Business plan for a private kindergarten - how to open a private kindergarten. How to open a private home kindergarten

A business plan for a kindergarten involves the provision of services such as the maintenance, upbringing and education of a child. The idea does not require significant starting investments and can be implemented in almost any city in Russia.



Services provided by a private institution:

  • daytime stay of the child in the garden;
  • nutrition;
  • classes;
  • walk in the fresh air.

Additionally the following may be offered:

  • developmental activities;
  • school preparation program;
  • accompanying the child to the section (if it is nearby);
  • overtime or overnight stay in the garden.

It should be noted that the number of services depends on the size of the establishment and the orientation towards a specific target audience. The more diverse these offers are, the higher the cost of your monthly fee.


The relevance of organizing a private kindergarten (including at home) is due to:

  • annual increase in the birth rate;
  • the passion of young parents for a career that requires the investment of temporary resources (against the backdrop of the closure of some federal institutions);
  • moving to a new place of residence (you must join a state kindergarten after the birth of the baby);
  • the demands of parents in terms of nutrition and other conditions for the child’s stay;
  • provide a financial opportunity for a child Better conditions food and staff relations;
  • fashion for use modern techniques education in private institutions (Montessori classes);
  • the desire to place the child in a kindergarten with a small group size.

Market description and analysis

The kindergarten market in Russia can be characterized as follows:

  1. Nursery groups for children up to 36 months have ceased to exist since 2014. This applies to all government agencies.
  2. More than 2 million children are on the waiting list for public kindergartens.
  3. Over the past 20 years, the number of state kindergartens has been halved. At the same time, state policy in the form of assistance to families with children contributes to a rapid increase in the birth rate.
  4. The demand for children's stay under the supervision of teachers in kindergartens significantly exceeds the supply. 10% of children do not get a place until they start school.
  5. In 2014, SANPIN sanitary standards for organizing the functioning of preschool institutions were approved. This provoked the entry of private entrepreneurs into the market.
  6. There are approximately 12,000 private gardens and 46,000 federal ones registered in Russia.
  7. Since 2012, kindergartens organized by large families began to appear. More than 530 of them are registered in Moscow.
  8. The officially permissible number of children in a public kindergarten group is 25–30 people, and up to 15 in a private kindergarten.

The cost of a child's monthly stay in kindergarten in major cities and regional centers is as follows:

  • government institutions - 1000 rubles;
  • home stay - 6,000–15,000 rubles;
  • private establishments - 15,000–25,000 rubles.

The maximum cost of a monthly stay is 120,000 rubles in a private garden in Moscow.

Competitive advantages

Planning own business involves the selection and implementation of competitive advantages.

These could be the following ways to attract and retain your target audience:

  • availability of weekend groups;
  • flexible work schedule (by agreement with parents) - from 7 am to 21.00 pm;
  • high-quality materials for preparing children and activities during the day;
  • a variety of themed toys (for games in the store, hospital);
  • sports activities with a guest coach (rhythm, dancing);
  • installed video surveillance system for children;
  • presence of security;
  • 10% discount when paying for an annual subscription.

As an advantage, you can organize the following activities with children during the day:

  • drawing;
  • creation of applications and modeling;
  • soap making and culinary master classes;
  • making toys;
  • English (and/or Spanish);
  • lessons to get general information about peace and nature;
  • exciting picnic walks;
  • theatre studio;
  • creating and presenting your own crafts based on the fairy tales you read (materials provided);
  • fairytale therapy with a visiting child psychologist 1–2 times a week;
  • morning work-out.

Advertising campaign

To ensure recognition, you can use advertising methods such as:

  • colorful decoration of the room with the creation of a large bright sign (5,000 rubles);
  • leaflets that can be distributed several months before the official opening with the help of a promoter or through children's stores (1000 rubles);
  • banner in the area of ​​a supermarket or large children's store(10,000 rubles);
  • own website (15,000 rubles);
  • advertising through mom bloggers (3,000 rubles).

Step-by-step opening instructions

The implementation of a commercial idea begins with a business plan for a kindergarten with economic calculations. Ready project You can download it for free on the Internet and adapt it according to economic zoning, or compile it yourself.

