Andrey Miroyedov is a thief. High activity zone

March 22, 2004 10:00

Remember the prison riot at the end of February? When were St. Petersburg prisons and colonies shocked by the news of a mass hunger strike? (NG talked about this in No. 14, 03/01/04). Then events calmed down quite quickly. And at the end of the failed riot, the penitentiary system of the city on the Neva was covered with a barrage of administrative checks... Today their first results are becoming known. According to the prison authorities, there are no violations on their part in this case. Thieves in law stirred up the mess in pursuit of some of their own goals. Which? Let's try to figure it out.

The head of the Main Directorate of Execution of Punishments for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, General Valery Zaborovsky, spoke about this for almost an hour. Trying to dwell on specifics as little as possible. He talked about the fact that in Lately in the system under his jurisdiction, many things are changing for the better. That in a few years we will be very close to international standards for the detention of prisoners. (Given current conditions, it takes a lot of imagination to imagine this.)
Of course, he talked about the elections. About the fact that they went through it like clockwork. They voted actively: “More than one hundred percent (!) took part in the voting.” I misspoke, of course. And how symbolic... But the main thing is different: inspections in which representatives of the central office of the GUIN, the Ministry of Justice, General Prosecutor's Office and the office of the Commissioner for Human Rights under the President of the Russian Federation, did not find confirmation of the accusations that were thrown against the jailers. The accusations are serious: they say that bullying and beatings, mutual responsibility and bribery are rampant “in the zone”...
Let's return to the events of a month ago. Exactly on the “men's day” of February 23 in the evening, the pre-trial detention centers and colonies located in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region (there are 16 in total) received a “run” (urgent dispatch) from the will that next day you need to go on a hunger strike. In order to protest against the lawlessness perpetrated by the administration and the activist prisoners who allied with the “cops” in correctional labor colony No. 4 in the village of Fornosovo, Leningrad Region. The author of the dispatch was thief in law Lekha Irkutsky. “Malyava”, signed by the “authority”, has special weight in the zone: the instruction is mandatory for execution.
The next day, six institutions out of sixteen - two pre-trial detention centers in St. Petersburg and four colonies in the region - supported the action. Then they said that about five thousand prisoners went on hunger strike. Today, the leadership of the GUIN names a figure fifty times lower: a little more than a hundred people. However, here it is necessary to clarify what exactly the prison authorities mean by a hunger strike. General Zaborovsky gives the following definition: a hunger strike is an action in which a prisoner writes a written statement about his refusal to eat food. There were more than a hundred of these, he said. But there were also those who did not write statements and refused to eat food only “partially.” How many were there? There was no answer to this question. But, judging by the general’s words that almost one and a half thousand such people initially showed up in Kresty alone, in general, in all six pre-trial detention centers and penitentiary correctional centers, there could really be about five thousand “partially refusing” people. However, according to Zaborovsky, these statistics were declining by leaps and bounds. Most of the prisoners had little idea that they were being called upon to support them, and did not show much fanaticism.
The funny thing is that in ITK-4 itself in Fornosovo, according to the management, no one went hungry. As the administration explains this phenomenon, the “thieves' run” simply did not have time to get there in time. And, according to the Guinov general, there were no grounds for discontent there, since the conditions of detention were “very good.” And all the bruises and abrasions on the bodies of the prisoners were examined by a medical commission and did not reveal any beatings. And there were no allegations of bullying from the administration. (Still would!)
But the operatives quickly got their bearings. Within 24 hours, they contacted Lekha Irkutsky and, as a result of negotiations, persuaded him to end his hunger strike. On the morning of February 26, the hunger strike, without turning into a mass prison riot, was completely lifted.
Although, by the way, the action took place not only in St. Petersburg, it was supported in other regions as well. First of all, in Moscow, where the Butyrka administration received more than a hundred complaints about poor living conditions in one day. All this suggests that the high-profile action was planned behind prison walls and for some specific purpose. Which? Let's return to this issue a little later. Let us trace further events, which are very significant.
Thief in law Lech Irkutsky (aka Alexey Gudyna) was at large during the events described. Moreover, he was reliably “lying at the bottom”, since he was officially listed as... dead. The corresponding death certificate was issued in St. Petersburg. Having appeared as the organizer of a mass hunger strike, he gave himself away completely. What immediately affected him future fate. On March 1, he was detained on charges of another, long-standing robbery case and then transported to his native Irkutsk. So why did he need all this?
“Of course, when taking such a step, he could not help but understand that his flippers would be tied,” said one of the high-ranking officers of the GUIN. - That is, he simply could not do otherwise. This means that he himself is just a cog in big game. Which? Well, let's not talk about high things. The elections were just around the corner...
However, everything could be simpler. It is known, after all, that the position of “watcher for St. Petersburg” from Moscow thieves-in-law is still vacant - after Kostya Mogila was shot dead in Moscow at the end of May last year. This happened a few days before the pompous St. Petersburg anniversary and a few months before the actual change of power in the city. Although this change was already predetermined then. And even then the redistribution of “thieves’ power” began. Lech Irkutsky was one of the contenders for the role of “supervisor”. And he could brew the porridge himself - to maintain authority. Or his competitor could also be Mirych (Andrey Miroyedov), who now, after Lech goes to rest in the zone, seems to remain the only contender.
We may never know the final answers to these questions. But, according to our information, this case is being dealt with not only by the GUIN and the Ministry of Internal Affairs (which is now “working” with Lekha Irkutsky), but also by the FSB. So it's not an easy matter.
And one last thing. For all this thieves' romance, one should not forget about the main thing. A prison, of course, is not a sanatorium. And yet, the conditions of detention in places not so remote are indeed such that it is only a very stretch to call them human. So the answer to the question: is it possible to imagine a prison riot caused by dissatisfaction with these very conditions suggests itself. Can.


