Planting a pear on the plot - tips for growing a fruit tree. How to plant a pear in spring and autumn - a step-by-step guide Is it possible to plant one pear on a plot

When arranging their summer cottage or garden plot, many gardeners are faced with the question of how to plant a pear correctly so that the plant produces good harvest and didn't it hurt? To do this, it is important to know many nuances - when is it better and where to plant. Today we will reveal several main secrets.

Before planting a pear, it is important to determine the most favorable time for this. When grown in southern regions In our country, the optimal season is spring. The plant, like the plant, manages to take root and adapt in a new place, thanks to which it will successfully survive the winter.

In the northern regions, spring is considered the most successful time, because if frost sets in quickly after planting, the seedling simply will not take root. But if the plant is grown in middle lane, then the gardener will have to weigh all the advantages and disadvantages, and then choose suitable option, When better plant plant.

Before planting a pear, it is important to determine the most favorable time for this.

Spring planting of pears, like apple trees, has the following strengths:

  • over the summer period the tree becomes stronger and stronger;
  • tolerates subsequent wintering more easily.

At the same time, the main advantage autumn planting is that in August and September in local nurseries it is very a good choice various seedlings. Therefore, the gardener will be able to choose strong and good shoots, while in the spring only weak and less viable shoots remain, which are more difficult to replant. When planted in autumn, the winter hardiness of the pear will be much higher.

That is why the gardener must decide on his own when it is best to plant a plant, taking into account all the advantages and disadvantages. Most young and inexperienced gardeners choose to plant in the spring, since it involves fewer risks, while more experienced gardeners, when choosing when is best, opt for the fall.

Video tips on how to plant a tree correctly

However, when using any of these options, it is important to follow the recommendations of experts. You need to plant a plant:

  • in spring - best period from April 20 to April 30;
  • in autumn - no later than mid-October.

Planting a pear must be observed in accordance with the basic requirements, which will allow for good plant growth and a successful wintering. They are similar to planting an apple tree. The pear is quite thermophilic, so when choosing a planting site you should select sunny areas, well lit and sheltered from strong gusts of wind.

The groundwater Ideally, they should flow at a depth of about three meters. The pear does not tolerate moisture, so it is better to plant it at higher elevations.

Also, it will not grow on dense clay soils or next to rowan, since these two crops have the same pests. If one tree is affected, they will quickly move to another. It is optimal to plant a pear near an apple tree.

The pear is quite thermophilic, so when choosing a planting site you should select sunny areas

Do you want to know how to plant a pear tree correctly? To do this, it is important to prepare a place for further planting. All work is best done in autumn period even when the planting itself takes place in the spring. In this case, the soil in the hole will settle, so there will be no fear of its “subsidence.”

Such a depression is harmful to the plant, since closing the root collar can lead to the death of a pear, like an apple tree. When digging a hole, you need to choose a depth that should correspond to the root system. The same is true for . Optimal sizes are:

  • depth – 45-55 cm;
  • width – 100 cm.

In the fall, you can dig a deeper planting hole near the apple tree and add two or three buckets to it fertile land, combined with humus and peat. Ash and superphosphate are well suited for fertilizer. In this case, it is better to avoid nitrogen, since it has an adverse effect on the pear.

Ash and superphosphate are well suited for fertilizer.

At the same time, in central part It is better to hammer in wooden pegs, since without a garter a young seedling can easily become deformed. Before replanting the plant, the bottom of the hole must be thoroughly loosened and small notches made on the side walls. This will help improve air exchange and improve the growth of the root system.

How to plant a pear tree correctly? To do this, it is important to observe numerous subtleties and aspects, since the pear is a rather demanding plant. If you plant it according to the rules, you can achieve good results.

Exist different ways, with which you can replant any plant, on a mound or with grooves. But today we will introduce you to something more popular and easier to implement:

  1. Before planting, you should first prepare the seedling. To do this, you need to cut off all its thick and powerful roots by 10-12 cm, and also cut off the top. The planting material should look like a stick without branches and leaves, the height of which is about 75-85 cm. Before planting the plant, it is placed in a bucket of water for an hour.
  2. The soil dug out from the hole is mixed with wood ash in equal proportions and mixed with water until a dense, creamy consistency is obtained. The roots of the seedling are thoroughly moistened in this substance.
  3. The bottom of the planting hole must first be prepared - loosen the soil and lay out 10 whole raw eggs, then it is filled with a diluted mixture of soil and wood ash, sprinkled with dry soil on top. Afterwards the pear is planted, in which deep deepening should be avoided. It is very important that the root collar is slightly above ground level.
  4. Afterwards, the hole is filled with the remaining soil, and about 10 more eggs are laid around the perimeter, which will provide nutrition to the root system for long time. The trunk is tied to a wooden peg, the seedling is watered big amount water. When all the steps are completed, an additional circle of earth around the trunk should be mulched with pine needles, compost, peat, sawdust and paper.

The soil dug out of the hole is mixed with wood ash in equal proportions.

With this method of planting, a pear, like a pear, will be able to successfully overwinter and produce a good harvest.

Care after landing

In any garden, one of the popular plants is this pear, planting and caring for which should be carried out in compliance with all the above recommendations. Only in this case will the plant be able to take root.

Video about how to grow pears in the Middle Zone

Planting a pear requires cutting off the top, so the cut area should be additionally treated with garden varnish. This will prevent fungal and pest infestations. Caring for a pear is carried out similarly to an apple tree, but it is important to comply with the basic requirements:

  • moderate watering, which imitates sprinkling;
  • application of fertilizers starting from the second year after planting;
  • protection from drying out and frost.

Replanting a pear is a rather complex and time-consuming process, but when correct execution After all actions, the seedling will be able to take root and overwinter well, and in the future produce a large harvest.

Pears, along with apple and cherry trees, form the basis of our orchards. Thanks to the efforts of breeders, the heat-loving crop is successfully grown not only in the south of the country, but also in areas with cold climates. Any gardener, even a beginner, can grow pear trees, but their productivity and longevity will depend on whether all agronomic requirements, taking into account the characteristics of the region, were met during planting.

Planting a pear: in spring or autumn?

Pears can be planted in both spring and autumn. In the southern regions, autumn planting is preferable, 2–3 weeks before cold weather. Spring here is short and swift, and in the heat, seedlings have difficulty taking root. However, in bad weather and if frosts are too early, it is still better to postpone planting to spring.

A pear planted in the spring will have time to take root and grow stronger over the season.

