Seeing underground: the experience of searching with ground penetrating radar. Huge voids underground

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Price: from 100 rubles/p.m.

To have full information about the site - its relief, hydrological conditions, geophysical characteristics (features and structure of the soil), means, with minimal time and finances, to carry out (or start) the necessary work. The geologists of our enterprise "Surveys of the MSC" carry out qualitative and qualified studies of the soil. We also solve more specific tasks, such as determining voids in the ground, searching for metal and non-metal pipelines, and searching for water veins.

Determination of voids in the ground of various origins is an important task

Cavities under the soil layer can occur for various reasons. Let's consider the most common.

  • Karst processes (washout and dissolution of limestone rocks by groundwater) caused the appearance of voids, a considerable part of which are found today in cities, often in built-up areas. To miss such an important feature of the territory means to expose the object to the danger of failures, subsidence and destruction. Turning to the services of specialists in time who know how to find a void in the ground means preventing deformation and destruction of the structure.
  • Voids underground can be formed as a result of man-made accidents. Failure to comply with pipeline laying technologies causes gusts and leaks that wash out cavities underground, asphalt or concrete pavement.
  • Determination of voids in the ground is carried out by our specialists in the places of ancient buildings, where the ancient cultural layer is hidden under the thickness of the earth and modern facilities. Old basements, cellars, which are not on any map of the city, can become an unpleasant "surprise" for the developer or owner of the site.

When is the determination of voids in the ground ordered?

from 100 rubles/p.m.

The most common goal pursued by the Customer, having ordered the search for underground voids in our company, is to secure future construction from landslide processes, the appearance of failures and subsidence of the soil. To do this, we conduct geological surveys, which include the determination of cavities in the soil. We also carry out the search for voids purposefully, without reference to complex studies.

Often, the determination of karst voids in the ground by our specialists occurs at the request of the Customer for an object in operation, when damage to structures, distortions of openings and cracks clearly indicate problems with the foundation or base of the building (structure).

ATTENTION! Timely detection of the problem, namely voids in the ground, and taking radical measures to eliminate it in monetary terms will be much more profitable than saving the structure in emergency mode.

Our specialists also work by order of archaeologists, historical search expeditions, speleologists, whose workers do not have the necessary equipment and skills.

How to find the void underground?

Each research work requires not only theoretical knowledge and great effort, the quality of research largely depends on the professionalism of our employees, who know from their own experience how to find the void underground. Using many years of research skills, we find cavities with great accuracy, using specialized instruments and techniques for studying the earth's depths:

  • devices, the principle of operation of which is to emit their own and receive reflected electromagnetic impulses;
  • seismoacoustic method;
  • using the principle of electrical resistance (vertical electrical sounding).

A modern GPR of subsurface radar sounding with high resolution allows you to transmit continuous data about the studied profile to the receiving device. After being converted into digital form and processed by special programs, the computer gives our specialists a detailed “picture” of the soil section:

  • the depth of the location of the void formation;
  • dimensions of the cavity in plan and vertical.
ATTENTION! We obtain accurate data by examining the earth's thickness up to 30 meters deep.

You can learn more about the service from our specialists using the feedback on the website or by calling our company.

The dowsing frame is currently widely used in various fields of human activity. With its help, they search for groundwater, voids in the soil, unfavorable energy zones (geopathogenic) and much more.

Meanwhile, the first mention of "dowsing", as dowsing was called in the old days (the name is still preserved in English language), refers to 2100 BC. e. This is the opinion of the researcher of the phenomenon A. O. Krasavin. Later, in different centuries, the concept could be found in Pliny the Elder, Paracelsus, A. Mesmer. In the dictionary of V. Dahl, the phenomenon is described by the word "rhabdomancy", which means "search with the help of a wand for sources, places for digging a well, precious metals, treasures."

The dowsing effect has been used and is still being used especially widely in the waterless regions of India to search for sources of moisture. In China, they did not start building a house at all until the dowser was convinced that the building site was free from "deep demons."

According to the UN Special Adviser on Geology, Dutch Professor S. Tromp, people were engaged in dowsing 7,000 years ago.

From the ancient Egyptians to the present day, some mystery surrounds the movements of the "twig". And now - both the dowsing frame and the pendulum. Science seeks explanations for the unknown force in several directions. One of them proceeds from the assumption of the existence of radiation, in addition to electromagnetic and photon radiation, which characterize protein-nucleic life forms and are captured by the dowser with the help of a radar. Another approach is described by the well-known researcher of the mental sphere, Professor L.P. Grimak. He believes that the phenomenon of dowsing consists in “revealing actualized in the human mind and non-sensually perceived information in the form of ideomotor reactions. They are detected through the movements of dowsing indicators held in the hands - flexible twigs, wire frames, pendulums.

The practical applications of the dowsing effect are essentially limitless. In the north of Russia, the Saami of the Khibiny tundra have long used a twig to navigate the terrain, without a compass accurately determining the desired direction. Today, operators from the Association of Engineering Dowsing, created by V. Pluzhnikov, have been successfully helping builders, geologists, rescuers and people in need of help for many years, finding water and minerals, missing people and lost things, underground voids with the help of dowsing frames. in cities.

And of course, with the help of dowsing, deviations in human health, the presence of unfavorable zones in an apartment or house, and extraneous energy-informational influence are determined.

So, what is a dowsing indicator? This is a special frame or pendulum. Frames are single-handed or two-handed (the interaction of two frames). Made of steel, aluminum, copper or brass wire, the frame can be L-shaped, additionally have a small lower bar at a right angle at the lower end of the handle or two equal bars at the top and bottom of the handle. The latter usually has a length of 9 to 12 centimeters, and the planks extending from it at a right angle are twice as long.

