Ural crafts name place time description. Folk crafts of the Urals and Cis-Urals

Folk arts and crafts- one of the forms of folk artistic creativity, the production of artistic products. The origin of folk artistic crafts, as a rule, is determined by the history of the economic and cultural development of the region, and in most cases they are based on local natural resources. Folk arts and crafts - important element culture and life of the population.

Folk arts and crafts in our country are diverse in their products, materials used, techniques and technology used. The most common are hand weaving and painting of fabrics, artistic stitching and embroidery, lace weaving, carpet weaving, wood carving and painting, artistic pottery, bone carving, soft stone processing, artistic metal processing, lacquer miniatures, etc.

The Chelyabinsk region occupies a worthy place in the palette of Russian folk art. Unique items of Zlatoust engraving on steel are made on the South Ural soil; Kasli casting and Ural bronze are famous all over the world.

More than half of the Ural crafts have long been associated with stone and metal processing. Pavel Petrovich Bazhov glorified the art of the Ural stone-cutters in his tales.

Zlatoust steel engraving originated in 1816 - 1817.

The art of Chrysostom absorbed the richest traditions of Russian and Western European gunsmiths of the 17th-18th centuries, but soon the Ural engravers created their own distinctive style of decorating weapons.

Zlatoust weapons gained fame not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders. At the end of the 1830s, the factory began to decorate Appliances- various boxes, caskets, trays. In the second half of the 19th century, the range of products expanded - decorated cutlery, paper knives, cigarette holders, cigarette cases, hunting knives and hatchets appeared.

Today, along with gift weapons, the factory produces prizes, decorative souvenirs, wall panel, close in artistic design to easel painting.

Orenburg down scarf

Knitted scarves made from goat down are an ancient craft that originated in the Orenburg region 250 years ago. Shawls self made, knitted by the hands of craftswomen, light as feathers and warm as the palms of a mother. Down scarves live a long time and are passed on from generation to generation, warming their ancestors with their warmth and accumulated energy. Russian craftswomen make three types of scarves: shawls, cobwebs and stoles. They are different in shape, knitting density, color and pattern. Down scarves not only fulfill their direct purpose - to insulate and warm, but are also an exclusive decoration. Openwork light shawls and white cobwebs will become an adornment for any woman, emphasizing her grace and delicate taste.

Kasli art casting

garden furniture, gratings, tombstones, household items, sculptures made of cast iron and bronze, made at the Kasli Iron Foundry (Southern Urals), become a work of art. The traditions of Kasli casting are complex technologies molding and casting of products, hand embossing, graphic clarity of the silhouette. The plant was built in the 18th century, and since then the iron foundry has been a center for casting highly artistic products. Openwork lattices, slabs with ornaments, bas-reliefs and sculptures, plates and candlesticks are not inferior in quality and artistic value to the best world samples. Famous sculptors and artists, graduates of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, worked at the plant. With their participation, many projects were developed and implemented, incl. production of memorial plaques with portraits, monuments, architectural casting for the Moscow metro.

Ural painted trays began to be produced at the beginning of the 18th century, during the period of development of metallurgical production, also associated with the production sheet iron. Bright multicolor painting has been entrenched in Nizhny Tagil for a long time. At the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries. In Nizhny Tagil trays, plot painting by professional artists appeared, creating a new direction of painting that brought the tray closer to a decorative painting.

Artistic processing of plant materials. Natural resources - the presence of various tree species - contributed to the development of Chelyabinsk region woodworking crafts. Here they prepared capo root, bast, splint, green and peeled twig, birch bark, and bast. Woodworking enterprises specialized in the production of furniture, agricultural implements, carts, sleighs, boats and household utensils - chests, dishes. The cooperage craft was developed. The production of products from birch bark is developed in the Satka and Ashinsky districts of the Chelyabinsk region. The presence of linden on the western slopes of the Urals led to the development of crafts related to its processing - the production of bast shoulder bags, baskets, and bast shoes. At all times weaving from willow twig enjoyed great popularity. Craftsmen from the Uvelsky district wove baskets and furniture from wicker.

