Solar radiation: types and effects on the body. Solar radiation spectrum: description, features and interesting facts

The sun is the main source of energy on Earth. Without it, life would not exist. And although everything literally revolves around the Sun, we very rarely think about how our star works.

Structure of the Sun

To understand how the Sun works, you first need to understand its structure.

  • Core.
  • Radiative transfer zone.
  • Convective zone.
  • Atmosphere: photosphere, chromosphere, corona, solar wind.

The diameter of the solar core is 150-175,000 km, about 20-25% of the solar radius. The core temperature reaches 14 million degrees Kelvin. Thermonuclear reactions constantly occur inside, producing helium. It is in the core that as a result of this reaction energy is released, as well as heat. The rest of the Sun is heated by this energy, it passes through all the layers to the photosphere.

The radiative transfer zone is located above the core. Energy is transferred through the emission and absorption of photons.

Above the radiative transfer zone is the convective zone. Here, energy transfer is carried out not by re-radiation, but by matter transfer. At high speed, the cooler substance of the photosphere penetrates into the convective zone, and radiation from the radiative transfer zone rises to the surface - this is convection.

The photosphere is the visible surface of the Sun. From this layer comes most of visible radiation. Radiation no longer penetrates into the photosphere deep layers. The average temperature of the layer reaches 5778 K.

The chromosphere surrounds the photosphere and has a reddish tint. Emissions - spicules - constantly occur from the surface of the chromosphere.

The last outer shell of our star is the corona, consisting of energetic eruptions and prominences that form the solar wind, spreading to the farthest corners of the solar system. The average temperature of the corona is 1-2 million K, but there are areas with 20 million K.

The solar wind is a stream of ionized particles propagating to the boundaries of the heliosphere at a speed of about 400 km/s. Many phenomena on Earth are associated with the solar wind, e.g. Polar Lights and magnetic storms.

Solar radiation

The solar plasma has high electrical conductivity, which contributes to the emergence of electric currents and magnetic fields.

The sun is the strongest emitter of electromagnetic waves in the world, which gives us:

  • ultra-violet rays;
  • visible light - 44% solar energy(mainly yellow-green spectrum);
  • infrared rays - 48%;
  • x-ray radiation;
  • radiation.

Only 8% of the energy is devoted to ultraviolet, x-ray and radiation. Visible light is located between the rays of the infrared and ultraviolet spectrum.

The Sun is also a powerful source of radio waves of non-thermal nature. In addition to all kinds of electromagnetic rays, a constant stream of particles is emitted: electrons, protons, neutrinos, and so on.

All types of radiation exert their influence on the Earth. It is this influence that we feel.

Exposure to UV rays

Ultraviolet rays affect the Earth and all living things. Thanks to them, the ozone layer exists, since UV rays destroy oxygen, which is modified into ozone. The Earth's magnetic field in turn forms the ozone layer, which, paradoxically, weakens the strength of UV exposure.

For living organisms and environment Ultraviolet influences in many ways:

  • promotes the production of vitamin D;
  • has antiseptic properties;
  • causes tanning;
  • enhances the work of hematopoietic organs;
  • increases blood clotting;
  • alkaline reserve increases;
  • disinfects surfaces of objects and liquids;
  • stimulates metabolic processes.

It is ultraviolet radiation that promotes self-purification of the atmosphere, eliminates smog, smoke and dust particles.

Depending on latitude, the strength of exposure to UV radiation varies greatly.

Exposure to infrared rays: why and how the Sun heats

All heat on Earth is infrared rays, which appear due to the thermonuclear fusion of hydrogen to form helium. This reaction is accompanied by a huge release of radiant energy. About 1000 watts per square meter. It is for this reason that IR radiation is often called thermal.

Surprisingly, the Earth acts as an infrared emitter. The planet, as well as clouds, absorb infrared rays and then re-radiate this energy back into the atmosphere. Substances such as water vapor, water droplets, methane, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, some fluorine and sulfur compounds emit infrared rays in all directions. It is thanks to this that it takes place Greenhouse effect, which maintains the Earth's surface in a constantly heated state.

Infrared rays not only heat the surfaces of objects and living beings, but also have other effects:

  • disinfect;
  • improve metabolism;
  • stimulate blood circulation;
  • relieve pain;
  • normalize water-salt balance;
  • strengthen the immune system.

Why does the sun heat weakly in winter?

