Sample visual production control log. We are drawing up a sample of filling out the production control log of the production facility

At production facilities, as well as in institutions with large crowds of people labor legislation production control (PC) is provided. This is a whole series of events, information about the implementation of which should be entered in a special journal. In this material we will tell you how to fill out the journal production control, a sample of which can also be found in the article.

The production control log is a document that all organizations are required to maintain. He talks about their implementation of the production control program. The presence of such a program for employers is provided for by regulations Federal Law dated July 21, 1997 N 116-FZ"ABOUT industrial safety hazardous production facilities" and the Federal Law of March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ "On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population."

Dangerous objects and sanitary standards

When developing such a program, all organizations and institutions must be guided by sanitary rules (SP) 1.1.1058-01 “Organization and conduct of production control over compliance sanitary rules and implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures.” They contain a mandatory list of activities, without which it is impossible to carry out special assessment working conditions. In addition, special requirements for the program are provided for so-called hazardous production facilities (HIF). These, in particular, include enterprises whose activities are associated with the occurrence of potentially dangerous emergency situations:

  • work with toxic, explosive, flammable substances;
  • use of lifting mechanisms;
  • mining or pressure work;
  • work related to metal smelting and transportation, etc.

For such organizations, in addition to sanitary standards, when developing a program, it is also necessary to take into account the requirements of Law No. 116-FZ. In particular:

  • develop and publish rules and control methods;
  • regularly conduct laboratory research and testing;
  • control the availability of documentation required by law;
  • maintain records and reporting established by current legislation;
  • promptly inform workers about all possible dangers and threats.

What is the magazine for and why is it needed?

The OPO production control log is necessary in the organization to record the results of the program. In this document, the employer must reflect all compliances or non-compliances of the state of the hazardous facility for all points of the requirements. Laboratory and instrumental control data must be attached to the records. In addition, information from the journal is necessary to fulfill the requirements of Article 11 of the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 N 116-FZ on the annual submission of a report on the organization of control over compliance with industrial safety requirements to the federal executive authorities in the field of industrial safety before April 1 of the next calendar year.

Keeping a log is mandatory under this law, but there is no prescribed or approved form for this document. Only one thing is important - it must contain a detailed list of activities performed, supplemented by information about inspections. But each enterprise can develop a sample production control log at hazardous production facilities independently.

Sample of filling out the production control log of a hazardous production facility: form

Like all similar documents, such a control diary is an A4 book. All sheets of the document must be stitched and numbered. On title page The name of the organization and the start date of maintaining the document must be indicated. It might look something like this:

The following fields must be filled out:

  • Serial number of the event;
  • Name of the dangerous object or device being inspected;
  • Date of inspection of the object;
  • List of identified violations;
  • Actions to be taken to eliminate violations;
  • Full name and position of the inspector;
  • The time frame within which detected violations must be corrected.
  • Full name, position and signature of the employee responsible for their elimination.
  • Date of elimination.

It is strictly prohibited to tear out sheets, even if they are damaged, from the document. An example of filling out a production control log form for a hazardous production facility may look something like this:

All fields must be filled in by hand with a ballpoint or gel pen (not a pencil) by an authorized person. After filling out the last sheet of the form, you need to write down the end date of maintenance and deposit it. The storage period for such a document is at least 5 years.

The document is a detailed list of completed activities provided for, supplemented by information about inspections. Below you can download a free production control log.

The log reflects the following information:

  • results of inspection activities;
  • compliance/non-compliance of the object’s condition according to all criteria;
  • data from instrumental and laboratory tests.

According to Rospotrebnadzor statistics, one of the most common violations of enterprises is the lack of programs and, accordingly, audit logs. However, these documents are mandatory not only for budgetary organizations, but even for offices. Everyone is required to carry out this procedure (Article 11.32 of the Federal Law of March 30, 1999 No. 52). The director of the enterprise is responsible for organizing and implementing this type of control. And in structural divisions organizations are their bosses.

If it is determined that in budgetary organization such checks are not carried out, Rospotrebnadzor will record a violation of the law in this area. In this case, the organization may face a fine and other sanctions (Article 6.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation): a fine of up to 20,000 rubles or suspension of activities for a period of up to 90 days.

Magazine form

Sample log of production control at hazardous production facilities

What is a magazine for?

It is necessary to record and document the results of inspections. the main objective procedures to keep people safe and environment from the harmful influence of inspection objects. This is achieved through proper implementation of sanitary rules and measures.

