The most terrible horror game in the world. The scariest computer games in the world

IN last years computer games have become an integral part of our lives. Hundreds of thousands of people around the world spend their free time wandering through dark labyrinths and destroying numerous bloodthirsty living creatures. Computer game developers do everything possible to make their product as realistic and exciting as possible. I must say that they do it very well. One might add: many of the computer games are truly scary. Computers are becoming more advanced, new games have better graphics and become even more terrifying and realistic.

To create an atmosphere of fear and constant tension in the game, the creators use music and specific sounds, unexpected turns in the game script, as well as its overall design. What the scariest games in the world, according to users? We have compiled a list of ten for you. the scariest computer games, playing which you can feel a chill running down your spine.


Bright and beautiful game, which entered the market in 2011. In it you have to play as a squad member special purpose, who is forced to exterminate entire hordes of ugly and bloodthirsty monsters. The first part of this game was released back in 2005 and was greatly loved by gamers. This toy is replete with different monsters, they need to be destroyed, there is a huge amount of blood and skeletons and other similar attributes that create the unique atmosphere of this game.

This game was released in 1999 and was developed by a team of Japanese specialists. To create a frightening atmosphere, the developers took a somewhat unusual path. The game has a minimal number of zombies and other similar characters, but the player is often surrounded by fog and it is difficult to understand where to expect an attack from.

The game takes place in a typical American town, main character must find his daughter. The creators have provided several different endings to this game. In 2006, a feature film was made based on it.

This is a cult game that appeared back in 1996. It was met with rave reviews from critics and was loved by users. After this, several parts of this game were made, and a film starring Milla Jovovich was released.

The game is filled with various zombies. The atmosphere of horror is created by well-chosen music and original ideas of the creators. One of the most terrifying moments in the game is opening doors - very often another monster is hiding behind them, who wants to devour you.

A wonderful game created by the Ukrainian company Action Forms. The events of the game take place on the icebreaker "Northern Wind" blocked in the ice under terrifying accompaniment of the howling wind. You have to solve a lot of mysteries, understand what exactly happened to the ship, and what reason turned its crew into bloodthirsty monsters.

The game was released in 2009. Its actions take place back in 2507 at a research station lost in the depths of space. You will have to fight a creepy alien life form that brings the dead back to life. Killing these undead is extremely difficult. The creators of the game have come up with a wide variety of monsters that you will have to face. The game is imbued with an atmosphere of horror, the music that is used in it only aggravates this feeling.

In this game you can play not only as a Predator or an Alien, but also as an earthling who must remain alive in the battle of alien monsters. It is very difficult and also very scary. You will have virtually no chance in a fight with any of the monsters, and you just have to stay out of their sight. Even the best earthly weapons do not help against aliens.

This toy appeared in 2008 and is not recommended for people under eighteen years of age to play with.

This is a continuation of the cult game, which was created in the early 90s of the last century. Doom 3 is a classic shooter that was released in 2004. The interior and characters of the game have become even more advanced, and the sound effects evoke even greater horror. The rooms through which the player moves are dimly lit, and sometimes have no light at all. You cannot use a flashlight and a weapon at the same time. So you often have to play and shoot blindly.

The game takes place on the territory of a Martian research center, which is infested with monsters. You almost always have to move in tight, enclosed spaces, where danger can be lurking around every corner. Better not play this game at night.

This game is based on the legendary science fiction film "Alien". Ellen Ripley's daughter, Amanda, is looking for her mother in the terrible expanses of space, where she will face inhuman evil.

The main character has neither powerful weapons, no special training. So she and you will have to rely only on your resourcefulness and intelligence. Decisions in this game must be made extremely quickly, otherwise it ends very quickly.

A wonderful game that describes the gloomy world of the future. A nuclear war happened most of The population of Moscow has died, and the few survivors are hiding in the Moscow metro. The surface is a kingdom of bloodthirsty radioactive mutants, people who survived underground begin to fight with each other.

According to the game scenario, you are an ordinary Moscow guy Artem, who was born before the disaster and who managed to survive. Now your task is to get into the center of the metro and warn the surviving people about the terrible danger. If you die while completing your mission, humanity is doomed.

Fatal Frame 2 - Crimson Butterfly

This game has a very unusual plot. It tells the story of two twin sisters who are forced to confront otherworldly forces. One fine day, a butterfly flies to the girls, and they follow it in search of adventure. The player does not have any weapons except a camera, which can reveal a malicious ghost. And destroy it. The girls have very different characters, and their main weapon is a special camera, which has different modes and capabilities.

