April 7th is a holiday in the world. Church Orthodox holiday of April


The list of events informs about church holidays, fasts, and days of honoring the memory of saints. The list will help you find out the date of a significant religious event for Orthodox Christians.

Church Orthodox holidays April 7

Annunciation Holy Mother of God The twelfth permanent holiday, the portal website informs. Dedicated to the Virgin Mary receiving news from the Archangel Gabriel about the future birth of Jesus Christ.
Lent Main multi-day post. Erected in honor of the memory of the 40-day fasting of Jesus Christ in the desert. The duration of Great Lent is 48 days.
Holy Week Last week before Easter. Dedicated to the memories of last days earthly life of Jesus Christ, His suffering, crucifixion and burial. All days Holy Week called "The Great Ones".
Repose of Saint Tikhon (Belavin), Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia A holiday in honor of Saint Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia (birth name - Vasily Belavin). Years of life: January 19 (31), 1865 - April 7, 1925. He was canonized in 1989.

April 7: what holiday is today and memorable dates

World Health Day is celebrated annually on the founding day of the World Health Organization (WHO) under the auspices of the UN. Events held on this day are dedicated to health problems around the world.

Since 2004, the world has commemorated the International Day of Remembrance of the Rwandan Genocide. The date was set by the UN in connection with a decade of tragic events in the Republic of Rwanda - the 100-day massacre of the Tutsi people, which resulted in the death of more than 800 thousand people.

Orthodox Christians around the world celebrate the great twelfth holiday - the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. According to the Gospel, on this day the Virgin Mary received good news from the Archangel Gabriel about the future birth from her of the Son of God and the Savior of the world.

What church holiday is today, April 7, 2018, history and meaning of the Annunciation

IN church calendar The Annunciation is the twelfth feast and has a permanent date. In 2018, on April 7, believers will go to temples and churches to offer prayers to the Higher Powers. Another name for this holiday is the Annunciation, the time when the Virgin Mary received news from God's messenger about the imminent appearance of the Divine Child with her.

The significance of this holiday is enormous. At the Annunciation, the sin of Eve, who was flattered by the persuasion of the Devil himself, is redeemed by the immaculate Mary, who bore the future Savior through the immaculate conception. Many theologians believe that Mary became the kind of woman that, according to the original plan, Eve should have become - submissive, humble, respecting the Lord and sacredly honoring His Word.

Annunciation - beautiful traditions


The threshold of the Annunciation and the holiday itself are permeated with ancient beautiful traditions, which are still actively observed in many villages. Traditionally, they “call out spring”: they light fires, dance around them, singing beautiful stoneflies, and bake flour sculptures of waders, larks, and swallows. Young girls climb with them onto the roof of low buildings, stand on an elevated place, the children climb the trees and chant protractedly, sadly and melodiously to the birds, urging them to fly quickly and bring the Beauty of Spring on their wings! They are begged to bring from across the seas a lot of health, green grass, fragrant cakes, a pot of porridge and even a bag full of money. Birds are lured with pies, koloboks, and pretzels.


So that all the days of the year are calm and successful, the whole family has good health and a prosperous life, according to Christian tradition, which over time has grown into folk custom It was obligatory to eat a piece of prosphora (church bread). It was baked (now bought) for each member of the family, blessed in church, then crumbled and eaten. Often its crumbs were mixed into sowing seeds and feed. According to centuries-old observations, it was established that this gave an excellent harvest, good offspring for livestock and birds, and health for all living creatures. They even mixed crumbs of Church bread into the honey and fed it to the bees.

A tradition full of deep meaning - “Free the birds!”

In 1995, in honor of the Feast of the Annunciation, the ancient Russian beautiful tradition was revived - giving freedom to birds. On this day, in the Annunciation Cathedral, after chanting, the birds were released into freedom by the clergy and children. This custom was supported in almost all temples. People like him too. Residents of megacities bought forced birds at bird markets and joyfully gave them freedom.

Signs for the Annunciation

Annunciation is a holiday signifying the arrival of spring. It was on this day that our ancestors monitored the weather to predict its future behavior.

