Protection of brickwork from destruction. Brick wall in the interior

Often, after the construction of a house, typical difficulties arise - the material from which the walls are built strongly absorbs moisture, and as a result of frost, the surface is destroyed. A water repellent for bricks will help solve this problem. This is one of the options for processing building materials that can increase the degree of frost resistance, water resistance and improve thermodynamics. In general, the product allows you to increase the service life of building materials several times.

Water repellents first appeared on the market 40 years ago and since then have been actively gaining popularity in the construction industry. The first modifications had big amount disadvantages, including flammability, the need to regularly update the protective layer, short-term effect. Thanks to modern developments, new modifications of the liquid have long been free of these problems.

What is it and what is it used for

The durability of any building depends on a variety of factors, but the first “enemy” can be called atmospheric phenomena. It's about to a greater extent It is about moisture, drops of which penetrate into the porous structure of the material, freeze when cold weather sets in, expand in size, and gradually break it apart. From year to year, the process is repeated cyclically and, as a result, even the most durable products burst, peel off and collapse. This applies to both monolithic structures and bricks, whose structure is too porous to neglect the protection factor.

So the brick is gradually destroyed by moisture - a long process, but irreversible

Builders use 2 methods for these purposes:

  • waterproofing;
  • hydrophobization.

Despite the consonance and common goal, these methods differ from each other. Waterproofing - covering the base with a vapor- and waterproof material (mineral wool, polystyrene foam, etc.) or covering it with a viscous solution that completely blocks water from entering the pores.

The principle of waterproofing is well outlined in the article “”.

Hydrophobization is a sharp forced reduction in the ability of products, objects and materials to absorb moisture while maintaining air, gas and vapor permeability.

The hydrophobic solution used to cover surfaces is not water-repellent in its pure form, since water droplets are not repelled, but, on the contrary, are weakly attracted and flow down, while the solution molecules are firmly held on the surface.

Hydrophobization: before and after

Such solutions are based on fatty acid salts, copper, aluminum and zirconium molecules, surfactants, potassium alkyl siliconates, silicon and fluorine compounds, etc. All this together provides the thinnest coating that protects from getting wet.

How often should treatment be carried out?

Hydrophobic mortar for sand-lime brick or any other, available in the form of a liquid mixture. The construction should be processed once every 10 years. This will be quite enough for the surface to retain its original appearance. Impregnation will also protect the structure of the stone from the appearance of fungal formations and efflorescence, improving the performance properties of the building material.

The moisture-resistant mixture functions on the principle of varnish, but it can be used both for processing wood material and for concrete blocks, ceramics, and stone.

VIDEO: Which method protects better - sealing, hydrophobization or waterproofing

Advantages of water-repellent solutions

Users leave numerous positive reviews on various forums. A water repellent for bricks is used in the process interior work indoors, and the product, which contains an organic solvent, is intended for treating facades.

Regardless of its constituent components, the liquid does not have any characteristic odors or shades, but at the same time it has high degree repelling moisture. The mixture, after application, is absorbed into the structure of the building material to a depth of 20 mm, where it creates a protective shell. The layer does not allow precipitation, condensation and other types of moisture to be absorbed into the building material. When rain hits the treated masonry, it simply rolls off without stopping on its surface.

Drops of water are attracted and collected into larger fragments that simply roll off the surface

Treating bricks with mortar prevents the house from partially darkening, which protects it from deterioration external parameters over time. Over the years, environmental factors affect the structure of the building product, introducing dust and moisture into the pores. This makes a significant difference technical features the building itself, the color of the walls and general form facade.

Hydrophobization can be carried out directly on wood elements. The method will not only serve as an obstacle to the darkening of the wood, but also prevent rotting.

Also, the water-repellent liquid is intended for treating areas of the block with exposed steel reinforcement, since it does not provoke corrosion.

The method of treating brick with a water-repellent agent has good weather resistance and prevents deformation of building materials. With all this, the component does not lose its performance properties at elevated temperatures.

The best water repellents for bricks, according to reviews from builders

Specialized stores provide a wide range of various mixtures designed to protect structures from moisture penetration. Therefore, you can buy liquid from both the budget category and the expensive one.