Many gardeners in the central regions also recommend planting pears in the fall, because at this time there is a large selection of seedlings. And if you spend planting work in the relatively warm period from September to mid-October, the seedlings will have time to take root before frost and over the winter will acquire a valuable quality - resistance to low temperatures. But in a cold, rainy autumn, it’s better not to take risks and postpone planting until next year. During the spring and summer, the plants will have time to grow roots and shoots and are prepared to go to winter.

In areas with cold climates, the most favorable time for planting pears is spring. Indeed, in the Urals already in September there is a significant drop in temperature and squally winds, and in Siberia from mid-October the ground is already completely covered with snow. Autumn planting here is dangerous because the seedlings can freeze and die.

Video: at what time is it better to plant seedlings of fruit and berry trees

How to plant a pear tree in spring

The health and longevity of pear plantations largely depend on the quality of planting material, on the correctly selected and prepared site, and on the timing of planting.

Future harvests and longevity of the garden depend on the quality of planting material

How to choose a pear seedling

Pear seedlings should be purchased from trusted nurseries or garden centers. It is better to choose plants no older than 2 years - they take root faster and begin to grow. A careful inspection will help you choose healthy seedlings.

It is better to purchase varietal pear seedlings from fruit nurseries, where they are grown in containers

The root system must be developed, not dried out, and free of rot. The bark is smooth, without sagging. If the seedling is varietal, you can notice a compaction in the lower part of the trunk - this is the grafting zone, located 10–15 cm above the root collar.

At the grafting site, the trunk thickens and bends slightly

The root collar is the boundary of the transition of the root collar to the trunk. It is located 3 cm above the upper lateral root and is easily identified by its color change. At this point, the light brown tint of the roots gives way to the greenish color of the trunk.

The root collar is the border where the light brown root meets the greenish trunk

The regionalization of the seedling should also be taken into account. Southern varieties, distinguished by large and juicy fruits, will freeze in the first winter in a harsh climate.

How to save a pear seedling until spring

There is a wide selection of fruit trees after the season ends, but if they are purchased just before the frost, they should be saved until spring.

Stocking up planting material

In this case, the trees are buried in the garden. To do this, choose a secluded place where the wind does not blow and a lot of snow accumulates. Dig a groove 50 cm deep, making one side at an angle of 30 degrees, and moisten the soil. The leaves of the seedlings are torn off and dry twigs are removed. To prevent rotting, you can treat the plants with a solution of Fundazol (1 g\1 l). Seedlings are laid out on the inclined side with their tops facing south and the roots and branches are sprinkled 2/3 of the way with soil. After moistening, sprinkle again. Be sure to compact the mound so that during the winter cold the frosty air cannot penetrate to the roots. You can lay spruce branches under the treetops or additionally cover them with spunbond. And to prevent rodents from damaging young plants, cover the top of the trench with spruce branches or a fine-mesh plastic mesh.

Seedlings are placed in a row on the inclined side of the trench and buried until spring.

If winter began too early, the ground is frozen and covered with a blanket of snow, the seedlings are buried directly in the snow. But first you need to pack the roots in a moist substrate. To do this, use moss, sand or sawdust, which are poured, leave until it swells and drain off excess moisture. Sprinkle the roots with cooled, steamed sawdust or moss, then wrap them tightly in film, covering the root collar. The prepared seedlings are taken out into the garden and sprinkled with snow 15–20 cm thick. A 10-centimeter layer of sawdust must be laid on top, which will preserve the snow cover during the thaw and protect from temperature changes. With the onset of spring warmth, sawdust and snow are removed from the seedlings and soaked for a day in a biostimulant solution.

The seedlings will overwinter well under a fluffy snow blanket

Seedlings are well preserved during the winter in the basement or outbuilding at a temperature of 0–3°C. The plants are first soaked in water for a day and treated against mold fungi with a solution of Fundazol. Then sprinkle the roots with wet sawdust or small shavings, place them in a plastic bag and tie them to reduce moisture evaporation. To protect against rats and mice, poison baits are placed nearby.

In a cool basement, seedlings with packed wet roots will be stored until spring

The room should be cool while storing seedlings - an increase in temperature can lead to premature awakening of the buds. Therefore, during warming periods, doors and transoms are opened, letting in a fresh cold wind. During the winter, the seedlings are regularly inspected, the roots are kept moist, and if they begin to dry out, they are sprayed with water.

Video: how to preserve purchased plant seedlings in winter

Time to plant pears in spring

The main thing is to complete the planting before the growing season of fruit trees begins. The specific timing of spring planting work is determined by the weather and climatic conditions of the region. In the south, fruit trees are planted already in the second ten days of March, in central regions- from mid-April to early May, in northern latitudes - from late April to early May. Planting is carried out after the snow has melted, when the soil has warmed up well. The air temperature should not drop to sub-zero values. The required temperature indicators for the start of shoot growth are +5°C, for the development of the root system +18°C.

The pear is planted on the site when the snow melts and the ground warms up.

Choosing a location for a pear orchard

Pear is a light-loving plant; it develops poorly in the shade, the crown becomes sparse, and the branches become bare. The tree especially needs good lighting during the period of flowering and fruit formation. When shading from the east or south side fruit ovaries will be only at the tops, and the tree becomes too tall, with vertically growing branches that often break off.

Choose the brightest place for the pear so that tall trees and garden buildings do not shade it

Therefore, it is better to place the pear on gentle slopes in that part of the garden that most daylight is illuminated by the sun and protected from the wind by buildings or hedges. Moreover, in cold climates the most comfortable conditions for culture - warmth and moderate humidity - are created on the southwestern or western side of the site. On the northern slopes, trees are more exposed to the destructive effects of the wind; on the eastern slopes they often freeze during morning performances. In the southern regions, it is recommended to place pears on slopes in a northern or northwestern direction.

In cold climates, southern and southwestern slopes are suitable for pears.

The site should be spacious - it is advisable to have several mutually pollinating varieties that coincide with the period of mass flowering. To prevent trees from shading each other, sufficient distance should be left between them. Tall pears are planted at intervals of 3.5–4 m, leaving 5–7 m between rows; grafted on low-growing rootstocks - 1.5–2 m with a row spacing of 4–5 m.

Pear tolerates any soil, with the exception of sandy, gravelly soils. It grows best on loose, fertile loam or sandstone with good water and air permeability. When grown in poor sandy areas, the fruits become sour, with dry pulp, and their shelf life is reduced. In areas with clay soil trees will not develop as intensively, their life expectancy will be significantly reduced, and productivity will also decrease.

