A method for burning bird droppings and a boiler for implementing the method. Boiler room using direct combustion

There is a saying that a man is made of a gentleman like a bullet is made of dung. But the domestic Kulibins have slightly corrected this folk wisdom. Now Joint-Stock Company"Belkotlomash" became the first Belarusian enterprise where they established a new perspective view products: water heating boilers, burning litter and dung mass.

Such disposal of poultry waste allows solving two important problems for the industry at once: economic and environmental. The boiler not only produces thermal energy, but also burns chicken droppings, which becomes dangerous if stored, processed and disposed of inappropriately.

It is known that today broiler chickens are raised mainly on deep litter. The advantage of this technology is that From one day of age until slaughter, birds are kept in the same room. Deep litter absorbs moisture and harmful gases well, improves the sanitary condition of the room and serves as thermal insulation. However, this method has one serious drawback, since one chicken requires about 2.5-3 kilograms of sawdust.

As a result, in every factory that uses floor growing technology, tens of tons of used litter and manure accumulate every day. A poultry farm for 400 thousand laying hens receives about 30 thousand tons of litter. When it rots, about 700 tons of biogas are released, including 450 tons of methane, 208 tons carbon dioxide, 35 tons of hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide and ammonia. Damage to the ecosystem from emissions is estimated at millions of dollars.

Therefore, for poultry farms in Belarus and other countries of the world, recycling poultry waste is a rather difficult task. This manure mass (in natural or granular form) can be used as fertilizer, but it must be applied to the soil in small quantities, since otherwise the land will be taken out of circulation for a long time. If there are several large poultry farms in close proximity to each other, then waste disposal is already a serious environmental problem.

Small water heating boilers are installed directly on the territory of the poultry farm

The best way out of the situation is burning manure in boilers operating on solid fuel. This task is not easy. The litter mass contains sulfur and phosphorus compounds, which destroy the pipe system of the units and render it inoperable in a matter of months. One of the enterprises not only in Belarus, but throughout post-Soviet space, which took on the solution to this problem, is Belkotlomash.

The installation he developed can use litter litter humidity up to 60%. The thermal energy obtained from combustion is used for heating and technological needs of the poultry farm. The litter does not require pre-drying or granulation, which greatly simplifies the entire process. Already today, experts have calculated that the use of such boiler equipment will allow domestic broiler poultry farms to obtain a number of competitive advantages. First of all, this will significantly reduce the cost of purchasing gas, which amounts to hundreds of thousands of dollars annually (for poultry farms that use gas boilers), reduce capital costs for the construction of manure storage facilities, and also significantly reduce the environmental load on the environment by disposing of a toxic product without the need for long-term storage. The developers of the new equipment report that The boiler test was successful, therefore, in the very near future it will be supplied to poultry farms in Belarus, Russia and other interested countries in the region.

4. WEYDER - just likes to joke (life in Ukraine is not very fun, but for WEYDER - for a number of reasons, which I won’t talk about here - this is his personal life, and life is even sadder. Here he is, so that you don’t give up and - he jokes sometimes. But correctly - with feeling, with sense and arrangement. At the same time, many people often fall for his jokes and pranks - he is also talented at pranks).

Russ everything is fine now, we scared the enemies, and to possible death I now treat the biosuit against enemies with a great deal of indifference, as well as this foray onto the planet, I’m just studying it, enjoying it.

Regarding firing with chicken fertilizer:
1. A biogas plant in winter is, in my opinion, still an unprofitable idea. Much more promising is a direct biothermal reaction with the removal of strains of bacteria operating at temperatures of 80C. To do this, I will soon (if the bathhouse doesn’t kill me) will build a more advanced biothermoreactor capable of clearly controlling temperature and gas exchange in order to launch a stable biothermoreaction.
But this will not allow me to process what I have already accumulated. And it is unknown how the research will go.