Water-repellent impregnation

To decide which material is best to purchase, you should study its main divisions, which differ in composition and operational features.


Produced based on domestic developments. Protective layer created thanks to an organosilicon compound. The main component of the product is water; the remaining components are odorless and colorless. The composition does not contain solvents, is non-toxic and fire-resistant. Treatment with the mixture is carried out using a mechanical sprayer, roller or large brush.

Siloxyl. Price - 100 rubles per liter + cost of packaging


A modern series of products made on the basis of a silicone element, soda and water. This modification is characterized by environmental friendliness, fire-resistant function, manufacturability and safety. Used for decoration concrete structure, ceramic blocks, wood.

Aquasil. Price - 450 rubles


It is used in environments where there is regular high humidity. The composition includes antiseptic additives that counteract fungus. When applied, it is well distributed over the surface and plasticized.

Hydroshield-Super. Price - 1600 rubles


A universal protective mixture is applied to almost all types of building materials. Requires regular updating every 10 years. Used for interior work and facade finishing. It has low consumption; only 1 liter of product is required per 1 sq.m.


The product of the German manufacturer has the property of deep penetration up to 5 mm, which allows you to repair microcracks in the masonry itself. When applied to a primer layer, the consumption will not exceed 400 g. per 1 sq.m.

Difficulties may arise in processing, since the solution is completely transparent - try not to miss even small areas

Among the disadvantages of treating brick with a water repellent, the transparency of the emulsion should be highlighted. On the one hand, this is an advantage, but when it comes to surface treatment, difficulties arise; if you stop for a short time, you can make a mistake with the area where the mixture has already been applied.

Technology of using silicone solutions

There are several techniques for applying the composition.

  1. Surface hydrophobization

The standard method in which working surface processed with a pre-prepared solution. This can be done with a roller, brush or by spraying, this does not affect the quality. The most important thing is that the surface is completely covered and there is no “gap” left.

Small structural elements It makes more sense to dip it in liquid to achieve maximum coverage.

  1. Volumetric impregnation

As a rule, it is used at the stage of manufacturing building materials, but can also include the stage of surface application already on site or at the factory. If we are talking about bricks, foam or aerated concrete, then GF is introduced into water, which is mixed with cement and sand.

  1. Forced processing

Injection of a weakly concentrated substance. This method, as a rule, acts as an additional method to volumetric or surface impregnation.

Rules of application

To obtain a high-quality protective layer, you must follow the following instructions:

  • First of all, you need to clean the surface being treated and remove all accumulations of dirt and dust.
  • Eliminate microcracks and other defects.
  • Prepare the mixture, transfer to a convenient container and stir until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
  • Apply the product using a roller or brush until the surface stops intensively absorbing the solution.

The time limit for the absorption process after treating brick with a water repellent can vary from 20 minutes to 24 hours.

VIDEO: Review of the characteristics of bricks after treatment with a water repellent

Currently, such an industry is developing at a rapid pace in Russia. National economy like construction. Hundreds of different buildings and structures are erected every day. The main building material used for this is brick. Very often, problems with brick laying arise for private owners. This manifests itself in the fact that brick structures begin to collapse. This occurs mainly as a result of moisture getting between the bricks, in the joints or seams. In this case, moisture is deposited, and in winter time and freezes, destroying the structure from the inside. Externally, this process is manifested by the following signs: visible cracks on the walls, between the seams, a decrease in the heat-insulating properties of enclosing structures, the presence of moldy fungi, greenery, and so on.

Needs to be protected brickwork and eliminate negative impacts moisture on the brick.

Some owners, seeing this, begin to insulate their homes from the inside, but this does not solve the main problem. The structure gradually collapses and becomes less durable. As a result, you will have to resort to expensive repairs. It is best to prevent these negative effects of moisture on brick. Let us consider in more detail how and with what help protection from moisture is carried out, the main reasons for how brick protection is carried out.

Masonry repair options

Protection brick wall from moisture includes hydrophobic impregnation of the wall and cleaning of the surface.