After final approval of the business plan, the following actions are performed:

  1. Registration of an enterprise.
  2. Obtaining permits from government agencies.
  3. Searching for premises to renovate or rent. Construction of a new building is also permitted.
  4. Repair work.
  5. Carrying out marketing activities.
  6. Equipping the garden with equipment and other supplies. Including ordering toys and teaching aids.
  7. Recruitment.

Detailed instructions for opening a private kindergarten are taken from the channel “How to open a private kindergarten».


The first step is to apply for registration as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. This can be done online or in person at the Registration Center. You must have your passport with you. If several founders are planned, it is necessary to draw up an appropriate protocol and provide the Charter of the future enterprise. Registration takes 3–10 business days and costs about 800 rubles (state fee).

  • Pension Fund;
  • Social Insurance Fund;
  • Fire service.

It should be noted that when choosing a type of activity such as child care, it is not necessary to obtain a license.

Room and design

According to SANPIN Decree No. 68 on the requirements for the premises of preschool institutions, the layout of a kindergarten includes:

  • dining room with an area of ​​20 m2;
  • bedroom - 18 m2;
  • game room - 18 m2;
  • dressing room - 15 m2;
  • kitchen - 9 m2;
  • utility room for washing and storing equipment - 3 m2;
  • bathroom - 3 m2.

Thus, you can rent the premises of an old state kindergarten or a 3-room apartment with an improved layout. Rent will cost 15,000 – 35,000 rubles depending on the location.

For interior design you can use:

  • bright furniture;
  • funny pictures;
  • interesting posters;
  • colorful carpets.

The main thing is to make a room in the kindergarten:

  • spacious;
  • attractive to parents;
  • interesting for children.

Repairs will cost approximately 50,000 rubles.

It is important to pay attention to the availability of a play area on outdoors. There are such areas on the territory of the state garden; it is enough to paint them and bring sand into the sandboxes. If you rent an apartment, you must initially choose a place near modern playgrounds.

Equipment and inventory

Equipment and inventory can be purchased new or used. You can order special beds and children's tables via the Internet.

To complete a private kindergarten you need:

Thus, you will need to invest from 281,500 rubles.


To work in a private kindergarten you will need to carefully select staff consisting of:

Job titleThe number of employeesRequirements for a candidateResponsibilitiesSalary in rubles
  • work experience of 3 years;
  • age up to 50 years.
  • maintaining accounting documentation;
  • preparation and submission of reports.
30 000
  • work experience of 5 years;
  • medical education.
  • assessment of the condition of a child brought to kindergarten;
  • providing first aid if necessary.
15 000
  • Teacher Education;
  • love for children;
  • equilibrium;
  • continuous work experience of 4 years.
  • conducting developmental classes;
  • child supervision;
  • maintaining and organizing the daily routine.
20 000
Assistant teacher (nanny)2
  • Teacher Education;
  • love for children;
  • stress resistance;
  • At least 3 years of experience working with children.
  • assistance to the teacher in organizing the daily routine;
  • control over children.
10 000
  • special education;
  • work experience of at least 3 years.
  • menu creation;
  • control of product purchases;
  • cooking;
  • compliance with SES standards in the kitchen.
20 000
Cleaning woman1
  • punctuality;
  • obligation;
  • cleanliness.
  • cleaning of premises twice a day.
10 000

Thus, the salary fund per month will be 170,000 rubles.

Financial plan

The following initial data are used for financial calculations:

  • private kindergarten registered as LLC;
  • number of places - 15;
  • work schedule - from 7 to 20.00 from Monday to Friday;
  • work on weekends: Saturday from 8 to 18, Sun - by agreement;
  • The premises are taken on a long-term lease.

How much does it cost to open?

To determine the amount of starting capital, the following costs are considered:

Regular expenses

Monthly costs will be:


The cost of payment per month is 20,000 rubles per child. In case of illness, the cost is not compensated. If parents warn about the absence of their son or daughter for more than 2 weeks in advance, the amount allocated for food is removed from the subscription fee.

Thus, when the kindergarten is filled with 15 people, the monthly income will be 300,000 rubles. Net profit— 51,000 rubles. It should be noted that rapid full occupancy can be achieved with an early start to the advertising campaign.