Borage fishing

  • Making and painting boxes (boxes with a lid) from birch bark. This type of craft has become widespread in Nizhny Tagil, and in the Nizhnesalda Museum of Local Lore you can see the largest collection of beetroots.

Flax production

  • Weaving and sewing from flax developed in settlements on the site of the modern Alapaevsky district. Flax was grown everywhere and is one of the most important agricultural crops in the region. Folk craft became the basis for the development light industry and the emergence of flax factories in Sverdlovsk region.

Chest fishing

  • The centers for the development of this craft in the 19th century were the city of Nevyansk and the village of Byngovsky - the largest factories were located here. Chests and caskets were made from pine and cedar wood, rich decoration was made from iron and types of tin: blackened, painted, printed, embossed, bronzed and many others.

Samovar production

  • The samovar business was developed at the Nizhneirginsky plant near Krasnoufimsk. The date of manufacture of the first samovar is 1746. The local history museum houses the richest exhibition of locally produced samovars.

Artistic casting

  • The active development of the metallurgical industry in the Urals contributed to the emergence of artistic crafts in this area: many iron and iron smelting plants had artistic casting workshops. Kasli and Kusinsky cast iron is the pride of the Southern Urals.

Lacquer painting on metal

  • The birthplace of this fishery is Nizhny Tagil. The art of lacquer painting was formed in the 19th century; over the years of its existence, it has not only successfully developed, but also been put on an industrial footing.

Stone carving

  • The Ural school of stone carving originated in the 18th century. On the territory of the modern Sverdlovsk region there were many private workshops. Local stones such as jasper, malachite, marble and many others served as the basis for stone-cutting products. The ancient traditions of this craft are still developing today, not only in small workshops, but also in large stone-cutting enterprises.

Porcelain production

  • Established in 1960 in the city of Sysert. The local porcelain factory is famous for its products throughout the country, and the artistic element “Sysert Rose” based on Ural house painting has become a characteristic symbol of Ural porcelain.

Bell production

  • The Pyatkov and Co. plant was founded in 1991 in the city of Kamensk-Uralsky and is the first private bell casting enterprise in Russia. Since 2005, the city has held a bell ringing festival, which annually attracts thousands of listeners.

In the Urals, many trades and crafts developed, many of them are alive to this day, and some have not reached our time.

Borage fishing

Making and painting boxes (boxes with a lid) from birch bark. This type of craft has become widespread in Nizhny Tagil, and in the Nizhnesalda Museum of Local Lore you can see the largest collection of beetroots.

Flax production

Weaving and sewing from flax developed in settlements on the site of the modern Alapaevsky district. Flax was grown everywhere and is one of the most important agricultural crops in the region. Folk craft became the basis for the development of light industry and the emergence of flax factories in the Sverdlovsk region. Alapaevsk museums allow you to get acquainted with the ancient flax processing technique, which dates back hundreds of years.

Chest fishing

The centers of development of this craft in the 19th century were the city of Nevyansk and the village of Byngovsky - the largest factories were located here. Chests and caskets were made from pine and cedar wood, rich decoration was made from iron and types of tin: blackened, painted, printed, embossed, bronzed and many others.

Samovar production

The samovar business was developed at the Nizhneirginsky plant near Krasnoufimsk. The date of manufacture of the first samovar is 1746. The local history museum houses the richest exhibition of locally produced samovars.

Ural painting

The art of painting became widespread in the Urals in the 17th century, during the active settlement of these lands by people from Central Russia and Volga region. Ural painting developed especially actively in the Alapaevsky mining district. Painted utensils and furniture were found even in the poorest houses, and in some places entire rooms were painted. Vivid examples of this original craft can be seen in the exhibition of the Nizhnesinyachikhny Museum-Reserve.

Artistic casting

The active development of the metallurgical industry in the Urals contributed to the emergence of artistic crafts in this area: many iron and iron smelting plants had artistic casting workshops. Kasli and Kusinsky cast iron is the pride of the Southern Urals. The museum has decorative applied arts you can see an exhibition clearly showing the history of the development of this craft from early XIX century.


