A warm bed for cucumbers in the spring on your own. How to make a warm bed for cucumbers in the spring? Lazy cucumber bed

Cucumbers love warmth, so they are best suited for growing them. warm beds for cucumbers. Before starting to set them up, it is best to draw a plan of the garden and determine on it where the cucumbers will be located. On a flat area, the beds should be oriented from south to north. If there is a slope, it is necessary to build horizontal terraces and arrange beds in boxes.

Types of warm beds

Warm cucumber beds can be of three types:

  1. with deep laying;
  2. on the soil surface;
  3. above the surface of the earth.

In order to make a bed with a bookmark, you need to dig a trench two shovels deep, lay it across with branches and cover it with sawdust. Place a layer of straw, garden waste, autumn leaves, unripened compost or newspapers (cardboard) 5 to 7 cm thick on top of the branches and sawdust. All this is poured warm water, then a mixture of garden soil and compost is poured.

This cucumber bed can last up to 5 years or more. In the second year, there is no need to supplement the top layer with compost - it is produced by the bed itself.

Advantages of a cucumber bed with a bookmark:

  • comfortable ;
  • water does not stagnate;
  • no digging required in spring (only loosening);
  • Cucumbers can be planted much earlier than in a simple garden bed.

How to make warm beds for cucumbers on the surface of the soil?

Even easier than with a bookmark. You need to dig up the bed while removing weeds, lay down a mixture of soil and garden soil, fill it with warm water and cover it with film (preferably black). The film can be secured with stones or bricks. This design is suitable for landing.

What is the best way to make warm beds for cucumbers above the ground (vegetable containers)?
These designs are more complex, as they require the construction of a box made of boards, slate and bricks. Sand is poured onto the bottom of such a container, then wood waste, which is covered with a layer of organic waste (leaves, skins of fruits and vegetables, eggshells). The next layer is straw. Each layer must be thoroughly compacted and watered with liquid manure. All this is covered with a mixture of garden soil and compost.

Pros and cons of warm cucumber beds above the soil surface:

  • you can make several beds of the same size;
  • this design is convenient for watering and weeding;
  • takes up little space;
  • there is no mess or dirt;
  • productivity almost doubles.

Cucumbers should be planted along the edges of the box in two rows, which allows increasing the illumination of the plants.

If you plant cucumbers in warm beds in early spring, you can cover them made of plastic arcs and polyethylene. This increases the effect of a warm cucumber bed and allows you to get an early harvest of this crop that does not depend on the weather.

What is the best way to make warm beds for cucumbers in a very small area?

If there is very little land, it is possible to do. The simplest option is old tire. First you need to dig a hole of the appropriate size, lay down branches, straw, organic waste, install a tire and fill it with a mixture of soil and humus. The lattice allows you to save space by preventing the cucumbers from growing wider.

A tire can easily be replaced by a circle made of any other material - the growing technology does not change.

Another option is with a volume of 150-200 liters. In autumn or early spring, half of it is filled with tree branches, sawdust, and mown grass.
Before planting, pour a mixture of garden soil with rotted manure or compost and pour hot water and cover with black film (to keep the soil warm). In order for the cucumbers to grow upward, half-arcs about one meter high are placed in the ground along the edges of the barrel. In the middle of the container you need to stick a wooden peg to which the stems will be tied. Cucumber seedlings are planted in holes cut in the film.
If there is no barrel, it can be made from several tires, placing them one on top of the other.

Pros and cons of warm cucumber beds in a barrel:

  • space is saved;
  • organic matter warms as it decomposes root system, which allows you to get the harvest earlier;
  • due to their location above the soil, plants are not afraid of frost;
  • there is no need to dig the bed;
  • no feeding required;
  • convenient to care for and pick cucumbers;
  • clean cucumbers.

The disadvantages include the need to purchase barrels (look for tires) and have a large amount of organic waste.

The same principle of a vertical warm cucumber bed is used when growing this crop in bags or bags made of polyethylene (volume approximately 100-120 liters). In addition to the bag (package), you will need a wooden stick (about 2 m long), three tubes with a cross-section of 30 mm, a cord (30 m), 20 pegs.