Calendar plan

From the moment the idea arises to its full implementation, 6–9 months will pass.

Stage1 month2 months3 months4 months5 months6 months7 months
Market analysis+
Preparation of a business plan +
Preparation of a package of documents +
Obtaining additional permissions +
Renting premises +
Repair work +
Purchasing and completing inventory +
Recruitment +
Advertising activity + + + +
Opening +

Already long years The problem of kindergarten does not become less relevant for parents. Firstly, it’s very difficult to get there now; you have to wait in line almost before the baby is born (it’s even accepted Government program compensation to parents for kindergarten). And secondly, the group enrollment is so large that individual approach to the child is simply excluded, which greatly affects the development of the baby. Private kindergartens come to the rescue. If you put in enough effort, it's pretty profitable view business. Read on to learn how to open a private kindergarten.

It’s worth noting right away that high-quality child care requires a serious investment. The main tasks that the future owner will need to solve are the selection of premises and personnel, as well as the collection of all required documentation.

Registration legal entity- a rather troublesome period, which by law should take a month. In practice, this period increases significantly. After you have registered a legal entity, you need to go through several levels to coordinate the implementation of specific activities. It is imperative to register the educational institution with the tax office (there it will be assigned a taxpayer identification number - TIN) and with all extra-budgetary funds: pension and social insurance, as well as with the organization of state statistics.

If educational activities carried out by a legal entity, it is necessary to undergo licensing and obtain a license that will give the right to such activity. The license is issued State bodies education management and local government.

You can obtain a license by providing the following documents:

1. Charter of the organization.

2. Lease agreement for premises or ownership rights to it.

3. Tax registration document.

4. Conclusions of the sanitary-epidemiological station and firefighters on compliance with all safety rules in the educational institution.

5. A document stating that the institution has all the necessary material and technical base and educational literature.

6. Educational program of the institution for each age group.

7. Information about teaching staff and the number of children.

Obtaining a license is a prerequisite. Otherwise, the founders may be subject to criminal liability. At the same time, activities that do not subsequently involve the issuance of educational documents are not subject to licensing. These include classes in clubs, sections, organizing leisure time, providing consultations, conducting trainings, etc.

The choice of premises must comply with all norms and requirements for preschool educational institutions, regardless of whether it is your property or under a lease agreement. Employees of the sanitary and epidemiological station will be required to visit the kindergarten long before opening to ensure compliance with all rules. Each child must have at least six square meters of space; there must be separate rooms for sleeping, games, a gym, and a medical office. Installation required fire alarm along the entire perimeter of the kindergarten.

The next cost item will be equipping the kindergarten premises with all the necessary equipment. These are educational toys, stationery items, children's furniture (chairs, tables, beds, individual lockers for clothes), methodological manuals, equipment for free play and educational activities. It is necessary to equip the teacher and children musical instruments, and the gym is equipped with equipment for outdoor games and physical activities. You should also purchase furniture, cutlery and utensils for eating, pots, towels and other household supplies.

Personnel are selected in the same way as in a state kindergarten. It is mandatory to have teachers, nannies, a health worker, a cook, a cleaner and a manager on staff. Depending on financial capabilities, a private kindergarten may have a psychologist, security guards and a sports coach. Parents associate non-state kindergartens with highly qualified specialists, for whose work they are willing to pay good money. Therefore, the selection of employees must be approached with all responsibility and scrupulousness, so that they, in turn, provide preschool training at a decent level.

This type of business is not considered highly profitable; moreover, opening it takes a long period of time due to the preparation of all documents. How can you increase profitability when opening a private kindergarten? The answer is simple: it is necessary to introduce additional services (for example, clubs). Therefore, this direction is very promising.

Having compiled detailed business kindergarten plan, you can easily bring all its stages to life and become a successful owner of a private institution.

Capital investments in business: from 213,000 rubles
Payback period for kindergarten: from 10 months

The problem of lack of places in preschool institutions is familiar to every parent.

In addition, the conditions for keeping children there are often far from ideal.

The level of mistrust is reinforced by periodically appearing reports of emergency incidents in kindergartens.