Pear prefers to grow in loose, nutritious soil.

Low-lying areas where groundwater is close should not be allocated for orchards. When waterlogging increases the risk of root rotting, the absorption of iron also worsens, the lack of which leads to chlorosis. Groundwater should lie no closer than 2 m to the surface of the earth. If there is no other area to place trees, they should be planted on ridges, adding fertile soil, or drainage diversions should be made.

With the help of drainage outlets, waterlogging of the soil can be avoided

The reaction of the soil is also of great importance. Pear does not tolerate an acidic environment, so to reduce the acidity level in the area, liming is necessary (500 g of lime/m2).

On my plot, the pear gets along well with many crops - currants, apple trees, pine, cedar, tomatoes and peppers. Next to it, to decorate the garden and attract bees, I plant daisies, sage, marigolds, and Carpathian bell. But there are plants whose proximity to a pear is undesirable - these are rowan, juniper, barberry, walnut, plum, peach, chestnut, jasmine, lilac.

You can plant flowers next to the pear that will attract bees with their scent.

Site preparation

Preparatory work is carried out at the end of the season or in the spring 2 weeks before planting - the earth must settle. The site is dug up, cleared of weeds, and the acidic soil is alkalized (500 g of lime/m2). Then they dig pits, depositing the top fertile layer of soil in one direction, and the deep layer in the other. Planting holes are made 1 m wide and 60–70 cm deep.

The planting hole is dug according to the pattern 100x60 cm

Applying fertilizers when planting pears in spring

Organic matter is added to the fertile layer - 3 buckets of humus and mineral components - 150 g of superphosphate and 100 g of potassium salt (or 0.5 kg of ash). This is the norm for one planting hole. In sandy areas poor in nutrients, the amount of humus per 1 m2 is increased to 4 buckets. And to improve moisture holding capacity, add a bucket of clay.

Before planting, humus and mineral fertilizers are added to the soil, clayey areas bring in a bucket of sand\m2

On a heavy clay soil It is recommended to use vermicompost AgroPrirost for spring planting, which makes it looser, improves thermal and water balance, saturates with macro- and microelements. For one planting hole you will need 5 kg of dry vermicompost, which is mixed with soil, or 500 ml of liquid concentrate diluted in 10 liters of water. This does not require additional application of mineral fertilizers.

Dry fertilizer AgroPrirost is placed in the planting hole and mixed with soil.

Spring planting of pear seedlings

Seedlings with an open root system are soaked for a day in a solution of biological preparations Heteroauxin, Kornevin (2 tablets\10 l), which stimulate rooting. The container plant is soaked for 1–2 hours until the earthen ball softens.

Before planting, the roots of the seedlings are soaked in a solution of Kornevin, which stimulates the growth of the root system.

It is very important not to bury the seedling when planting. The root collar should be 5 cm above the ground surface. Gradually the soil will settle and the root collar will be located flush with the ground. Too much deepening of the seedling threatens to preheat the lower part of the trunk, and when planted superficially, the roots may freeze in the winter cold and dry out in the summer heat.

Step by step guide

  1. A wooden stake 80 cm long is installed in the pit.

    A wooden stake is installed in the planting hole

  2. Fertile soil is poured into the hole in a mound, filling it to 2/3 of its volume. If fertilizers were applied immediately before planting, a 7 cm thick layer of infertile soil is poured on top to protect the pear roots from burns.
  3. The seedling is lowered into the hole, positioning it strictly vertically in the center of the mound, and the roots are straightened.

    A seedling with straightened roots is lowered into a hole

  4. Loosely tie the plant to the stake with a figure of eight twine so that it does not sway or break in the wind.
  5. Cover the roots with loose, fertile soil, shaking the seedling several times to prevent air voids from forming.

    Sprinkle the seedling with soil and shake it slightly, holding it by the stem.

  6. Add soil and compact it, moving from the edges of the hole to the middle.

    The soil around the seedling is well compacted

  7. The root collar is not covered - it should rise 5 cm above the soil.
  8. Make a hole around the planted tree, pour a 20 cm high earthen roll along the border of the dug hole, and pour in 20–30 liters of water.

    The planted tree is watered abundantly

  9. After moisture is absorbed, mulch (humus, straw, hay) is laid on the surface of the tree trunk in a layer of 10 cm. Mulching helps enrich the soil with nutrients, reduce moisture evaporation, and reduce weed growth. In addition, the use of mulch allows you to maintain the optimal temperature for plants, protecting root system from overheating in hot summers and from freezing in the cold season.

    Mulching the tree trunk helps retain moisture

  10. Immediately after spring planting, the crown begins to form. In a one-year-old tree, the trunk is cut to 80 cm; on a two- to three-year-old seedling, all branches are leveled, cutting off 1/3 of the length, the central conductor is shortened at a height of 15 cm from the top branch.

    Immediately after spring planting, pear trees are pruned, shortening the trunk and branches.

At first, young pear plantings must be covered with white non-woven material. In such gentle conditions, plants quickly adapt to new conditions and more easily withstand the effects of drying winds, active spring sun and sudden changes in day and night temperatures.

In the absence of humus, I plant fruit trees using grooves. First, I dig a hole to a depth equal to the length of the roots of the seedling. From different sides of the hole, I dig 4 grooves of the same depth, 20 cm wide, per 1 m. And I fill them with organic waste so that the roots of the seedling reach them. As a filler for trenches, only dense plant materials should be used - shavings, chips, finely chopped branches, bark, pine needles. Rapidly decomposing organic matter (grass, leaves, food debris, paper) is not suitable. I fill the waste with a nutrient solution (12 g of superphosphate, 12 g of potassium salt, 20 g of sugar and 1 tablet of the root formation stimulator Heteroauxin\10 l of water) and a day later I start planting. I fill the grooves with wet wood waste, fill the hole with water and place a seedling in it. Then I fill the hole and trenches with fertile soil, leaving the root neck of the pear open. At first, the tree will have enough nutrients in the fertile soil layer. Gradually growing, the roots of the tree will rush to the rotted wood waste, forming a powerful root system.

Grooves 1 m long and 20 cm wide are dug from different sides of the pit and filled with wood waste.

