Homemade cider recipe. Apple cider: recipe for classic and quick drinks

Apple cider is one of the simplest alcoholic drinks, which can be prepared at home without much knowledge or effort. In order to cook apple cider you don’t need to have different devices or devices on hand, it’s enough to have a container, dry yeast, a rubber glove instead of a water seal, and the most important ingredient - apples or apple juice bought in a store.

The history of the appearance of this fizzy drink is still unknown, but there are many different assumptions and myths on this topic. One of them is the one that says that King Charlemagne accidentally sat on a bag containing overripe apples.

Nowadays, the best cider is French, but everyone has their own taste, so it is very difficult to judge on this topic.

1. Grind the apples through a meat grinder to make apple porridge. Then the puree must be filtered. To do this, we filter the apple porridge through cheesecloth, and either throw away the pulp or use it for our own purposes.

2. Pour the juice into jars and cover them with gauze for one day.

Attention, the apples must be your own, that is, from the garden, so that they have wild yeast. If you do not have the opportunity to get such apples, then add yeast to the apple juice.

3. When the juice begins to ferment, place the jars under a water seal at room temperature for about 5 days. If the resulting strength of the drink does not suit you, then add a little more sugar into the jars and place it under a water seal for further fermentation, after stirring the sugar in the jars.

4. Remove the cider from the sediment and clarify with bentonite. For this purpose Art. Dissolve a spoonful of bentonite in water to a thick consistency and pour it into cider. Mix the contents of the jar and close the lid.

5. We leave the jar for a couple of days, and during the first day the jar needs to be shaken a couple of times.

6. Remove the cider from the sediment and begin carbonation. We take pasteurized bottles and add 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar, and also add wine yeast on the tip of a knife.

7. Pour the cider into these bottles (the bottles should preferably be plastic because glass bottles can explode), while leaving a small space in the bottle for gas.

8. Close the bottles with lids and leave for 10 days. dark place at room temperature. After this, you can start tasting!

If the hydrometer shows less than 12 sugar units in apple juice, then sugar must be added to the juice to raise this indicator to 12.

1. Pour the juice into one glass jar, having previously sterilized it.

2. Take an incomplete teaspoon of Saf-Levur yeast and dissolve it warm water in a small glass. Let them sit for 15 minutes, then pour them into a jar of juice.

3. Place the jar under a water seal to ferment at room temperature for 6-7 days. After fermentation has passed, you need to drain the cider from the sediment.

4. Then the cider must be carbonated. To do this, we fall asleep plastic bottles sugar in the proportion of 3 tsp sugar per 1 liter bottle.

We send the bottles to a dark place with room temperature for 10 days. Then you can put the cider in the refrigerator for a couple of days.

1. First, take a saucepan and put all the ingredients there.

2. Mix everything thoroughly and put on fire. Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce the gas and let it cook for 7 minutes.

3. Then remove the drink from the stove and let it sit for a while.

Then we filter the cider using cheesecloth and bottle it, or serve it immediately, adding a slice of orange to the cup or glass of cider.

1. First, take apples and cut them into pieces. Place the apples in a saucepan and fill them with water to cover the apples.

2. After two weeks, filter the infusion through cheesecloth and heat it. Cool the infusion and add sugar along with yeast.

3. Let the liquid ferment, then pour it into plastic bottles and close them.

4. Place the bottles in a cold place for a couple of days to carbonate the drink. After which we can start tasting.

This is already the fifth way to make cider from apples. This recipe is quite complicated, but the result will be very good. Before cooking, carefully select all rotten and non-blind apples. You should not wash the apples, but if some apples are too dirty, then they should be taken and washed so that the wild yeast remains on the rest. It is necessary to place emphasis on the ripeness of apples because they should contain a lot of sugar.

1. First, take the apples and grind them to a mushy state using a meat grinder, juicer or other items that can be used to do this.

2. Add sugar syrup, water and sugar to the apple porridge.

3. Place the wort in a glass jar or some other container for fermentation, and let it stand open for 3-4 days in a warm place until fermentation begins. Moreover, the wort must be stirred every day so that mold does not form on it.

3 main cider production technologies:

1) Classic cider production technology. Cider is made by preparing and crushing apples. By squeezing the pulp, apple juice is obtained, which, after filtration, is sent for fermentation at a temperature of 25-35C for 12 days. Next, clarification occurs, filtration, sugar and wine yeast are added, and the cider is sent for secondary fermentation for about 14 days. As a result, after filtration we get sparkling cider. Depending on the amount of added sugar, it can be dry, semi-dry or sweet. The strength of the final drink is usually 5-8%.

