Fire alarm. Fire communications and alarm systems at the enterprise Communication equipment and automatic fire extinguishing installations

Responsibilities of communications officials. Discipline and rules for communication.

Dispatcher (radio telephone operator) PSCh reports to the chief of guard of the GPS unit, and in operational terms to the garrison dispatcher. He is responsible for the accurate reception, transmission and registration of messages arriving at the unit’s communication point, the timely dispatch of units to fires, accident sites and natural disasters. He is obliged:

know the operational fire situation in the area of ​​departure of the State Fire Service units, the list of objects for which operational plans and fire extinguishing cards have been drawn up or units are sent in case of a fire using an increased call number, waterless areas, the location of important and fire-hazardous objects, passages and water sources, as well as the main tactical technical data of fire engines (ships, trains) available in the garrison;

be able to quickly receive fire messages and use the fire safety control documentation;

check the operation of communication and signaling equipment at the PSCh when taking up duty, and also periodically during duty keep them clean and in good working order, report all malfunctions to the chief of the guard and the garrison dispatcher;

maintain contact with the services of the area (facilities) interacting with the fire department, and, if necessary, send the forces and means of these services to the area of ​​the fire (accident, natural disaster) according to the established procedure;

upon receiving messages about the closure of passages, failure of the fire-fighting water supply, communication disruptions and other changes in the operational fire situation, immediately report to the guard chief and the garrison dispatcher;

when calling by phone, answer: “Fire brigade”;

Having received a telephone message about a fire, without interrupting the conversation, turn on the alarm signal, and at night, additional lighting of the premises, fill out a ticket for the departure of the guard and its copies according to the number of departing departments, establish the address of the fire, the name and telephone number of the applicant, and, if possible - other information about the fire that may affect the successful extinguishing of the fire;

hand over the permit to the chief of the guard, informing him of the available information about the object and the nature of the fire, and keep one copy of the permit;

together with a ticket (token) for departure, hand over to the head of the guard a fire extinguishing operational card (plan) (if one has been developed for this facility);

upon receiving an alarm signal from the detector fire alarm give a return signal, take the detector tokens, carefully check the token numbers with the numbers of the activated detector and hand them over to the guard commander;

upon receiving an “alarm” signal from a fire alarm installation, arrange a guard visit in the same way as when receiving a notification by telephone;

upon receiving a message about a fire at a facility to which automatic dispatch of forces and resources is provided via an elevated call number, immediately inform the garrison dispatcher about this;

inform the garrison dispatcher and officials in the prescribed manner about the departure of the guard, the dispatch of additional forces and equipment, information received from the place of work of the guard, about the return of the guard;

establish and maintain contact with the guard who went to the fire (to the scene of an accident, natural disaster, for practical training), taking into account the characteristics of the object, find out with the help of reference documentation, as well as through the relevant services, the operational and tactical features of the object, the level of gas contamination, radiation situation, expected changes in weather conditions, etc. and upon receiving additional information, immediately report it to the garrison dispatcher and the guard commander;

take all necessary measures to timely receive information about the situation from the place of work of the GPS unit and immediately transmit the received instructions and information to the control center;

upon receipt of a notification about a fire outside the departure area of ​​a given GPS unit, immediately transfer it to the control center or to the GPS unit in whose security area the fire occurred, and report this to the chief of guard;

record in the log of the communication point the time of receipt and content of messages (indicating the names of those who reported fires, accidents, natural disasters, failure of hydrants, water supply networks, roads, driveways, communications, etc.), orders and messages from the fire site , accident, natural disaster, time of departure, arrival at the place of call and return of the guard on duty (including to classes and exercises), to which of the officials, when and what information was transmitted, what and when was done in response to received messages and in pursuance of received orders and so on.;

keep records of facilities where people stay around the clock (kindergartens, medical institutions, etc.);

allow only the guard chief and his direct superiors, as well as persons responsible for Maintenance communication equipment.

Radiotelephone operator working with a portable radio station, is subordinate to the chief of guard (squad commander) and the person at whose disposal he is sent. He is obliged:

establish and maintain contact with radio stations operating during the fire;

know the call signs of radio stations operating during a fire;

Have a pencil and notepad for writing.