2. Combustion, it is understandable and convenient and easily controlled + positive experiments, tests, have already been carried out, you have seen the photo. Yes, the energy turned out to be rather weak and very dependent on drying, but! There’s actually a lot of this fuel, so you just need to burn more of it to get the energy you need for your home.
And I think it’s quite possible to heat your house in winter. (the main thing is to finish the boiler quickly)

3. As for the biogas plant, I have already said that it is not profitable in winter, it is difficult to control the reaction, there are many problems with it - precisely in winter when gas is desperately needed, and you need a lot of it.
In the summer, for a summer gas stove, yes, it’s convenient.

P.S. in fact I very rarely joke

3. where exactly and how kindly the farm manager will “send” you when you offer him a boiler in which he will have to burn (suffering from the fumes of ammonia and trying to set the water on fire) chicken droppings instead of firewood.

Russ, in fact, the situation is this: it is easier for farmers to buy saltpeter than to scatter free manure.

I'm tense with time now, everything is in my head, there's no time to transfer it to the computer. First, you need to assemble an experimental boiler, test it in the winter, eliminate all the shortcomings, and then you can come up with something, maybe we’ll cooperate together and make the production of burners. I can make the electronics and write the correct program in MK (without it, nothing good can come of it) , and you are iron. ? What do you think?
But first you need to conduct tests. There is no way to sell raw products.

here in the Donetsk region, best case scenario they will take him out “for free”, and in any ravine there are MOUNTAINS and at the poultry farms around this there are dead lakes.

I can’t say for sure about the consistency of the product. but what I saw myself is about the same as thick sour cream. But it can be for the better. It is convenient to feed into the boiler. and the filling of the mine will be almost 100%.

liquid? It is absolutely useless to feed into the boiler. It needs to be dried in summer in dryers, or biothermoreactors, as I did.

Even a little damp - it will die out by *bina *attery - I tried it a couple of years ago (for other purposes). A chicken does not have enough energy to evaporate half a liter of water from a liter of volume. Yes, and it is very bound there, it cooks, it burns, but even after hours it dries very badly.

Fuel - chicken manure mixed with bedding from sunflower husks, dried to a moisture content of 23%.

The experimental installation is a vortex furnace, designed in the form of an external pre-furnace.

Results of an experiment on burning chicken manure

Place of the experiment: Volnyansk

Date: January 26-27, 2011

Indoor air temperature - + 13- + 15оС

Air temperature outside - -15оС

Fuel - chicken manure mixed with bedding from sunflower husks, dried to a moisture content of 23%. There are no other data on calorie content, fractional composition, volatile yield, as well as on the composition of the mineral part.

Brief description of the installation: the experimental installation is a vortex furnace, made in the form of an external pre-furnace. The pre-firebox is installed in the immediate vicinity of the E10-14 steam boiler, and is connected to it by a thermally insulated flue and is used with TDM and existing system boiler automation, structurally designed according to the following scheme. The cylindrical body, lined with nutria and refractory material, is equipped with two swirlers (upper and lower) and 4 blast zones located in height to organize vortex motion. In the upper zone there is a tangential fuel input unit with a supply of primary blast for the purpose of joint input with fuel. A swirler is installed above the upper blast zone into which secondary blast air is supplied to form an organized release of flue gases from the vortex pre-furnace. The lower blast zone consists of a lower swirler, with a central hole for unloading ash, and main blast nozzles. Secondary air is supplied to the middle blast zones in order to maintain the stability of the vortex flow in height.

Description of the experiment:

A pneumatic transport system into the reactor was tested, and vortex motion was organized in the furnace. Air is supplied to the following areas:


Lower swirl:

Lower main blast nozzles.

The remaining blast zones are practically switched off due to the high resistance of the gas path.

The installation was started from a cold state by igniting the kindling material. The fuel supply system worked reliably. The vortex was in a stable state. No deposits were observed on the walls of the reactor or the furnace floor. The temperature in the reactor is 800-1100 ° C, depending on the fuel consumption, set by changing the number of revolutions of the feeder.

Continuous continuous operation turned out to be impossible due to the lack of water in the boiler and, accordingly, the utilization of heat leaving the installation.