Protecting brickwork from water is a fairly serious problem. It is best to do this at the construction stage, when the damaging factor is not yet in effect. But if, nevertheless, there are already visible signs of destruction and exposure to moisture, then there are 2 main repair options. The first one, if the seams are in in good condition. In this case, hydrophobic impregnation of the wall is used, as a result of which water and other liquid substances do not affect it. In the second case, the seams are sealed first, and only then water-repellent substances are used. Protecting a brick wall from moisture should include periodic inspections and cleaning of the surface.

Inspection is carried out at least once a year. At the same time, visible dirt is removed, greenery and mold are removed. All this does not have to be done manually. There are special devices, for example, a cleaner high pressure. This very useful device in the household is capable of cleaning any surface from chemical and mechanical contaminants. It can be used to clean cars, remove old paint. If the dirt cannot be removed, you can use a special paste.

Sealing joints between bricks

Protection is also carried out by cleaning the seams between them. During the work, the crumbling elements of the mortar between the bricks are removed. Facing stones that are in unsatisfactory condition are also removed. The seams are filled with cement-sand mortar and then sealed with a special substance. For these purposes, it is recommended to use the following solutions: Atlas, Betonite and others. It is best to apply the solution not separately to each seam, but to the entire surface to give it greater stability and strength.

The stages of work include: removing destroyed mortar and bricks, pre-impregnating the wall, waiting for it to dry, then sealing the seams, cleaning it and impregnating it a second time.

To seal the joints, it is necessary to prepare a mixture based on cement and sand. The solution is rubbed into the wall using a special board with rubber. After this the wall is washed clean water. It is important that after this stage the surface is protected from direct sun rays. After 2 days, the impregnation is repeated.

Impregnation of a brick wall

After impregnation of the wall with hydrophobic substances, a protective film is created, which for a long time does not collapse.

Protection of brickwork can be carried out in other ways. Even if the walls are saturated with moisture, it is recommended to impregnate them with hydrophobic substances. It is advisable to do this in dry, warm weather so that the solution is well absorbed. The essence of this method is that the substance included in the preparation helps close pores and building material(in the seams and the stone itself). At the same time, an invisible, transparent, thin protective film is created on the surface of the structure, which does not collapse for a long time. Impregnation is best done before sealing joints. For convenience, use a sprayer.

The drug is applied from top to bottom. Previously, the domestic drug Siloxyl was widely used, but now its European analogue Funkosil is very popular. They are very easy to use, as they are very active even on wet surfaces. It is environmentally friendly, therefore practically safe for the human body. Despite all its advantages, the substance will not last long. Will need to be repeated periodically this procedure to avoid repeated destruction of the brick.

Efflorescence on the surface of a brick

Efflorescence on the surface of the brick indicates an active process of destruction of the wall.

Brick is ceramic product, which does not contain any salts. Even if there is a dye (metal oxides) on its surface, the salts cannot come to the surface with water. Salts give it color. In white brick there are none at all. Salt is formed from a solution that is used in masonry. This stone contains many pores that absorb both moisture and salts. After the water evaporates, you can see a white coating on the surface, this is efflorescence. To a greater extent, this worsens the appearance of the structure, but this is not the main problem. Salts indicate an active process of destruction of the wall.

The most commonly used product for removing efflorescence is Decap’ sols Guard. Before applying it you will need some preparatory work: check the quality of waterproofing, especially the roof and gutters, and reduce moisture ingress. You will also need to clean the seams. There are other similar active substances, but their mechanism of action is the same. Some of them do not require neutralization.

Water repellent Kristallizol

The water repellent Kristallizol is very economical and easy to use.

Protecting brickwork from liquid can be done using special substances. The most effective of them are water repellents. What is it? This is a product that is used for water-repellent impregnation for various construction work. It is a silicon-based concentrate. This is a perfect and multi-component drug. Experts recommend it for processing artificial stone, concrete, brick, ceramic tiles. Unlike its other competitors, it is active against wet surfaces of structures, which gives it wider use and greater effectiveness.

This concentrate is widely used in the processing of slate, brick, concrete, shell rock, cinder blocks, gypsum, plaster and other materials. Its scope is very large. Its advantage is that even in the presence of moisture, it is very economical, unlike its foreign counterparts. It is diluted approximately 30 times, so one liter of the substance is enough to treat more than 150 meters of the surface of any material. Cost of processing 1 sq. meters is only 12.5 rubles. Therefore, Kristallizol is practically indispensable in this area.

