Air emulsion fire extinguisher: types, applications, advantages and disadvantages. Air emulsion fire extinguishers samurai How OVE works

Air emulsion fire extinguishers are charged with additives that create significant thickness and improved ability to extinguish fires. At the core fire extinguishing agent(OTV) is water, but due to chemical ingredients it acquires properties for enveloping surfaces and creating a fire-retarding film.

The main standards are contained in GOST R 51057-2001 and SP 9.13130.2009. Emulsion substance is not foam, but a set of rules fire safety classifies OVE as air-foam fire-fighting equipment.

Design and principle of operation of OVE

An emulsion is a dispersed medium of microscopic droplets of substances distributed in another liquid; it can be created by immiscible substances. The result is a mass with a certain thickness and increased weight, like milk.

A fire extinguisher with emulsion liquid is a device in which:

  1. water with surfactants (surfactants) from 1% and a nozzle that creates the final consistency (GOST R 51057-2001);
  2. OTV consists of a large volume of surfactants (1 - 100%), additives that promote the formation of a mass with a multiplicity value of up to 4 (SP 9.13130.2009).
Key Features:

Design of a fire extinguisher with air-emulsion fire extinguishing agent:

  1. locking and starting unit (pistol or push-button type) with a check and seal;
  2. nozzle (nozzle, bell) - any water spray or a special one with turbulent swirlers. With or without a rubber hose. A common form is a cylindrical bell or a small thin barrel along the diameter of the tube;
  3. pressure gauge (can be purchased separately);
  4. inside there is a siphon barrel with a filter, as well as:
    • in injection: gas directly from the exhaust outlet;
    • with a separate source - a can or capsule (rarely found in OVE).

Operating principle of OVE: the fire extinguishing substance is pushed out of the cylinder through a siphon tube, shaken, forming the desired density. A dense, highly adhesive film is created on the surfaces, isolating from oxygen, serving as a fire barrier, promoting extinguishing and self-extinguishing. Additionally, a layer is created that protects from flames.

Composition of fire extinguishing agent

Air emulsion charge:
  1. base – water;
  2. Surfactants (1% or more), increasing adhesion and film formation, preventing freezing:
    • hydrocarbons;
    • fluorine-containing;
  3. propellant gas:
    • carbon dioxide;
    • compressed air;
    • nitrogen.
The fire extinguishing agent “FEM” according to TU 2481-368-057444685-2011 is often used. Example of mixture composition:
  1. 1% organic, film-forming fluorine surfactant;
  2. natural bischofite (aqueous solution 1.22±0.1 g/cm);
  3. alkyl sulfate fractions C8 – C10 (10 – 12%);
  4. thermodynamic stabilizers.

Advantages and disadvantages of OVE

The advantages for which air-emulsion fire extinguishers have no equal:
  1. long jet (up to 16 m);
  2. spray duration (up to 60 sec.);
  3. economy: 5 – 6 liters per 100 sq. m. Five liters of emulsion fire extinguishing agent is equivalent to 100 liters.

Other advantages:

  1. combined action: film and layer of emulsion substance;
  2. performance and storage sub-zero temperatures(up to -40°C);
  3. the extinguishing agent is safe for others and does not create dangerous reactions;
  4. visibility does not deteriorate during extinguishing, there is no cloud of suspended matter or dust;
  5. special compositions are used for electrical equipment;
  6. damages objects less than water and powder: does not soak, does not fuse into materials, and can be easily removed from surfaces;
  7. penetrates stored objects and complex structures. The substance does not flow down, but envelops the materials;
  8. small particles create a settling effect, reducing smoke;
  9. re-ignition is minimized, unlike;
  10. no special protection required during use;
  11. service life - 10 years without replacement of the air supply;
  12. recharge up to 40 times;
  13. recycling is simplified as it does not contain hazardous substances;
  14. perhaps, since according to the PPB they are classified as water-foam. Recommended by drivers due to its high fire extinguishing ability.
  1. dear;
  2. small cooling effect on the source of fire.
Air-emulsion fire extinguishers are comparable in efficiency to gas (,) fire extinguishing agents, but much cheaper, with a long shelf life and high efficiency of the emulsion mixture.

