The most difficult Kazakh names. Beautiful Kazakh names for boys

There is a belief that a name determines a person's destiny. This is why parents are afraid of making a mistake with their choice and think for a long time about what to name their child. To make the task easier, use this tip article. Find new ones here Kazakh names for boys - meaningful and modern.

A man is the support of his parents, the head of the family. Therefore, the birth of a son is a significant event. Parents carefully choose what to name their child, trying to emphasize the meaning of the name.

Modern Kazakh male names designed to give the child some positive qualities, bring harmony and happiness into the life of a future man. That is why we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the meaning of names.

Find out about the newest Kazakh names:

  • Do you want your child to be a person with high moral values? Choose a name for him starting with the letter "A".

The most common is Azamat. It means that the boy will become a true horseman.

A man with a name Asmet will be noble Ayan will become popular and Haman boasts of good health.

A beautiful name has become very popular Amir- the boy will own the whole world.

  • The selection of names starting with the letter “B” is extensive, so parents have plenty to choose from.

A boy with a name Baigani will be rich Baisal will become calm and peaceful, and Basar- famous.

If you want your child to grow up brave, name him Batyrkhan: According to long-standing traditions, a person with this name will become a great khan.

Parents also choose such beautiful male names as Bakhtiyar('happy'), Beimbet(‘prince’), Bilim('educated'), God('wise').

  • Generally, men whose names begin with "G" are meant to be great warriors.

Judge for yourself: Gabbas And Gappas will be militant Ghazi- a soldier, Gaisa- a fighter.

Boys with names will become respected in society Gazis, Gali, Galimbek, Gizat.

  • Kazakh male names starting with “D” emphasize the charisma and character of their owners.

Darmen will be energetic Daler- brave, Danai- wise.

If you want to thank higher power for the birth of a child, name your son Danial: the name translates as ‘given by God’.

  • Men whose names start with E will be wonderful people who are loyal to their nation.

You just have to look at their meaning: Elbar- ‘servant of the people’, Elbas- ‘head of the people’, Eldar- ‘patriot’, Eldos- ‘friend of the people’, Elzhan- ‘soul of the people’.

  • Modern Kazakh names for boys starting with “F” are represented by a small group.

Parents prefer to name their sons Jabal('mountain'), Zhamil('beautiful'), Zhanat('Beautiful'), Zhanbai(‘rich spiritually’), Zhasultan('vigorous').

  • As for the letter “Z”, the most popular name counts Zane.

Its translation sounds different, but the most popular are two versions - ‘beautiful’ and ‘gift of God’.

Parents also choose names Zeinur- ‘shining’, For peace- ‘peaceful’, Zaire- ‘undoubted’, Zaki- 'responsible'.

  • Have you thought about names starting with the letter “I”?

The most beautiful names such: Idris- ‘diligent’, Inkarbek- ‘long-awaited’, Ihsan- 'Kind'.

The name remains relevant Ilyas, meaning the boy will be strong and powerful.

  • Parents who want to name their child Kairat, emphasize the energy and strength of the son.

Boy named Karim will grow up generous. E

If you want your child to become strong, name him Kabi, Kabir, Kadir, Karaman, Kaharman.

  • Names starting with the letter “L” are rare for Kazakhs.

To make your child grow up special, name him Latif- 'Kind', Lashkerbek- 'soldier', Lukpan- ‘sage’.

  • Beautiful Kazakh names for boys starting with the letter “M” are represented by a fairly large group.

Modern parents prefer to name their sons this way: Malik- 'tsar', Mansour- ‘almighty’, Makhambet- ‘worthy of praise’.

Baby with a name Murat will be purposeful Miras- a good heir, and Myrzabay- rich.

  • To keep the boy healthy, name him Narbai.

Narkes will become courageous Nurzerek- gifted, Nursultan- happy.

Think about a beautiful name Nurlay- it means ‘bright moon’.

  • Interested in names starting with the letter "O"?

You might like the name Ojet- the boy will grow up persistent and will definitely achieve his goal.

Oils will be smart Olzhas- decisive, Oraz- happy.

  • If you dream that your son will be courageous, name him Rustem, Rahman or Rakim.

The following Kazakh boy names starting with “R” have also gained popularity: Rysbeck('happy'), Ramiz('symbol'), Rasul('representative').

  • Modern names starting with “S” are represented by a large list.

The most popular of them are Sagin- ‘long-awaited’, Saimasai- ‘resembling parents’, Sarybay- ‘golden’, Sauran- 'present', Senim- 'faith'.