Mechanism of action of Crystallisol

Crystallisol prevents the deposition of dirt, moldy fungi and the penetration of moisture deep into the coating.

Protecting brickwork in this way is that the water repellent helps to increase the frost resistance of the brick structure several times, in addition, its strength increases by 24 - 26%.

Very often the product is used in cladding the surfaces of buildings with high humidity: baths, saunas. In this case, Crystallisol prevents the penetration of moisture deep into the coating and prevents the deposition of harmful microorganisms, in particular microscopic moldy fungi, on the surface. They can be used to process facades. Crystallisol prevents the deposition of dirt on the surface of the brick, which has a beneficial effect on the aesthetic characteristics of the building or structure. Along with these beneficial properties

, the product is widely used for painting walls along with conventional paints. Thanks to it, it is possible to reduce the amount of paint consumed and save a little. Another big advantage is the ease of use. This does not require special knowledge, skills or equipment.

Advantages of this method of protecting structures from moisture

Advantages of Kristallizol: the drug is environmentally friendly, fireproof, durable, does not change the appearance of the surface. As mentioned above, this method is very simple, effective and economical. It has a number of advantages over other means of protection. Firstly, the water repellent does not create a visible, sticky film on the wall surface, which would cause the accumulation of dust and dirt. Secondly, this drug is environmentally friendly. This means that it contains no harmful chemical substances

, dangerous to humans. Thirdly, it is fireproof, unlike regular paint. Fourthly, it does not change the appearance of the treated surface and does not interfere with the vapor permeability of facades. Fifthly, it's cheap. Sixth, it is durable.

The impregnation contains no solvents that can be toxic. It is economical, that is, it is used only in diluted form. Its dilution ratio to water is 1:30. Consumption rate per 1 sq. m is 200 g of solution. Thus, one liter of the drug can treat more than 150 square meters. meters of surface. It is also important that it is active on almost any surface, be it brick or concrete.

Instructions for use

Protecting masonry requires knowledge of the description of the product, area of ​​application, and preparation of the working solution. In order to prevent exposure to moisture, you will need to make a working solution. To do this, the substance is diluted in ordinary water in a ratio of 1:30, after which the resulting mixture is applied in an even layer to the surface of the brickwork. It is important that it is clean and dry. If it is contaminated with efflorescence, fungi, or herbs, then you first need to clean it. To do this, it is best to use chemical solutions and antiseptics that have disinfecting effects and remove biological agents from the surface. It is advisable to remove mechanical contamination with a jet of water.

Water repellent is applied to the facades of brick buildings in a thin, even layer. There should be one layer. On concrete coverings It is possible to apply a double layer, with a gap between them of at least 10 - 15 minutes. It is recommended to do the treatment in dry, warm weather at a temperature of at least + 5 degrees, otherwise the effect of protection against moisture may be lower. If you follow the instructions and proper care behind the surface of brickwork, the validity period of the drug Crystallizol will be from 10 to 12 years. This substance is also an excellent antiseptic that prevents the formation of harmful mold on the surface of the masonry.

The water repellent Crystalizol is applied to the facades of brick buildings in a thin, even layer.

We can conclude that very often in private construction there is destruction of structures, including brick ones. The main reason is exposure to moisture and lack of pre-treatment of the surface with protective agents. Moisture penetrates the seams and pores of the brick, gradually destroying them. There are 2 main repair methods. In the first case it is required pre-cleaning and removal of damaged material, then impregnation. In the second, the walls are simply processed active substances. In order to make repairs, you will need equipment and tools:

  • Master OK;
  • falcon;
  • sledgehammer;
  • cement-sand mixture;
  • shoulder blade;
  • ladder;
  • hydrophobic solution;
  • hammer;
  • solution container;
  • wooden stick for even application of the product;
  • water hose;
  • antiseptics;
  • sprayer.

Very popular today are water repellents, which are capable of forming a protective film on the surface of brickwork. It is simple, economical and very effective method protection from moisture. When carrying out all work, it is very important to follow the instructions for its use. Very great importance It also matters whether you noticed the first signs of destruction in time or not. Very often, the first symptoms of masonry destruction are the appearance of efflorescence on the surface, which represents white coating. In addition, mold, green growth or cracks may appear.