The log records the results and information about:

  • laboratory research and testing;
  • professional hygienic training and certification of employees;
  • documents confirming the quality and safety of raw materials, finished products, technologies, storage, transportation, sales and disposal;
  • control methods used during storage, movement and disposal of products;
  • the degree of safety of the process of performing work and providing services;
  • accounting and control reporting.

In addition, the document serves as a source of information for timely informing the population, authorities local government and Rospotrebnadzor about situations that pose a threat to the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population. The document records the performance of verification functions on compliance with sanitary rules, taking measures to eliminate violations of sanitary and anti-epidemic measures.

The information displayed relates to the following objects:

When filled

The document is filled out when performing any operation provided for by the production inspection plan (program). The plan is made without restrictions on the validity period.

If changes occur in the activities of the enterprise, additions are made to the plan. They usually relate to staff structure, production technologies, and other significant changes that affect the sanitary and epidemiological situation. Accordingly, the filling frequency changes. Other employees may also be appointed to be responsible for its maintenance.

What information is indicated?

The document contains the following fields to fill out:

  • serial number of the verification event;
  • the object or device that was checked;
  • the date of the;
  • list of identified violations;
  • the name of the measures the purpose of which is to eliminate violations, indicating the full name and position of the inspector;
  • the period allotted for eliminating identified violations;
  • Full name, position and signature of the employee who is responsible for eliminating them;
  • date when the violation was corrected.

It is strictly forbidden to make corrections to the document or tear out sheets, even if they are damaged.

Sample of filling out the form of the production control log of a hazardous production facility

To figure out how to fill out the production control log, the sample filling, which is presented below, will help. An example is given for a document on radiation testing of scrap metal.

There is nothing complicated in the filling procedure. It comes down to filling in all the fields of the table.

Step 1. Fill out the cover sheet with information about the organization.

Step 2. Enter the entry into the table. All fields are required.

There are many magazines related to medical topics. They are determined for each type of institution in which they are conducted. For example, for a restaurant, one of such documents is the “Frying Fats Use Log.” Of course, for a pool that does not have its own kitchen, such a magazine is not needed.

This article will discuss four main types magazines:

  1. Accounting for premises inspections.
  2. Keeping records of employee medical records.
  3. Accounting for sanitary days.
  4. Instruction on the sanitary and epidemiological regime.

Premises inspection records

Such a sanitary journal (form 308/U) is called “ Book for recording the sanitary condition of the premises».

Journal of sanitary condition of premises on the title page indicates the name of the organization and its specific division in which the journal is kept.

For example, some firm"Aquagroup" built a swimming pool. To reflect the sanitary condition of the room where the pool bowl is located, this form of pool sanitary log is kept. In him dates of sanitary inspections are reflected specialists, comments, if any. Also, a sample of the sanitary log of the pool must be drawn up in form 308/U.

Also, in the third column, the SES officer writes recommendations for troubleshooting, and in the fourth date, to which all shortcomings should be eliminated.

After this, in the next column the doctor signs. The last column remains blank. In it, the doctor puts the date when he came again, and result of the second check.

So sanitary magazine(you can see a sample form below) must be maintained for each room: swimming pools, locker rooms, showers, children's pools and others. There must also be a form for the medical worker's log of the sanitary condition of the pool.

When if Aquagroup built a whole complex, which includes not only a swimming pool, but also a restaurant and office space, then they should also have a log of the sanitary condition of the catering unit.

Moreover, as far as a restaurant is concerned, there should be several types of such magazines:

  • accounting for disinfection according to form No. 6;
  • accounting for receipt and consumption of disinfectants and carrying out disinfection work at the facility;
  • carrying out gene cleaning;
  • visual inspection of the sanitary and technical condition of the premises (form C);
  • and several more magazines related directly to the food premises.

Accounting for medical records

Logbook health records(sample available) reflects information about all employee medical records at the enterprise where they are needed. In addition, information about the certification of these employees is reflected here.

Main section magazine It has the following contents from 8th count:

A medical record is document in the form established by the state, which is required when applying for a job in a number of industries.

When if the employee does not have such books(and due to the type of activity it is necessary), then he faces punishment, provided for in Article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 28, 1999 provides full list professions where such a book is required. You can view and download it.

If we take a generalized list, it looks something like this:

  • employees Food Industry and other industries related to the circulation of food products;
  • employees of educational institutions;
  • public service workers (hairdressers, hotels, laundries, etc.);
  • employees trading enterprises engaged in the sale of industrial goods;
  • transport network workers.

Accounting for sanitary days

As such, a magazine with this name does not exist.

