A creative approach to designing a small garden with your own hands - photos and recommendations. Landscape design of a small summer cottage Winding paths are our allies

Small suburban plots have a common disadvantage directly related to their modest size. As a rule, the space looks closed and cramped due to the high blank fence and neighboring buildings located nearby. In most cases the problem is solvable; There are many ways to get rid of the feeling of being in a box. Landscape design small plot will help to visually expand the local area, make it cozy and stylish.

The charm of a small area


The option when landscape design will be carried out on an undeveloped site is considered optimal, since there is no need to rebuild or relocate existing facilities. Initially, the owners will have to balance their dreams with reality and determine the buildings that they really need. The set of necessary facilities may vary from family to family; in most cases the following elements are included (in various combinations):

    Residential building, garage or parking space.

    Outbuildings(barn, workshop).

    Buildings for recreation(sauna, gazebo).

    Technical structures (well, septic tank).

The landscape design of a small area is determined by the principle of zoning the territory, which allows you to competently manage the available square meters.

There are many graphic programs that allow you to competently plan a site.

Even modest in size suburban area can be turned into a comfortable and, importantly, functional place. During preliminary planning, the following design principles are taken into account:

    On the buildings(from a residential building to a barn) about 10% of the total area of ​​the site is allocated.

    On garden(including a greenhouse or greenhouse) accounts for the maximum area, up to 75%.

    Rest zone, which includes a gazebo, flower garden and barbecue area, will take about 15%.

The size of the zones may vary depending on the preferences of the owners. Anyone who is not keen on growing organic vegetables, but loves relaxing with family and friends, can arrange a spacious recreation area with all the amenities. Anyone who appreciates the aesthetics of garden decor will plant most plot ornamental plants, will install a stylish gazebo and fountain.

Small plot - big opportunities

Secrets of zoning a small plot

At the zoning stage, not only the sizes of the zones are determined, but also their relative location. They usually want to create a relaxation area around the gazebo, and children will need a place to play. At the same time, everyone understands that it is impossible to arrange a place for children to play next to a barbecue area and build a greenhouse under a dense canopy of trees. Landscape design experts advise following simple space-optimizing techniques, which include the following concepts:

    Location of buildings. To prevent buildings from looking massive, they are distributed throughout the site, alternating with green spaces and camouflaging them behind them. They try to locate outbuildings in the depths of the territory.

    Location of the residential building. It is advantageous to place it near the front fence, facing the street. It would also be a wise decision to attach the garage to the home, placing it on the same foundation. This will make construction more economical, and the driveway, which eats up valuable land, will not be needed. An additional plus is that you can access the garage directly from your home, which is especially valuable in rainy or frosty weather.

Attached garage - important condition for a modest plot

    Determination of geological parameters. It depends on what type of soil is on the site and how deep they go groundwater, depends on the choice of plants and their planting location (especially for fruit trees and exotic ornamental plants).

    Style selection local area . Landscape design for small summer cottage more often performed in one of the natural (landscape) styles, since a regular (symmetrical, geometric) style requires space. English, forest or country style is perfect. Exotic lovers can try Japanese or Alpine style design.

    Plant selection. When choosing trees for planting, take into account the size of their crown as an adult. Typically, tall trees in a small area are discarded; otherwise, the owners will have to undertake annual painstaking work to form the crown.

Country style in the design of a small area

    Zone placement. For a recreation area with a gazebo and barbecue, choose a secluded, quiet place in the rear of the site, away from the noise of the road and prying eyes. On the contrary, they try to locate the playground close to the house, in the shade and within visibility from the windows.

On our website you can find contacts construction companies who offer landscaping services. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Arrangement nuances: how to visually expand the space

In addition to the residential building and auxiliary buildings, there are other objects that appear during the development of the site and exist later long years. Before you put up a fence, plant trees and lay garden paths, you should think about every little detail; redoing a poorly laid path is a troublesome and costly task. After dividing the site into zones, you can begin to design them. The main way to change the perception of space is to divert attention from all kinds of boundaries and barriers.