Radiotelephonist working with telephone, is subordinate to the chief of guard (squad commander) and the person at whose disposal he is assigned, and is responsible for the serviceability of the telephone, the timely establishment and uninterrupted operation of the communication line. He is obliged:

after laying the line and turning on the telephone set, check their serviceability and report to the switchboard;

know the numbers of switch subscribers;

do not leave the device while waiting for a call signal from the switchboard;

when called, answer: “1st precinct (for example, Ivanov’s precinct) is listening,” and then enter into a conversation;

conduct negotiations briefly, without unnecessary words and only on issues of an official nature;

do not allow unauthorized persons to use the telephone;

when receiving orders by telephone, quickly and accurately transmit them to the addressee;

immediately notify the telephone operator working on the switchboard about the transfer of the device to a new location and the temporary interruption of communication;

handle the telephone with care and protect it from dust and moisture;

Have a notepad to write down messages.

Rules for radio communication.

Messaging involves the transmission and reception of telephone messages, radiograms, telegrams, graphic and text images, signals, commands, etc.

According to the content, messages are divided into operational and service. Operational messages are exchanged on issues related to the management of GPS units and life support services in their combat activities. The exchange of official messages is carried out when establishing and checking communications and when resolving issues of administrative and economic activities of the garrison.

Message exchanges should be brief. Conducting various kinds of private inquiries and private negotiations between subscribers is strictly prohibited.

The list of issues on which messages are exchanged in clear text is determined by the head of the State PS (OGPS).

Establishment of communication is carried out in the following form: "Angara! I am Falcon! Answer", "Falcon! I am Angara! Welcome!".

If it is necessary to transfer messages, the caller, after establishing communication, transmits it in the form: "Angara! I am Falcon! Accept the message" (text follows), "I am Falcon, welcome!". When a message is received, a response is given in the form: "Falcon! I am Angara" (message text is repeated), I'm Angara, welcome!.

The operator notifies about the end of the connection with the following words: "End of Communication". The transmission of messages should be carried out slowly, clearly, and clearly. You must speak in a full voice, but do not shout, as shouting disrupts the clarity and clarity of the transmission.

In case of poor audibility and unclear words, difficult to pronounce words are transmitted letter by letter, with each letter being transmitted as a separate word according to the following table:

A - Anna

L - Leonid

C - Heron

B - Boris

M - Mikhail

H - Man

V - Vasily

N - Nikolay

Sh - Shura

G - Gregory

O - Olga

Shch - Pike

D - Dmitry

P - Pavel

E - Echo

E - Elena

R - Roman

Yu - Yuri

F - Zhenya

S - Semyon

I am Yakov

3 - Zinaida

T - Tatiana

Y - Ery

I - Ivan

U - Ulyana

b - Soft sign

Y - Ivan short

F - Fedor

Ъ - Solid sign

K - Konstantin

X - Khariton

Digital text transmission is carried out according to the following rules:

Three-digit groups 126, 372 - one hundred twenty-six, three hundred seventy-two, etc.;

Four-digit groups 2873, 4594 - twenty-eight seventy-three; forty-five ninety-four, etc.;

Five-digit groups 32481, 76359 - thirty-two four hundred eighty-one; seventy-six three hundred fifty-nine, etc.;

If hearing is poor, each number can be expressed in words: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, zero.

When transmitting from the fire scene, the following sample message texts must be adhered to:

- "Arrived at the place of call. Reconnaissance is underway"

- “It’s burning in the attic of a four-story building. Send an additional ladder truck.”

- “We arrived at the place of the call, the electrical wires are shorted. Send the emergency power service.”

- "The fire has been extinguished, dismantling is in progress"

Communication quality is assessed using a five-point system:

5-excellent communication (no interference can be heard, words are legible);

4-good connection (interference can be heard, words are legible);

3-satisfactory communication (there is a lot of interference, intelligibility is insufficient);

2-unsatisfactory communication (the interference is so great that words are difficult to understand);

1st appointment is not possible.

If there is no response from the called subscriber to three consecutive calls within 1-2 minutes, the dispatcher (radio telephone operator) is obliged to report to the central control center about the lack of communication.

All radio stations must operate only on their assigned frequency channels. Operation on other frequency channels, with the exception of cases of inclusion in the radio network of life support services, is prohibited.

Radio station call signs are assigned technical departments(departments) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the subjects Russian Federation. Assigning arbitrary call signs is strictly prohibited.

Before starting a transmission, the radio operator must make sure by listening on the frequency of his transmitter that this frequency is not occupied by other network subscribers.