The destruction of masonry walls made of red and sand-lime bricks occurs under the influence of factors environment. To delay and even prevent the destruction of bricks, we recommend paying attention to the material Monolit-20M-K is a lithium-based impregnation designed specifically for the protection of brickwork, gypsum plaster, decorative products made from terracotta, as well as buildings built from sandstone, limestone and natural stone materials. The most strengthening properties of the surface are achieved when treated with impregnation Monolit-20M-K old brickwork.

Technical characteristics of impregnation

Not all neutral structures of building materials produce active oxides that can form crystalline compounds that strengthen the internal structure of the compound under the influence of chemical compounds. Monolit-20M-K It has distinctive feature impregnation structures that form non-hygroscopic ceramic structures using AquaCeramic technology. This property distinguishes the ceramic structure created Monolit-20M-K, from the main structural component of red brick - bauxite, which constantly absorbs moisture from the environment, even in arid regions.

Insoluble ceramic structures, formed by penetrating up to 40 mm deep into the smallest pores of the processed material, create strong walls inside the pores, consisting of crystals. Microcracks formed in brick blocks, sandstone and other building materials after treatment with impregnation Monolit-20M-K“overgrown” with a ceramic structure that increases impact resistance, toughness and wear resistance of surfaces.

In addition to moisture, sulfates and chlorides penetrate into the structure of the brick, under the influence of which the destruction of the brickwork occurs more rapidly. This fact can be observed in damp basement structures, where brick crumbling occurs under low force pressure. Monolit-20M-K isolates microscopic composite granules from the surrounding effects of atmospheric phenomena, several times increasing the surface's resistance to physical and biological damage.

Surfaces treated with impregnation Monolit-20M-K, are strengthened, acquire waterproof properties, “breathe”, but do not form dust. At the same time, all the previous properties, including gas permeability, are preserved, excluding the penetration of moisture.

Features of the use of impregnation

Monolit-20M-K It is most suitable for strengthening dilapidated surfaces of brick and marble masonry, as well as surfaces made using natural stone of all types. Protective functions impregnations are also used to prevent damage, visible and hidden cracking.

Completely preventing the penetration of moisture into the treated surface, impregnation significantly reduces the consumption of thermal energy, even when applied to the surface of wall panels of residential buildings.

Properties and benefits.

Impregnated surface Monolit-20M-K, acquires the property of short-term resistance to inorganic acids.

Long-term resistance to most organic acids, fat-containing mixtures and petroleum products of various origins - undeniable advantage treated surface.

The stopping dusting of the surface creates increased abrasive resistance.

Facade paints and epoxy coatings applied over Monolit-20M-K, acquire improved properties upon adhesion to the base coating.

The transformation of free lime, which is part of building materials, occurs into waterproof flint - a shaped, wear-resistant part of the structure of the building material.

Instructions for use.

Ambient temperature creating optimal conditions for high-quality impregnation of brick or stone surfaces Monolit-20M-K, must be within the temperature range, from +10 to +30 degrees C. The humidity of the pre-cleaned surface should not exceed 5-10%. The loose surface must first be cleaned of collapsing particles. If cracks and splinter damage are detected, first cover it with mortar.

All work with impregnation must be carried out while protecting your hands with rubber gloves and using goggles, since the liquid is alkaline, but non-flammable, and water-based. At the same time, volatile organic compounds- are not included in the impregnation composition.

The area required for processing must be prepared in accordance with the possibilities of continuous processing, taking into account rapid drying in the presence of draft, wind, high temperature environment. The recommended area for one treatment cycle can be from 50 to 150 sq.m.

A continuous application process, using a brush or spray, treats the surface without allowing excess impregnation to accumulate. That is why the use of a roller is not recommended. Repeat the surface treatment by repeating the process three times. At the same time, avoiding excessive accumulation of impregnation. The layer must be sufficiently thin and continuous.

Depending on the porosity and damage of the brickwork, the absorption time of the applied impregnation by the surface can vary up to 10 minutes. After the gloss of the previous layer of impregnation coating has disappeared and complete absorption, it is necessary to apply the next layer. At the same time, taking into account the consumption rate liquid material in a volume from 0.25 l to 0.65 l per square meter. meter.

