Grinding plaster - what is it? How to grind the plaster on the wall? Grinding plaster: preliminary cleaning of the surface, repairing defects, making mortar and restoration procedure We grind the plaster with our own hands.

Grinding plaster - what is it? Surely, every master finisher knows the answer to this question. But for those who are faced with the need to restore the finish for the first time, you will need to study this issue more carefully. Therefore, our article, first of all, will be focused specifically on beginners, although experienced craftsmen You are sure to find something useful in it.

What is a perforation?

Grinding plaster is the process of restoring the leveling layer without dismantling it. In other words, in the process of grinding, the cracks and crevices formed over time are simply smeared with a new layer of mortar, trying to do it as thinly as possible.

Important! Subject to compliance with the rules for performing work, this technology makes it possible to extend the life of the coating for several more years.

Preparatory work

The success of the restoration will depend on how well and accurately all operations are performed. That is why almost every instruction begins with a description of the preparation.

Surface pre-cleaning

To begin with, it is worth telling how to properly prepare the surface for subsequent restoration. The main problem for the plaster layer is cracks. In order for the solution that is used for restoration to penetrate them as deeply as possible, the cracks will have to be expanded:

  • Use a sturdy, straight-bladed knife or a special paint spatula. Using a knife, cut off the edges of the crack at an angle of 45 degrees, and try to do this in such a way that small depressions form under the surface.

Important! The depth of the cut will depend on the general condition of the surface: small defects can be embroidered by about 10-15 mm, but large old cracks should be deepened to the full thickness of the plaster layer.

  • After jointing, clean all cavities from dust and moisten with plenty of water.

Important! Instead of water, you can use a penetrating primer, but the cost of work in this case, of course, will increase.

  • In parallel with the jointing of existing cracks, prepare the gaps between the plinth (baguette) and the wall. Clean the gap with a spatula or knife, picking out debris and pieces of plaster from there. Be sure to moisten the cavity or treat with a primer.
  • Remove rust stains by cutting plaster mixture to the base. In the event that the stain has a low intensity, the plaster can be left, however, this area will have to be sanded for further leveling.

Defect repair

After all the cracks are embroidered, and the seams are thoroughly cleaned, you can proceed to the execution repair work:

  • Fill large recesses with a thick repair compound. At the same time, try to press the solution into the crack with force so that there is no cavity left inside.
  • Fill finer cracks with grout. For these purposes, you can use acrylic, which, after drying, is able to maintain elasticity. Also, instead of acrylic, a mixture of two parts of chalk with one part of gypsum can be used to eliminate minor defects.

Important! If used for repair gypsum composition, then it is necessary to perform priming on top of the leveled layer.

  • Also fill the gap between the molding and the wall with mortar, driving it inward with a spatula. In order not to damage the plinth material, cover it with polyethylene or seal it with masking tape.
  • Also take care of the contact points of the plaster layer and communications, for example, metal pipes and ventilation ducts. To avoid re-occurrence of cracks, cover all gaps with acrylic sealant.

When the composition that is used to eliminate defects polymerizes, you can proceed to grinding.

Performing grinding

After you figured out the question of what is grinding plaster interior spaces how are performed preparatory work, you can proceed to the direct process of its implementation.

Solution preparation

Often, the restoration of the plaster layer is done using the same compounds that were used to level the wall. As for the grinding mixture itself, it must contain sand. It is best that it be sifted, with a grain size of not more than 1 mm.

Prepare a solution in the following proportions:

  • Sifted sand - 1 part.
  • Lime dough - 1 part.
  • Water - until the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained.

Important! If you need to overwrite a large area, then it is advisable to prepare the solution in small portions. The fact is that the resulting composition can seize, and then the quality of the restored surface will be worse than using a fresh mixture.

Recovery procedure

After the solution is ready, you can proceed to grinding the plaster with your own hands:

  • Use a wooden plaster trowel for work. Also, to improve the quality of the surface, you can use a pad of felt or thick felt.
  • Before starting work, moisten the wall on an area of ​​about 2 square meters. m.
  • Dial the prepared solution on a grater and apply it to the leveling surface.

Important! For best quality processing, apply in a checkerboard pattern with an interval between strokes of approximately 15-20 cm.

  • Re-moisten the surface using a damp cloth or spray bottle.
  • With the grater flat on the wall, rub the surface in a circular motion. At the same time, try to evenly distribute the solution over the entire area, achieving the most even layer.

Important! If, in the process of work, old plaster is exposed in some areas, then add a little grinding mixture there.

  • Continue grouting until all areas are completely level. At the same time, make sure that during the work you do not damage the ceiling skirting boards.
  • Since the applied layer has a minimum thickness, dry it as carefully as possible, and only in natural conditions. During the drying process, protect the surface from temperature extremes, drafts and mechanical stress.