Usually, one frame is used for work, but much depends on the conditions of use of the biolocator. So, when working on the ground, when you need to explore an extended section of the surface, two frames are used to obtain a clearer result.

The operator holds the frame in a loosely compressed palm, while the arm is bent at the elbow. If there are two frames, they are held parallel to each other at a distance of 25-30 centimeters. As a result of energy-informational interaction with the object under study, an involuntary reaction of the operator's muscular system appears and the frame deviates from its original position. In this case, three types of movements are observed: rotation (inward or outward), rotation (clockwise or counterclockwise), vibrations, as a result of which the frame takes an unstable position that differs from the original one. If there are two frames, then they can cross, diverge to the sides or rotate.

Now - about the most important thing in working with a biolocator. By themselves, the movement of the frame does not mean anything. A certain code is needed, using which it would be possible to decipher the information obtained during the experiment. In other words, a mental contract is concluded with the frame, according to which each of its movements will mean a certain result. Most often, the "contract" takes the following form: turning the frame, say, inward will mean a positive answer to the question posed, and outward - a negative one. Unstable equilibrium - the absence of an answer to a question. In some cases, the strength of the reaction is also evaluated. The task of the biolocator can also be set in another form. For example, if you are looking for water in your summer cottage, the mental setting might be: "Let the frame turn outward when I pass over a place with a good underground source."

The so-called "witnesses" significantly increase the accuracy of the required forecasts. This word in dowsing is understood as material objects and mental manifestations that can better set up both the operator and the indicator for obtaining the result. Material objects include any items belonging to the wanted person, photographs or drawings that will be used to diagnose the disease, etc. Mental evidence is the operator's mental images associated with the object of research. They are created both as a result of personal communication with a specific person, and during a survey of third parties who were familiar with him.

Another ancient predictive tool is the pendulum. From time immemorial, it was considered a divine attribute, and those who knew how to use it were wise. There was a whole tradition of making pendulums. They were made in compliance with certain magical rituals, individually for the exact astrological indicators of the operator, and also taking into account his position in society.

The pendulum was brought to Europe from India by a professor at the University of Strasbourg Gerboin. Then, in 1799, the Paris Academy created a special commission to study the phenomenon of the pendulum, with the help of which the Indians successfully engaged in dowsing in search of groundwater, deposits of precious metals and stones. For some unknown reason, pundits made an unfavorable conclusion about the use of the pendulum, and interest in it was renewed only towards the end of the 19th century.

The essence of the phenomenon is similar to the effect of using a frame. Only in this case, the operator holds a small load on the suspension in his fingers. Spontaneous movements of the pendulum occur when a person concentrates on receiving certain information. They take the form of a weight rotating clockwise or counterclockwise. The pendulum body usually has spherical shape and weighs between 10 and 120 grams. In office conditions, a load of up to 30 grams is used, while a heavier pendulum is needed to work in open areas. The ball must be of correct shape and well balanced. The cord is made 8-10 centimeters long. It must ensure the free movement of the working body of the pendulum. Fluffy material is not allowed. The cord must not be black. You need to know that as the length of the cord increases, the sensitivity of the pendulum decreases. The same thing happens when the weight is too heavy.

The pendulum is usually held by the thumb and forefinger of the right hand. The upper phalanxes of the fingers are directed vertically downwards and form the anchor point of suspension.

The rest of the technique is the same as when using the frame. The “communication code” with the pendulum is also set and the reactions of movement in one direction or another are monitored.

Now, both in Russia and abroad, a lot of experience has been accumulated in dowsing for the purpose of detecting various objects, orienting in the area, and diagnosing diseases. The techniques of such work are taught at the Russian School of Survival by the famous traveler Vitaly Sundakov. Modern dowsing is no longer a simple wandering around the area with a twig to determine the place of digging a well. In its study, the forces of the best physicists, psychologists-specialists in the field of the unconscious, highly qualified bioenergy therapists are concentrated. The scope of the method is unlimited, and who knows what new processes will soon be measured using a seemingly simple wire frame.

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Specially trained people find voids underground, water sources, ore deposits, pipelines, cables, old foundations, treasures.
These are highly sensitive people. The device with which they find objects underground is a wooden flyer or a metal frame. When searching, the frame begins to slowly turn, pointing to what you are looking for. (7).

Dowsing is one of the mysterious phenomena, with the help of which specially trained people find voids underground, water sources, ore deposits, pipelines not indicated on the diagrams, old foundations and even treasures. The main device of dowsing operators is a wooden flyer or a metal frame. They hold it in their hands and slowly walk through the surveyed area. If there is a void, a foundation, or something else unusual below, the frame begins to slowly turn. As a rule, hypersensitive people have a rare gift of working with a frame. By the deviation of the frame, you can determine the karst funnel, i.e. a void or cavern underground, washed out by water. Despite the fact that the effectiveness of dowsing has been proven by thousands of experiments, there is a persistent element of mistrust towards it. Everything is too simple: with the help of some kind of frame - and such accurate data. (7).

An old French treatise on the search for minerals says:

“There are 5 rules that you need to know in order to determine the places where metals occur:

The first, the simplest, according to the outcrops of the earth;

Second, by the herbs and plants that are found above;

Third, according to the taste of the water that comes to the surface there or
which is found in the pores of the earth;

Fourth, according to the vapors that rise around the mountains and valleys at sunrise;

Fifth, by means of sixteen metal instruments which
applied above.

In addition to these 5 rules and 16 tools, there are 7 more metal twigs that you need to know and be able to use and that served our ancestors to find metals in the bowels of the earth and determine their depth, as well as to find water sources if they are plentiful. The author of this treatise is Martina de Bertero. She, along with her husband Baron de Beausoleil, discovered more than 100 ore deposits in France. (7). K. Kasyanov.

An unflattering opinion about the art of miners and dowsers (as in Russia in the old days they called people looking for water or ore with the help of a special slingshot - the “magic vine”) is very common among scientists.