Video: planting a pear

Features of spring pear planting in different regions

Pear planting is carried out taking into account the weather and climatic characteristics of the region. And if the arrival of spring is delayed, you should not rush to plant plants, but wait until the weather is warm, at least +5°C, so that fragile plants do not die from the cold. But you can’t be late either - planting work must be completed before the trees begin to awaken.

Planting pears in spring in the Moscow region

Moskvichka pear is not afraid of severe frosts

Fruit trees with good winter hardiness, even if they freeze slightly in unfavorable years, quickly recover. They are not afraid of late spring frosts due to late flowering. The heat-loving pear should be planted on the southwestern side of the site, protected by the walls of the house or hedge, to reduce the influence of cold northeastern winds.

Planting a pear near the fence will reduce the risk of frost damage to the bark and the influence of cold northern winds, which increase the freezing of trees in winter and weaken pollination in the spring.

In the Moscow region, the melting of snow cover begins only in mid-March, the sun warms up more strongly, the ground completely thaws by the 10th of April and is ready to receive seedlings.

Video: how to plant a pear in a swamp in the Moscow region

Spring planting of pears in central Russia

Spring is coming in central regions only at the end of March, when warm, fine days set in and the snow begins to melt. However, even in the first ten days of April, frosts and snow storms are not uncommon. Therefore, the optimal period for planting fruit trees in this area is from mid to late April.

In the middle gardening zone, varieties that are resistant to adverse environmental factors - Lada, Maslyanistaya, Rogneda, Augustow Rosa, Klappa, Chizhovskaya, Isolda - will take root well. The ideal place to locate a garden is a small hill, sheltered from the northern winds, where snow lingers in winter and the earth warms up faster in spring.

The Lada pear attracted the attention of gardeners not only due to its winter hardiness, but also its early fruiting - already 2 years after planting you can harvest

Experienced gardeners prefer to plant on hills. For the seedling, make a mound of fertile soil 1 m wide and 50–70 cm high. A stake is installed and a tree is placed in the center. Sprinkle it up to the root collar, tie it to a support and water it. Over time, soil is poured into the mound, mineral and organic fertilizers are added, gradually expanding its diameter to 3–4 m. With such planting, a comfortable thermal regime is created for the root system.

When planted high, a mound is made for each tree

Planting pears in spring in Belarus

The beginning of the pear growing season on the territory of the republic begins on April 26 on average. Trees awaken 40–45 days after above-zero temperatures are established. Therefore, seedlings must be planted before the end of April.

Pear seedlings are being planted in Belarus in early spring, until the end of April

In the climate of Belarus, severe frosts and sudden changes in average daily temperatures pose a great danger to fruit trees. orchard, especially for seedlings, and spring frosts. Therefore, when choosing pears in Belarus, it is worth giving preference to varieties that are resistant to cold exposure. It is also important to consider the degree of exposure to viruses and infections. Relatively high soil and air humidity provokes the development of fungal diseases, especially scab. In local conditions, winter-hardy varieties of pears grow well, have strong immunity and are able to withstand periods of waterlogging - Belorusskaya late, Talgarskaya krasavitsa, Noyabrskaya, Naryadnaya Efimova, Pamyat Zhegalova, Karamelnaya, Chizhovskaya, Lipenskaya, Lada.

The Zabava pear takes root well and bears fruit in Belarus

To protect fruit plants from fungal diseases, especially scab, as well as to improve the aerobic properties of the soil and enrich it with nutrients, I use Trichodermin. This is a soil substrate fertilized with fungi of the genus Trichoderma, which suppress the development of phytopathogens. In the fall, when digging, I add the drug (50 g/m2) to the plot, or during spring planting, I sprinkle it on the soil in the hole.

Adding Trichodermin to the planting hole will reduce the risk of scab spreading

Scab often affects pear orchards located in damp lowlands. Therefore, if there is excessive moisture, it is recommended to plant trees on ridges or make grooves in the area for water drainage.

When planted on high ridges, the root system of seedlings will be protected from hypothermia and excessive moisture

Spring planting of pears in the Urals

The Ural varieties (Skorospelka Sverdlovskaya, Permyachka, Variant, Polyushko), obtained at the Sverdlovsk Horticultural Breeding Station from wild Ussuri pear, differ from other species not only in their resistance to severe frosts, early fruiting and immunity to many diseases and pests, but also in their structure root system - it is highly branched, fibrous and located more superficially. Thanks to this, it grows well and bears fruit in soils with a low humus content.

The Permyachka pear variety was created by Sverdlovsk breeders specifically for the harsh climate of the Urals

The climate of the Urals is formed by Atlantic air currents, which create high air humidity, and cold arctic winds, which greatly dry out the wood of trees. Therefore, it is very important to create wind protection for fruit plantings. And in order to protect young plantings from spring cold, on the eve of frost they are sprayed with Epin solution (1 ampoule\10 l).

Having planted the trees, I install temporary greenhouses between them where I grow tomatoes. Such greenhouse structures increase soil heating and create more comfortable conditions for seedlings.

Installing temporary greenhouses between trees increases soil warming in the garden

Local gardeners practice planting fruit trees on rafts. Old rotting logs or boards are placed at the bottom of the pit, which are sprinkled with fertile soil, forming a mound. Moisten the soil well so that it settles and fills all the voids between the logs. They add soil and plant trees. In this case, the raft cuts off the deep cold, and the bulk of the feeding roots will be located in the warm layer. During dry periods, the soil above is dry, but the plants do not suffer from a lack of water due to the fact that the wood accumulates moisture.

Planting on a raft creates for the pear root system comfortable temperature, not allowing cold deep air to reach it

Features of spring pear planting in the southern regions

The most delicious and sweet pears are grown in the south. But so that they please generous harvests long years, you need to land correctly.

Spring comes to the southern regions very early and already in the tenth day of March the average daily temperature exceeds +10°C. There is little snow here, which does not allow creating a sufficient supply of moisture in the soil. Therefore, it is very important to choose drought- and heat-resistant varieties - Bergamot Dagestan, Verbena, Gimrinskaya, Conference, Leuven.

Due to its resistance to air drought, the summer pear variety Duchess is widely cultivated in the south.

They should be planted on the northern or northwestern side of the site, where the fruit plantings will be in light shade for part of the day. To protect from the scorching sun, southern gardeners often use tall crops - corn, sunflowers, planted in a solid wall.

In the first time after spring planting, fragile young trees should be protected from the destructive effects of returning cold weather, hot winds and direct winds. sun rays, covering them with agrofibre. And water regularly.