The Nevyansk icon painting school is relatively young, but quite famous. It was founded in the 18th century by Old Believers who fled from church reform, and reflected the features of the authentic culture of the Urals and traditions of icon painting Ancient Rus'. Samples Nevyansk icons can be seen in the Nevyansk House of Icons and the Sverdlovsk Regional Museum of Local Lore.

Lacquer painting on metal

The birthplace of this fishery is Nizhny Tagil. The art of lacquer painting was formed in the 19th century; over the years of its existence, it has not only successfully developed, but also been put on an industrial footing.

Stone carving

The Ural school of stone carving originated in the 18th century. On the territory of the modern Sverdlovsk region there were many private workshops. Local stones such as jasper, malachite, marble and many others served as the basis for stone-cutting products. The ancient traditions of this craft are still developing today, not only in small workshops, but also at large stone-cutting enterprises in Nizhny Tagil, Asbest, Yekaterinburg and Zarechny.

Ancient craft traditions also laid the foundation for a number of modern industrial productions:

Porcelain production

Established in 1960 in the city of Sysert. The local porcelain factory is famous for its products throughout the country, and the artistic element “Sysert Rose” based on Ural house painting has become a characteristic symbol of Ural porcelain.

Bell production

The Pyatkov and Co. plant was founded in 1991 in the city of Kamensk-Uralsky and is the first private bell casting enterprise in Russia. Since 2005, the city has held a bell ringing festival, which annually attracts thousands of listeners.




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Radical transformations in all spheres of life in our society determined the introduction to educational process course "Folk Crafts of the Urals", because in modern conditions the prosperity of technogenic civilization, the strengthening of the role of scientific and technological progress, there is a need for familiarization with spiritual sources, cultural heritage, to the national traditions in the culture and art of each people. A special place in this process is occupied by folk arts and crafts, that is, that area of ​​artistic and practical human activity in which unique artistic objects are created, marked by individuality, unique forms and decorative decoration. Constituting an organic part of the objective environment with which a person comes into contact everywhere, these works, with their aesthetic qualities, figurative structure, character, in one way or another affect a person’s state of mind, his mood, and are a source of emotions that influence his attitude to the world around him.

A university graduate in the field of knowledge in the course “Folk Crafts of the Urals” must:

Know various Ural folk crafts, their centers, features of equipment and technology;

Be able to distinguish, compare, analyze products of Ural folk crafts;

Have the skills to determine the artistic value of folk crafts of the Urals, make arts and crafts, and make sketches of folk crafts of the Urals.


Abstract is one of the forms independent work full-time student, which he must complete while studying the discipline. The volume of the abstract is within 20 pages of A-4 format.

The purpose of working on an essay is to attract students to scientific work.

The purpose of writing an abstract is to show the author’s understanding of the problem, his ability to analyze, make generalizations, and conclusions.

The abstract must include:

Title page indicating the university and faculty, surname, initials of the student, name of the topic of the work, academic discipline, place (city) and year of writing;


Main part;


List of used literature;


The introduction substantiates the relevance of the topic, poses the problem, and formulates the purpose and objectives of the abstract.

The main part reveals the content of the problem formulated in the introduction. The main part consists of several (usually two or three) questions. The plan can be structured in a problem-based or chronological manner. Each question ends with conclusions.

It is important that when citing digital and factual data, statements of prominent personalities, quotes from scientific research and textbooks, the author made an appropriate link to the source used (at the bottom of the page or at the end of the work).

In conclusion, you should summarize the results, generalize the results obtained, and formulate the main conclusions on the topic of the abstract.

In the bibliography, the sources used are listed alphabetically. Bibliographic descriptions of books and footnotes must comply with GOST requirements.

Tables, individual documents, and illustrations are included in the appendix. In this case, references to applications are also made in the text.

Questions and literature for seminar classes

Topic 1. Folk and artistic crafts of the Urals as a cultural phenomenon

1. Folk and artistic crafts: concept, variety of types.

2. History of folk art crafts of Russia.

3. Folk and artistic crafts of the Urals: history, general

characteristics, types.

