Meaning and origin of the name Sergei. Meaning of the name Sergey Origin of the name Sergey

There are icons in the home of every believer. Of course, you can turn to God without their help. However, it is human nature to think in images. It is impossible to imagine God, since he is outside of space and time. Icons, which depict the faces of holy people, become our guides on the path to the Highest.

In contact with


Everyone knows how difficult it is to make your way forward along an untrodden path, through waist-deep grass and windbreaks. It is much easier for those who follow to reach their destination. The saints, with their lives and their deeds, showed us the path to God. By praying to their images, we can feel His presence, His light, His love. Each person has his own intercessor icon, which is called upon to protect him and serve as a mediator on the path to the Lord.

How not to make a mistake when choosing a personalized icon?

In Rus' during infant baptism it was customary to give them the names of one or another saint. The chosen saint became the child’s patron, protecting him from illness and danger from birth, and helping him in difficult times. Now this tradition is being restored. Each baptized person has his own Heavenly helper, whose life path should serve as an example and lead forward.

A personalized icon depicting the patron saint has enormous power. She is able to drive away illnesses and bring peace and harmony to the soul. By sincerely praying before her, a person receives support. It is important not to treat a personal icon mercantilely, as a means of solving all problems. Thank your protector for the good things in your life, share your joy and your feelings with him.

Find out which saint is the patron saint of a person, you can do it in the following ways:

Personalized icons are selected in the church shop. Usually on them the patron is depicted from the waist up; icon painters pay special attention to the eyes. They must look into a person’s soul, filling it with light and harmony. If you are named after a little-known saint, you can order a personalized icon from an icon-painting workshop.

Personalized icons for children

Often done for newborn babies measuring icons baby-sized. They depict the patron in full height. This image is hung above the crib. It protects the baby and helps to establish a special spiritual connection between him and the saint.

A personalized icon will help the child visibly feel the presence of a saint in his life. It is good if parents read to their grown-up child the life of his spiritual patron and learn together the prayer addressed to him. It is important that the holy “namesakes” become for children not just a lifesaver to which you resort in difficult situations, but a powerful moral guide.

Icons of the patroness by date of birth

One of the most powerful protective images in Orthodoxy is image Holy Mother of God. Anyone can pour out their soul to her, ask for help and support. The icon of the Mother of God should be in every home, protecting and protecting it.

In church shops you will find a huge number of different iconographic faces of the Virgin Mary. Many Orthodox people are confused, not knowing which one to choose. The clergy suggest buying the one that suits your heart the most. We must not forget that the icon is only a conductor between us and the Holy Heavenly Forces. We pray not to the picture on the board, but to God. The main thing is that our prayer is sincere and fervent.

But man is weak by nature. He wants to have “his own” icon of the Mother of God, his own saints. So they seem closer, dearer, more understandable. Therefore, the custom arose of buying an icon of the intercessor by date of birth person. The binding of a particular image of the Mother of God to a time period is determined by the date of veneration of the icon.

You can choose the image of the Mother of God depending on your date of birth using the list below.

For those born in winter

  • November 23 – December 21. Icons of the Mother of God “The Sign”, “Tikhvin”.

On the icon “The Sign” the Mother of God stretches out her hands in protective prayer. The first miracle associated with the image occurred in 1170. When battles were going on near the city walls of Novgorod, Archbishop Elijah brought out the “Sign”. The stele hit the face of Mary. Tears flowed from her eyes. Having seen the miracle, the Novgorodians gained strength and drove out the enemy. In 1611, the image protected the Novgorod Cathedral, protecting it from the attacking Swedes with an invisible wall.

Our Lady of Tikhvin was painted by the Evangelist Luke during the life of Mary. The image is stored in Moscow. During the Great Patriotic War, according to legend, he was carried by plane over the capital, and the enemy was repulsed. People pray before her for healing; she is considered the patroness of children.

  • December 22 – January 20. Icon of the Mother of God “Sovereign”.

This image was found in the basement of the Ascension Church in the village of Kolomenskoye on the day of Nicholas II’s abdication from the throne. The Queen of Heaven sits on a throne in red purple and with the attributes of royal power. At a moment when all the usual foundations were collapsing, the Mother of God revealed herself, promising protection to the Russian land. That is why the icon is one of the most revered.

  • January 21 – February 20. and "The Burning Bush".

The first of them was written on a board from the table at which the Savior, the Most Pure Mother and Joseph took food. Its author was the Evangelist Luke. The Mother of God, seeing her image, promised grace to everyone through this image.