All this makes the idea of ​​opening a private institution, having previously drawn up kindergarten business plan, a relevant and popular thought.

Private kindergartens are an excellent alternative to government agencies and nannies.

The same atmosphere is created there as in a regular kindergarten: the child learns to communicate with others, behave in a group of other people, learns a routine, and masters basic skills.

Often, the organizers of kindergartens are young mothers who did not go to work after the birth of their children, but directed their energy in a different direction.

This great option, because they are especially well aware of the needs of small children, and your child will receive a special attentive approach.

However, you should not be under the illusion that opening a private garden in the current conditions of economic instability is a great idea.

Let's pay attention to the statistics of how many Russians choose state institutions, how many private ones and how many of them are ready to send their children to sections and clubs:

Preparation of documents for opening a kindergarten

To open a kindergarten, an entrepreneur must register an LLC or individual entrepreneur.

In this case, you must indicate the relevant type of activity.

To register a legal entity, the organizer will have to wait about a month.

After this, there will be a series of checks, thanks to which a work license will be obtained.

Thus, it is necessary to leave enough time in reserve before the expected opening of the private garden.

The step-by-step process of obtaining a license should also be outlined in the kindergarten business plan.

This section will act as instructions for the organizer of the case, which will help to act quickly and clearly.

An important step in obtaining permission to operate is finding suitable premises.

It must comply with all sanitary and hygienic work standards, which you can study on the website of the Ministry of Health.

Choosing premises for a private kindergarten

“A business aimed at satisfying someone's needs usually succeeds; a business aimed at making a profit is rarely successful.”
Nicholas Butler

In those standards for the functioning of a kindergarten, compliance with which is mandatory to obtain a permit, the requirements for the premises are spelled out in the smallest detail.

Even the dimensions of the rooms and the width of the door openings are specified in them.

For example, what applies to the bathroom:

  • the children's room should have four sets of toilet/sink specifically for children;
  • there should also be one sink for employees;
  • the adult toilet should be located separately, isolated from the children's toilet;
  • there must be in the room required amount pots, towels, soap and other things.

Rent in central region– it’s convenient and prestigious.

But such an arrangement will significantly increase the cost of kindergarten.

Please note that in 99% of cases, to start using the premises you will need to make a substantial investment in its repair and improvement.

The main thing is that it is convenient to get to the selected premises. Make sure that there are public transport stops nearby and that the entrance for cars is not blocked by anything.

Kindergarten business plan: personnel search

Number service personnel directly depends on the number of children who will attend the kindergarten.

Let's take an example of a group of 20 people.

To meet the needs it is necessary to hire:

  • cook;
  • nurse;
  • nanny;
  • teacher (2 people).

It is possible for one person to combine several positions.

But in no case should the quality of work suffer from this.

The employee must have the necessary qualifications, a certificate from a psychiatrist and have health book with all necessary stamps.

In addition, at intervals of 3 years, educators must improve qualification level at special courses.

The diplomas received must testify to this fact.

Compliance with the requirements will be verified by the relevant authorities.

Owners of private gardens should expect the same approach as employees of municipal institutions.

Advertising for kindergarten in a business plan

The first step in advertising a kindergarten is important to take before it opens - creating a website.

It will become the “face” of the garden, so saving on this step is not recommended.

Allocate the required amount in financial planning and contact a specialized company.

A qualitative approach is what is necessary for other details of the advertising image.

Pay a designer to create your branding and logo.

You will use these materials not only for the website and design of the kindergarten, but also in promotional products.

Start with online promotion, free local newspapers.

Place ads in places where your target audience potentially gathers - children's stores, sections and clubs, playgrounds.

If you do everything correctly, word of mouth will gradually start.

For such institutions, a method such as an open door works well.

Organize them every weekend after opening, demonstrate the bright advantages before government agencies and you can attract additional clients.

Financial section of a kindergarten business plan

Financial section- one of the most important chapters in the business plan of a kindergarten.

Thanks to calculations, the entrepreneur receives accurate information about how much money will be needed to implement the idea.

These indicators are also important for obtaining investments or loan funds from sponsors.

