Russian market of household gas boilers. Methodology for preparing international market reviews

The opposite trend is observed for, whose popularity by this winter has decreased by more than 3 times compared to 2014-2015. By the way, it was electric fireplaces that were the leaders in demand in the winter of 2013-2014! The dynamics are similar for water heaters: a slight rise in 2014-2015, and then a protracted decline.

It should be noted that this winter the popularity of energy-efficient solutions has increased, among which, from the Top 30 of our catalog, we included the already mentioned Thermal accumulators, indirect heating and Electric.

Demand analysis by major cities

We calculated the Top 15 cities by the number of visits of their residents to the equipment catalog of the portal website. The picture turned out to be interesting. Firstly, 13 out of 15 “top” cities have increased their interest in heating technology. Only St. Petersburg and Samara showed a decrease. Interestingly, Minsk entered the Top 15, ahead of many Russian cities with a population of over a million. Note that the number of entries into the equipment catalog from Moscow is almost twice as high as this value for St. Petersburg, which, in turn, is 1.5 times faster than Krasnodar.

By the way, we did not take into account arrivals from the Moscow and Leningrad regions, otherwise this gap would have been even more noticeable.

Still, the total number of visits to the catalog is not as indicative as the interest in individual categories of equipment by city. We decided to analyze the demand for heating boilers in different cities. To begin with, we made a summary diagram of demand for the 6 most popular categories of boilers over the last two winters.

What's happening on Russian market heating equipment, and what awaits him in the near future? Of course, its condition, first of all, will be determined by the general economic situation in the country, which, however, is true for any industry.

Gas heating boilers

According to the report “Analysis of the market for gas heating boilers in Russia” prepared by BusinesStat, after 2014, when the natural sales volume of household heating boilers in Russia reached its maximum - 1,027 thousand units, the demand for them began to decline: during the crisis of the next two Over the years, many businesses and homeowners have chosen to delay purchasing. According to BusinesStat forecasts, the decline in sales will continue in 2017 - to 735 thousand units. This will be caused by a continuing decline in household incomes, a slowdown in housing construction and the suspension of the implementation of a number of projects. In 2018, BusinesStat predicts the beginning of sales growth - up to 859 thousand units in 2020.

Leading on the Russian market gas boilers, which is explained by relatively low gas prices. According to Yuri Salazkin, General Director of BDR Termiya Rus LLC (brands and De Dietrich), in this moment The best sellers are standard domestic atmospheric boilers with a power of 24 kW with a closed combustion chamber. Unlike EU countries, where condensing technologies occupy a significant market share, traditional heating technology predominates in Russia. Although these technologies are present in Russia, they are not as popular as in Europe, where energy efficiency improvements are actively stimulated at the legislative level, including through the provision of subsidies.

However, the constant increase in gas tariffs leads to the fact that the Russian market is moving towards more energy-efficient heating equipment. Thus, the company is launching a new brand of condensing boilers on the Russian market - ELCO. The first consumers will see is the Thision L Eco model, which the manufacturer positions as “the pinnacle of engineering”, and during 2017 the lines of improved floor-standing boilers R600 and R3400 (left) will also appear. These boilers, designed for use in autonomous heating systems and direct DHW heating, are lightweight and compact, with low noise and emissions.

Also among the latest innovations in the gas boiler segment is the new Ariston Alteas X line with the Ariston Net intelligent remote control system. With its help, you can control the boiler and monitor its status via the Internet from any smartphone or PC, which can significantly reduce heating costs. Imagine: when leaving on vacation, you lower the temperature in the apartment to a minimum, and a few hours before your return, right from the airport, set comfort mode. The application allows you to independently set the temperature of different zones and automatically maintain it taking into account weather conditions.

Alternative to gas

In places where there is no mainline natural gas, electrical and solid fuel boilers. One of the interesting innovations in this segment is the unique Gilles boiler, powered by industrial waste, from the company. It is designed for industrial sites and farms, where there is production waste that can be usefully disposed of - sawdust, sunflower seed husks, grains, wet wood chips, etc. There has been no such equipment on the Russian market until now.

Perhaps other advanced technologies will come to the Russian market. Hartmut Wesenberg, CEO LENNOX company, one of the world's leading manufacturers of heating equipment, in an interview with Expert magazine said that his company proposes to consider the possibility of using air heating systems in Russia, in particular in Siberia. These technologies, which have already become widespread in the world, but are still almost not used in our country, have a number of advantages over traditional water (boiler) heating: safety associated with the absence of liquid coolant, high rate of room heating and efficiency - the cost of its operation is 20-30% lower, and efficiency is almost twice as high compared to traditional systems. Well, and importantly, these systems are affordable.