Only the main radio stations and radio stations operating at the fire site are allowed to interfere with radio exchange between two radio stations, if it is necessary to call additional forces and announce an increased number of the fire.

Checking the passage of radio communications is permitted only by transmitting words of serial counting: “I give you the count for setting: one, two, three, four, five...”. It is prohibited to check the radio communication channel with an elevated call number and through negotiations.

Only persons who have undergone special training and have the appropriate permission from the head of the UGPS (OGPS) are allowed to work at GPS radio stations.

Processing calls and receiving information.

Calls are processed in the prescribed manner by the duty dispatcher (radio telephone operator) of the fire department and includes:

Reception from the applicant and recording of information about the fire;

Assessing the information received and making a decision on sending forces and means to the place of call, provided for by the departure schedule (plan for attracting forces and means);

Giving an "ALARM" signal;

Preparation and delivery (transfer) official, heading the duty guard or duty shift (hereinafter referred to as the head of the guard), vouchers for going to the fire, as well as, if necessary, operational plans (cards) for fire extinguishing and other information about the burning object.

When receiving information from the applicant about a fire, the duty dispatcher must, as far as possible, fully establish:

The presence and nature of danger to human life and health;

Features of the facility where the fire occurred;

Last name, first name, patronymic of the applicant;

Other information (including the applicant’s telephone number) about the fire that may affect the successful completion of the main combat mission.

The "ALARM" signal is sent immediately after the address or other information about the location of the fire has been established and a decision has been made to leave.

The call must be completed as quickly as possible a short time and do not delay departure and travel to the fire site.

If necessary and available technical feasibility information about the fire can be transmitted by the dispatcher to the chief of the guard via radio communication while he is moving to the fire site.

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  • The relationship of the hypothalamus with the cortex and subcortical structures
  • The relationship of caries and its complications with dental pathology.
  • The relationship between clinical psychology and general psychology and medicine. Differences in the logic of general theoretical and applied (clinical and psychological) research.
  • One of the conditions for successfully fighting fires is their timely detection, early notification of fire services and the beginning of active fire extinguishing at the initial stage of fire development. These tasks are solved with the help of fire communications and alarms. Fire communications provides notification of a fire and calling fire services, dispatch communication for managing fire extinguishing forces and means, and operational communication of units during fire extinguishing. Fire communications are carried out via a city or special telephone network, or by shortwave transceiver systems.

    Fire alarm (FS)) - This base element in the security system of any enterprise.

    Any enterprise, every office must have such a system. This is dictated both by the owner’s desire to protect his property, life and health of employees, and state standards And regulations Ministry of Emergency Situations. In general, fire alarms are designed to detect a fire at the initial stage of a fire and transmit an alarm signal to the security console. PS- is a complex complex technical means, which serve for timely detection of fire in the protected area.

    Fire alarm system consists of the following main components.

    1. The control panel is a device that analyzes the state of fire sensors and loops, and also issues commands to start the fire automatics. This is the brain of the fire alarm.

    2. Display unit or automated workplace(Workstation) based on a computer. These devices are used to display fire alarm events and status.

    3. Uninterruptible power supply (UPS). This unit serves to ensure continuous operation of the alarm, even in the absence of power. This is the heart of the fire alarm

    4. Various types fire sensors (detectors). Sensors are used to detect the source of fire or combustion products (smoke, carbon monoxide, etc.). They are the eyes and ears of the fire alarm.

    Types of fire detectors

    The main factors to which the fire alarm reacts are the concentration of smoke in the air, an increase in temperature, the presence carbon monoxide CO and open fire. And for each of these signs there are fire sensors.

    Thermal fire sensor reacts to changes in temperature in the protected room. He can be threshold, with a given operating temperature, and integral, responsive to the rate of temperature change. They are mainly used in rooms where it is not possible to use smoke detectors.
    Smoke fire detector reacts to the presence of smoke in the air. Unfortunately, it also reacts to dust and fumes. This is the most common type of sensor. It is used everywhere except smoking rooms, dusty rooms and rooms with wet processes.
    Flame sensor reacts to open flame. Used in places where fire is possible without prior smoldering, such as carpentry workshops, storage facilities for flammable materials, etc.