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About landscape tricks on a small area in the following video:


The fence directly shows the boundaries of the site; The higher the fence, the more attention it attracts, taking up space in our perception and crowding out other details, making them appear smaller. A gaze constantly resting on a high, blank fence causes a feeling of constriction and discomfort. There are two ways to “push” the boundaries of a site:

    Disguise. The fence is decorated with weaving plants, which creates the effect of an extension of the garden. Ivy, grapes, lemongrass, roses are suitable.

    Replacement. A solid fence is replaced with a lighter one, air structure. This can be a picket fence, chain-link mesh, wooden or metal lattice fence. Trees and shrubs can be planted along the new fence, which, after regular trimming, can completely close the area from prying eyes. Thuja, elm, linden, lilac, and viburnum are suitable as hedges.

An openwork light fence makes the space cozy

Organization of the view part of the garden

The front part of the site (in the courtyard in front of the house) must be cleared of random plantings. A neat lawn with beautiful plantings and accessories along the periphery will create the impression of spaciousness, and it will become easier to move around such an area.

Vertical gardening and plant accents

If you see the entire area, you can estimate its size. Therefore, distortion becomes an important technique in landscape design. It is necessary not only to mask the borders and corners, but also to create barriers to view. Vertical decorative elements serve the best solution because they create perspective. Such simple structures, such as trellises, screens, hedges and arches, are widely used in arranging modest-sized areas.

The most impressive design is the arch. It not only provides support for climbing plants, but also perfectly separates the zones of the site. Plants that attract attention with bright colors or unusual shapes also help to open up a space. These can be small bushes or flowers in garden vases, planted within one zone on its borders.

Arch - a classic way of decorating

Paths and decorative accents

Beautiful landscape designs of small areas cannot do without paths that are designed in a certain way. In a small area, clear geometric outlines and straight lines are abandoned, and paths are no exception. Straight lines visually reduce distances, while winding lines force you to look after yourself, distracting you from the close boundaries of the garden. Therefore, the paths are planned to be winding, and the space between them is filled with plants. This approach serves in an effective way creating the illusion of scale. Properly designed beautiful paths around the house and the landscape design of the site no longer seems so cramped.

All paths need paving; Design experts offer many options, including the following common materials:

    A natural stone. A durable material that will harmoniously fit into any design, from English to oriental, and give it a touch of respectability. Sandstone, dolomite, limestone, tuff, pebbles and shale are used for paving. Expensive options - granite, marble, basalt, porphyry.

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About the design rules for a small garden area in the following video:

    Wood. There are paths made of boards, garden parquet (thermowood) or saw cuts. Skillfully placed saw cuts look trendy in a garden decorated in country style.

    Construction Materials . These include paving slabs, processed stone, asphalt, paving stones, clinker bricks and concrete. Often gravel or tennessite (tennis court material) is used.

A useful landscaping design technique that allows you to divert attention from the size of the site is the placement of decorative details along the paths. They can be figurines of animals and gnomes, vases with flowers, small fountains, stone Japanese lanterns.

Winding paths can be the salvation of a small area

Multi-level garden

A complex landscape for a small area is not a punishment, but a gift, since it allows you to create multi-level areas and add volume. Uneven terrain can be used in different ways:

    If the site is on a slope, arrange terraces, the passionate love of every landscape designer.

    If flat area, a small zone on another level can be created in another way. Among the options are built-in flower beds, alpine slides, small terraces raised above the ground (or vice versa, deepened into it). The effect is emphasized by flowers planted in a cascading manner.

Video description

How to fit everything you need into a small garden in the following video:

Correct lighting

An effective technique for long summer evenings that will highlight successful landscape design in a small area is the thoughtful placement of garden lights. They will transform a small area and visually expand its boundaries. When arranging lighting in the garden, use the following principles:

    Lamps are placed near paths and decorative details, away from the boundaries of the site.

    Use low power lamps and directional lighting. Weak or spot illumination is good for identifying the contours of tracks.

    For gazebos can be picked up bright lighting, then the darkness outside will become impenetrable and will hide the true size of the territory.