Heating radiators

The most noticeable trend of last year was a significant decrease in the volume of imports of aluminum and bimetallic radiators heating. This is due to three main factors:

Weakening of the ruble;

Strengthening control by the Federal Customs Service, which practically stopped the import of low-quality heating devices (mainly from China);

The active work of the Association of Heating Radiator Manufacturers "APRO", which is fighting for the introduction of mandatory certification of heating devices.

These three factors had a positive impact on the development of Russian production of heating radiators. According to the Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on economic policy Sergei Shatirov, according to preliminary data, the share of Russian products on the market increased from 22-24% in 2015 to 34% in 2016. Obviously, the trend of increasing the share of Russian manufacturers in the heating radiator sector will continue in 2017 - there are all the prerequisites for this. Chairman of the Board of Directors of TPH Rusklimat Mikhail Timoshenko made the following forecast for 2017: “Judging by the announced new projects, the potential of Russian manufacturers of aluminum and bimetallic radiators is 20-25 million sections in terms of production volumes and 45-50% in terms of share in domestic Russian consumption "

This will be facilitated by investment projects Western European companies. Thus, the Italian representative of the International Association of Manufacturers aluminum radiators AIRAL announced the start of construction of new production facilities in Russia, despite European sanctions against Russia.

During parliamentary hearings of the Economic Policy Committee on import substitution in the heating system production industry, held in the Federation Council in early December 2016, a proposal was put forward to provide domestic manufacturers of heating devices with a 15 percent price advantage when participating in state and municipal procurement. This, of course, will also help increase the share of domestic manufacturers in the Russian heating equipment market.

The Russian heating boiler market depends on many internal and external factors. And it is not much different from the Russian household equipment market as a whole, where exchange rates, the solvency of the population, import substitution and the influence of foreign manufacturers play a key role. Let's find out what is happening today in this area of ​​home equipment, what trends are observed and what the consumer chooses.

Brief overview of the heating boiler market - yesterday and today

Domestic heating boilers - and we will talk about all types of fuel - were in greatest demand in 2014. It was then, according to BusinesStat, that the peak sales volume of boilers was observed - more than 1 million units (1,027.2 thousand units). And this is after the crisis year of 2013. The increase in demand was caused by consumer fears that prices would rise even higher, which means it is better to buy a little more expensive today than much later. The following years showed disappointing dynamics. Boiler sales dropped to 735,000 units and have not yet recovered to the coveted million. According to BusinesStat experts, by 2020 alone it is planned to increase the volume of household boilers to 859,000 units.

However, the situation on the market cannot be called unambiguous. On the one hand, fewer boilers are bought at very objective reasons:

Decrease in income of the population

· Mixing family budget priorities

· Freeze of large construction projects

On the other hand, interest in autonomous heating does not disappear. For owners of private houses, connecting to a centralized system comes at a cost - they have to pay a lot, but there are no required heat indicators. Residents apartment buildings forced to turn to “help” heating boilers, because wear and tear of networks and general utilities is obvious every year and is increasingly having a negative impact on the standard of living in heating season. The fact of wear and tear of old heating equipment is also important - traditional Soviet geysers needs to be changed to modern models, as well as switching from solid and liquid fuel heating to gas and electricity. Of course, where possible.

The boiler market is divided approximately equally between domestic and foreign manufacturers. 60% are imported products, 40% are Russian. During the crisis, both groups of manufacturing companies tried to increase the volume of output by reorienting towards cheap, simple models. Multifunctional technology has so far faded into the background.

Interestingly, in the industrial segment the situation is the opposite. The share of Russian boilers increased in 2016-2017, while foreign boilers decreased to 30%. This is due to the fact that domestic boilers for industry are cheaper, their price does not depend on exchange rates. In addition, as part of the import substitution program, our products have priority in large state and municipal purchases. But the popularity of household European and Asian boilers remains due to improved design solutions, high-quality automation, neat design, important for installing the device in a visible place in the house, and simplified control.

Manufacturers rating

Manufacturers of household boilers, in order to cover as many consumer groups as possible, produce several types of equipment under one brand. The difference lies in the main thing - fuel. Most large group Gas boilers are occupied by gas boilers, followed by solid and liquid fuels, liquefied gas boilers are in third place in terms of production volume, and electric boilers are in fourth place. This distribution is directly related to the price of fuel and the amount utility payments when choosing one heating method or another.