The Burning Bush icon protects from fire and lightning, heals diseases, and saves from terrible disasters. In the photo you can see its unusual composition. Before us are two four-pointed stars of red and green, superimposed on each other. They symbolize the burning bush that the prophet Moses saw. It was then that the voice of God predicted to him the birth of Jesus Christ.

In the middle of the star is depicted the Mother of God and the Child, and around them are angels and archangels, visions of prophets and symbols of the holy evangelists. The ladder is in the hands of the Mother of God. This is a symbol of the fact that it was through the Virgin Mary that the Savior descended to us on earth and led the believers with him to heaven.

For those born in spring

  • February 21 – March 20. Icon of the Mother of God "Iverskaya".

It was written by the Evangelist Luke during the life of Mary. On the right cheek of the Mother of God you can see a wound from which blood is oozing. According to legend, the wound appeared after the image was pierced by an overseer during the reign of Emperor Theophilus.

At that time, Christians were persecuted. The wonderful icon was thrown into the river. The current carried her to the Iveron Monastery on the sacred Mount Athos. A pillar of fiery light emanated from the image, but it was not given to anyone. After praying to the Mother of God, Elder Gabriel was able to pull the icon out of the water. She became the protector of the monastery and performed many miracles.

  • March 21 – April 20..

In 1579, after a fire in Kazan, little Matrona dreamed of the Mother of God. She told her and her mother to find the icon among the rubble. The image found in the fire was kept for a long time in the Kazan Assumption Cathedral.

It was to him that Russian troops prayed before the decisive battle with the Polish-Lithuanian occupiers. The icon also helps in the fight against internal enemies, returning strength and vision. The original has not survived to this day; only numerous copies remain.

  • April 21 – May 20. Icons of Our Lady of Iverskaya and “Support of Sinners”.

Before the latter, one must ask for forgiveness of sinners or those who care about them. Tradition says that in the 40s of the 19th century in the village of Odrino, Oryol province, people began to have dreams about an old icon. She stood in the old chapel, faded and forgotten. The image was renewed and taken to the temple. He was the first to heal a paralytic boy, and since then there have been many miracles. The help of the “Helper of Sinners” was invaluable during the cholera epidemic.

For those born in summer

  • May 21 – June 21. Icons "Vladimir", "Burning Bush" and "".

There are several known images called “Seeking the Lost,” to which people on the other side of life and death turn with their final prayer. This image saves from imminent death, from dark forces, in cases where there is no longer any hope of salvation.

  • June 22 – July 22. The Kazan Mother of God and the icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow”.

The miraculous image of “Joy of All Who Sorrow” comes to the aid of all those who suffer, saves from illness, poverty, sorrow, and supports those who turn to it in difficult times.

  • July 23 – August 23. Icon "Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary".

It depicts a procession to heaven. The Mother of God walks ahead on the clouds, carrying a small covering, and behind her are the saints.

The image was made in memory of the miraculous appearance of the Virgin Mary. During the attack on Constantinople in 910. The parishioners were in the church and saw the Mother of God praying for them. She took off her veil and threw it over everyone present. As a result, a whirlwind came, expelling the enemies.

For those born in autumn

  • August 24 – September 23. And « Burning bush".

On the “Passionate” icon we see the Mother of God humbly carrying her child towards the upcoming suffering. Symbols of future trials are present on the icon in the form of two angels holding a sponge, a cross and a spear. Those weapons from which the Savior will perish.

This image teaches us to humbly accept the will of God and gives us hope in the most hopeless situations.

  • September 24 – October 23. Images of the Pochaev Mother of God, “Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord” and “Burning Bush”

Many miracles are attributed to the “Pochaev” image of the Mother of God. He cured diseases, resurrected people, saved them from enemies. This icon is revered by Christians of all faiths. It is kept in the Dormition Pochaev Lavra, built on the site of the appearance of the Virgin Mary to people. After her disappearance, the imprint of the Virgin’s right foot remained on the stone.

The image “Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord” is dedicated to the discovery of the Cross on which the Savior was crucified. It can cure serious diseases, infertility, and brings peace of mind.

  • October 24 – November 22. Icons of the Virgin Mary “Jerusalem” and “ » .

The “Mother of Jerusalem” was written by the Evangelist Luke in the 15th year after the Resurrection of the Savior. This image saved us from many troubles, accidents, and epidemics. The first miracle attributed to him was healing from the evil eye.