In general, during the day it was necessary to start the vortex pre-furnace three times; the starts were carried out without difficulties with a quick return to operating modes.

01/27/2011 (after 15 hours).

2-3 test runs were made on wood, the ignition mode in a hot firebox was tried. Temporary stops were due to fuel hanging in the bunker and the boiler safety system being activated. All blast zones are completely closed, except for the bottom row of main blast nozzles due to lack of fuel for transportation.

Zharkov G. V. *, Ph.D. Drunk K. E. **, Pupin V. B. **.
* LLC "Adaptika" ( village Belye Berega, Bryansk, Russia),
** Institute of Gas NAS U (Kyiv, Ukraine)

annotation. With the development of poultry farming, the problem of disposal of chicken manure is becoming increasingly important. Litter is a strong pollutant of soil, water and air. At the same time, litter is a valuable raw material for the production of fertilizers, feed additives and an energy resource. Given comparative analysis various directions of litter disposal. The most effective seems to be an integrated approach to recycling, which is based on the production and gasification of pellets from litter, using coke-ash residue as a high-quality fertilizer and generating electrical and thermal energy for our own needs and external consumers. The compositions of generator gas obtained by gasification of pellets from litter and native droppings are given. A scheme of an enterprise for complex processing of manure is proposed.

Currently the most dynamically developing industry Agriculture region - poultry farming. It achieves the greatest return on production per unit of feed consumed. As a result, from 2008 to 2012 in Russian Federation There was a steady increase in the poultry population. During this period it increased by 123.4 million heads. The increase in 2012 alone amounted to more than 24 million heads, reaching 394.2 million heads by the beginning of 2013. It is obvious that, like every rapidly growing industry, poultry farming has its growing pains. One of the most painful problems is the problem of disposal of chicken manure.

Ministry natural resources The Russian Federation dated December 2, 2002 approved the “Federal Classification Catalog of Waste”, in which bird droppings are included as a substance of hazard class III. Poultry farms began to face serious penalties for disposing of so-called “hazardous waste.”

Taking into account the Russian Government Decree dated July 12, 2003 No. 344 “On the standards of payment for emissions in atmospheric air pollutants from stationary and mobile sources, discharges of pollutants into surface and underground water bodies, disposal of production and consumption waste” for the disposal of hazard class III waste (bird droppings) a fine of 497 rubles is charged from poultry farms. per ton, if in poultry farms bird droppings are not disposed of, but accumulated in storage facilities. Currently, according to the Ministry of Agriculture, payments by agricultural companies for placing manure and other waste on their lands reach up to 35 billion rubles. per year, not counting fines for pollution environment.

Litter-free droppings by level chemical pollution the environment is 10 times more dangerous than municipal waste. Being favorable environment for the preservation and development of various microorganisms and helminths, droppings pose a threat of contamination of water bodies, soil, groundwater, feed and pastures with dangerous pathogens for people and animals. According to the World Health Organization, more than 100 species of various pathogens of animals and humans can successfully develop in this environment.

The greatest level of environmental stress is experienced by fields for the disposal of litter-free manure. The area of ​​fields contaminated with organic waste, including livestock waste, in the Russian Federation exceeds 2.4 million hectares, with 20% being heavily polluted, 54% polluted, and 26% slightly polluted. These lands are a constant source of biosphere pollution. When storing litter for a long time on unpaved areas open to precipitation, ecological problems inevitable. In the surface soil layer (0.4 m), the level of mineral nitrogen reaches 4950 kg/ha, including the level of nitrate nitrogen exceeds 2500 kg/ha, which is 17 times higher compared to uncontaminated soil. IN groundwater the content of nitrate nitrogen exceeds its content in drainage waters from the field 2 times, ammonia nitrogen - 8 times, phosphorus - 11 times, potassium - 10 times. Only environmental damage from violation of regulations for the use of litter-free litter is currently estimated at 150 billion rubles. The damage caused to the health of people and animals cannot be estimated even approximately. The incidence rate of the population in areas where large livestock enterprises and poultry farms operate is 1.6 times higher than it average In Russian federation.