The following manufacturers (import) are represented on the Russian boiler market:

1. Vaillant, Germany (gas and electric boilers)

2. Baxi, Austria/Italy (gas, including condensing, wall and floor)

3. Viessmann, Germany (gas, solid and liquid fuels)

4. Buderus, Germany (gas for low-temperature systems, condensing, solid and liquid fuel boilers)

5. Bosch, Germany (electric, gas boilers)

6. Ferroli, Italy (gas boilers with remote control)

7. Ariston, Italy (gas traditional and condensing)

8. Protherm, Czech Republic (full range of boilers by fuel type)

9. Dakon, Czech Republic (full range of boilers by fuel type)

10. Roca, Spain (full range of boilers by fuel type)

11.Kiturami South Korea(gas, solid and liquid fuel, combined)

The list of companies is compiled according to popularity among Russian consumers.

Domestic producers. They are distinguished by absolute adaptation to local operating conditions of the equipment, affordable price and segmentation of products based on price. Many manufacturers offer several lines - economy, comfort, premium.

1. Zhukovsky Machine-Building Plant. Produces gas boilers with an efficiency of 89%, of different capacities. The range includes models for country houses and cottages up to 600 sq.m. Exports products to the CIS countries and neighboring countries.

2. "Rostovgazoapparat". Boilers for heating and hot water supply with Italian automation, produced in three series: Siberia (market leader), RGA for homes small area, AOGV - traditional boilers using natural and liquefied gas.

3. “Borinskoye”, Lipetsk. Gas boilers with German automation and emergency shutdown system.

4. “Lemax”, Taganrog. Gas and solid fuel, single-circuit and double-circuit.

5. “Signal-heat engineering”. Water tube and fire tube boilers of different price segments.

These are the largest players in the Russian market, which produce not only the above-mentioned devices (boilers), but also other heating equipment - water heaters, stoves, boiler systems, as well as related products, Consumables and components.

The demand for products of the presented foreign and domestic brands is explained not only by the quality and wide range of goods, but also by decent services - delivery, installation, maintenance and repair in certified centers.

New technologies for autonomous heating

In the next few years, the market for household boilers will be replenished with innovative models developed taking into account two main global trends - environmental friendliness and energy efficiency.

· It is planned to increase the production volume of condensing boilers

· Reduce the weight of floor-standing devices, make the design more compact and reduce noise levels

· An intelligent control system will be introduced into the boilers via the Internet - from a personal computer or smartphone it will be possible to turn the boiler on and off, control the temperature, check the status

· There will be boilers operating on agricultural waste - seed husks, wood chips, grain, sawdust.

· There is already a proposal to test it in Russia air heating instead of the water one. This technology is actively spreading in European countries and shows good results - the cost of heating a house is reduced by 30%, the heating speed is doubled, and waste is minimized.

When installing a heating boiler, you will definitely need modern seals. You can buy them on our website in the section.

The volume of the PGO market has a pronounced seasonality. The market capacity changes twice, increasing during the peak of seasonal demand (August - October) to 170-175 million rubles per month, and falling in the spring (March-April) to 85-90 million rubles per month. At the same time, there is a tendency towards constant growth; over the past years, the market has been increasing by approximately 13-18% per year. Characteristic feature market is a small number of large end consumers. Average order volume (“ average bill") is 50-60 thousand rubles, which corresponds to 1500-1700 transactions per month in April-May and 2800-3400 in September-October. It should be noted that there was a sharp decrease in the size of the average application in February-March to 25-30 thousand rubles. This is due to the fact that during this period equipment for new construction, as a rule, is not purchased. Only individual units of equipment are purchased for reconstruction (replacement) of existing equipment.

PGO is heterogeneous: the market consists of several segments that practically do not compete with each other. Competition occurs within these segments among substitute products produced by different manufacturers. On average (there are differences between segments), the product reaches the final buyer through a chain of 2 intermediaries. About 18-20% of all manufactured equipment is sold directly from factories to end consumers without intermediaries. This allows us to conclude about great importance for the market of trading organizations, since the main volume of purchase and sale transactions is carried out by them. It should be noted that we are talking about averaged data; for some manufacturers the situation is different.

For example, the sales system of the Slava and Nadezhda - Gas plant, which produces gas-propelled gas pumps*, is aimed at establishing direct contacts with end consumers, bypassing intermediaries. The advertising campaign is aimed at creating a positive image of the company in the business community, strengthening brand awareness, and popularizing manufactured products among consumers. Currently, the sales volume of SIN-gas among competitors producing gas-propelled grenade launchers is small - about 1%. However, due to the fact that the plant takes on the production of any, even the most non-standard, orders, it is likely that its market share will increase.