    The latest invention in the field fire protection systems- This multi-sensor detector. Developers have long been puzzled by the problem of creating a sensor that would consider all the signs together, and, therefore, would more accurately determine the presence of a fire by an order of magnitude, reducing false fire alarms. The first to be invented were multisensory sensors that react to a combination of two signs: smoke and increased temperature. Now sensors are used that take into account a combination of three and even all four factors. Today, many companies are already producing systems fire protection with multi-touch sensors. The most famous of them are System Sensor, Esser, Bosch Security Systems, Siemens multi-sensor smoke detector, etc.

    Successfully fighting a fire depends on the rapid and accurate transmission of information about the fire and its location to the local fire brigade, which allows it to be quickly eliminated and the damage significantly reduced. Still in some remote areas rural areas striking a bell or a metal rail, as well as telephone communication, are used. Sound fire alarm systems of an enterprise include a horn, a siren, etc. Currently, electric and automatic ones are widely used. sound systems fire alarm, as well as radio and telephone communications.

    The main elements of electrical and automatic fire alarms are: detectors (sensors) installed at sites; receiving stations that register the outbreak of a fire; linear structures connecting detectors with receiving stations. Receiving stations are located in the nearest special fire department premises or in 24-hour duty stations and ensure the reception of signals from detectors, their conversion into light and sound information, and, if necessary, switching on automatic means fire extinguishing

    Electrical fire alarm (EFS) allows you to quickly and reliably issue an alarm signal, record the signal, and provides two-way wiring between detectors and the receiving station. Push-button detectors that operate when pressed by hand should be located in accessible places: lobbies, corridors, stairwells and so on.

    According to the switching schemes, the EPS is divided into beam and loop. In the beam scheme (Fig. 7.7, A) From the station to the detector there are rays consisting of two wires - forward and reverse. The beam system is used, usually in cases where there is a short line length or a telephone cable is used.

    Receiving apparatus


    Loop line

    Rice. 7.7. Electrical fire alarm diagram: A- radial; b- loop

    Loop alarm (Fig. 7.7, b) is a ring in which code detectors are connected in series, forming one common wire - a loop.

    The most reliable and fastest fire notification system is the automatic fire alarm system APS, which, without human intervention, allows you to detect a fire and notify the receiving station about it. This system is used at fire-hazardous facilities (bases, warehouses, trading enterprises). According to the method of perception of the primary impulse automatic detectors are divided into thermal, light and combined (smoke and thermal),

    / - barrel of water; 2 - fire buckets; 3 - fire hoses; 4 - fire extinguisher OP-5; 5 - hydraulic remote control bucket; 6 - carbon dioxide fire extinguisher OU-2; 7 - shovels; 8- sand box; 9 - hooks; 10- crowbars; 11 - fire axes

    optical and ultrasonic, which are installed under the ceiling of rooms.

    Heat detectors there are different models and are triggered under the influence of an increased heat source (convection or radiant) emanating from the fire. In a thermal sensor, the sensitive element is bimetallic plates. At a temperature of 80 °C, the plate bends, opening the alarm circuit. The area controlled by one sensor is up to 15 m.

    IN light detectors (photocells) use the phenomenon of the photoelectric effect. These detectors respond to the ultraviolet or infrared part of the spectrum from radiation open flame. During fires, along with heat transfer, thermal conductivity and convection of the environment, thermal radiation occurs due to hot solid and gaseous substances.

    Smoke detectors(detectors) are used to give a signal about fire danger when smoke appears in enclosed spaces.

    They are ionization chambers and are triggered when there is an increased concentration of smoke in the room.

    Combined detectors are a combination of smoke and heat sensors (ionization chamber and thermistors), which are triggered by increased smoke concentration or light flux.

    Ultrasonic The sensors are designed to detect moving objects (oscillating flames) indoors. One such sensor monitors an area of ​​up to 1000 m.

    To ensure trouble-free operation of detectors, it is necessary to monitor their good condition. Responsibility for organizing the operation and technical maintenance of fire alarm systems lies with the head of the enterprise.

    Primary fire extinguishing means used to extinguish small fires before the arrival of fire brigades are located on special panels (Fig. 7.8), which should be located in convenient places for access: in the utility yard, in the under-stairs spaces and should not be cluttered with containers, garbage and other items.

    They contain various tools (trenches) and fire extinguishing agents. Fire extinguishing agents and tools should be painted red, and the inscriptions about their ownership should be made with white paint.

