Signs of an astral attack and methods of defense. Energy Protection

Why do some people rarely get sick, overcome obstacles with ease, and get everything they need? How to protect yourself from negativity from the outside? How to build biofield protection?

One of the reasons for the successful state of affairs is the strong protection of the aura. The integrity of the biofield and its ability to reflect any external influences determines human health, its ability to repel various infections, the speed of recovery from stress and not being susceptible to stressful situations. If a person has a strong and reliable protection aura, then the proverb “comes out unscathed” can easily be applied to it. The stronger our biofield is protected, the more successful, healthy and happier a person is.

The human aura is vulnerable to various external influences. The slightest breakdown in the layers of the biofield causes serious harm and leads to negative consequences. It is quite possible to break through the aura only with the help of words, not to mention the special magical techniques used. How to protect your aura and yourself, become invulnerable to negative influences, we will talk today in this article.

Protection of the human biofield

Before you can learn how to protect your aura from evil of any kind, you need to understand who can attack a person and cause damage. To be brief, there are 3 types negative impact aimed at disrupting our biofield and causing harm to humans:

  • A magical attack by ill-wishers, this can be a deliberate or accidental effect of the evil eye, damage, curse;
  • Attack of entities of the subtle worlds, including their deliberate settlement;
  • Household negativity, infection, being in “bad” places;
  • Implementation negative programs, zombification, programming by a group of people, society, individuals;
  • Influence geopathogenic zones, earth faults.

We will talk about each type of attack on a person separately. Now let’s dwell on the issue of building protection against energetic evil of all kinds.

Ways to protect yourself from negative influences

You can put protection on a person different ways. In this matter, the following factors must be taken into account: if there are already negative programs settled on the biofield (evil eye, damage, curse), the effect of the essence is carried out subtle world or programming has been done, then without cleaning the aura from negativity, putting up protection is pointless. Evil has already found a loophole to man. How can I explain it more clearly? For example, imagine that there is an apple hanging on a branch, and there is already a worm sitting inside it. If you cover an apple from external influence with any kind of bag, paper or something else, then after a while you will find that it has been eaten from the inside. In order to somehow preserve the fruit, you need to remove the worm and remove the damage it caused. Only in this case will the apple be suitable for food for some time and retain its properties. So it is with the human biofield, if some kind of evil program has already been introduced into it or an entity has attacked it, then without removing this negativity, we will not achieve good results.

When thinking about the question of how to protect your aura, you must first of all be sure that there are no negative programs on you, and that no magical or essential attack is being made. Then, you have to choose the type of protection that is right for you. Only specialists in this matter can do this work effectively. Therefore, if you are looking for the most effective method To protect your aura and biofield from any kind of evil, contact specialists. They will diagnose the biofield, determine the presence and type of negativity directed at a person, and then clean the aura, select the best protective method and provide reliable energy protection.

What protection to put on a person and a house

If you want to be protected from evil on all sides, then you need to put protection not only on the biofield, but also on your home. Man at home having a good time most time, here he relaxes, sleeps, takes a bath, eats, rests. Accordingly, your home should be completely safe, remember: “my home is my fortress.”

There are several types of protection for a person’s aura and his home:

  • energy method;
  • magical, through rituals;
  • talismans and amulets;
  • mental projections.

Each method has its own characteristics, strength and duration of action.

Energy methods are based on the use of a specific source of energy, elements, attraction Higher powers, Angels, Archangels, egregors, as well as generation cosmic energy and building barriers from evil. This includes protection with Cosmoenergetics, Reiki and other techniques.

The magical way of protecting a person from damage, the evil eye and negativity is based on the use of various rituals, prayers, and attracting the forces of the astral world. Magic protection with the help of prayer therapy, the use of runes, magic signs, drawings, incantations, spells.

Protection of a person’s aura with the help of talismans and amulets is based on the use of various material objects. They are objects of natural origin (minerals, roots, tree fruits, seeds, resins, aroma oils, herbs), as well as man-made (this can be various jewelry, threads, mirrors, pins, brooches, rings, bracelets, etc.).

Mental projections are quite powerful ways protect a person or his home from ill-wishers. This includes various “magic shields” and “mental images”. With the help of healing energy, they build a filter protection that blocks the negative impact and reflects the blow. Among the methods of mental blocking of negativity, the protective techniques of a mirror ball, mirror wall, golden egg, fire cocoon, pyramid, and shell are used.

Only a person who has thoroughly studied each of the techniques, has experience and masters the relevant techniques can choose and decide what kind of protection to put on a person, a child or a house.
Strengthening personal protection and prevention from negative impacts

There are some methods of protection against negativity available for use. ordinary people, without energy practice. I will say right away that these techniques and methods are suitable for protection against weak negative influences, such as household negativity, the evil eye, and the influence of dark forces. All these methods will work if a person’s biofield is in order and he is in harmony with himself.