The data presented confirm that well-organized waste disposal is very important both for the successful conduct of competitive production and for ensuring the coexistence of poultry farming complexes and the population of adjacent territories.

Chicken manure is not only waste, but also a valuable raw material that must be used. It is known that bird droppings are:

  • organic fertilizer with a high nutrient content. Chicken manure is superior to manure as a fertilizer; it contains: nitrogen (N) - 1.6%, phosphorus (P) - 1.5%, potassium (K) - 0.8%, calcium (Ca) - 2.4% , magnesium (Mg) - 0.7%, sulfur (S) - 0.4%. It also contains trace elements: copper, manganese, cobalt, zinc, and amino acids;
  • valuable feed additive. Dry chicken manure contains 26-38% crude protein, 12-14% fiber, 3-5% fat, 3-9% calcium, up to 5% phosphorus;
  • biofuel, the lower calorific value of which is 3500...4000 kcal/kg dry weight, depending on the presence and composition of litter.

The use of litter is not only technically possible, but also economically justified. It is of interest to create an enterprise designed for complex use droppings in all of the above directions. Let us outline the main provisions of this approach.

Litter as a raw material for the production of fertilizers. The essence of the process involves the production of granular fertilizers using accelerated composting. This approach fully satisfies the requirements of the document “Veterinary and sanitary rules for preparation for use as organic fertilizers manure, litter and wastewater for infectious and invasive diseases of animals and poultry" (approved by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation on August 4, 1997 No. 13-7-2/1027) and allows you to obtain a high-quality environmentally friendly product, for which there is a steady demand from agricultural producers. Requirements for quality, control methods, storage conditions, transportation and even standards for the use of such a product have already been developed and set out in GOST R 53117-2008 “Organic fertilizers based on animal waste. Technical conditions". Exist ready-made solutions on accelerated composting, studies have been conducted on the effect of fertilizers based on composted manure on crop yields. All that remains is to select a set of equipment for the production of equipment, provide it with energy and begin to form a network of consumers, production and sales. Obviously, if the cost of the produced fertilizers is not high, and the form is convenient for use, this product will be a significant competitor to traditional mineral fertilizers.

Litter as a component of feed for cattle . A feature of digestion in birds is the rapid movement of food through the alimentary tract. As a result, not all components and nutrients are assimilated. As a result, the content of such a valuable product as proteins in chicken manure exceeds 30%. The digestive tract of ruminants allows for the efficient extraction of nutrients from feed. This makes it possible to use bird droppings as an additive to the natural diet of cattle. It is impossible to use unprocessed manure for these purposes: the characteristic smell, taste, pathogenic and opportunistic microflora do not allow the use of manure as a feed additive. However, drying and heat treatment eliminate odors and destroy microflora. This opens up wide possibilities for using chicken manure. Research on the effects of using manure as fertilizer was carried out in many countries, including the USSR, consistently showing good results, On this basis, back in 1976, the Ministry of Agriculture approved the “Temporary Veterinary and Sanitary Requirements for Dry Poultry Manure Used for Feeding Farm Animals.”

Feeding in the form of prepared chicken manure can significantly increase the weight gain of animals during fattening, while reducing the costs of ensuring this gain. As in the case of using manure as fertilizer, the requirements for widespread use are the same: low price and ease of use.

Litter as an energy resource. Let’s immediately make a reservation that using native (without bedding) litter to meet energy needs is considered unreasonable. Mendeleev's phrase about oil can be fully applied to chicken droppings. Native litter should be used in the above directions. With regard to litter litter, the disposal of which is a real problem, and the results of processing are not so clear, its reasonable use as energy resource absolutely justified. Several areas of such use are possible: biogas production and its further use; direct combustion; gasification and use of the resulting gaseous fuel.

Biogas production involves anaerobic decomposition of manure, purification of biogas and combustion in gas piston engines to produce electricity and thermal energy by recycling the heat of engine exhaust gases.

