DIY system for collecting rainwater from the roof. Autonomous water supply for a country house: collecting rainwater Collecting water from the roof of a summer house

The use of precipitation will provide significant savings in water extracted from a well or well. In addition, it will help reduce energy consumption, as it allows you to turn on pumping equipment less often. However, you don’t know how to collect nature’s free “gift” for further use?

We'll show you how to do this. The article discusses a rainwater collection system and options for using precipitation for domestic needs. The device is described, design specifics, the effectiveness was assessed taking into account the funds spent on organizing an alternative water supply.

For interested visitors, we have selected organizational diagrams with underground and above-ground reservoir locations, presented photos with options for masking the storage tank, and collected useful videos that allow you to organize water collection on your own.

With supplies fresh water in Russia everything is in order, but the most economical owners of private lands have increasingly begun to think about rational use natural resources.

Is it possible to install a structure to use rainwater in a house without major changes? Of course, but you will have to supplement the circuit with storage capacity and related equipment.

First, you will have to analyze the state of the accumulating plane, that is, the roof. You should check its integrity, cleanliness, and if necessary, change it roofing to a safer one.

If the storm structure of pipes and trays is in order, a large factory-made polyethylene tank can be attached directly to it. Install a fitting at the bottom of the tank for emergency draining.

In order not to disturb the design of the storm drain, the easiest way is to install a large plastic barrel for irrigation, but it will not be suitable for house maintenance

If there is a need to install a large underground tank, you will have to make adjustments to old design– most likely, change the location of the sewer pipes. By digging a pit and installing pumping equipment, you will have to re-lay the communications for the drains.

We offer two options for installing rainwater use systems - with an above-ground and underground reservoir.

Construction of a simple system with a barrel

To assemble the easiest circuit, you will need a kit for installing gutters, a filter, a ready-made water tank, a short hose and mounting hardware.

The result of the work will be the simplest water collection system with sloping roof with a large plastic reservoir as a storage container

Plastic gutters, trays and pipes required size we purchase in hardware store. If you are not satisfied with plastic, we use galvanized steel parts, homemade or factory-made.

We assemble the drainage system in the following order:

  • Using special brackets or hooks, we secure the gutter along the edge of the roof;
  • At the corner, in a place convenient for installing the tank, we hang the drainpipe;
  • we connect the main elements with a receiving funnel;
  • We seal seams and joints.

In the matter of draining rainwater in a dacha, there are three simple stages- direct, slow and absorb.

Depending on the region, we all do this a little. different ways.

Some are struggling with abundant runoff water on a site on a slope, others are carefully collecting rainwater for a vegetable garden, while others simply want to divert stormwater from the foundation of the house.

The simplest drainage system is a gutter, which directs all rainwater from the roof to the ground.

Instead of a traditional drain, drainage chains, which you can make yourself, do the same task well - this, compared to a drainpipe, is simple and inexpensive.

Traditionally, gardeners collect rainwater for irrigation. You can slightly improve a regular water barrel: add an outlet for a garden hose at the bottom, lower the overflow hose at the top, and put the drain itself directly into the barrel. To do this, it is more convenient to use a flexible module for drainage.

If you need to collect a lot of rainwater, then you can assemble a more complex water collection system, which is based on the simple rule of communicating vessels. There can be as many of these rain barrels connected to each other as you like.

If the task is simply to drain rainwater from the foundation of the house, then you can make simple drainage: a shallow trench with sand and pebbles will reliably drain excess water to 3-4 m.

If the roof area is large or there is a significant slope on the site, then a more voluminous drainage system is made, with an underground storage tank, as shown in the diagram.

One of modern methods water drainage - is a rain garden, inexpensive and beautiful way drainage This garden looks like an ordinary flower garden, but it absorbs water 30% better.

A rain garden is a flowerbed of wild plants, which is located in a small depression on the site. The soil for such a garden is mixed in a special way: sand, compost, soil; in order to enhance the absorption capacity of the flower garden.

If at your summer cottage the level groundwater is high enough - 50 cm, then this type of drainage will not suit you. In addition, for clayey area You need to add gravel to the bottom.

We plant in the rain garden wild plants, usually they calmly withstand a large number of moisture, and can grow in dry conditions. For a new flower garden, we mulch the plantings with heavy mulch - pine needles, etc., so that the water does not carry it away.

In a rain garden, you can plant not only herbs and flowers, but also shrubs, which are best planted at the edge of the inflow of water - this way they will slow down the flow of water and prevent smaller plants from being washed away.

A rain garden as a method of draining rainwater and draining an area is suitable not only for draining runoff from the roof, but also for gardens with a slight slope.

IN last years Most people noticeably strive to move away from the city, from industrial centers. This is not surprising, because who doesn’t want to plunge into a world where the air is fresh, there is a lot of beautiful greenery, a river and a beautiful view. Megacities very often bore people with their way of life: everyone is in a hurry, cars, centers.