Since the Earth rotates around the Sun with a certain axis tilt, the poles are tilted at different times of the year. In the first half of the year, the North Pole is turned towards the Sun, in the second - the South Pole. Accordingly, the angle of exposure to solar energy changes, as well as the power.

A person cannot live without the sun's rays. The sun gives us joy and helps us stay healthy. Sun rays affect the production of serotonin, which improves mood and performance. They are necessary for the synthesis of vitamin D3, which is important for bones, without which calcium cannot be absorbed in the body.

As a matter of fact, what is considered the “sun” in our minds is actually just not the largest part of it. The human eye can detect only 40% of the sun's rays. The “invisible” Sun is infrared radiation (50%) and ultraviolet (10%).

Types of sun rays:

1. Ultraviolet (UVC, UVB, UVA)
I) UVC - do not reach the Earth’s surface and are completely absorbed by the upper layers of the atmosphere.
II) UVB - do not pass beyond the epidermis, causing a lasting tan.
III) UVA - penetrate the dermis, causing an “instant tan” that appears immediately after exposure to the sun and quickly disappears.

2. Infrared (IR-A, IR-B, IR-C) - thermal radiation from the Sun. IR-A rays are able to penetrate the hypodermis and subcutaneous fat.

Do you remember the rhyme about “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits”? Violet (“pheasant”) is the last visible part of the solar spectrum, followed by ultraviolet. Red (“every”) is the first color of the solar spectrum accessible to our vision, preceded by invisible infrared rays.

Different types of sunlight differ from each other in an important physical characteristic - wavelength, which determines their properties.

  • UVB rays are practically unable to penetrate ordinary glass. UVA and IR rays penetrate glass easily. Therefore, sitting near a closed window on a hot day cannot get a tan, but you can get heatstroke.
  • Infrared rays are unable to penetrate water. 60% of UVB and 85% of UVA rays penetrate to a sufficient depth. Therefore, being in a body of water, we do not feel the heat, but we can get sunburn.

Doctors do not recommend staying long time in the sun without using solar cosmetics. It is needed not only during a trip to the sea or an excursion in the desert, but also when you are simply in the fresh air for a long time: working in the garden, taking a walk, skiing or cycling. Solar cosmetics will save you from troubles that can come from the sun's rays.

UVB rays can cause burns and pigment spots on the skin. UVA rays damage collagen and elastin fibers, causing the skin to lose firmness and elasticity.

Infrared A-rays for a long time were considered harmless. However, research conducted at the University of Dusseldorf in 2003 showed that IRA rays, when exposed to human skin, lead to the formation of free radicals that destroy collagen fibers, leading to premature aging. Ladival was the first to use a patented formula with antioxidants in solar cosmetics to protect against harmful effects IRA rays. Its effectiveness has been clinically proven.

5 facts about the Sun:

1. The word "Sun" in English language is an exception: it has the form of a personal pronoun and belongs to the masculine gender - “He”.

2. Lack of sunlight can cause a mental disorder - winter depression (Seasonal Affective Disorder). Its symptoms are drowsiness, lethargy, irritability, a feeling of hopelessness, and anxiety.

3. The mass of the Sun is 99.85% of the mass of the solar system. The share of its remaining objects accounts for only 0.15%.

4. About 1 million planets the size of Earth could fit inside the Sun.

5. The force of gravity on the Sun is 28 times greater than the force of gravity on Earth: a person on Earth weighs 60 kilograms on the Sun would weigh 1680 kilograms.

Sunny days always bring joy to people. They fill us up vital energy and saturate our body with vitamin D. The sun makes everything around us more beautiful and rich. But its impact on human body can bring not only benefits, but also harm. If you carry out a large number of time under the sun's rays, this is fraught with the appearance of various serious diseases. Therefore, in this article I would like to talk about the benefits and harms of the sun, and ways to avoid the harmful effects of UV rays.

Health Benefits of the Sun

  • strengthens the immune system,
  • production of vitamin D,
  • participates in calcium metabolism,
  • improves blood circulation,
  • stimulates the digestive system,
  • strengthens the bone skeleton,
  • protects against complications during pregnancy,
  • treats skin diseases,
  • stimulates the production of hormones,
  • energizes,
  • lifts the mood
  • helps cope with stress and depression,
  • calms the nervous system,
  • improves sleep.