If on the night of the Annunciation there is not a single star in the sky, and the Moon “hides” behind a layer of clouds, it means that the chickens will lay few eggs

There was frost in the morning - expect a fruitful year. It will be extremely favorable for growing cucumbers and milk mushrooms

A thunderstorm on the afternoon and evening of this day indicates that there will be a lot of nuts this year

But if it rains a little, then by autumn expect a very rich harvest of mushrooms, and this also means that wheat will produce very well

But the weather is bad in the morning, strong wind, and in some places even fog foreshadowed an extremely fruitful summer

What should you not do on Annunciation?

Lend something or, conversely, give money and things to strangers. Otherwise, you may lose your well-being, health, peace and quiet in your family. This requirement should be strictly observed, even if the person asking you for something is well known and you are uncomfortable refusing him. It is important to ensure that nothing is taken from your home. Therefore, it is not advisable to invite guests on April 7th. The holiday is usually celebrated with family.

Sew, weave, knit. Many peoples of the world associate thread with life, so anyone who picks it up for work can confuse their fate, bring problems and troubles.

Take care of your hair. You can’t not only cut your hair, wash your hair, but even comb your hair because of the danger of ruining your destiny. Hair may also fall out as a punishment.

Wear new clothes. New things will quickly tear or deteriorate irreparably, and within a year there will be no opportunity to purchase others. Girls who violate the ban will not get married until the next Annunciation.

They don't start something new. Otherwise, there will be no success in business.

This day should be spent the way you would like. According to legend, it is believed that whatever this holiday is like for you, it will be like that for the rest of the year. Therefore, you should not be offended at the Annunciation or quarrel with the people around you. On the contrary, you need to spend the day in a good, bright mood. Don't be alone. Even if you don’t have your own family, take the opportunity to visit your family and meet friends. For people who have pets, it is advisable to feed them well. Crumbs of blessed prosphora should be added to the food. Thus, the owner protects not only himself, but also his pets from diseases in the future.

April 7: born on this day

In 1880 - Alexander Bogomazov, Soviet artist, founder of Ukrainian Cubo-Futurism.

In 1883 - Gino Severini, Italian artist, sculptor, founder of Futurism.

In 1915 - Billie Holiday, American jazz singer.

In 1939 - Francis Ford Coppola, famous American film director, screenwriter, and producer.

In 1946 - Mark Rudinshtein, a famous Russian producer, presenter, and organizer of film festivals.

In 1954 - Jackie Chan, famous Hong Kong and American actor, stuntman, director, producer, martial artist.

In 1964 - Russell Crowe, Australian actor and director.

April 7: died on this day

In 1340 - Yuri II, king of Rus' and the Galician-Volyn state.

In 1947 - Henry Ford, a famous American industrialist, owner of automobile factories around the world.

Birthdays April 7

Today Savva and Tikhon celebrate their name day.

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* Repose of St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' (1925). Venerable Savva the New (1948). Icons Mother of God Annunciation (XVI).

Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Blessed Virgin Mary

In ancient times, the feast of the Annunciation was given different names: Conception of Christ, Annunciation of Christ, Beginning of Redemption, Annunciation of the Angel to Mary. Nothing is known about where and how the Feast of the Annunciation first appeared. It is known that in 560 Emperor Justinian indicated the date for the celebration of the Annunciation - March 25 (April 7, new style).
On this day, the Church glorifies the Annunciation to the Virgin Mary by an angel of God about her supernatural conception of the Savior by the power of the Holy Spirit.
The name of the holiday - Annunciation - conveys main meaning him: the announcement to the Virgin Mary of the good news of the conception and birth of the Divine Infant Christ by Her.

Annunciation means “good” or “good” news. On this day, the Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary and announced to Her about the coming birth of Jesus Christ - the Son of God and the Savior of the world.