The dowser walks leisurely; the forked rod, which he holds in his hands, rotates in time with his steps. At some point, the rod sharply leans down and begins to rotate faster. And now the dowser, having stopped, is already instructing the diggers: to dig there and to such and such a depth.

The main role in the search for sources and ores is played not by a slingshot or any other tool, but by the man himself - a dowser. It is the human body that somehow responds to the presence of the desired objects, and various adaptations only help to manifest a weak physiological response more clearly. The slingshot leans towards the ground under the influence of weak muscular efforts of the dowser's hands, but these efforts themselves are caused by the fact that a person somehow perceives ... If the dowser does not go, but drives in a car at a relatively high speed, then his sensitivity increases sharply. And an “avial explorer” flying in an airplane finds something that is inaccessible to his brother traveling in a car.

About half of the people may be dowsers; different people to varying degrees they have the feeling of dowsers.

Dowsers can search for ore deposits and water sources, armed not with a rod, but with a pendulum, which they hold in one hand.

The dowser effect is associated with changes in the magnetic field. Where the dowser's slingshot tilts, modern instruments register a magnetic anomaly. Magnetic anomalies associated with iron ore deposits.

Groundwater is rich in dissolved mineral salts. As a result, the soil electricity, which induces a magnetic field. This field can be discovered by the dowser.

Dowsers are credited with the ability to find hidden treasures, buried bodies of the dead, and murder weapons. The dowser detects metals belatedly, going a little further than the place where the magnetic field changes the most.
The most sensitive part of the human body is the elbow area. The dowser also feels a variable magnetic field. Some non-magnetic influences, such as vibration, can completely desensitize the dowser. (7). K. Kasyanov.

Experiments were carried out to detect various underground anomalies using the bioenergetic, or dowsing effect. According to the deviation of the indicator frame, which a trained operator holds in his hand, an ancient stone wall in Novgorod was discovered underground. The wall was immediately excavated. Near Leningrad, in Peterhof, the location of the foundation of an ancient garden building, in Pskov - the entrance to the Varlaamov coal tower hidden by scree and the filled-in loopholes in the lower tier of the fortress wall, in the city of Galich, Ivano-Frankivsk region (Ukraine) - the buried ruins of monuments of ancient Russian architecture of the XII-XIII centuries.

The use of bioenergetic methods made it possible to significantly reduce the time spent on searching for the locations of archaeological objects and showed sufficient reliability of the results. (80).

According to some researchers, even the ancient Sumerians, and behind them the Chaldeans and Babylonians, knew how to use a "magic wand" or "magic wands" - they were looking for water and ore with their help. Ancient miners found deposits of various ores with amazing accuracy. An old adit was discovered, punched obliquely to the ore body lying at a depth of a hundred meters: on the surface, no signs of ore are noticeable. How did the miners manage to determine that there was a deposit here? The answer is simple - the explorers used the most primitive search device - a vine, a “magic wand”.

In the Middle Ages, good Christians tried to attribute the movement of the wand to the intervention of Satan. And this is despite the fact that dowsers, water seekers have thoroughly proved their suitability.

Baron Basoleil and his wife discovered more than 150 ore deposits in France at the beginning of the 17th century using this method.

In 1780, Pierre Touvenel, together with the peasant Bartholomew Bletton, conducted a whole series of successful experiments to search for groundwater - in Lorraine alone, they discovered about 800 sources.

Carmejean, president of the Regional Society of Architects of the North-East of France, reported that the wand allowed him to successfully collect underground water to supply the cities of Rempol, Lanniom and Sambrier in 1910. Approximately at the same time, a water search competition was held in Paris, organized by the International Congress of Experimental Psychology. The experiments were successful.

They were also interested in dowsing in Russia. One water searcher was taken around Moscow, checking his testimony with the plan of the city's water supply network. The dowser indicated exactly where the water pipes lay underground and in which direction the water flows through them.

The best "sticks" are obtained from hazel. You can use elm, maple, dogwood, ash - both dry and fresh wood. They were made from reeds, whalebone, metal wire.
A small fork was chosen with an angle of divergence of branches of 25-50 degrees. The branches should have approximately the same thickness, bent at a right angle, without breaking. Their length is 40-55 cm, excess branches are cut flush. The bark must be handled with care, it must not be damaged.
The straight end of the stick is 5-8 cm long. If reeds are used, then two pencil-thick stalks are taken and tied with twine. Hold the indicator in front of you with both hands, pressing the elbows to the body and bending the elbows at approximately a right angle - this is the most common way. The palms of the hands are directed upwards, the back side is towards the ground. The fingers wrap around the ends of the branches so that they "protrude" slightly between the base of the index and thumb; the ends of the branches are slightly bent at the little fingers so that they form a straight axis of rotation. They hold the vine firmly, steadily, slightly bringing the branches together so that they spring. Before searching, it should be in a horizontal position, the common end is slightly raised. As soon as the water finder approaches the place where they are ground water, the tip rises.

Today, metal "frames" are most often used. The simplest device is a piece of wire bent in the shape of the letter G. And they work differently with them. If the vine rotates in a vertical plane, then the frame rotates in a horizontal one, but the same effect is recorded.

First of all, the "operator-frame" system reacts to the heterogeneity of the environment - both underground and aboveground. A distinct reaction manifests itself at the boundary: the surrounding rock and ore body, water vein, void or, conversely, compaction, and the depth of “recognition” can exceed 700 m. This is how ores, oil, gas-bearing layers, underground passages and remains of foundations are searched for.

A group of Bulgarian dowsers, at the request of several museums, inspected ancient burials. It was necessary to find out whether there were metal objects there, in particular gold, or not, so as not to dig in vain. The group managed to find quite a few burials with a large number of gold, copper and silver coins, decorations. The percentage of hits was very high. Received official thanks from archaeologists.