At the enterprise "Center" innovative technologies", which produces gas control systems, from 90 to 100% of its products are purchased by intermediaries. This is due to the ongoing sales policy, as well as the low awareness of the manufacturer’s name to end consumers. The product mainly advertised is the SAKZ automatic gas control system. Since competitors do not produce products with the same name, all orders through one or another chain of intermediaries are placed directly with the manufacturer. There is a danger here: if any competitor appears and uses this name for its product, the company's share of the security systems market (currently about 25%) will be instantly “eroded.” As practice shows, the current legislation is not able to effectively regulate issues of copyright and related rights, which makes it impossible (or very difficult) to defend one’s legitimate interests in the event of such situations.

The Signal plant (Engels) began serial production of gas-propelled guns in the fall of 2002. Until this time, Signal produced only regulators, and GRPS produced Radon. However, "Signal" is enough for a long time sold them under his own brand. The vast majority of consumers did not even realize that GRPS was produced by another plant. When Signal opened its own production, it began producing the same GRPG under the same brand. After Signal launched series production of GRPS, it dragged Radon into a price war that lasted from November 2002 to February 2003. All specified actions helped Signal in short time change the balance of power among manufacturers and capture about 10% of the GRPG market. Today, the GRPS produced by Radon and Signal are the most popular on the market, and their price is the most acceptable for the consumer.

Often consumers are unable to reap the benefits of such competition. The situation with the “Center for Innovative Technologies”, described above, is exactly one of those when competition does not reach the consumer. It is almost complete already at the design stage: the product that the designer included in the project has a very strong advantage over substitutes. Often, the person responsible for packaging does not even suspect the presence of substitute goods that have a different name. The factory that produces any product can also, in very rare cases, provide information of this kind. There are two reasons for this. The first is banal: this will result in indirect advertising of a competitor with redirection of the customer, which no self-respecting manufacturer can allow. The second reason is not so simple. According to marketing research, conducted by the independent research center "Miromark", public opinion puts the technical training of personnel at PGO manufacturing plants significantly higher than the training of personnel of trading organizations. In practice, the training of management personnel at factories and resellers is approximately the same, and the literacy of ordinary engineers, as the study showed, directly depends on the salary they receive. But during the study it turned out important detail: All employees tested for technical competence can only demonstrate it in relation to the equipment with which they regularly deal. And this is where the lack of a broad outlook among manufacturers is reflected. Since, when performing their usual range of duties, factory workers, as a rule, are faced only with the products of their own plant, they often simply do not know anything about the products produced by competitors. An interesting thing has been revealed: only 20% of PGO manufacturers are interested in the developments of competitors! If in European countries the program for monitoring competitors (industrial espionage) is the most important part marketing activities enterprises, the lack of fierce competition in Russia gives manufacturers the opportunity not to engage in this area of ​​​​activity at all. This looks especially strange in a segment where competition is present and takes quite tough forms. We are talking about the production of GRPG.

Although GRPG is currently produced in Russia by a large number of manufacturers, there are not so many serious players in this market. There are the following approaches to the production of GRPG: vertical production - when the plant completely manufactures all the equipment and all fittings included in the product, and assembly production - when equipment and fittings are purchased from other manufacturers. Combined production - when part of the equipment is produced independently, part is purchased externally - is not currently practiced. Today, a vertical approach to the production of gas-propelled grenade launchers has been implemented at the Signal, Gazapparat and Gazprommash plants. It is also used by the Saratov enterprise Ex-Forma, producing small batches of promising UGRSH-50 cabinet units with a direct-flow RDP regulator.

The vertical approach to production has a significant advantage: independence from subcontractors. All others Russian manufacturers practice assembly production, the main advantage of which is the ability to focus on one operation: installation technological equipment in the closet. The undoubted leader in assembly production is Radon, Engels. All other manufacturers either operate in local markets, or the volume of products they produce does not have a significant impact on the Russian market. However, within the local market, the position of such a regional manufacturer can be very strong (Gazkomplekt, Reutov, Kambarsky Zavod gas equipment" and etc.).

The graphs show the prices prevailing in April 2003 for the most popular GRPSh model - with the RDNK 400-01 regulator or an analogue. Several comments should be made immediately to the above graphs.