Business plan for financing the opening of a kindergarten

Expense itemAmount (rub.)
Total:213,000 rub.
Registration of permits1 200
Indoor renovation120 000
Buying furniture30 000
Purchase of equipment45 000
Advertising campaign (website)6 000
Toys, books, other entertainment9 000
Purchasing small consumables1 800

Business plan for financing the development of a kindergarten

Before reaching the breakeven point, all expenses for maintaining the garden and developing the business must be compensated from the reserve - own funds entrepreneur or credit money.

This must be taken into account and included in the plan at the business planning stage.

Otherwise, a common mistake may occur: a company opens and develops successfully, but after six months or a year the payback point has still not been reached, and the entrepreneur has no more money left for development.

What amounts are we talking about?

Payback period for a kindergarten business plan

The payback period for a kindergarten must be calculated in the business plan.

To do this, they use competitor analysis and calculation of existing indicators.

In these formulas, much will depend on the number of children the kindergarten will accept.

Of course, a large group of children (for example, twenty people) in a small kindergarten will allow the investment to recoup quickly.

According to average statistics, this will happen after 10-12 months of work.

To increase income and speed up payback, entrepreneurs are introducing additional services for parents (for example, various clubs, excursions for children).

You can also try to enlist support from the state.

We offer you to watch a video example of how it can be designed

private kindergarten:

Risks in a kindergarten business plan

The business plan must have a section that addresses potential risks.

An entrepreneur needs this to be more confident and have some guidance in case of unpleasant situations.

And also for investors and banks, who will consider this a sign of a serious entrepreneur who is planning his steps ahead.

It is necessary not only to list risk options, but also to consider options for preventing these problems and solving them.

Among the risks in a kindergarten business plan there may be the following options:

  • few clients - this is the most serious problem that the organizer of a kindergarten may face at the very starting stage of the business;
  • high level of competition;
  • the possibility of termination of the contract by the lessor at the most inopportune moment;
  • responsibility for the health and life of the “wards”.

The last point is the most serious.

After all, if something happens to someone else’s child in your kindergarten, it will not just worsen the reputation of the institution.

And it will lead to administrative or criminal liability!

Create kindergarten business plan necessary even if the path to realizing your plan is clear to you step by step.

In addition to material for potential investors and lenders, this document will help calculate all financial movements in advance.

This is very important in order to timely correct the course of development and direct your small business to great success!

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If you know anyone with small children or you yourself are a young parent, then you probably know how difficult it is to place your child in a good kindergarten that is conveniently located in relation to your home or place of work.

The lack of kindergartens forces parents to enroll their baby in the group immediately after his birth, often paying bribes so that this place is not taken away by someone else.

All this suggests that owning a kindergarten can become a good private business, and yet, not all entrepreneurs want open a private kindergarten and are in no hurry to invest in these projects.

And there are reasons for this, because, despite the fact that owning a preschool institution can become profitable business, its discovery is associated with many serious difficulties.

Capital investments – 500,000 rubles.
Payback – 1–2 years.

Advantages of opening a private kindergarten

Before moving on to the difficulties associated with this type of business, I would like to say about a number of advantages that a person who decides to open his own private kindergarten will receive:

  • At the right approach, this type of business does not require large investments.
    In addition, there are a number of factors on which you can save money without damaging your wallet.
  • There are not many private kindergartens in our country, so if you create good conditions for kids and don’t inflate prices, you can build a profitable business.
  • There are still too few public gardens in each city to cover the needs of the population.
  • State preschool institutions do not always meet the requirements of parents, so you can stand out from them.
  • Opening a private kindergarten does not require you to have any special knowledge or skills.
    Pedagogical or medical education is an additional trump card, not a prerequisite.

Who needs to open a private kindergarten?

This type of business is for women, such as, for example, opening a beauty salon or florist shop.

Men prefer simpler types entrepreneurial activity. And this is good, because it automatically reduces the number of your competitors.

And yet, even among the fair sex, there are those who simply should definitely open their own private kindergarten:

  1. Young mothers with small children.

    You will be able to combine raising a child with earning money. You will not have to give your child into the wrong hands, but will have the opportunity to surround him with your care and attention every day.

  2. Women who have a medical education in pediatrics or a diploma as a kindergarten teacher.

    This way you can save on the salary of either a teacher or a doctor, without whom opening a kindergarten is simply impossible.