Therefore popularity country houses outside the city increases in large sizes. If you have decided that it is time to leave the black space of your city and go live outside the city in nature, then you should definitely be interested in one of the most important problems. The problem of collecting water is that water supply is not always suitable for living outside the city. In this article you will learn how to get drinking and industrial water far from the city and from the central water supply.

As everyone knows, a person is seventy percent water. An adult needs two liters of water per day, and this is only for oral consumption. What about personal hygiene, watering the garden, cooking? In these options, each person needs approximately 150 liters running water. Water is very important in life, regardless of whether a person lives in the city or in the country, and this has been scientifically proven. Central water supply is not recommended for summer cottages, because there is a very high risk that the pipes will deteriorate. And in winter they may even burst, which will create more more problems for its owner.

Process water, that is, water used for domestic needs, can be obtained from many sources, such as precipitation, nearby reservoirs, and underground water.

Water from lakes and rivers is collected due to rain and other precipitation. Using groundwater is not very effective, since it quickly becomes polluted if there is a pit with garbage or the like nearby. Therefore, next we will consider collecting rainwater from the roof of the house.

In fact, rainwater, and precipitation in general, is the softest, unlike those that flow in the central water supply. Rainwater contains very small amounts of acids, it is full of big amount pure oxygen. Thanks to this, all plants that develop thanks to rainwater grow faster and better. But it is worth noting that rainwater may contain bad substances that get there from air polluted due to various enterprises, factories, machines and the like. Check to see if there are such factories in the immediate vicinity of your dacha.

The safest place in this matter is the one farthest from the city itself. The main disadvantage of rainwater harvesting is that rainfall is irregular, which can leave you without water for days or even weeks. In this case, you can use special purchased water. The most simplified containers for collecting rainwater are barrels and various troughs. They are installed under drainpipes from roofs.

However, it is worth understanding that the collected water will not be enough for a large number of days, since the volume of these containers is not too large. It's best to spend a lot of time installing a system that will not only collect required quantity water, but also to supply it to its owner.

How to collect rainwater from a roof

If you decide to choose a rainwater harvesting method such as roof rainwater harvesting, you need to pay attention to the condition and material of your roof.

First, we do not recommend collecting water from a roof that is covered with asbestos or has lead or copper elements. If you consume water collected from such a roof, the likelihood of lung disease increases threefold, and the likelihood of illness increases due to copper and lead. nervous system. As water flows there, it collects asbestos fibers at a crystalline level, which causes these diseases. It is also not recommended to water plants with such water, since copper and lead impair the growth of plants and kill them. Your roof should have a slope of approximately ten degrees.

Thanks to this angle, all rainwater will flow into the pipe, leaving no puddles on the roof. If the angle is smaller, the water that could not drain into the water supply system will remain there until the next rainfall, and during this time it may become contaminated or completely deteriorate.

During the next precipitation, it will mix with the clean water, thereby polluting it quite strongly, causing and increasing the growth of all kinds of harmful microorganisms and algae.

Secondly, it is worth paying attention not only to the roof itself, but also to the condition of the pipes through which rainwater is planned to flow. It is necessary to check whether the material does not contain lead, copper or asbestos. As mentioned above, these materials cause many diseases. All other materials are quite suitable and safe for our body, so don’t be afraid to use them.

Water storage tanks

In order to collect the amount of water you need, especially if you plan to water the garden, you need a sufficiently large container. The materials that make up your container must be safe in order to store water there for a long period of time. The drive can be installed either above the ground or buried in the ground. If you choose the second option, the water will be stored longer for a long time, since underground it will be provided with natural coolness, thanks to which microorganisms and various algae will multiply much more slowly. Containers, which are usually installed in the ground, are very large in size and capacity. You should not install containers in the ground if the groundwater level in your place of residence is very low. The recess should be larger than the size of the tank itself, but not by much. Before placing our container in the pit, about 250 mm of fairly coarse sand is placed at its bottom. After installing the container, the distance between the walls of the ground and the tank is also covered with sand in several layers.

If the precipitation is too intense, the tank will overfill significantly, above normal.

To do this, it is necessary to install drain pipes into the sewer system that will not allow water to overflow. If precipitation is not active, under no circumstances should you keep your tank empty or even half empty. To ensure its integrity, it is necessary to fill the tank with ordinary lake water, or any other water. To determine what level the water is at, you need to mark the tank with white paint every few centimeters so that, using a flashlight, you can determine at what level the water is inside the tank. The container can also be installed in the basement, but you should choose the size that will easily fit into your doorway. You can connect as many containers as possible using plastic pipes, which will connect them together from the bottom of the tanks.

If precipitation has not been observed for a long period of time, an accumulation of debris and dust forms on the roof. To prevent dirty water from getting into the storage tank, you can disconnect the pipe from the tank during the first few minutes of rain so that the dirty water drains and does not get into the storage tank. The most suitable time for this is 30 minutes from the start of the rain. When the draining water is clear, you can return the pipe to its place so that the tank begins to fill. To prevent large debris blown onto the roof by the wind (branches, leaves, etc.) during rain from getting into the tank, special filters are installed on the pipe and at the entrance to the tank itself. The gratings should have a diameter of no more than 0.2 mm.