The general atmosphere of the game and the original ideas of the creators will make you wince again and again. This game will especially appeal to all fans of Japanese cartoons.

An asymmetrical multiplayer horror game reminiscent of the cult film “The Thing”: players locked in a location must find out which of them is a dangerous monster masquerading as a human.

The game keeps participants in constant suspense and famously plays with genres: while the lights are on, it’s a detective quest, where everyone is watching each other and looking for evidence of their suspicions, but when the map plunges into darkness, the most natural action begins, where the infected try to kill normal people. So in Deceit's equally Good reaction and deduction skills are important.

19. Slender Series

A series of games spawned by an Internet legend about an otherworldly creature called Slenderman and spawned countless clones of dubious quality with monotonous gameplay and cheap jump scares.

But, regardless of the followers, the original is worthy of attention: players will have to explore the location, look for notes scattered throughout it, shedding light on the secrets of the plot, and try with all their might not to catch the eye of the monster. The main character is helpless in front of the monster, so when meeting him, all he can do is run without looking back, which makes the game very scary and tense.

18. Knock-Knock

Knock-Knock (or “Knock-Knock-Knock”) is a horror game from the Russian studio Ice-Pick Lodge, which gave us the games “Pestilence (Utopia)” and “Turgor”. Here, gamers are asked to hold out in a mysterious house until dawn, running from room to room, turning on lights everywhere and hiding in shelters in case of danger.

Despite the somewhat monotonous gameplay, Knock-Knock remains a fairly scary game, and besides, it attracts with a cute picture and intrigues with a mysterious story.

17. Left 4 Dead series

Left 4 Dead can hardly be called a very scary game, even if it is set in a zombie apocalypse setting. Rather, it is an exciting adventure where four players make their way to the goal, killing hundreds of monsters.

However, there is still some suspense in the game. Some campaigns, especially high levels difficulties, capable of challenging, forcing you to make every effort, literally cutting through crowds of the living dead. And, of course, we can’t help but mention the meetings with the Witches - this is 100% horror, even if it lasts no longer than a minute.

16. Alan Wake

A game that captures not fear, but atmosphere. The story of a writer who came to a provincial town to gain inspiration, and ended up encountering supernatural forces and losing his wife, is full of secrets and omissions, and the authentic environment and colorful characters only add to its mystery.

In Alan Wake there are no screamers or savoring of brutal murders, but the game sets the right mood, intrigues and captivates, which is often beyond the capabilities of much more terrible games.

15. The Forest

14. Dying Light

A project that constantly radically changes its gameplay, alternating regular action and intense horror. It's all about the enemies: in the daytime, the city infected with the epidemic is inhabited by slow zombies, which can be dealt with without much effort, but at night very dangerous monsters come out to hunt, posing a mortal threat to those who did not manage to get to the shelter in time.

Among the other advantages of Dying Light, it is worth noting the open world, many tasks, sophisticated parkour and hand-to-hand combat systems, as well as co-op and asymmetric multiplayer, in which one of the players becomes a monster hunter and tries to destroy human opponents.

13. Five Nights at Freddy's episode

Our top most scary games would be incomplete without the indie project, which at one time simply blew up YouTube and Twitch, and also generated many followers. We are talking about Five Nights at Freddy's - the brainchild of game designer Scott Cawthon.

As it turned out, watching YouTubers and streamers squeal when meeting animatronics is very fun and interesting, so the debut game quickly went viral, and the developer released several sequels. Now the popularity of the series has faded, but it’s definitely worth checking out - despite all the primitiveness of the game mechanics, FNAF is quite capable of challenging your self-control.

12.Dead By Daylight

Asymmetrical multiplayer horror game dedicated to confrontation ordinary people and monster maniacs, including completely new characters and killers known from films like Freddy Krueger or Michael Myers.

Matches in Dead By Daylight are played in a one-versus-four format, but that one can easily take out all four unless the four team up and coordinate their actions. Random generation of levels and human factor make each fight unique and inimitable.

11. Little Nightmares

The story of a girl in a yellow raincoat who is trying to escape from a Maw ship filled with grotesque creatures driven only by the desire to eat to their heart's content.

At first glance, Little Nightmares is an ordinary, albeit damn stylish, platformer with puzzle elements. But the further the player moves through the plot, the more shocking details of the Womb are revealed to him, and the main character appears in a completely unexpected light. The game is completed in literally 4-5 hours, but even with all the transience it will give you a lot of vivid impressions.