By the way
The status of overseer of thieves in law in St. Petersburg has long been a convention. St. Petersburg is characterized by the fact that the traditional hierarchy of Soviet crime is not recognized here. The “reputable business” of the northern capital rejected it back in the early 1990s and is developing according to its own concepts, sharply different from those of the thieves, with its own “ideology and program,” its own leaders, based on its own resources. This is precisely the root of the St. Petersburg “criminal wars between thieves and the lads.”
Among the thieves themselves, the concept of “thief in law” is increasingly eroded. Only a small group of “old people” keep the traditions. In general, the long-standing “romantic” rules have actually become a thing of the past, according to which a thief in law should not officially work, should not have a family, must lead a modest lifestyle, and must not take up arms or use violence with his own hands (although the latter is just more - less preserved - there are simpler people for this). Increasingly, the title of thieves is being bought by “orange” thieves. And most importantly, the basic principle has been violated: the ban on dealing with the authorities. Thieves in law now maintain close partnerships with the bureaucracy, its business and law enforcement agencies.
In St. Petersburg, even Kostya Mogila did not enjoy general recognition as a “supervisor” (in general, his affiliation with the thieves in law was regularly questioned). The authority of Mogila was largely based on the inertia of criminal consciousness, coming from earlier times. At the same time, already from 2001 - 2002, Mogila’s position was increasingly undermined. Several thieves' "authorities" are more than younger generation made their requests, pushing Konstantin Karolievich further and further. The most active claims to the status of the beholder were made by four - Artur Kzhizhevich, Andrei Miroyedov (Mirych), Andrei Belyaev (Khobot) and Alexey Gudyna (Lekha Irkutsky). To date, three of them have been removed from the game: Kzhizhevich is accused of organizing a triple murder, Khobot is accused of extortion and “torture” (an unlikely charge for a thief in law - it’s such a waste for them), Irkutsky is accused of robbery. Accordingly, Mirych, who two years ago managed to escape charges of extortion, rises up. He is considered “young, but early”, allegedly enjoys the favor of old thieves and, according to rumors, gravitates towards serious economics - industry, communications. The latter, however, raises doubts among those who personally know Mirych: “He’s not the right type, it would be easier for him...”

In the coming days, the verdict of the still active thief in law No. 1, Zakhary Kalashov (Shakro Molodoy), will be announced. An online conference of the most influential “criminal generals” has already been planned for this day, during which the new “boss of all bosses” will be officially “formed.” Rosbalt managed to find out how this event will take place.