Recently, about 2,000 wells have been drilled in different regions to verify dowsing reconnaissance data. The matches are good.

Dowsing survey allows you to quickly identify significant zones of tectonic disturbances and, within these zones, determine areas with fresh water. It is done like this. The zone of tectonic disturbances is mapped by a frame. Usually work with a U-shaped indicator, holding it with both hands. As soon as they approach the boundary of the zone, the number of turns of the frame “in the positive” direction increases (conditionally, the upward rotation was taken as positive, and downward rotation was negative). If they approach the boundary of monolithic rocks with fractured ones, the frame abruptly reverses the rotation; in this case, the boundary can be determined literally with an accuracy of 0.5 m. And quickly. Then they go to a well-studied area by drilling, where it is known that there is fresh water. The indicator is “tuned” with the help of electric capacitors connecting the arms of the frame. From the letter P, something similar to A is obtained. The capacity for fresh water is from 100 to 300 picofarads. After that, the profiles that passed are re-passed, mapping the tectonic zone. The area of ​​development of fissure-vein waters is allocated on the site. Then the well is laid. With the help of frames, you can determine the total mineralization, depth of occurrence and other parameters.

You can also search for "lost" buildings, the remains of foundations on architectural, historical sites, in monasteries, estates, and so on. Many ancient buildings have been demolished by our time, and their foundations remained only in the thickness of the cultural layer. Dowsing allows you to clarify, even strictly determine the area where the ancient remains lie, after which you can dig for sure. We fix one or another architectural and restoration anomaly on the ground, in shape and size it corresponds to what the customer architect expects. The form coincides, but only it turns out to be displaced by several meters. You have to work according to a special technique, then the deviation error of the "pattern" does not exceed 20-30 cm.

Often you have to look for voids, underground passages and rooms, heating mains, former adits. There are also conditional voids - digging. These are filled ditches, mass graves, "former" ravines, they must be outlined before new construction, so as not to put a new building on a "forgotten" ravine, otherwise it may "float". Anomalies are literally underfoot in the study of architectural restoration objects.

If the frames (when working with two frames) are parallel to each other, this is zero points. When the angle between them is 30 degrees - this is 1-2 points, 90 degrees - 3 points, and so on. Over the arches of the oil field there was a reaction of 5 and 6 points.

Water shields signals in a certain way. The distance from the bridge to the horizon line is approximately 9 nautical miles, the height of the bridge above sea level is 18 m. It was possible to locate ships at a distance of 12, 15 and even 22.2 miles. That is 40 km. The ship's position was determined by radar. There were no mistakes to speak of. With the help of frames, you can search for items "lost" in the sea. It is quite possible to search for commercial fish and animals.

Out of 100 people, 80, having taken a frame for the first time in their lives, will immediately feel the effect. But for good results, long training is needed. Sensitivity depends on many reasons: time of year, day, state of health, ability to “tune in”. It is necessary to think about the desired object. This property must be trained, and yet, despite training, it manifests itself to different degrees in different individuals in different parts of the area. Therefore, for accurate mapping, you need to combine the actions of several people. Everyone maps their data, they are superimposed, and where the largest number of matches is found, work can begin.

First, the object is passed in one direction at intervals of N meters. Get M points. Then they pass the same object in the opposite direction. The data is written by another person. In case of mismatch, repeat.
In places of discrepancies, several measurements are taken. We can calculate the quadratic error, the relative error, and then declare with confidence: below us is an anomaly. The repeatability is consistently high.

The dowsing effect proves the presence of some kind of supersensory perception, the sixth or seventh sense inherent in man, absolutely unexplored by science.

Sometimes terminals are placed on the frames: a sample is “attached” to them. Suppose an anomaly is discovered and we do not know what is there - copper, iron ore, or just underground void. Let's connect the intended sample to the frame and see if the effect will increase or decrease. After that, it will be possible to say which elemental composition is most probable. You can cause "resonance" in another way, in particular by connecting an oscillatory circuit to the frame.
Dowsing is nothing but the impact of the field on a person and the response, manifested in the deviation of the frame or vine. The field has a wave character; different samples - different wavelengths. (80).

There are whole teachings about the search for minerals by external signs, including plants.

In deserts and dry steppes, fresh water occurs at a depth of several tens of meters. From generation to generation, the inhabitants of the desert pass on the commandment: if you see an acacia or rue - swarm a well, there will be water.

M. Lomonosov: “On the mountains in which ores or other minerals are born, growing trees are usually not healthy, that is, their leaves are pale, and they themselves are low, crooked, gnarled, gnarled, rotten and before their perfect old age. Grass growing over ore veins is usually smaller and paler.

Any process that takes place in the depths of the Earth, one way or another, necessarily makes itself felt on the surface. Nature tirelessly signals: the balance is disturbed in these parts, anomalies are possible. And these deviations - anomalies - were adopted.
The "breath" of any oil, gas or ore deposit is felt on the surface. In places of gas deposits, gas horizons are at depths of about two thousand meters. But if you leave a flock of sheep in some lowland for the whole day, several sheep will surely die.

Cases of death of sheep were noted in such places both a hundred and two hundred years ago.
The collected plants are dried and burned. The raw ash is then calcined at high temperature. final stage technological process– spectral and chemical analysis of water for metal content. Result: clear recommendations - there will be a copper-molybdenum deposit in this area, lead here, and nickel there.
It is possible to use the biogeochemical method to search for ore deposits almost all year round: in summer and autumn - by analyzing the leaves of trees and herbaceous plants, in winter and spring - according to the analysis of branches, bark and wood of trees.