“Quick to Hear” is kept in the Dokhiar monastery on Mount Athos. Legend has it that in 1664, the monk Neil was walking into the refectory at night with a torch and heard a voice urging him not to burn incense near the image. The monk did not attach any importance to this and became blind. Through prayers, he regained his sight, and the Mother of God promised, through this icon, quick help to all who turned.

Having chosen an icon by the name given at baptism or by date of birth, you should treat it with respect. But still the main thing is sincere faith. It is she who works miracles, heals diseases and averts troubles. It is not for nothing that the words of Jesus Christ are repeated in the New Testament: “May you be rewarded according to your faith!”

Icons by date of birth

When choosing a name for their baby, many parents are of the opinion that it is necessary to name the child in honor of his Angel.

After all, then the baby will have a protector throughout her life. Since ancient times, it has been believed that the Guardian Angel protects a person from troubles and adversity.

Origin of the name Sergei

Every person has a past. The same applies to the name Sergei, which has a story. At one time, two versions of the origin were put forward. The first is the Roman family name Sergius. It appeared in honor of an ancient patrician family that dates back to Trojan times.

The second version is the modern Latin name Sergius. Translated as “servant”, “high”, “noble”.

Sergey is one of the most common names. It has always been popular, especially considering the fact that for each Seryozha there is his own Guardian Angel. There is an opinion that if you name your child in honor of the Divine holiday, then it will be easier for him to cope with life’s difficulties.

Often the baby is named based on Sergei’s name day according to the church calendar. Since ancient times, it has been believed that this particular Angel will protect a person throughout his life.

The meaning of the name Sergey

Preschoolers-Sergei are sickly and require increased attention. Starting from the age of five, their body becomes stronger and more resilient. At school age, Sergei turns into a caring son and friend. Worries more about others than about himself.

Sergey is growing up conscientious and obliging. No matter how hard it is, if he promises something, he tries to fulfill it. He does not like to discuss anyone and never expresses his opinion about others.

This boy adores his parents throughout his life. He tries to behave well because he is afraid of offending his mother.

Parents are the most valuable thing in his life. Even if he was offended, he will skillfully hide his feelings, since he does not like to quarrel and complicate relationships. That is why he has many friends and comrades whom he values.

Sergei will fall in love with a homely, calm woman, without unnecessary emotions. He will never marry “beauty.” Kindness, understanding, love and friendship are important to him. He is a sociable person who knows a lot of interesting stories and anecdotes.

People named Sergei are creative individuals. They always have a lot of ideas in stock. Sergei not only talks about them, but also implements them. Often such people become musicians, artists or actors.

Sergei is very touchy and susceptible, but they are in no hurry to resolve the situation. They prefer to remain silent so as not to lose friendship. They value relationships.

For marriage, women with the names Agnessa, Valentina, Galina, Daria, Elizaveta, Irina, Nina, Tatyana are suitable for them. With the right choice of wife, Sergei become wonderful fathers and wonderful husbands. However, for all his positive qualities, Sergei is not an easy person and it is difficult to get along with him. He is unpredictable, so no one knows what he might come up with in the next minute.

Sergei's name day according to the Orthodox calendar

Since ancient times, naming by the name of saints has been a good Orthodox tradition. Many parents name their children only this way. They firmly believe that the Guardian Angel will protect their child throughout their lives.

There is an opinion that it is best to name your baby after the Saint who is remembered on this day. Almost every month has Sergei days, but only one will suit you.

Sergei’s name day according to the church calendar is January 27, April 2 and 25, June 1 and 6, July 11, 18, August 25, October 11, 20, 23, December 11.

Your Angel Day depends on your faith (Catholic or Orthodox). Each of them has its own calendar of names.


As we found out, Sergey is a common name. He is a good and kind person, but there are certain difficulties in his character. You need to find an approach to such a person. Any woman will be happy to see this wonderful and responsible man next to her.

Sergei's name day according to the Orthodox calendar is chosen according to the day and month of his birthday.

There are 12 numbers in the year when Sergeev’s name day occurs. They are only absent in March, February and September. In other months, you can choose the day that suits your child. Sergei's name day is celebrated as his second birthday.

Parents need to remember that by naming your child on Angel Day, you have found for him a true and reliable protector for the rest of his life, who will protect him from troubles and adversity.


Icon of St. Sergius of Radonezh

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The personal icon of Constantine personifies a laconic, friendly, sympathetic and God-fearing man, ready to open his heart to the Lord, to take the path of truth and righteousness.