The filter will become clogged quite quickly, so it is necessary to clean it of dirt and debris every time. Even though you use these filters, the water will be a little cloudy. In order to use it in everyday life, you need to pass it through several more special filters. Or, if you have enough time, you can let it sit so that all the unnecessary stuff sinks to the bottom of the tank. But in this case, it will be necessary to clean the bottom and walls of the tank from dirt. Cleaning can be done once every six months, that is, once or twice a year. You will need to clean the tank yourself to avoid damage from special cleaning machines.

Water supply for collected water

In order for the water we collect not to sit in the tank, but to serve us in our lives, it is necessary to do work that will help the water flow directly inside the house. Since in most cases the tank is located underground, it is necessary to place a pump in it that will pump out the water and move it into the house. Speaking of home, it is best to install the pump on low floors such as the basement or first floor. In these cases, energy savings will occur, since the lower, the shorter the path from the tank to the house. Water is drawn only from the top layer. That is, the pump will float on the water like a float. This will reduce the chance that the same bad microorganisms that accumulate on the bottom and walls of our container will get into the water. The water that will come to your taps cannot be consumed internally, that is, you cannot drink it or prepare any food from it. To do this, it is better to use special purchased tanks with drinking water.

It only takes one weekend to create your own rainwater harvesting system. You can use water collected from the roof to water your garden, wash your car, take an outdoor shower in your dacha, do laundry, and other needs. Remember that it is teeming with bacteria: it is unsuitable for drinking or cooking. Such rainwater supply will always be specialized, and collecting water from the roof will not replace a well and a water supply system.


Before you go to hardware store, you need to make small but important calculations. Therefore, first, let's determine the material from which the roof of yours is made. country house, the amount of moisture that will flow down the roof, the volume that needs to be collected based on calculations of daily consumption and annual precipitation.

  • Roofs coated with tar, gravel, asbestos and any other toxic coating are not suitable. This coating will leave unwanted chemicals in the collected water. Suitable safety covering: tiles, metal, etc.
  • Measure the perimeter of the roof, then calculate the area, excluding slopes and eaves. The usable area will be at least 80% of the total area. This parameter depends on the roof surface. To calculate the approximate volume of liquid collected per year using this method, we use the following formula:

V=(S*A*k)/1000 liters, where:

V – volume of collected water
S – total area roofs in m2
A – annual precipitation in mm
k – water collection efficiency coefficient, k=0.8

The size of the rainwater collection tank is selected based on the volume of water consumed daily by all residents of the house. General formula: consumption per person per day &規 number of people &規 number of days = required volume.

Another parameter is the duration of the rainy season: near Moscow it can be one, in Siberia another, in Primorye a third. Divide the rainy season into months, write down the average monthly rainfall, subtract the amount of water you need per month. As a result, we get the amount of unused liquid that can be transferred to the next month.

And remember: if you collect rainwater from your roof in a round tank, its volume is calculated by the formula: surface area &規 height of the tank.

Purchasing materials

  • Rainwater tank: free. (You can use an old one or search around).
  • Polypropylene drum with lid - $0.35-$1.00/gallon (Very light, unlike others)
  • Metal barrel - $0.40 - $0.60/gallon (This type of storage tank cannot be used to collect and store drinking water unless it has a special liner).
  • Gutters - $0.30 for - 30.5 cm; Alternatively, you can make the drains yourself.
  • Pipes leading to and from the water collection tank: approximately $10 for 3 meters (Pipe diameter depends on the size of the water collection area)
  • PVC elbows - $2 per piece.
  • Cement - $5.
  • Materials for a smooth and stable surface: special backing/mattress - $6.
  • Fencing around the entire perimeter of the tank - $10.
  • Path covering - $20.
  • 1 bag of Portland cement -30 dollars.
  • The sediment container can be installed stably by digging a hole of several centimeters in the ground underneath it. However, this is not suitable for all types of soil.

Note: Leaf filters, strainer screens or funnels must be installed to protect gutters.


1. The tank opening should be located a few centimeters below the drain funnel.

2. It is desirable that the tank has an aesthetic appearance and is camouflaged between trees.

3. The tank must be on a flat, stable surface (on a support/mattress). Create a small fence around the tank. Fill the fenced area special coating for roads - it is cheap and compact. Then lay down a small layer of Portland cement. Loosen it, check with a level to make sure the surface is even, and fill it with water. Let dry.

4. When attaching gutters, you must remember:

  • Measure the length of the eaves in order to determine the lengths of the gutters.
  • Drainpipes must be fixed at intervals of 10-15 m along the entire length of the main gutter.
  • Count the number of gutters - double the number to get required amount knees Count the number of turns at 900 and 450 to obtain the required number of elbows of the desired shape.
  • Calculate the required number of fasteners, flexible clamps and plugs.
  • Brackets must be placed on the eaves at intervals of 9 m or on each head of the rafter.
  • It is recommended to place gutters at an angle of 0.6 - 1.2 cm towards the drainpipe every 3 m. To do this, measure the perimeter of the house.

