpaper, so it is easier to glue it, but its moisture resistance and durability leave much to be desired.

Bamboo wood is distinguished by its ability to repel water, and it also looks very beautiful. Natural wallpaper in warm straw shades will create a comfortable homely atmosphere in the kitchen. Apart from the high price, there are no disadvantages to this type of finishing.

Another eco-friendly and original material for decorating walls in the kitchen is cork in rolls. Moisture resistance, durability, resistance to mechanical damage, the ability to hide wall unevenness, unique texture - this is not the whole list of advantages of such wallpaper. By the way, denser cork textures are also suitable for floor decoration.

A flexible translucent sheet made of glass threads is an ideal option for those who value simplicity and reliability. Smooth or with a barely noticeable relief, glass wallpaper will “tightly” adhere to the walls for at least 30 years, during which time they can be repainted up to 20 times. Made entirely from natural raw materials (quartz sand, soda, clay), they allow moisture and air to pass through, but do not get wet, do not absorb odors, and mold or stains do not appear on them.

A nice bonus is that glass wallpaper protects the plaster from cracks and perfectly hides all surface imperfections.

It's all about style!

Each direction in design is characterized by a certain set of colors, textures, and decorative details. Wallpaper acts as a kind of background, which simply must be in harmony with the general idea, emphasize the beauty of all the details in the kitchen setting and combine them into a single ensemble.

The interior in Provence style includes delicate pastel shades: lavender, color eggshells, light grey, bleached pink, greenish and light turquoise. Floral prints, small, non-contrasting checks, and polka dots will help create a relaxed atmosphere in southeastern France.

In a rustic, simple and romantic kitchen, wallpaper with images of poultry and animals, as well as country household items (watering cans, flower pots, bicycles, baskets, clocks, lace) as if drawn with a slate pencil on craft paper, would be appropriate. If you need a wooden texture, then it should be an imitation of lightly painted and fairly worn boards.

If you see a clear and laconic design, which means it is most likely modern. To keep the kitchen interior in a modern style, it is advisable to cover the walls with plain wallpaper in discreet colors: white, gray, black, beige or light blue.

Also acceptable are photo wallpapers, discreet monochrome designs, alternating glossy and matte textures, the effect of polished stone, wood, and metallic shine.

Vinyl wallpaper with silk-screen printing is perfect for a kitchen in a classic style. Mother-of-pearl patterns, shimmering silver and gold will create a unique harmony between the walls, appliances and facades of the set.

To give the interior more luxury, the decoration can be supplemented with decorative columns, baseboards, frames or cornices in the form of plaster stucco molding.

The cool freshness of Nordic design will be provided by walls whose colors and textures are consistent with the palette of winter landscapes in Norway, Sweden or Denmark. It can be the sparkling purity of virgin snow, the mysterious depth of lakes and rivers, the smoky airiness of the sky, the mystical shimmer of the sunset.

You can add warm notes to your kitchen interior using bleached oak textures, rough wool knits, and dark red ethnic patterns on a linen background.

Wallpaper for a high-tech kitchen can be chosen in white, gray, black, blue or coffee colors. They must be plain and glossy. As a last resort, it is possible to imitate iridescent mosaic tiles, silicate brickwork, polished wood to a shine.

How to choose wallpaper color

Wall color has a big impact on general atmosphere kitchens. So that the whole family can enjoy getting together dining table, it is very important to choose the right most favorite and cozy shades.

Snow-white and similar pastel colors of wallpaper provide the ideal background for any additions. Such walls will make the kitchen more spacious, and any contrasting patterns and bright furniture will look most advantageous.

Shades of steel, stones, silver, chromed metal, mirrors - with such a rich spectrum, gray can become a true find for a designer. A simple combination of textures of different richness - and the result is a laconic, functional interior. If desired, you can always diversify it with bright details and additions.

Black wallpaper in the kitchen is a bold and eccentric solution. However, if you combine them with a white or steel set and make the right lighting, you will get a very interesting interior without the effect of reducing the area.

Natural shades from dark chestnut to beige, including the entire wood palette, are the optimal choice for those who do not chase fashion, but prefer cozy classics.

Unlike cold achromatic colors, brown always brings some warmth. Plain or printed wallpaper in the form of a wooden, bamboo wall, with painted autumn leaves, coffee beans, simple lines or in an English check - this color will always remind you of something calm, of home and family.

The color of the sun and tropical fruits is the most cheerful option for decorating a kitchen. It improves your mood, gives you vigor and warms you up. The brightness of yellow can be adjusted from delicate sand to rich orange.

Yellow wallpaper harmonizes perfectly with white, green, gray, black and purple shades. It is better to choose bright colors of the same saturation level.

Walls with wallpaper in emerald, light green, mint shades will be the best frame for a wooden, orange or gray kitchen set.

Green color is subconsciously perceived as the safest, because it symbolizes life itself and the prosperous abundance of the warm season. It combines warmth sun rays and the coolness of the spring breeze, so the shades of herbs are wonderful for both hot southern and cold northern rooms.

Wallpaper for a small kitchen / kitchen in Khrushchev

To make a small kitchen in a Khrushchev-era apartment seem more spacious, when choosing wallpaper you should give preference to light, monochromatic coverings. Drawings should be small, without contrasts. Gloss, pearlescent and golden-silver reflections will not be superfluous.

Vertical lines will help to visually raise the ceiling, but for this it is not at all necessary to buy striped wallpaper. It’s better to simply combine plain and patterned rolls of similar shades, placing them from the floor to the top of the wall.

You can add the missing volume using panoramic or 3D wallpapers with beautiful distant views and the effect of sunlight.

Wallpaper for the kitchen-living room

In studio apartments, where the kitchen is combined with the living room, wall decoration will help to beautifully zone the space.

So, in the cooking area, imitation tiles, stone, and brickwork would be appropriate, and the guest area would be decorated with more elegant wallpaper, for example, with silk-screen printing, unusual photo panoramas, or even exclusive hand-drawn drawings. At the same time, it is advisable to maintain common stylistic features and adhere to a single color palette.

Wallpaper for the kitchen - photo

An inspiring selection of photos with the most beautiful design solutions will help you quickly navigate among the huge variety of textures and colors.

In the pictures you will see how plain glossy and matte wallpapers, all kinds of patterns and prints, photo wallpapers, as well as cork, bamboo and other exotic coverings look like in the kitchen interior.

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