  • Attracted to names starting with the letter “T”?

Then pay attention to these Kazakh male names: Tabar- ‘opening’, Taimas- ‘persistent’, Tasemen- ‘large’, Temirbek- ‘strong’, Tursyn- ‘tenacious’.

  • As for the letter “U,” parents have a choice here too.

Child named Uzak will be long-lived Ulas- successor of the family, Ulgibay- an example for everyone.

If you name your son Utebay, then he will be rich. Uali will become a ruler.

  • Names starting with “X” are rare among modern Kazakhs.

You can find names Hamza(‘medicinal herb’), Hafiz(‘sacred guardian’), Hamit- ('calm').

  • Kazakh boy names starting with “Ш” are not particularly popular.

But for those who want the child to be respected, the name is reserved Sharip.

  • Do you dream of a comedian boy? Name it Yskak.

Will be diligent Ydyra with, and bright and popular - Euksan.

You found out what modern beautiful names parents choose for their sons. Take your time with the choice - weigh the pros and cons.

If the right name doesn’t come to mind, ask your child for help - perhaps he will give some sign.

Modern parents strive to give their child a fashionable name, forgetting that fashion is a passing phenomenon. Let's turn to the national name book and see what beautiful Kazakh male names can be used with meaning now.

Giving a child a name is not easy. I want it to be sonorous, pleasant to the ear and with meaning. The Kazakhs had a tradition of naming boys - successors of the family - in honor of eminent and significant people- batyrs, sages, pious men:

1. Boy names starting with “A” are a large group. Among them there are those that indicate personal qualities future warrior: Abay- ‘vigilant’, ‘prudent’, Abyz- ‘protector’, Arlan- ‘hero’, ‘fierce wolf’, Aryngazy- ‘warrior’, Arystan- ‘lion’, ‘brave’.

The Kazakhs have male names that predict the fate of a boy as an intelligent, noble, respected and rich man: Akylbay- ‘wise’, ‘intelligent’, Akylzhan- ‘enlightened one’, ‘wise soul’, Altynbek- ‘golden rich man’, Atabay- ‘noble’, ‘prosperous’.

2. They gave the boys names that indicated their importance to the family and parents. This was reflected, for example, in the meaning of the name Arman- 'dream'.

Kazakh names starting with “B” mostly consist of two components, the first of which is “bal” - ‘honey’. These names are people who are pleasant to talk to, sweet and attractive men who are loved and respected by their parents and relatives. They are rich and generous, purposeful and gifted, kissed by God: Balken,Balman, Balmurat.

Names with the component “balt” and “batyr” are assigned to strong, strong and hardy boys, future successful and influential husbands, defenders: Baltabay, Baltabek, Baltemir, Batyrali, Batyrzhan.

Names for boys with the prefix “bek” mean ‘prince’, ‘rich man’: Bekbolat, Bekdiyar, Bekzhan.

3. The Kazakhs borrowed the most beautiful names starting with “G” from the Arabs. These names mainly have a religious aspect. They indicate the piety and humility of their owners, the readiness to defend the faith, to be its guardians: Gabdir, Gabit, Gabitkhan, Gabiden, Gabbas.

There are names that indicate the importance of a person in society. Names Gaziz And Gazizbek parents will name the sons they want to see as revered and respected people. Names Galymbek And Galym worn by boys whose parents predict the path of scientists and knowledgeable people.

4. Kazakh names for boys starting with “D” - one of large groups. These are mostly two-part names. The “dau” component means ‘big’, ‘rich’, ‘significant’: Dauken, Daulen, Daulbay, Daulet. This is the name given to boys who are destined for the role of managers, entrepreneurs, and leaders.

Parents will convey their wishes for a happy and joyful life in names Dauren, Darkhan. Names with the component “dos” indicate that such a person is a good and loyal friend: Dosai, Dosaly. Parents will choose a name for a talented boy Daryn, and they will call the courageous Dastan.

5. Kazakh male names starting with “E” are a small group. Most of them contain the particle “el”, which means ‘country’, ‘people’, ‘aul’: Elzhan, Elbar, Elzhas, Elmurat, Elnaz, Elnar. This is what parents call those boys who are given strength by motherland, and they will serve her faithfully. Braves and daredevils are called Yeraly, Erdar, Erzhan, Erman.