To prevent gutters from becoming clogged, install filters to collect leaves and clear sediment from debris: flat filter meshes or funnels. Leaf collection screens are usually installed at the beginning of gutters, and filter screens and funnels are installed where liquid enters the downspouts.

General rules: 15m2 of roof collecting surface = 7.5cm diameter downspout for every 15m length of gutter connected to a 10cm diameter PVC pipe carrying water into the tank.

5. For smaller surfaces, a drain pipe with a diameter of no more than 5 cm for every 12 m of gutter length connected to a PVC pipe with a diameter of 7.5 cm.

6. When joining PVC pipes with cement, turn them a quarter turn back and forth so that the cement is evenly distributed. If small balls have formed around the pipe, then you have done everything correctly - the pipes will not leak. Also, do not forget to leave not very large reserves of length when cutting pipes - approximately 7.5 cm (for connections).

7. The tank must be installed at the highest point, since the water pressure is 453 g/2.54 cm2 for every 70 cm of height.

There are three simple steps to draining rainwater at your dacha - direct, slow and absorb. Depending on the region, we all do this in slightly different ways.

Some are struggling with heavy runoff water on a sloped property, some are carefully collecting rainwater for the garden, while others simply want to divert stormwater away from the foundation of the house.
The simplest drainage system is a gutter, which directs all rainwater from the roof to the ground.
Instead of a traditional drain, drainage chains, which you can make yourself, do the same task well - this, compared to a drainpipe, is simple and inexpensive.

Traditionally, gardeners collect rainwater for irrigation. You can slightly improve a regular water barrel: add an outlet for a garden hose at the bottom, lower the overflow hose at the top, and put the drain itself directly into the barrel. To do this, it is more convenient to use a flexible module for drainage.

If you need to collect a lot of rainwater, then you can assemble a more complex water collection system, which is based on the simple rule of communicating vessels. There can be as many of these rain barrels connected to each other as you like.

If the task is simply to drain rainwater from the foundation of the house, then you can make simple drainage: a shallow trench with sand and pebbles will reliably drain excess water to 3-4 m.

If the roof area is large or there is a significant slope on the site, then a more voluminous drainage system is made, with an underground storage tank, as shown in the diagram.

One of the modern methods of water drainage is the rain garden, an inexpensive and beautiful way of drainage. This garden looks like an ordinary flower garden, but it absorbs water 30% better.

A rain garden is a flowerbed of wild plants, which is located in a small depression on the site. The soil for such a garden is mixed in a special way: sand, compost, soil; in order to enhance the absorption capacity of the flower garden.

If in your summer cottage the groundwater level is high enough - 50 cm, then this type of drainage will not suit you. In addition, for a clayey area, you need to add gravel to the bottom.

We plant wild plants in the rain garden; they usually tolerate large amounts of moisture and can grow in dry conditions. For a new flower garden, we mulch the plantings with heavy mulch - pine needles, etc., so that the water does not carry it away.

In a rain garden, you can plant not only herbs and flowers, but also shrubs, which are best planted at the edge of the inflow of water - this way they will slow down the flow of water and prevent smaller plants from being washed away.

A rain garden as a method of draining rainwater and draining an area is suitable not only for draining runoff from the roof, but also for gardens with a slight slope.

Good drainage, which will provide this beautiful flower garden with a little secret, it will reduce the number of mosquitoes in the garden and keep your paths dry.


Rainwater harvesting system: how to arrange and use

The installation of an autonomous water supply system is necessary wherever there is no centralized network, that is, in country houses and dachas. The main source of water in remote locations is usually a well or well, but to save water supplies, you can also get an alternative option that uses precipitation.

Let's try to figure out how the rainwater collection system works and how effective it is.

Options for using precipitation

Everything is in order with fresh water reserves in Russia, but the most economical owners of private lands have increasingly begun to think about the rational use of natural resources. Along with solar panels and homemade windmills, they create universal rainwater collection systems that produce positive results on dry days or during periods when the water in the well runs out.

Beautiful practical experience exists in Germany, Holland, Belgium and other European countries. Considering that it is simply impractical to waste tap water on flushing a toilet tank, Europeans have come up with many schemes for using absolutely free, but no less useful natural water.

The diagram of a home water supply system includes the following important components: a water collection field (roof), pipeline, storage tank, pumping equipment, filtration system (+)

Thanks to the use of rainwater, the cost of depreciation of pumping and cleaning equipment is reduced, and personal budget savings occur. The system is so simple that in the absence of a completely finished factory model, you can always assemble it yourself.

The main purpose of the drainage system is to collect the maximum amount of rainwater and move it to a storage tank. The liquid is then used for various household needs: washing, washing, cleaning, watering. No additional purification is needed for watering, but for showering or washing dishes, the water must be filtered. For this purpose, several filters are installed into the water supply, and both coarse and fine cleaning will be required.

To drain excess water or carry out cleaning procedures, another hole is drilled in the tank and a pipe leading to sewer system (+)

A reserve container of water can help out both in case of a shortage of water from the main source, and in the event of force majeure. If you decide to clean the well, then the large tank will allow you to wash, wash, and water your garden crops. Instead of one container, you can install several, then you won’t have to save money.