You need to hammer several nails into one end of the stick - the cord will be attached to them. Holes must be drilled along the entire length of the tubes. Then you can fill the bag (package) in the same way as a barrel. A wooden stick is driven in the middle, and tubes are placed around it to create an irrigation system. Seeds (seedlings) are planted only at the top (the same as in a barrel). To plant more vegetables, also make holes on the sides. The advantages of this method are the same as when using a barrel.

More complex vertical beds can be seen in the image below:

Their installation requires certain skills, but they also save space. You can get the harvest early if you line each box with thick plastic film and make a miniature warm bed.

Hanging beds can also be classified as vertical, since they also consist of boxes, but require practically no space - they are mounted on the wall. Unlike a large, warm bed for cucumbers in boxes, the soil must be changed every year.

How to make warm beds for cucumbers in a greenhouse

The principle is almost the same as when constructing a deep bed: digging a trench 40-50 cm deep, laying wood waste, straw, and grass at the bottom. Each layer is sprinkled with a mixture of sand and peat and watered with warm water. The topmost layer is soil with manure or humus. Such a bed is covered with polyethylene or lutrapsil. You can plant cucumbers in just a few days. The bottom layer of a warm cucumber bed lasts for several years; every spring, only the mixture of soil with humus or manure is changed.

Some gardeners do not use any leftover wood and make the entire bottom layer from straw, grass and leaves. To speed up the decay process, you can use drugs that promote decomposition.

In a greenhouse, you can also make beds on the soil surface (do not dig trenches), but you will need a frame made of boards. In this case, the entire contents of the frame are changed every year.

To enhance the effect of warm beds, a heating system is installed, allowing cucumbers to be planted at the end of winter. The heating system consists of buried between the bottom and top layers polypropylene pipes. Passes through them hot water, preventing the soil from freezing. In equipping warm beds in greenhouses in Lately New products that run on electricity are also used.

Video - warm bed for cucumbers

Cucumbers love warmth. If you plant them in a warm bed, the duration of fruiting and the yield of each individual bush will be higher. It is necessary to take care of creating such a structure in the fall. Let's consider the 3 most popular options among summer residents.

Deep cucumber bed

First you need to dig a trench with a depth of about 40 cm and a width of about 150 cm. The length can be arbitrary. Branches should be laid across the bottom. Empty places They are filled with sawdust between them.

A 7 cm layer of straw is laid on the base prepared in this way. A mixture of cow dung and garden soil is placed on top of it.

As a result, the bed should protrude slightly to the surface. Its edges should be fenced with slate or boards. You should get a low rectangular frame. It is advisable to securely fasten its corners with corners.

The productivity of such a warm bed will be enough for 3-4 years. The cucumber harvest will be significantly larger, and the fruiting period will increase.

Surface warm bed.

Dig up a regular bed about 3.5 m long and about 1 m wide. Try to remove as many weeds as possible.

Pour a bucket of liquid cow manure or bird droppings, then 2 buckets of compost. If the soil is clayey, add 2 additional buckets of sand. Carefully level each layer using a rake. There is no need to mix them with each other.

The resulting warm bed must be evenly shed with warm water. After this, cover it with a dark film, the edges of which are securely secured with stones, bricks or other heavy objects.

High cucumber bed

A tall rectangular box without a bottom (30-40 cm), made of slate, wood or plastic, is placed directly on the ground. The width of the box is about 1 m, and the length is about 2 m (our neighbors have about 4 m).

A layer of sand is poured onto the bottom. Then add a layer of branches and wooden waste (not covered with stain or other chemicals). Next comes a layer of accumulated organic waste. Can be used eggshells, skins and other waste remaining after peeling fruits and vegetables. Next, lay a layer of straw or leaves.

Each of the above layers must be thoroughly compacted and covered with liquid cow manure.

The box is covered from top to the edges with garden soil mixed with compost.

I advise you to place all the beds listed above in the direction from east to west, so that they are evenly heated by the sun.

How does a warm bed work?

Old tree branches, food waste and manure in the lower layers will gradually decompose, releasing methane and heat. In a warm environment, beneficial microorganisms multiply much better and oxidize methane, forming carbon monoxide. This substance is necessary for cucumbers during active growth and fruiting.

