Repair of inverter microwave. Microwave: DIY repair is not a problem! Simple causes of malfunction

It’s quite unpleasant when equipment that worked so well yesterday suddenly stops functioning today. What to do if it breaks sometimes solves this problem. It happens that the cause of the malfunction is a minor glitch that can be easily fixed without the use of special equipment. But there are breakdowns that require parts to be replaced. It is quite easy to understand the causes of the malfunction.

Types of microwave ovens

There is a certain sequence for connecting all components of the device. Typically, all secondary parts are connected in series, which simplifies the diagnostic process.

In terms of their functionality, the presented household appliances replace some others, such as an oven, a steamer. There are the simplest and quite complex models in the field of software for such an electronic assistant as a microwave. Do-it-yourself repairs will require studying the structure of a certain type of furnace.

There are microwave ovens with a volume of up to 42 liters. The wave power reaches 900 W. Models that include a grill are quartz or heating element. Repairing each type of microwave oven at home will require knowledge of the features of each part.

The internal coating of household appliances can be made of stainless steel, enameled or bioceramic.

Microwave device

The components of a microwave oven are overwhelmingly identical for different types of devices. The microwave structure includes a winding, a safety diode, and a high-voltage diode. Also integral components are the filament winding and capacitor. The most significant part that creates heating is the magnetron.

When making repairs yourself, you should check each part until the cause of the malfunction is found.

Externally, the device consists of a chamber for heating food, a transformer magnetron and a waveguide.

When repairing yourself, it is necessary to carry out diagnostics with the device disconnected from the network. Each component is checked sequentially.

A power transformer converts alternating current electrical energy of one voltage into another voltage at a constant frequency.

Principle of operation

The functioning of the microwave occurs in a certain sequence. In order to understand how to proceed in order to repair a microwave oven yourself, you should understand the process of the functions of the equipment. A voltage of 220 V is supplied to the winding of the transformer. It is located at the bottom and looks like bare copper wire. In fact, this element is covered with transparent insulation.

The coil is located under the secondary windings. There are two of them in the microwave. This is an ordinary wire played next to the primary structure. It is important to understand the device when repairing a microwave oven yourself. What to do to carry out a high-quality restoration of the functions of the furnace will be answered by information about the organization of its operation.

Heating occurs in a high-quality primary winding. The cathode temperature increases at a voltage of 6.3 V. In the upper high-voltage winding, 2 kV goes to the output.

Here the capacitor is shunted by a diode. The negative half-wave goes to the cathode, and the capacitance is filled with positively charged electrons.

The output windings are connected in parallel to the magnetron.


When repairing a microwave oven with your own hands, you should pay attention to the magnetron. In the structure, it plays the role of the heart of the device. It produces microwave rays that heat the food inside the chamber.

This element contains a number of components:

  • emitter;
  • resonant cavities;
  • anode;
  • cathode.

This is a complex device, so its serviceability should be checked if problems arise in the operation of the equipment. With the furnace disconnected from the network, the magnetron resistance is checked using a measuring device.

If you rely on the information from this diagnostic, it will become clear whether the device needs to be replaced, repaired, or whether the cause of the breakdown is another component.

Simple causes of malfunction

It happens that DIY microwave repairs are carried out without replacing parts or complex manipulations. This happens due to certain events that cause the equipment to become inoperative.

The cause of the malfunction is sometimes insufficient mains voltage. When the indicator decreases by 20 V, the heating level decreases or the operation of the oven stops. An uninterruptible power supply will solve the problem.

Electrical overload also causes microwave malfunction. For powerful equipment, it is better to provide a separate outlet.

If the door latch is broken, the food does not heat up well. The microwave should be tightly closed.

Due to the inattention of users, products that remained cold could simply heat up if they were not set correctly. For example, before this, the microwave defrosted meat, but after that the mode was not switched to high power.

If the cause of the breakdown is not eliminated by the methods listed above, you will have to perform more serious repairs: check the operation of the magnetron, capacitor, fuses and high-voltage diode.