The name Sergei is of Latin origin and goes back to the Roman family name Sergius. In Rus' this name was common among the clergy.

Sergey is very conscientious and obliging, he is a man of action. Has a high level of self-control and is restrained in his feelings. Three contradictory qualities are intertwined in a man with this name: sociability, attentiveness and touchiness. Sergei values ​​his family and home and tries in every possible way to equip it. The personal icon Sergei is of great value for the betrothed; it protects and protects its owner every day, sows goodness, warmth and mercy around, protects from sinful thoughts and actions.

This name is patronized by many Christian saints: St. Sergius of Valaam (July 11, June 28; September 24, September 11), St. Sergius of Obnor, Murom, Vologda (October 20, October 7), Sergius of Pechersk (October 11, September 28, October 20) , October 7) and, of course, Sergius of Radonezh (July 18, July 4;), whose prototype is depicted on the personal icon.

The mystery of the name

Sergey- highly revered, respectable, clear (Latin, from the Roman family name Sirius).
In the calendar and Church speech it is pronounced as Sergius.
A reliable name that balances hardness and softness. The name has always been and is now very popular and loved.
Zodiac name: Scales.
Planet: Venus.
Name color: pearl grey.
Talisman stone: pearls.
Auspicious plant: birch, heather.
Patron name: brown hare.
Happy day: Friday.
Happy time of year: autumn.
Main features: peacefulness, emotionality.


Sergius of Radonezh, Rev., October 8 (September 25).
Sergius Obnorsky, Nuromsky, Vologda, Rev., October 20 (7).
Sergius of Petrogradsky, archimandrite, holy martyr, August 13 (July 31).
Sergiy Pechorsky, Obedient, reclusive, in the Near (Antoniev) caves, October 11 (September 28), October 20 (7).
Sergius the Roman, Rosafsky, martyr, October 20 (7).
Sergiy Savvait, Venerable Martyr, April 2 (March 20).
Sergius Sinaisky, Venerable Martyr, January 27 (14).
Sergius Shukhtomsky (Shukhtovsky), schemamonk, June 1 (May 19).
Sergius of Valaam, Rev. The Wonderworker, founder of the Valaam Monastery on Lake Ladoga, spread the Orthodox faith in Karelia, July 11 (June 28), September 24 (11). The monastic brotherhood gathered by him became a beacon of Orthodoxy in this wild land. The indigenous inhabitants - the Karelians - began to again trust Christianity, the authority of which was undermined in the 13th century by the Swedes, who instilled Catholicism with fire and sword.


If dry snow falls on Sergius of Radonezh, this promises a good summer.
They pray to Sergius of Radonezh for chicken stock. On St. Sergius Day, cabbage is chopped.


Little Seryozha perceives the world optimistically and joyfully. Sometimes he has changes in activity: sometimes he runs around like crazy, sometimes he starts to act up. Parents will have to come to terms with this, so the child’s energy reserves are restored.

Seryozha is peaceful and sensitive, capable of empathy. He studies well at school, conscientiously fulfills all orders, he doesn’t even need to be reminded - he remembers everything, he takes care of everything. He loves music and cinema very much, and always takes part in amateur performances.

Having matured, Sergei does not change in the main things: he is still obligatory, he can also listen, understand, and sympathize with a person. Sergei is fair and calm. He is often offended, but he keeps all the grievances to himself and does not burden anyone with his problems.

Sergei is unusually rich emotionally. He is very sensitive, able to evaluate a person at first sight. He has wonderful intuition. With such imagination, Sergei can be an actor, composer, writer, journalist, broadcaster, inventor.

Sergei cannot be called a great intellectual, but he is a reasonable, restrained person, he has enough firmness and skill to solve complex and confusing problems. He can have a brilliant military career, and since he is able to put forward an interesting idea and, what is especially valuable, bring it to life, he can have a career as a leader at all levels. In any case, Sergey knows his business perfectly.

Sex for Sergei is an obsession. Its potential is great. After meeting him, a woman is left with a feeling of happiness and peace for a long time.

As a rule, Sergei does not know unrequited love. There are many women in love with him, but he unshakably believes that he deserves it and that he is entitled to it in life. Moral standards seem too strict to him. Such bright personalities as Sergei live in another dimension and do not fit into the usual framework.

Sergei is married several times. Beautiful, sophisticated wives eventually give way to a calm, homely woman, whom Sergei helps with household chores. He is not picky when it comes to food; he eats whatever he gives him. It happens that he is addicted to alcohol, but gets drunk slowly. Loves to receive guests in a grand manner. Dresses very elegantly.