Using lighting in track design

Landscaping of a small summer cottage

Landscape design on a small plot includes the selection suitable plants and their correct location. Preference is given to trees and shrubs of dwarf and low species. If the owners want to see less compact varieties on the site, they must be prepared to care for them in a timely manner (so that the crown of such trees does not absorb the living space of other plants, it is periodically pruned). When landscaping a small area, the following techniques are used:

    Vertical gardening. It not only decorates and expands the space, but also saves space very effectively.

    Accounting plant light requirements. Important parameter, on which the well-being of green spaces depends. Low-growing plants are planted in the southern part, the tallest ones (as a rule, these are fruit trees) - in the north.

    Login registration. Landscape design experts recommend laying out a small lawn or two flower beds at the entrance; the only condition is that they should not be symmetrical.

Proper landscaping of the recreation area

    Flowerbeds on the site. There cannot be many of them due to the limited territory. Flowers can be planted near the gazebo and along the paths. You can plant a flower bed next to the house medicinal plants And herbs, which will not only be beautiful, but also useful.

    Accents. Original decoration there will be a flowerbed made from scrap materials. A basket, cart, log, chest, old shoe or bicycle can be used.

    Organizing a vegetable garden. A vegetable garden is more of a habit than a pressing necessity. More and more owners are abandoning their garden beds in favor of expanding their recreation area. However, even on a plot of 2-3 acres, you can allocate a little space to have fresh herbs and the most necessary vegetables for the table.

A vertical flower bed attracts attention and saves space

Additional details in a small area

Many owners consider it necessary to decorate the site additional elements, which include:

    Water. In a small area, it is more often powerful to encounter a pond, fountain or waterfall than a stream. A modest-sized but beautifully designed pond will make the landscape more natural and will definitely attract attention. A landscape waterfall will require more effort to organize; it can be combined with an alpine slide. A fountain has long been no longer considered an unaffordable luxury; Manufacturers offer exquisite options in all sizes, made from different materials.

    Playground. If there are children in the family, it is important to provide them with a cozy and safe place to play. Many people believe that children can spend time in the gazebo during the day, but this is not always possible. Much the best option There will be a playground near the house, with swings and a sandbox. You can install a ready-made gaming complex. Such structures are well thought out, safe and compact in placement.

A modest pond will decorate any area


Small areas are usually called plots with an area of ​​2 to 6 acres. Sometimes a much larger plot of land looks small if the house built on it is disproportionately large and occupies a significant part of the area. Design secrets are not able to increase the area, but they will help change the area beyond recognition, making you forget about its true dimensions.

In our article we will talk about creating a garden on a small plot, taking into account that the house and main outbuildings already exist, and you, the happy owners of a small number of acres, will have the task of figuring out where the garden should be and where the vegetable garden should be.

Planning the site

Of course, this task can be entrusted to a landscape designer, if funds allow and time is running out, but it is much more interesting to take your time in arranging the garden yourself. Let it be necessary to sift through a lot of books and magazines on landscapes, get acquainted with the peculiarities of plant life and experience failures like “it didn’t take root.”

First of all, take a folding chair and walk around your area, observe it from different angles and imagine where everything belongs. At the same time, pay attention to the terrain (flat area, there are hills or lowlands, an area on a slope, etc.), changes in illumination during the day, soil moisture and fertility, and the prevailing wind direction.

Then try to transfer your ideas onto paper, be sure to rely on the collected natural features your plot, the amount of time you can devote to caring for the garden, the wishes of all family members and financial capabilities. Draw up a site plan on a scale of 1:50 or 1:100.

When working on the plan, remember that all zones of the site: residential, utility, vegetable garden, garden, recreation areas - and the objects on it should not look like scenes from different stories. Compositional and stylistic integrity (although, of course, eclecticism will moderately emphasize the individuality of both the owners and the site) is one of the main conditions for the harmonious design of space.

Eh, roads...

Once everything has become clear with the zones of the site, the next question arises: how to connect them together so that a small site does not seem small, so that there are no boring straight lines from the entrance to the house, from the house to the garden.

Several techniques for arranging a road network on the site will help to cope with this task. Remember that the marking of paths starts from the main entrance to the house and then to secondary objects of the site. Straight paths visually make the area smaller, while curved paths, on the contrary, increase the space.