Preliminary consultations on the topic of who will ascend to the “thieves’ throne” were held in advance, so no surprises are expected from the communication between the “thieves in law”; most likely, everything will turn into a formality. For the first time in last years Slavic mafiosi will “run the show” during discussions. Thus, the most prominent people in the world will take part in communication via instant messengers and other means of communication. this moment Slavic thieves in law Alexey Petrov (Petrik) and Sergey Aksenov (Aksen). The first lives either in Sochi or in Europe, the second is firmly settled in Moscow. Both of these kingpins themselves categorically do not want to become the “boss of all bosses.”

Also, an opinion about the new thief in law No. 1 will definitely be asked from Mikhail Voevodin (Misha Luzhnetsky), who “nomads” between Switzerland and Russia. Vladimir Tyurin (Tyurik) will also take part in the discussion. He himself was at one time a favorite among contenders for the “throne.” But after the scandal with him being put on the wanted list by Ukraine for the murder of ex-deputy Denis Voronenkov and the hype around this event in the media, the chances of this mafioso to occupy the vacant seat became extremely low.

Vasily Khristoforov (Vasya Voskres) and Merab Gogia (Melia) are also scheduled to participate in a unique online conference. It is the Risen One who now appears. O. head of the headquarters Shakro young. Both of these kingpins are close to mafioso Yuri Pichugin, and in recent months they have been collecting funds for the common fund. It is assumed that the question about the new thief in law No. 1 will be asked to Andrei Miroyedov (Mirych), as well as Shalva and David Ozmanov. However, if the latter are asked, it will be out of delicacy, paying tribute to Zakhary Kalashov, whose relatives are the Ozmanovs. They currently do not have significant influence in criminal circles.

A Rosbalt source familiar with the situation does not rule out that a conversation will be held with Lasha Shushanashvili (Lasha Rustavsky), who lives in Greece.

Also, the question about the new thief in law No. 1 will be asked to Eduard Asatryan (Edik Osetrina), who most sometimes in the Donbass, and on short visits to Moscow.

You shouldn't expect any surprises from these crime lords; the majority have already conducted preliminary consultations and chosen thief in law Oleg Shishkanov (Oleg Shishkan). It is believed that he will follow the same line as Shakro. So the balance of power in the “thieves’ world” will remain. In addition, Shishkanov has not been in serious conflicts with other mafiosi in recent years, so he has no clear enemies. Unless, of course, you count the “bloody” war of the 1990s between the “Ramenskaya” organized crime group (its leader is Shishkan) and the “Lyubertsy” group, which was accompanied by murders and attempts, including on Shishkan himself. However, Vyacheslav Shestakov (Plum), who represents the interests of the Lyubertsy thief in law, who has long settled in Europe, does not participate in the active life of thieves.

Who could object to Shishkanov’s candidacy is the “criminal general” Merab Dzhangveladze (Merab Sukhumsky), now living in Turkey. He did not like the line pursued by Shakro, and Merab does not want its continuation in the person of Shishkan. However, according to Rosbalt, Dzhangveladze is not on the list of persons whose participation is planned in the discussion of the candidacy of the new thief in law No. 1.

After all the above-mentioned thieves in law officially approve of Shishkanov’s candidacy, a corresponding proposal will be made to him. According to Rosbalt, Shishkan will not refuse him. Thus, the appointment of a new “boss of all bosses” will take place. (Rosbalt, 03/28/2018, Yuri Vershov)

“You can’t get out of here as a thief”

Miron had previously gathered the thieves in St. Petersburg, hoping to present the events in a way favorable to himself, but in the absence of Asatryan (Osetrina), his visit caused bewilderment among the locals. What Miron was counting on when he came to the northern capital when his opponent was in Moscow remains a mystery. But the St. Petersburg residents now have a good reason to reproach Miron for his poor knowledge of thieves’ norms of behavior: being “under conflict,” a thief cannot discuss with other thieves who has a claim against him, especially behind his back. Therefore, in St. Petersburg they refused to delve into Miron’s problems. One of the participants in that meeting, St. Petersburg thief in law Andrei Mirych, came to Moscow to see the outcome of the story with his own eyes.