Protective technique against negativity “Egg”

The method is suitable for those who practice bioenergy and have fairly strong personal energy. To build a defense, you will need some skills: a well-developed imagination and the ability to touch an object with your gaze.

Training the technique will take no more than a week. What you need for this: 5-6 times a day, remember this technique and practice. One workout takes 1-2 minutes, so you can do it at any free time, at home, in the office, on the way to work, during your lunch break.

If you lack visualization skills, then do exercises that develop your imagination every day. Choose a time and look at some object for a long time. Imagine its temperature, taste, tactile sensations from it. Then close your eyes and reproduce it in your mind's eye.

Try to remember the smallest details and details. mentally increase its size, bring it closer to you, smell it, touch it. Usually 21 days are enough to learn to reproduce mental images of objects with accuracy.

Technique for protection against the evil eye and damage “Egg”

  1. Relax, take 2-3 breaths.
  2. Close your eyes.
  3. At a distance of 2 fingers from the navel upward, imagine a hot golden pea.
  4. Take it with your right hand and leave it in front at arm's length in front of you.
  5. Then place the same peas behind you at arm's length, to your left and right. The result is a cross in a horizontal plane formed by 4 peas.
  6. Start mentally heating the peas turning them into burning coals..
  7. Then give them a boost and make them turn into a hoop. Mentally rotate the hoop clockwise around you. It should turn into a burning ring.
  8. Make the ring rotate in a spiral, lift it above your head by 50-60 cm and lower it below your feet by the same distance.
  9. Make a few turns around your body. As a result, you should end up with a dense fiery egg around you, the walls of which cool and turn golden. You can mentally touch them. Check them for tightness. Tap them. If they seem weak to you, then make another egg on top of this one to thicken the walls and increase the strength of the protection.

The “Egg” technique is well suited and works against negativity currently directed at you. You can use it during scandals, unpleasant conversations with relatives, bosses, colleagues and in any other cases when you clearly feel and understand that influence is directed at you.
In the future, we will look at several more protective techniques, analyze how they work, and also find out in which cases which protection to use. And also, for those who practice cosmoenergetics, we will analyze in detail how to properly build protection for yourself, an adult, a child and your home.

We live in turbulent times, when forces of destruction are fighting for their very existence, desperately trying to harm people. humanity in any way. People whose auras glow are especially susceptible to attacks from the Subtle Plane. These are those who follow the Spiritual path and are conductors of the energy of Light. Destroyers track such “fireflies” and try with all their might to prevent their spiritual revelation and transformation. Not everyone can track attacks from the Subtle Plane, but only an experienced warrior of the Spirit. Beginners are lost and after a blow they reject all kinds of spiritual pursuits. In this article I want to describe the main signs of an Astral attack and tell you how to protect yourself and your loved ones from attacks.

So, firstly, an Astral attack manifests itself as symptoms of an illness, when a person does not seem to be sick, but pain and poor health are present. Dark forces bombard the “fireflies” with poisonous harmful rays, which negatively affect nervous system and the heart, less often - to other organs. They hit most often the head (crown), neck, chest (heart, lungs). The body reacts to such shocks by increasing blood pressure, heart pain, sudden coughing attacks, headaches, and dizziness. During blows, a person feels anxiety, fear, and sometimes falls into causeless panic. To protect themselves from harmful rays, my alchemist Teachers use antidote and invisibility techniques.

When you feel that they are starting to hit you from the Subtle Plane, freeze while sitting or lying down. Stop the internal dialogue of the mind. A raging mind will not allow you to create a defense. Be quiet, as if you were hiding and don't want to be found. In such a state, it is important to stop all movement of thoughts and feelings. Now imagine blue-violet energy, like the northern lights, descending on you from Space. Mentally wrap yourself in a blue blanket, wrap your body in this thin material, like in a roll. Blue cosmic plasma is the primary element hydrogen. It is an antidote to all poisonous astral rays. Protect yourself by throwing a blue blanket over your loved ones and your home. Hold this idea until you feel the defense has worked. You will understand this when the symptoms weaken or stop altogether and when there is a feeling of security in your soul.

Secondly, an Astral attack can manifest itself through aggression directed towards you from the outside world. For example, in the form of provocation from others. In this case, maintain emotional restraint and do not panic under any circumstances. Here, first of all, you need to wrap the aggressor in a blue blanket, and then wrap yourself. Sympathize with this man, because he became a conductor of the Dark forces through his unconsciousness. Don't get angry and don't answer him. Be quiet mentally, it will help you accept correct solution V this moment. When aggression threatens life and health, use protection in the Name of the Teacher. Call on the Teacher loudly and clearly, this will scare the enemy and you will have time to save the situation. You can use the formula:
“In the name of the Lord…..! Stop!”