Create a so-called walking path around the perimeter of the garden. Only it, of course, should have a smooth shape. Scatter resting benches with small flower arrangements or a compact pond with aquatic vegetation in several places.

According to the laws of optics

It is unlikely that it will be possible to create a large garden in a small area, but... it is possible if you look at the garden from the window of your house and resort to simple optical laws.

Law 1. So, for example, a garden can become part of a house and vice versa, if you combine them with a color scheme and similar finishing materials.

Law 2 . Great solution– glass doors in the house – sliding or hinged – as well as floor-to-ceiling windows.

Law 3. Use relatively large elements in a small garden, for example, tapeworm plantings, pergolas, round bench, swing, etc. Small parts V large quantities are capable of narrowing an already limited space, and such a garden will not provide peace.

Law 4. Create an illusion window in a secluded corner of your garden, or draw a door opening into the depths of the garden, or build a false wall for a summer house...

If the area is very small, and you really want to diversify the plants, use their image on the walls and fence.

This way you will kill two birds with one stone.

Or skillfully arrange compositions of cut plants, dried flowers, as well as fruits and berries in the garden. By periodically changing their location and content, you can always keep your garden elegant and ready for any family holiday. And finally, about the lawn. If possible and desired, of course, seed some space lawn grass

. Options for replacing the lawn: 1) planting ground cover plants throughout the garden, 2) filling the plantings with gravel, which does not require constant maintenance and preserves the decorative appearance of the garden. Plan your garden small area

??? - not an easy task. After all, the designer faces several questions at once:
??? - how to make the space seem larger,
??? - how to plant trees without losing the feeling of spaciousness,

- what architectural elements to choose and how to place them so as not to interfere with movement around the garden.

HOW TO VISUALLY INCREASE THE TERRITORY A flat area always seems smaller than its size. What if this is a small space reserved for a garden? Well then your little garden will seem very small. A straight path through the center of the garden will also make it short...

In general, the design and layout of a small garden requires a special approach.

A walk around a small garden always begins from its corner, and then the path can lead along its perimeter, diagonally, spirally or in a snake. This is the only way to hide the true size of the plot. If the perimeter small garden

If it is disproportionately elongated, it should be divided by transverse lines.

Let it be winding paths, low (up to 50 cm) hedges, very elongated architectural elements: benches, terraces, retaining walls, high (raised) beds or flower beds.

To prevent the fence from emphasizing the small width of the area, it is partially covered with climbing plants on trellises, colonnades of thujas, junipers, yews, decorative overlays and flower beds along some areas.

All these elements are arranged asymmetrically so that the borders are “irregular” and voluminous.

Being in such lounge areas, where there is always no wind, creates the illusion of the vastness of space: the sky is above, and at eye level is the lowest tier of the garden, above which “giant” trees, shrubs, and flower beds rise (the garden from the point of view of an ant:)

When decorating a small space, asymmetry is more suitable. For example, on the left along the fence there are elements of medium height, on the right, opposite them, they are low, and a little further away, again on the right, they are high. Such sudden changes will create the illusion of space.

The same applies to plants along the path: you should avoid mirroring in their arrangement.

As for the selection of plants, the set for a small garden is limited to several species that bloom in different periods.

It’s even better to give preference to green flower beds made from evergreens and ornamental grasses.

The small landscape is completely visible, so it should look its best at any time.


Trees They create a cool shadow, but the only problem is that they consume space. To prevent this from happening, the following rules are followed in a small garden.

1. Large trees should not be planted on an area less than 200 m2. A large crown looks too disproportionate, especially if the area is narrow.

2. If the garden area is slightly larger, you can plant one a big tree with a spreading crown and group architectural elements near it. Most often this is a terrace, patio or picnic area.

3. Medium-sized and low-growing trees are planted in accordance with the shape of the crown.

Pyramid and candle-shaped trees are best placed linearly and along the fence. But you shouldn’t do this around the entire perimeter; this will only emphasize the size of the territory. A straight line or an L-shape to the right or left of the entrance to the garden looks beautiful. And on the opposite side you can plant shrubs.