4. Traditional principles of folk art.

Topics of abstracts and reports

Folk art of the Middle Urals in the 18th – 20th centuries.

Traditions in folk art.

Variety of folk and artistic crafts.


Main literature

additional literature

1. Baradulin, bouquet ( folk painting Mining Urals). [Text] / . Ekaterinburg, 2004.

2. Zarinskaya, culture and the objective world of the Ural workers. [Text] / . Ekaterinburg, 2004.

3. Zaitsev, G. B. When I was in the Urals. [Text] / . Sverdlovsk, 1991

4. Pavlovsky, - applied art of the Urals. [Text] / . Ekaterinburg, 2001.

5. Ilyin, nationality, innovation. [Text] / . Ekaterinburg, 1999.

6. Konstantinov, decorative and applied arts. [Text] / . Rostov-on-Don, 2004.


Compile a table “Folk and artistic crafts of Russia” (type, material, features of the craft, centers).

Topic 2. Folk crafts and decorative and applied arts of the Urals

1. The place of applied arts in the system of spatial arts.

2. Types of decorative and applied arts, their classification.

3. Expressive means decorative and applied arts.

4. Ornament and its types. Universal motives.

Topics of abstracts and reports

Color symbolism of the East in decorative works -

applied arts.

Christian color symbolism in folk crafts.

Perm animal style.


Main literature

1. Antonov, Russian crafts. [Text]: textbook. allowance / . M.: 1998.

2. Bardin, folk arts and crafts and souvenirs. [Text]: textbook. allowance./ . M.: 2000.

3. Maksyashin, arts of the Urals. [Text]: textbook. allowance./ . Ekaterinburg, Publishing House of the Russian State Pedagogical University, 2003.

4. Murzina, culture of the Urals. [Text]: textbook. manual for students 10 – 11 grades. / . Ekaterinburg, Publishing House of the Teacher, 1999.

additional literature

1. Bankovsky, L. Permistics (notes on the origins of Perm regional culture). [Text] / L. Bankovsky. Perm, 1991.

2. Baradulin, bouquet (folk painting of the Urals mining industry). [Text] / . Ekaterinburg, 2004.

3. Vlasova, O. M. About the genres of Perm wooden sculpture. From the history of artistic culture of the Urals. [Text] / . Ekaterinburg, 2006.

4. Vlasova, primitive in Perm wooden sculpture. [Text] / . Ekaterinburg, 2006.

5. Pavlovsky, - applied art of the Urals. [Text] / . Ekaterinburg, 2001.

6. Kagan, art as an objective being of artistic value. A work of art like social value. [Text] / . Sverdlovsk, 1989.


Make all types of ornaments in color.

Make an isocrossword: decipher floral ornament in painting trays, boxes, tables, etc., fine ornamentation in metal dishes, embroidery, carpets.

Topic 3. Ural stone-cutting industries

1. History of the Ural stone-cutting industries.

2. Yekaterinburg plant “Ural Gems”

3. Perm plant “Ural stone cutter”.

4. Orenburg crafts. "Gems".

Topics of abstracts and reports

Features of Kungur stone-cutting folk crafts.

Assortment of the Yekaterinburg plant “Ural Gems”.

"Chelyabinsk Art Products" is the youngest stone-cutting factory in the Urals.


Main literature

1. Volkova, O. Masters of Stone. Ekaterinburg.[Text] / O. Volkova. M.: 2000.

2. Voronov, V. S. About peasant art. [Text] / . M.: 2002.

3. Gribova, animal style [Text] / . M.: 1995.

4. Evstifeev, N. Stone-cutting art. [Text] / N. Evstifeev. Ekaterinburg, 1998.

additional literature

1. Makarov, stone in the Hermitage collection. [Text] / . St. Petersburg: 2005.

2. Melnikov, M. Processing of colored stones in Yekaterinburg: the current state of this industry and its future. [Text] / M. Melnikova. Ekaterinburg, 2005.

3. Zverev, fishing in the Urals. [Text] / . Ekaterinburg, 2000.

4. . Russian carved stone. [Text] / . Ekaterinburg, 2000.