Church Tradition says that at the moment when the Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary, she was reading the book of the prophet Isaiah, precisely those words about the birth of the Messiah. “I am ready to become the last maidservant of the one who will be honored to give birth to the Messiah,” she thought.
Some ancient customs are associated with the Annunciation among the people. They say that on the Annunciation “the bird does not build a nest, the maiden does not braid her hair,” i.e. all work is sin.

Repose of Saint Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'

Saint Tikhon (in the world Vasily Ivanovich Belavin) was born on January 19, 1865. From an early age, the father took the boy with him to services, and his love for the temple became an integral part of his life.
He received his education at the theological school of his native city, and then at the Pskov Seminary and the St. Petersburg Theological Academy. In 1888, Vasily Belavin graduated from the academy and was sent to the Pskov seminary to teach dogmatics, moral theology and French. In 1891, the young teacher took monastic vows with the name Tikhon in honor of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk. Ordained to the rank of hieromonk, a year later he was transferred to the Kholm Seminary, where he was appointed inspector.
In December 1898, Bishop Tikhon was appointed to the Aleutian-American See, which was located in San Francisco. In 1905, Saint Tikhon was elevated to the rank of archbishop, and two years after that he was transferred to one of the most honorable departments in Russia - Yaroslavl. In 1913, Archbishop Tikhon was transferred to the Lithuanian diocese - to Vilna. Here the ruler was caught in the war. By order of the Holy Synod, Archbishop Tikhon moved to Moscow, bringing with him the relics of the holy Vilna wonderworkers, but soon moved from Moscow closer to his flock, almost to the front line.
After February revolution together with other archpastors, Archbishop Tikhon was dismissed by Chief Prosecutor V.N. Lvov from the Synod. On June 23, 1917, Saint Tikhon was elected by the will of the church people to the Moscow diocesan see, after which the Synod awarded him the rank of metropolitan. The Local Council, which opened on August 15, 1917, elected Metropolitan Tikhon as its chairman, and soon after, on November 21, 1917, he was elevated to the restored patriarchal throne.
In his first address to the all-Russian flock, Patriarch Tikhon characterized the era the country was experiencing as “the time of God’s wrath”; in his message on January 19, 1918, he expressed archpastoral concern for the position of the Church and condemnation of bloody riots.
In the summer of 1921, after the horrors civil war, the Russian people suffered another disaster: famine. On February 19, 1922, Patriarch Tikhon called on church councils to donate precious church decorations, unless they have liturgical use. However, on February 23, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee issued a decree on the confiscation of church valuables for the needs of the hungry. The Patriarch responded to the decree with a new message to his flock, in which he stated the inadmissibility of confiscation of sacred objects, “the use of which is not for liturgical purposes is prohibited by the canons of the Universal Church.”
Criminal cases were initiated in different cities of the country. The clergy were accused of obeying their Patriarch, of reading out his Proclamation, of trying to negotiate with the authorities to replace the handing over of church shrines with a cash ransom, and sometimes of not being able to withstand the blasphemous behavior in churches of government agents who allowed themselves the most obscene forms of desecration of shrines, they did not remain indifferent to him.
During the years of the Civil War, a stratification occurred among the clergy: renovationist groups appeared that called for a revolution in the Church. Rebuffing anti-canonically modernist encroachments, Patriarch Tikhon on November 4, 1921, in a special message to his flock, emphasized the inadmissibility of liturgical innovations. In May 1922, the patriarch was taken into custody in the Donskoy Monastery, and in June 1923 he was released. During this period, as a result of the destructive actions of the schismatic-renovationists, the church administration was decapitated: many bishops were expelled from their cathedras, most churches were captured by the renovationists, and the church people were thrown into confusion.
After his release from arrest, Patriarch Tikhon addressed his flock with a message, stating that “The Russian Orthodox Church is apolitical and does not want... to be either a white or a red Church. It must be and will be the One, Catholic, Apostolic Church.” On March 23 (April 5), 1924, the patriarch issued a new, brief but meaningful Message, denouncing the grave crimes of the leaders of the renovationist schism. In this Message, on the basis of church canons and on behalf of the Russian Orthodox Church The Patriarch subjected the Renovationists to a canonical ban and confirmed that, until repentance, they are out of communion with the Church.
On March 23 (April 5), His Holiness Tikhon served his last liturgy in the Church of the Great Ascension on Nikitskaya. On March 25 (April 7), 1925, on the day of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos, Patriarch Tikhon reposed in the Lord. In 1989 Council of Bishops Russian Orthodox Church, Saint Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', was canonized.

