Traditions of the Ancient East: Feng Shui rules for the kitchen. Vastu: recommendations for the kitchen Acquisition of a neighboring plot

It should be in the southeast (executive Venus), as it is under the protection of the demigod of fire.

In the eastern part of the kitchen there is a cooking area (executive Sun).

The stove is placed so that the housewife prepares food while facing the east (towards the Sun) in the southern sector of the kitchen (Mars).
The slab should not touch the east and south walls. You can use a plinth for this.

The sink is located in the NE corner of the kitchen (exercise Venus).

On the wall there may be big windows and fans, and small windows on the south wall.

The hood is near the eastern wall (executive Sun), closer to the SE corner (exercise Venus).

Door with north side(executive Mercury) NE corner or from the west (executive Saturn) in the NW corner. (allowed on the eastern side - ex. Sun)

The shelves are hung on the S (executive Mars) and W (executive Saturn) sides.

To whet the appetite, the walls are painted in soft pink or soft orange tones.

A mirror on the B (Sun) wall of the kitchen helps to strengthen your financial position.

Drinking water in the northeast (head of Jupiter).

Brooms, mops and cleaning products are in the NE (executive Jupiter).

Stocks of rice, peas, heavy bags are in the southwest (Ex. Rahu).

If it is impossible to place the kitchen in the SE (exercise Venus), then try in the NW (exercise Moon).

There should be a room for storing utensils next to the kitchen.

The tap is in the northeast corner (Ex. Jupiter).

Gas should not be in front of the door.

The sewerage system should not be in the southeast (executive Venus) or southwest (exercise Rahu).

Kitchen and the development of consciousness.

The kitchen is an “extension” of the altar, so do everything in the kitchen with great love and attention to the household Deities.
In the kitchen, wear only clean, undefiled clothing. Do not use clothing that you wore outside the kitchen or in the bathroom.
Nails should be cut short. Wash your hands before entering the kitchen to cook or clean.
When you are in the kitchen, do not put anything in your mouth or touch your mouth with anything. You should not rinse your mouth in kitchen sinks.
You are not allowed to eat or drink in the kitchen area.
If you have a bad cold or an infectious disease, you should not work in the kitchen.
If you touch the floor or trash containers, wash your hands.
In the kitchen, empty, irrelevant conversations are harmful.
Wash the area before you start working, and leave it clean after you've finished working.
Be careful and efficient in everything you do in the kitchen.
Before placing buckets on tables, place cloth or covers on the surface of the tables. Any things that were in contact with the floor cannot be placed on the table.
If vegetables fall on the floor, wash them. If they touch your feet, they should be thrown away.

Refrigerator in the Kitchen.

But regardless of all the roles performed, you must agree that an integral part of any kitchen is a REFRIGERATOR.
It turns out that depending on which sector of the kitchen (according to Vastu) it falls, its content and content will differ.

To begin with, I must say that the best place for it in the kitchen is the North-West, where the element of Air reigns, simply the wind, which cools. And that’s what the refrigerator is designed for, isn’t it? And yet, the wind gives movement and freshness. Even on a hot day with a breeze it’s much more pleasant for us.

This means that it is in the North-West zone of the kitchen that our REFRIGERATOR will always have fresh products, they will be preserved better, and they will not “stale”. There is also the influence of the Moon here, and this is the energy of care and motherhood, which means our refrigerator will be filled with healthy and tasty products?

In the Western zone, the refrigerator comes under the influence of Saturn, who is very ascetic and is the patron of the elderly. There is a danger here that the products may “stale”, become old, and even the range of products may not be diverse and gourmet.

If your refrigerator falls into this zone, take it as the main rule: wash it REGULARLY, strictly according to the schedule, check the products and do not let them “stale”.

In the South-West zone of the kitchen, the refrigerator will be the “head of the family”; filling it will be an important task for the residents, since Rahu rules here, which strives for expansion and gives the illusion that something is missing. The recommendations will be as follows: plan your diet wisely, do not overeat, do not eat at night, know how to stop in time, both in buying food and in consuming it.

South – if a refrigerator falls into this sector of your kitchen, be careful. The primary element of Fire predominates here, since Mars rules here, which can lead, for example, to equipment breakdowns. And in terms of filling with products: may you want stimulating, “aggressive” foods, rich in spices, strong drinks? Look in your refrigerator - is everything okay there?

Vastu Shustra Dining room.

Best location - West Side at home (executive Saturn). Since it is ruled by Saturn and symbolically represents Bhooteshwara - hunger.

It is not advisable to have a staircase between the kitchen and dining room.

It is favorable to eat food facing the east (executive Sun).

Before people go to dinner, the animals and birds must be fed.
The door to the dining room is from the east, north or west (but not from the south). The door should close tightly without leaving a gap at the bottom (between the floor and the door).