The full production cycle takes about 26 days.

2)Technology of cider production by fermentation of reconstituted juice. Cider is made by fermenting concentrated apple juice. Fermentation occurs at a temperature of 25-35C for 10 days. After clarification and filtration, sugar and wine yeast are added and the cider is sent for further fermentation for 11 days. As a result, after filtration we get sparkling cider. Depending on the amount of added sugar, it can be dry, semi-dry or sweet. The strength of the final drink is usually 5-6%.

The full production cycle takes about 21 days.

3) Cider production technology using a shortened fermentation cycle. Concentrated apple juice is fermented for 3-5 days at a temperature of 30-35C. After this, clarification is carried out, filtration is carried out and the fermentation process slows down to a minimum. Next, the strength is brought to the required level (5-6%) with food alcohol, because with a shortened fermentation cycle, the product contains only 0.5-1% alcohol, and the product is sent for saturation. The result is cider with a standard alcohol content, corresponding in taste to the taste of fermentation, but produced using a reduced technology.

There are also “powder” and “chemical” technologies for producing cider, but it is very difficult for such a produced product to compete in the market. Can't make a product good quality without natural raw materials! Therefore, as a rule, the majority of manufacturers give preference to drinks made from natural raw materials, but using optimized and reduced technology.

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Quick homemade apple cider - unusually fragrant and tasty with a beautiful amber color

Make apple cider at home and invite friends over for a tasting! Everyone loves the refined and delicate taste of homemade apple wine, in which you can feel honey notes, and playing bubbles in a glass with ice cubes create a good mood and a cozy atmosphere.

On festive table this fragrant sparkling low alcohol drink can quite compete with champagne. I want to tell you about one of the recipes for making homemade cider.
It only requires 3 ingredients and 10 days of patience.
And then - only true apple pleasure!

Apple wine should be drunk cool, enjoying every sip. However, you should fill the glass with the drink correctly - gourmets advise pouring the cider so that its stream breaks against the walls of the glass. While the stream flies in the air, the wine is saturated with oxygen and the drink begins to foam, which contributes to the maximum development of the flavor bouquet. Since the foam does not last long, drink the cider as soon as possible to experience its unique taste with fresh apple notes and the aroma of summer...

Apples - 4 kg.
Granulated sugar - 800 g.
Boiled water - 5 l.

4 liters of ready-made drink

It is believed that apples with maximum content tannin, that is, with a sour, astringent taste. IN industrial production special varieties are used that are simply not used for food (just like grapes for winemaking). But our cider is homemade, so you don’t need to look for any special varieties for it. In principle, the worse (in a commercial sense) the quality of apples, the better for cider.

We wash the apples, but not too thoroughly. Wild yeast lives on their skins, promoting fermentation. Cut each apple into 4 parts, remove the core.

Pour boiled water into a large saucepan, cool to room temperature, add sugar.

Add apples.

Cover the pan with gauze folded several times. Leave in a relatively warm place for 10 days. During this period, your intervention will not be required. You can only periodically look under the gauze and be glad that the process is going on!

After 10 days, throw away the apples and strain the cider through cheesecloth. Once is enough, but if you want the drink to be clearer, strain several times.

The finished cider should be cooled before serving. You can store it in hermetically sealed bottles in the refrigerator.

Apple cider is essentially homemade apple wine. The drink can be made either still or fizzy, self-carbonated, with or without sugar.

If you decide to make this homemade apple cider yourself, then our recipes will certainly help you with this. Based on the recommendations outlined above, you will undoubtedly get excellent results and a wonderful taste of the product.

How to make cider from apple juice at home - recipe


  • - How much do you have;
  • granulated sugar – 200-245 g per liter of juice.


First you need to properly squeeze the apple juice. To do this, you should not wash them, so as not to rid them of the natural yeasts found on the surface of the fruit, which are essential for fermentation. If the fruit is too dirty, wipe off the dirt with a clean cotton cloth. Now we cut the fruits into several pieces and pass them through a juicer. Many people first remove the cored seeds from their apples, but in reality you don’t have to do this. If you don’t have a juicer, you can simply grind the fruit slices in a blender container or using a meat grinder, and then squeeze out the juice with gauze or using a press.