Copper veins, copper-molybdenum deposits are found by the humus layer of soil and ash. On the ashes of birch leaves, deposits of copper and an iron deposit were discovered. With the help of "testing" cherries, almonds, honeysuckle and St. John's wort, a copper-molybdenum deposit was discovered. Analyzing wormwood, juniper and St. John's wort, they discovered a deposit of polymetals, and wormwood and feather grass pointed to a copper deposit. Uranium deposits have been discovered. Biochemical studies of needles and branches of coniferous trees led to the discovery of copper-molybdenum deposits. Heather ash found deposits of tungsten and tin.

Indicators are those terrestrial plants that most clearly reflect landscape geochemical conditions (the chemical composition of soils, rocks, and groundwater). Such universal plants include tar (for copper), violet (for zinc), silena (for cobalt), aster (for selenium), astragalus (for selenium, uranium). To local - hodgepodge (for boron), beetroot (for nickel), moss (for copper), rue (for zinc), honeysuckle (for silver, gold), horsetail (for gold). Poppies with different doubleness of flowers grow over lead-zinc veins, a black cross on the petals of the same poppy is an indicator of copper-molybdenum mineralization, and nickel causes chlorosis and white spotting on the leaves, a decrease in corolla petals, and ugly forms. A shortened root is an indicator for aluminum, and yellow leaves with green veins are for chromium. (81).

Sometimes monuments are found where their location is assumed on the basis of other archaeological sites. For example, after discovering a settlement, they assume that somewhere near it there are unfortified settlements or a burial ground; or, having found one mound, they look for other mounds nearby. Sometimes the location of the monument is determined on the basis of the relief and landscape of the area. So, they examine grottoes, caves, rocky canopies, suggesting that people once lived in them. Capes are also examined at the confluence of rivers, suggesting the existence of settlements of the early Iron Age on them, coastal dunes, on which Neolithic sites are possible, etc. Determining the location of a monument on one or another basis, the archaeologist, as a rule, first topographic map. But this does not mean finding a monument. Finding even an archaeological site identified on a map is a very difficult task, requiring great experience, knowledge, patience, physical endurance and sometimes even courage. Techniques for finding monuments on the ground are numerous and varied. A shard of pottery that accidentally crawled out to the surface, a darker surface of the soil, denser and brighter vegetation on arable land and in a meadow, a hill or depression on the surface of the earth, and much more attracts the attention of an archaeologist.

Recently, archaeologists have begun to widely use observation from aircraft and aerial photography when searching for monuments. Oblique morning lighting highlights and even somewhat exaggerates the slightest irregularities in the soil. Therefore, it is possible to obtain pictures of the ruins and compile exact plans ancient buildings. Ancient roads and ditches are usually covered with vegetation of a darker shade. The ancient ruins are covered in lighter vegetation. The deposits of humus on the site of the former moat nourish the roots of plants better, so the vegetation here is thicker and taller. This explains the appearance of dark bands in the image. (73).

The first aerial photographs were taken by the French aeronautics and photography enthusiast Gaspard-Félix Tournachon, better known under the pseudonym Nadar. In October 1858, he photographed the Place des Stars in Paris from a balloon. Thus began the branch of photography now used in many fields of science - aerial photography. This technique also came to archeology. Already in 1906, Lieutenant of the British Army P. Sharp photographed from the air the famous monument of the Stone Age - Stonehenge. These photographs made it possible for the first time to view the gigantic structure as a whole, to capture its entire layout with a glance. They gave rise to aerial archeology.

The soil changes color slightly if it was once dug or if it contains the remains of foundations. This changes the density of the soil, the circulation of water in it, which affects the shade of the soil. These changes are visible from the air, and light filters and photographic materials sensitive to different parts of the spectrum make it possible to emphasize these small differences, completely imperceptible from the ground. Vegetation also helps. Above the pits and ditches that have been filled in, swollen from time to time, where there is more moisture, the vegetation is lusher and darker. Above the stone foundations hidden in the soil, it is poorer and lighter. It was this phenomenon that made it possible to reveal the plan of an ancient Roman estate, as if drawn on a compressed field near the town of Langenau in the south of Germany. Now archaeologists can only take up shovels and dig, coping with a map delivered from the sky. Usually compare photos taken in spring, autumn and winter. This makes it possible to reveal previously hidden small details and details. (7).