The dining table should not be round, oval or other irregular shape. Preferably square or rectangular. Don't push it against the wall.

It is better for the owner, his wife and eldest son to sit in the SW (Ex. Rahu) part of the room.

Place the refrigerator in the south-east part of the room (exercise Venus).

Water is in the northeast corner (director Jupiter), but not in the southeast or southwest.

More around the dining room.

There should not be a toilet near the dining room. But here you can wash dishes (if you install a tap, but not near the door). Place the washbasin in the north (Mercury) or east (Sun) so that the water flows in the direction of the NE (Jupiter) angle.

The door to the dining room and the entrance door to the house should not be opposite each other.

Wall color: light blue, yellow, light green, soft pink, pale orange, cream colors.

Mirrors on the B (Sun) or C (Mercury) wall are favorable.

Nature paintings and drawings in the dining room create a joyful, happy atmosphere. The rising sun, the beauty of nature, but without predatory animals.

It is more difficult to apply Vedic knowledge of Vastu Shastra for an apartment than for a private house, but it is quite possible. It is enough to follow some tips to organize your living space correctly and focus its energy on health, well-being, prosperity and happiness.

It’s good when you have the opportunity to choose an apartment taking into account the basic principles of Vastu, then the necessary corrections (error corrections) will be minimal.

How to choose an apartment layout according to Vastu Shastra

You must choose an apartment and its layout according to the following basic rules:

  • Pay attention to the shape of the building in which you want to purchase an apartment. The following shapes are ideal: a rectangle elongated along the north-south axis; in the form of the letter G, open to the northeast;
  • in the form of the letter P, open to the north or east.
  • It is unfavorable when the road abuts the house from any direction. The apartment should be square or rectangular shape
  • , elongated along the north-south axis, the permissible deviation of the axes of the apartment from the north-south direction is 13°.
  • The son's bedroom, kitchen and heating boiler should be in the southeast.
  • The daughter's bedroom should be in the northwest.
  • The master bedroom should be located in the southwest.
  • Windows from the north and east are desirable, and there should be space behind them. Mountains, tall buildings, trees in front of windows limit the flow of positive energy.
  • Toilets and bathrooms should be located in the south, southwest, west and northwest of the apartment.
  • The elevator shaft, if it is located close to the apartment, should be located in energy flow zones (east, northeast, north and northwest).
  • Balconies and loggias are allowed only in the north, northeast and east.
  • The center of the apartment (Brahmastan) should be free from walls, toilets, bathtubs, and heavy furniture.

Entrance to the apartment according to Vastu

The entrance to the apartment can be from any side of the world. It is important that it falls into the correct pada, because any input is considered as a cut, which creates some imbalance in the energy of the space. Therefore, 4 padas are favorable for entrances, and 3 padas are acceptable for the north and east (these padas are highlighted in green in the figure).

You can check the correct location of the front door yourself by dividing the length of the side of the apartment on which the entrance is located into 9 parts, counting from left to right. If the angles of deviation of the apartment axes are more than 7° from the direction of the geomagnetic axes, it is better to entrust the calculation of the correct pads for entry to a specialist.

The front door should be strong, clean and beautiful. Make sure it doesn't squeak.

There should be no dirt, debris or old things in front of the door inside or outside the apartment, as they interfere with the free flow of energy.

Vastu apartment correction

If your apartment has windows facing north and east, then the elevator shaft will create a depression in the outflow zones, which is a serious drawback. If the kitchen is not located in the southeast, then this is also a serious drawback that slows down everything in the house. Therefore, correction of Vastu deficiencies is necessary in almost any apartment. There are many options for correcting the incorrect flow of energy in an apartment. The most radical way is to redevelop the apartment, but it is not always feasible. For example, we cannot cut windows to the north and east, move sewer risers, move and so on. In such cases, the alternative is to correct the deficiencies using Vastu tools. Correction is not the redevelopment of the apartment; correction is the placement of crystals, metals, spirals, pyramids in the floor and walls of the room at a certain time. Vastu can be improved to some extent by choosing the right color for the rooms. The task of any Vastu correction is to lead to a harmonious interaction of elements, energies, directions, deities and planets in the living space, which automatically leads to the twisting of energy along the mandala into a spiral flow that unwinds clockwise from the center of Brahmastan. It is this rotating spiral flow that brings well-being to a person’s life.

Vastu Purusha in the apartment

Some Vastu principles for an apartment

In Vastu there are no bad or good directions; it is important that everything is in its place: windows, bedrooms, toilets, bathrooms, balconies, kitchen, entrance to the apartment.