5. Matyushin, Ural belt. [Text] / . M., 1997.

6. Pavlovsky, art of the Urals. [Text] / . Ekaterinburg, 2001.


Make sketches of stone-cutting products, taking into account the characteristics of each of them.

Perform the collective composition “Danila the Master’s Workshop”

Topic 4. Artistic metal processing in the Urals

1. History of artistic metal processing in Russia and the Urals.

2. Kasli and Kusinsky cast iron.

3. Zlatoust engraving on metal.

4. Nizhny Tagil painted tray.

Topics of abstracts and reports

Kasli cast iron pavilion.

Zlatoust method of metal processing.

Distinctive features of the Nizhny Tagil tray.

Methods of metal processing in the Urals.


Main literature

1. Antonov, Russian crafts. [Text]: textbook. allowance / . M.: 1998.

2. Bardin, folk arts and crafts and souvenirs. [Text]: textbook. allowance./ . M.: 2000.

3. Zaitsev, G. B. At the origins of the Ural jewelry art. [Text] / . Ekaterinburg, 1998.

4. Clients, A. Samorezov, A. Mikhailov, V. Folk crafts. [Text]: textbook. allowance / A. Clients, A. Samorezov, V. Mikhailov. M., White City, 2004.

additional literature

1. Sobolev, casting in Russian art. [Text] / . M., 2000.

2. Gilev, problems of Kasli casting. [Text] /. St. Petersburg, 2001.

3. Zotov, casting. [Text]: textbook. allowance. / . M., 1999.

4. Dmitriev, rose. History of lacquer making in the Urals. [Text] / Ed. , . Ekaterinburg, Start, 2000.

5. Pavlovsky, . [Text] / . Ekaterinburg, 2000.

6. Pavlovsky, cast iron pavilion. [Text] / . Ekaterinburg, 2007.


Complete the sketch:

Candlestick, fireplace grate, box, small sculpture;

Decorated weapons;

Nizhny Tagil tray.

Develop an excursion route for this type of crafts in the Urals (description, map, sketches, etc.).

Topic 5. Ural ceramics

1. History of ceramic crafts of the Urals.

2. Ekaterinburg ceramics.

3. Sysert porcelain.

4. Bogdanovich porcelain factory.

Topics of abstracts and reports

Variety of types of ceramics (terracotta, majolica, faience, porcelain)

Manufacturing methods ceramic products.

Tavolga ceramics.


Main literature

1. Antonov, Russian crafts. [Text]: textbook. allowance / . M.: 1998.

2. Bardin, folk arts and crafts and souvenirs. [Text]: textbook. allowance./ . M.: 2000.

4. Murzina, culture of the Urals. [Text]: textbook. manual for students 10 – 11 grades. / . Ekaterinburg, Publishing House of the Teacher, 1999.

additional literature

1. Baradulin, artistic craft. [Text]: textbook. allowance / . Ekaterinburg, 1999.

2. Zaitsev, G. B. When I was in the Urals. [Text] / . Sverdlovsk, 1991.

3. Zarinskaya, culture and the objective world of the Ural workers. [Text]: / . Ekaterinburg, 2004.

4. Konstantinov, decorative and applied arts. [Text]: textbook. allowance. / . Rostov-on-Don, 2004.

5. Folk arts and crafts of Russia. [Text] / Catalog – album. M.: Interbook - business, 2000.

6. Pavlovsky, - applied art of the Urals. [Text] / . Ekaterinburg, 2001.


Make a drawing to decorate ceramic products (service).

Create a sketch for a small sculpture (figurine).

Develop an excursion route around the ceramic crafts of the Urals (description, map, sketches, etc.).

Topic 6. Ural carving and wood painting,

wickerwork, birch bark products

1. History of fisheries in the Urals.

2. Ural carving and wood painting.

3. Ural house painting.

4. Nevyansk icon.

Topics of abstracts and reports

Tyumen dyers are great Ural artists.

Nevyansk icon painting school and its stylistic features.

Ural birch bark craftsmen. (, N. Ya.