The same ancient tunnels, judging by the publications, radio and television programs of previous years, were found by the builders of modern metro tunnels and other underground communications in Moscow, Kyiv and other cities. This suggests that, along with metro tunnels, rivers hidden in concrete boxes, sewerage and drainage systems and the latest, equipped with the latest technology, "autonomous underground cities" with power plants, under them there are also numerous underground communications of earlier eras. They form a layered, intricately intertwined system of countless underground passages and chambers, and the oldest structures are deeper than the metro line and probably extend far beyond the city limits. There is information that in Ancient Russia there were underground galleries hundreds of kilometers long, connecting Largest cities countries. Entering them, for example, in Kyiv, it was possible to get off in Chernigov (120 km), Lyubech (130 km) and even Smolensk (over 450 km).
And not a word is said about all these grandiose underground structures in any reference book. There are no published maps of them, no editions dedicated to them. And all because in all countries the location of underground utilities
- a state secret, and information about them can be obtained mainly only from diggers who study them unofficially.
That is why, from the meager information about underground structures, it is always difficult to understand where the legend ends and reality begins. I myself would have attributed many stories to nothing more than a beautiful legend, if familiar diggers had not told me about their adventures in the underground labyrinths, if somehow I had not come across the unpublished reports on the search for the Library of Ivan the Terrible under surface of Moscow and other cities of the Moscow region, with detailed description ancient underground passages and their schemes, and if I myself had not visited many underground cities of Turkey and Israel and had not seen their gigantic scope (in width and depth).
Of the underground utilities found in other countries, it should be noted the tunnel discovered on Mount Babia (height 1725 m) in the Tatra-Beskydy mountain range, located on the border of Poland and Slovakia. UFO sightings have also taken place quite often in this place. Studying this anomalous zone Polish ufologist Robert Lesniakiewicz, in search of information about the events that took place here in the old days, contacted another Polish specialist in this kind of problems, Dr. Jan Payonk, a university professor in the New Zealand city of Dunedin.
Professor Payonk wrote to Lesnyakevich that in the mid-1960s, when he was a teenager and a high school student, he heard from an elderly man named Vincent this story:
« Many years ago... my father... said that the time has come for me to learn the secret that the inhabitants of our area have long passed from father to son. And this secret is a hidden entrance to the dungeon. And he also told me to memorize the road well, because he would show it to me only once.
After that, we silently walked on. When we approached the foot of Babia Gora from the Slovak side, my father stopped again and pointed out to me a small rock protruding from the mountain slope at an altitude of about 600 meters ...
When we leaned on the rock together, it suddenly trembled and unexpectedly easily moved to the side. An opening was opened into which a cart could freely enter along with a horse harnessed to it ...
A tunnel opened up in front of us, going down rather steeply. Father moved forward
- behind him, stunned by what had happened. The tunnel, similar in cross section to a slightly flattened circle, was straight as an arrow, and so wide and high that a whole train could easily fit in it. The smooth and shiny surface of the walls and floor seemed to be covered with glass, but when we walked, our feet did not slip, and steps were almost inaudible. Looking closely, I noticed deep scratches on the floor and walls in many places. It was completely dry inside.
Our long journey along the inclined tunnel continued until it led to a spacious hall, similar to the inside of a huge barrel. Several more tunnels converged in it, some of them were triangular in cross section, others
- rounded.
... the father spoke again:

October 13th, 2014

We can say that this mystery has been solved, because modern researchers
have already made their conclusion - we are not the only inhabitants on planet Earth.
Evidence of ancient years, as well as the discoveries of scientists of the 20th - 21st centuries,
claim that on Earth, or rather, underground from ancient times to
our days there were mysterious civilizations.

Representatives of these civilizations, for some reason, did not enter into
contact with people, but still made themselves felt, and the ground
mankind for a long time there are traditions and legends about the mysterious and
strange people who sometimes come out of the caves. In addition, modern
there are fewer and fewer doubts about the existence of UFOs, which
often observed flying out of the ground or from the depths of the seas.

Research conducted by NASA specialists together with the French
scientists discovered underground cities, as well as an underground branched
a network of tunnels and galleries stretching for tens and even thousands
kilometers in Altai, the Urals, the Perm region, the Tien Shan, the Sahara and South
America. And these are not those ancient land cities that collapsed and
time their ruins were covered with earth and forests. These are underground cities.
and structures erected by a method unknown to us directly in the underground

Polish explorer Jan Paenk claims that underground
a whole network of tunnels that lead to any country. These tunnels are made
with high technology, known to people, and pass not only
under the surface of the land, but also under the bed of the seas and oceans. Tunnels are not just
punched, but as if burned out in underground rocks, and their walls
are a frozen molten rock - smooth as glass and
have extraordinary strength. Jan Paenk met with the miners,
which, when driving shreks, came across such tunnels. According to
Polish scientist and many other researchers, according to these underground
communications rush flying saucers from one end of the world to another.
(Ufologists have a huge amount of evidence that UFOs take off
from underground and from the depths of the seas). Such tunnels have also been found in
Ecuador, South Australia, USA, New Zealand. In addition, in many
parts of the world found vertical, absolutely straight (like an arrow)
wells with the same melted walls. These wells have different
depth from tens to several hundred meters.

Juan Moritz, an Argentine ethnologist, was one of the first to study
kilometers of tunnels South America. In June 1965 in Ecuador in
province of Morona-Santiago, he discovered and mapped no one
known system underground tunnels with a total length of hundreds
kilometers. They extend deep underground and are
the giant labyrinth is clearly not of natural origin. It looks like this: in
thicker than the rock, a huge opening has been cut through from it deep into the rock there is a descent
onto successive horizontal platforms, this descent
leads to a depth of 240 m. Here are rectangular tunnels
section and varying width. They turn strictly at right angles.
The walls are so smooth, as if polished. Ceilings are perfectly flat and
as if varnished. Strictly periodically arranged ventilation
shafts with a diameter of about 70 cm. There are large rooms the size of
theater Hall. In one of these rooms, furniture was found,
resembling a table and seven chairs in the form of a throne. This piece of furniture is made from
unknown material similar to plastic. In the same room were
found cast of gold figures of fossil pangolins, elephants, crocodiles.
Here Juan Moritz discovered a huge amount of metal
plates with engraved letters. On some plates
reflected astronomical concepts and ideas space travel. All
the plates are exactly the same, as if "cut to measure" from sheets
metal, made with the help of high technology.

Without a doubt, the discovery made by Juan Moritz, to some extent
lifts the veil of who built the tunnels, their level of knowledge and
Approximately - the era when it happened.

In 1976, a joint Anglo-Ecuadorian expedition conducted
research of one of the underground tunnels in the area of ​​Los Tayos, on
border between Peru and Ecuador. There, in one of the underground rooms, also
there was a table surrounded by chairs with backs more than two
meters, made of unknown material. Other room
was a library and was a long hall with narrow passage
in the middle. On its walls there were shelves with ancient books - these were
thick folios of about 400 pages each. The pages of these books were
made of pure gold and were filled with an unknown font.