Self-repair begins by removing the back cover of the device (with the plug unplugged). Blackening of the fuses or burnout of the filament inside may indicate that the fuses are broken. This part should be replaced with a new one. There are usually two fuses in a microwave.

If the required part is not available, you should purchase it from a specialized store. You need to take a non-working bodyguard with you, since you will have to pick up exactly the same device. This will ensure proper and safe operation of the equipment.

You cannot use “bugs” made of thin wire to eliminate this breakdown. They may cause a fire. The likelihood of such a situation occurring is quite high. Therefore, you will definitely need to purchase a normal fuse. Its cost is low.


When noises and extraneous knocks appear during operation of the microwave, a possible cause is a broken capacitor. When repairing microwave ovens yourself, an ohmmeter is connected to the capacitor. If the arrow of the device deviates, it means the part is working. Otherwise, this is the cause of the malfunction. Its diagnosis is quite simple. An ohmmeter will help you repair your microwave oven yourself. An example of its use is worth considering in more detail.

According to safety regulations, the capacitor must be discharged before testing. While it is in a charged state, it is strictly forbidden to touch it with your hands or even with a screwdriver. This is not safe for humans.

High voltage diode

If traces of burning, smoke, or sparks are visible inside the heating chamber, this may be a breakdown of the high-voltage diode. An example of the failure of this part is also noise when turned on. You can check the serviceability of the part using a high-voltage capacitor. It shouldn't get hot.

If the cause of the breakdown is a faulty high-voltage diode, you should purchase a new part. Due to the complexity of its design, only this solution provides for the repair of microwave ovens. A review of the recommendations of professional repairmen allows us to conclude that an old high-voltage diode is very difficult to repair. The part should be replaced and the operation of the high-voltage capacitor should be checked. If it does not heat up, the problem is fixed.

Magnetron failure

The most basic device that powers a microwave oven is the magnetron. It generates ultra high frequency (microwave) waves. Replacing it will cost more than replacing any other part. In some cases, it is not even practical to repair microwave ovens, according to expert reviews.

A sign of failure of the presented part is a hum inside the oven. The food does not heat up, although visually all functions are performed. The light is on inside the heating chamber and the microwave is operating.

Do-it-yourself repairs begin with an inspection of the magnetron. If carbon deposits or cracks are not visible on it, it is replaced with an ohmmeter. The burnt element is replaced with exactly the same new one. The magnetron must match the parameters of a specific microwave model. It is prohibited to replace it with a stove of another type.

Causes of breakdowns

The most common cause of malfunctions of household appliances is their improper operation. To prevent malfunctions and problems in using your microwave in the future, you should familiarize yourself with a number of the most common causes of malfunctions. These include:

  • heating food in metal containers or having similar objects (for example, spoons or forks) in the chamber;
  • turning on the microwave without food inside;
  • heating raw eggs or other products that explode under the influence of microwave rays.

It happens that a microwave oven stops heating food due to physical wear and tear and aging of its elements over time.

Fat from food gets into the moving parts of the appliance and settles on the walls due to the absence of a protective cap during operation inside the oven or its poor condition. This may lead to the need to repair the microwave oven yourself. The cap should be replaced as it wears out. This will prevent problems from occurring in the future.

Caring for the device

By following the rules for caring for your microwave, you can significantly reduce the risk of premature failure of the equipment:

  • You need to carefully read the operating instructions from the manufacturer.
  • Keeping your equipment clean will significantly extend its service life. You should wipe down your microwave after each time you heat food in it.
  • The use of a protective cap and its periodic replacement will allow you to avoid having to resort to self-repair of the microwave oven for a very long time.
  • If there are children in the house, it is necessary to ensure that this equipment is inaccessible to them.

In the event of an emergency or a discrepancy between the functions of the equipment and those stated in the instructions, you can restore the operation of such a kitchen assistant as a microwave. Do-it-yourself repairs will reduce the cost of solving this problem.

Understanding the device and replacing parts yourself will not be difficult. By following all the rules for operating a microwave oven, you may not encounter the problem of repairing the presented equipment for a very long time.