Let's evaluate the efficiency of a cogeneration complex based on a biogas plant based on the following data:

  • The biogas yield from the anaerobic decomposition of chicken manure with litter with a moisture content of 60%, according to ZORG Biogas, reaches 90 m³ per 1 ton.
  • biogas combustion heat - 5000-6500 kcal/nm 3 ;
  • when operating gas piston engines, up to 40% of the initial energy potential of the fuel can be obtained in the form of thermal energy;

Analysis of the presented data shows:

  • from 10 tons of litter with a humidity of 45%, 13.75 tons of litter with a humidity of 60% will be obtained
  • the gas output will be 13.75 t/h ∙90 m³/t = 1237.5 m³/h;
  • energy potential of the resulting gas 1237.5 m³/h ∙ 5750 kcal/m³ = 7.12 (8.28 MW∙h);
  • which makes it possible to generate electricity - 8.28 MW ∙ 0.35 = 2.9 MW∙hour;
  • additional thermal energy production will be 7.12 Gcal ∙ 0.4 = 2.85 Gcal.

Thus, the complex, designed for the production of biogas from 10 t/h of chicken litter with a moisture content of 45% and the production of electrical and thermal energy, provides the generation of: 2.9 MW of electrical energy and 2.85 Gcal of thermal energy.

The advantages and disadvantages of this technology are known. Let us list the main problems: a long and rather delicate process of processing feedstock, the need to maintain the temperature of the substrate above the ambient temperature, large volumes of fertilizers with high humidity (92 ... 95%) obtained during processing. A significant problem for such use of litter is also the high specific capital investments for the creation of complexes, reaching 2000...2500 Euro per 1 kW of installed capacity for the analyzed case.

Direct combustion. Let's consider a similar situation involving the production of electrical and thermal energy. The litter is burned in a steam boiler, generating steam and used to generate electrical energy through a steam turbine. Considering the complexes under the same conditions, we obtain:

  • the capacity of the manure processing complex is 10 t/h (at a humidity of 45%);
  • efficiency steam boiler operating on solid fuel - 82%;
  • efficiency steam turbogenerator when operating in condensing mode -25%.

Analysis of the presented data:

  • Let us take the specific lower heat of combustion of dry material to be 4000 kcal/kg, which is quite justified in the case of using sawdust as a filler. Then the total heat of combustion of litter manure at a humidity of 45% will be:
    4000 ∙ (1 -0.45) - 550 ∙ 0.45 = 1952.5 kcal/kg
  • The energy potential of manure burned in 1 hour in a boiler will be:
    1952.5 ∙ 10000 = 19.52 Gcal
  • energy potential of steam obtained from litter:
    19.52 Gcal ∙ 0.82 = 16 Gcal (18.6 MW∙hour)
  • production of electrical energy using a steam turbine operating in condensing mode:
    18.6 MW∙hour ∙ 0.25 = 4.65 MW∙hour.

It is also possible to operate the complex with a turbine, which provides for industrial steam extraction or heating mode. In this case, electricity production will be reduced, but the complex will be able to supply thermal energy.

Thus, the complex, designed for direct combustion of 10 t/h of chicken litter with a moisture content of 45% and the production of electrical energy, can generate up to 4.65 MW of electricity.

Compared to the technology discussed earlier, capital costs will be significantly lower. Average unit costs for a steam cycle electricity production complex is 1500 Euro per 1 kW of installed capacity.

Unfortunately, burning litter manure without pre-treatment is difficult task, the solution of which is associated with the need to ensure compliance with environmental standards. The humidity and composition of the disposed litter is not a constant value, which affects the operating mode of the equipment and the composition of the emissions.

Much attention is paid to waste incineration around the world. Specific requirements for waste incineration are set out in Directive 2000/76/EC of the European Parliament on waste incineration. This document states that when burning non-hazardous waste, it is mandatory to maintain a temperature in the combustion chamber of at least 850 °C and hold gaseous products at this temperature for at least 2 seconds. If hazardous waste containing more than 1% halogen is incinerated organic compounds, expressed as chlorine, the temperature must be at least 1100 °C. The problems of direct burning and possible environmental risks significantly reduce the value of this approach to the use of manure.