Thanks to internal warmth You can plant cucumbers in a warm bed a few weeks earlier. That is, if you transfer cucumber seedlings to a greenhouse in the first week of May, then to a warm bed in closed ground Cucumbers can be planted already on the 20th of April. Because of this, the seedlings will also need to be planted a couple of weeks earlier.

A warm bed created in the fall will have time to “ripen” over the winter and will begin to work at full capacity in the spring.

Cucumbers are heat-loving vegetable crops. A DIY cucumber bed will be the best gift for these wonderful and so necessary vegetables. After the harvest is harvested in the fall, you can immediately begin preparing the site for the next season's harvest. A warm bed for cucumbers is prepared in several ways.

Methods for arranging beds

  • for this purpose a trench is dug;
  • the trench width is 1.5 m, the depth is two shovels, and the length can be any;
  • the trench is lined with branches across it;
  • empty spaces are filled with sawdust;
  • You need to put straw on top of the sawdust. Straw layer - 5-7 cm;
  • you need to pour manure mixed with soil on top;
  • fill with warm water;
  • make a fence from branches, slate or boards to maintain the shape of the bed and to protect against pests;
  • the southern part of the trench should be inclined;

Such a bed for cucumbers will serve for 5-7 years and delight you with a rich harvest of cucumbers.

1-box; 2-mesh; 3- chopped branches and large wood waste; 4-newspapers and cardboard; 5- wood shavings and sawdust; 6-fresh garden waste; 7-semi-ripe autumn leaves; 8- half-rotted compost, covered with a mixture of mature compost and garden soil.
  1. Bed on the surface of the ground:
  • a bed is dug up (width -1 m, length - 3-5 m);
  • weeds are removed;
  • a bucket of manure or bird droppings is poured in;
  • 1-2 buckets of compost are poured in;
  • for heavy soil, add 1-2 buckets of sand;
  • the layers are leveled with a rake, but not dug up;
  • warm water is poured on top;
  • The bed is covered with a dark film on top and secured with bricks or pipes.
  1. Bed above the ground:
  • placed on the ground wooden box. Can be replaced with a box made of brick or slate;
  • box width - 1 m, length - 2 m;
  • sand should be poured onto the bottom;
  • then a layer of wooden or rag waste;
  • then a layer of organic waste: skins from vegetables and fruits, egg shells, etc.;
  • a layer of leaves or straw;
  • each layer is compacted and watered with liquid manure;
  • top layer - soil plus compost;

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The temperature regime for cucumbers is very important point. The temperature depends on: the convergence of seeds, normal development of seedlings, active fruiting of cucumbers. To avoid sudden temperature changes, you need to make a warm bed

  • the predecessors of cucumbers should be tomatoes, garlic, onions, cabbage;
  • if the bed is built in a place where cucumbers grew before, then it is better to remove the top layer of soil and lay a new one;
  • the beds are located from east to west, thereby they will warm up better.

The temperature regime for cucumbers is a very important point. It depends on the air temperature:

  • seed convergence;
  • normal development of seedlings;
  • active fruiting of cucumbers.

To avoid sudden temperature changes, you need to make a warm bed with your own hands. It is better to do this in the fall rather than in the spring. It will take a lot of effort to create a warm bed, but the result will be worth it.

You can also make a cucumber bed using herbs.

Tools needed to make a warm cucumber bed:

  • shovel, pitchfork;
  • scythe (for mowing grass, since you will need a lot of it);
  • potato peelings, food waste, moldy bread;
  • branches, leaves of trees;
  • boiling water;
  • plastic film or other covering;
  • bricks, boards, plastic bottles.

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Technology for implementing herbal cucumber beds

The boiled mixture of potato peelings and moldy bread crusts should be scattered over the garden bed on top of the grass. It is important that the mixture is still hot, even boiling. Once in the grass, it begins fermentation processes, microorganisms appear that are later useful for the growth of cucumbers.