If there is an opportunity to engage in crown formation, then ideal option for a small garden it is spherical or cone-shaped on a high (higher than human height) “leg”. A straight trunk without branches does not “eat up” space, but under the trees there will always be pleasant coolness. It is preferable that the trees are deciduous, then in winter the garden will be well lit.

It is better to choose dwarf varieties of coniferous trees. Low-growing junipers and thujas look beautiful in compact boxes - dense plantings trimmed in the shape of a box.

Solitaire trees with a beautifully formed skeleton look great in a small garden. These can be shrubs with two or three bare trunks, but with a lush crown, standard varieties of roses.

Shrubs, as already mentioned, are preferably planted along the fence. If this hedge, then its height should be such as to only conditionally separate one zone from another, but the area behind it should be visible from anywhere in the garden.


Small architectural forms include benches and tables, Garden swing, gazebos, garden sculptures, flowerpots (containers for flowers), small fonts.

Since the area is small and they plan to plant a garden on it, not much space is allocated for a recreation area. Usually choose one thing that suits your needs.

An open hearth takes up less space.

The recreation area can be configured so that there is enough space for benches, flowerpots, a fireplace and even a small waterfall.

You can limit yourself to wide benches, a fireplace (possibly a swing) and a small plunge pool if the purpose of your garden is relaxation.

If you are planning to place a spacious gazebo in a small garden, then it is better if it is a canopy with a podium: a roof over your head and no walls limiting your view.

Flowerpots and containers are an excellent component for expanding space. The main thing is that they are enough large size and different heights.

In general, all elements of small architecture in a small area should be located according to the principle of increasing height. The farther, the higher. This technique is called gradation and is intended to create perspective instead of a flat landscape.


You already know how to form the space of a small garden. And then - design ideas for landscaping a small area.

My garden is seven years old. When I started planning it, I was in the grip of enthusiasm: I wanted to plant everything. After all, there are so many different fruit trees in the world: it’s difficult to give preference to just one! But how to squeeze everything that the imagination draws into the limited space of the site?

Photo: Oksana Panfilova

Density limit

Now, after the passage of time, I have to admit that, due to inexperience, I got carried away with the planting density of fruit trees: I chose a 2x2 m scheme, with a 1 m shift in the next row. Now I think it's too dense.

Chance intervened. Several years ago there was a winter invasion of mice; they gnawed heavily at the bases of young trees. Not everyone survived the damage. By a happy coincidence, the trees died not in a row, but one at a time. And we planted currant bushes instead. This arrangement seemed to me more successful: on the one hand, there is more space for the crown of trees, on the other, the plantings are quite dense. In this case, a checkerboard pattern is formed by alternating bushes and trees.

Planting schemes in our amateur gardening are a sore subject. Small plots do not fit with the understandable desire to have both this and that in the garden. The author’s current arrangement of plants is quite reasonable from the point of view of space for crown development, however, in my opinion, it is still better to plant berry bushes separately from fruit trees. For example, it is often necessary to chemically treat trees at a time when the bushes do not need spraying, and there are only a few days left before harvesting. And because of the wind, the likelihood of the drug getting on the currants during processing is quite high.

“We can only trim the crown, not the roots. Therefore, the above-ground parts are much smaller than the root system, and it is easier for such a plant to feed itself,” says Oksana. But in fact, the aboveground and underground parts are closely interconnected and always strive to balance each other. By limiting the size of the crown, you automatically slow down the growth of roots. Therefore, fertilizing must correspond to the external dimensions of the plant.

Does the garden have enough food? Because we are poor sandy soils, we are guided by the principle of “fractional ration”, because otherwise everything is simply washed away by rains, without having time to reach the plants.

This approach to fertilizing is very advisable even on heavier soils, where the likelihood of leaching into deeper layers is much lower. It is especially good if fertilizing is timed to coincide with periods of higher plant need for nutrients and rain or watering.