Gasification. A real alternative to biogas production and direct combustion technologies may be the technology of gasification of chicken manure with the subsequent use of the produced generator gas to generate thermal and electrical energy. It is important that the use of gasification technology is most effective within the framework of a multifunctional complex for the disposal of chicken manure. At the same time, the commercial products at the output of the complex are fertilizers, fuel pellets, electrical and thermal energy.

There are several technologies for producing gaseous fuel by thermal processing. Based on our own experience in the gasification of various initial products, including manure and other agricultural waste, we proceed from the position that the power unit must use prepared fuel with stable characteristics in terms of humidity, energy indicators, and fractional composition. Only this approach allows us to obtain stable performance indicators of the energy complex. Suggested solutions include:

  • drying litter manure until relative humidity 20%;
  • granulation of dried manure;
  • gasification of fuel pellets;
  • use of the resulting gaseous fuel for the production of thermal and electrical energy;
  • use of coke-ash residue for the production of fertilizers.

Let's consider the operation of a complex designed for gasification of chicken manure under the conditions presented earlier:

  • the capacity of the manure processing complex is 10 t/h (at a humidity of 45%);
  • drying the litter to a relative humidity of 20%
  • granulation, energy consumption - 100 kW/t granules
  • efficiency electric gas piston engines - 35%;
  • production of thermal energy - up to 40% of the initial energy potential of the fuel;
  • efficiency gas generator for generator gas - 75%;
  • additional thermal energy production 10%;
  • efficiency drying complex 50%
  • formation of coke-ash residue - up to 20%.

Analysis of the presented data:

  • the specific heat of combustion of dry material is 4000 kcal/kg, which is justified when sawdust is used as a filler. The total heat of combustion of litter manure at a humidity of 20% will be:
    4000 ∙ (1 -0.2) - 550 ∙ 0.2 = 3090 kcal/kg

A humidity level of 20% corresponds to the content of 200 kg of water in 1 ton of litter. To obtain this result, 312.5 kg of water must be removed from 1 ton of litter with a moisture content of 45%. As a result, from 10 tons of litter with a moisture content of 45%, we obtain 6.875 tons of litter with a moisture content of 20%. The total amount of evaporated moisture will be 3125 kg.

  • The energy potential of the manure supplied for gasification will be:
    3090 ∙ 6875 = 21.2 Gcal
  • energy potential of gas obtained from prepared litter:
    21.2 Gcal ∙ 0.75 = 15.9 Gcal (18.5 MW∙hour)
  • production of electrical energy using a piston engine running on generator gas:
    18.5 MW∙hour∙0.35 = 6.48 MW∙hour.
  • additional thermal energy generation:
    15.9 Gcal∙ 0.1+15.9 Gcal∙ 0.4 = 7.95 Gcal.
  • coke-ash residue production: 6.875 t ∙ 0.2 = 1.375 t/hour

The residue, whose moisture content is close to 0 and whose mineral content is higher than that of the original manure, is used as a filler in the production of composted fertilizers.

Energy costs for the functioning of the complex:

  • drying of manure, ensuring the removal of 3125 kg of moisture per hour. Thermal energy consumption:
    550kcal/kg ∙ 3125 kg / 0.5 = 3.44 Gcal;
  • production of granules to ensure the operation of the complex:
    6.875 t ∙ 100 kW∙hour = 687.5 kW∙hour.

Thus, a complex designed for gasification of 10 t/h of chicken litter with a moisture content of 45% and the production of electrical and thermal energy, minus energy for its own needs, provides the generation of 6.48 - 0.6875 = 5.8 MW of electric and 7.95 - 3.44 = 4.5 Gcal of thermal energy.

The gasification complex can provide the supply of gaseous fuel to ensure the operation of energy equipment - boilers, furnaces, and other fuel-using units. Instead of piston machines for the production of electrical energy, solutions involving the production and use of steam in turbogenerators or steam engines can also be used.