  1. A trench is being dug. It is best that it be 1 m wide, and the length should be calculated so that the entire area is enough for planting required quantity cucumbers
  2. Next we need grass. She can be anyone. To do this, you need to go to a clearing, preferably to the river, and mow more grass. Freshly cut grass lies at the bottom of the trench and is firmly trampled down. Trample down the laid grass better with your feet. As a result, in the summer the cucumbers will not fall through, because the bed will be dense. Otherwise, the plants will sag and grow in the hole. If the summer is rainy, then water will constantly flow into the hole and the cucumbers will rot.
  3. A mixture of potato peelings and moldy bread crusts is cooked.
  4. The cooked mixture should be scattered over the bed on top of the grass. It is important that the mixture is still hot, even boiling. Once in the grass, it begins fermentation processes, microorganisms appear that are later useful for the growth of cucumbers. Mold and starch contained in potato peelings, also give a reaction and clean the bed for further sowing of cucumbers.
  5. The bed is covered with soil, the same one that was dug out of the trench.
  6. You need to pour another bucket of boiling water on top of the sprinkled soil to consolidate the result.
  7. You should not plant cucumbers in the garden right away. You need to wait a couple of days until everything settles down inside the soil. The grass will ferment with the soil and added to it organic substances. Such a bed no longer requires chemical fertilizers. It is completely ready for planting in terms of soil composition.
  8. And finally, cover the bed with a polyethylene cover.

It is better to secure the film around the edges plastic bottles filled with water so that the film does not move or fly under the influence of the wind.

The bed is ready. The only other thing that is done as the cucumbers grow is watering and harvesting. Otherwise, the garden bed is automatically protected from pests, diseases, weeds and filled with fertilizers. Very comfortably.

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The principle of operation of a warm bed

  1. The basis for insulating the beds are branches that need to be thrown to the bottom of the trench.
  2. As they rot, they begin to produce methane.
  3. Rotting occurs due to the fact that boiling water plus all kinds of waste is poured onto the branches. food products: these include skins, shells, and much more. So with this composition, rotting is guaranteed in any case.
  4. Next, methane produces heat. In a warm environment, all kinds of microorganisms multiply well.
  5. Microorganisms oxidize methane and form carbon dioxide. This very substance feeds the plant during growth and fruiting.

The bed will serve cucumbers not only in the spring. And also many seasons, mainly when the right process laying a trench, about 10 years. Nutrients enough for many seasons, and there will be no need to make a new trench every spring.

You can water cucumbers only with warm water, cold water will destroy the plants, since cucumbers are a heat-loving plant.

In such a warm bed in the spring it will be possible to plant not only cucumbers, but also:

  • cauliflower;
  • zucchini;
  • pumpkin;
  • salad;
  • dill;
  • asters;
  • radish.

The article describes how to make a warm bed for cucumbers in the spring and get a good harvest.

An oblong vegetable with a pleasant fresh taste can be eaten almost from the garden, cut into a salad or pickled. Cucumbers are grown everywhere, but their yield is variable. Meanwhile, you can achieve a high yield of cucumbers every year if you grow them in warm beds.

Cucumbers react poorly to soil temperatures less than +15 and do not grow. In most parts of the country, acceptable conditions for this vegetable crop are created no earlier than June, i.e. You have to wait until summer to plant cucumbers. To start growing in the spring, you have to arrange
greenhouse. There is an easier way to harvest “spring” cucumbers - a warm garden bed.

How to make a warm bed

The best time of year to create it is mid-autumn. As a last resort, you should start building it in early spring, when the snow melts and the ground dries out a little.

Having chosen a section of the garden for a warm bed - it should be extended from east to west for better illumination - a trench is torn to a depth equal to twice the height of a bayonet shovel (about 500-600 mm). The width of the trench is a meter or 1.2 m. The length of the trench being dug can be any, it depends on the expected number of cucumber vines and the availability of free, well-lit sun rays places on the site.

Do-it-yourself warm bed in spring for cucumbers

Wooden logs and branches are laid across the channel in the prepared trench. You can use sawed trunks of old cherries, pears and apple trees, roots and other wood waste. Perfect option– fresh logs 600-700 mm long, they will serve the purpose of creating a warm bed for at least 10 years. Free areas on the sides of the trench are filled with small branches, wood chips and sawdust. The turf, removed during the digging process, is laid on top of the wood filler - it is necessary to turn it over with the weed roots facing up. Then the turf layer is trampled down.