Now the resulting juice needs to be sweetened. The amount of sugar may vary depending on the sweetness of the apples themselves and, accordingly, the juice from them. Initially, we do not add the entire portion of sugar, but only one hundred grams per liter. Thoroughly mix the cider base until all sugar crystals are dissolved, pour it into a fermentation bottle and install a water seal, or put a medical glove on the neck with one finger pierced with a needle. If fermentation does not begin within the first five days, as evidenced by the absence of air bubbles in the water seal container or a sagging glove, add wine yeast to the juice with sugar, taking into account the recommendations on the packaging.

Upon completion of the first fermentation, and this will happen approximately two weeks from its start, remove the future cider from the sediment, add the rest of the sugar to taste and again put it under a water seal or glove for fermentation. At the end of fermentation, drain the finished cider using a hose without touching the sediment, bottle it and place it in a cool place for aging and storage. Ideally, you should let the cider brew for three to five months.

To obtain a carbonated drink in plastic eggplant or glass bottle with thick walls, pour a little sugar on the bottom and only then pour in the finished cider, not reaching the neck by five centimeters. We seal the containers and place them horizontally in a cool place. Sugar poured onto the bottom will cause additional fermentation, which will cause the release of gas, which, if necessary, will need to be lowered slightly so that the bottles do not burst. It is easier to control the density of containers if they are plastic, so in this case we use glass ones with caution.

Apple cider: recipe

Homemade apple cider, the recipe and preparation technology of which has been passed down for centuries, will be refreshing in the heat and will become an integral attribute of bathhouse gatherings. His recipe surprises with its simplicity, and its taste with subtle notes of freshness and apple aroma.

  1. Type of dish: homemade cider.
  2. Subtype of dish: apple drink.
  3. Output volume: 7 l.
  4. Cooking time:
  5. Nationality of the dish: French cuisine.
  6. Energy value:
  • proteins – 0.04 g;
  • fats – 0.07 g;
  • carbohydrates –10.9 g;
  • saturated fatty acids – 0.047 g;
  • potassium – 295 mg;
  • sodium – 7 mg.

Making apple cider in jars

Ingredients for making homemade apple cider

  • apples – 10 kg;
  • sugar – 4-6 glasses.

How to make homemade apple cider

Refreshing cider is, in fact, ordinary apple wine, since the technology for their preparation is identical. It is better to choose several varieties of apples as raw materials. It was noted that apple cider has the best taste, during the preparation of which the juice was obtained from 1 part of sour fruits and 2 parts of sweet ones. Sweet and sour wild apples are great for making cider from apples.

Sweet and sour fruits for making cider

To get real cider from apples, it is recommended to let the selected fruits rest so that they become softer. It is worth checking their appearance daily to ensure that rotten areas do not appear. Making cider from apples is very simple, the whole process can be described in the following steps:

  1. Preparation of raw materials. Collected apples must be wiped with a dry soft cloth (do not wash them!) - this will preserve live yeast on their surface, which promotes the fermentation process. Place the apples in a warm room for a couple of days. Then clean the fruits: remove the stems and leaves.
  2. Grinding of raw materials. Cut the apples into several parts, then pass through a meat grinder or puree using a blender.
  3. Preparing a container for cider fermentation. For these purposes, it is recommended to take large glass containers (for example, 9-liter bottles), but plastic bottles, basins, and large enamel pans are also suitable. Wash the containers well, pour boiling water over them and wipe dry.
  4. Laying out the apple mass into containers. Pack the ground apples into clean containers so that 1/3 of them remains free - this is necessary for the formation of foam and carbon dioxide. Add sugar there - 100 g (maximum 150 g for very sour apples) for each kilogram of apple mass. It is better to add sugar gradually, constantly stirring and tasting the wort. It should be sweet, but not cloying.
  5. Preparing for fermentation of apple cider. Cover the neck of each container with thick gauze and secure the sides with a strong thread. Place in a room at room temperature, where sunlight should not penetrate.
  6. Control of the primary fermentation process. Over the course of 4 days, it is necessary to regularly stir the fermented mass, drowning the pulp in the juice.
  7. Preparation for the secondary fermentation process. When the hissing is clearly visible and the characteristic smell of the fermented mass is felt (about 3-4 days), it needs to be squeezed out and poured into another container. Install a water seal on its neck or put on an ordinary medical glove (sold at a pharmacy), with a hole made in one finger for the free release of carbon dioxide.