6. Beautiful Kazakh names for boys starting with “F” mostly consist of several words. For example, names with the first part “zhan” mean ‘breath’, ‘soul’. Names Zhanabatyr, Zhanabil, Zhanai name the boys they wish for long years life, success and heroic achievements. There are names with a direct meaning. Do you know what the name means? Zhaik? This is Ural. Zhalgas- ‘continuer of the family’, Zhaidar- ‘cheerful’, Zhiren- 'ginger', Zholdybay- ‘rich man’.

7. If you don’t know what to name a boy who will stand out among his peers for his intelligence and abilities, then the Kazakh name maker will tell you the name Zein.

8. The meaning of Kazakh names starting with “I” concerns the moral and ethical qualities of their owners: Ibadat- ‘modest’, ‘decent’, Izgilik- 'Kind'. And here are the names Izbasar And Iztai indicate that these sons are heirs.

9. Meanings indicating a person’s morality are inherent in names starting with “K”: Kadir- 'Dear', Kaysar- ‘brave’, Kairat- ‘zealous’, ‘purposeful’, Kasiet- ‘worthy’, Kenen- ‘generous’, Rope- ‘faithful companion’, Kurmet- 'Dear', Kosai And Kosman- ‘cheerful’, ‘cheerful person’. If parents want to emphasize that this boy is a long-awaited child in the family, then they call him Quan.

10. The Kazakh name book starting with “L” offers one name for a boy - Lesbeck, which means 'follower'.

11. Male names starting with “M” emphasize the masculinity and heroism of their bearers. Purposeful boys going to victory are named Maksat, Manar, Mansur, Murat, Murgen.

12. Kazakh names starting with “N” have a euphonious first component “nur”, which means ‘ray of light’, ‘reflection’, ‘radiance’. Names Nurbek, Nurbergen, Nurbolat, Nurdaulet, Nurzhan, Nurlan worn by brave, courageous and handsome men.

13. The letter “O” gave the Kazakhs a few male names with the meaning: Olzhas- ‘brave’, Onege- ‘exemplary’, ‘moral’.

14. A few Kazakh names starting with “P”. Names Paluan And Parmen emphasize the strength and power of their owners, talk about their extraordinary physical capabilities and good health.

15. Male Kazakh names starting with “S” mean the protective wisdom of their owners. Men with names Sayazhan, Senim, Serke- true leaders who are ready to stand up for their subordinates at any time. They will always come to the rescue, you can rely on them in difficult times.

16. There are few names for boys starting with “T”, but they have interesting meanings: Tamerlane- ‘iron lion’, Tlectes- ‘benevolent’, Tleu- ‘desired’.

17. When choosing a name for a boy starting with “U”, pay attention to the following: Ulbala- ‘heir’, Umitzhan- ‘hope’, Urzhan- ‘beautiful’, ‘perfect’.

18. Names starting with “Y” are sonorous, with deep meaning: Yntymak- ‘unity’, Yrys- 'happy'.

Kazakh names for boys mainly reflect strength, will, dexterity, masculinity, determination, high moral qualities - kindness, perseverance, commitment, loyalty.

When choosing a name for a boy, pay attention not only to its euphony, but also to the semantic code that will subconsciously determine the child’s fate.

A man's name should be energetic, demonstrate the leadership qualities of its owner, and create the image of a protector and a good family man.

Use the Kazakh name book, because these names contain the spirit of the ancestors, which means the child will always be under their protection.

IN modern world There are more than 10 thousand Kazakh names, and they all have their own origins, sources from which they spread. The lion's share of male and female Kazakh names has Muslim roots. They began with Turkic, Arabic, Persian, and Mongolian dialects. But there are also Kazakh names for girls and boys that have come into use from the Russian language. For Kazakhs, naming a child is not only important process, this is also a certain ritual. Since ancient times, they have been confident that female and male Kazakh names are not only names, but also prophesies future fate its bearer. Therefore, they tried to include in the title positive features character, virtue, beauty, responsibility, courage, etc. This is how they wanted to see their boys and girls in the future.

Kazakh ritual dedicated to choosing a name

An old ritual, preserved in modern times, was carried out by the elders of the clan on the fortieth day after the birth of the baby. First, a blessed prayer was performed, the result of which was the male or female Kazakh names received from the Almighty, depending on what gender the child was to be named. Then a council was held, taking into account all opinions, after which they agreed on one of the proposed names.

The chosen title was included in the prayer read by the elder. Everything happened according to this scheme: the reader had to lean towards the baby while praying and speak into the newborn’s ear his future name. Thus, Kazakh names for boys and girls with a semantic history were put into the children’s ears, and they, in turn, had to subconsciously catch them and subsequently correspond to the name that was predetermined by birth and fate.