What class of fire can be extinguished by OVE?

An emulsion charge can extinguish a fire of the following class:
  1. A – hard materials;
  2. B – flammable liquids;
  3. E (up to 1000 V) and C (gases) - only when certified for these purposes.

What can be stewed

Standard OVE mixtures are extinguished:
  1. solid materials, including melting and smoldering materials with access to oxygen: paper, wood, plastics, rubber;
  2. flammable substances:
    • insoluble: fuel, fuels and lubricants, oils;
    • insoluble: alcohols, acetone.
It is believed that air emulsion fire extinguishers are designed to extinguish equipment with voltages up to 10,000 V (E) and gases (C), but there are caveats:
  1. experts do not always recommend;
  2. only if OVE is specifically certified.
Air emulsion fire extinguishing compounds used for household, industrial, industrial facilities with fire hazard categories A and B.

What is prohibited from stewing

Do not use emulsion fire extinguishing agents:
  1. materials that ignite and smolder without oxygen;
  2. fire classes strictly not provided by the manufacturer:
    • D – metals;
    • F – radioactive objects.

Technical characteristics of OVE

When choosing a model of an air-emulsion device, pay attention to the fire extinguishing ability. Alphanumeric designation will show the fire category and how long square meters Enough charge.

According to the marking, OVE are intended for strictly lettered fire classes (ABE), “z” means injection type.







OTV volume (l)

Actuation time (sec)

Working pressure(Mpa)

Duration of OTV supply (min. sec.)

OTV jet length (m. not less)

Fire extinguishing ability by class:

Temperature range

Dimensions – LxH (mm)

470 x 530 x 1200

Fire extinguisher weight (kg)

How to use OVE: instructions

Extinguishing rules:
  1. on the windward side;
  2. direct the jet at 15° - 60° (optimally 45°), trying to cut off the flame from the surface:
    • fire in niches: from top to bottom;
    • spilled mixtures (fuel): from the front edge inwards or from bottom to top;
    • when extinguishing gases, direct the jet to the base of the flame and move it upward;
    • small volume of liquid in a container with high sides: the stream is directed first to the far side;
  3. do not place the nozzle from top to bottom directly above the fireplace;
  4. distance to equipment under voltage up to 1000 V: not less than 1 m;
  5. the cylinder is held vertically, a slight tilt is acceptable;
  6. Do not touch the socket with your hand - it can conduct current.
Activation algorithm:
  1. Break the seal and limiter.
  2. Take one hand not by the nozzle itself, but by the handle on the hose, and point it at the fireplace.
  3. Click on ZPU.

There is no need to additionally shed the fire area - the film reliably prevents the fire from reoccurring. After use, the air-emulsion fire extinguisher is not refilled - the remainder of the fire extinguisher is released, and the cylinder is sent for full refilling.

Inspection and maintenance of OVE

Maintenance is carried out by licensed institutions and specialists with clearances and includes:
  1. examination;
  2. inspection;
  3. performance check, testing;
  4. recharge.

Recharge times

Completely renew the charge in emulsion fire extinguishers:
  1. at least once every 10 years (OTV has a significant shelf life);
  2. after each use;
  3. after detection and repair of a breakdown during maintenance.
Technical control of devices with emulsion charge is carried out once every 12 months. For some models – once every 5 years. Additionally, the MPa norm is checked once a month.

Refueling is only possible for injection-type OVEs when the pressure drops and if this is permitted by the instructions or service rules.

How to refuel OVE

Air-emulsion fire extinguishing agents are filled only by specialized enterprises or manufacturers. Filling equipment with operator protection is used, measuring instruments, holders.

After recharging, the performer notes the procedure in the technical documents of the product and journals with official certification (seal, signature of the responsible person).

Storage standards for OVE

  1. Storage temperature from -40 to +50°C.
  2. Places protected from heat, precipitation, and mechanical damage.
  3. The service period is 10 years, after expiration it is not restored.

The term “air fire extinguisher” combines two types of fire extinguishers – air-foam and air-emulsion.

These types differ in application, but are similar in design and operating principle.