    One of the conditions for successfully fighting fires is their timely detection, early notification of fire services and the beginning of active fire extinguishing at the initial stage of fire development. These tasks are solved with the help of fire communications and alarms. Fire communications provide notification of a fire and calling fire services, dispatch communications for managing fire extinguishing forces and means, and operational communications between units during fire extinguishing. Fire communications are carried out via a city or special telephone network, or by shortwave transceiver systems.

    Fire alarm is used for early detection fire detection and reporting the location of its occurrence and consists of detectors, linear communication and a receiving station.

    Fire alarm systems can be either automatic or manual. Depending on the method of connecting detectors with wires to the receiving station, fire alarm systems can be beam (radial) or loop (ring) systems.

    Electrical fire alarm detectors are devices that respond to smoke, radiant energy, heat, ionization, the signal of which is transmitted to a receiving station, as well as to the activation of stationary fire extinguishing installations.

    Detectors, depending on their types, can be triggered automatically or manually,

    Manual type detectors have a simple contact device and are activated by pressing a start button. Manual call points type PKIL-7 push-button action is located in conspicuous places in buildings and production workshops. To signal a fire, break the glass and press the detector button with your hand.

    Automatic detectors convert non-electrical quantities into an electrical signal. According to the principle of operation, converters are divided into parametric ones, in which non-electrical quantities are converted into electrical ones using an auxiliary current source, and generator ones, in which a change in a non-electrical quantity causes the appearance of its own electromotive force.

    Depending on what phenomenon automatic detectors (sensors) react to, they are divided into the following types:

    1) thermal fire detectors that respond to rising temperatures;

    2) sensors that respond to smoke or gaseous combustion products;

    3) sensors that respond to light radiation (flame, spark);

    4) combined sensors, which use several types of sensing elements based on different principles transformations.

    Automatic fire detectors, in turn, are divided into three groups:

    a) maximum action sensors, triggered when the controlled parameters (smoke, temperature, radiation) reach a certain value;

    b) differential detectors respond to the rate of change of the controlled parameter;

    c) maximum-differential - react both to the absolute value of the controlled parameter and to the rate of its change.

    Thermal sensors of maximum action (type ATIM, ATP) are triggered when the temperature is reached environment- 50, 70,100, 140°C. As a sensitive element, they use fusible or combustible (celluloid) inserts, mercury, liquid or bimetallic links, as well as electrical devices that operate on the principle of changing the electrical conductivity of sections of the circuit.

    The thermal low-fusibility sensor DTL (Fig. 16.18) has become widespread due to its simplicity of design and the ability to connect to installations security and fire alarm system. The sensitive element of the sensor is formed by two spring plates 2, soldered at one end with Wood's alloy 1 (tin + cadmium + bismuth + lead), with a melting point of 72 ° C. The second ends of the plates are fixed on a plastic base 3 and connected to an electrical clamp 4. As the temperature rises, the junction melts and the plates move apart, opening the alarm circuit.

    Thermal detectors of the maximum action type TRV (Fig. 16.19) have an explosive design and are installed in explosive areas of all classes. The principle of operation is based on the difference in linear elongations when heating a brass tube and an Invar rod. These detectors serve not only to signal an increase in temperature above the permissible level (the response threshold for various modifications of the expansion valve is 70 and 120°C), but also to start automatic systems fire extinguishing

    Differential detectors respond to the rate of temperature rise, regardless of the temperature in the protected room. For example, the DPS-038 fire alarm sensor has a battery of 50 thermocouples as a sensitive element and operates on the principle of the difference in thermoelectromotive force at the blackened and silvered thermocouple junctions. The detector is triggered by a rapid increase in temperature (at least 30° in 7 s). The estimated service area of ​​the premises is up to 30 m2.

    Thermal detectors, as a rule, are inertial, i.e. they need some time to operate (from 50 to 120 s.). Often a fire is preceded by smoldering. The initial phase of a fire can last several hours. In this case, the fire alarm system, the action of which is determined by an increase in temperature or the presence of open fire, can signal a fire only after it has reached the highest phase of development and spreads rapidly. Therefore, fire alarm systems often use detectors that respond to the appearance of smoke or gaseous combustion products. The sensitive element of such low-inertia detectors are photocells, photon counters or ionization chambers.

    The principle of operation of smoke detectors is based on a change in the optical properties of the environment when smoke appears and can be carried out using two methods: I) by weakening the primary light flux; 2) by the intensity of the light flux reflected (scattered) by smoke particles.