Normalizes blood pressure. It has been proven that exposure to ultraviolet light releases nitric oxide in the body. It accelerates metabolic processes, reduces blood pressure and prevents the formation of blood clots, reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Protects the heart. According to scientists from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine (USA), regular sunbathing can extend life by 26%. The fact is that at this time vitamin D appears in sufficient quantities, which prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Strengthens protective functions body. Thanks to ultraviolet radiation and heat, we rarely get sick in the summer. But everything is good in moderation: if you overdo it with tanning and bask on the beach for a long time, your immunity will weaken. This is the reason why northerners at the resort are more likely to suffer from herpes and colds.

The sun's rays help fight bacteria. Therefore, for those who suffer from dermatitis and eczema, their condition improves in the warm season, and for teenagers, the number of acne and pimples decreases. Fungal skin diseases disappear until autumn.

Strengthens the skeletal system. Without exposure to ultraviolet light, calciferol is not formed. A deficiency of this substance leads to a serious disturbance of calcium metabolism, which cannot be restored with pharmaceutical drugs. In adults under such conditions, osteoporosis develops - brittle bones, dangerous for fractures, and in children rickets appears.

Increases tone. Sunlight stimulates the production of happiness hormones - endorphin and serotonin. The first improves mood, performance, concentration, and increases energy. The second also makes you happy and protects against allergies.

Sunlight is available even in cloudy weather and cool days - some of the rays penetrate through the thickness of the clouds. For the health of the heart and blood vessels, it is most beneficial to be outside in this weather. Walk every day, from dawn to 11 a.m., it invigorates and tones, and from 4 p.m. to sunset to relax.

Listed above positive impacts The effects of the sun on the human body are, of course, possible only in the case of proper exposure to the sun's rays.

Harm from the sun to humans

We understand that without the sun there would be no life on Earth and that ultraviolet radiation triggers the production of vitamin D in the skin. But at the same time, radiation causes the formation of free radicals and cell mutation, and can lead to photoaging of the skin, loss of elasticity, and in the worst case, the development of a malignant tumor – melanomas. In other words, no matter how much you take care of your skin all year, the sun can ruin everything. And if not everyone cares about beauty and eternal youth, then certainly no one wants to risk their life.

Harm from sun rays

We are interested in long wavelengths UVA and mid wavelength UVB. Is there some more short waves UVC, but they are lost in the atmosphere. So, the first ones are the ones that shine even in snowy March. They overcome all obstacles, including clouds, fog, glass, so 95 out of 100 such rays reach the surface of the Earth. They penetrate deep into the skin and delight us with a tan, but in the wrong doses they lead to photoaging of the skin.

The second, B-rays, are afraid of clouds and windows, but pose a much greater danger in clear weather. They cause sunburn and skin cancer. It is because of them that from 10 am to 5 pm you need to stay away from the sun, because it is during these hours that UVB rays are active.

Harmful effects of sunscreens and products

The threat of solar radiation does not mean that we should cover our bodies with the first available sunscreen with the maximum SPF factor and calmly sunbathe in the sun. On the contrary, many such creams and lotions pose no less danger. Made from non-natural chemical substances, they block the skin's natural protection from the sun and may also cause the development of melanoma. It is even more dangerous to apply them to areas where there is already a sunburn. In addition, many people overly rely on sunscreen and, having covered their whole body with it, boldly relax for hours in the open air.

We must not forget that any, even the best sunscreen, requires reapplication every two hours, and even this does not replace a reasonable regime of staying outside. When it comes to UV protection, as with many things in life, it’s important to be mindful and strike a balance.

Skin protection from the sun

How can you get the benefits of the sun without harming your health?

Sunbathing 15 minutes a day is enough

Sunbathe for 15 minutes every day - this is enough for the body to produce the necessary dose of vitamin D. Of course, absorbing direct rays is only permissible in weak sun conditions, that is, early in the morning or after 17-18 hours. While taking beneficial sunbathing, no protection is needed . The rest of the time that you want to spend outside, be in the shade or use the simplest physical protection: wear a wide hat, be sure to Sunglasses and light, breathable clothing (for example, linen) that covers the body as much as possible.

Gradually accustom your skin to the sun

Research has found that people who regularly spend time in the sun have more stable protection against ultraviolet radiation, are less likely to burn and are less susceptible to developing skin diseases. The point is that the body needs to be accustomed to sunbathing gradually, starting from a few minutes, going out into the sun regularly, as if for a procedure, without applying any protective equipment, but still beware of strong sun and avoid burns.