When planning to plant pears in the garden in the spring, you need to remember that planting work should be carried out before the buds swell, while the trees are still dormant. Planted at the optimal time, determined by the weather and climatic conditions of the region, subject to the observance of agricultural technology, they quickly adapt to a new place, during the growing season they will develop a root system, increase the above-ground part and will soon begin to bear tasty and healthy fruits.

Pear is a popular fruit tree that delights gardeners delicious fruits. It is quite demanding in terms of care, so beginners often have the question of how to plant a pear and care for it. First of all, you need to choose the right time for planting and root the seedling. We’ll look at how to plant a pear, choose quality seedlings and care for them in this article.

Best time to plant a tree

When choosing the time to plant pears, you need to take into account the climate in the region in which the site is located. In the south of Russia, where warm and sunny weather lasts for a long time, it is good to choose the right autumn period for planting fruit trees, because in summer the seedlings can simply die under the scorching sun. The best period is in the north of the country for plant rooting - spring. In April-May the weather is warm and the ground warms up enough for sowing.

The most difficult choice faces residents of central Russia. Therefore, they need to evaluate all the possible pros and cons of planting a pear at one time or another. Spring planting is safer; the likelihood of frost returning is much lower. In the summer, the tree can take root properly, receive sufficient nutrition and prepare for the upcoming winter. The best time to plant a pear is from early to mid-April.

Autumn planting also has its advantages: at this time of year it is easier to choose a suitable seedling in special places, the choice is simply huge. Those trees that overwinter after rooting in autumn quickly get used to the climate and tolerate temperature changes more easily. Some experienced gardeners combine the two planting methods and buy the best seedlings in the fall, store them and plant them with the onset of spring warmth. It is best to plant them before mid-autumn, this is the right time.

Choosing the best site for spring pear planting

The pear tree loves heat very much, so the planting site should be on a plain, well-lit and dry. Low-lying places with poor lighting are absolutely not suitable for this; they are usually too wet due to groundwater. When frost sets in, this can cause frostbite to the roots of the tree and its death.

The area must be bright throughout the entire growth period of the pear, so you should not plan to erect buildings and tall buildings. You should also protect the pear from others tall plants, which can create shading with their foliage. The distance to other trees should be at least 2 meters. Remember that the pear tree grows for a long time, its lifespan reaches 90 years, and during these years it can grow up to 35 meters in height.

The planting site should have the highest quality soil. The most suitable soil for a pear is well-ventilated soil, fertilized with mineral supplements and capable of stopping and retaining excess moisture at the roots of the tree. It is not recommended to replant pear trees throughout the entire fruiting period, so the place for planting it must be chosen carefully and once.

Choosing a seedling for planting a pear

You can choose a seedling for planting in any season, the most important thing is that it is healthy, strong and subsequently becomes a tree with high productivity. The most suitable age for rooting is 1-2 years. If he gets older, it will be harder for him to adapt after landing. Such seedlings often die before they reach the first frost. An annual tree is an excellent choice for the southern regions of our country; in the center you can choose a healthy seedling about 2 years old.

When choosing a pear seedling external characteristics need to be taken into account:

  • The elastic body of the trunk and branches in the crown;
  • Number of root shoots;
  • Healthy appearance, no scratches, wounds or other damage.

Before planting a pear on the site, you need to prepare it. Dry branches are cut off with a garden knife and the root system is inspected. It is better to first lower the roots into a bucket of water so that they are saturated with moisture and leave there for 24 hours . Can be added to a bucket of water a little honey nutrients its composition will accelerate the process of root formation. Just one tablespoon of honey per bucket of water is enough. All this will help the plant quickly take root in open ground.

The hole for the pear needs to be dug to such a depth that the neck of the root is not completely covered with soil (this can lead to the death of the plant). The neck at the root of a tree is located in the place where the roots begin and the trunk ends. It is slightly different in color from the rest of the bark: the desired area is darker than the entire root system.

How to properly prepare a hole for planting a pear

Site preparation must begin in advance. If you decide to plant a pear in the spring, then the hole for it can be prepared in the fall. This way the soil will be better saturated with water when the snow melts.

You need to have time to prepare a place for planting before the first autumn frosts. In the central part of Russia it is better to complete all preparations before the beginning of November. This way, the hole for the seedling will be saturated with all the vitamins and minerals necessary for rooting the plant, and the soil will acquire the necessary softness. There is one more advantage early preparation of the site: during the wintering period, all harmful bacteria and infections will die in the hole, the place will become safe for the young tree. It is important to consider that during wintering the soil in the hole will drop by about a quarter of its original volume.

When digging a hole for a pear, you need to remove the top layer from the ground and temporarily remove it nearby. The soil from this layer will become the basis for planting. The lowest layer, which is located at a depth of about half a meter, does not need to be used . There's little in it useful substances , and it is considered infertile. The ideal depth for planting seedlings is from 55 to 80 centimeters.

Alternate layers when rooting you need as follows:

  1. humus;
  2. clean river sand;
  3. any phosphate fertilizer;
  4. layer of potassium nutrient fertilizer.

Before placing the last layer in the pit with mineral fertilizers the hole needs to be watered abundantly. This is done in the following sequence: a bucket of water with diluted limestone is poured in, then they are filled with clean, settled water.

Before wintering, the pit must be covered with a covering..

Step-by-step instructions for planting pear trees in spring

It is recommended to water a rooted tree 2 times a month. When it stands firmly in the ground, you can tie it with a nylon rope to a stick prepared in advance. In order not to injure the young and thin bark of the seedling, you need to secure a piece of rubber in the place where the rope will be tied.

As you can see, planting a pear tree in spring is easy. There are many benefits to spring planting. If you follow all the rules for caring for a young seedling, the tree will grow healthy and bear fruit for many years.

The pear is the second most common fruit tree after the apple tree. This plant belongs to the Rosaceae family and the pomaceae group. Due to its low frost resistance, pears were traditionally grown in the southern regions. But now, thanks to the efforts of breeders, residents of more northern regions can grow this fruit tree on their property.

Plant a pear in spring or autumn

This question is asked by everyone who first decided to plant a pear on their plot. There are many arguments for both spring and autumn planting, but for gardeners from regions where the average winter temperature is from -23 to -34 ° C, only one will be significant - trees planted in autumn are more winter-hardy in the future. The only condition for successful autumn planting of a pear, like any fruit tree, is that such planting must be done a month before the onset of frost - approximately until mid-October.