Main literature

1. Krzhivitskaya, culture of the Urals. [Text]: a book for reading in high school secondary school/ , . Ekaterinburg, “Socrates”, 2003.

2. Bardin, folk arts and crafts and souvenirs. [Text]: textbook. allowance./ . M.: 2000.

3. Baradulin, folk painting on wood, birch bark and metal. [Text]: textbook. allowance. / . Ekaterinburg, 2004.

4. Bubnov, wooden architecture of the Urals. [Text]: textbook. allowance / . Ekaterinburg: 2008.

additional literature

1. Larin, O. Bow down to the tree. [Text] / O. Larin. M., 2005.

2. Suprun, and painting on wood. [Text]: textbook. allowance./ . M., 1999.

3. Stepanov, charm. [Text] / . Ekaterinburg, 2001.

4. Zhegalova, folk painting. [Text] / . M., 2003.

5. Sokolova, wood painting: Technology of folk art crafts. [Text] / . M., VLADOS, 2002.

6. Baradulin, paintings of the Urals and the Urals. Peasant painted house. [Text] / . Ekaterinburg, 1999.


Complete the collective composition “Ural Painted House”.

Make sketches of elements of carved patterns during inspections of monuments of wooden and modern architecture.

Topic 7. Ural bone carving

1. History of the development of bone-carving industry in the Urals.

2. Types of bone, places of its extraction.

3. Types of bone carving and techniques for their implementation.

4. Tobolsk bone carving.

Topics of abstracts and reports

Flat-relief, ornamental and decorative bone carving.

Inlay is one of the most famous methods of decoration.

Ural bone carving industry in Tobolsk.


Main literature

1. Antonov, Russian crafts. [Text]: textbook. allowance / . M.: 1998.

2. Bardin, folk arts and crafts and souvenirs. [Text]: textbook. allowance./ . M.: 2000.

3. Krzhivitskaya, culture of the Urals. [Text]: a book for reading in senior classes of secondary schools / , . Ekaterinburg, “Socrates”, 2003.

4. Maksyashin, arts of the Urals. [Text]: textbook. allowance./ . Ekaterinburg, Publishing House of the Russian State Pedagogical University, 2003.

additional literature

1. Pavlovsky, - applied art of the Urals. [Text] / . Ekaterinburg, 2001.

2. Abrosimova, wood, bone and antler carvings. [Text]: textbook. allowance. / , . M., 2008.

3. Baradulin, artistic craft. [Text]: textbook. allowance / . Ekaterinburg, 1999.

4. . Ural and regional schools of architecture of Vyatka and Tobolsk. [Text] / . Ekaterinburg, 1997.

5. Konstantinov, decorative and applied arts. [Text]: textbook. allowance. / . Rostov-on-Don, 2004.

6. Folk arts and crafts of Russia. Catalog – album. M., interbook - business, 2000.


Make sketches, considering the type of bone and carving used,

Furniture inlaid with bone;

Caskets, cups;

Topic 8. Ural embroidery, batik and carpets

1. From the history of Ural embroidery, carpet weaving and fabric painting.

2. Ural embroidery.

3. Ozersky batik.

4. Ural folk costume.

Topics of abstracts and reports

Handmade art artistic painting fabrics in the Urals.

Nevyansk embroidery.

Features of the Ural folk costume.


Main literature

Antonov, Russian crafts. [Text]: textbook. allowance / . M.: 1998.

Bardin, folk arts and crafts and souvenirs. [Text]: textbook. allowance./ . M.: 2000.

Krzhivitskaya, culture of the Urals. [Text]: a book for reading in senior classes of secondary schools / , . Ekaterinburg, “Socrates”, 2003.

Voronov, V. S. About peasant art. [Text] / . M., 2002.

additional literature

Sokolnikov, art and methods of teaching it in primary school. [Text]: Textbook. A manual for students. higher ped. textbook establishments / . M., 2003.

Pavlovsky, - applied art of the Urals. [Text] / . Ekaterinburg, 2001.

Baradulin, artistic craft. [Text] / . Ekaterinburg, 1999.