How to organize rainwater collection for your home

There are no permits or strict regulations required to install rainwater harvesting equipment. At its core, this is a variant of a conventional drainage system, but more rational. To make the accumulation and transportation of water more efficient, it is necessary to take into account some nuances - the condition of the roof, types of storage tanks, the ability to quickly pump water into the house.

What should the roof be like?

There is a popular opinion that only sloping roofs are suitable as work surface to collect water. Indeed, when water flows by gravity into gutters located around the perimeter, it is easier to organize its movement in the desired direction. To do this, you do not need to install additional “traps” and lay communications under the roof.

In fact, there are systems designed for flat roofs as well. When laying layers of insulation and waterproofing, maintain a slope of at least 3%, and install a gutter or tray to collect water at the lowest point.

Drainage devices for flat roofs also include funnels connected to drain risers. The risers can be located both inside the building and installed on external wall. To stimulate the movement of water to the water intake funnel, a depression within a radius of half a meter is arranged around it.

The funnel design may vary. For example, for inversion roofs, two-level roofs are provided that collect and drain condensate from under the insulation layer and rainwater from the roof surface. Traditional flat roofs are equipped with single-level drainage devices that redirect rainwater into the gutter system.

All types of water intake devices must be equipped with mesh protection against volatile contaminants, leaves and dust. For trays, gutters and funnels, protective devices are produced in the form of perforated panels, mesh baskets, etc. On exploited flat roofs A flat protection is installed flush with the surface; on unused ones, it rises above the roof.

The funnel for siphon-vacuum drainage “sucks up” water, so it is suitable even for roofs without a slope. It is designed in such a way that water without air enters the system

In addition to the main funnel, several reserve ones are installed, in case the main one becomes clogged and fails. All devices lead to one pipeline. It has an internal location, that is, it is located under the roof, and a hermetically sealed closed shape, often in the form of a rectangular box. The gravity channel is wider, the siphon-vacuum channel is narrow. The outlet is located above or near the storage tank.

Metal tiles are a practical, relatively inexpensive and convenient material for roofing works. Polymer colored coating that performs protective and aesthetic functions and does not affect water quality

The shape of the roof also does not affect the composition of the water, but roofing material may cause poisoning or illness. As you know, asbestos, which is part of asbestos boards and slate, is very dangerous. Nowadays these materials are rarely used for roofing work, but if you decide to provide a drainage system an old house, be on the lookout. Copper and lead are also dangerous and can be found in pipes, gutters or fasteners.

Safe roofing options:

Modern PVC drainage systems are also absolutely safe and are the most convenient for do-it-yourself installation.

Classification of water collectors and storage tanks

Precipitation falls irregularly, so there are no devices without a “transfer base” that directly connect trays to water collection points. It is necessary to organize a large container for storing the collected water, which will allow it to be used only as needed.

The prototype of all modern tanks is an ordinary barrel. It can still be found in summer cottages, installed directly under the drainpipe. The effectiveness of using a barrel is conditional, since it has a small volume and is not suitable for home water supply. In addition, there are no overflow systems planned in its design; all excess spills over the edges and enters the ground.

The purpose of an ordinary metal or wooden barrel is to collect a small amount of rainwater and then use it for economic purposes: for watering or cleaning

For water storage systems, volumetric tanks are made, which can be divided into two categories:

  • ground, installed under the drainage system near the wall (or inside the building);
  • underground, buried in the ground near the house.

The material for all types is the same - it is polyethylene, less often concrete, fiberglass or steel. Synthetic rainwater storage tanks are in the lead because they are not inferior in performance to analogues made from other materials, but at the same time they are much lighter and therefore more convenient for transportation and installation. The volume of above-ground tanks is from 750 to 2000 liters, underground - from 2000 to 5000 liters.

Modern products are completely ready for connection - they have a large hatch in the upper part and a fitting with a tap in the lower part (for ground-based versions)

Large underground tanks are equipped with surface or submersible pump for forced movement of water to water collection points. Usage various equipment requires additional liquid purification. To do this, a filtration system is used: a filter is installed at the inlet of the tank rough cleaning, the same - at the exit.

Options for plastic tanks for collecting and storing rainwater:

If water flows to sinks for washing or washing dishes, fine filters with a mesh of no more than 5 microns, as well as multi-stage carbon units, are required.

Is a conventional gutter system suitable?

Let's assume your a private house equipped with a full-fledged storm drain, including a set of gutters and trays, drainpipes, sand traps and a sewer outlet to the septic tank. Is it possible to install a structure to use rainwater in a house without major changes? Of course, but you will have to supplement the circuit with storage capacity and related equipment.

First, you will have to analyze the state of the accumulating plane, that is, the roof. You should check its integrity, cleanliness, and if necessary, change the roofing covering to a safer one. If the storm structure of pipes and trays is in order, a large factory-made polyethylene tank can be attached directly to it. Install a fitting at the bottom of the tank for emergency draining.