If a gardener chooses to plant a pear in spring, then in this case the condition of the seedling becomes a criterion - it must be completely dormant. The survival rate of a seedling that has already begun to grow is much lower than that of a dormant one. The pear begins to grow at a temperature of 5 °C. Therefore, in regions with a colder climate (Belarus, central Russia, the Moscow region, Leningrad region, the Urals and Siberia), planting pears should be completed by mid-April, and in regions with a warmer climate (Ukraine) - by the end of March. The indicated dates can only be used as a guide. The specific date for planting seedlings can only be determined based on weather conditions in a particular area.

Where to plant a pear

When choosing a planting site, you need to take into account that for its successful growth and fruiting you need:

  • Good lighting - when shaded, the yield decreases and the taste of the fruit deteriorates.
  • A ventilated place, but protected from northern winds - even in places with a slight drop, stagnation of air leads to the death of buds from recurrent frosts and damage to fungal diseases during prolonged rains.
  • The soils are easily moisture- and breathable with weak or neutral acidity. Soddy-podzolic loams or sandstones are best suited for pears.
  • The occurrence of groundwater must be at least 3 m from the surface. If they are located closer together, earthen mounds half a meter high of arbitrary diameter are made.

How to plant a pear in an area with close groundwater

  • Sufficient power supply area - different varieties Pears differ from each other not only in terms of ripening, but also in the strength of tree growth. Depending on the size of mature trees, they need different area power supply:
  1. vigorous - 10x10 m;
  2. medium height – 7x7 m;
  3. dwarf - 5x5 m;
  4. columnar - 2x2 m.
  • Cross-pollination - 2-3 pears of other varieties should grow on the site or in its immediate vicinity.

Good and not so good neighbors 3

When planting any plant, you need to consider which neighbors will surround it. In plant growing there is such a thing as allelopathy. This is both a positive and negative interaction between plants located close to each other.

The pear also has plants that help it develop with its phytoncides or inhibit growth and become disease provocateurs. Good neighbors of pears include:

  • maple;
  • black poplar;
  • tansy.

And plants that negatively affect the pear are:

  • nuts - walnut, Manchurian and black;
  • acacia;
  • chestnut;
  • mountain ash (it has the same diseases as the pear);
  • dark conifers (spruce, fir, cedar);
  • stone fruits (cherry, plum, apricot, peach);
  • junipers (especially Cossack);
  • barberry;
  • viburnum;
  • lilac;
  • rose;
  • jasmine (mock orange);
  • golden currant;
  • wheatgrass

If it is enough to keep wheatgrass out trunk circle pears, then trees and shrubs that negatively affect it should be no closer than fifty, or even a hundred meters. Cossack juniper can become a source of a fungal disease such as rust.

Rust on a pear is a disease that it can contract from juniper

This disease can lead not only to a decrease in yield, but also to the death of the pear.

How to plant a pear: video

In any regions where the climate allows for growing pears, they are planted the same way. Having chosen a place and neighbors for the pear, they prepare a planting hole.

In any region where the climate allows for growing pears, they are planted the same way.

If the seedling is going to be planted in the fall, then the hole is prepared in the spring or summer, but not later than 3 weeks before planting. For spring planting, the place for the seedling is prepared the previous fall. They prepare the place for spring and autumn planting of pears in the same way, only they do it in different seasons. The pit is made with a diameter of 70 cm and a depth of 1 m.

Dimensions of the pit for planting pears

The top, fertile layer of soil is laid in one direction, the rest of the soil in the other. If the site has sandy loam soil, then a layer of clay at least 10 cm thick is placed at the bottom of the hole to retain moisture at the roots. On heavier soils there is no need to do this. Then compost or humus is poured into the hole. The thickness of this layer is 20 cm. The fertile soil deposited earlier is mixed with mineral fertilizers. Nitrophoska 100 g or 60 g of superphosphate and 30 g of potassium salt are added to the soil. This mixture is returned to the pit. The top is covered with infertile soil, a stake is driven in so that it rises at least 75 cm above the ground and left until planting. If the soil on the site is very heavy, then add two buckets of coarse sand to the infertile soil.

The support for the pear seedling is driven into the center of the planting hole.

When the time comes to plant a pear, the soil in the prepared hole is raked so that a mound is formed in the middle, and the width of the depression allows the roots of the seedling to be placed without bends.

Scheme of planting a pear seedling

The seedling is lowered into the hole, the roots are straightened and covered with earth. The root collar should protrude 3–5 cm from the ground.

The root neck of the pear seedling should protrude 3–5 cm from the ground

If the seedling is grafted, then the grafting site, with this placement of the seedling, turns out to be 10 - 15 cm above ground level.

The grafting site should be 10-15 cm above ground level

Only dwarf pears that are grafted onto quince are placed so that the soil covers the grafting site.

Quince is a southern plant and by burying the part of the seedling that remains from it into the ground, they protect the entire seedling from freezing.

Having filled the hole to the top, the earth is compacted.

Having filled the hole to the top, the earth is compacted

An earthen roller is formed along the edge of the planting hole. And water it with two buckets of cold water.

Water a pear seedling with cold water

The planted tree is tied to a peg installed on the north side of the pear in two places so that its trunk grows vertically.

I tie up a pear seedling in two places

After the water is absorbed, the tree trunk circle is mulched - covered with a 5–6 cm layer of peat, humus, sawdust or straw.

After watering, mulch the trunk circle of the pear seedling

When is the best time to buy seedlings?

In nurseries, seedlings for sale with an open root system are dug up in the fall. In the spring you can purchase seedlings that were not sold last year. On farms that grow planting material, there are many such trees and it is difficult to pay attention to each one. If a summer resident purchases seedlings in the fall, it is much easier for him to preserve several trees without damage until spring.

Pears purchased in the fall for spring planting are quite easy to store. To do this, they are buried in the area where they plan to grow them next year. Extra earthworks can be avoided if to store the seedling you use a hole prepared for planting a pear, but not yet covered with prepared soil. The northern wall of this pit should be made vertical, and the southern wall should be inclined by 30–45°.

Scheme of laying a pear seedling in a trench

Before placing the seedlings in the trap, they are soaked in water for 5–6 hours. No stimulants or fertilizers are added to the water. The roots of trees taken out of the water are inspected and any damaged ones are removed. Place the seedling on an inclined wall so that the roots face north and the branches are above ground level. The roots are sprinkled with a 20 cm layer of prepared soil. They try to leave as few voids as possible in the soil covering the roots. Water and after the water is absorbed, sprinkle with a layer of dry soil 5-6 cm. Until the first frost, nothing else is done. When the air temperature at night drops below 0°, the pit is completely filled up. A small mound above it will divert some melt water from the trap.