Important! After the surface has dried, remove surface defects by sanding. Accumulations of sand grains and small influxes can be cleaned off with a brick or wooden block, and then wipe this place with fine-grained sandpaper.

Plastering is a must overhaul dwellings, since in the vast majority of cases it is necessary either to completely change the wall covering, or the plaster is grinded.

If the old layer of material has completely become unusable, then it is removed manually or with a perforator, then a new coating is applied and rubbed at the finishing stage. However, it is often enough to update the walls, after which painting finishing operations can be carried out - this reduces the financial and time costs of the owners.

Grinding of the gypsum composition is carried out with metal spatulas 40-60 cm wide or with a special floor, and lime plaster walls on final stage processed with a polyurethane or felt grater. If it is necessary to perfectly align the internal corners, the vertical line is first cut with a plaster cutter, after which the corners are rubbed along with the walls.

Plaster grinding technology

Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare not only the plaster, but also -

  1. - Plastic container for the mixture,
  2. - Felt-coated grater or polyurethane grater,
  3. - fly brush,
  4. - Protective gloves for plastering.


Finishing grinding of Rotband plaster is not carried out according to the fresh composition. When working with Rotband, you must first wait until the mixture has completely set on the wall, after which the surface is abundantly wetted and the plaster is applied and smoothed with a spatula (half-rubber) with hand movements with maximum amplitude. The composition for work should be more liquid than for the first layer, and it must be kneaded in a limited volume manually or with a mixer. The layer thickness is 2-3 mm, only a metal tool is used for work.

lime plaster

Grinding of lime plaster is carried out with a polyurethane or felt float, while the first is used when grouting with fresh mortar, and the second after it has set. When working with a polyurethane grater on a fresh solution, you should not wet the wall much, and when grinding an already set mixture, the surface is wetted with water abundantly. The tool in the process of work moves in a circle with an average degree of pressing to the base of the wall.

Regrinding if necessary old plaster without leveling it, it is optimal to use a gypsum composition and a metal spatula or a stainless steel trowel. First, the old coating is cleaned of the paint layer, then it is primed, and after that it is possible to grout with a gypsum mixture.

In the process of finishing grinding the plaster, a smooth and even texture of the wall is created, which reduces further putty consumption, which is economical, because the putty mixture is more expensive than the plaster composition.

Questions and answers

Is it true that when grinding, than more water, all the better?

Yes, but only when working with a dried coating layer, if you start to moisten the fresh solution abundantly, it will simply “leak” and you will have to wait for it to dry. If the work is carried out with a metal tool with gypsum plaster Rotband type, then only the base under the coating layer and the tool are wetted.

If you press the grater harder against the wall, does the water squeeze out and the work goes faster?

If you press the grater hard, excessively hard during grinding, you will “knock out” the holes on the surface and you will have to re-trim the wall and apply another layer of coating. The pressure of the grater must be floating, depending on the degree of drying of the surface.

Grinding plaster is an obligatory stage of any plastering works, the further consumption of putty and the speed of painting finishing processes depend on its quality. If the wall is frayed with high quality, then it is much easier to achieve high level wall repair, so today we will tell you how to grind the plaster correctly, and what tool to use for this.

Preparation for work.

Grinding is the application and smoothing of the top layer of plaster, which helps to create a smooth texture on the walls. You can grind the old coating (for the purpose of cosmetic renewal) and fresh mortar (lime-gypsum, lime-cement, lime-polymer). Depending on the material, grinding is carried out using metal spatulas and trowels, as well as felt, foam and polyurethane trowels.

It is important to close the windows and flooring with film before plastering (relevant when repairing an old room in which the coating was not dismantled).

Many owners have appreciated the advantages in this case, they can offer such windows with a different number of profile chambers and double-glazed windows, while the price for them is affordable. When carrying out plastering work, in particular when grinding, it is necessary to close not only the window frame, but also the glass, because the plaster can scratch it, and replacing the double-glazed window will cost a tidy sum.


Grinding of old plaster should be carried out only after checking the base for peeling and swelling, if any, then the old layer is removed in places of defects, a fresh mortar is applied, and only after that you can start applying the top layer.

If a classic lime-cement composition is used for repair, then for grinding it is sifted and diluted to the consistency of sour cream, after which the surface is wetted and the plaster is applied to the wall with a trowel or trowel, the excess solution is removed, and it is treated with a polyurethane or felt grater. The thickness of the layer is 3-5 mm, and it is rubbed with circular or longitudinal movements of the hand until a smooth and uniform texture is formed.

On "fresh" plaster, you can work without wetting, using a polyurethane float for this.

If ready-made mixtures with fine grains are used, then the solution is applied with a layer of up to 4 mm using a metal spatula or a trowel, after which it is rubbed with the same tool with a wide range of hand movements. Wetting the surface in this case is only necessary if the base is strongly absorbed.