  3. People who have their own a private house with a good garden plot.

    In this case, you can open a kindergarten right at home, meeting all sanitary and fire conditions, and significantly saving on renting suitable premises.

    You can, of course, try to open an establishment right in your apartment, but this will be much more difficult.

Difficulties associated with opening a private kindergarten

Of course, any type of business is associated with certain difficulties that will have to be overcome in the course of work, but opening a private kindergarten has unique difficulties that frighten those who are thinking about this type of entrepreneurial business:

  1. Large initial investment that is disproportionate to future earnings.
  2. The need to negotiate with many government inspection bodies: sanitation station, fire service, red tape associated with obtaining a license, etc.
  3. Problems with lending in modern times time of crisis, especially when it comes to money-back guarantees as risky as a new business.

    This means you need to have your own thorough start-up capital, which is hardly possible, given average level income of our citizens.

Solving the difficulties associated with opening a private kindergarten

And yet there are no hopeless situations. Each of the above difficulties is completely solvable.

  1. If you sit down and at least roughly calculate how much money you need to open a private kindergarten, you get a truly frightening amount: about half a million rubles.

    But the expected earnings are much more modest, so you will be able to return the initial investment no earlier than in a few years, and only with the right approach to business.

    To reduce the amount of initial investment, you need to understand where you can save:

    • on food for children (your kindergarten may work part-time or you can even agree with parents to give their children trays of food from home);
    • on medical worker(hire a part-time doctor to come in a couple of times a week or sign a contract with a medical service);
    • indoors (by opening a kindergarten at home), etc.
  2. Dealing with government services means experiencing all the delights of the bureaucracy and corruption that flourishes in our country. There are three ways to avoid all this:
    • having among your friends or relatives a lawyer with connections who will save you from the need to run around the offices of officials and organize everything himself in the best possible way;
    • working illegally, but in this case you will not be able to dial large group children, hire staff to help or openly advertise your establishment, although this option is not bad as a way to earn money;
    • By calling the establishment you opened not a kindergarten, but a development center, then you will not have to obtain a license or fulfill the requirements public services regarding premises, etc.
  3. Today, banks are very reluctant to provide loans for starting a new business.

    Finding investors who would want to invest in such a risky business that does not promise much profit, like a kindergarten, will also not be easy.

    If you do not have enough personal funds to open a kindergarten, then you can look for like-minded people, for example, young mothers who do not trust public kindergartens, but do not want to isolate their child from communication with peers.

Step-by-step instructions for opening a private kindergarten

In order to open your own kindergarten according to the state model (several groups, three meals a day, a full complement of staff) you will need a lot of money, which you are unlikely to ever get back.

The financial condition of even parents with an average income does not allow them to pay for preschool education children huge sums.

This step-by-step instruction will show you how to open a small private kindergarten (2 groups of 10 people: 2–4 years, 4–6 years), which does not require huge investments, having done everything according to the law, so as not to be afraid of the tax authorities and to be able to formalize the staff of the institution. The establishment will not be open in its own apartment, but in rented premises.

Registration of an enterprise and obtaining state certification

If you want to open a kindergarten, then first you will have to study the federal law“On education” to understand what can and cannot be done.

Educational organization – non-profit institution, so it needs to be formalized at the Ministry of Justice. The period is 30 days (sometimes more).

If you already have suitable premises, then you will be spared the problem of what legal address your kindergarten will have. Otherwise, you will have to consult with lawyers about what kind of legal address you can use, perhaps even your home address will do.

After you register your non-profit organization, pay all the mandatory fees, you should register it with the tax service and the State Statistics Service. The state inspector must confirm that the premises you have chosen meets all standards, issue you a document that you have been certified and can start working.

What else needs to be done when registering a private kindergarten:

  • .
    It is worth immediately setting a condition for parents to pay for their children’s stay in a private kindergarten by bank transfer. This will save you from having to set cash machine at home.
  • Choose a tax system.
    You have the right to a simplified preferential tax system.

You should not deal with the registration procedure for a private kindergarten yourself if you do not have relevant experience. It’s better not to waste money and hire a good lawyer who will take care of all the nuances and speed up the launch of your business.

