Rare swear words. Swear words and obscene language in modern society

Loving a person who doesn't give a damn about me is my style, yeah...

There are many in the world good people, but I always talk to fucked people, it’s more interesting with them

And in a white dress and veil I walk to the altar with flowers and my father shouts after me Anton, fucking don’t disgrace your family!

Who said that hatred is necessary justified reason? There's no such thing.

If a cat flies with its ass forward over the fence, it means it stole something from the table.

Even a billion hearts under your ava will not correct the shortcomings of nature on your ****

Briefly about myself - I have no brains and I fuck a lot

At home they say: “Leave your nerves at work!”, at work: “Leave your nerves at home!” Fuck, where should I leave my nerves?

I respect the ocean. He takes lives and he doesn't give a fuck.

They say that when you give a damn about a person, he begins to understand what he has lost. So let the fucker rule the world. Everyone will be happy.

A hedgehog came out of the fog, ran out of marijuana, suddenly found hemp, and entered the fog again!

And again I step into the bottomless heights, with a huge poster... “Everything is fucked up.”


Every person in Russia, from early childhood, begins to hear words that they call obscene, obscene, obscene. Even if a child grows up in a family where swear words are not used, he still hears it on the street, becomes interested in the meaning of these words, and pretty soon his peers explain the swear words and expressions to him. In Russia, attempts have been made repeatedly to combat the use of obscene words and fines have been introduced for swearing in public places, but to no avail. There is an opinion that swearing in Russia flourishes due to the low cultural level of the population, but I can name many names of highly cultured people of the past and present, who belonged and belong to the most highly intelligent and cultural elite and at the same time - great swearers in everyday life and not They avoid swearing in their works. I do not justify them and do not encourage everyone to use swear words. God forbid! I am categorically against swearing in public places, against the use of obscene words in works of art, and especially on television. However, swearing exists, lives and is not going to die, no matter how much we protest against its use. And there is no need to be hypocrites and close your eyes, we need to study this phenomenon both from the psychological side and from the point of view of linguistics.

I started collecting, studying and interpreting swear words as a student in the sixties. The defense of my Ph.D. thesis took place in such secrecy, as if it were about the latest nuclear research, and immediately after the defense, the dissertation was sent to special library depositories. Later, in the seventies, when I was preparing my doctoral dissertation, I needed to clarify some words, and I was unable to obtain my own dissertation from the Lenin Library without special permission from the authorities. This was the case quite recently, when, as in the famous joke, everyone pretended that they knew diamat, although no one knew it, but everyone knew mate, but they pretended that they did not know it.

Currently, every second writer uses obscene words in his works, we hear swear words from the television screen, but still for several years not a single publishing house to which I offered to publish a scientific explanatory dictionary of swear words decided to publish it. And only abridged and adapted for a wide range of readers, the dictionary saw the light of day.

To illustrate the words in this dictionary, I widely used folklore: obscene jokes, ditties that have long lived among the people, were often used, but were published in last years, as well as quotes from the works of classics of Russian literature from Alexander Pushkin to Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Many quotes are taken from the poems of Sergei Yesenin, Alexander Galich, Alexander Tvardovsky, Vladimir Vysotsky and other poets. Of course, I could not do without the works of Ivan Barkov, without “Russian Treasured Tales” by A. I. Afanasyev, without folk obscene songs, poems and poems, without modern writers such as Yuz Aleshkovsky and Eduard Limonov. A treasure trove for researchers of Russian swearing is the cycle of hooligan novels by Pyotr Aleshkin, which are almost entirely written in obscene words. I could illustrate this dictionary only with quotations from his works.

The dictionary is intended for a wide range of readers: for those interested in swear words, for literary editors, for translators from Russian, etc.

In this dictionary, I did not indicate in what environment the word functions: whether it refers to criminal slang, youth slang or the slang of sexual minorities, because the boundaries between them are quite fluid. There are no words that are used in one environment. I also indicated only the obscene meaning of the word, leaving other, ordinary meanings outside of it.

And one last thing. You are holding in your hands the explanatory dictionary “Russian swearing”! Remember that it contains only swearing, obscene, obscene words. You won't meet anyone else!

Professor Tatyana Akhmetova.

From the book A Million Dishes for Family Dinners. Best Recipes author Agapova O. Yu.

From the book Russian Mat [ Dictionary] author Russian folklore

RUSSIAN MAT Every person in Russia from early childhood begins to hear words that they call obscene, obscene, obscene. Even if a child grows up in a family where they do not use swear words, he still hears it on the street, becomes interested in the meaning of these words and

From the book Winged Words author Maksimov Sergey Vasilievich

From the book Encyclopedia of Dr. Myasnikov about the most important things author Myasnikov Alexander Leonidovich

7.8. Russian character Once a writer from Russia came to New York and participated in one of the many programs on local television. Of course, the presenter asked him about the mysterious Russian soul and Russian character. The writer illustrated this as follows:


From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia(RU) by the author TSB

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (RU) by the author TSB
Hello comrades. You know, I noticed long ago that if you use swear words correctly, your speech is transformed. It becomes elegant and interesting. And most importantly, what strong emotions can be conveyed with just one Russian swear word. A unique thing - Russian swearing.