Another study found that children who were exposed to “healthy” sun from a young age were less exposed to ultraviolet hazards as adults because they had developed natural defense mechanisms over the years.

Use natural tanning products

There are many natural products that are naturally endowed with SPF. These include basic and vegetable oils cold pressed: hemp, olive, sesame, coconut, jojoba, avocado, macadamia, walnut, wheat germ oil and others.

Yes, they provide very weak protection (up to SPF-10), but you will be calm that your skin product is natural and safe. In addition, vegetable oils will additionally moisturize and nourish your body. For more intense protection, use carrot seed oil (SPF up to 40) or raspberry seed oil (SPF up to 50), which will protect against both types of dangerous rays.

Additionally, you can use mineral powder for everyday sun protection. Small particles of minerals in it will create a physical barrier and prevent rays from reaching your skin. Of course, such a product will give an SPF of no more than 15–30, but it will perform two tasks at once: both resist ultraviolet radiation and mattify. Make sure that the composition of the powder is natural, without synthetic dyes, parabens and preservatives, without talc and bismuth oxychloride. But mineral powder contains zinc oxide and titanium dioxide - these are the components that protect against UVA and UVB rays.

Use natural after-sun products

The trick is that ultraviolet radiation continues to damage some skin cells for several hours after exposure to the sun, even if it is already dark. This process can be stopped with an antioxidant, so make it a rule after sunbathing to apply a product containing vitamin E to your body. These include almost all known vegetable oils: sunflower, olive, flaxseed, sesame, corn, burdock, almond, sprout oil wheat and so on.

There are products for sun protection

And one more most natural and effective way sun protection, of course proper nutrition. Your diet should be rich in antioxidant foods ( green tea, tomatoes, pomegranate, nuts, seeds, berries, herbs, citrus fruits and more), but if eaten today, they will give effect only in a couple of weeks.

There are also special dietary supplements to supply the body with antioxidants.

Also, summer is a great time to give up smoking and alcohol, because, among other things, they undermine the natural protection of the skin.

The sun's rays, without any doubt, have a great influence on humans. They affect his mood and well-being. As mentioned above, without the sun there would be no life on Earth. But sun damage can also be quite significant. Therefore, it is necessary to always observe moderation in everything and include awareness of your actions.

The answer to the question, what is solar radiation, is the entire spectrum of light emitted by the sun. It includes visible light and all other frequencies of radiation in the electromagnetic spectrum. Compared to familiar energy sources on Earth, the Sun emits enormous amounts of energy. The type of radiation emitted by the sun is a product of its high temperature, which is caused by nuclear fusion inside the Sun's core. Solar radiation is studied by scientists because the influence of the Sun on the human body and the planet as a whole is very enormous.

Only a small fraction of solar radiation ever reaches Earth: most of it is radiated into empty space. However, the fraction that actually reaches the Earth is much larger than the amount of energy consumed on Earth by sources such as fossil fuels. Great amount energy emitted by the sun can be explained by its large mass and high temperature.

Types of solar radiation

Total solar radiation, often called global radiation, is the sum of direct, diffuse, and reflected radiation. The solar radiation available to us is always a mixture of the above three components.

Kinds solar radiation

Direct radiation

Direct radiation is obtained from the sun's rays moving directly from the sun to the earth. The direction of radiation is also called beam radiation or direct beam radiation. Since direct radiation is the sun's rays moving in a straight line, shadows of objects that appear in the path of the sun's rays are formed. Shadows indicate the presence of direct radiation.
In sunny areas and during the summer, direct radiation accounts for almost 70-80% of the total radiation. IN solar installations uses solar tracking to absorb most of the direct radiation. If solar system tracking is not installed, valuable direct radiation will not be captured.

Diffuse radiation

Direct radiation has a fixed direction. Diffuse radiation does not have a fixed direction. When the sun's rays are scattered by particles present in the atmosphere, these scattered sun rays account for diffuse radiation.

As pollution increases, the amount of diffuse radiation also increases. In hilly areas and during winter, the percentage of diffuse radiation increases. Maximum amount of scattered radiation is captured solar panels when they are held horizontally. This means that for solar panels that are angled to track most of the direct radiation, the amount of stray radiation captured by the panels will be reduced. The greater the angle that solar panels make with the ground, the less will be the amount of scattered radiation captured by the panels.