Thirdly, if you feel that someone from the outside is imposing negative thoughts on you and that what is going on in your head is someone else’s, not yours, reject all this with the words: “Get away! Away! Away!" Do not believe in intimidation and induced fears. Immediately call on the Teacher who is closest to you in Spirit and wrap yourself in a protective blue blanket. If the attacks continue, but in a weaker version, defend yourself further by repeating the formula, which can be found at the bottom of the page.

If you were unable to avoid a blow due to inattention, lack of awareness, or simply did not have enough time and energy to repel the attack, do not despair. You have gained experience, and if you do not fall into a victim state, your Spiritual Power will increase.

Fourthly, Dark forces always try to divide like-minded people, preventing peaceful communication between friends, throwing up all sorts of bad thoughts and compromising people in front of each other. The dark ones can win at the expense of human weaknesses and often cause people to doubt each other. This is the most cunning and most effective weapon against the “fireflies”, so that they become disconnected and lose the opportunity to increase the Power of Light on Earth. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to use an antidote against this influence, since the consciousness of people, even the brightest and wisest, is half asleep due to the inertia of earthly matter. There is no trust, no fire of aspiration that unites people for high goals. All the lights go out after a short burning, groups break up, people strive to take something from the Teachings only for themselves and their needs and do not give anything in return. This is how the force of separation operates, the most powerful of all on Earth. This is the main weapon of the Dark Ones now. How not to become disconnected and fall into doubt, how not to believe thoughts that discredit the reputation of friends - this is a difficult question. Everyone solves it to the extent of their awareness, morality and spiritual level.

Fifth, even advanced seekers of the Spirit often doubt the opinion of their Teacher or the answers to requests through messengers. The reason for this is the sad experience of trial and error obtained earlier. Dark forces seek to separate students and Teachers from the Subtle Spheres. The solution to the problem is in the soul of every person. If a student doubts the Teacher, then the spiritual connection between them is broken and the student ceases to be a student. This is the law, and you can't get around it.

Everything is experience, but it is better to find the strength to swallow your pride, strengthen your faith and move forward firmly. Mistakes will inevitably be made, but the Fire of Spiritual aspiration will always burn in the soul, which will lead the traveler to the path of Salvation.


Many people write about the need to install different protection at a subtle level. I tried various options defenses and finally came to the conclusion that no protection needed at all, or rather, I refused them. But we must take into account that for the first few years I was actively involved in various types of defenses, because I felt the need for them. The fact is that I go through other people's defenses, receiving almost no resistance from them, and sometimes without even noticing them. What's the point of them then? They feed on your energy. They also have one bad property - they attract parasites, and then you can’t breathe, they climb and climb.

You need to understand and clearly distinguish between an attack on you by an entity and just the background that comes from it. For example, I feel the presence of entities from the world of the dead with a strong cold on my skin and the feeling of many needles stuck into my body. To be honest, the feeling is very painful and barely bearable, but this is not an attack, this is my body’s reaction to the energy of their world. It’s like smells, everything has its own smell, and they, too, each give off different sensations, maybe even painful. Therefore, before responding with hostile actions, it is worth making sure of their intentions. They come to warn us, not just to fight with us.

There are entities that emit fear, this does not mean that you are afraid of them, just fear is their vibration and when they are nearby, you feel fear as if it were your own, it is important to understand when you are afraid and when you feel someone else’s vibration. Therefore, respect their vibrations, your dislikes may offend them, and you will not know what they came with, or you will simply get a hole in your aura. External protection like mirrors, fireballs and other heaps, work only for the most lower level inhabitants of the subtle world, and from human influence don't work at all, although no, weak negative manifestations they can still detain you in your direction. But it works such protection is no more than 2-3 days– this is the maximum, the duration of work depends on your mental strength, self-confidence and the power of intention.

A case from my practice.

Once, tired of the pestering of my “brothers in mind” (at one time they didn’t even let me sleep), I put up a dull defense of several levels, a kind of energy balls around me, one inside the other, I don’t remember exactly how many, but definitely more than three. Each ball that surrounded me carried its own task, invested by me, that is, its own program. The main condition was impenetrability, and these balls took their power from those who attacked, in general, set them up and went to bed. After about a week, I caught myself that besides the fact that no one was bothering me, I also couldn’t feel or see anything, no matter how hard I tried, all my abilities had evaporated. I started looking into it and it turned out that my defenses are so strong, which does not allow information from the outside to pass through at all. That's why I didn't feel anything, no matter how hard I tried. Attempts to make it transparent yielded almost no results, so I removed it completely.

I could not refuse those opportunities to which I had already become accustomed at that time, even for the sake of good sleep. This is one of the first protection systems that I invented and built for myself, although I think many protections from different practices are very similar to each other. Ready-made options taken from somewhere, I don't use it because there are hidden programs.