Today is an Orthodox church holiday:

Tomorrow is a holiday:

Holidays expected:
24.03.2019 -
25.03.2019 -
26.03.2019 -

The Annunciation precedes the holiday Happy Easter and has great value in the Orthodox world. On this day, believers observe traditions and offer prayers to the Mother of God and the Savior.

On the day of the Annunciation, the Virgin Mary received news from Archangel Gabriel that she would become the mother of the Son of the Lord. The news of the Immaculate Conception was part of the prediction of the coming of the Messiah, who would save humanity from its sins.

What church holiday is today, April 7, 2018, history and meaning of the Annunciation

In the church calendar, the Annunciation is the twelfth feast and has a permanent date. In 2018, on April 7, believers will go to temples and churches to offer prayers to the Higher Powers. Another name for this holiday is the Annunciation, the time when the Virgin Mary received news from God's messenger about the imminent appearance of the Divine Child with her.

The significance of this holiday is enormous. At the Annunciation, the sin of Eve, who was flattered by the persuasion of the Devil himself, is redeemed by the immaculate Mary, who bore the future Savior through the immaculate conception. Many theologians believe that Mary became the kind of woman that, according to the original plan, Eve should have become - submissive, humble, respecting the Lord and sacredly honoring His Word.

Annunciation - beautiful traditions


The threshold of the Annunciation and the holiday itself are permeated with ancient beautiful traditions, which are still actively observed in many villages. Traditionally, they “call out spring”: they light fires, dance around them, singing beautiful stoneflies, and bake flour sculptures of waders, larks, and swallows. Young girls climb with them onto the roof of low buildings, stand on an elevated place, the children climb the trees and chant protractedly, sadly and melodiously to the birds, urging them to fly quickly and bring the Beauty of Spring on their wings! They are begged to bring from across the seas a lot of health, green grass, fragrant cakes, a pot of porridge and even a bag full of money. Birds are lured with pies, koloboks, and pretzels.


In order for all the days of the year to be calm and successful, for the whole family to have good health and a prosperous life, according to Christian tradition, which over time grew into a folk custom, it was obligatory to eat a piece of prosphora (church bread). It was baked (now bought) for each member of the family, blessed in church, then crumbled and eaten. Often its crumbs were mixed into sowing seeds and feed. According to centuries-old observations, it was established that this gave an excellent harvest, good offspring for livestock and birds, and health for all living creatures. They even mixed crumbs of Church bread into the honey and fed it to the bees.

A tradition full of deep meaning - “Free the birds!”

In 1995, in honor of the Feast of the Annunciation, the ancient Russian beautiful tradition was revived - giving freedom to birds. On this day, in the Annunciation Cathedral, after chanting, the birds were released into freedom by the clergy and children. This custom was supported in almost all temples. People like him too. Residents of megacities bought forced birds at bird markets and joyfully gave them freedom.

Signs for the Annunciation

Annunciation is a holiday signifying the arrival of spring. It was on this day that our ancestors monitored the weather to predict its future behavior.

If on the night of the Annunciation there is not a single star in the sky, and the Moon “hides” behind a layer of clouds, it means that the chickens will lay few eggs

There was frost in the morning - expect a fruitful year. It will be extremely favorable for growing cucumbers and milk mushrooms

A thunderstorm on the afternoon and evening of this day indicates that there will be a lot of nuts this year

But if it rains a little, then by autumn expect a very rich harvest of mushrooms, and this also means that wheat will produce very well

But bad weather in the morning, strong winds, and in some places even fog foreshadowed an extremely fruitful summer

What should you not do on Annunciation?