For Sergei, marriage with Valentina, Victoria, Galina, Daria, Dina, Elizaveta, Irina, Lyubov, Nina, Rimma, Tatyana will be successful.

Surname: Sergeevich, Sergeevna.


Venerable Sergius of Radonezh (1313-1391).

The Monk Sergius, in the world Bartholomew, the son of the Rostov boyar Kirill, who moved to Radonezh, was born in 1313. After the death of his parents, 10 versts from Radonezh, he laid the foundation of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, glorious in the history of Russia. The fame of the holiness of Sergius's life attracted disciples to him, who almost by force forced him in 1354 to accept the rank of presbyter and the title of abbot of the monastery. With the blessing of Saint Metropolitan Alexy Sergius introduced a hostel in his monastery. Saint Alexy used the advice of the Monk and wanted to see him as his successor; Grand Duke Dmitry visited him more than once, was inspired and blessed by Sergius for the war with the Tatars; He made peace with the other princes among himself and with the Grand Duke. During his lifetime, Sergius became famous for his gift of miracles and foresight.

He was a man of exceptional moral purity and warmth. A penetrating mind was combined in him with infantile simplicity. “Meek in soul, firm in faith, humble in mind,” his contemporaries said about him. We admired his unselfishness, integrity of character, loyalty to his ideals, and devotion to his calling in life. Sergius amazed everyone with his quietness, his readiness to act not with violence, but with conviction, with his conversations “about the benefits of the soul and about peace and love.” Stories about how he befriended a bear, tamed it and shared a crust of bread with it add another endearing feature to his human appearance.

The main source for reconstructing the life path and teachings of Sergius of Radonezh is his “Life”, written in 1417-1418 by the disciple of the Monk Epiphanius the Wise. The life tells us that the Psalms of David were always on his lips. Sergius spoke in allegories and parables. He responded to every event in his life in a poetic way and thereby touched the cherished strings of the human heart.

The life speaks of the visions of Sergius. One day, when he was praying in his cell, fixing his gaze on the icon of the Mother of God, she appeared to him herself. Sergius fell to his knees in front of her, and his student, blinded by the light, lost consciousness. Sergius's vision of birds is especially poetic. In the darkness of the night, through the window of his cell, he saw a tree in a dazzlingly bright light and on its branches there were many birds. In his life, this vision is interpreted as a prophecy about his many disciples.

The life path of Sergius of Radonezh is amazing: he fled from the society of people - and as a result became its spiritual leader; he never took up a sword - but his one word on the scales of victory was worth hundreds of swords. The extraordinary attractiveness of Sergius’s personality can be explained simply: he was a man who steadily, to the end, fulfilled his Christian and monastic duty. “In the name of St. Sergius,” wrote the historian V. O. Klyuchevsky, “the people remember their moral revival...”

The most important heavenly patrons of the Sergei are the founder of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, Sergius of Radonezh, one of the most beloved and renowned saints in Rus', and the Venerable Sergius of Valaam, the founder of the Transfiguration Monastery. Both served as models of humility, wisdom and strict adherence to Christian virtues.

The personalized icon of Sergei is given to the namesake of great ascetics, so that they become their heavenly patrons, guide them on the path of true piety and help in pacifying the grave sin of pride.

St. Sergius of Radonezh is venerated four times a year: September 25/October 8 (the day of his death), May 23/June 5 (celebration of the Council of Rostov-Yaroslavl Saints), July 5/8 (day of the discovery of the saint’s relics) and July 6/19 (celebration Cathedral of Radonezh Saints). And the days of memory of Sergius of Valaam are June 28/July 11 and September 11/24.

How does Sergei’s personalized icon help?

St. Sergius of Radonezh is the patron saint of learning and science. As a child, he himself had difficulty mastering literacy, but fervent prayers addressed to the Lord helped him overcome all difficulties and become one of the wisest holy elders. Therefore, a personalized icon of Sergei will help overcome difficulties in learning. Students pray before the image of the saint on the eve of exams and even researchers who encounter difficulties in their work.

Sergei's heavenly patron will protect his namesake from physical and mental illnesses, from injustice, especially in court cases. The holy wonderworker will help those who are pure in soul and sincere in their thoughts.

From us you can buy a personalized icon of Sergei as a christening gift for boys or men bearing this name. The icon comes in a gift box.

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