Since 1997, the Cosmopoisk expedition has carefully studied
the notorious Medveditskaya ridge in the Volga region. The researchers found and
mapped an extensive network of tunnels, stretching for dozens
kilometers. Tunnels have round section, sometimes oval, with a diameter of
7 to 20 m, maintaining a constant width and direction along the entire length.
The tunnels are located at a depth of 6 to 30 meters from the surface of the earth. By
as you approach the hill on the Medveditskaya ridge, the diameter of the tunnels
increases from 20 to 35 meters, and then up to 80 m and already at the very
upland, the diameter of the cavities reaches 120 m, turning under the mountain into
huge hall. From here, at different angles, three seven-meter
tunnel. It seems that the Medveditskaya ridge is a junction, a crossroads where
tunnels converge from different regions. The researchers suggest that
from here you can get not only to the Caucasus and the Crimea, but also to the northern
regions of Russia, New Earth and on to the North American continent.

Crimean speleologists discovered a huge cavity under the massif
Ai-Petri, picturesquely hanging over Alupka and Simeiz. Besides,
tunnels connecting the Crimea and the Caucasus were discovered. Ufologists of the Caucasian
region during one of the expeditions determined that under the Uvarov Ridge,
opposite Mount Arus, there are tunnels, one of which leads along
towards the Crimean peninsula, and the other through the cities of Krasnodar,
Yeysk, Rostov-on-Don stretches to the Volga region.

In the Caucasus, in the gorge near Gelendzhik, has long been known
vertical shaft - straight as an arrow, with a diameter of about one and a half meters,
depth of 6 more than 100 m. Its feature is smooth, as if
melted walls. Scientists who studied the surface of the mine walls came to
the conclusion that the rock was subjected to both thermal and
mechanical impact, which created an extremely durable layer
1-1.5 mm thick. With the help of modern technologies to create such
impossible. In addition, an intense radiation background was noted in the mine.
It is possible that this is one of the vertical shafts leading to
horizontal tunnel going from this area in the Volga region to Medveditskaya

It is not surprising that P. Mironichenko in the book "The Legend of LSP" believes
that our entire country, including Crimea, Altai, the Urals, Siberia and the Far East,
riddled with tunnels. It remains only to find their location.

As Yevgeny Vorobyov, academician of the RNAN, writes: "It is known that in
post-war years (in 1950) a secret decree was issued
Council of Ministers of the USSR on the construction of a tunnel through the Tatar Strait to
connect the mainland by rail with about. Sakhalin. Over time, secrecy
removed, and Doctor of Physical and Technical Sciences L. S. Berman, who worked there in
this time, told in 1991 in her memoirs to the Voronezh
department of "Memorial" that the builders not only built, but
restored an already existing tunnel, laid in a deep
antiquity, extremely competently, taking into account the geology of the bottom of the strait.
Strange finds in the tunnel were also mentioned - incomprehensible mechanisms and
animal fossils. All this then disappeared into secret bases.
special services. It is possible that this tunnel leads through about. Sakhalin in
Japan, and possibly beyond.

Now let's move to the region of Western Europe, in particular, to the border
Slovenia and Poland, in the Beskydy Tatra mountain range. Here rises Babia
a mountain with a height of 1725 m. Since ancient times, the inhabitants of the surrounding area
keep the secret of this mountain. According to one of the residents named Vincent, in
In the 60s of the XX century, he and his father went to Babia Gora. On the
about 600 m high, they pushed aside one of the protruding boulders,
and a large entrance to the tunnel was opened to them. The tunnel in the form of an oval was straight,
wide and so high that a whole train could fit in it. smooth and
the shiny surface of the walls and floor seemed to be covered with glass. Inside
it was dry. A long path through an inclined tunnel led them to a spacious
hall, shaped like a huge barrel. It started several
tunnels going in different directions. Some of them were triangular
sections, others round. Vincent's father said that through the tunnels from here
You can get to different countries and even to different continents. Tunnel on the left
leads to Germany, then to England and further to the American continent.
The right tunnel stretches to Russia, to the Caucasus, then to China and Japan, and
thence to America, where it joins with the left.”

In 1963, under the city of Derikuyu in Turkey, a multi-tiered
underground city, stretching underground for tens of kilometers. His
numerous rooms and galleries are connected with each other by passages.
Ancient architects equipped the underground empire with a system
life support, the perfection of which is amazing today. All here
thought out to the smallest detail: rooms for animals, warehouses for
food, rooms for cooking and eating, for sleeping, for
meetings ... At the same time, religious temples and schools were not forgotten. Exactly
calculated locking device made it easy to block
granite doors dungeon entrances. And the ventilation system that supplied
the city with fresh air, continues to operate without fail until now!

Objects of material culture of the Hittites were found here, whose kingdom
was formed in the 17th century BC, and in the 7th century BC. it sunk into
suspense. For what reason did the people go into the dungeon?
to be guessed. The developed underground civilization of the Hittites was able to
exist unnoticed by the earthly world for more than a thousand years.

In addition, in Turkey near the village of Kaymakli, in Ukraine in Tripoli and
In other places on Earth, archaeologists are excavating ancient underground cities.

According to many scholars and researchers different countries, absolutely
it is obvious that on planet Earth there is a single global system
underground utilities, located at a depth of several tens
meters to several kilometers from the surface of the earth, consisting of
many kilometers of tunnels, junction stations, small settlements and
huge cities with a perfect life support system. For example,
system ventilation holes allows you to keep indoors
constant, acceptable temperature.

In addition, according to scientists, this information (and in this article
only a small part of them is given) indicate that on earth for a long time
before mankind existed, and most likely, there were civilizations with
high level of technology. In addition, some researchers
believe that the underground tunnels left by those ancient people, and in
currently used for underground UFO locomotion and life
civilization living on Earth at the same time as us.

Underground civilization. Mines, tunnels, underground cities

Voids in the earth's crust are found throughout
world, and an underground civilization may indeed exist, given
enough comfortable conditions life underground. Mention of underground
civilizations in the myths of different peoples and on different continents meets
often enough. And recent scientific discoveries confirm the possibility
life underground.