10. Layers of Fear


A game from the creators of Penumbra and Amnesia, which poses very adult, serious and even philosophical questions to players. What’s scary here is not from the monsters or the environment (although both are done quite well), but from the thoughts that creep into your head during and after the passage.

Otherwise, SOMA is a typical walking simulator, with a leisurely pace, rare horror elements and beautifully dark locations.

8. Amnesia Series

Another horror game with a helpless protagonist forced to hide from nightmarish monsters. The Amnesia games tell fascinating, mystical stories about people facing an unexplained evil.

Surviving when you can’t fight back the enemy is very difficult, so in Amnesia you have to hide, distract the monsters, and run away without looking back. The tension gives way to real horror when the monster notices the careless player, and the protagonist’s ragged breathing is drowned out by the beating of his own heart. Such an experience is remembered for a long time.

7. Outlast Series

And again the main character who cannot fight back his enemies. The developers can be understood: introducing such game mechanics is the simplest (lazy) way to make the game scary, but still many gamers would like not only to be afraid, but also to fight their fears.

However, Outlast has something to praise for. The atmosphere of the madness of the environment in which the protagonist finds himself is perfectly conveyed here. The psychiatric hospital in the original and the religious community in the sequel live by their own laws and are not very welcoming to random visitors. To avoid falling into the hands of bloodthirsty madmen, you have to hide and run away, trying to see the road in the pitch darkness through the lens of a video camera with a night vision device and hoping that the batteries don’t run out at the most inopportune moment.

6. Alien: Isolation

One of the best horror films, also based on the cult universe of “Aliens” - the best gift for fans of the genre. The game tells the story of Amanda Ripley, the daughter of the main character of the film saga, who goes to the Sevastopol space station to find information about her missing mother. There she finds not only information, but also a xenomorph, who gradually deals with all the inhabitants of the station.

The authors of Alien: Isolation have implemented one of the best AI in horror games. The Alien’s behavior here cannot be predicted; he can appear anywhere and even find a well-hidden player. Playing cat and mouse with an unpredictable opponent makes the gameplay of the project very tense, but at the same time exciting.

5. Dead Space Series

A cult series created (and, unfortunately, already successfully buried) by Electronic Arts in collaboration with Visceral Games. Dead Space invites players to fight necromorphs - creepy creatures that appear thanks to an alien artifact and use corpses for their existence.

The main character of the series, engineer Isaac Clarke, does not stand on ceremony with monsters. He successfully turns work tools into deadly weapons and has in his arsenal many methods of destroying monsters. Due to this, however, at times the gameplay almost completely moves from horror to action.

4. Limbo/Inside

Two games from Playdead Studios, filled with mysteries and omissions and enveloping in a gloomy atmosphere of hopelessness, combined with a minimalistic, stylish picture. According to one theory, Limbo and Inside take place in the same universe, but the developers have not confirmed (or denied) this.

As for the gameplay of Limbo/Inside, both games are platformers with puzzle elements. The main character must go through a number of locations, overcome obstacles along the way and get rid of the enemies pursuing him.

3. The Evil Within Series

The brainchild of Shinji Mikami, the creator of Resident Evil, talks about the consequences of experiments with a machine capable of uniting people's consciousnesses and creating new worlds based on them (spoiler: nothing good came of it). The main character Evil Within- Detective Sebastian Castellanos finds himself in a creepy surreal world inhabited by zombies, ghosts and other creatures.

Mikami, with his characteristic imagination, created a whole universe full of riddles, secrets and hints. Understanding the intricacies of the plot of The Evil Within is no less interesting than killing the possessed. However, the gameplay in the TEW series games is also all right: gamers can expect high-quality action, interspersed with stealth, the ability to upgrade the protagonist’s abilities and create ammunition for weapons.

2. Resident Evil series

The famous franchise, numbering several dozen games on various platforms, a number of books, several films and animated films.

Things haven't always been smooth sailing for the Resident Evil game line. Some horror games were not shown on PC, others were of dubious quality, and the series radically changed the direction of development several times. But with all this, Resident Evil remains one of the best horror franchises, in which you can find games for every taste: with an emphasis on action, with co-op, with classic “slow” gameplay and puzzles. First of all, you should pay attention to the numbered parts of Resident Evil 4, 5, 7, the Revelations subseries, as well as remasters of the first issues of the series.

1. Silent Hill series

We put the Silent Hill series in first place in the top scariest games. Inspired by various literary and film works, it plunges players into the depths of nightmares created by the subconscious of the heroes. Silent Hill is a town where terrible things have happened. Silent Hill is a place that makes all the hidden fears and desires of people come true. Silent Hill is a purgatory that punishes the sins of those who deserve it.