Apple cider: fermentation process

  1. Fermentation of apple juice. Place containers with future cider in a dark place where the air temperature will be in the range of 18-26 degrees. There they will be stored for up to two months, until fermentation stops completely. This will be indicated by a deflated glove or the cessation of air release from the water seal.
  2. Merging. Remove the resulting drink from the sediment and pour into another container. Experienced winemakers use a thin tube for this (like a dropper). Strain the cider again through thick cheesecloth.
  3. Bottling of the drink and its ripening. Prepare bottles and caps in advance: everything needs to be thoroughly washed and sterilized. Pour the strained apple cider into bottles (jars), seal or seal well. Place them in a dark place with a temperature of 8-12 degrees. The temperature must not be allowed to drop below 5 degrees, otherwise the cider will not acquire the necessary properties. After 3 months, apple cider at home will be completely ready for consumption.
It is worth considering that if you plan to make cider from very sour varieties of apples, you will need to add a little water to the ground mass at the rate of 50-100 ml per 1 kg of applesauce. Adhering to this recipe, you will get a very tasty low-alcohol drink - its strength is not that of apple cider. exceeds 8%. If you add a little cognac to it, you will get a pleasant-tasting fortified apple wine.

Sparkling apple cider


  • apples – 10 kg;
  • sugar – 5-7 glasses.

Delicious sparkling apple cider

To make apple cider at home, you need to do the same as for making still cider. Similarly to the first 8 points of the first recipe, prepare the raw materials for fermentation and wait 1-2 months until this process is completely completed. Then proceed as follows:

  1. Prepare glass or plastic container for storage. Wash them well and dry them.
  2. Remove the cider from the sediment by pouring it into another container using a thin straw.
  3. Pour sugar into the bottom of each bottle at the rate of 10 g per 1 liter of container volume. This will allow the weak fermentation process to start again, due to which the cider will be saturated carbon dioxide and will become carbonated.
  4. Pour apple cider into bottles, but do not fill them completely. There should be approximately 6 centimeters of free space left to the neck of the container. Screw the bottles tightly with caps or caps.
  5. For 2 weeks, move them to a room at room temperature, deprived of sunlight. Throughout this period, check the gas pressure in the containers daily. If too many gases have accumulated, they need to be partially vented (released).
  6. For storage, such cider should be moved to a cool, cool place, maybe in the refrigerator. There he must lie for at least 4 days.
    The chilled drink is a little reminiscent of kvass - it’s also very refreshing in hot weather.

Homemade apple juice cider without sugar


  • apples in any quantity.

Making apple cider without sugar

He is called classic cider and it is especially valued among those who prefer exclusively natural and healthy foods. The technology for preparing it at home is quite simple:

  1. Get apple juice using any of the following: available ways. The fruits should not be washed beforehand - it is important to preserve the natural yeast.
  2. Place in a dark place for a day to settle. The temperature should be room temperature.
  3. The next day, remove from the sediment, strain and pour into a fermentation container (with a narrow neck). Install a water seal or wear a medical glove.
  4. Place for 1-2 months (until fermentation ends) in a dark, warm place, the temperature should be between 20-27 degrees.
  5. Using a thin long tube, pour the fermented drink into another container, without touching the sediment, and strain.
  6. Pour the cider into bottles, seal tightly and place in a dark room with a temperature of 6-12 degrees. So the cider should ripen in 3-4 months.
  7. Filter again and bottle, roll up or close tightly.
It remains to place the bottles in the cellar or refrigerator for another 3-4 days, after which you can begin tasting. In such conditions it can be stored for up to 3 years.

Apple cider: video recipe

Another very simple one delicious recipe You can watch it in the next video. Its author suggests preparing a drink using apples, sugar and raisins.

How and where to store apple cider

The finished drink should be stored in a cool, dark place with an air temperature of 5-8 degrees. You must not allow direct sun rays, otherwise it will lose its properties. A refrigerator or a cold basement is ideal as a storage location. It is worth protecting such supplies from temperature changes, movements and other influences that may affect the carbonation process - saturation of the drink with carbon dioxide.

Secrets of storing apple cider

If the jars were sealed with a cork stopper, then they should remain on their sides for the entire shelf life. If the containers were rolled up or screw-on lids were used, they can be held in any position. For bottles with cork stoppers, it is especially important to maintain the required humidity in the room - 65-80%. If you create suitable storage conditions and do not violate the required temperature and humidity indicators, the drink will be stored for up to three years. But it is still recommended to use it after 6 months of ripening and no later than a year from the moment the bottles are sealed.

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