The branches of the seedling protruding from the ground are lined with cuttings of raspberries or other thorny plants to protect them from rodents. It is forbidden to cover the trench with any covering material. It’s better to add snow there several times during the winter. Under the insulation, the plant will wake up before it can be planted. Preserved in this way, seedlings take root well in the spring and grow quickly.

Pear propagation

Pears, like most plants, are propagated in two ways - vegetative and seed. There are several methods of vegetative propagation:

  • woody and green cuttings;
  • layering;
  • root shoots.

Propagation of pears by cuttings

Cuttings are used for grafting or rooting. The cuttings are grafted onto a pear of another variety, a wildflower, a seedling grown from a seed, or another tree from the pome family (apple tree, quince). For rooting, woody cuttings are harvested in March-April, when the movement of juices in the pear begins, and green cuttings - in June-July, by which time the growth of the current year's branches is well formed. The lower cut of the harvested cuttings is treated with root formation stimulants and planted in boxes or beds with nutritious soil. These plantings cover plastic film or transparent containers to create a microclimate favorable for the formation of roots in cuttings. After 3–4 months, roots form on them; after 6 months, seedlings are obtained, which can already be planted in a permanent place on the site. Planting is done in the same way as purchased seedlings. Not all pear varieties root cuttings well. Gardeners have determined that for this it is better to take cuttings of pear varieties:

  • Memory of Zhegalov;
  • Dressy Efimova;
  • Lada;
  • Autumn Yakovleva;
  • Muscovite.

Video about rooting cuttings

Using layering, you also get seedlings with their own root system. Layering is done in two ways:

  • bending branches to the ground;

To propagate pears by layering, the lower branches are bent to the ground

  • air layering.

Reproduction of varietal pear by air layering

In order for roots to form on a branch, you must:

  1. On the woody part of the branch, just below the current year’s growth, remove a ring of bark 1–1.5 cm wide.
  2. Lubricate the area of ​​the branch freed from the bark with a preparation that stimulates root growth.
  3. Secure the branch with a wire staple in the ground.

A seedling obtained by layering a branch to the ground is left not separated from the branch until next year. In the spring, it is separated from the branch with a sharp knife or pruning shears and planted in a permanent place in the usual way.

Bending branches to the ground is not always convenient. Then air layering is done - nutrient soil or sphagnum is fixed on the branch in plastic bag. All operations on the branch are performed in the same way as in the previous case, and then:

  1. Place a plastic bag cut from the bottom onto the branch and secure it with wire or tape below the cut of the bark.
  2. Fill the bag with moistened soil or sphagnum.
  3. Fasten top edge bag 10 cm from the place where the bark was cut.
  4. Attach the growing end of the branch to a vertical support.

The seedling obtained from air layering is separated from the branch when the roots become visible in the bag or in the fall at the beginning of leaf fall. In the southern regions, such seedlings can be immediately identified for a permanent place. In regions with harsh winters, seedlings are buried or planted in a pot and stored in the basement until spring, watering periodically.

Video about propagation by layering

Pear propagation by root shoots

Varietal pears can produce root shoots - thin shoots sprout from the roots in the trunk circle or not far from it. Root shoots can be used to propagate a variety only if it is obtained from a native root tree and not a grafted one.

Using the root shoots of a grafted tree, a seedling is obtained with the characteristics of a rootstock, that is, a tree onto which the desired pear variety was grafted.

Seedling from the root shoots of a varietal pear

The root shoots of the varietal pear are carefully dug up so as not to damage the fibrous (thin) roots. A part of the root with a young shoot is separated and transplanted to a permanent place, prepared in the same way as for a regular seedling. In the future, a tree will grow from this seedling, repeating all the characteristics of the mother tree.

Pear propagation by seeds

Pears are very rarely propagated by seeds. To obtain a plant identical to the parent, you need to be absolutely sure that cross-pollination with pears of other varieties or wild pears has not occurred. This is very difficult to achieve. Insects carry pollen from other plants several kilometers away. Usually propagated by pear seeds, which will serve as a rootstock for varietal plants.

When and how to replant a pear The pear tree is replanted in early spring or late autumn at the same time as indicated for planting seedlings. A new tree hole is prepared in the same way as previously described in this article. The age of the pear tree that you want to replant should not exceed fifteen years.

The hardest part about replanting trees is digging them up correctly. At what distance from the trunk to dig is determined by the projection of the crown or calculated based on the size of the trunk. The calculation is made as follows: the girth of the trunk is multiplied by 2 and its diameter is added, that is, if the diameter is 5 cm, then the girth of the trunk will be 15 cm. Therefore, the distance at which the pear is dug will be: 15x2 + 5 = 35 cm. Having marked a circle of this diameter , along its outer contour they dig a trench 50 cm wide and 45–60 cm deep.

Pears today are one of the most widespread fruit crops, so such trees are found on almost every summer cottage. Many gardeners are interested in how to plant a pear tree correctly and what kind of care this crop needs.

In this article we will tell you how to plant a pear so that the tree grows well and subsequently bears fruit well. We’ll also talk about how long it takes for a pear tree to bear fruit after it’s planted. Here you will find a video that explains the rules of planting, gives recommendations on how to choose seedlings, tells how to plant and whether it is necessary to care for the plantings being grown.

At first glance, planting a pear in the country does not present any difficulty, but in reality it is necessary to take into account various factors when choosing a place for planting, determine when it is better to plant a pear, use a good planting material and carry out this work in full accordance with technology. All this will ensure intensive growth of the tree and its subsequent excellent fruiting.

Choosing the time to plant seedlings

First of all, you need to decide when to plant a pear tree. Typically this work is carried out in the spring or autumn. But in the summer it is not recommended to plant apple and pear trees, since such young trees do not take root well, suffer for a long time and subsequently bear little fruit.

The choice of spring or autumn planting often depends on climatic conditions in the region. In the southern regions, where in the summer they celebrate high temperatures in the summer, it is not recommended to plant pear seedlings in the spring, since the not yet rooted tree will not be able to withstand the hot summer and will simply die.

In the northern regions, it is best to plant young trees in the spring, and six months before the onset of cold weather, the garden pear will be able to take root and subsequently easily endure the cold winter. A couple of these pears personal plot will allow you to get an excellent harvest. You just need to know how to plant trees correctly, which will allow you to grow strong, well-fruiting pears.