The first trilogy is considered the best in the series. In turn, many call Silent Hill 2 the best in the trilogy - the one where the famous Pyramid Head comes from. This is not only horror, but also a great story, the ending of which makes you think seriously. However, the remaining issues of the series, in addition to the first three parts, are also worthy of attention. Not all of them were released on PC, but with the help of emulators you can fill these gaps. Alas, today the series is officially dead, and one can only hope that someday Konami will decide to revive it.

– list of 10 the scariest computer games, which are worth playing for all those who like to tickle their nerves. Most of the games on the list have an age limit of at least 16+, so they are clearly not intended for young, impressionable girls. And for those who are already 18 years old, we recommend watching the video with trailers under each of the games presented in the list to decide which game is worth installing on your computer.

#1. F.E.A.R. 3

A beautiful 2011 first-person shooter with horror elements. You will have to play as a special forces soldier, who is part of the squad of the best fighters against evil spirits, as well as against evil mystical phenomena. It's called a squad F.E.A.R. (First Encounter Assault Recon). Naturally, the only hope for humanity is you, dear player, but this is a tradition for any shooter.

Game walkthrough video F.E.A.R. 3

#2. Resident Evil 4

Game walkthrough video Resident Evil 4(English version with comments from a Russian-speaking player):

#3. Silent Hill 2

Despite the fact that the main character of the game is a guy, the game is aimed more at a female audience. It was released back in 2001, but is still considered a classic of the genre. An eerie silence intertwined with terrible frightening episodes - here a brief description of peace Silent Hill 2. Your companions will be darkness and fog, which are not so easy to get used to even after several hours of active play. Constantly arising questions like “Is it worth going down this dark path?”, oddly enough, the site only immerses the player deeper into this eerie, vague nightmare. But be careful, because... There are very unpleasant inhabitants hiding in the fog and darkness of this world.

Below you can watch a 4-hour video of the game. Silent Hill 2(English audio track with Russian subtitles):

#4. Dead Space 3

Dead Space 3- no less cult than F.E.A.R., a first-person shooter released by the company Electronic Arts in 2013. You will have to survive in space filled with terrible creatures and mystical phenomena. There is no need to be biased towards this plot, because... The plot for games of this genre is not the main thing. And the game is really beautiful and has some original solutions (see video below).

Walkthrough of Dead Space 3:

#5. BioShock

Creepy and original world BioShock tells us how, due to banal greed, a person ends up in the depths of Hell. Any decision you make in the world of Rapture can be either a small salvation or a curse for you, and without a choice, it becomes even more difficult for the player to know the fate of the Little Sisters. Do you want to save them? Or are you indifferent to moral standards and are only interested in the opportunity to gain more power?

Bioshock walkthrough video:

#6. Doom 3

Theme and meaning of the game Doom 3 not much different from Dead Space 3, except that the graphics are simpler. The same space monsters that want to kill you in dozens in various ways and which you will have to shoot in huge quantities. Shooter fans will love it, but fans of atmospheric, creepy games should look elsewhere.

Video of the passage of Doom 3 (in Russian):

#7. Condemned 2: Bloodshot

In this creepy game you will have to play the role of a detective, a site that is gradually going crazy because... his life had not been a piece of cake before, but now... Hallucinations and visions can only be removed with alcohol, which the player will have to do very often. Friends become enemies, and the terrible pictures once seen at a crime scene cannot leave your head. In Game Condemned 2: Bloodshot Even the most ordinary stick is a weapon, although at some points you will have to fight hand-to-hand. The game is definitely not for impressionable girls.

Walkthrough of the game Condemned 2: Bloodshot:

#8. Dead Rising 3

Another scary game released in 2013. Fans of films about the walking dead and other zombie apocalypses will definitely like it. As you may have guessed, according to the plot in the world Dead Rising 3 Only a small group of people survived, and the rest turned into bloodthirsty monsters. But the game is not so much scary as it is ironic and mocking, the essence of which is to mow down as many zombies as possible in all sorts of exotic ways, using not so much weapons as improvised materials. For example, you can use a board, umbrella or electric drill. The game is not for everyone, but the graphics are excellent.

Walkthrough Dead games Rising 3 with comments in Russian:

#9. Siren: Blood Curse

In this game, the gamer will have to unravel a whole tangle of problems of one small Japanese village, and also find out the fate of several characters at once. In this case, you will not be able to establish the chronological sequence of the mystical events that occurred. I'll have to run. Game with 17+ restriction.