It is necessary to take into account all the parameters in order to choose the right type air fire extinguisher.


An air-foam fire extinguisher (abbreviated as “AFP”) is used to extinguish fires of the following classes:

  • A1, in which solid substances burn, and their combustion is accompanied by smoldering. Such substances include textiles or coal.
  • B1, which refers to liquid flammable substances and solid substances that can become liquid when heated. Examples here: stearin and paraffin, gasoline and other petroleum products).

ORP should not be used in the following cases:

  • Combustion without air access, if the combustible substance contains an oxidizing agent (an example of such a substance is cellulose materials).
  • Combustion of light or alkali metals, which include, for example, sodium or magnesium.
  • Burning of energized equipment.
  • Combustion of molten or highly heated materials and chemicals, if they are capable of reacting with water and intensely releasing heat.

Design of air-foam fire extinguishers

ORP consists of the following components:

  1. A steel cylinder containing compressed or liquefied gas, which, when activated, displaces the extinguishing agent from the housing.
  2. A locking and triggering mechanism that activates the device.
  3. A siphon tube from which the fire extinguishing agent is released.
  4. A safety pin that prevents accidental and spontaneous activation of the fire extinguisher.
  5. Carrying handle.

The main component of the ORP is its charge, namely the foaming agent solution.

There are several types of charges, but fluorinated film-forming foaming agent is considered the most effective.

Operating principle

The principle of operation of the ORP is based on the displacement of the foaming agent under the influence of excess pressure of the working gas. When the shut-off valve is triggered starting device, the cylinder plug is pierced.

The foaming agent comes out through valves and a special siphon tube, mixes with air and as a result foam is formed. When it hits a burning object, the foam cools its surface and isolates it from surrounding oxygen.

To bring the ORP into working condition, you must first pull out the pin and remove the safety seal. Next, you need to hit the button located on the head of the device with force. After 5 seconds, operating pressure is created inside the housing. Then you should point the nozzle towards the fire and press the trigger lever with your hand. Foam will erupt from the nozzle, and the direction of the foam jet should be adjusted by moving the nozzle.

How to use air foam fire extinguishers

For proper operation of the ORP, it is important to follow the rules outlined below:

It is necessary to regularly recharge the ORP. Typically this action is performed annually, but there are models that require recharging every five years.

It is necessary to monitor the temperature regime suitable for a particular type of redox potential. The winter type is suitable for use in the temperature range from -40°C to +50°C, and summer option ready to work exclusively at above-zero temperatures: the minimum permissible temperature reaches +5°C.

ORPs are needed at woodworking industry enterprises and warehouses for storing solid combustible materials.

Regular checking and recharging of the device should only be carried out by a specialist at charging stations.

To maintain the homogeneity of the solution and prevent the appearance of sediment, it is necessary to intensively tilt the device 8-10 times every three months to mix the contents.

Do not strike the device or damage the locking seal or connecting tube.

It is prohibited to store and use a fire extinguisher without the manufacturer's seal and receipt.

You must store the device in a visible place and away from direct sun rays a place where the temperature is below +50°C.


Air-foam fire extinguishers are divided into subtypes according to different characteristics. Thus, based on the creation of pressure inside the housing, they are divided into injection models and devices supplemented with a high-pressure cylinder.

Depending on the weight, the method of delivering the device to the source of the fire varies: light models weighing up to 20 kg are considered portable, and heavy devices weighing up to 400 kg are mobile.

Advantages and disadvantages of air-foam fire extinguishers

Duration of work. It is significantly superior to all other types of fire extinguishers.

High efficiency on early stages fire. At small area Fire agent helps to successfully extinguish it without resumption of combustion.

Like all types of fire extinguishers, ORP has certain functional limitations. This factor can be considered its disadvantage. So, the summer option is not suitable for working in winter time at temperatures below zero degrees Celsius.

ORP can significantly damage the extinguishing object and cause corrosion of the material.

The need for annual recharging is also a negative characteristic, since this mandatory action can be forgotten, as a result of which the ORP simply ceases to be effective.

When storing ORP, the following malfunctions may occur:

Damage or accidental removal of markings, seals or security pins. In this case, further storage of the device is impossible; it must be replaced.