I hate flooding on forums, but this time I'll have to do it.

Have you ever been to Sochi in the summer? If you suddenly find yourself here, look carefully at the facades of high-rise buildings and count how many air conditioners are working at the same time. Then count how many hotels, cafes and canteens there are per hectare. The question will disappear by itself.

Have you ever looked inside this microwave? If they had looked in, they would not have asked such questions. In this model, the lower part of the fan diffuser is located just above the top cover of the plastic inverter box.

It is immediately obvious that you were not familiar with physics at school, otherwise you would have known that in addition to radioactive radiation, there are other types of radiation, including thermal. In my post, to save space, I omitted this word, hoping for the basic technical literacy of the people who will read this post. As for heating the cabinet walls, if you noticed, in addition to all other modes, this model has a mode for combining microwaves and grill. A friend of mine, for example, often cooks grilled chicken using this particular mode. At the same time, the temperature in the chamber reaches 250 degrees or more.

This is an unnecessary question (like all the previous ones), but I will answer anyway. All over the world, in the circuit design of switches operating in converters, exactly the same connection of zener diodes that I wrote about is accepted. You can put them the other way around.

I would not waste the time of dear forum members who will read that post of mine if, before writing it, I had not carried out a series of tests with this (and similar) microwave ovens.
I installed “original” branded transistors in the inverter and turned on the microwave in microwave mode at maximum power. In this case, I set the network voltage to 230V. After 15 minutes of operation, the inverter radiator was so hot that it was impossible to hold a finger on it for a long time (according to the thermometer, about 80 degrees).
After the radiator cooled down, I repeated the test, but at a voltage of 245V. This time, the radiator temperature, after the same 15 minutes, was already 120 degrees.
With SKW30N60HS transistors, under the same test conditions, the radiator temperature was 50 and 80 degrees, respectively.
I would like to note that I do not earn money by repairing (a pension is enough for me to live on), and I undertake the repair of complex electronic devices only if local craftsmen were unable to repair them, or did not undertake to repair them at all - a kind of “last authority" for unfortunate SBT owners. However, when repairing such devices, I don’t just stupidly change “dead” components, but I try to identify the reason for their failure, and, if possible, improve the circuitry, or the design of the device itself, in order to increase its reliability. That is why devices that have passed through my hands do not return to me.
I ask the moderators to forgive me for the forced flood, but it was only a response to the flood of the respected intact.
And you, dear, try not to litter the forum with useless posts anymore. If you have nothing to say on the substance of the topic, then it is better not to write anything at all.

Of course, any housewife and owner will be offended if the microwave oven suddenly stops turning on or malfunctions. The first thing you want to do is take your favorite device and go to the nearest workshop or service center. If the microwave is under warranty, this is exactly what you should do, but if not, then you will have to pay for repairs.

But as practice shows, most malfunctions have very simple causes, and a person who knows how to use a tool and has one can make simple repairs on their own. But for this you need to know. Let's figure out why this useful device may not work?

The main malfunctions of a microwave oven are the result of improper operation or careless treatment of the device. Factory defects most often appear during the warranty period and are therefore eliminated by service centers free of charge.

Before you begin your own repairs, you should learn about some safety measures when working with a microwave oven.

  • Never, under any circumstances, should you start the magnetron of a microwave oven with the door open, or if the chamber or waveguide is damaged.
  • Never and under no circumstances should you even try to connect a magnetron removed from its regular place. This is life-threatening!
  • It is prohibited to start a microwave oven with a non-working fan. This may damage the magnetron.
  • It is possible to carry out any manipulations with the furnace parts only after disconnecting from the network and forcibly discharging the high-voltage capacitor.
  • All elements should be replaced only with similar ones.
  • After completing all work, you need to remove all, even the smallest, objects from the waveguide.
  • Running the microwave oven without load is prohibited. A non-metallic container with water must be placed in the chamber.

When disassembling a microwave oven, it is best to photograph each step, so that later you can easily restore the original position and fastening of all parts. Digital cameras and mobile phones will be of help here.