Review of the game Siren: Blood Curse in Russian + tips for passing:

#10. Slender: The Eight Pages

In last place on our list of the scariest games is the game Slender: Eight pages with the participation of the much-loved Thin Man. Created based on a popular children's horror story, the game is quite creepy, although very simple. The events take place in the forest, where the main character has to find eight notes that children left in their attempts to elude Slenderman. And the closer you get to the last note, the higher the likelihood of meeting Slenderman face to face...

Video from the game Slender: Eight pages:

This concludes our review of the scariest games. Didn't find your favorite game on the list? Please write about it in the comments.

IN modern world There are a huge number of things that should be feared and feared, but man, from his very appearance, has enjoyed the rush of adrenaline that occurs when we are afraid. Some people like to go shopping, some people like to watch romantic comedies, and there are people who like to be scared. We present to you the 9 scariest games that will make you never sleep peacefully.

9 Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth

The list of the scariest games opens with a far from new toy, but still one that took ninth place in our rating. Although the game does not always take place indoors, the feeling of being in a confined space is constantly felt. The constantly surrounding darkness is a depressing factor and puts pressure on the player during the game. And here you cannot illuminate your path in any way, except with rare sources of light that sometimes occur along the way. Throughout the game you walk through dark corners in search of the necessary things, which are not so easy to find, since there are practically no clues in the game. The characters you meet along the way are not very diverse. A variety of creatures are sometimes depicted as monsters.

In some places, the behavior of monsters is not very logical, some run after you until they catch up, others forget about you at the first opportunity and go about their business. From time to time, the player is forced to participate in a brawl with monsters, for which the implementation of character control is not very suitable. The game cannot be called a shooter. The graphics in the game are quite outdated, however, the atmosphere and the constant searches through dark nooks and crannies filled with monsters that lead to madness do their job and allow us to put this cool game as the opening one in our rating of the creepiest computer games.


Few people need to explain what Doom is, since the first toy in the series was something of a pioneer in many ways. In particular, its popularity largely determined the further development and spread of the first-person shooter genre. Many of the generation of the 80s remember well how they skipped school, sat at a friend’s house and killed monsters in this shoot-em-up genre that has become a classic over time. Doom 3 is not only a great continuation of the shooter genre, but also a rather scary game. Climbing through the dark corridors of abandoned stations, killing creepy monsters jumping out at you from the abyss of darkness, you can sometimes get a heart attack or start stuttering.

Fairly good graphics and the dynamics of the game, combined with a good plot and interesting moments of the gameplay, make it necessary to wander in the dark and the constant feeling that now some creature will jump out from around the corner or from somewhere out of the ventilation with the desire to devour you. The variety of monsters is in harmony with the number of ways to kill them. You can beat them with a flashlight, blow the head off with a shotgun, or just cut them to hell with a chainsaw. This interesting, dynamic and scary game takes a well-deserved 8th place on our list.


Seventh place is occupied by the second part of the cult horror series Silent Hill, which is considered one of the most famous and popular horror series in the history of the gaming industry. The game takes place in the small town of Silent Hill, which is always shrouded in an unusual fog, which creates the desired eerie atmosphere, partly inspired by literary works in the genre of psychological horror. According to the plot of the game, you go to Silent Hill after receiving a letter from your late wife. And as always, you have to figure it out.

In your search for answers to the questions that torment you, you will move through terrible places, meet the most disgusting monsters and stand on the verge of madness in a depressing environment that will gradually drive you crazy. Throughout the game you will have to solve a lot complex tasks, and at the same time you will be accompanied by overwhelming music, scary sounds, darkness, fog and emptiness, forcing you to immerse yourself in what is happening so much that you will fully empathize with what is happening in the game, which means you will be completely scared.

6 Condemned: Criminal Origins

This scary toy is actually a detective horror-thriller, here you play as an FBI agent who does not at all pretend to be a superhero, a karateka, or just a tough representative of the authorities. In fact, almost the entire game you have to slowly walk through dark and gloomy locations in search of evidence that will help you solve the crime. To do this, you have everything you need: a flashlight, a kit for searching for evidence, a phone, and so that you can send evidence to your assistant and keep in touch with her. In your adventures, you will have to not only collect evidence, but also fight, using a pistol, which will quickly run out of cartridges, and you switch to the good old iron pipe or an axe.