    The first method is used in linear optical-electronic security and fire detectors, the second - in detectors of the IDF and DIP types.

    The IDF photoelectric smoke detector consists of an optical unit containing a light source and a photodetector, and a semiconductor amplifier (Fig. 16.20).

    In standby mode, light does not reach the photoresistor, and when smoke appears, light scatters and the resistance of the photoresistor decreases, which triggers the amplifier and issues an alarm signal.

    A similar principle is used in detectors of the DIP-1 and DIP-2 types. To ensure resistance to background illumination, they use a method of modulating the light source with pulses from a multivibrator. The detector is triggered only when smoke particles reflect light from a modulated source. An extraneous light source cannot cause a false alarm.

    Related information.

    Fire communications and alarms are designed for timely notification of a fire (notification communication), management of fire departments (dispatcher communications) and management of fire extinguishing. For these purposes, telephone and radio communications (manual fire call points), electric fire alarms (EFS), automatic fire alarms (AFS), live communications, beeps, calls, etc. are used.

    Rice. 1. Manual call point diagram
    Manual fire call points are installed at sites National economy and in living quarters, in corridors, passages, and staircases. The alarm is generated by pressing a button. Manual call points PKIL (fire push-button beam detector) are connected to the receiving station. When you press the K button, one of the circuits opens, which leads to the activation and reception of an alarm signal. A current is supplied from the receiving station, which turns on the telephone, and the person who raised the alarm receives confirmation that the signal has been received. A microtelephone handset can be connected to the Mt terminals for conversations with the duty officer.
    IN industrial buildings with an area of ​​more than 500 m2, classified according to fire hazard categories A, B and C, warehouse and retail premises, exhibition halls, museums, theatrical and entertainment venues and some others, it is recommended to install electric fire alarm systems (EFS). EPS can be automatic or manual. In turn, automatic fire alarm systems, depending on physical factor, to which they react, are divided into thermal (i.e., reacting to an increase in temperature), smoke, light and combined. In addition, automatic fire detectors are divided into maximum, maximum differential and differential. Maximum action sensors are triggered when the controlled parameter reaches a specified value. Differential sensors react to changes in the speed of a given parameter, and maximum differential sensors react to both.
    Fire detectors of all types are characterized by a response threshold - the minimum value to which they respond, inertia - the time from the start of the controlled parameter to the moment it is triggered, and a coverage area - the floor area controlled by one sensor.

    The principle of operation of thermal fire detectors is to change the physical and mechanical properties of the sensitive elements of these devices under the influence of temperature. The sensitive element can be a low-melting alloy, as in DTL detectors (low-melting thermal sensor); thermocouples, as in DPS detectors (fire alarm sensor) or semiconductor thermistors in POST detectors. Smoke detectors have two main methods of detecting smoke - photoelectric and radioisotope. A photoelectric smoke detector (PSD) detects smoke by detecting light reflected from smoke particles with a photocell. Works on the same principle smoke detector semiconductor (SIP).
    A radioisotope smoke detector (RSD) has an ionization chamber with sources of α-particles as a sensitive element. An increase in smoke content reduces the degree of ionization in the chamber, which is recorded.
    There are combined detectors (CDs) that respond to heat and smoke. Light fire detectors register the radiation of a flame against the background of extraneous light sources. Light detector type SI-1 detects fire by ultraviolet radiation flame. The sensitive elements of these detectors are various photodetectors - semiconductor photoresistors, gas-filled photocells with an external photoelectric effect.
    Ultrasonic detectors are increasingly being used. They have very high sensitivity and can combine security and fire functions. These devices respond to changes in the characteristics of the ultrasonic field filling the protected room under the influence of movement air environment arising from a fire. The table shows the main characteristics of various types of detectors.

    Table 1. Characteristics of various detectors
    The main elements of any automatic fire alarm system are: detectors-sensors located in protected premises; a receiving station designed to receive signals from sensors and generate alarms; power devices that provide power to the system electric shock; linear structures - systems of wires connecting detectors to the receiving station.

    Rice. 2. Connecting fire detectors to the receiving station:
    1 - receiving station; 2 - fire detectors; 3 - power supply
    Fire detectors are connected to the receiving station in two ways - in parallel or in series. Parallel connection is used in enterprises where people are present around the clock. The installation branches can include both push-button and automatic detectors. The sequential system is installed at large facilities.

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