Why does the microwave oven not turn on and does not respond in any way to opening the door or to the controls?

Let's consider how to find out the possible causes of such a breakdown. In this case, first of all you need to check the supply voltage to the network filter board. To do this, after removing the casing, the high-voltage capacitor is discharged (a mandatory operation after each connection to the network) and the power cord is tested with a multimeter. All three wires from the socket to the terminals must be connected. The grounding terminal on the socket must connect to the microwave oven body. You can read about ways to identify capacitor faults.

If the wire is intact, then you can check the integrity of the mains fuse, which is most often located on the power filter board and, if necessary, replace it with the same rating. But it should be taken into account that the fuse does not simply burn out; there is some reason that led to the overload.

In any case, you need to conduct a visual inspection of the inside of the microwave. To do this, you need to arm yourself with a flashlight and a magnifying glass and carefully examine all the elements.

The presence of dark spots, holes from breakdowns, swollen electrolytic capacitors, and drips always indicates abnormal processes. When inspecting, sniffing the parts helps a lot. The smell of burnt insulation, printed circuit boards or transformer oil is unmistakably detected and then the problem can be localized.

The backlight is on, the table rotates when starting, but the oven does not heat up.

When the microwave turns on and works, but for some reason does not heat, this may indicate a malfunction in the high-voltage circuit or the magnetron itself. But before checking these components, you should carefully inspect the camera. It should not contain any dirt, worn enamel, or burnt holes. On the left side of the camera there is a rectangular window made of a special radio-transparent dielectric. This plate needs to be removed and examined carefully.

First you need to clean it from contaminants with alcohol, and then make sure that there are no through burnt holes or darkening from the effects of electrical discharges. If there is, then, firstly, this part must be replaced, and, secondly, this eloquently indicates that the microwave oven could be started without loading, or metal objects were placed in the chamber, or timely cleaning was not carried out.

The high-voltage magnetron circuit contains such important elements as a transformer, a high-voltage capacitor and diode, as well as safety diode, which burns out under abnormal conditions. It is very easy to find near the transformer, where it is placed in a special container. Its appearance will immediately show its condition. When replacing, you must purchase a safety diode only with equal ratings.

High voltage transformer should be called only when the load and the primary winding are disconnected. It is very easy to disconnect it - you need to remove the terminals with pliers. The resistance of the primary winding should be about 1.5 Ohms, the secondary high-voltage winding should be 110-120 Ohms, and the secondary filament winding should be less than 0.1 Ohms. If any of the windings does not ring through, then such a transformer must be replaced.

Magnetron has a connector that connects it to the transformer. Having disconnected the terminal, you need to ring the resistance between the terminals and the housing, and if they ring, this indicates a breakdown of the feed-through capacitors in the filter. The filter can be changed as an assembly, or the capacitor of the required value can be replaced separately.

By removing the magnetron from its regular place, you can assess the condition of the antenna cap, and if it is burnt out, it must be definitely replaced. You just need to change it to the exact same size - this is very important! At the same time, you can assess the condition of the magnetron insulator. A broken antenna or its housing clearly suggests replacement of the magnetron. If the microwave has a long service life, this may not be economically viable.

If after all the measures taken the microwave still does not start, then you can proceed to diagnosing the locking system. First, check the tight fit of the microwave oven door and the reliability of locking. This is done using a sheet of writing paper. When closed, the paper should be pressed along the entire perimeter of the door so that it cannot be pulled out or with great difficulty.

If you can slide a sheet of paper under it when the door is closed, then the door requires adjustment.

Adjustment is made in two places: from the hinge side of the lock. It is necessary to achieve a complete and tight fit, otherwise microwave radiation will penetrate beyond the microwave. Then the microswitches are controlled in the open and closed states - they are called by the tester. If at least one is faulty, they all need to be replaced anyway, since they have approximately equal wear.

Control unit malfunctions

If all attempts to start the microwave oven in the power circuit and high-voltage part have not been successful, then you can proceed to checking the control unit. The control board is removed and visually inspected with a magnifying glass.