To preserve the shape of the bed for a long time, a box of boards is installed along its perimeter. It should be located with a five-degree slope to the south, which will increase the heating of the soil layers under the sun's rays.

In the “box-shaped” version of the warm bed, dry autumn leaves are poured onto the turf layer, and a 100 mm layer of soil mixed in a 1:1 ratio with compost is laid on top. After two years, the layer of fallen leaves will completely rot and become humus. To replenish it, you need to lay a new portion of fallen leaves in the garden bed every spring.

Why do you need firewood in a garden bed? They, in fact, make it warm - they rot and release methane, providing microorganisms living in the soil with an ideal habitat. They convert methane to carbon dioxide and water absorbed by the roots of vegetable crops planted in a warm bed.

In a situation where it was not possible to create a full-fledged warm bed in the fall, but you want to grow cucumbers on it, you can create it in the spring without digging a trench - so to speak, in a simplified format. On top of the selected area of ​​​​the garden or in a wooden box installed on it, fallen leaves mixed with other plant debris are placed at a height of 300-400 mm and trampled down. Then a 100 mm layer of soil is poured on top and the bed is ready.

Spring vegetables in a warm garden bed

Radishes, dill and lettuce are planted in a warm bed in the first week of April - under plastic film. After two weeks, their planting can be repeated. Cucumber seeds are planted on a warm bed after April 20, the bed remains covered with film. It is convenient to sow the edges of the bed with them, and in the center
necessary vegetable crops for seedlings.

At the end of April - beginning of May, the air temperature at night often drops to negative values, but the development of plants in a warm bed does not stop. It is only important not to allow young shoots to come into contact with the greenhouse film. There is no need to water the garden bed before May; there is enough moisture in it after the snow melts. Having transplanted vegetable seedlings at the end of May into the beds allocated for them, the freed space is sown with cucumber seeds.

You learned how to make a warm bed for cucumbers in the spring, and to reinforce the topic of the video:

To obtain an ultra-early harvest of cucumbers, they are planted in warm beds. At this time, the weather is still cool and there is no point in sowing crop seeds in cold soil. A warm bed significantly speeds up the production of greens; without it, you can wait until mid-June for the start of the season. In the north, cucumbers are grown in warm beds in the summer.

Growing cucumbers in warm beds

Advantages and disadvantages of warm beds

Warm beds have a number of advantages over conventional ones.

  1. Possibility of sowing seeds and planting seedlings for two weeks ahead of schedule and obtaining a very early harvest of finished products.
  2. The number of feedings is reduced, since a sufficient amount of organic matter has already been added to the planting and will be gradually used throughout the growing season. If manure was added to the garden bed in large quantities, then you can not feed it with organic matter at all, but only add potassium, magnesium and microelements.
  3. The roots of cucumbers are always warm, so the plants can more easily tolerate unfavorable conditions.
  4. After harvesting plant residues, there is no need to apply organic fertilizers. Next year, crops that require high soil fertility can be planted here.
  5. Significant reduction in labor and material costs for growing crops.

Despite all the advantages, warm beds also have significant disadvantages.

  1. Accumulation of nitrates in green vegetables. This is very difficult to prevent because large amounts of available nitrogen are found in the soil. Increasing doses of potassium and magnesium, as a counterbalance to nitrates, is not the best solution in this case. Under such conditions, they do not completely eliminate nitrate accumulation.
  2. At very warm spring plants may burn. This is especially true for the southern regions.
  3. Arranging a warm garden bed is not an easy task.

In general, this growing method has more advantages than disadvantages. In summer, cucumbers are not planted in such beds. You can plant greens on it, and closer to autumn, when the summer heat subsides, you can cultivate cucumbers again.

What is a warm bed?

Essentially, this is a layer cake, the main component of which, the “filling” so to speak, is organic matter. In addition to it, the composition includes sawdust, plant and food residues, peat and fertile soil.

Arranging a warm bed

As a result chemical reaction A large amount of heat is released between the components, the soil is always warm, which allows the crop to be planted 15-20 days ahead of schedule.

It is advisable to maintain the sequence of layers:

  • wood debris (branches, chips, boards);
  • plant residues (various peelings, banana skins, onion peel etc.), tops, leaves;
  • manure or compost;
  • fertile land.