Mechanical damage (dents or cracks) on the housing or locking and starting device. In this case, you need to do maintenance devices with replacement of damaged parts.

Maintenance of the ORP must be carried out annually, checking the condition of the parts and the presence of operating pressure.

Based on the inspection, a decision is made to repair or replace the device.

Air emulsion fire extinguishers


The abbreviated name for an air emulsion fire extinguisher is OVE. It is used to extinguish fires of the following classes:

Class "A", in which solids burn. Smoldering may or may not accompany the combustion process, that is, both textiles and plastic are acceptable for extinguishing.

Class "B", which means burning liquid substances, soluble or insoluble in water. Examples of such objects: alcohol, gasoline, glycerin.

Class "E", that is, the burning of electrical equipment that is energized at the time of fire.


The operation of OVE is based on the injection principle. The main component of the device is a water-based fire extinguishing agent.

It is safe for both people and environment.

Other important components include a cylinder made from welded sheet metal, and a shut-off device that supplies the charge through a siphon tube and a rubber hose with a spray at the end.

Operating principle of air emulsion fire extinguishers

The basis of the operation of EVA is the effect of a finely sprayed emulsion jet, which inhibits combustion processes by creating a microfilm on the surface of a burning object. This effect significantly reduces the consumption of the extinguishing agent, which has a positive effect on the condition of burning and neighboring objects after extinguishing: secondary damage when the extinguishing agent is spilled is minimal.

When extinguishing a fire with the help of an OVE, you should pull out the pin, and then press the handle of the corresponding locking and starting device with your hand, after first pointing the hose at the source of the fire. When the extinguishing agent comes out of the flexible hose, you can adjust its direction by moving the flexible hose.

If a fire occurs on outdoors, it is important to monitor the direction of the wind, since it is necessary to direct the extinguishing agent only from the windward side.

If the fire is extinguished before the charge is completely used up, the remaining charge should be released and then the fire extinguisher should be recharged.

Operating instructions and precautions

EVE must be stored at facilities where it is permanently located. large number people, for example in offices and hotels, hospitals and shopping centers, restaurants and cafes, as well as in public transport. It would be useful to have HVE in apartments and cars.

For optimal storage and use of EVE, the following rules must be observed:

  • Do not strike the device.
  • It is prohibited to use OVE with mechanical damage: cracks on the body and on the nut of the control unit, as well as if the tightness of the connections is broken.
  • Direct the fire extinguisher towards people.
  • It is unacceptable to use OVE without a seal and receipt from the manufacturer.
  • The device should be stored in a visible place, protected from overheating and direct sunlight.

Advantages of air emulsion fire extinguishers

Economical consumption of extinguishing agent.

Maintain clear visibility. The OVE charge does not increase smoke or reduce visibility, and even reduces these factors due to the cooling effect of finely sprayed water.

Reduces the risk of secondary fire.

Safety for people present. The use of EVE is permitted without personal protective equipment and in the presence of people.

Versatility. OVEs have no restrictions on their use. They are suitable for extinguishing fires both indoors and outdoors, and in a vehicle.

Even a negative temperature (not lower than -40°C) is not an obstacle to extinguishing a fire with the help of fire extinguisher.

Long shelf life. Since the OVE charge is highly stable, this type of fire extinguisher is capable of maintaining working condition for 10 years without the need for recharging.

Possible malfunctions and their solutions

If all operating rules are strictly followed and recharging is done in a timely manner, malfunctions of the EVE are excluded. To ensure the quality of your existing device, you can carry out its maintenance by entrusting it to specialists.

Manufacturers and models

Air fire extinguishers are manufactured by different companies around the world. The most famous manufacturers are the following:

Kingsway Industries

Kingsway Industries is based in Redding, California. For more than 20 years, the manufacturer has been producing a variety of quality equipment for extinguishing fire (air and). The company's products are used by the army, industrial and private enterprises around the world.

The most compact model of air fire extinguisher from Kingsway Industries is the TRI-MAX 3. It is available in different types and packaging.