Most boards have their own fuse, which could have blown. The condition of the tracks, the presence of burnt and swollen capacitors, broken diodes and zener diodes - all this indicates problems. The power transformer can only be dialed by unsoldering it from the board.

Considering the variety of models and circuits of microwave ovens, further recommendations for repairing the control unit will be meaningless. Each case is unique and if the owner does not know what to do next, then it is better to entrust everything to specialists and at the same time think hard about the fact that it would have been better to do this from the very beginning.


  • A microwave oven is a complex and high-tech device that requires careful handling and unconditional compliance with all recommendations given by the manufacturer.
  • Self-repair is only possible if the owner of the microwave has knowledge of electrical engineering and electronics.
  • When making repairs, you must follow safety rules when working with high voltage and microwave radiation.
  • Replacing the magnetron in a microwave oven that has served for more than 5 years is not economically viable.

Do-it-yourself microwave oven repair in video

Look how easily and cheaply you can repair this device without service, if the damage is minor.

repair of microwave ovens Panasonic and other brands

Microwave ovens or, as we call them at home, microwave ovens have become a part of our lives. They have rightfully earned the status of the main assistant in heating and even cooking food. They won our hearts with their speed, ease of use, compactness and durability. The microwave saves a lot of time, it is convenient to use and does not cause any harm to the body. It can be placed in any corner in the kitchen, hallway and office. Its only drawback is that it is very difficult without it. And this is rare, but it happens. Nothing lasts forever, and even microwaves break. The whole life is instantly disrupted. Panamaster will help you bring your favorite kitchen appliance back to life.

Good microwave ovens break down about once every seven years. The two most important parts of a microwave are the magnetron, the device that emits the microwaves, and the inverter board, which does the cooking. These parts have their own resources and eventually exhaust themselves. The magnetron loses power or stops working completely, and the board may burn out. There are also mechanical problems - breakdowns of parts of the microwave body, which also prevent the device from working properly.

Our service center will promptly come to the rescue and correct the situation that seemed hopeless. We have been repairing microwave ovens of any brands and manufacturers for more than ten years and have hundreds of grateful customers who once reconciled themselves to buying a new microwave, but turned to us - and their equipment continued to work. Our specialists are first-class professionals in their field. They treat each order with the same care as their own equipment and perform high-quality repairs.

“Panamaster” gives a guarantee for the work done and always meets the client halfway. We can pick up and deliver the microwave oven to the desired address, we do not exceed the promised time frame and we always inform you about the cost-effectiveness of the repair. It is important for our service center that the client is served at the highest level, and that his equipment works like new.

We carry out qualifiedpost-warranty repair of Panasonic inverter and transformer microwave ovens. We repair all lines of models NN-ST, NN-GT, NN-K, NN-S, TT-S and others. We install original spare parts, which are officially supplied by the Panasonic warehouse.

Warranty conditions for repairs and spare parts

The Panamaster company provides a 6-month warranty on repairs of microwave ovens and a 6-month warranty on installed original spare parts.

Additional services

If you have problems with time and it is not convenient for you to bring the equipment to us, our courier will be able to deliver it to the service center and back at a time convenient for you. Use the service "Delivery of equipment" or "Call the Master"

Typical mechanical and electronic failures

Microwave ovens (microwave) Panasonic:

    Doesn't turn on

    Not warm

    Grill lamp does not work

    Spontaneous shutdown after a few seconds

    The control panel does not work

    Microwave door glass needs replacing

    Doesn't turn around company table

    The smell of burnt wiring during operation

    When you turn on the microwave, the machines turn off (knocks out the plugs)

    Gives error "H97"

    Gives error "H98"

    The display blinks and turns off during operation

    Doesn't turn on, indicator shows 88:88

    Microwave doesn't heat well

    Extraneous noise inside during operation

    Something sparkles inside

    Mechanical grinding noise when warming up

    The oven continues to operate after the end of the operating program (does not turn off by timer)

The cost of repairing Panasonic microwave ovens

Panasonic microwave oven type

Cost of work

Repair of inverter microwave ovens

from 1500-00 rub.