Contrary to the expectations of the thieves gathered at Rublyovka, Miron did not feel guilty. In any case, the fact is that Edik, Sergey, Guram and Romik, having accepted his invitation to meet, ended up in (see more about this). According to Miron, the blame for this lies entirely with Valera Tbilissky, and he himself, allegedly, was not privy to the plans of his comrades. True, Miron agreed to apologize for taking the side of Goga of Pitersky without listening to the opinions of Sergei and Guram who punished him.

What Petrik said next became a real revelation for many. After listening to the defendant’s “intellectually insulting” explanations, Lenya said that even if Sergei forgives him, Miron will not leave here as a thief. To the silent question “why?” Petrik explained to Miron (at the same time revealing the real reason his intervention) that his main problems are not related to Sergei. If necessary, Petrik is ready to call the thieves who heard how in Istanbul Gela, pressed against the wall, let slip about Miron’s connections with state security. Therefore, first, Myron needs to answer the accusations of his comrade, after which one of them will remain a thief, and the other a bitch.

Reminded me of a lot of things

Next, Petrik did not restrain his anger at how the “insolent animals” behaved when visiting his land, immediately recalling all the atrocities committed by Gela and Miron: beatings of thieves, absentee decisions for far-fetched reasons, settling personal scores, endless coronations with their narrow around and the like. At the same time, none of them ever deigned to pay attention to the “Slavs” to find out their opinion.

After this, not wanting to stay away from the epoch-making showdown, Mirych asked Miron, if he had even a drop of courage left, to repeat what he told Gia Galsky about information wars. Miron, of course, didn’t remember anything, and Mirych had to call St. Petersburg himself. Gia, who joined the conversation, told the thieves how Miron threatened to set his “tame journalists” on Sergei and “give him a heart attack,” after which “he himself would come running to him and ask him to hush up the conflict.” After this, it became clear to everyone present who was behind Dzhemo’s fabricated “candid confession” and the ridiculous rumors that appeared yesterday on the same website about Sergei’s debunking, allegedly because he “slept through his coronation.”

At the end of the unpleasant conversation, Petrik demanded that Miron hand over the so-called “barrow”, which was in his charge, about the presence and movement Money"common fund". After this, crushed by the charges brought against him, Miron parted with the latter without objection, which connected him with the world of thieves.