In order not to disturb the design of the storm drain, the easiest way is to install a large plastic barrel for irrigation, but it will not be suitable for house maintenance

If there is a need to install a large underground tank, you will have to make adjustments to the old structure - most likely, change the location of the sewer pipes. By digging a pit and installing pumping equipment, you will have to re-lay the communications for the drains.

We offer two options for installing rainwater use systems - with an above-ground and underground reservoir.

Simple system with a barrel: step-by-step instructions

To assemble the easiest circuit, you will need a kit for installing gutters, a filter, a ready-made water tank, a short hose and mounting hardware.

The result of the work will be a simple system for collecting water from a sloping roof with a large plastic tank as a storage tank

We purchase plastic gutters, trays and pipes of the required size at a hardware store. If you are not satisfied with plastic, we use galvanized steel parts, homemade or factory-made.

We assemble the drainage system in the following order:

  • Using special brackets or hooks, we secure the gutter along the edge of the roof;
  • At the corner, in a place convenient for installing the tank, we hang the drainpipe;
  • we connect the main elements with a receiving funnel;
  • We seal seams and joints.

When installing gutters, make sure that there is a slight slope towards the pipe (2-3 cm per 1 m). The sizes of pipes and gutters depend on the roof area. For example, a diameter of 80 mm is sufficient to equip a slope of 25-30 m². When assembling the corner pipe to which the tank will be connected, do not forget to insert the filter. The funnel can be equipped with the same filter to retain debris and sand.

Next, we need to remove a small fragment from the pipe, and in its place insert a compact collector that redirects water to the tank

We apply markings with a marker, determining the height of the drainage installation at the level of the top of the container.

We take a hacksaw for metal or plastic (depending on the pipe material) and carefully cut out an area corresponding to the size of the insert part

We take out the sawn-off section and insert the collector in its place.

The manifold is prefabricated and consists of two parts: the upper element is threaded onto the edge of the pipe located at the top, the lower element is threaded onto the section below

We tighten the water inlet tightly, then attach the hose to it. This is easy to do if you install the fitting in advance. We cut a hole of a suitable diameter under the tank lid and insert the second end of the hose into it.

If a flexible elastic hose is attached instead of a plastic or steel connecting element, the container can be moved or tilted

An important nuance: a properly prepared foundation will help excess water to freely go into the ground (or into the sewer), and not spill along the house or flood the foundation. The area for installing the tank is covered with gravel, and a stand is made of ceramic blocks or bricks on top.

Another instruction for installing the Aquacan water collector:

The good thing about assembling factory models is that all the necessary parts and even some of the tools are included with the container.

Diagram of a system with an underground tank

A large container installed near the house can satisfy 50% of the water demand. Thanks to special wiring, rainwater will flow to water collection points that do not require high quality liquid: toilet cisterns, kitchen and watering taps. But even in this case, filters are installed.

The reservoir can be installed under the drainage system on the surface of the soil, in the basement or in a special pit dug near the house. We will choose the third option, in which the container will be completely immersed in the ground, therefore, it will not occupy a free area near the building and will not spoil beautiful landscape with its technological appearance.

Another advantage of a reservoir buried in the soil: cooled rainwater is an unsuitable environment for the development of bacteria, therefore it will not “bloom”

We select a container with a volume of 2.5-3.5 thousand liters, and, based on its dimensions, we look for a place for installation. In addition to the dimensions, when digging a pit, be sure to take into account the horizons groundwater and freezing level. The depth of the hole should be approximately 70 cm more height containers, since 20 cm is a gravel-sand cushion, 50 cm is a layer of earth above the tank (freezing in the middle zone and northern regions in winter).

  • We take out the soil and take the excess to the side;
  • we arrange a compacted gravel-sand cushion;
  • We install a reservoir in the center of the pit;
  • fill it on all sides with a mixture of soil and sand;
  • we install pumping equipment and pipes (drainage and leading into the house).

Of course, before connecting electrical equipment, it is necessary to establish a water supply system from the roof and make internal wiring. Installation of drains occurs in the traditional way, a pipe through a hatch supplies water to the container. The pipeline from the tank leads to certain, pre-selected points. Inside the house, in the utility room or basement, there is a place for installing a pump, filters, and control equipment.

Scheme of using a rainwater collection system: 1 – water level sensor; 2 – float device; 3 – filter; 4 - surface pump; 5 – water tank; 6 – siphon; 7 – filter

After installation and connection, it is necessary to perform a test start: fill the container with water and turn on the pump. If everything is in order, the liquid will quickly flow to the water collection points.

The container should not be empty, as ground movements can cause deformation of the body. If water runs out during a drought, it must be replenished from the main source. In order not to measure the water level using improvised means, you can inside Draw a kind of scale on the wall with divisions in fractions or liters.

Rainwater in the heating system

In some cases, rainwater is used instead of distilled liquid or antifreeze in heating systems of private homes. Natural characteristics- softness, absence of foreign inclusions and cleanliness - make it suitable for pouring into the heating network. To remove possible contaminants “caught” in the atmosphere, it is initially passed through a filter.