Lend something or, conversely, give money and things to strangers. Otherwise, you may lose your well-being, health, peace and quiet in your family. This requirement should be strictly observed, even if the person asking you for something is well known and you are uncomfortable refusing him. It is important to ensure that nothing is taken from your home. Therefore, it is not advisable to invite guests on April 7th. The holiday is usually celebrated with family.

Sew, weave, knit. Many peoples of the world associate thread with life, so anyone who picks it up for work can confuse their fate, bring problems and troubles.

Take care of your hair. You can’t not only cut your hair, wash your hair, but even comb your hair because of the danger of ruining your destiny. Hair may also fall out as a punishment.

Wear new clothes. New things will quickly tear or deteriorate irreparably, and within a year there will be no opportunity to purchase others. Girls who violate the ban will not get married until the next Annunciation.

They don't start something new. Otherwise, there will be no success in business.

This day should be spent the way you would like. According to legend, it is believed that whatever this holiday is like for you, it will be like that for the rest of the year. Therefore, you should not be offended at the Annunciation or quarrel with the people around you. On the contrary, you need to spend the day in a good, bright mood. Don't be alone. Even if you don’t have your own family, take the opportunity to visit your family and meet friends. For people who have pets, it is advisable to feed them well. Crumbs of blessed prosphora should be added to the food. Thus, the owner protects not only himself, but also his pets from diseases in the future.

On April 7, the UN countries celebrate a holiday - World Health Day, in Russia they celebrate the Birthday of the Runet and the Day of Remembrance of Dead Submariners. What other holiday is today? On this day you can celebrate the Slavic holiday - the Day of Karna the Mourner.

Holidays April 7, 2019

world health day

- holiday in UN countries
World Health Day is celebrated by UN countries every year on April 7th. On this day in 1948, the World Health Organization was created. Since this historical moment, 194 countries of the world have become members of the World Health Organization.
Since 1950, it has become a tradition to hold Health Day annually.
Health Day events are held to make people understand how much health means in their lives.
World Health Day is dedicated every year to a different global problems, which stand before global health care and are held under different mottos of the planet.

RuNet's birthday

Every year on April 7, a significant date is celebrated for all users of the Russian-language Internet - the Birthday of the Runet, but few people know what holiday today.
On this day in 1994, the domain .Ru was registered for Russia and entered into the international database of national top-level domains.
Earlier, on December 4, 1993, the largest Russian providers of that time signed the Agreement “On the procedure for administering the zone.RU”.
Russia was thus recognized as a state represented on the Internet.

Day of Remembrance of Dead Submariners

April 7 is the day of the death of the crew of the nuclear submarine Komsomolets of the Northern Fleet, which was launched on May 9, 1983. At that time, it was believed that this nuclear submarine, in its tactical and technical characteristics, was about 25 years ahead of its time. It had a titanium heavy-duty hull with a diving depth of more than 1000 meters, an 8500 ton underwater displacement, its speed was more than 30 knots and it was completely inaccessible and undetectable to any weapon.
On April 7, 1989, in the Norwegian Sea, when the most combat-ready nuclear submarine was returning from combat service, a tragedy occurred - a fire broke out on the Komsomolets, which led to the sinking of the unique submarine.

Holiday of the Slavs

Day of Karna the Mourner

Karna is the goddess of sadness, grief and sorrow. The ancient Slavs assigned her the role of a mourning goddess and goddess of funeral rites.
People believed that if a warrior dies in battle far from his home, then the goddess Karna or the heavenly Goddess, the patroness of human reincarnations and new births, will be the first to mourn him.
On behalf of the Goddess Karna, words appeared among the people - incarnation, reincarnation. Karna allows a person to get rid of mistakes made in his life and unseemly deeds in order to fulfill his destined supreme god purpose.

Unusual holidays

Today, April 7, everyone can cheerfully celebrate Pillow Fight Day. Anarchist Day is also celebrated on this day.

Pillow Fight Day

Do you remember how you misused your pillow as a child? How long have you had a pillow fight? Pillows usually rejoice with you when you give them the opportunity to actively move around in fun pillow battles! If in this battle the pillow loses a few feathers, then its happiness and pride will know no bounds. On this festive Pillow Fight Day, you can safely bring joy to all participants in this festival.