Height: 66 cm, width 24 cm.Height: 66 cm, width 24 cm.Height: 66 cm, width 24 cm.
10 l.10 l.10 l.
12 m.12 m.13.7 m.

The main difference between these modifications is the case for storage and use. Thus, the TRI-MAX 3 CAF-Pack is a backpack that is convenient to wear on your back while extinguishing a fire (see).

The models are quite lightweight and easy to use. This great option for the initial reaction to a fire.

Angus Fire

The English company Angus Fire manufactures and sells a variety of fire extinguishing equipment around the world. Its range includes air, carbon dioxide and fires.

Height – 512, diameter – 165, weight – 11.4 kg.Height – 570, diameter – 190, weight – 15.6 kg.Height – 552, diameter – 190, weight – 15 kg.
Operating pressure at 20°C
12.5 bar12 bar12.5 bar
Throw Length
4 m.4 m.4 m.
Fire safety class
A, types B + ElectricA, types B + ElectricA, B
Cylinder volume
6 l.9 l.9 l.

Models vary in weight and volume, but belong to the same fire classes and are suitable for extinguishing the same materials: wood, plastic, rubber, liquid flammable substances and others.

Large models are equipped with wheels for easy transportation. These options should be kept on large industrial enterprises, warehouses.

Air fire extinguishers are equipment that must be present at home, in offices, and in cars. Among a wide variety of models, it is possible to choose suitable option, corresponding to a specific application.

Air emulsion fire extinguisher (AFE): A type of air-foam fire extinguisher, the charge of which includes a large amount of surfactants (concentration from 1% to 100% vol.), antifreeze, organic and inorganic additives that expand the scope of the fire extinguisher and allow the production of an aqueous emulsion (multiplicity less than 4) for extinguishing fires SP 9.13130.2009 Fire fighting equipment. Fire extinguishers. Requirements for use. .

General information

Air emulsion fire extinguishers are recommended for extinguishing class A and B fires. But now manufacturers have improved fire extinguishing compounds, as a result we have the opportunity to use a fire extinguisher in winter when low temperatures(up to minus 20 C) and use them to extinguish fires of electrical equipment under voltage up to 1000 V (when passing an electrical safety test in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 51057 or GOST R 51017 in an accredited laboratory).

Air emulsion fire extinguishers must be checked at intervals recommended by the fire extinguisher manufacturer Terebnev V.V., Moiseev Yu.N. Fire equipment. Book 1: Primary fire extinguishing agents. - Yekaterinburg: Kalan Publishing House LLC. .

Advantages of OVE

OVE is a truly universal equipment that combines all the main positive characteristics of OVP and OVP, while it does not have their main disadvantages.

OVEs belong to the class of reusable fire extinguishers, since the extinguishing mixture can be pumped into them several dozen times, which makes their purchase a good investment (they work out all the money invested in them 100%).

The main advantages of OVE are:

  • ideal for extinguishing fires of solids and organics, burning in the form of smoldering materials of organic origin, and also effectively extinguishes flammable liquids;
  • It is allowed to extinguish fires involving electrical appliances:
  • rapid (but not as destructive as carbon dioxide) cooling of the burning surface;
  • there are no secondary consequences of damage to extinguishing objects, environmental cleanliness and safety:
  • widest temperature range of use (at negative and positive temperatures);
  • long service life (after refilling the fire extinguisher, its operating time is ten years (!).
In comparison with the redox potential of fire extinguishers, we can say that one air-emulsion fire extinguisher can replace two dozen air-foam analogues! The only drawback of OVE is its high price compared to other types of fire extinguishers, which is completely offset by its outstanding strength characteristics. Today, air-emulsion type fire extinguishers, as the most effective equipment for extinguishing fires, are recommended for use by most experts, and are therefore actively used large companies both departments and ordinary people who value their own safety Types of fire extinguishers. Labeling and use.


The design of VE type fire extinguishers does not differ from those that use another type of charge.