But, unfortunately, most people do not know how to use it. Sculpts it through every word. What do I suggest? I suggest you get acquainted with the works of many classics who used absurd verbs in their works.

You have heard and read many of them. Personally, I enjoyed re-reading it and rediscovering something for myself.

Perhaps I’m not the only one who will be interested.

Yesenin S. A. - “Don’t strain, dear, and don’t gasp”
Don’t grieve, dear, and don’t gasp,
Hold life like a horse by the bridle,
Tell everyone and everyone to go to hell
So that they don't send you to pussy!

Yesenin S. A. - “The wind blows from the south and the moon has risen”
The wind blows from the south
And the moon rose
What are you doing, whore?
Didn't come at night?

You didn't come at night
Didn't show up during the day.
Do you think we're jerking off?
No! We eat others!

Yesenin S. A. “Sing, sing. On the damn guitar"
Sing, sing. On the damn guitar
Your fingers dance in a semicircle.
I would choke in this frenzy,
My last, only friend.

Don't look at her wrists
And silk flowing from her shoulders.
I was looking for happiness in this woman,
And I accidentally found death.

I didn't know that love is an infection
I didn't know that love was a plague.
Came up with a narrowed eye
The bully was driven crazy.

Sing, my friend. Remind me again
Our former violent early.
Let her kiss each other,
Young, beautiful trash.

Oh, wait. I don't scold her.
Oh, wait. I don't curse her.
Let me play about myself
Under this bass string.

The pink dome of my days is flowing.
In the heart of dreams there are golden sums.
I touched a lot of girls
He pressed a lot of women in the corner.

Yes! there is a bitter truth of the earth,
I spied with a childish eye:
Males lick in line
Bitch leaking juice.

So why should I be jealous of her?
So why should I be sick like that?
Our life is a sheet and a bed.
Our life is a kiss and a whirlwind.

Sing, sing! On a fatal scale
These hands are a fatal disaster.
Just you know, fuck them...
I will never die, my friend.

Yesenin S. A. - “Rash, harmonica. Boredom... Boredom"
Rash, harmonica. Boredom... Boredom...
The accordionist's fingers flow like a wave.
Drink with me, you lousy bitch
Drink with me.

They loved you, they abused you -
Why are you looking at those blue splashes like that?
Or do you want a punch in the face?

I'd like to have you stuffed in the garden,
Scare the crows.
Tormented me to the bone
From all sides.

Rash, harmonica. Rash, my frequent one.
Drink, otter, drink.
I’d rather have that busty one over there -
She's dumber.

I'm not the first among women...
Quite a few of you
But with someone like you, with a bitch
Only for the first time.

The freer, the louder,
Here and there.
I won't commit suicide
Go to hell.

To your pack of dogs
It's time to catch a cold.
Darling, I'm crying
Sorry Sorry...

Mayakovsky V.V. - “To you”
To you, who live behind the orgy orgy,
having a bathroom and a warm closet!
Shame on you about those presented to George
read from newspaper columns?

Do you know, many mediocre,
those who think it’s better to get drunk how -
maybe now the leg bomb
tore Petrov's lieutenant away?..

If he is brought to slaughter,
suddenly I saw, wounded,
how you have a lip smeared in a cutlet
lustfully humming the Northerner!

Is it for you, who love women and dishes,
give your life for pleasure?!
I'd rather be at the bar whores
serve pineapple water!
(Something reminds me of the plot of a poem. For example modern world and its foundations)

Mayakovsky V.V. “Do you like roses? And I shit on them"
Do you love roses?
and I shit on them!
the country needs steam locomotives,
we need metal!
don't groan,
don't gasp!
don't pull the reins!
since I fulfilled the plan,
send everyone
in the pussy
did not fulfill -
(currently relevant today)

Mayakovsky V.V. - “Hymn of Onanists”
you can't lure
meaty tit!
seduce us
work left!!!
(Yes, this is the anthem of the pikabushniki XD, sorry guys, this is Winrar :))

Mayakovsky V.V. - “Who are the whores”
Not those
what bread
for the sake of
and behind
give us
God forgive them!
And those whores -
not giving -
their mother!

Mayakovsky V.V. - “I’m lying on someone else’s wife”
to someone else's
fuck you,
but we don't complain -
making communists
out of spite
Let the dick
like a mast
puffs up!
I don't care,
who is under me -
minister's wife
or the cleaning lady!