But most often, not all components are included in the garden bed. The main component - manure or compost - must be present; it is this that gives greatest number heat.

Slowly rotting components (sawdust, branches, boards) go to the very bottom. They decompose over several years and the effect of their transformation appears after 3-4 years. What is subject to rapid decomposition (kitchen waste, tops) goes to the middle; rots in 2-3 years. Manure decomposes during the 1st season and goes up.

Thus, different layers begin to release heat over several years, and the exploitation of warm ridges is possible for several seasons even without the addition of manure in subsequent years.

3 types of warm beds

For cucumbers, you can make a sunken, raised, or at ground level bed.

Option 1. sunken bed

Particularly suitable for growing cucumbers in dry regions of the country. Always located below soil level, service life 3-5 years. More suitable for open ground than greenhouses.

Setting up a warm sunken bed for cucumbers.


  1. Saving time, effort and money. To create such a bed, no additional materials are required.
  2. It retains moisture better than other types of beds.
  3. Does not require annual digging.


  1. During heavy rainfall or intensive watering, it is washed away by water.
  2. Usually, water stagnates in such beds, and this leads to rotting of the roots.
  3. Crawling creatures easily reach plants.
  4. If the structure is made in the shade, then it is not warmed up enough by the sun. Cucumbers will suffer due to poor soil heating.
  5. Cucumbers suffer greatly from late spring and early summer frosts.

IN middle lane they are practically not used due to their low efficiency in this climate, since cucumbers in such beds often freeze during frosts.

Option 2. raised bed

Suitable for the middle zone and northern regions. It is raised relative to ground level, service life is 3-5 years. Suitable for open ground. In the north, such beds are also built in greenhouses.


  1. Well warmed up by the sun.
  2. Cucumbers are less likely to suffer from frost.
  3. The water does not stagnate.
  4. Convenient to weed and water.
  5. Crawling soil pests cannot enter the garden bed.
  6. It can be built in any place that is not suitable for a buried or surface bed.
  7. At proper care The harvest of early and late cucumbers is good.


  1. Requires significant physical and material costs.
  2. Requires frequent watering as the soil dries out quickly.
  3. In summer, the soil warms up greatly, so when summer growing V hot weather cucumbers may burn.

A raised bed is ideal for early and late harvests of cucumbers in northern and central regions.

Option 3. At ground level

The simplest type of warm ones, this option is easy to do with your own hands. Can be used both in the greenhouse and outdoors. The bed is raised 3-5 cm above the ground surface. Service life 1-2 years.

Beds at ground level.


  1. It's very easy and quick to do.
  2. Does not require investment.
  3. Good yield of cucumbers.
  4. In the cold summer in the middle zone, cucumbers grow well in such beds.


  1. When watering and raining, the edges of the bed are washed away, causing it to lose nutrients.
  2. Requires strengthening of edges.
  3. Soil pests freely enter plants.
  4. It loses its shape very quickly, so it needs to be trimmed or re-done every year.

Most summer residents use just such beds for growing cucumbers and other crops.

Construction of warm beds

All three types of warm beds can be arranged both in the greenhouse and outside.

Recessed warm beds in a greenhouse

If it is done in a greenhouse, then its width corresponds to the width of the greenhouse bed. All greenhouse ridges have sides on the sides, so to place the insulation, soil from the ridges is selected at a depth of 50-60 cm (2 shovels).

We make a warm bed in a greenhouse.

  1. The greenhouse usually has very good drainage, so branches and sawdust are not used. Kitchen waste - leaves, husks, tops - is immediately poured into the bottom.
  2. The next layer is organic matter - humus, compost or manure. Under cucumbers you can also add fresh manure(except for chicken droppings), but it generates a lot of heat and such a bed is prepared in the fall.
  3. If fresh manure is introduced, then it is covered with a 7-10 cm layer of soil on top. If compost or half-rotted manure is used, it is mixed with the soil and is not incorporated into the soil.
  4. The finished beds are watered with hot water and covered with black film. Boiling water starts the fermentation process, as a result of which a large amount of heat is released.
  5. After 2-3 days in

Warm ridges in open ground

The process of arranging ridges on the street is slightly different from the greenhouse version.