An outdated or extremely damaged brick or stone surface can be treated up to 5 times, repeating the treatment after 2-3 hours.

Surface treatment Monolit-20M-K it is necessary to prevent impregnation from coming into contact with aluminum and glass surfaces of any type. In case of contact with skin or the above surfaces, rinse with sufficient volume of water.

Additional product information

Terms of delivery and storage.

The material is supplied in 10 and 20 liter cans.

Shelf life in tightly closed containers is 2 years.

Impregnation price for bricks


Sealing, protection of concrete, brick, facing stone

from moisture and destruction, hydrophobization, water-repellent impregnation of concrete,

brick and stone, protection of facades from efflorescence

One of the most important problems in construction is increasing the durability of buildings and structures and reducing the cost of their repair.

Most building materials are highly porous and susceptible to swelling due to capillary absorption of water. Water dissolves salt crystals, which, with alternating wetting and drying, disrupts the structure of materials and reduces their strength. As a result, salts dissolved in water come to the surface of the building structure and form stains on it -, which worsen the appearance of the building and disrupt its heat transfer.

Water is the main enemy of building materials! When water freezes, it increases in volume up to 10%, which creates a pressure of over 200 MPa (2 t/cm²!) in the pores of materials soaked in water. The strongest of building materials, such as concrete, brick and even natural stone, are unable to withstand such internal pressure without the formation of microcracks.

Concrete and red brick can have significant (up to 90%) water absorption. Moisture by concrete wall or brickwork can rise from the ground to a height of up to 2 m, while the thermal insulation ability of the walls deteriorates, efflorescence appears on the walls, mold develops, microcracks form in the material, which ultimately leads to premature destruction of the facing material and the entire wall structure , generally.

Is there a way to protect wall structures from the destructive effects of moisture? Yes, I have!

Today there are reliable means for hydrophobization (moisture-repellent impregnation) of any building structures and materials and protecting them from getting wet.

One of the most interesting innovations in the field of creating new means of effective hydrophobization can be called -

Water repellent KRISTALLIZOL (concentrate) - multicomponent composition on an organosilicon basis.

Hydrophobizing composition CRYSTALLIZOL is a completely unique material. It is recommended for surface treatment of concrete, artificial stone, mineral plasters, ceramic tiles, sand-lime bricks and cement-fiber boards. Due to its chemical nature,KRYSTALLIZOL Water repellent , unlike conventional water repellents, can be used when processing wet materials. For example, in the case of working on a difficult surface or in conditions where it is almost impossible to dry it: in attics, basements, etc.

The water repellent KRISTALLIZOL is not inferior in efficiency to the best imported analogues, but costs much less!

Concentrate KRYSTALLIZOL Water repellent used in the processing of limestone, slate, shell rock, brick, concrete, cement-sand plasters, sandstone, gypsum, cinder blocks, DSP, cement-sand and clay tiles, ceramic tiles, artificial and natural stone, marble, etc.

Concentrate water repellent KRISTALLIZOL is the most economical type of façade protection from moisture. The concentrate is diluted with water 30 times, thus1 liter of concentrate is enough to treat 155 sq.m. surfaces!

Hydrophobization of concrete and brick structures significantly improves them performance: the ability for capillary suction of water is practically lost, contamination of the facade from exposure to precipitation is reduced, and the frost resistance of the material increases.

Water-repellent impregnation almost completely eliminates the phenomenon of capillary suction, significantly reduces water absorption during direct surface moistening and, at the same time, does not reduce the vapor permeability of the surface. The essence of this method is that a very thin layer is formed on the surface of the material.hydrophobic coating , an invisible polymer film that, when exposed to moisture, closes the pores of the material and prevents moisture from penetrating inside.Hydrophobizationalso prevents the appearanceefflorescenceon brickwork, increases the durability of the surface, practically eliminates its damage by fungi and mold, improves frost resistance, while maintaining the strength and thermal insulation properties of the material.Hydrophobic coatings for concrete protect concrete from atmospheric moisture and prevent concrete destruction during cyclic temperature changes from plus to minus in the autumn-winter period.