Sobolev, on the history of textile decoration. [Text] / . M., 2004.

Konstantinov, decorative and applied arts. [Text] / . Rostov-on-Don, 2004.

Folk arts and crafts of Russia. [Text] / Catalog – album. M.: Interbook - business, 2000.


Offer a design for embroidery (taking into account traditional subjects, ornaments and colors).

Paint on fabric using one of the known methods.

Topic 9. Protection of collective works - excursion routes “Golden Ring of the Middle Urals” (on folk art crafts of the Urals)

Topic 10. Training conference " Actual problems and prospects for the development of Ural folk crafts"

1. Development and placement of folk crafts on the territory of the Russian Federation, meeting with art critic, researcher at the Eclecticism gallery Marina Rudolfovna Prozorova.

2. Ural icon: yesterday, today, tomorrow. Our guest is icon painter T.


3. Current state Ural stone-cutting industries.

4. Artistic metal in the Urals.

5. Exhibition of products of decorative and applied arts, sketches and sketches of interior details, decorations, ornaments, etc. cultural monuments, collective works on the creation artistic image Ural hut according to the proposed elements of its external and interior decoration, development of thematic excursion routes (descriptions, tasks, maps, sketches), booklets on folk arts and crafts.


Requirements for the abstract……………………...……………………………………. 3

Questions and literature for seminar classes…………………………… 4

Topic 1. Folk and artistic crafts of the Urals as a phenomenon

culture……………………………………………………………………………………. 4

Topic 2. Folk crafts and decorative and applied arts

Ural…………………..…………………………………………………… 5

Topic 3. Ural stone-cutting industries………..………………………. 7

Topic 4. Artistic metal processing in the Urals…..………………… 8

Topic 5. Ural ceramics……………………………...………………….. 9

Topic 6. Ural wood carving and painting, wickerwork, products from

birch bark…………………………………………………………….…………. 10

Topic 7. Ural bone carving……………………………………………………..12

Topic 8. Ural embroidery, batik and carpets……………………………………………………...13

Topic 9. Protection of collective works - excursion routes “Golden Ring of the Middle Urals” (folk and artistic crafts

Ural)…………………………………………………………………………………... .14

Topic 10. Educational conference “Current problems and prospects for the development of Ural folk art industries”……..……… 14

Final test…………………………………………………………………………………. 15

Folk crafts

Folk crafts

Initially, traditional Ural crafts were distinguished by a variety of directions and styles. They were developed by talented, original craftsmen. Nowadays in Ural cities and villages, traditional trades and crafts are being revived. The activities of folk craftsmen are coordinated and directed by the regional artistic expert council on folk arts and crafts.

More than half of the Ural crafts have long been associated with stone and metal processing. Pavel Petrovich Bazhov glorified the art of the Ural stone-cutters in his tales. From ancient times to this day, products from the Urals adorn the best museums in the world and private collections.

Among the folk artistic crafts that traditionally existed in the Middle Urals, stone-cutting, lapidary and jewelry production, artistic forging and metal bending, bell-casting, varnish painting metalworking, woodworking crafts, production of art ceramics and porcelain.

The traditional Ural craft is stone cutting and lapidary production. Production of products from ornamental and semi-precious stones from 1726 it was concentrated in Yekaterinburg in a small workshop, which later grew into the Yekaterinburg lapidary factory. From the second half of the 19th century centuries, stone-cutting production was located in all large factory villages.

Currently, Ural Souvenir LLC, Ural Stones LLC, Tayutkino Mirror LLC, and Murzinka-1 LLC operate in the Sverdlovsk region.

Jewelry production is one of the most significant Ural industries. Its origins began with the cutting of gems at the beginning of the third decade of the 18th century, and jewelry with precious and semi-precious stones itself began to be produced in the first quarter of the 19th century in handicraft workshops located at all jewelry stores in Yekaterinburg. The jewelry business especially flourished after the reform of 1861, quickly becoming one of the most profitable Ural crafts.