Shark refused the crown

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A well-known criminal authority in St. Petersburg, who was about to be crowned a thief in law, cooperates with the administration of the colony as an exemplary convict. The trial of the famous crime boss nicknamed Shark can be called one of the most notorious in the last decade. Perhaps there was no media outlet that did not talk about the detention of Akula and 15 of his brothers in the late 90s. The group of “shark men” had a grip on the southern districts of the city, almost all businessmen, for several years. Shark is an extraordinary person and respected in gangster circles. They had been planning to crown him a thief in law for a long time. And from the Murmansk colony, where he is serving his sentence, there is information that Akula has become the most exemplary convict. He voluntarily joined the Discipline and Law Enforcement Section and cooperates with the administration in every possible way. His action greatly surprised everyone - both the lads and the police. After all, there has never been a case where an authority of such magnitude suddenly decided to take the path of correction. Who is Shark Alexander Anisimov was born into a simple family. He is 43 years old. He grew up in Krasnoye Selo. In the early 80s he received his first prison sentence for hooliganism and fighting. While in prison, he received a second sentence - 5 years for disobedience to the administration. In the colony, Sasha gained his wits and, upon being released, met the famous authority Alexander Malyshev. By that time, Anisimov had already received his nickname - they began to call him Shark because of his excellent teeth. About Malyshev, however, special mention must be made. It is believed that this man created the most powerful criminal group in St. Petersburg in the late 80s; in those days, Malyshev controlled absolutely all areas - vodka, gasoline, banks... However, in the mid-90s, Malyshev retired. He emigrated to Spain. Shark managed to become so close to him that he remained in charge of the elder and was in charge of all matters. Gradually the Malyshev group fell apart. Part of the gang stayed with Anisimov. They began to call themselves “Akulovsky”, and Sasha became the boss and owner. He had a share in the Juno and Zvezdny markets, and in the Avtovo car market. He collected tribute from the owners of markets, cafes and shops. It wasn't difficult at all. Anyone who did not know Shark personally had certainly heard about his high patron and, naturally, paid without complaint. And, of course, no one complained to the police. However, racketeering was far from the only activity of the Akulov gang. They say they did not disdain anything. And, according to rumors, there is also a lot of blood on them. However, such facts did not appear in court, so there is nothing to talk about here. The case fell apart in court Due to impunity, the Akulovites have lost all caution. One day, a very rich businessman who had problems approached Akula and asked him to solve his problem for 15 thousand dollars. The Akulovites took the money, but didn’t think of doing anything - on the contrary, they took the businessman into circulation. They began to demand more money, kidnapped one of his trusted representatives... The businessman, don’t be a fool, contacted law enforcement agencies. And RUBOP became interested in Akula. They took Anisimov in 1998 at another “business” meeting. Searches were immediately carried out, and a Bereta pistol and an Agran assault rifle were found in one of the apartments he rented. After some time, 15 of Akulov’s brothers were detained (although some were later released on bail). All together they ended up in the dock. Rubopov’s report included more than 50 crimes in which Akulov members were suspected. The process promised to be the loudest. After all, for the first time in the dock, in addition to the brothers, that is, the direct perpetrators, there was a real authority. In addition, Akula was charged at that time with new article Criminal Code - 210th (“Organization of a criminal community”). This is a very rare article in the courts; it is more difficult to prove the crime under it than the same banditry. The investigation hoped that a precedent would finally happen and Akula would be the first to be imprisoned on the 210th. But in the end nothing was proven. And what was left from the high-profile case was zilch. In fact, the only significant episode that the prosecution defended in court was the kidnapping of businessman Ch., the owner of several stores. The Akulovskys got into his car, blindfolded him and drove him to their office. The businessman was so intimidated that he jumped out of the window. One fact of extortion of money was also proven. Shark then received the longest sentence of the entire company - eight and a half years, two more were sentenced to eight years each, and the rest of the sentences turned out to be much shorter and even suspended. Family As soon as Shark was imprisoned, rumors spread around the city that they were going to crown him. Who, if not he, is most worthy of becoming a thief in law - a “combat” biography (that is, several convictions), authority in criminal circles, he is respected, listened to, feared, he has a big name. In this sense, the interests of Akula were lobbied by thief in law Mirych (Miroedov). True, according to unwritten laws, a thief in law should not have a family. And Shark has a family - his wife Valentina and adopted daughter Alice. When Anisimov was detained, Valentina had to sell a luxurious apartment with European-quality renovation and expensive furniture and look for simpler housing. They needed money for lawyers. However, judging by the interview that Valentina gave to Komsomolskaya Pravda several years ago, she was determined to wait for her husband, even wrote poetry for him. Shark's wife admitted that although she and Sasha lived for only five years, these were the happiest years of her life. A friend introduced Anisimov to his future wife. Valentina was then the owner of several stalls. I worked in one myself. The shark began to come to her often. This love story is very romantic. They got married after... Valya saved Alexander. This happened when a police raid unexpectedly descended on the stalls. They found a pistol on Anisimov and took him into custody. And then the woman came to the police and stated that in fact it was her gun. Valentina knew that Sasha had been convicted. However, she said that during family life I didn’t really delve into his affairs, I understood that my husband was engaged in business, sometimes not entirely legal... Repentance or trick? Perhaps it was thanks to his family that Akula decided to take the path of correction in prison. Operatives say that sometimes this happens when bandits give up on the past and completely move away from crime precisely because of the wives and children who supported them during their imprisonment. It is possible that Anisimov, like the hero from the famous “Kalina Krasnaya,” will decide not to return to the life of a thief, but will get on a tractor or, at worst, organize some kind of company. Anything can happen. One way or another, Anisimov actually voluntarily expressed a desire to join the Section of Discipline and Order (SDiP). There are similar voluntary squads in all zones - after all, there is a catastrophic lack of security, so some cases are entrusted to the prisoners themselves. For example, keep track of fire safety etc. The administration, of course, makes concessions to members of such sections - for example, you can get additional visits with relatives, etc. But no one can remember that a serious authority, a person who is going to be crowned, decided of his own free will to provide support for their jailers. Or maybe it's just tricky move to leave early? In February of this year, Akula wanted to be released on parole (parole). He mainly motivated this by his work in SDiP, as well as family circumstances. He provided a certificate that his wife was found to have cancer, and my daughter feels very bad and cannot go to school. But the court decided not to release Anisimov. The shark has just over two years left to sit. And, probably, we will not know before how sincere were his intentions to become a respectable citizen. Tatiana Mikhailova. [email protected] Photo from the KP archive.