The opponents on your way will be dirty homeless people, unexpectedly jumping out of the darkness and trying to hit you with a tire iron or some other crap. Considering that your character is not particularly strong, you will have to work hard, taking down three homeless people at once, surrounding you in all directions. Of course, the game would not be one of the scariest if, in addition to homeless people, monsters did not appear in it, who also, out of habit, jump out of dark corners throughout the investigation.


Coming in fifth place on the list of the scariest games is a game that doesn't boast good graphics, but can really scare you. This game was originally an unofficial modification of the first Half-Life, and then became independent. A gloomy and depressing atmosphere surrounds us throughout the entire game. The musical accompaniment adds tension and makes the entire gameplay incredibly creepy. In the story, you are a nineteen-year-old guy named Simon, who somehow ended up in an unfamiliar place, and whose goal is to find his way home. All you have is a phone with a built-in flashlight, a camera and a knife. As the game progresses, weapons with a few bullets, first aid kits, door keys and other things that will be useful to your character will appear.

Cry of Fear's methods of intimidation can be rough, choppy and quite familiar, but here they fulfill their task one hundred percent. On his way through dark streets and creaking floorboards apartment buildings you will meet various monsters that may once have been people. The main task of the game is to look for keys and passwords, and along the way fight monsters and even bosses.

4 Slender: The Arrival

In fact, this game is a creepy variation of the cat and mouse game, in which the role of the cat is played by Slender - something like a candyman, a hero of folklore, a horror story for naughty children. And, of course, we play the role of the mouse. For half the game we move through the forest, first during the day, then at night. The other half of the game we move through houses and warehouses located in the same forest. All the way, Slenderman periodically appears at the most unpredictable moments. Our task is to duck away from him and do everything possible so that he doesn’t catch us. We don’t have weapons, we walk around and collect different things - we carry out some kind of quest, while Slender gradually begins to appear more and more often and for longer periods of time.

In this creepy game, our main task is to complete the quest without Slender catching us, since this will be the end for us and we will have to start from the beginning of the level. The constant feeling of being pursued, that someone is watching you and is about to attack, keeps you in suspense throughout the entire game. Maybe it would be more familiar if Slenderman were an ordinary monster that we are all accustomed to. But he's not like that, he looks like a skinny man in a suit with no head and no face. This is such a horror.


The top three scariest games opens with the continuation of the cult shooter, which has become more beautiful, more dynamic, more interesting and, of course, scarier. In the second part of the space horror, the main character Isaac Clarke is on a space station, which is eventually penetrated by necromorphs familiar to him from the first part. Compared to the first part, there are more monsters in this game, the graphics have become better, and the dynamics of the game do not allow you to stand still for long. Action and a bunch of monsters jumping out from all sides are intertwined with an oppressive atmosphere of hopelessness.

The game in some places is very similar to Hollywood, when Isaac, using a jetpack, needs to catch up with a flying subway car or an explosion and blinking screens that flash sharply during the action and distract us from the advancing army of monsters. A variety of weapons and the main character's exoskeleton with many possible modifications adds interest to the game. This colorful and intense game is the scariest game in the series and deservedly takes its place on our list of the creepiest computer games.

2 Amnesia: The Dark Descent

You wake up in some castle and have no idea who you are or where you are. You find a note from yourself, which says that you need to get deep into the castle and kill someone. You find an oil lamp and begin your journey through the dark, damp corridors of the castle. Next, you explore the endless rooms of the castle, some of which are dilapidated. As the game progresses, you have to monitor not only the state of your health, but also the state of your mind, since the mental state of your character in this situation leaves much to be desired and loss of sanity can lead to tragic consequences.

Our character periodically hears someone's voice, the creaking of doors, sees blurry shadows and finds creepy places in the castle. Over time, we begin to be afraid of every rustle and creaking, and we generally try not to get in the way of the mysterious and creepy dark figure that sometimes appears in the corridors of the castle. This gloomy but beautiful game slowly but surely plunges us into an atmosphere of despair and hopelessness, forcing us to wander for hours through gloomy and dark corridors in search of the slightest clues that, perhaps, will help our character get out of this terrible place alive.


The first place on our list of the scariest games is occupied by a game that deserves to be made into a movie, or at least a short film. The main character of the game is a journalist, he is sent to a psychiatric hospital because he has heard rumors that terrible and illegal experiments are being carried out there and that in general something unclean is going on there. Armed with a camera, we, as the most cunning and intelligent, enter the hospital in the middle of the night, without taking any weapons for self-defense. Once inside, we are horrified to discover that there has been a riot in the building of the psychiatric hospital, the guards are dead, and the prisoners are walking around everywhere. In this extremely alarming situation, the local priest agreed to help us, leading us to more or less safe routes.