Dmitry Shekhovtsev

This technique can be compared to partial priming or spot restoration of a defective area. But if shallow flaws can be dealt with with putty with a light grout mixture, which will also provide a leveling effect, then grinding aims to repair deep damage, but with small area.

Does this mean that the work is being simplified? In a sense, yes, because the volume of laying can not be compared with the complex design of the walls with a new coating. On the other hand, the restoration of individual sections always entails a violation of the surface geometry - the same threat is especially evident during the grinding of plaster.

What does it mean? Placing a thick layer of mortar in a small area can cause problems when correcting the surface. Accordingly, the accuracy of applying the mass and further alignment will be important. The problem is that mechanical alignment may not give the expected result, since the fluid mixture after work is still deformed under its own load.

Repair of the facade coating has its own specifics, for which the following amendments are made:

  • The solution must be made on a composition intended for outdoor use. In particular, the silicate filler will allow you to perform high-quality grinding facade plaster. What does this mean in terms of operational impact? At a minimum, protection from precipitation will be provided with the strengthening of the structure of the problematic coverage area.
  • Plaster must not be applied to a dirty surface. To clean the facades, a special sink is used under high pressure.
  • Termination is carried out with a mandatory preliminary primer in 2-3 thin layers. At the final stage, the leveling of the plaster can be done with a waterproof sealant.

Surface preparation work

Grinding plaster on the wall surface

The success of the entire recovery process depends on how carefully all actions are taken.

early stage any repair work is the preparation of important structures and surfaces, which consists of the following:

  1. In order for the restoration work to be done efficiently, it is necessary to embroider all the cracks for good penetration of the plaster solution. To perform this type of work, you can use a sharp knife or spatula, with which you need to cut at an angle of 450 (how deep the cut depends on the degree of surface damage: small cracks can be embroidered by 1-1.5 cm, and large ones are better to be embroidered to the entire a layer of old plaster mortar).
  2. At the next step, you need to clean all the embroidered recesses from the remains of debris and dust, and sprinkle them well with water (it would be good to use a primer instead of water, but such work is much more expensive).
  3. Then proceed to the preparation of the gaps between the walls and baseboards. The cracks must be well cleaned of debris and old plaster, then wetted with water or treated with a primer mixture.
  4. If rust spots have formed on the surface for a certain time, such parts old wall must be removed to its base (when the speck is small, you can not remove the solution layer, but first sand this area).

What solution is required?

Main question in choosing a dry mix for grinding - what should be the type of base? It is better to refuse modified compositions immediately, since the plasticizers included in them are small areas in direct contact with a foreign mixture, they can manifest their qualities in different ways. After all, do not forget what grinding of plaster means?

This is the incorporation of a new solution into an already existing coating structure. A universal option may seem to be a traditional cement composition, in which both adhesion is high and strength will make it possible to form a reliable seal. But, the cement-sand mixture has a long curing period, and this is an undesirable characteristic for a mass laid flat in a small area.

best solution will become a gypsum solution. In addition to environmental friendliness and fast hardening, such a base will make it possible to perform plastic and shrinkage-resistant grinding of plaster. What will it give in practice? Firstly, it will remove the problems of post-processing damage, when it will be necessary to perform leveling and corrective operations.

Grinding plaster in the basement

For the most part, resurfacing is carried out using the same mixture that was used during the surface leveling. But, grinding of plaster should be carried out with a mixture in which, first of all, the presence of sand. by the most best material there will be sifted sand with fine grains.

Fresh plaster on the wall surface

The grinding solution is prepared in compliance with the following proportions:

  • 1 part lime dough;
  • 1 part seeded quarry sand;
  • water (liquid must be poured so much that the mixture has a thick consistency).

If you need a lot of grinding solution (a significant amount of damage), it is better to mix it in small doses. Ready mix has the feature of quickly setting, due to this the quality of such a solution will be significantly worse than freshly prepared.

Removing flaws

Grinding plaster on the surface of the wall in the apartment

After the preparatory work is completed, we proceed to eliminate the shortcomings:

  • deep gaps fill with mortar so that there are no empty areas in the recess;
  • if the cracks are thin and not very deep, they can be filled with acrylic (if this does not work, you can prepare a mixture of chalk and gypsum in a ratio of 2: 1, but after that, first treat this area with a primer mixture);
  • further needed fill with mortar clearance between the wall surface and the plinth;
  • if a defect has formed at the point of contact of the plaster with communicative structures (ventilation system, pipes, etc.), use an acrylic-based sealant to seal them.

After all the cracks and crevices are filled with the solution, give the surfaces time to polymerize, and only then can you start grinding.

Grinding technique

The operation is preferably performed manually with a spatula with a small rule for surface correction. 2-3 hours after laying base weight with complete sealing of the defective area with the help of a lattice grater, sagging and all kinds of irregularities should be removed. By the way, grinding of wall plaster can be performed in several layers if the embedment depth exceeds 25 cm.