The task of Vastu Shastra for an apartment is to achieve harmony with the Universe, let in beneficial energy and block negative energy. Housing arrangement should be carried out taking into account the movement of positive energy in the direction from north to south and from east to west, therefore:

  • According to Vastu Shastra, arrange the bedroom so that the head of the bed is not directed to the north, because this will cause an imbalance of the energies of the Earth and the sleeper, which will lead to disruption of vital functions, poor health, headaches, and a reduction in life expectancy. It is favorable to sleep with your head facing south or east.
  • For a kitchen, according to Vastu, it is important to place objects that represent the elements of fire and water in different directions.
  • Do not place the stove, column, oven, heating boiler next to the sink or refrigerator to prevent conflict of elements. You need to cook facing east, then the cooked food will be blissful.
  • It is important to strengthen the northern and eastern directions of the apartment, which will increase the flow of beneficial energy into the home.

It is necessary to make the southern and western directions of housing heavier in order to block negative energy and reduce the outflow of positive energy.

  • So, the harmony of an apartment depends on the correct arrangement of each zone. All rooms should be perceived as a single living organism, influenced by the energies of the Earth, planets, etc.
  • And applying the rules of Vastu Shastra for an apartment and additional correction of deficiencies will help achieve:
  • physical comfort,
  • attracting good luck to the house (in the life of the apartment owners).

To achieve this, consult a Vastu specialist. The master will help you draw up a plan-analysis of the apartment and develop an individual Vastu project taking into account the characteristics of the housing, the lifestyle of the owners, and your willingness to renovate or remodel the apartment.


In the home, the kitchen is the place where food is prepared. As you know, “we are what we eat.” Therefore, there can be no other place in the house that is as important as the kitchen. It is advisable to plan your kitchen arrangement according to Vastu guidelines as it directly affects your health. These recommendations take into account many factors, such as the proper location of the kitchen, the position of doors and windows, the placement of the stove, sink, refrigerator, etc. household appliances etc. In this article you can familiarize yourself with the Vastu principles that must be followed in the kitchen.

The ideal location for the kitchen is the south-eastern sector. An alternative option may be only the northwestern sector of the house (apartment). Avoid placing the kitchen in the northeast because... this can lead to quarrels, lack of understanding between family members and unnecessary expenses.

Stove and working wall should not touch the east or north wall. The distance for indentation is 9 – 10 cm.

The best position for a cook when preparing food is facing east.

The sink and stove should not be close to each other, since fire and water are conflicting elements. It is better to place the sink in the northeast direction.

If there is any in the kitchen Dishwasher, then it must be placed in the northwestern corner of the kitchen. Various vessels containing drinking water- decanters, filters - must be kept in the northeast of the kitchen.

Household electrical appliances should also be placed in the correct sector as per Vastu Shastra. For example, the refrigerator is in the southwest corner of the kitchen, the hood is on the east wall in the southeast corner. The microwave oven is also in the southeast corner.

Use the northeast sector of the kitchen to store light items. For example, store brooms, mops and cleaning products there. Place all heavy items and food supplies in the southwest of the kitchen.

The kitchen should have large windows facing east.

Smaller windows facing south are allowed.

A mirror on the eastern wall of the kitchen helps to strengthen your financial position.

Suitable colors for the kitchen are soft pink and soft orange.

There should be no toilets next to the kitchen: neither next to it, nor above, nor below.

Cooking in the center of the kitchen should be avoided.
The clock in the kitchen should always hang on the south or southwest wall.

The trash can must have a lid and be located in the west or southwest.

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Ideally, the kitchen space is not intended for eating.

For this purpose there is a separate room called the dining room. The kitchen serves more as a room for preparing prasadam. To a certain extent, the kitchen can also be a mini-altar, since sacred processes take place here - serving the Lord. The members of our movement fix their minds on Krsna, regardless of the particular type of devotional service they engage in. While doing work in the kitchen, the devotee meditates on Krishna because he knows what he is cooking gourmet dishes to offer them to Krishna. Similarly, chanting and dancing before the Deities installed in the temple is also meditation on Krishna. Thus, the boys and girls of our Society for Krishna Consciousness are true yogis, because they meditate on Krishna all twenty-four hours a day (A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. The path to perfection. Chapter 4. The principle of moderation in the practice of yoga).
The south-eastern zone of the house is most favorable for the kitchen. It is also quite possible to use directions such as northwest, east, south. The kitchen should be, like the altar, one of the cleanest areas in the house, because this is the place where food is prepared for the Lord. Therefore, this part of the house should be maintained to the highest possible standards.
It is better to form the kitchen separately from the living room.
There are several primary interior items that should be taken into account when creating a kitchen:
Gas or electric stove. They should be located closer to the southeastern sector.