There are several other documents that keep a log of the sanitization of the premises and other measures that include the concept of “ Sanitary day».

Log of sanitary days indicates the following information:

  1. On the title page Name of the organization and/or the specific room or workshop in which cleaning is carried out.
  2. Date of cleaning, set according to schedule.
  3. Actual date carrying out.
  4. Name of solution, with whom the cleaning was carried out, and its concentration.
  5. Full name of the persons who carried out the cleaning and the full name of the person who controlled the process.

If you need a sanitary inspection log, a sample can be found at the end of the section in *.PDF format.

In addition to such a document, it must be drawn up schedule spring cleaning premises or premises and a schedule of sanitary days.

Most often during sanitization, the enterprise is closed to visitors. Such sanitary days are arranged once a month(recommended) on days established by the company management.

Instructions on the sanitary and epidemiological regime

Such magazines are an indispensable attribute of any medical institution. All employees are required to undergo training according to the rules of work in sanitary and epidemiological conditions.

All intelligence about the completion of such training by employees entered into the journal instructions on the sanitary and epidemiological regime. It reflects information about the date of the event, the full name of the employee who received the instruction, the full name of the employee who conducted the instruction and their signatures.

Important! Violation of sanitary-hygienic and sanitary-anti-epidemic rules is evidenced by the log of the sanitary condition of the institution ().

Filling rules

Filling out a health log looks something like this:

  • enterprise sanitary log must be kept by the manager organizations or his deputy;
  • must be flashed, pages are numbered. On last sheet the number of pages is indicated, the seal of the organization and the signature of the manager are affixed. The ends of the thread with which the sanitary condition control log was sewn are glued with pieces of square or rectangular shape to its cover from the inside;
  • All records must be written ballpoint pens with dark ink (black, blue);
  • corrections in logs extremely undesirable. If an error is made, Absolutely forbidden use correction fluids, tear out sheets, or correct by writing over incorrect information.

    If a mistake was made, you must carefully cross out the entire line and write a new one. In this case, in the margins you need to put the inscription “ Corrected to believe» and put the organization’s seal.

    In some companies, when certifying corrections, the head of the organization or department puts his signature.

Reference! Keeping a log of equipment sanitization and others is a must for some industries. Proper management of these documents will avoid many problems with sanitary and epidemiological services and work calmly in your field.

Now there are many companies on the market offering to draw up and fill out any sanitary logs for money. For companies that conduct their business honestly, such services are unnecessary and even dangerous. Therefore, it is better to know how to correctly fill out the sanitary log yourself.

If facts of document falsification are discovered, the organization faces large fines, and their managers may face real deadlines.

In all cases It is best to comply with all sanitary standards, defined for specific areas of activity. Both businesses and consumers will benefit from this.

No. Object of control Frequency of control Responsible executor Accounting and reporting documentation
1 2 3 4 5
1. Incoming control quality and safety of food raw materials and food products supplied to the catering department
1.1. Supplier documentation for the right to supply food. When concluding contracts Head of educational institution Agreement with food supplier
1.2. Supporting documentation for food products Each incoming batch Waybills.

Raw product rejection log

1.3. Transportation conditions Each incoming batch Commission for control over the organization and quality of food Act (if violations of transportation conditions are identified)
2.quality control and safety of manufactured finished products
2.1. Compliance of the volume of produced products with the assortment list and production capacity catering department Monthly Commission for control over the organization and quality of food Assortment list of manufactured products, agreed with the territorial body of Rospotrebnadzor
2.2. Quality of finished products Daily Commission for control over the organization and quality of food. nutritionist.
2.3. Daily sample Daily Journal of finished product rejection.
3. Control of students' diets, compliance with sanitary rules in the technological process.
3.1. Diet 1 time every 10 days Commission for control over the organization and quality of food Approximate menu, agreed with TsGSSEN, assortment list.
3.2. Availability of regulatory technical and technological documentation. Once every 6 months Commission for control over the organization and quality of food Collection of recipes. Technological and costing maps, GOSTs.
3.3. Primary and culinary processing of products. Each batch Commission for control over the organization and quality of food Certificate of conformity and sanitary-epidemiological conclusion for the catering unit. Instructions, magazines, charts.
3.4. Thermal technological equipment Once every 6 months Commission for control over the organization and quality of food. Temperature log of heating equipment.
3.5. Monitoring the sufficiency of cooking of dishes. Each batch Journal of finished product rejection.
3.6. Control over the flow of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products, over the flow of clean and dirty dishes Daily Commission for control over the organization and quality of food. nutritionist Certificate of conformity and sanitary-epidemiological conclusion for the catering unit.
4. Monitoring compliance with the conditions and shelf life of products (raw materials, semi-finished products and finished culinary products).
4.1. Premises for storing products, compliance with the conditions and shelf life of products. Daily Commission for control over the organization and quality of food.
4.2. Refrigeration equipment (refrigerators and freezers). Daily Commission for control over the organization and quality of food. Magazine temperature regime and relative humidity.
5. Monitoring the working conditions of employees and the state of the production environment of catering units.
5.1. Working conditions. Production environment of catering units. Daily Commission for control over the organization and quality of food. Visual control
6. Monitoring the condition of catering facilities (production, warehouse, utility rooms), inventory and equipment
6.1. Production, warehouse, utility rooms and equipment in them. Daily Commission for control over the organization and quality of food. Visual control
6.2. Inventory and catering equipment. 1 time per week. Commission for control over the organization and quality of food. Visual control
7. Monitoring the implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemic measures in the catering department
7.1. Food department employees Daily Commission for control over the organization and quality of food.