Water-repellent impregnation KRYSTALLIZOL Water repellent recommended not only forconcrete protection, mineral plasters and gypsum, cement-based artificial stone, but also for mineral paints, mineral wool etc.

The water repellent concentrate KRISTALLIZOL has been tested as a material for volumetric water repellency of concrete. Test results showed thatwater-repellent impregnation provides a significant reduction in water absorption - more than 3 times!

Application Crystallisol Hydrophobizer - a direct way to increase durability and improve the performance properties of building structures. Penetration depthhydrophobic compositionthe higher the porosity of the processed material, the greater. For brick and plaster it reaches 10 mm. The pore walls and all particles of material in contact with the water repellent are enveloped in an invisible, thin water-repellent film. The treated material loses its ability to be wetted by water and absorb it capillarily.

Why do you need the water repellent CRYSTALLIZOL?

- Protection of facades of brick buildings from the formation of efflorescence and destruction of masonry

Salt formations, or efflorescence on the walls of brick buildings, are familiar to almost all owners country houses. Not a single porous wall material for the installation of which was used is insured against them. cement-sand mortar. Facing ceramic bricks especially suffer from efflorescence - on its red-brown surface, salt stains look most intense, but also plaster facades painted with water-based or acrylic paints, do not look the best:

They appear due to water-soluble chemical compounds that are either already contained in the building material or enter it during or after the construction of walls. As water evaporates, salt solutions crystallize, and alkaline solutions react with air components (primarily carbon dioxide) and form various salt deposits. There are several reasons for the appearance of unwanted chemical compounds in wall masonry. For example, for the production of bricks, raw materials may be used that are not sufficiently purified from impurities or contain special components that allow, say, to reduce the firing temperature. In addition, masonry mortar is often prepared in violation of technology or from low-quality cement, contaminated sand or water saturated with salts. Another reason for the appearance of unwanted chemical compounds is antifreeze additives. They are added to cement mortar, if the house is being built in winter.

Efflorescence on the facade - a problem, not only of an aesthetic nature. As they grow, salt crystals can simply destroy the walls. The appearance of a whitish coating indicates a serious disease of the facades, for the treatment of which special means will be needed, for example - efflorescence cleaner Deoxyl -2

To prevent the appearance of efflorescence, the façade must be treated with the hydrophobizing (water-repellent) composition KRISTALLIZOL; it penetrates into the material to a depth of 2÷10 mm and creates a water-repellent, vapor-permeable layer.

Water repellent for bricks - This best protection facade from the formation of efflorescence!

Treatment hydrophobic liquid necessary to ensure that water from slanting rains, wet snow, etc. does not penetrate inside the walls or other elements of buildings. It is the water that evaporates that brings the salt back to the surface.

- Protection of plaster facades of buildings from destruction as a result of moisture and frost damage to the plaster

Water repellent for plastered and painted facades protects decorative coating facade from destruction and prevents peeling paint coatings on the facade. After treatment with the water-repellent agent KRISTALLIZOL, the frost resistance of the treated material increases several times, and its strength increases by 24-26%. This is especially valuable for brick fences and pillars, plaster facades, as well as the bases of buildings, which are most susceptible to destruction from water and frost.

- Protection of paving slabs and plinth cladding from damage and destruction

The most active destruction processes occur with paving slabs and cladding of building plinths. The greatest damage occurs on the surface of the tiles in the spring, when during the day the snow melts from the sun and the tiles “swell.” At night, frozen water expands and the material is destroyed from the inside.Water repellent for tiles stops the negative processes of its destruction. Covering the top of the tileshydrophobic liquid, you will increase its service life several times!

- Protection of decorative masonry from efflorescence and the formation of microcracks

Decorative stonework and plinth cladding also require hydrophobic protection, because It is the basement part of buildings that is most susceptible to excessive moisture and premature destruction.Water repellent for stone will not allow moisture to penetrate inside the masonry and prevent its destruction.

Water-repellent impregnation surface of the stone significantly increases the service life of the cladding.

- Protection of tiled roofs and external walls from damage by fungus, moss and mold

It makes sense to coat the tiled or slate roofs, especially with a small slope. The fact is that due to good moisture absorption, mosses and lichens often begin to grow on these roofs; this, at a minimum, does not improve the appearance of the roof, and, in the worst case, leads to premature deterioration and loss of strength of the roofing covering.