The action in the game unfolds rapidly, and adrenaline flows into your blood in powerful streams. Your character, even in the most terrible and dangerous moments of the game, does not forget about his calling and always keeps his camera ready. In addition, the camera is very useful with its mode night photography, which you will use from time to time to observe the crazy residents of the asylum, without being noticed by them and not torn to pieces. This game took first place in our rating because it is an intense adventure, with a set of non-trivial solutions, interesting story, an excellent frightening atmosphere of danger, where great attention is paid to detail. In the short time it takes to complete this game, you will be able to fully enjoy the atmosphere of horror and anxiety. What else does a real adrenalinophile need?!

In this article and video, we have collected for you the TOP 10 scariest and most terrifying horror games up to 2014 (inclusive). These horror films will scare almost all fans of the horror genre. If you have a PC, then quickly download all the games from the list and tickle your nerves! The main condition is to play at night, with the lights off, you are allowed to take a friend or girlfriend with you, so as not to die of fear...

As time passes, players become more and more fearless. The times when the slightest rustle in a horror film made the viewer flinch and look around have sunk into oblivion. However, despite the fact that such times have passed, horror masters do not stand still, constantly improving their skills in the art of inducing wild animal fear in people.

Our video selection of the best scary games on PC until 2014:

Games released over the past few decades are truly remarkable for their ability to scare people. Gamers accustomed to a fun and festive atmosphere may feel quite uncomfortable when they see the gloomy attributes of these games.

We also advise you to look heartfelt review of the game Dying Light- a horror game with open world, where you have to survive in a world infested with zombies.

So, a selection of scary horror films:

According to the plot of the game, Philip, the main character, is searching for his father, who is considered dead. The search process leads him to a mine in Greenland. He tries to go down the stairs, but it breaks off under him. This is where all the fun begins.

The developers of the games Penumbra and Amnesia are the same people. Therefore, the game mechanics are also very similar: as in Amnesia, there is the opportunity to throw furniture to your heart’s content, jump in fear on a chair, as well as a first-person view.

The game has 3 parts that are interconnected. You should play Penumbra if you love long-running horror stories.

This game is a stair climbing simulator. Over the course of 10 minutes, the player descends the stairs deeper and deeper. What? Unclear. This is where the horror lies. It’s not clear what to prepare for and what to listen to.

A remake of this horror game is the game “SCP 087 B”. The essence of the game is that the player, walking around the complex of the SCP organization, periodically meets friendly monsters.

An indescribable feature of the game is blinking your eyes! Standing motionless and fixing your gaze on one of the monsters, under no circumstances should you turn away or blink - you will immediately become a corpse.

To this we can add that every time you start the game, it generates new map the last one.

The plot of Slender is as follows: a thin man with no face kidnaps children in the forest with his long arms. All his clothes are a funeral suit. Policewoman Kate, that is, the player, is investigating this case. All you have is a flashlight. You are in the forest, there is pitch darkness all around. Sometimes mini-trucks with the emblem of the famous car brand Volvo slip by.

The goal of the game is to collect 7 notes and at the same time avoid Slender - that horror, the main character of the game, who is intolerant of children. Keep in mind that you do not have any weapons. If you suddenly happen to meet a person dressed in a funeral suit, run away and don’t look back.

A world game that has managed to gain incredible popularity. Probably the person who doesn’t go near the computer at all doesn’t know about the game “Doom 3” and isn’t interested in the world information technologies and has no friends who are knowledgeable in the computer world.

In this part of the series we are on a Martian base. Suddenly something didn't go as expected. The base was attacked by monsters. The player has despair in his head, and a gun in his hands.

The most interesting thing about Doom 3 is the beginning of the game. A very extraordinary combination - nothing is happening yet (in fact, there are not even harbingers of bad things), but it is already known for certain (from the depths of the subconscious) that something will begin. Something similar can be seen in the game Half Life, but there are also differences - there you can walk without a weapon for quite a long time, but here... if you have a gun, you have everything.

Yes, the player also has a flashlight, which has already become a unique feature of this game.

An anonymous letter arrived saying that cruel experiments were being carried out on patients in a psychiatric hospital. The player immediately goes to this medical “facility”, taking nothing with him except a video camera.

As soon as he arrives at the asylum, the horror part begins. Frenzy, stabbings... psychos especially love to dismember - either they cut off a finger, or take out one kidney, but the spleen... they can even get to the heart!