Option for installing a storage tank inside the house (in a boiler room, basement or utility room): a pump, filters, pressure gauge and piping are located nearby

In addition to cleaning procedures, it helps to enrich the liquid with special inhibitors and surfactants that reduce the tendency of water to form corrosion and plaque. Chemical compounds promote the dissolution of lime and other deposits.

Useful video on the topic

Educational informational videos will help you install your own rainwater storage tank.

How to make a rainwater collection system with an external tank with your own hands:

Useful theoretical information:

Preparing a plastic barrel for autonomous water supply:

The purity and natural softness of rainwater allow it to be used for household needs, irrigation, and sometimes for filling heating system. Thanks a lot storage tank and pump, you can always use a backup source of water, which is available when the well is empty.

Rainwater Harvesting: A Fashion Trend or a “Well Forgotten Old Thing”

In some places, collecting rainwater from the roof is a tribute to environmental trends, in others it is an urgent need. Imagine that you don’t have a river or your own well at your dacha, but the gardening community provides water for irrigation “by the hour” (the tomatoes will have time to burn and the cucumbers will become bitter). Yes, even if there are no problems with the water supply in your area, rainwater still has its advantages. Let’s figure out where to store it and how to use the “reserves” of rainwater at the dacha. And have the methods of collecting rainwater changed over the centuries?

Our country occupies a leading place in the world in terms of fresh water reserves. In most of its territory, the problem of availability of drinking water and even agricultural water is not an issue. However, a barrel for collecting rainwater under the overhang of the roof of a private house is as indispensable an attribute of country life, familiar from childhood, as a barbecue or a hammock.

Why collect and how to use rainwater at home

Rainwater is an accessible resource; you don’t need to make any effort to get it: neither your own strength - you don’t need to lift water from a well or carry it from a reservoir - nor electricity to extract it from a well or transfer it through pipes. All that is needed is to provide conditions for collection and storage. The possibilities for using rainwater in a dacha are very wide. If we analyze the daily water consumption, even in urban conditions only a small part of it is used for drinking. Outside the city, taking into account agricultural and technical needs, the need for water is much higher. And a significant part of them can be covered by rain collection.

When people talk about rainwater, they usually mention its softness. However, this indicator, along with purity, very much depends on the environmental situation of the region and collection conditions - including the materials with which the water comes into contact both during drainage and during storage. The degree of purity determines the use of rainwater in a country house. Conventionally, three practically applicable areas of its use can be named.

Water was collected traditionally for garden needs: both during the heyday of dacha farming and long before that. Water from a barrel is ideal for irrigation - it has warmed up enough, which means it can be used to supply moisture to crops that do not tolerate cooling of the roots. Water directly from a well is not suitable for them.

In conditions of unstable rainfall distribution, collecting rainwater for irrigation also allows you to create a reserve for dry periods to minimize the use of water from other sources for irrigation. In this case, it is necessary to provide additional water containers that will at least partially cover the need for water for irrigation.

There are no particularly strict requirements for the purity of water for irrigation, which means there is no need for a complex filter system and strict control (unless you use sprinkler systems - here you cannot do without filtration). For this reason, the use of rainwater for irrigation is, of course, the most common application. But not the only thing.


How to give: Planning an irrigation system for the site

A little bit more high requirements presented to water for technical use. The main thing is that it is cleaned of debris and coarse impurities. This water can be used to wash paths and platforms, facades, floors in the house, cars and other equipment. And also for flushing the toilet.

The closer to a person, the more thorough the cleaning should be. At the proper level, rainwater can be used for washing - if it retains its softness, it will additionally help save detergents. Also, clean rainwater can be used for washing in a bathhouse and for a garden shower. It is too traditional way its application: the most common and simplest version of a country shower is a barrel on supports.


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Dear Garden Associates, Inc.

Is it possible to use rainwater for drinking? In its pure form, collected rainwater cannot be used for food purposes. Without additional testing and a comprehensive cleaning system, it is impossible to be sure of its safety. Drinking water must undergo multi-stage filtration, including biological treatment. There are also serious requirements for its storage conditions. The rainwater collection system in the house is much more complex than the devices that we usually use on the site. Of course, in regions with a shortage of drinking water this is justified. Such systems are also discussed in detail by “survivalists”. In a number of places, the use of rainwater for drinking is a forced and necessary measure. But if there is a more reliable and proven method of obtaining drinking water - a well, a well, a central water supply system, even imported packaged water - it is still safer to use them. For washing dishes and personal hygiene, it is also worth using proven drinking water.

How to collect rainwater The easiest and most common way to collect water at your dacha with your own hands is from the roof. Its slopes provide an extensive collecting surface. To ensure good drainage of rainwater from the roof, it must have a slope of at least 10 degrees. However, for our country pitched roofs- the most common type, so the question of how best to collect rainwater does not arise. Flat roofs in private construction this is still a rarity for us, but even on them the slope necessary for water drainage is provided.