  1. Dig a trench 60 cm deep and 1.5-1.8 m wide. The width should not be too large, since wide ridges make it difficult to care for cucumbers.
  2. Branches, boards, and sawdust are laid at the bottom of the trench. These materials create excellent drainage, preventing water from stagnating in the borage. The height of the layer is about 20 cm, but if the soil on the site is sandy, then it is made 10 cm.
  3. Next comes a layer of plant residues: leaves, straw, hay, and tops are covered. This layer should be 10 cm.
  4. Then everything is covered with compost or manure with a layer of 10 cm.
  5. The biofuel is covered with earth on top. The bed should be buried 7-10 cm into the ground.
  6. The finished “pie” is carefully poured with boiling water and covered with black film.

Cucumbers can be planted after 5-7 days.

Raised ridges

Their construction is the same both in the greenhouse and on the street.

  1. First, a box is assembled from scrap materials (boards, slate, pipes, etc.). The width of the box is no more than 1.5 m, the height is from 30 to 100 cm. Usually the box is made 60-80 cm high. Such a bed is easier to care for than a very high or low one.
  2. A layer of plant residues is immediately laid out at the bottom of the box. Wood materials are used only if clay soil on ridges no more than 35 cm high.
  3. Apply manure or compost.
  4. The top is covered with earth.
  5. Water the ridges with hot water and cover with film.
  6. After 4-6 days, the beds are ready for sowing cucumber seeds.

The largest layer should be a layer of plant and kitchen residues. The thickness of the manure layer should not exceed 10-12 cm. If there is a lot of manure, too much heat will be generated and the cucumbers will burn. The top layer of soil should be about 10 cm, then it warms up fairly evenly.

Warm beds in open ground.

Such ridges are the warmest. They can be used for a long time, but it is undesirable to dig up and mix manure with soil, otherwise their service life will be reduced.

Ridges at ground level

These are the most common ridges for. It is very easy to build.

  1. Mark the size of the future borage. The width of such ridges should not exceed 1 m.
  2. The earth is dug up on the bayonet of a shovel.
  3. Add 1 bucket of manure and 2 buckets of compost per 1 m2 to the dug up ground.
  4. Organic matter is leveled with a rake. The soil is no longer dug up, since it is impossible to mix and cover biofuel with soil on such ridges. When repeated digging and mixing of layers, the heat generation is greatly reduced and the effect of the ridges disappears. There are no plant residues that generate additional heat, so the soil warms up more slowly than in other types of warm ridges.
  5. The finished bed is watered with hot water and covered with film.

Cucumbers can be planted after 7-10 days.

Warm beds without manure

If there is no manure, no compost, no straw, no sawdust at the dacha, then a warm bed can be made from plant residues and kitchen waste. They can be either raised or recessed. Surface ridges cannot be made this way.

  1. The box or trench is filled with plant and kitchen scraps.
  2. The layers are carefully compacted or, if possible, compressed. Otherwise, when watering, the grass will settle, and the roots of the cucumbers will end up on the surface of the soil. And this most often leads to the death of plants.
  3. The grass is covered with a 10 cm layer of soil on top.
  4. Pour hot water over and cover with film.
  5. Since such beds warm up more slowly than manure beds, cucumbers are planted after 10 days.

Grass beds are suitable for late summer and autumn cucumber harvests. For early landing they are also suitable, but in early spring there is nowhere to get such an amount of grass, and there is not enough kitchen waste to arrange it. For getting early cucumbers they can be used from the 2nd year.

Time frame for the construction of warm ridges

All preparatory work- digging trenches and putting together a frame is best done in the fall. At this time, the main dacha concerns have already moved away, and attention can be paid to other matters. It is advisable to fill finished structures immediately before planting cucumbers, that is, in early spring. But some people have been stuffing them since the fall. You can do this, but in the spring you need careful and abundant watering with boiling water to start the fermentation processes and release heat. In open ground in spring, watering is carried out twice.

If warm ridges remain from last year, then they are also poured with boiling water and covered with black film. The process of the beginning of heat release and soil warming is determined by touch. The soil in the garden bed should be warm, unlike the rest of the soil, which has not yet warmed up.

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