It’s difficult to say how much all of the above costs, but get ready for the fact that you will need at least 30,000 rubles.


This is perhaps one of the most difficult and important tasks that faces a person who wants to open a private kindergarten.

Leave the idea of ​​organizing preschool in their apartment legally, since such premises do not meet fire and sanitary standards.

It is better to use the following options:

  1. Rent or buy a private house.
    It must have a sufficient area (at least 150–200 sq. m.), 4–5 large rooms+ kitchen/dining room and good personal plot, where you can make a children's playground for outdoor games.
  2. Rent premises of an old kindergarten.
    Here, of course, repairs will have to be made, but the building will have all the necessary infrastructure, because it was built to work with children.
  3. Rent part of the premises from the nursery non-profit organization, For example, former House Pioneers, Youth Palace, etc.

If you do not have your own private home in order to open a private kindergarten there, then get ready to pay for the rent of one square meter from 400 rubles. This amount may be higher if you want to open your establishment closer to the center or the rental price of one square meter in your city is too high.


For a private kindergarten for two groups, you will definitely need the following staff:

If you want to provide your children with three meals a day, you will also have to hire a cook, but it is better not to take on such obligations, but to agree with the parents that they will give the kids food in trays with them, and you will only heat it up at lunch.

They can have breakfast and dinner at home. And afternoon snacks can be organized as simple as possible: tea/packaged juice, cookies, ready-made curds, yoghurts, fruits.

In addition, part-time employees will have to be hired who will come to the children’s classes 2-3 times a week:

You can reduce this expense item by concluding a contract with a private medical service that you will call them only in case of an emergency.
If you can take on one of the above duties as a private kindergarten staff, you are already saving one of the rates.

Construction of a private kindergarten

You'll need a lot of different things, but a basic shopping list looks like this:

Quantity Salary (rub) Total (RUB)
Total:RUB 250,000
Cribs20 15 000 30 000
Tables and chairs40 1000 40 000
Carpets5 2000 10 000
Toys for boys and girls of different ages20 500 10 000
Bed sheets40 1000 40 000
Arrangement of a gymnasium 30 000 30 000
Music center, TV, DVD, washing machine, laptop, printer 50 000 50 000
Additional expenses 40 000 40 000

Be prepared for the fact that the additional costs of opening a private kindergarten may be much higher than indicated in the table.

Stages of opening a private kindergarten

Stage Apr. May June July Aug. Sep.
Registering a business and obtaining certification+
Renting premises and repairing them +
Purchase necessary equipment, furniture, etc. +
Purchase of toys, equipment and other things +
Recruitment +
Advertising + + +
Opening of a kindergarten +

It takes about six months for the kindergarten to start working.

Cost table for opening a private kindergarten

Expense item Amount (in rub.)
Total:500,000 – 600,000 rub.
Enterprise registration30 000 – 40 000
Premises rental (150–200 sq. m.)60,000 – 80,000 (per month)
Room renovation50 000 – 100 000
Arrangement of a kindergarten250 000
Salary to employees44,000 - 50,000 (per month)
Advertising10 000
Additional expenses50 000

And this does not include taxes and other unplanned expenses.

to open a private kindergarten.

How much can you earn by opening a private kindergarten?

It is quite difficult to talk about how much you can earn per month. It all depends on whether your private kindergarten will operate full day or only half a day. In addition, a lot depends on the popularity of the preschool educational institution.

Agree, it’s stupid to inflate prices if no one is in a hurry to make an appointment with you.

The average cost of attending a private kindergarten for one child is 10,000 rubles.
If you have 20 kids, then your monthly income is 200,000 rubles.

Not too much to begin with, but once you make your establishment popular, you can raise prices and expand, making, for example, 3-4 groups rather than 2.

As you can see, in order to to open a private kindergarten, you need decent funds, and the payback of such a project is a long process. You can significantly reduce expenses if you open a garden at home, but in this case you should prepare for the fact that your income will be even less, and you won’t end up with problems with the tax authorities if they decide to audit you.

And yet, semi-legal, apartment-based, private kindergartens operate successfully. Choose for yourself exactly what to do.

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