Grinding in combination with jointing

If it is necessary to make a deep seal of the crack, it is advisable to perform a preliminary jointing. This is a kind of cleaning, but in a more in-depth technological version. The jointing procedure consists in removing the remnants of the problematic concrete along the edges in the crack zone. Finishers are advised to blow out the defect cavity itself as much as possible, which will stop its further spread.

Solution preparation method

Stucco wall

If you still want to grind the old plaster, you will need a wood grater for plastering.

Before you start applying the solution, the surface must be wetted with water, only then you can gain weight on a grater and cover the walls with it.

During grinding, your movements with the grater should be circular. You are faced with the task of spreading the plaster over the entire surface in an even layer so that the applied material lies as evenly as possible.

Since this layer has little reliability, it must be dried extremely carefully in this way (it is better not to speed up the process and not to use building hair dryers and other equipment). Try to ensure that during the drying period the treated surface does not succumb to the influence of mechanics, and there are no drafts and strong temperature changes in the room.

We grind the plaster with our own hands

When the surface is completely dry, we proceed to work on grinding the walls.

The approximate cost of grinding is shown in the table.

Grinding plaster on the surface of the walls

As you can see, the method of work is very simple and does not require large time and financial costs. But, its implementation will be potential only if the base plaster layer is very durable and needs only a small budgetary repair.


As a repair and restoration operation, grinding allows you to preserve the overall structure of the base coat for some time, but you should not overestimate it. The heterogeneity of the finish structure in itself creates favorable conditions for the future formation of new cracks. Therefore, experts use the concept of temporary grinding of plaster.

Renovation of the interior includes an inspection of the condition and elimination of defects in all structures. Grinding plaster allows you to restore performance of this coating without its complete replacement.

This procedure for the restoration of old plaster significantly reduces the consumption of materials and the time during which the walls will be ready for applying a new finish.


The quality of the new mortar should be the same as that of the base

Plastered walls are frayed when the bulk of the old coating retains its bearing capacity, suitable for service for a long period.

The applied thin layer of the new solution must be comparable in hardness to the base, otherwise it will peel off and collapse.

Identification of defects and determination of the scope of repair work is carried out, obeying a few simple rules:

Some destruction is caused by a violation of the technology for preparing the solution or applying it even when construction work for interior decoration. For example, throwing a solution on a base that is too wet or completely dry. In this case, it is better to clean the low-quality areas down to the wall material and re-plaster the plaster.


It is possible to determine the scope of work and understand the issue, grinding the plaster, what kind of repair procedure it is, according to TERr 61-26-1. It includes only 2 positions: scraping old paint and the actual grind.

To perform operations, you will need a tool for cutting cracks (painting spatula, straight knife, scraper) and working with mortar (wooden grater, brush for wetting).


Grinding requires a thick solution

The consistency of the mortar used for grinding the plaster should be thick. This is necessary not only for dense filling of crack cavities, but also for the possibility of obtaining a sufficiently thin layer over the surface of the preserved old coating.

Repair of places cleaned to the ground is carried out with the same mortar that was laid when creating the coating; on the frayed part of the wall, a different proportion is used 1/1 (for cracks - with the addition of gypsum):

Narrow cracks can be sealed with a more liquid solution. In this case, acrylic or chalk is also used as additives. To learn how to make a solution, see this video:

If gypsum is included in the composition of the solution, then after drying, a thorough primer of the laid layer must be carried out.


Remember to keep the solution moist throughout the grinding process.

Grinding will be done with high quality, if you follow the features of the technology in the following sequence:

  1. The uniform distribution of the solution over the entire area begins after all the places of the old plaster that have been sealed following the results of troubleshooting have dried.
  2. Before applying the lime-sand composition, the wall is moistened with water or primed for strong adhesion of the renewed layer to the base. At the same time, it is better to wet no more than 2 m² of wall area.
  3. When processing walls of a large area, the solution is kneaded in portions, using only a freshly prepared mixture.
  4. Before leveling, the solution is applied to the wall with a float in a checkerboard pattern with an interval of 15 - 20 cm.
  5. During grinding, the solution is periodically moistened.
  6. The quality of the resulting surface increases when using felt or felt overlays on a wooden grater.
  7. Since the grout layer is very thin, you should try to ensure the most uniform drying, eliminate drafts, direct sunlight, and uneven temperature of the wall materials.
  8. At the points of contact with the laid communications, the dried mortar may subsequently crack, so it is better not to coat foreign materials end-to-end, but to fill the gap left with acrylic sealants. No gaps should be left between the wall and the skirting board. For more information on grinding plaster, see this video:

Once cured, streaks and splashes on surrounding surfaces can be easily removed with water.

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