Washing. Zones such as the northeast and north are good for it. The sink and cooking stove should be kept as far apart as possible, within reason.
A separate area should be allocated for garbage in the northwestern part of the room. But at the same time, cleanliness standards should be maintained by not leaving garbage overnight, dirty dishes on the table, in the sink, on the floor.
The refrigerator can mainly be located in the southern part of the room. The larger the refrigerator, the closer it can be located to the southwestern sector.
In the northern, eastern and north-eastern directions, the use of wall-mounted, oversized lockers should be avoided.
It is favorable if the person faces the east when cooking. It is also good if there is a window in this direction through which the garden, horizon or open space will be visible.
Color spectrum:
In general, the kitchen should have a warm, and in some places even hot, color scheme for the walls or interior items.
General principles for the kitchen:
The kitchen is an “extension” of the altar, so everything in the kitchen should be done with great love and attention to the household Deities.
When cooking in the kitchen, you should wear clean, undefiled clothing. When we prepare food, it is extremely important to maintain cleanliness, because cleanliness and righteousness are sisters. Nothing unclean should be offered to Krishna, so try to keep the kitchen clean. Be sure to wash your hands before cooking. When preparing food, do not taste it. Cooking is part of the meditation process, because you are preparing food not just for yourself, but to please Krishna, who should be the first to taste and enjoy it. If you cook according to proven recipes, you will succeed. Once you have finished preparing the food, you can offer it to Krishna. (A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. In search of enlightenment. Appendix).
In the kitchen, harmful, empty, irrelevant conversations should be avoided.

Vastu or Vastu Shastra - the word "Vastu" translated from Sanskrit means: "place", "house", "dwelling" or "room". Shastra is a “science” and also a “treatise”. Thus, Vastu is the science of houses. Vastu Shastra is based on the harmony of the universe, which is expressed in the lunar, solar and temporal effects on human consciousness and physiology. For this reason, this science is closely related to Vedic astrology and Ayurveda. All Vastu recommendations are given with the goal of helping a person achieve the perfection of life, which is expressed in understanding God, one’s own essence and methods of relationships. By by and large Vastu is the Indian equivalent of Feng Shui. Vastu, like Feng Shui, is based on Vedic astrology— Jyotish.

Passes in the house most of human life and Vastu aims to relieve a person from additional worries, giving him the opportunity to focus on the main thing.

The laws of the sun are expressed in following time periods intended for a certain type of activity. For example, from 3 to 6 am there is a period of “moksha”. During this period, it is necessary to focus on self-awareness by practicing the method of repeating the names of God on beads or other method of prayer practice. If you do not practice meditative methods of purifying consciousness, then it would be nice to read scriptures or books of great sages.

Vastu practice is aimed at achieving not only material prosperity, but also peace of mind, happiness and harmony in the family and at work. The science of Vastu primarily takes into account the energies emitted by the four cardinal directions: north, east, south and west. She explains on in simple language principles of choosing a site for development, building a house and location in it different rooms that will help improve life. For example, the dining room should stimulate a person’s feeling of hunger, the living room should stimulate sociability, the office should stimulate mental alertness, and the bedroom should promote relaxation. When a human home is built strictly according to the principles of Vastu, the person becomes stronger when facing life problems. Many of the great temples and palaces of India are masterpieces of Vastu and testify to the effectiveness of this ancient science of architecture.

In this article I want to show you 10 mistakes in the kitchen that we make from a Vastu point of view.

Vastu - 10 mistakes in the kitchen

1. A trash can under the sink pollutes the energy of water and worsens the well-being of the family.

What to do: Buy a trash can with a lid and put it somewhere else. The best place for garbage in the west of the kitchen. You can put it under the table.

2. TV in the kitchen takes energy and creates tension in relationships.

3. Ugly presentation of dishes - when serving a dish beautifully, the enjoyment of the taste of food increases by 37%. And hence the better mood.

4. The absence of fresh flowers and fruits - they symbolize and attract abundance into the house. Must always be fresh.

5. You can’t swear in the kitchen - conflicts in the family start to grow like a snowball.

6. Presence of strangers when cooking - no one should be in the kitchen while you are cooking. The only exception is if someone is helping you.

7. When children eat first, it is correct to eat in order of seniority, starting with the husband, then the wife, then the children. Or the guests start eating first. This does not mean that you have to wait until your husband eats. This means that he starts eating first, and then everyone else. This creates harmony in the family and respect among children for elders.

8. Eating from cracked dishes - you can’t even keep such dishes in the house, it’s better to throw them away immediately.

9. Conflict between water and fire in the kitchen - if there is a sink and stove nearby. Ideally, they should be in different corners of the kitchen.

What to do if this is not the case: try to use something to separate the sink from the stove. For example, some kind of screen, curtain, etc. Just don't forget about fire safety.

10. Leave beautiful dishes for a holiday or for guests - this means postponing your life for later. Take out your most beautiful plates and make your loved ones happy every day.

Like these ones typical mistakes housewives perform in the kitchen. Correct them and live happily! Join

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