Mayakovsky V.V. - “Hey, onanists”
Hey onanists,
shout "Hurray!" -
fucking machines
at your service
any hole
right up to
to the keyhole

Lermontov M. Yu. - “To Tizenhausen”
Don't drive your eyes so languidly,
Don't twist your round ass,
Voluptuousness and vice
Don't joke waywardly.
Don't go to someone else's bed
And don’t let me near yours,
Not jokingly, not really
Don't shake gentle hands.
Know, our lovely Chukhonian,
Youth doesn't shine for long!
Know: when the hand of God
Will break out over you
Everyone you are today
You look at your feet with prayer,
Sweet moisture of a kiss
They won't take away your sadness,
At least by the tip of the dick then
You would give your life.

Lermontov M. Yu. - “Oh, how sweet your goddess”
Oh how sweet your goddess is.
The Frenchman is trailing after her,
She has a face like a melon
But the ass is like a watermelon.

Goethe Johann - “What a Stork Can Do”
Found a place for a nest
Our stork!.. This bird is
Thunderstorm of frogs from the pond -
It nests in the belfry!

They chatter there all day long,
The people are literally groaning, -
But no one - neither old nor young -
He won't touch his nest!

You may ask why such an honor
Did the bird win? -
She's a bastard! - shit on the church!
A commendable habit!

Nekrasov N. A. - “Finally from Koenigsberg”
Finally from Konigsberg
I got closer to the country
Where they don't like Gutenberg
And they find a taste in shit.
I drank Russian infusion,
I heard "motherfucking"
And they went before me
Write Russian faces.

Pushkin A. S. - “Anne Wulf”
Alas! in vain to the proud maiden
I offered my love!
Neither our life nor our blood
Her soul will not be touched by the solid.
I'll just be fed up with tears,
Even if sadness breaks my heart.
She's pissed enough for a sliver,
But he won’t let you smell it either.

Pushkin A. S. - “I wanted to refresh my soul”
I wanted to refresh my soul,
Live a seasoned life
In sweet oblivion near friends
Of my past youth.

I was traveling to distant lands;
It was not noisy whores that I craved,
I was not looking for gold, not for honor,
In the dust among spears and swords.

Pushkin A. S. - “Once a violinist came to the castrato”
Once a violinist came to the castrato,
He was a poor man, and he was a rich man.
“Look,” said the foolish singer,
My diamonds, emeralds -
I sorted them out of boredom.
A! By the way, brother,” he continued, “
When you're bored
What are you doing, please tell me.”
The poor guy responded indifferently:
- I? I scratch my mude.

Pushkin A. S. - “The Cart of Life”
In the morning we get into the cart,
We're happy to break our heads
And, despising laziness and bliss,
We shout: let's go! Her mother!
Be quiet, godfather; and you, like me, are sinners,
And you will offend everyone with words;
You see a straw in someone else's pussy,
And you don’t even see a log!
(“From the All-Night Vigil...”)

And finally.

“I live in Paris like a dandy,
I have up to a hundred women.
My dick is like a plot in a legend,
It goes from mouth to mouth.”

V.V. Mayakovsky

They used swear words, some loudly and publicly, others quietly, in a whisper, almost to themselves. The attitude towards swearing is very ambiguous and depends most often on the environment in which he lives, rather than on social status and age.

The widespread belief that teenagers swear many times more than mature people fails on Russian roads, in auto repair shops and undignified drinking establishments. Here people do not restrain impulses that come from the heart, splashing out a wave of their negativity on their interlocutor and those around them. In most cases, the use of swearing is due to a lack of vocabulary or the fact that a person is not able to express his words and thoughts in a more cultural form.

From the point of view of esotericism and religion, a scolding person decomposes himself from the inside and has a bad influence on the surrounding space, releasing negative energy. It is believed that these people get sick more often than those who keep their tongues clean.

Obscene language can be heard in completely different layers. Often in the media you can find reports about yet another scandal involving famous politicians or movie and show business stars who publicly used profanity. The paradox is that even those who use swear words to connect words in a sentence condemn this behavior of celebrities and consider it unacceptable.

The attitude of the law towards the use of profanity

The Code of Administrative Offenses clearly regulates the use of swear words and expressions in a public place. A violator of peace and order must pay a fine, and in some cases the foul-mouthed person may be subject to administrative arrest. However, in Russia and most CIS countries, this law is observed only when swear words were used against a law enforcement officer.
People use foul language regardless of profession, income and level of education. However, for many, the presence of elderly people, young children and work that requires polite communication with people is a deterrent.

Resourceful people a couple of decades ago found a way out of the situation: along with swearing in oral speech his surrogate appeared. The words “damn”, “star”, “to get out” do not seem to be obscenities in the literal sense of the word and cannot fall under the corresponding article by definition, but they carry the same meaning and the same negative as their predecessors, and the list such words are constantly being replenished.

On forums and in news discussions, the use of strong words is usually prohibited, but surrogates successfully bypassed this barrier. Thanks to the emergence of an obscene surrogate, parents no longer hesitate to use it in the presence of their children, harming the cultural development of their child, introducing an immature person to the use of obscenities.

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