What guides the Kazakhs when choosing

When choosing female Kazakh names, parents want to reward their girl with such virtues as beauty, chastity, kindness, etc. So, for example, Bagila should always be faithful, Badiga should be a beautiful written beauty, Gauhar should be a diamond, Dara should be special, etc. Often naming girls, Kazakhs compare them with something, Balganym - pleasant, sweet like honey, Balgul - honey-bearing flower, Gulbarshyn - similar to beautiful flower, Daria is a big river, Dilda is gold, etc.

When choosing male Kazakh names, parents try to instill in their baby responsibility, courage, desire, will, courage and many other strong qualities.

The one named Gabbas should become strict and stern, Dildar - brave, courageous, caring, compassionate. If parents want their boy to become a religious person or devote himself to service, they are called accordingly (Gabiden - servant of religion, Gabidullah - servant of Allah, Zainiddin - perfecting religion, Magzum - preserved by God, etc.).

They call Kazakh boys by comparing them with animals (lion, wolf, falcon) or with natural phenomena (month, dawn, hurricane). Kyran means golden eagle, Dias means the sun, etc. And also, predicting a certain appearance for them. Diasyl - sun-like, sublime, Didar - beautiful in appearance, Kurmet - respected, revered, etc. Parents who want to stand out from the crowd of used names also call their children rare female and male Kazakh names (Assine, Aryan, Ayup, Abrar, Alibi, Andir, Bekarys, Bifatima, Batyrsagyz, Batyrlan, Danat, Dimnura, Yesenia, Edyge, Erzhebet, Zauzamira, Kamarsului etc.).

If there is a famous or revered person in the family, the child may be named after her example. It is believed that the combination of all positive characteristics will be passed on from the ancestor to the new bearer of his name.

A child can be named by correlating the period of his birth with a specific date or natural phenomenon, which was on the baby’s birthday. For example, a bright moonlit night can cause an unforgettable association, and parents will name the girl according to this principle, and a big holiday will indicate the naming of the baby, etc.

When choosing a name for their child, Kazakh parents are based not only on its designation, they take into account several other factors. The combination with the surname, patronymic, as well as its very sound. If one of the parents is from another country, the pronunciation of the name in foreign language. It should not sound strange or mean an indecent word. Therefore, when choosing Kazakh names for girls and boys, parents think through all the pros and cons and only then settle on the final option.

Designation of Kazakh names

Kazakh names for boys and girls have their own designation, which can be either a direct translation or indirect speech. Names have been archived for many centuries, some become outdated and are little used, but many modern ones appear that replace outdated analogues. There are names that are made up of two roots of different words; they create difficulty in pronunciation and perception. Other names are wishes for children; they can have a single-word or multi-word meaning. There are also names with lost value, as well as dissonant names, they tried to ward off the evil eye from the child.

Kazakh names include names not only of Turkic origin, but also borrowed names that are used on a par with native names. According to their type of origin, Kazakh names are divided into several groups.

Turkic names

Turkic names have a close connection with the outside world, therefore most of names has to do with the Turkic way of life, nature, but also, of course, with wishing the best for your children. Thus, when naming their children, girls were often given names containing part of the name “gul” - “flower”, “zhan” (“dan”) - “soul”, “dil” - “beautiful”, “nur” - light, etc. .d. At the same time, the Kazakhs considered the Moon to be the most beautiful luminary, therefore there are a lot of female names containing part of the name “ay”, which means “moon”, “lunar”, “month” (Ainur, Aigul, Aidana, Aisulu, Aiza, Aina, Aigerim and etc.).

Names of wishes are widespread among the Kazakhs and other Turkic peoples. By naming a child with a similar name, parents want to mark his destiny (Bulat - “mighty”, “indestructible”, Tamerlane (Timur) - “iron”, “unshakable”, “strong”, Ilgiz - “traveler”, Mergen - “skilled hunter” , Ural - “joy, pleasure”, Hadiya - “gift”).

Single-component Turkic names most often have a direct translation (Koyash - “sun”, Arman - “dream”, Chulpan - planet Venus, Kanat - “wing”). Also, both a girl and a boy can have the same name. Some Turkic names have a temporary meaning, indicating the time of birth or date (Silker - “born in May”, Aitugan - “born at the beginning of the month”, Idolai - “born on the full moon”, Kutken - “long-awaited”, Zamam - “time” , era”, Buran – “born during a snowstorm, blizzard”). But, like most names in the world, the most ancient names are associated with the surrounding world - animals and plants (Khulun - “foal”, Ortek - “duck”, Milyausha - “violet”, Nymyrt - “cherry bird”). According to the Kazakhs, these names were supposed to reflect distinctive features of these animals - their cunning, speed, courage, intelligence, etc.