Reflected and global radiation

Reflected radiation is the component of radiation that is reflected from surfaces other than air particles. Radiation reflected from hills, trees, houses, bodies of water reflects reflected radiation. Reflected radiation usually makes up a small percentage of global radiation, but can contribute up to 15% in snowy areas.

Global radiation is the sum of direct, diffuse and reflected radiation. Solar radiation is a combination of ultraviolet and infrared waves. Each of these components affects the body in its own way.

The influence of solar radiation on the human body

Speaking about the effect of the sun on the human body, it is impossible to determine exactly. What impact does it have on human health, harm or benefit? The sun's rays emit ultraviolet and infrared radiation. The rays of the sun are like kilocalories obtained from food. Their deficiency leads to emaciation, and in excess they cause obesity. So it is in this situation. A moderate amount of solar radiation has a positive effect on the body, while an excess ultraviolet radiation provokes the appearance of burns and the development of numerous diseases. Influence

Positive effects of infrared radiation

The main feature of infrared rays is that they create a thermal effect, which has a positive effect on the human body. The heating element helps to dilate blood vessels and normalize blood circulation. Heat has a relaxing effect on the muscles, providing a slight anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Under the influence of heat, metabolism increases and the processes of assimilation of biologically active components are normalized. Infrared radiation from the sun stimulates the brain and visual apparatus.

Interesting! Thanks to solar radiation, it synchronizes biological rhythms body, starting with sleep and wakefulness patterns. Treatment with infrared rays of the sun improves skin condition and eliminates acne. Warm light lifts the mood and improves a person’s emotional background. They also improve sperm quality in men and potency.

Positive effects of ultraviolet radiation

Despite all the controversy about the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation on the body, its absence can lead to serious health problems. This is one of the most important factors of existence. And lack ultraviolet light in the body, brings the following changes:
Firstly, it weakens the immune system (primarily the effect is on cells in the body). This is due to impaired absorption of vitamins and minerals, metabolic disorders at the cellular level.

The sun replenishes the lack of vitamin D

There is a tendency to develop new or exacerbation of chronic diseases, complications most often occurring. Lethargy, chronic fatigue syndrome, and decreased efficiency levels were noted. Lack of ultraviolet light for children prevents the formation of vitamin D and causes a slowdown. However, you need to understand that excessive solar activity will not benefit the body.

Negative effects of the sun

Exposure time to infrared and ultraviolet waves must be strictly limited. Excessive solar radiation:

  • may provoke a deterioration in the general condition of the body (so-called thermal shock due to overheating);
  • negatively affect the skin, they can cause permanent changes;
  • impairs vision;
  • causes hormonal disturbances in the body;
  • may provoke the development of allergic reactions;
  • may provoke Negative influence on the human genome and the structure of human DNA;
  • negatively affects the fetus;
  • negatively affects the human psyche.

The effect of the sun on the skin

Excessive amounts of solar radiation lead to serious skin problems. In the short term, you risk burns or dermatitis. This is the smallest problem you may encounter when enchanted by the sun on a hot day. If this situation is repeated with enviable regularity, solar radiation will stimulate the formation of malignant tumors in skin melanoma.

In addition, ultraviolet irradiation dehydrates the skin, making it thin and sensitive. But permanent residence under direct rays accelerates the aging process, causing the appearance of early wrinkles.

Negative impact on vision

The effect of sunlight on the visual apparatus is enormous. Indeed, thanks to the rays of light we receive information about the world around us. Artificial lighting In some ways it can be an alternative to natural light, but in terms of reading and writing, lamp light increases eye strain.
Talking about negative impact per person and about visible sunlight, this means eye damage from prolonged exposure to the sun without sunglasses.
Due to the discomfort you may experience, you may experience eye pain, redness, and photophobia. The most serious damage to the retina is burning. It is also possible to dry out the skin and form wrinkles.

The effects of radiation on the human body in space

Space radiation is one of the main health hazards from space flight. It is dangerous because it has enough energy to change or destroy DNA molecules, which can damage or kill cells. This can lead to health problems ranging from acute effects to long-term exposure.

Acute effects, such as changes in the blood, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, are mild and recover. Other effects of acute radiation are much more serious, such as damage to the central nervous system or even death. Such exposure should not result from exposure to cosmic radiation, unless the astronaut is exposed to solar particles, such as a solar flare, which produces high doses of radiation.

What if we collected all the visible radiation from the Sun into a laser-type beam with a diameter of a meter and sent it to Earth?