The news of the detention of 42-year-old businessman and thieves “authority” Artur Kzhizhevich was initially perceived as a signal: “A big purge has begun!” The figure of this man, who was in the first rank of criminal bosses in Russia, excluded other interpretations. However, things are different - the legendary Dingo, who was “watching” around St. Petersburg for five minutes (“the second Kostya Mogila”), went to jail for drunken domestic violence. True, extremely scary.

The Kazan leader is accused of murdering a high-ranking official

The news of the detention of 42-year-old businessman and thieves “authority” Artur Kzhizhevich was initially perceived as a signal: “A big purge has begun!” The figure of this man, who was in the first rank of criminal bosses in Russia, excluded other interpretations. However, things are different - the legendary Dingo, who was “watching” around St. Petersburg for five minutes (“the second Kostya Mogila”), went to jail for drunken domestic violence. True, extremely scary.

Death on the Lake

This happened on September 5th. It so happened that two VIP companies went to Lake Ladoga at the same time. Head of the Hotel Management Department of the St. Petersburg Administration Alexey Kurnikov, businessman Pavel Kirillov and junior FSB officer Konstantin Nagorny were fishing on a Finnish-built boat. For unknown reasons, they had a conflict with a group on another ship. According to one version, Arthur Kzhizhevich’s company considered its boat cooler and failed to convince Kournikov and his friends of this. According to another, Arthur and his people were sailing on a fish protection boat and considered it necessary to stop other people’s fishing as poaching.

Arthur and his bodyguards allegedly boarded the Kurnikovsky boat. A fight ensued, during which Nagorny’s “red crust” was revealed. After this, the attackers had nowhere to retreat. Two were “put on feathers” (lethal stab wounds to the neck were found on Kournikov’s corpse), the third tried to escape by swimming, but drowned.

According to some reports, Mr. Kzhizhevich personally allegedly fired several shots at him.

After this, the ill-fated boat was burned.

The search for the killers was carried out by employees of the Operational Investigation Bureau of the North-Western Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. FSB officers who had lost their comrade actively joined them. On September 19, Artur Kzhizhevich was detained at the Petrovsky stadium after a football match. Four more were taken with him. All of them are suspected of triple murder. As far as we know, Artur Vitoldovich categorically denies his guilt and claims that on September 5 he was absent from the crime scene. The path of the "scumbag"

In 1996, Kzhizhevich was sentenced to six years for a crime committed two years earlier in the Karelian outback - his boys shook out “a ton of green stuff” from a local businessman, and Dingo personally put pressure on the subject’s psyche, shooting over his head. By that time, Arthur was one of the leaders of the sinister “Kazan organized crime group” operating in St. Petersburg. “Kazanians” were considered the very last “scumbags” in all of St. Petersburg. They specialized in hard racketeering, "protection protection" retail outlets and a city "funeral". Arthur established himself as a tough and determined person; in 1993 he survived an assassination attempt.

“Kazan” initially focused on Moscow thieves in law. Therefore, after the defeat of the organized crime group, Arthur retained his position. And he even expanded his influence in the St. Petersburg business, penetrating into the areas of motor transport, fuel, construction and the seaport. He developed a good “working relationship” with the head of the 7th Department of Organized Crime Control, Lieutenant Colonel Gusev. As the media reported, with the help of the Organized Crime Control Department, Arthur thoroughly “cleaned up the clearing.” He got rid of the competition of Andrei Malenkoy and Misha Kutaissky, put Yura Vsevolozhsky out of action for a long time and even dealt a warning blow to his most dangerous rival - thief in law Mirych.

When long-time “supervisor” Kostya Mogila was killed four months ago, people started talking about Arthur as a potential heir. However, Mirych crossed his path again - it’s hard to say who Ded Hasan treats more favorably. But now these problems, presumably, will not particularly concern Mr. Kzhizhevich. You need to be calmer when fishing.


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