Growth under control

When I was thinking about how to make the garden compact, the decision came with the purchase of pruners: I need to “manually” control the growth of the trees! There was another consideration in favor of “cruel treatment” of plants: at that time my children were small, and I really wanted them to be able to pick an apple, pear, plum and cherry themselves whenever they wanted. I saw many old gardens: in search of light, branches rushed high into the air and harvesting turned into tightrope sketches. No matter how abundant the harvest was on such trees, it was impossible to harvest it normally and completely. And it was important for us that during the summer one thing or another ripened, which could be eaten immediately (the leftovers could be used for juice). Fortunately, almost all modern varieties of fruit trees are grafted onto semi-dwarf or dwarf rootstocks. This made the task half easier.

Let me clarify: in our time, many (but not all!) seedlings are grown on dwarf or semi-dwarf rootstocks, regardless of whether it is a modern variety or an ancient one. It is quite possible to find such material in serious nurseries.

It turned out to be easiest to prune pears: they have a fairly compact crown and not too much shoot formation. The main task was to transfer the branches to external buds in order to expand the crown. Apple trees were more labor-intensive because they produced more shoots.

The described situation is valid only for the set of varieties that was at the disposal of the housewife. A pear with restrained growth is atypical: most representatives of this culture are just powerful and dense trees. In addition, a pear on a weak-growing rootstock for middle zone You won’t find it in Russia during the day - such rootstocks have not yet been bred. Apple trees come not only with strong branching: there are many varieties with low shoot-forming ability.

The most trouble was caused by cherries, plums and cherry plums: we competed with them to see who could outrun whom. From time to time they burst forward, and then I had to thin out the crown, cutting out whole mountains of young shoots. It is important that the branches do not intersect or grow inward, and also do not spread too far to the sides, blocking the passages between plants. By pruning, I directed the branches in the desired direction and limited their growth and number.

The shoot-forming ability of stone fruits is indeed much higher than that of pome fruits, and they produce stronger shoots. But they also have varietal differences, especially cherries. And this is where the danger lurks for inexperienced gardeners who are overly focused on thinning the crown. The so-called bush cherry varieties lay flower buds and produce a harvest mainly on the shoots of the previous year. With this type of fruiting, you should not get carried away with strong thinning, so as to, as they say, “not throw out the baby with the bathwater.”

In addition, I shortened the gains quite a lot. The effect was expected: many new shoots appeared at the pruning site. Of these, the most successful one was selected and after 3-4 weeks the rest were removed. So I slowed down the growth of the shoot I needed and did not let me spend nutrients wasted on those shoots that are still in the fall or in early spring would have been deleted. By the dormant period, all the shoots had time to ripen and survived the winter well.

Formation through various manipulations with non-lignified green shoots in home gardening is worthy of attention and wide application.

In a couple of years, I plan to cut out a central conductor from each tree to better illuminate the middle of the crown, so that the harvest is not only on the periphery. The experiment continues!

As for stone fruits, this approach seems quite reasonable. But I wouldn’t recommend doing this with apple and pear trees: it won’t give any special advantages, but it might increase the labor intensity of subsequent maintenance of the crown in proper order.

Expert advice

The story and photographs show that the formation of the plants was done quite competently. However, I would suggest a slightly different approach: reduce the number of skeletal branches while maintaining the same crown volume through branches of higher orders. I think that this would make the process of forming trees less labor-intensive. And it was hardly worth fighting so zealously with growing shoots; it was quite possible to get by with weaker shortening and, to some extent, wait-and-see tactics. As practice shows, a significant part of the shoots grow actively in the first years, then their growth becomes more restrained.

A small area is your opportunity to prove in practice the correctness of A.P.’s words. Chekhov, who, as you know, compared brevity with the sister of talent. After the implementation of your plans, the site will not increase in size, but it may be completely transformed. And even increase visually. All in your hands!

Three basic rules

The meaning of the three basic rules that are used when creating landscape design for a small area comes down to declaring war on gigantomania and saying: “Giants, you are not welcome here!”:

Style selection

Start developing your landscape design by drawing up detailed plan. In the absence of skills to work with specially designed computer programs, draw a plan on paper. On the plan, indicate the location of the house and the erected outbuildings, designate the future recreation area, proposed places for planting trees, shrubs, and a vegetable garden.