Max Schaefer

Here's what Max described:

If you find yourself in the path of the beam, you will, of course, die quickly. And not even “from something,” as usually happens, you will simply turn from a biological phenomenon into a physical one.

When a beam of light reaches the atmosphere, it will heat the air at the point of impact to millions of degrees in a fraction of a second. [ 1 ] . ↲Fahrenheit, Celsius, Rankine or Kelvin - it doesn't matter at all.↳ This air will turn into plasma and begin to dissipate heat in all directions in the form of x-rays. They will heat up ambient air, turning it into plasma, which will emit infrared light. It's like an explosion hydrogen bomb, but much more intense.

This radiation will evaporate everything around, turn the nearest region of the atmosphere into plasma and begin to devour the surface of the Earth.

What if you find yourself on the other side of the planet? You won't survive anyway - in this situation, the Earth is doomed. But from what exactly you will die?

The size of the Earth is enough to protect people for back side from Max's beam, although not for long. Seismic waves from destruction will also not immediately pass through the planet. But they won't kill you anyway. The earth is not a perfect shield.

Twilight will destroy you.

It's dark at night [ ], because the Sun shines on the other side of the planet [ ] . But the night sky is not always dark absolute. Before dawn and after sunset, a glow is visible because the atmosphere bends the light of the hidden Sun.

If our beam hits the Earth, a spectrum of radiation from X-rays to heat will be released into the atmosphere, so it’s worth understanding how different types light interacts with air.

Speaking of ordinary light, you may have heard of Rayleigh scattering as the answer to the question “why is the sky blue?” The explanation is generally correct, but the answer “because the air is blue” is perhaps even better. Of course it's blue for a variety of physical reasons, but All has color for many physical reasons [2]. ↲To the question “why is the Statue of Liberty green?” we will answer something like “the statue is covered with copper and was once copper in color, but over time due to oxidation a layer of copper carbonate has formed, which is green.” We won't say that what makes a statue green is the scattering and absorption of light. certain frequencies surface molecules."

When the air heats up, electrons lose connection with the nuclei of atoms - plasma is obtained. The radiation flow from the beam passes through it, so we need to find out how transparent this plasma is to various types radiation. Here I want to recall an article by Harris L. Meyer from 1964 Transparency calculations. Past and future, its introductory paragraph is the best of any physics paper I've seen:

The prerequisites for this work appeared several billion years ago. Once stars began to form, transparency became one of the basic parameters determining structure. physical world, in which we live. And in Lately, with development nuclear weapons, operating at intrastellar temperatures, transparency also becomes one of the basic parameters that determine the processes from which we can all die.

Plasma better than air transmits x-rays. They will pass right through it and heat it up thanks to the Compton effect and pair production. But the rays will quickly stop as soon as they come into contact with the non-plasma air outside. But the plasma sphere will constantly expand thanks to X-rays from the superheated air around the beam. The new plasma at the edges will add infrared radiation to the stream that is scorching everything in its path.

A ring of heat and light will spread across the planet, heating the air and earth. As the air heats up, plasma and radiation will spread further and further beyond the horizon. In addition, part of the atmosphere will be knocked out by the beam into space and from there will reflect light back to the planet.

Accurate the speed at which radiation circles the Earth depends on various characteristics of atmospheric scattering, but it is unimportant if the Moon is at quarter the entire time.

When Max's device turns on, the Moon will not be visible - the sunlight illuminating it will be concentrated in a beam. After it touches the atmosphere, the quarter moon will appear.

When the beam from Max's device touches the Earth's atmosphere, the light from the point of contact will illuminate the Moon. Depending on the satellite's position and your location on the planet's surface, the reflected moonlight alone could easily incinerate you...

...and twilight, having shrouded the planet, will bring with it the last sunset [3]. ↲This picture is convenient to annoy certain groups of people:

One subtlety could save the Earth from complete destruction. Is Max's mechanism capable of holding at gunpoint? moving target? If not, the planet will be out of harm's way in just three minutes. People, however, will still be fried, the atmosphere and surface will become noticeably smaller, but the bulk of the Earth will continue its path in orbit like a charred block.

Our sunbeam death, deep space will open up. If years later it reaches another planetary system, it will be too diffuse and will not be able to incinerate anything, but its brightness will certainly be enough to heat the surfaces of local planets.

Max's scenario may have doomed the Earth, but - if it's any consolation - we won't necessarily die alone.

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