Saratov should certainly be recognized as a recognized center for the production of industrial gas equipment. In Saratov and Engels (satellite cities), according to different estimates, produces from 67 to 75% of all equipment produced in the country. The average price of GRPSh 400-01 is from 17 to 18 thousand rubles. The high price of GRPS from the Gazprommash plant is due to the fact that it operates primarily on regional markets, in particular, all Tyumen companies (Angor, Gazstroyinter and Mezhregiongazstroy) offer cabinets manufactured by Gazprommash. This cabinet is produced both with a standard regulator RDNK-400 produced by Signal, and with a regulator produced by Gazprommash RDNK 50/400, which has a slightly lower throughput. The relatively low price of GRPS made at the Gazooborudovanie plant, Kazan, is due to the low popularity of this manufacturer and the lower cost of the materials used by the plant for production. Despite this, the price/quality indicators of these products are quite acceptable, which is confirmed by the steady growth in sales volumes. Trading organizations in Kazan, shown in the graphs (“Komtekhenergo”, “Tatgazselkomplekt”), offer the products of this plant. All trading enterprises in Saratov, the South of Russia (Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don, Stavropol) and Ufa offer mainly products manufactured by Radon-Signal. Their price depends on discounts received at the plant, transportation costs and the appetites of company management. Competition can sometimes lead to significant savings opportunities for the consumer, as we see in the example of Krasnodar, where the price of Kubankraigazservice is 40% higher than the price of Tsentrgazservice (7,000 rubles).

The question arises: why is there such a range of prices within the same city? The answer to this is not as obvious as it seems. There is no doubt that lack of consumer awareness plays a big role. But main reason another. At present, neither in Krasnodar nor in Russia there is yet a civilized VGO market - it is just being created. Competition in a number of market segments is weak or completely absent. It is competition that forces manufacturers to produce cheaper, more convenient to maintain, more quality equipment, which ultimately leads to a decrease emergency situations. There are only a few normally operating suppliers, mostly manufacturers. At the same time, most existing manufacturers are focused on production rather than working with consumers. A good supplier must be multi-vendor, that is, support and offer equipment from various manufacturers on the market. This must be a trading company - manufacturing plants do not sell competitors' products. Already today large trading companies, as a rule, offer consumers services of higher quality than manufacturers. We are glad that, together with our parent company - the Gas-Service enterprise, Saratov (Trademark "Gazovik") - we are taking steps towards building a civilized market for industrial gas equipment in Russia.

* Gas ​​control points (installations) are a set of technological equipment and devices designed to reduce the inlet gas pressure to a given level and maintain it constant at the outlet. Depending on the placement of the equipment, gas control points are divided into several types: GRPS (cabinet gas control point) - the equipment is placed in a metal cabinet; GRU (gas control unit) - the equipment is mounted on a metal frame; PGB (block gas control point) - the equipment is installed in one or more container-type buildings. For convenience, all gas control points (installations) described above are referred to in this article as GRPS. However, it should be borne in mind that, as a rule, almost all manufacturers produce both GRPSh, GRU, and PGB with the same technological equipment.

IN last years Sales volumes of heating boilers are steadily increasing, but there is no reason yet for the popularity of these products to decline. The average growth rate of sales of heating equipment is 4% annually.

According to the Aport website, boilers from the companies Ariston, Viessmann, Baxi, Vaillant, Beretta, Junkers, Buderus, Saunier Duval, Roca, Frisquet are very popular. For example, well-known German companies Bosch and Vaillant, as well as Junkers, occupy about 40% of the wall-mounted boiler market in Europe.

The sales volume of heating equipment in Russia is uneven, because some boilers sell better, while others sell worse. Thus, boilers with atmospheric burners continue to be popular among Russian users. However, in Lately There is a trend of increasing demand for wall-mounted gas boilers. It’s curious, but the demand for domestic models, which have an optimal price, is much lower, which cannot be said about similar imported devices. Experts say that the reason for this trend lies, first of all, in the number of gasified areas, the number of which is constantly growing. It is also worth noting that in recent years the number of cottage construction has increased, which implies an increase in residents with sufficient funds for construction. Consequently, savings on heating for such buyers will be clearly irrational. Of course, we should not forget that the owners of city apartments do not have a large area, so purchasing wall-mounted boiler It is the most profitable solution. You also have to take into account the size and weight of the boiler itself. This category of heating equipment implies a compact and lightweight design. A Russian user has long appreciated the pleasant appearance similar boilers, as well as the fact that this device does not require a separate boiler room.

Wall-mounted boilers are in demand not only in Russia, but also in Europe, where they are much cheaper, and their operation is much simpler. Let us remind you that one wall-mounted boiler is capable of heating an area of ​​200-300 sq.m., and there is also an additional opportunity to use hot water, which, naturally, is very attractive to consumers.

Prospects for the Russian heating boiler market

Marketing market research showed that in the next few years, supply of heating equipment in Russia will continue to increase by 8-9% annually, and by 2017 it could be about 2.4 million. units. Increasing demand for such products will constantly stimulate supply growth. Currently, imports make a large contribution to the supply of household heating boilers on the Russian market.

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