What is snow to me, what is heat to me: How to choose a roof for a recreation area in a dacha Site Lines Architecture Inc. The material from which the roof is made is important. But if you do not collect drinking water, but plan to use it only for irrigation and technical needs, then it will not be as decisive as it is usually presented. Water requirements for domestic needs are already higher. Of course, the roof from which water is collected should not contain toxic or toxic substances. But this is true in any case, since the runoff, even if you do not specifically collect it, still ends up in the soil. The most environmentally friendly, of course, will be roofs made of ceramic tiles. But don't forget that in modern conditions and we often cover it with various protective compounds of chemical origin.


Roof garden: How to choose the right plants Water from the roof is collected in a gutter and is then discharged down through drainpipes or other devices. In principle, both the gutter and the pipes are parts of the most common drainage system, which allows you to “concentrate” the drainage of rainwater from the roof, to carry it out locally, regardless of whether you collect the water for further use, or divert it further. To ensure efficient drainage, the gutter is also placed with a slope towards the discharge points - the same 10 degrees.

The diameter of the gutter is chosen based on the level of precipitation in the region, but not on its average, but with a margin. Also, its size and placement will depend on the angle of the roof slope - make sure that the water will fall into the gutter and not overflow through it. This - common mistake.

To protect the gutter and water from large debris and leaves, you can cover the top with a mesh. This will prevent bottleneck drains from becoming clogged. And it will be much easier to clean the gutter itself.

Drainpipes are located at least every 10 meters. Or on the corners of a building. Usually they are equipped with a bell at the top. The diameter of the pipe is chosen depending on the volume of the drain - from 8 to 30 cm. The pipes are fixed at a short distance from the wall - as a rule, it is 5-7 cm. Protrusions and cornices are bypassed using bends and elbows.

To reduce splashes during free flow, chains can be used instead of stationary, rigidly fixed downpipes various types: traditional, from links fastened to each other, or from caps strung in series.

The materials from which the gutter and pipes are made must be resistant to weather conditions and the effects of water. Their environmental friendliness is subject to the same requirements as roofing materials.

Top Tier Seamless Gutters

When it is important to ensure higher purity - when collecting water for domestic needs and, especially, for drinking (with mandatory further purification), the collection system is complicated. A valve is installed in the gutters or pipes to release the primary runoff - a certain volume of water, which, after the start of rain, washes the roof and removes the main contaminants from it. When using water for irrigation and technical needs, there is no need for such complication.

Where to collectWhere does the water go after the drainpipe? Depending on the required level of purification - into a storage tank or into an intermediate filtration tank. Both familiar barrels and tanks of other shapes are used as such a reservoir. Their volume can be from 50-200 liters to several tons.

Ideally, regardless of what you plan to use the water for in the future, use containers made from food-grade materials. They are the most inert, and since, unlike intermediate paths of water movement, during storage it is in contact with the surface for a long period, the environmental friendliness of the materials is much more important here. Perfect solution- rainwater barrel made of opaque food-grade plastic. Stainless, enameled and painted metal with special dyes are also often used.

The color of the tank is also important - in a black container, water heats up faster, and reflective surfaces will protect it from overheating. The benefits of a particular quality depend on how you intend to use the water. Heating is needed to organize an outdoor shower. For irrigation, the water needs to be slightly heated, but not too high. For long-term storage Cool conditions are preferred. Long warm-up high temperatures has a detrimental effect on many types of bacteria, but the sun middle zone it is unlikely to be able to provide such conditions.

A.GRUPPO Architects - San Marcos It’s good if there is more than one container - they are needed at least under each drainage point. It is also convenient to divide them according to the function of using rainwater in the house. To prevent debris from getting into the barrel, it is equipped with a lid into which the end of the drainpipe is cut. Or they cover it with a net - in such a container it will be possible to collect water in the absence of a drain. These measures will also ensure the safety of children and animals.


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Where to place Where to install a barrel for collecting and storing water is not so much a question of decor as of functionality. Its placement will determine how the water will be stored and how it can be used. And also how it will be supplied for further use.


Household business: How to make a site more convenient without losing its decorative effect The most obvious location is in places of intense drainage: near the house and buildings under drainpipes. However, rainwater will also be collected in a separate container, although less efficiently without a large drainage surface. In this case, the tank should have a wide open neck. You can equip it with a funnel-shaped end to increase the area for collecting water for irrigation and other needs. You should also not forget about the mesh and removable cover. Regardless of whether you place the tank near the house or install it separately, it is convenient to place it on a hill. Already when installing the barrel at a height of 0.5-1 meter, water for many functions can be obtained without using a pump.
By gravity, you can organize drip irrigation of your garden by installing automatic or mechanical water supply valves. Also, without using additional equipment, you can rinse tools, dirty shoes or fill a bucket of water.


Good question: Why does a house need a porch? By installing the tank even higher, you will get the simplest gravity-flow country shower with natural water heating by the sun. The main thing here is to ensure the reliability of the supports and frame. And also monitor the balance of water heating - the sun can bring it to scorching temperatures. Here, on the contrary, protection from sun rays. Draining rainwater from the roof is easy to organize, as is maintaining the system. But you will have to use a pump to supply water.

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