Now the only defense I use is maximum openness, that is, I deliberately do not put up protection. The strongest defense is transparency to external influences, to those that could cause harm. That is, influence directed at me with the aim of causing me damage, passes through me without clinging to anything. This is possible only with complete openness of consciousness and the absence of any possibility of temptation. This is only possible with full trust in existence And erasing the boundaries of one’s “I”, “I” is primarily the ego, and it is the container of all viruses of consciousness.

Indigo children they put up protections that I couldn’t get through without using force, I encountered toddlers when I was still very young, one was 7 months old, the other was 1.5 years old. And there was another case - an 8-year-old girl. They put up a wall against reading their field, and there seems to be no protection, in the understanding to which I am accustomed, the properties of the space around us simply change, in which the reading does not work. I didn’t even try to put pressure on the children, since they don’t want it, then it’s their will.

A person needs protection from what he is afraid of, and in most cases we are afraid of the unknown or loss. If you understand what you are afraid of and why, and also find and remove in yourself what you are afraid of in others, protection will not be needed.

More than once I have been asked the question why entities violate the boundaries of a home where the owner has placed protection. Where does the inviolability of the home end? in a subtle sense? For entities there are no these frames, they are not visible to them, there is only a person’s own field, the intrusion into which everyone evaluates at his own discretion. The inviolability of the home on the subtle plane is only a human convention, it is a world that is not visible to entities, just like their world is for us, many of them do not even see the human body, but they most often see the energetic component of a person. Yes, of course, there are impenetrable protections that are placed on space (a person’s home), but these are the levels of masters who have been working on this topic for many years.

With independent active protection in real time, you must first catch the attention of the person you are dealing with. In reality, defenses only work when you see or feel the attacker, this indicates that you are tuned to the required level, and then you can set up defenses against this particular model of “comrades”. In order to bet from everyone, you need to be in all possible dimensions at once, and after installing protection, you need it feel physically, that is, to feel protection field strength. And command methods, say mentally or out loud, like I’m putting up protection from everyone and everything, this is a beginner level, and if at least once you have been at a level above the beginner level, and your state was conscious, such command things will no longer work.

Some say they put absolute protection. Absolute protection is the absence of you at all levels, that is, you do not exist, and never existed, and cannot exist, this is absolute protection, it works both in time and in space.

I’ll tell you a secret, a very effective defense against many entities and most people consists of:

  • Strong own energy.
  • Sincere kind heart.
  • High vibrations - anahata level.
  • Absolute openness and dissolution in the world.

This is the strongest protection I've ever worn, and it doesn't consume your energy at all.

I share a lot of knowledge and experience in the classes of my “School of Empathy”.

The main thing in the technique of astral defense is to accustom yourself to the idea that you must be prepared for an attack the entire time that you are in the astral world. Do not create illusions, do not deceive yourself into thinking that you will notice the approach of astral predators long before they can cause any harm to you.

The astral world is full of dangers, and therefore, when going there, you must clearly understand that you are ready for an attack every second, every moment, every beat of your heart.

The technique of astral protection itself differs from what we are used to on earth. What we do here is that they beat us, we put our hand up to block the blow, they run at us, we stick out our shoulder to prevent the enemy from knocking us down, they try to hit us in the stomach, and we raise our leg bent at the knee high to defend ourselves. This is not how things happen in the astral plane.

We talked about the fact that you must learn to see your cocoon, and also be able to fill it with energy. Now it's time to reveal the secret why this was necessary. The fact is that in astral combat, all blows aimed at you must be taken by this cocoon. No matter who made them, no matter what weapon they inflicted, you expose one or another part of the ellipse surrounding you to attack, and this saves you.

The fact is that very often inexperienced astral warriors, not knowing about astral protection, receive such serious wounds and injuries that they then have to be treated with the intervention of doctors or healers. You should avoid this from the start. Three main rules will help you with this:

  1. If some astral creature strikes you, expose the cocoon to the blow.
  2. If as a result of the blow a gap has formed in the cocoon, then immediately patch it up with the energy that you have been accumulating in your energy shell for so long.
  3. Every time you try to deflect a blow with your body, you automatically let the astral predator pass through your cocoon, which instantly becomes useless, which means you risk receiving more than serious wounds.
There is another way to protect yourself - when astral entity strikes, you allow it to pass through several outer layers of your cocoon, then suddenly condense your energy, literally trapping the essence, and after that you strike with your weapon. That's it, the battle is won.

By the way, there is another possibility of using the energy you have accumulated in the cocoon. It can be transferred into your hands or into a weapon to deliver a particularly powerful blow, or into your shield so that, if damaged, it will protect you from a particularly monstrous blow. Be flexible and constantly improvise, and then victory will be on your side.

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