Medical records of employees.

Examination log for pustular diseases.

7.2. Sanitary and anti-epidemic regime. 1 time per week Commission for control over the organization and quality of food. Instructions for processing equipment equipment, equipment, containers, tableware.
8. Control over the contingent of students eating their diet and hygiene of food intake.,
8.1. Contingent of feeding children Daily Commission for control over the organization and quality of food. Order on organizing meals for students. Lists of children in need of free meals. Documents confirming the status of a large or socially vulnerable family.
8.2. Diet Daily Commission for control over the organization and quality of food Meal schedule.
8.3. Food hygiene. Daily Commission for control over the organization and quality of food. Acts on inspection of catering arrangements by the school commission.

Laboratory control

Type of research Object of study (survey) Quantity, not less Frequency * Accounting and reporting form
1 Quality of finished products

Microbiological studies of samples of ready-made dishes

Salads, first and second courses, vegetable dishes, drinks 1 time per quarter

Checking act

2 Calorie content, food yield and compliance chemical composition dishes recipes Daily diet 2-3 dishes of the study meal 1 time per year Checking act
3 Control of ongoing vitaminization Third courses 1 dish 2 times per year Checking act
4 Microbiological studies of swabs for the presence of sanitary indicative microflora (BGKP) Objects of the production environment, hands and personnel clothing 10 flushes 1 time per year Checking act
5 Examination of swabs for the presence of helminth eggs Equipment, inventory, containers, hands, personnel clothing, raw food products (fish, meat, greens) 10 flushes

1 time per year

Checking act
6 Research drinking water for compliance with the requirements of sanitary norms, rules and hygienic standards for chemical and microbiological indicators Drinking water from the distribution network of premises: washing table and kitchen utensils; shops: vegetable, cold, hot, pre-cooking (selectively) 2 samples According to chemical indicators - once a year,

microbiological indicators – 2 times a year

Checking act
7 Study of microclimate parameters of industrial premises Workplace 2 2 times a year (during cold and warm periods) Checking act
8 Study of the level of artificial light in production premises Workplace 2 Once a year in the dark Checking act
9 Study of noise levels in industrial premises Workplace 2 Once a year, as well as after reconstruction of ventilation systems; repair of equipment that is a source of noise Checking act

*Note: The frequency of laboratory tests can be changed in accordance with the plans of the territorial

Rospotrebnadzor body


carrying out general cleaning of the dining room

Events Deadlines
1 The dining room is cleaned after each meal. Daily
2 Tables are cleaned after meals. Washing tables with hot soapy water. Daily
3 Washing dishes is carried out after eating according to the scheme according to the order. minimum. Daily
4 Rags and brushes for washing equipment are processed after use, according to San. rules. Daily
5 Residues of food are disinfected and removed. Daily
6 Fight against flies and rodents. Constantly
7 Wet cleaning of the brewing room and utility rooms. Daily
8 General cleaning of premises with washing of windows. 2 times a month

List of forms of accounting and reporting established by current legislation on issues related to the implementation of production control:

8.1. Results log medical examinations workers (Appendix 2 SanPiN;

8.2. Journal of organoleptic quality assessment of semi-finished products, dishes and culinary products (Appendix 9 SanPiN;

8.3. Personal medical records of employees;

8.4. Sanitary passports for transport;

8.5. Sampling reports and laboratory research protocols of accredited laboratories;

8.6. Contracts and acts of acceptance of work performed under contracts (waste removal, washing of sanitary clothing, deratization, disinfestation, etc.)

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