Our camera is capable of switching to night vision mode. When the device is in this mode, much of what is secret becomes clear. Why do we need a camera? Yes, everything is simple - so that not a single one of these bloody horrors remains undocumented. Batteries for the camera are laid out throughout the hospital so that we can collect them and continue filming the bloody horror bacchanalia.

Despite the fact that translated from in English, the name of the game means the word “horror”, there is no horror here. There are only elements of horror... but first things first.

Your opponent in the game will be a brunette girl dressed in white pajamas. She is offended by the whole world - it’s just not clear why. The girl is the bringing of a person who has already died and returned to the world of living people in order to take revenge - cruelly, sophisticatedly and mercilessly. She wants to restore justice or fulfill some curse.

One nuance for which the game is often criticized is the lack of open space. However, claustrophobia and the lack of escape routes only increase the tension, which already reaches high levels in the game. So the lack of space in the game is a fairly good and extraordinary move for the horror genre.

Don't forget that the game is a shooter. Slowing down time will give us the opportunity to see the trail of a flying bullet, move faster and gain a strategic advantage in battle.

The staff at Frictional Games developed both the game “Amnesia” and the one in which you also pressed yourself painfully into the back of a chair - yes, that same Penumbra.

What's going on here? The main character's name is Daniel. He wakes up in a deserted castle and discovers a memory loss. He remembers absolutely nothing - even how the wind blew him into this castle is unknown to him. But he knows for certain that terrible creatures have begun their hunt for him, and Daniel urgently needs to save his life by any means.

The game has an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty. The entire horror of the game is complemented by the fact that our hero is absolutely defenseless. All he can do is throw any objects that come to hand at the monsters, and run, run, run... what if nothing comes to hand at all?! It’s scary to think then what could happen!

The game received decent ratings on various specialized sites. In general, we can say with confidence that she was received with a bang!

Where do you think this game takes place? No, not in the castle or in the basement. And not even in an abandoned house. An orgy of blood and horror takes place... in space! To be more precise, the action takes place in the Ishimura spaceship, which is engaged in extracting minerals on a certain planet “Egis 7”.

A distress signal comes from the ship. The rescue team that arrives on call includes Captain Isaac Clarke, for whom the game actually takes place. The crew learns that the ship is overrun by Necromorphs.

Who are they? Creatures that lack vital organs. You won't be able to take down a necromorph by simply hacking it down or shooting it in the head or heart. In order for a necromorph to be neutralized, it must be dismembered. Because of this, the game received the nickname “butcher simulator”. In the game you will have to dismember... not people, but those same necromorphs. You want to free the spaceship from capture, right? There is no other way - just kill and dismember.

The game has two sequels. What makes it less fun is that in Dead Space 2 the whole game is about going into a quiet room and waiting for monsters. They jump, the player twitches to alarming music, “puts down” all the necromorphs, collects well-deserved prizes and goes to the next room, where he repeats all the actions described above.

The third part of the series was recently released. The popularity of the game is growing in geometric progression, so work on the plot will continue.

Residence of Evil - this is how the name of the game is translated from English. It must be said that the game’s contribution to the development of the horror genre itself is enormous. The first part of the Resident Evil game was released back in the 20th century - back in 1996. Episode 7 has now been released. Its announcement to the public took place in 2014. It should be noted that over the past 16 years the game has evolved quite a lot. Over time, the developers updated the story to suit the current modern times. From the very beginning, the game felt more like something surreal - a city that was struck by a deadly virus, a house filled with zombies. As for the last parts, the game took on the appearance of a very ordinary shooter.

The developer of the game Silent Hill is the Japanese company Kanami. The toy immerses the gamer in a mysterious ghost town. It is quiet and covered in thick fog, but first impressions are deceiving. The fog served as a camouflage not only for the monsters that lurked nearby, but also for the technical limitations of Play Station 1. These limitations consisted in the range of perspective drawing.

Silent Hill is able to scare the player much more than “Residence of Evil,” and this is what makes the game more attractive to gamers who are horror fans. But Silent Hill scares us in an extraordinary way - with its silence. Yes, everything is quiet, nothing happens, but this is exactly what puts pressure on the player. Combined with the oppressive surroundings of the game, this produces considerable psychological pressure.

In Silent Hill, the game takes place as an ordinary writer, if we are talking about the first part of the game, and as a teenage girl, if we are talking about the third part of the game.

After the third part the game became boring, sluggish and uninteresting. The last part of the game was released in 2012. It gave fans of this horror piece some hope.

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