The next part of Turkic names denotes various decorations, most often these are female names, but there are also male ones (Almaz - “diamond”, Yzyrga - “earring”, Ainagul - “mirror flower”). Often two-part male Kazakh names of Turkic origin end in “-bek” (“-bik”), “-bai”, “-khan” (Arabic equivalent). This part of the name has the meaning of “lord”, “bek”, “khan”, “ruler” (Bikbulat - “iron bek”, Bikbai - “very rich”, Alikhan - “great khan”).

Currently derived from the Turkic language a large number of names in the Caucasus, which have become part of the language of many peoples (Tatar, Uzbek, Ossetian, Kyrgyz, Altai, Khakass and many others). Many names became the basis of surnames.

Religious borrowings

Also, some Kazakh names are borrowed from religions with which Kazakhs have historically been in contact. These are names from Islam, Christianity, Judaism, which have been slightly changed in pronunciation. Mariam, Mariam - Mary, Isa - Jesus Christ, Musa - Moses, Israel - Israel, Zhusup - Yusuf (Joseph), Jakup - Yakub (Jacob), Sarah (Zara, Shara) - Sarah, Yahya - John, Ilyas - Elijah, Khaua - Eve, Suleiman - Solomon, Dauyt (Davut) - David, Yskak - Isaac, Zhabrail - Gabriel, Ibrahim (Ibrahim) - Abraham. These are just the most basic names borrowed from the Abrahamic religions.

Arabic loanwords

From the Arabs, the Kazakhs borrowed names related to faith, stories reflecting moral values ​​and personality traits. This is how the names Zhangali - “brave like Ali”, Amanzhol - “path of salvation”, Kamil - “perfect”, Mansur - “winner”, Omar - “long-liver”, Hakim - “wise”, Kadir - “venerable” - appeared.

The name of the Muslim prophet - Muhammad - has different interpretations in the Kazakh language - Mahmed, Muhamed, Mambet, Makhambet, etc. Arabic female names are widespread (Aisha, Alfiya, Dinara, Fatima, Saida, Nabat, Zakiya, Zarina and others).

From many long Arabic names in the Kazakh language appeared short names- Abish, Kulyash, Saken.

Soviet and Russian borrowing

Names that are of Russian and European origin are also present in the Kazakh language. They have generally not undergone any obvious changes in either spelling or pronunciation. Examples of such names can be the names Valentina, Raisa, Svetlana, Marat, Eduard, Sergey, Rimma, Arthur, Boris, Maxim, Clara, Albina, Nikolai, Elvira, Indira, Sabina, Tamara, Tamila and others.

IN Soviet time Among the Kazakh names, neologisms appeared, which later either disappeared from the language or changed their meaning. So among the Kazakhs the names Kim, Kima, May, Damir, October, Oktyabrina, Mira, Dina, Zarema, Karina, Lenura, Lina, Rema, Renata, Ural, Chara, Emil, Berlin, Washington, Marlene, Mels, Council and many appeared other.

The traditional pronunciation and spelling of some female Kazakh names is also possible with the addition of the vowels “-a” and “-ya” at the end of the name. So, for example, the traditionally sounding name Gulnar without a softening vowel began to be pronounced both as Gulnara, and also with the addition of a softening of the first part of the word - Gulnar, Gulnara. The names Asel and Aigul - Asel and Aigul and also many other names.

The most popular Kazakh names

In 2013, the most popular name that parents gave to their girls was the name Aizere, and the parents of boys - Alikhan. Among other popular names were also the names Ersultan, Artem, Amir, Miras, Sanzhar, Nurasyl, Dias, Arsen - male names, and Ayana, Inzhu, Aisha, Kausar, Amina, Aruzhan, Diana, Milana - female names.

For comparison, in 2012, some of the most popular male names among Kazakhs were Erasyl, Sanzhar and Artem, and the most popular female names became Aizere, Ayaru and Sofia. Also in the top 20 most common names are Islam, Maxim, Damir, Aldiyar, Kirill, Azamat, Alexander, Ilya, as well as some names that became popular in 2013. The top twenty female names included Sezim, Nuray, Diana, Victoria, Madina, Inker, Alina, Zhansaya, Anastasia, Arailym, Zhaniya, as well as names that became one of the most popular names in 2013.

List of Kazakh names

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