Repair of transformer microwave ovens

from 1500-00 rub.

Departure + microwave diagnostics

800 rub.

The cost of the technician's work is indicated, taking into account the cost of diagnostics.

"A-Iceberg" - 25 years with you. 5 million repairs completed.

We repair Panasonic microwave ovens quickly, efficiently and at an affordable price.

Microwave ovens save time when heating and are also used to prepare many delicious dishes. Easy to use and multifunctional models are in demand every day. If the units break down, the specialists of the A‑Iceberg Service Center can quickly repair Panasonic microwave ovens at home. You can apply to call a technician who will restore the functionality of your household appliances in one visit on the website or by calling 8 (495) 213-33-33 to clarify all the nuances and receive qualified advice.

Comprehensive services with a guarantee at an affordable price

Repairing microwave ovens requires knowledge in the field of electronics, special equipment and tools. The employees of our Service Center have the appropriate qualifications, undergo professional training and are perfectly versed in the design and operating principles of complex devices, including inverters. The technicians, having previously assessed the malfunction, arrive with the necessary equipment and spare parts to repair Panasonic microwave ovens in Moscow. The following operations are envisaged:

  • testing and checking device modules to determine failure
  • eliminating the causes of parts failure
  • partial disassembly of the microwave
  • dismantling of faulty blocks
  • replacement of magnetron, gearbox, inverter, high-voltage capacitor and protective diode
  • repair of transformer, control unit, relays and other modules
  • installing a new dissector and cooling fan
  • cleaning the waveguide plug and the insides of the microwave oven chamber
  • control measurements of main parameters
  • performance check in all modes

After repairing household appliances, the client is given a warranty card confirming the increase in the operating life of the unit. The cost of the services provided is always available to customers and is specified after the actual replacement of defective parts.

Professional service at home

Carrying out the entire range of work at home allows you to save the client’s money and repair Panasonic microwave ovens in Moscow in a minimum amount of time. All necessary spare parts that are used to replace defective parts are available at the Service Center warehouse. Installing original components allows you to guarantee proper operation of the equipment for a long time. All work on replacing parts and adjusting modules is carried out in compliance with the technological sequence and in accordance with the requirements of the manufacturers.

Clients can use the services any day of the week. Even on weekends, your application will be accepted and promptly processed. The technician will promptly arrive at the specified address to restore the functionality of the household appliance. Owners of microwave ovens are provided with recommendations regarding further trouble-free operation of the unit.

Typical malfunctions of microwave ovens

Panasonic microwave ovens are reliable in operation. Equipment breakdowns occur due to violation of heating rules, when sparking occurs between the waveguide plug and the magnetron. As a result, the antenna burns out and is destroyed, and the camera enamel is damaged. Prolonged operation without load or at maximum power has a detrimental effect on the performance of the stove. Power surges damage electronics.

Modern microwave ovens are susceptible to the following breakdowns:

Type of malfunction

Cause of occurrence

The device does not turn on

Supply transformer fault

Microwave oven does not start

Breakdown of a high-voltage capacitor or protective diode

The selected program does not start

Control board processor needs to be replaced

Cooking time cannot be set

Faulty controller or control panel

The tray does not rotate

The electric motor or gearbox requires replacement

Food doesn't heat up

Magnetron malfunction or antenna damage

There is no indication of the selected program and cooking time

Malfunction of the control unit or malfunction of the LCD display

Heating power does not increase

The inverter does not generate voltage (anode and filament), the magnetron requires replacement

The device does not turn off automatically

Timer fault (for mechanically controlled units)

Uneven heating in the chamber

Broken dissector drive belt or fan cooling the magnetron

The buttons on the panel do not work

Broken tracks or stuck contacts

The integrated grill does not work

Relay failure

If you detect malfunctions in the operation of the device, use the services of the A-Iceberg Service Center. Repair of Panasonic microwave ovens at home is carried out promptly and with a quality guarantee. After a short period of time, you can use your household appliances again.

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