It is difficult to find a people who do not
there would be tales of creatures living in the darkness of the dungeons. They were
much older than the human race and descended from dwarfs,
disappeared from the surface of the earth. They possessed secret knowledge and
crafts. In relation to people, the inhabitants of the dungeons, as a rule, were
are hostile. Therefore, it can be assumed that in fairy tales
describes a real-life, and maybe still existing

The mysterious underground world exists not only in
legends. In recent decades, the number of visitors to the caves has been noticeable.
increased. Deeper and deeper they make their way into the bowels of the Earth seekers
adventurers and miners, more and more often they come across traces of activity
mysterious underground inhabitants. It turned out that under us there is a whole
a network of tunnels stretching for thousands of kilometers and enveloping the network
the whole Earth, and huge, sometimes even populated underground cities.

there are many stories about mysterious South American tunnels. More
famous English traveler and scientist Percy Fossett, many times
visited South America, mentioned in his books about extended
caves located near the volcanoes Popocatepetl and Inlaquatl
and around Mount Shasta. Some researchers have been able to see
fragments of this underground empire. Recently in the university library
city ​​of Cusco in the Andes, archaeologists have discovered a report of a catastrophe that befell
1952 by a group of researchers from France and the USA. Around the city
they found the entrance to the dungeon and began to prepare for the descent into it.
Archaeologists were not going to stay there for a long time, so they took food for
five days. However, out of seven participants to the surface in 15 days
Only one got out - the Frenchman Philippe Lamontier. He was exhausted, almost
did not remember anything, and soon he was found to have signs of a fatal
bubonic plague. But still it was possible to learn from him that his companions fell into
bottomless abyss. The authorities, fearing the spread of the plague, hurried
lay the entrance to the dungeon with a reinforced concrete slab. French via
died for a few days, but the corn plant he found underground remained.
an ear of pure gold.

Researcher of the Inca civilization, Dr. Raul Rios
Centeno, tried to repeat the route of the missing expedition. Group
enthusiasts entered the dungeon through the room, which was under
the tomb of a dilapidated temple a few kilometers from Cuzco.
At first they walked along a long, gradually narrowing corridor, similar to
pipe of a huge ventilation system. Suddenly the walls of the tunnel stopped
reflect infrared rays. Using a special spectrograph,
researchers have determined that the walls contain in large numbers
aluminum. When scientists tried to take a sample from the wall, it turned out
that its sheathing is very strong and not a single tool takes it. Tunnel
continued to narrow, and when its diameter decreased to 90 centimeters,
the researchers had to turn back.

South America has
amazing caves connected by endless intricate passages - so
called chinkanas. The legends of the Hopi Indians say that in their depths
snake people live. These caves are practically unexplored. By order
authorities, all entrances to them are tightly closed with bars. In chinkanas already
Dozens of adventurers disappeared without a trace. Some tried to get into
dark depths due to curiosity, others due to greed: by
According to legend, Inca treasures are hidden in the Chinkanas. Get out of the creepy
caves managed only a few. But these "lucky ones" forever
damaged in mind. From the incoherent stories of the survivors, one can understand
that they met in the depths of the earth with strange creatures. These residents
of the underworld were both human and snake-like at the same time.

snapshots of fragments of global dungeons in North America. book author
about Shambhala by Andrew Thomas based on a thorough analysis of the stories
American speleologists claims that in the mountains of California there are direct
underground passages that lead to the state of New Mexico.

One day
I had to study the mysterious thousand-kilometer tunnels
and the American military. At the site in Nevada produced an underground
nuclear explosion. Exactly two hours later, at a military base in Canada, remote
from the site of the explosion at 2000 kilometers, recorded the level of radiation, 20
times higher than normal. A study by geologists showed that
next to the Canadian base is an underground cavity that connects to
a huge system of caves penetrating the North American continent.

there are many legends about the underworld of Tibet and the Himalayas. Here in the mountains
there are tunnels going deep into the ground. Through them, the "initiate" can
travel to the center of the planet and meet representatives of the ancient
underground civilization. But not only wise beings giving advice
"dedicated", live in the underworld of India. ancient indian legends
tell about the mysterious kingdom of the Nagas, hidden in the depths of the mountains. AT
it is inhabited by nanas - snake people who store in their caves countless
hidden treasures. Cold-blooded as snakes, these creatures are unable to experience
human feelings. They cannot warm themselves and steal heat,
bodily and mental, in other living beings.

About existence in
Russian system of global tunnels wrote in his book "The Legend of
LSP "spelestologist - a researcher who studies artificial
structures, - Pavel Miroshnichenko. Drawn by him on the map former USSR
lines of global tunnels went from the Crimea through the Caucasus to the well-known
Bear's ridge. In each of these places, groups of ufologists, speleologists,
explorers of the unknown discovered fragments of tunnels or
mysterious bottomless wells.

There are already a lot of Medveditskaya ridge
have been studying expeditions organized by the Kosmopoisk association for years.
The researchers not only managed to record the stories of local residents, but also
using geophysical equipment to prove the reality of existence
dungeons. Unfortunately, after the Second World War, the mouths of the tunnels were
blown up.

A sublatitudinal tunnel stretching from Crimea to the east
region of the Ural Mountains intersects with another, elongated from the north to
East. It is along this tunnel that you can hear stories about "divyas".
people”, as early as the beginning of the last century, published to local residents. "Divy
people, ”says in epics common in the Urals, live
in the Ural Mountains, they have access to the world through caves. Their culture
the greatest. "Divya people" are small in stature, very beautiful and with a pleasant
voice, but only the elect can hear them... Comes to the square
an old man from the "divine people" and predicts what will happen. unworthy person
I hear and see nothing, and the peasants in those places know everything that
hide the Bolsheviks.

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