Anarchist Day

The creation of this holiday, “Anarchist Day,” actually in itself already contradicts the idea and concept of anarchy. This holiday can be celebrated on any day of the year, because that’s why it’s Anarchist Day.

Church Orthodox holiday

Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a great church holiday, which was established in memory of the day when the Archangel Gabriel brought the good news of the birth of the Son of God to the Virgin Mary. This great holiday falls on Bright Week or Lent.
The duration of this holiday varies - from one to three days. At the time when the Annunciation coincides with Easter, the Orthodox celebrate two holidays in one, which they call Kyriopascha.
Such an event happens very rarely, for example, the last Kyriopascha was in 1991, but the next one will be in 2075.
In Rus', the holiday of the Annunciation was very popular and it was considered very important in the year. On this day, the fast was relaxed - for this day a special pie with fish or cabbage was specially prepared - kulebyaka, and on this day the third arrival of spring was celebrated.
Our ancestors considered it a great sin to undertake the smallest task on this day.
People said: “On this day, girls do not weave hair, and birds do not build nests.”
This holiday was considered a bird holiday; in the old days, on the Annunciation, it was customary for catchers to redeem birds and release them into the wild, so that the bird would intercede before God for the one who freed it.
On the occasion of the Annunciation, peasants burned straw beds at night and jumped through the fire, fumigating their dresses in order to protect themselves from witchcraft and destroy diseases.
On this day, the peasants watched the weather. They believed that if it rains on Annunciation Day, thick rye will be born, and if there is a thunderstorm on that day, then a nut harvest is worth waiting for.
Name day April 7 from: Savva, Tikhon
April 7th is also celebrated:
- Day of Feat,
- Cosmetologist's Day,

What Orthodox holiday falls on April 7, 2019? On this day, the church celebrates the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (the full name is the Annunciation of our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary).

It is an enduring holiday, meaning its date remains the same every year. It is celebrated 9 months before the Nativity of Christ, which falls on January 7 (December 25, old style).

Let us tell you in more detail about this church holiday, celebrated on April 7, 2019. On this day, the Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary, who announced to Her about the coming birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God:

“He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David; and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom will have no end.” Mary answered the angel: “Behold, the Servant of the Lord; Let it be done to me according to Your word" (Luke 1:26-38).

What Orthodox holiday is today, April 7?

Today, at the Annunciation, a liturgy is served in churches and the rite of breaking bread is performed, when consecrated bread and wine are distributed to the faithful.

It is believed that the blessed prosphora, which is kept at home, protects family members from illnesses and various troubles, and brings good luck and prosperity.

According to the tradition that developed in Rus' back in the pre-revolutionary years, in some churches white doves are released into the sky, which personify the good news. It is believed that birds fly straight to the Lord, because on the day of this holiday the heavens open.

Also, on the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, birds are released from their cages into the wild. As the people say, on the Annunciation “a bird does not build a nest, a maiden does not braid her hair.”

Believers are not allowed to do housework (cleaning, sewing, knitting, embroidery), work in the garden, or cut their hair. There are other prohibitions.

So, at the Annunciation it is not customary to wear new clothes, which, according to legend, can get dirty or tear. In the old days, girls who wanted to show off their new clothes wore them secretly for several days.

What Orthodox holiday is today, April 7, 2019? In Rus', this Orthodox holiday, falling on April 7 (March 25, old style), often coincided with the beginning of agricultural work.

It was believed that before this date nothing could be sown in the fields and gardens, since the earth was still sleeping. The peasants cast spells on the grain prepared for planting and performed other magical rituals, contributing to a good harvest.

It must also be said that the date of this church holiday falls during Lent, but relaxations in the diet are allowed.

If the Annunciation does not fall on Holy Week, you can include fish, wine and fir in the menu ( vegetable oil). For this holiday, housewives bake flour products from Lenten dough in the form of larks.

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