  • The basis of the device is a cylinder made of welded sheet metal, which makes the fire extinguisher quite lightweight.
  • Water-emulsion devices can be injection type, when a layer of compressed gas or air pumped over a charge into a cylinder is used as a source of excess pressure, or they can be equipped with a separate cylinder connected to a shut-off and starting device.
  • The ZPU is used of the usual type, the charge is supplied through a siphon tube and then through a regular rubber hose, at the end of which there is a sprayer that sprays the flow of incoming air-emulsion mixture onto the source of fire.
  • When using VE fire extinguishers, there are no disadvantages characteristic of other types of fire extinguishing equipment, in particular, there is no dust, which does not impair visibility, the filler is completely harmless, it can be used in enclosed spaces without the risk of poisoning, in addition, there are no material losses from the emulsion getting into expensive materials Water-emulsion fire extinguisher - as a universal remedy.

Operating principle

The operation of OVE is based on pushing out a charge due to excess pressure created by compressed gas or air. The extinguishing agent is an emulsion; it is a water-based solution with special additives; during the process of ejection, it is crushed and mixed with air, which allows for a significant range of jet delivery and high extinguishing efficiency.
  • The composition of the emulsion consists of substances that are absolutely safe for nature and humans; thanks to them, extinguishing is carried out immediately after the emulsion hits the fire, while the person can be at a fairly large distance.
  • The contact of the components of the emulsion at the site of fire leads to inhibition of combustion processes, due to the creation of a microfilm on the surface, thereby cooling the heated surface and preventing the risk of re-ignition.
It may seem that buying an air emulsion fire extinguisher is unreasonably expensive, which is explained by the cost of the emulsion components, however, this is compensated by a ten-year service life without the need for recharging or re-inspection.

The wide temperature range of use also contributes to the classification of VE fire extinguishers as the most universal; they can effectively extinguish flames at air temperatures from -40°C to +50°C.

Extinguishing a 6A fire using an OVE-6 air emulsion fire extinguisher


To activate a pump-type fire extinguisher, break the seal, pull out the safety pin and, pointing the nozzle at the source of fire, press the trigger lever. As a result, the head valve moves axially downward, opening the passage channel, and the fire extinguishing agent, located in the housing under excess pressure of the working gas, is supplied to the fire source through a siphon tube, hose and nozzles.

To protect industrial facilities, the production of mobile fire extinguishers has been launched, having a container with a fire extinguishing agent, a starting cylinder and a hose with a spray barrel mounted on a trolley.

To activate a mobile type fire extinguisher, it is necessary to transport it to the source of the fire and install it vertically. Unwind the rubber hose and point the barrel at the combustion source. Open the valve of the starting cylinder all the way and press the barrel trigger.

Characteristics of portable and mobile fire protection devices

Fire extinguisher designationFire extinguisher charge volume, lDesign capacity of the housing, l*Minimum duration of OTV supply, s
Portable fire extinguishers
OVE-1V- 15

The most effective remedy fire fighting - fire extinguishers, the operating principle of which is based on spraying a fire extinguishing agent onto the source of the flame in order to block the access of oxygen (combustion catalyst) to it. These fire extinguishing agents have a broad classification based on the volume of the cylinder, the method of operation and the composition of the fire extinguishing mixture. Thus, there are carbon dioxide, air-foam, powder and air-emulsion fire extinguishers.

What is an air emulsion fire extinguisher used for?

Among the variety of fire extinguishing means, this type of fire extinguisher is considered effective and versatile, which can be used to extinguish fires both in residential and non-residential premises. It is used to extinguish burning cars. Air emulsion fire extinguishers are also capable of extinguishing electrical equipment under voltage of no more than 1000 Volts.

The fire extinguishing agent contained in the cylinder is safe for humans and the environment. The product is produced in volumes of 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 25, 40 and 80 liters. The choice of a specific displacement depends on the area of ​​the protected object, design features structures, type of production activity and degree of fire hazard.

According to the manufacturer's data sheet, an air-emulsion fire extinguisher is designed to eliminate the fire of solids, flammable liquids, and electrical appliances. Its use when burning metals and metal-containing elements will be useless.

Where can this type of fire extinguisher be used?