Currently engaged in the jewelry business are JSC Jewelers of the Urals, LLC Ekaterinburg Jewelry Factory, Individual Private Enterprise Vitex, LLC Murzinka-1, LLC Tayutkino Mirror, LLC Ural Souvenir.

Bell foundry in the Urals arose at the beginning of the 18th century in the Nevyansk plant, where in 1702, by order of N.D. Antufiev (Demidov) the first bell was cast. In 1790, a bell foundry was founded in Nevyansk. Then bell foundry was established at the Yekaterinburg Metallurgical Plant, Kamensk-Uralsky, Vyysky (near Tagil), Suksunsky (near Krasnoufimsk) factories. IN Soviet time the production of bells was stopped everywhere. The revival of the fishery began in 1990. Currently, Pyatkov and Co LLC has mastered the bell-casting business in the city of Kamensk-Uralsky.

Artistic forging and metal bending developed in the Urals as mining architecture became established (production of fences, columns, gates). IN modern period artistic forging in the Sverdlovsk region is carried out by Kuznetsy LLC, Kuznechnaya Academy LLC, Kuznechnaya Manufactory LLC, Oltos LLC, blacksmiths from the workshops of the Art Fund (Ekaterinburg); enterprises LLC "Kovgrad", LLC "Symphony of Metal" (Pervouralsk). Individually working craftsmen and enterprises are members of the Blacksmiths of the Urals association (president - Associate Professor of the Ural Academy of Architecture and Art N.A. Volkov).

Lacquer painting on metal originated in Nizhny Tagil. This fishery recently celebrated its 265th anniversary. Currently, painted trays are being produced in Nizhny Tagil at the enterprises of Tagil Tray LLC, the tray painting department of RSK LLC, and Lacquer Painting of the Urals LLC.

Woodworking industry s in the forest-rich Ural region were represented by the production of “ stylish furniture» richly decorated with carvings, wicker furniture and other products made of wicker and willow, and small decorative plastic materials. Currently, various household items (baskets, boxes, lampshades) are produced by the Distance of Forest Protective Plantings of the Sverdlovsk railway(“Egorshinskaya Loza”), wicker furniture made of willow is manufactured by the individual private enterprise “Tropnikov Wicker Furniture”; in the workshops of the Art Fund, the “Center for Artistic Wood” has been created, specializing in wood carving and inlay; The production of various products from birch bark is carried out by the craftsmen of Artel LLC in the city of Lesnoy.

Artistic ceramic craft in the Middle Urals was known since the beginning of the 18th century for the production of pottery in the Nevyansk and Sysert regions. Currently, the successor to the business of the Nevyansk Art Ceramics Factory in the Nevyansk region is the Tavolozhskaya Ceramics LLC enterprise. Porcelain Sysert LLC specializes in producing hand-painted tableware. In 2000, “Porcelain Sysert” mastered the production of porcelain and earthenware iconostases.

List of places of traditional existence of folk art crafts in the Sverdlovsk region(approved by Decree of the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region dated March 6, 2013 No. 262-PP “On approval of the List of places of traditional existence of folk arts and crafts of the Sverdlovsk Region”):

1. The city of Yekaterinburg - stone-cutting and jewelry production, artistic casting and forging of metal, ceramic production, artistic fabric processing and wicker weaving.

2. The city of Nizhny Tagil - varnish painting on metal, stone-cutting and jewelry production, birch bark making, artistic casting and metal forging.

3. The city of Sysert - production of painted porcelain tableware.

4. City of Bogdanovich – production of painted porcelain tableware.

5. Neivo-Shaitansky village, Alapaevsky district - production of jewelry and stone-cutting products.

6. Butka village, Talitsky district - artistic hand-made carpet weaving and patterned knitting.

7. The city of Turinsk - production of wooden products with hand-painted brushes: children's toys, souvenirs, kitchen and table sets.

8. City of Artemovsky - wicker weaving.

9. Nevyansky district - production of artistic ceramics.

10. The city of Kamensk-Uralsky - bell foundry, production of birch bark products, artistic casting and metal forging.

11. The city of Lesnoy - production of products from birch bark and wicker, ceramic production, artistic casting and metal forging.

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