- Protection interior walls rooms with high humidity from mold formation

The water repellent KRISTALLIZOL is also applicable in rooms with high humidity: baths, saunas, swimming pools. Coating the internal walls with a water-repellent agent prevents condensing moisture from penetrating deep into the wall structure and forming on the surface. favorable environment for the development of harmful microorganisms. Besides,water repellenthas an antifungal effect. The fungus no longer appears on the treated surface.

- Protection of walls of historical buildings covered with lime whitewash and water-based paints

Facades painted with lime can be treated with a water-repellent liquid. The white lime on the façade is beautiful, but it is short-lived and is washed away by rain. If you cover lime with a water-repellent liquid, it will not be afraid of water. Dirt won't settle on it either. The result is a cheap, durable and dazzling white facade paint.

For facades and plinths of historical buildings, among the necessary set of measures to save them from further destruction, the most important measure is also the impregnation of the wall surface with a water-repellent composition, which will strengthen the surface of the walls and prevent their damage as a result of cyclic destruction during the wetting of the wall structure and its damage (breaks, microcracks, shedding of plaster, etc.) in winter due to the expansion of moisture inside the wall structure.

In addition to the above, the water-repellent liquid is used as a water-repellent liquid for concrete, plaster, foam concrete, and limestone. In combination with water-repellent properties it is also a ground for anyone facade paints, including water-based. The use of a water-repellent liquid in this capacity reduces paint consumption by approximately half, and its service life increases three to six times.

Advantages of the water repellent KRISTALLIZOL:

- Easy to use

- Cost-effective- The water repellent concentrate is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:30 and, at a consumption rate of 200 g of solution per 1 sq.m., 1 liter of the water repellent KRISTALLIZOL can be treated with 155 sq. m. m of brick wall!!

Whereinthe cost of processing will be only 12.5 rubles. per sq.m!

None of the manufacturers of similar products will offer you such economical protection against moisture!

- does not interfere with vapor permeability facades and does not change the appearance of the treated surface.

- does not create a visible, sticky film on the surface, accumulating dust

- guaranteed durability hydrophobic effect

- fire and explosion safety, absence of solvents in the impregnation composition

- absolute environmental safety

Rules for using the water repellent KRISTALLIZOL:

The water repellent KRISTALLIZOL (concentrate) is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:30, mixed thoroughly, and then applied to a dry and clean surface.

If the surface is contaminated with efflorescence, mold, affected by fungus, has a loose surface layer, etc., before hydrophobization, the surface should be cleaned with special chemical solutions to remove efflorescence and antiseptics to remove mold. For example, to clean lime efflorescence and cement stains, as well as iron salts and hydroxides, you can usecleaning composition Deoxyl-2 , remove loose plaster mechanically, wash off contaminated surfaces with water under pressure.

On the facades of brick buildingswater repellentApply a generous and even layer over the entire surface of the masonry (previously cleaned of dirt and efflorescence) in one layer until a slightly noticeable sheen of the liquid appears. On masonry and concrete structures, having high porosity, the solution can be applied in two steps, with an interval of no more than 10-15 minutes. It is recommended to treat walls in dry weather at a temperature not lower than +5ºС, otherwise the hydrophobic effect is reduced.

The base must be completely saturated with a water-repellent agent, therefore required amount emulsions are calculated based on the porosity of the wall material

The effectiveness and service life of the water repellent largely depends on how well the drainage and roof covering. Unorganized flows of rain and melt water significantly reduce the duration of action of water-repellent impregnation.

If you usehydrophobizing impregnation KRISTALLIZOL and carry out all work on hydrophobization, in accordance with our recommendations, the facade of your building and others building construction and the materials will remain water-repellent for 10-12 years.Hydrophobizing impregnation It also acts as a kind of antiseptic - fungi and mold, without a nutrient medium on the dry surface of the wall, cannot actively develop.

Check out the technical specifications Water repellentKRYSTALLIZOL :

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Be sure to look at our price list and YOU will be pleasantly surprised by the low prices for these unique water-repellent impregnations!!

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By all waterproofing materials You can receive comprehensive technical information and assistance on their use by contacting the company’s specialists

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