Most primary fire extinguishing equipment is portable, convenient to transport and during extinguishing. Air-emulsion fire extinguishers are not spared this quality. Cylinders with a volume of up to 10 liters have a convenient handle as part of the locking and starting device, by which it is necessary to hold the fire extinguisher during its operation. Large-volume cylinders are supplied on a special trolley, which allows the fire extinguisher to be easily transported between fires and burning rooms. Cylinders of 25, 40 and 80 liters have a long hose in their design, which makes it possible to extinguish a fire without moving the fire extinguisher.

The use of an air emulsion fire extinguisher is possible in:

  • residential apartment buildings;
  • private houses;
  • non-residential buildings of any purpose (shops, museums, production workshops);
  • healthcare institutions;
  • public transport;
  • railway transport;
  • special equipment.


The fire extinguisher body is made of rolled sheet metal, which makes it lighter compared to other types. Inside the cylinder there is a special fire extinguishing emulsion consisting of a solution of water and additives, which is pushed through the siphon tube of the shut-off and release device (ZPU), crushed, mixing with air. Thanks to this quality of the emulsion, the range of action and high efficiency of combustion elimination are ensured. A rubber hose with a tip in the form of a sprayer is attached to the ZPU.

Air emulsion fire extinguishers do not have one main drawback like their powder and carbon dioxide counterparts: when the emulsion is sprayed onto the source of the flame, there is no dust in the air, visibility does not deteriorate, and there is no risk of poisoning from the sprayed substance.

The effectiveness of the emulsion is maintained at temperature conditions from – 30 to +50 degrees Celsius, which expands the scope of its application even in the regions of the Far North of the Russian Federation. When you press the trigger, it will trigger within 7 seconds. The duration of the charge release from the cylinder is no more than 15 seconds. The length of the emitted jet is approximately 5 m. The shelf life of the emulsion mixture inside the fire extinguisher is 10 years.

How to use an air emulsion fire extinguisher? The instructions on its cylinder contain an algorithm for activating the shut-off and starting device and rules for extinguishing a fire under various conditions.

How much does an air emulsion fire extinguisher cost?

The cost of this type of fire extinguisher is many times higher than the price of powder or carbon dioxide ones. The reason for this is the changed composition of the body and the expensive fire extinguishing emulsion. The average price for a standard 4 liter cylinder will be about 3,000–4,000 rubles. The injection type has a cost of 1.5 times more than a disposable fire extinguisher.

To eliminate fires of classes A, B, C, E, you can use an air-emulsion fire extinguisher. It is a cylinder that supplies an emulsion under air pressure - a mixture of water with additives of organic and inorganic origin in different concentrations. The ejected emulsion is divided into small particles and mixed with air, so it spreads well even over long distances.

When it comes into contact with a burning surface, a microfilm is formed that prevents the penetration of oxygen, reduces the temperature and inhibits combustion.

Air-emulsion fire extinguishers are used to extinguish fires caused by fire:

  • flammable materials and substances, including melting ones;
  • gases;
  • flammable liquids;
  • electrical installations under voltage (up to 10,000 V).

If the emulsion contains antifreeze, then the OVE fire extinguisher can be operated at low temperatures, down to -40 C.

Main types and technical characteristics

According to the type of fire extinguishers, like other fire extinguishers, they are divided into portable and mobile. The latter are installed in a cart on wheels and equipped with a hose with a sprayer; their price is higher. Most often they are purchased to protect large objects, since their volume is 40-50 liters, while portable ones on average hold 2-6 liters. Additionally, in our catalog you will find small fire extinguishing aerosol cans with a volume of 0.25 liters.

The products also differ in the duration of the jet.

Advantages of OVE

  1. Long service life without technical inspection and recharging - up to 10 years.
  2. Cools the surface quickly.
  3. Safe for humans, do not damage extinguishing objects again.

Unlike fire extinguishing agents, air emulsion fire extinguishers are suitable for extinguishing class E fires, but they are also more expensive.

The Fireman's Shop specializes in more than just sales. fire-fighting devices, but also their gas station in Moscow. Call us if you want to recharge your OVE.

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Representatives of the arachnid class are creatures that have lived next to humans for many centuries. But this time it turned out...
Girls and women almost always associate white shoes with a wedding dress, although the white color of shoes has long been no longer required. A...