In central Russia it is possible correct landing pears in the country, both in spring and autumn. Among the advantages of autumn planting, we can note the available selection of seedlings in nurseries and the significant simplification of caring for seedlings.

If a young pear is planted in the spring, then in a few months the tree will have time to take root, begin to grow, and then be able to easily endure the winter. Note that most experienced gardeners choose spring planting, which is best done at the end of April.

The beginning of fruiting of a pear after planting directly depends on each specific variety. There are early ripening varieties that produce a harvest already in the fourth year after planting in the garden. Whereas for other varieties, the first harvest can be expected no earlier than 6-7 years after planting the seedlings. These issues must be taken into account when choosing the specific varieties and age of seedlings used.

Remember also that it is not recommended to plant one pear per plot, as this will negatively affect its fruiting.

Planting columnar varieties

Planting columnar pear seedlings is not difficult and is carried out using standard technology. It is necessary to dig a hole in proportion to the seedling and its root system, prepare appropriate fertile soil and carry out this work in spring or autumn.

Due to its small size, it is possible for compacted plantings, which in turn allows gardeners to use the available area of ​​the site with maximum efficiency.

If we talk about at what distance to plant trees, then it should be said that plant columnar varieties in which the root system has small sizes, it is best in a row with an interval of no more than 2 meters and at the same time take into account all planting rules.

Remember that some varieties are self-sterile, so for their high-quality pollination it is necessary to place a couple of pears nearby that will pollinate the columnar trees. Even in a small area, you can easily plant two or three of these compact pears.

Planting seedlings with a closed root system

Seedlings that have a closed root system are very popular today. They easily take root in a new place, which is explained by minimal damage to the root system during transplantation.

When planting such seedlings on a site, you should save a lump of earth and try to disturb the root system to a minimum. Otherwise, all work is carried out using standard technology using fertile soil and abundant watering after planting.

Planting pears in low areas

Many gardeners today are faced with the problem of close proximity to groundwater, which somewhat limits the ability to grow pears and other fruit trees. Experienced gardeners, when planting pears in such an area, recommend placing a sheet of metal at the bottom of the hole, which will ensure that the root system grows sideways and not inwards.

In some cases, it is also possible to make small drainage channels in the immediate vicinity of planted fruit trees, which will reduce the groundwater level in the area.

Is it possible to plant a pear after an apple tree?

When planning the location of fruit trees on a site, gardeners do not take into account the predecessors of a particular fruit crop. Whereas the success of growing certain trees on a personal plot often depends on this. Many gardeners wonder whether it is possible to plant pears after apple trees.

It must be said that there are no significant obstacles to planting a pear after an apple tree. At the same time, one should take into account the fact that apple and pear trees have similar insects - pests and infectious diseases.

Therefore, if you previously grew apple trees in a certain place, then various infections and insect pests may remain in the ground, which can subsequently damage the planted pear. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out appropriate disinfection of the soil, and only after that plant seedlings of new fruit trees.

Planting pears in the garden

Choosing a place

Having decided on the time for completing this work, you need to choose the right place to plant the pear. It should be said that this fruit crop prefers flat, dry and well-lit areas. It is necessary to choose their location on the plot accordingly.

Also pay attention to the absence of drafts and strong wind, which significantly worsens tree growth rates. Pear is unpretentious fruit crops, however, such trees grow best in loose, air- and water-permeable soil that is rich in organic matter.

Among other things, when choosing a planting site, you need to know the groundwater level, which should not be located near the surface. Otherwise in winter time years, complete freezing of the pear roots may occur, which leads to the death of the plantings.

Planting scheme

The recommended scheme for planting pears on a personal plot is in a row or in a checkerboard pattern. Experts recommend planting several pears at the same time at the dacha, which will ensure their best pollination.

In this case, the distance between trees is chosen depending on the specific size of an adult tree. So, for example, small columnar varieties can be planted at intervals of about two to three meters from each other.

But if you use classic varieties, the height of which can reach 5 meters, it is best to place such trees at a distance of at least 6 meters from each other. You will also need to determine how many pears to plant per plot and where to place them in the garden.


The place for planting the pear is prepared in the standard way. It is necessary to dig it up about a month before planting itself. The dimensions of the pit are selected depending on the size of the seedlings.

Standard sizes are 80 centimeters deep and 60-70 centimeters in diameter. We can recommend that you prepare a hole in the fall, even if you plan to plant pears in early spring. During this time, the earth will settle, which will subsequently eliminate problems with the root system of the seedlings you planted.

In the center of the hole, it is imperative to drive a peg to which the young tree will subsequently be tied. But without such a garter, pears are easily deformed, which subsequently negatively affects their growth. It is best to loosen the bottom of the hole with a shovel, and make small notches on the walls. This will improve air exchange and stimulate root growth.

About soil

To prepare fertile soil, you will need the top layer, which is lifted from the hole when digging it and where various fertilizers are added. It is mixed with a small amount organic fertilizers, wood ash, lime - in acidic soil, as well as mineral phosphorus and potassium fertilizers.

On sale you can find special complex fertilizers intended for pears and apple trees. Such mineral complexes can be used when planting trees, while simultaneously adding the necessary organic matter to the ground.

We plant a seedling

The actual technology of planting trees is not difficult. It is necessary to pour the prepared soil mixture, then make a small mound in the middle of the hole, on which the planted pear seedling is placed, its roots are straightened and carefully covered with earth.

Pay attention to the location of the root collar, which should be a few centimeters above the ground. Under no circumstances should the root collar be allowed to remain underground, as this will lead to the death of the seedlings.

The trunk circle should be carefully compacted with your foot, and then watered with two buckets of water. If the work is carried out in the fall after planting, it is necessary to mulch the tree trunk circle with sawdust or peat.

Care after landing

Once planted, young trees will not require any significant complex care from the gardener. Formative pruning should be performed only in the second or third year after planting trees. You only need to water the pear once a month.

We can recommend that you practice sprinkling with a watering can, which ensures the highest quality soil moisture, and the trees, having received the moisture they need, actively grow and gain strength. Also, after watering, it is recommended to slightly loosen the tree trunk circle, which saturates the soil and roots with oxygen; It is necessary to loosen the next day after watering.

On the Internet you can find various video materials that tell you how to plant a pear. We offer you a short video about planting a pear on a personal plot:

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