Decide on the design style of the site - will it be regular or natural (landscape). The regular style requires the presence of a main axis of the composition, in relation to which the plantings are made symmetrically.

Advice. Regular style design is more suitable for large areas. However, this does not mean that you cannot use this style on yours.

The paths in this area are laid straight. Compliance with strict geometric shapes - squares, rectangles, triangles is mandatory. Choice geometric shape depends on the configuration of your site. So, for a narrow and elongated shape, a rectangular shape is more suitable. Squares will look natural on an area whose sides are approximately equal.

Design in a landscape style provides more freedom in the placement of plantings and decorative elements. It is better to avoid straight paths with this design.

The existing unevenness of the relief is played out or a mini-relief is created in one or two zones with your own hands. This could be a small pond with a humpbacked bridge, a retaining wall, alpine slide. Don't want to study earthworks? Create volume by arranging a flower garden with plants different shapes, color and height. The solution is simple, and the flower garden will look amazing.

Techniques for visually expanding the area of ​​a site

To visually expand boundaries, designers use several techniques, the main one of which is to focus on smooth, smooth shapes and lines. garden path, slightly bending or looping between plantings will visually make the area larger. Interspersed with floral arrangements and decorative elements also successfully solve this problem.

Advice. Take a composition from a famous landscape design magazine as a basis, or find interesting examples in the Internet. Evaluate what you can apply to yourself. Don't be afraid to let your imagination run wild and try to develop an idea you like.

Don't chase quantity flower beds and bushes. Using culinary terminology, there is a risk of “oversalting the dish.” Less is more. Select color compositions and shrubs for planting so that they delight you with flowers and greenery for as long as possible - from spring to late autumn. The site will be decorated with a dry stream, a miniature pond, and a decorative well.

Brighten up the far corners with plants with yellow or white flowers. This simple technique will visually “move them aside”.

Landscaping of a small summer cottage

When doing landscaping, follow the well-known rules:

  • Consider the lighting requirements of plants, shrubs and trees.
  • Plant plants and trees so that their height increases from south to north. The shortest place is in the southern part of the site, the tallest (apple trees, pears) are in the northern and northeastern.
  • Deliver fertile land to your plot if your soil is poor. Compost and manure will not immediately correct the situation.
  • Think it over color scheme your site. With the help of a properly selected color scheme the boundaries of a small area can be visually significantly expanded.
  • Don't chase great variety colors. Much does not mean good. Choose a basic color theme and create variations in different areas of the site. This way you will be able to achieve harmony in the design of your small “latifundia”.

Very important! Measure seven times, cut once. No one has canceled folk wisdom. Study what and how best to plant in your region, find out what problems your neighbors face, delve into all the nuances. And only then start landscaping the area. The pleasure that you get from communicating with flowers and plants, the joy of contemplating how handsome and beautiful your “pets” grow up, is difficult to compare with anything.


Start with flower beds. Experts advise setting up flower beds on the sides of the entrance. Just don't make them symmetrical. To decorate flower beds, you can use literally everything that is on the farm.

Using flowers, arrange a “stream” in a small summer cottage, frame a small pond with flowers. Well-known themes will sound in your landscape design in a new way.

Cozy and secluded sitting area

Choose a place for a small recreation area, 5-6 m² is enough. Make two small pergolas from timber and slats. Dig the timber into the ground so that the pergolas form an angle or place them opposite each other. Secure the pergolas together at the top with long slats. Place a bench, plant it near the pergolas climbing plants(bindweed, wild grapes, climbing roses) and enjoy your well-deserved rest.

Container plantings

Be sure to use container plantings for landscape design in a small summer cottage. Moreover, you can grow almost any plants and flowers in them. Even small trees grow well in them.

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About the university Bryansk State University named after academician I.G. Petrovsky is the largest university in the region, with more than 14...
Macroeconomic calendar
Representatives of the arachnid class are creatures that have lived next to humans for many centuries. But this time it turned out...
Girls and women almost always associate white shoes with a wedding dress, although the white color of shoes has long been no longer required. A...