The operating features of the complex, which includes gasification of prepared chicken manure, are as follows:

1. The technology involves the use of a reverse gasification process, in which gaseous products are formed in a reacting high-temperature zone. Operating temperatures of 1000...1200°C ensure reliable decomposition of hydrocarbon compounds into simple components. The composition of the gas produced from litter litter filled with sawdust is presented in Table 1. As part of the study of the possibility of using prepared manure as fuel, tests were also carried out on the gasification of granular native manure, which showed that obtaining energy gas from it is possible only by enriching the air blast with oxygen (Table 1).

Table 1. Gas composition during gasification of pellets from manure


Material for gasification, blast composition

Litter with wood bedding, air blast

Native litter granulated, percentage of oxygen in the blast

Heat of combustion, kcal/m3

2. Gasification technology developed for gasification of brown coal by the Sibtermo company (Krasnoyarsk) was used in waste processing. The operation of the generator is clear from the circuit diagram of the unit, which is presented in Fig. 1. The generator is filled with fuel. The top layer of fuel is heated due to electric heating to the auto-ignition temperature. Air is then supplied to the generator from below. As a result, the reaction layer heats up and the gasification process begins. During operation of the generator, the reacting layer moves down, and above it a layer of coke-ash residue is formed, in which additional gas purification occurs. Organization of generator operation with low gas velocities during internal space provides long time presence of gasification products in the zone high temperatures and low removal of ash particles. The generator operating time on one load is at least 9 hours. When the process is completed, the air supply is stopped, the generator is cooled, the coke-ash residue is unloaded and the operating cycle is repeated. Operation of the complex with an installed capacity of 2 MW using generator gas (Fig. 2) confirmed the reliability of the equipment and its high economic indicators. Automatic system control allows you to track everything important events during the operation of the complex, quickly manage technological process and save values important parameters(Fig. 3.). The complex for ensuring operation is made of three gas generators of the same type, the alternating operation of which ensures the operation of the remaining equipment of the complex in a continuous mode.

3. The resulting gas is cooled, purified and can be used in power generating units. At the same time, the environmental indicators when using it correspond to the emission of pollutants when power units operate on natural gas.

Fig.1. Schematic diagram periodic gas generator

— fuel reserve layer;

— layer of heating, oxidation and reduction;

— layer of coke-ash residue;

— direction of gas movement.

Technology for high-quality purification of generator gas, as well as equipment for producing electrical and thermal energy from it using engines internal combustion developed by Adaptika LLC. The first of the launched installations, with an installed capacity of 100 kW of electrical energy, using generator gas produced from wood waste as fuel, worked for more than 2 years, which confirms the reliability of the created complex. The technological chain for processing wood waste into electrical and thermal energy, serial production of power generating complexes has been established. The next obvious step was the decision to dispose of agricultural waste, one of which is the processing of litter manure. Specific capital costs for the creation of the complex do not exceed 2000 Euro per 1 kW of installed electrical power.

Fig.2. Operating biogasification complex with a capacity of 2 MW.

Fig.3. Mnemonic diagram of the complex for the production and use of generator gas.

A comparison of the results of the analysis carried out for the technologies under consideration shows the superiority of gasification technology in terms of the energy efficiency of using manure, and the comparative simplicity of the production and use of generator gas. Capital costs for the creation of gasification complexes and the use of generator gas are comparable to the costs of other technologies.

The above materials show that an integrated approach to the disposal of chicken manure is the most effective. The production of energy in quantities exceeding one's own needs, as well as the production of fertilizers for use in one's own fields, significantly increase the efficiency and economy of the enterprise as a whole. The following production structure is assumed (Fig. 4):

The complex is designed to produce fertilizers from composted chicken manure, fuel pellets, granulated feed additives and thermal and electrical energy. It is advisable to select the capacity of the units with some reserve, ensuring flexible use of the entire complex with the predominant production of the most profitable type of product in a given period.

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