What you need to know to open a coffee shop. Small restaurant business - coffee shop (business plan)

Opening a coffee shop is a fairly profitable business if it is well established. Of course, to open your own business, you will need to do a lot of work, but in the future you can create several more similar establishments.

Documents for opening

First you must choose a form of activity. This could be an LLC or an individual entrepreneur. LLC – for those who additionally plan to offer alcohol-containing products. You need to register by submitting all documents to the tax office.

So, to the list necessary documents includes:

  • Passport and a copy of the passport certified by a notary;
  • a copy of the agreement on the purchase or lease of premises for a cafe;
  • conclusion of the SES on the premises;
  • OGPS conclusion on the premises;
  • internal sanitary documents (disinfectant log, waste disposal log);
  • industrial sanitary control program (IPC);
  • an agreement with the SES for disinfection, deratization and disinfestation;
  • disinfection contract ventilation system(it is only necessary if you open a coffee shop in a residential building);
  • documents that regulate the activities of catering facilities;
  • agreement for the disposal of mercury-containing lamps;
  • an agreement with a laundry or dry cleaner for washing and cleaning table textiles (napkins and tablecloths), as well as employee uniforms;
  • contract for the removal of organic waste and solid waste;
  • security agreement;
  • consumer stand.

You must also notify the Federal Tax Service of your transition to a special tax regime. Most best option for such an enterprise - simplified tax system or UTII, if it is possible in your region. If you choose the simplified mode, then notification of the transfer is submitted no later than five days after registration. For public catering today, the simplified tax system (USN) is most often chosen - income minus expenses, because the expenses in this case are large.

If you are going to sell alcohol, you need a license to do so. It is also important to have a cash register. It is purchased and registered with the Federal Tax Service. Additionally, it is necessary to conclude a special agreement on its maintenance - KKM.

You should choose a crowded place where people often visit a large number of passers-by - your potential clients. This makes the new cafe recognizable, which means that over time, regular customers will appear, and more and more new ones will come in.


If we are talking specifically about the premises itself, then the options can be very different, because it all depends on the type of establishment that you plan to create:

  1. American type: small area, minimum furniture, few staff;
  2. European type: large and bright room, beautiful wooden furniture.

A lot of small coffee shops today are located in large shopping centers, on the ground floors of residential buildings or simply in a separate room. The external facade of such an establishment should not violate the general style of the microdistrict, but must meet all requirements architectural bureau.

Many modern establishments also open small summer terraces. It is best to take care of their arrangement in advance, since you must have special permissions from both the architectural bureau and the municipality. Outdoor furniture should not interfere with the movement of vehicles and people, and should also look as harmonious as possible and be installed as quickly as possible as needed.


To open a coffee shop, you will first need a minimum number of staff, but over time you have the right to increase it:

  • Waiters;
  • manager (manager);
  • barista (professional in making coffee).

The main problem of any beginning entrepreneur is the selection of competent personnel. First of all, you must find an experienced, responsible and decent manager. By the way, you shouldn’t skimp on his salary, because only then will he be most interested in improving your business. You don't have to look for an experienced barista. This could be a person with a desire to learn, a person who takes the job seriously. And today there are plenty of courses, so you can always master the full program.

Problems arise specifically with the selection of waiters: for many, such a position is just a part-time job, so they do not stay in it for a long time and do not pay due attention. To keep a responsible employee on your staff, show him that he has career prospects.

After location, staffing is considered the main factor influencing the success of the entire enterprise, so our advice to you is to encourage your employees, train them and make them interested in their work.

Furniture and equipment

For guests, of course, you need chairs, tables, sofas, armchairs and ottomans. By the way, ordinary chairs are a thing of the past. Today everyone wants to sit in the most comfortable place. This is the first task.

Your second task is to buy cabinets, hangers or furniture for outerwear. There are no wardrobes in small rooms, so it is better when outerwear is in close proximity to the client, but does not interfere with him or those around him. Also take care of umbrella stands, because in rainy weather customers will bring wet umbrellas with them, and the problem of many establishments is the lack of space where they can be folded.

Take care of interior items that will be designed in the general style:

  • Shelves with books;
  • photos;
  • paintings;
  • vases;
  • curtains;
  • plants.

We recommend decorating the bar counter with a beautiful showcase - a place for baking. Drinks are prepared at the counter, and your task is to take care not only of purchasing a good coffee machine and quality products, but also of purchasing suitable utensils. These can be special cups, with the establishment’s logo, or just colored cups different shapes what's so fashionable in Lately.

The most most of expenses are incurred specifically on the purchase of equipment for preparing drinks. You won’t be able to save money here, because coffee is the establishment’s strong point. For each type of bean you need a separate coffee grinder. You can enter into an agreement with a supplier who will be happy to provide you with a professional device if it is in a visible place.

Additionally you will need:

  • Oven and microwave for baking;
  • freezers;
  • refrigerators;
  • mobile terminals;
  • cash machine;
  • mixers;
  • juicers.

Such a simple and familiar establishment actually requires quite a lot of financial resources:

  • Renting a premises costs an average of 300,000 rubles;
  • purchase of equipment – ​​from 420,000 rubles;
  • furniture - from 180,000 rubles;
  • raw materials – up to 160,000 rubles;
  • kitchenware and dishes - 50,000 rubles;
  • advertising – 10,000 rubles;
  • related products – 30,000 rubles;
  • transport services– 5,000 rubles;
  • salary – 250,000 rubles.

So, on average, furnishing the premises and purchasing everything you need will cost you 1,400,000 rubles. What's the profit? If you serve 150 people a day on average, and the average cost of a check is 160 rubles, then in a month you will receive revenue of 720,000 rubles.

There are always risks in this enterprise. Among the main ones we highlight:

  • Greater competition;
  • wrong location;
  • high prices and low quality;
  • bad service;
  • specific interior.

In any case, you always have the opportunity to correct mistakes. But, it’s better to learn from the mistakes of others, and for this you just need to just follow our recommendations.

Video - how to open a coffee shop?

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The coffee shop differs from other catering establishments in its wide selection of coffee varieties and coffee drinks. In addition to the main item on the menu - coffee, the coffee shop offers numerous confectionery products, cold and hot snacks.

The format of the establishment is close to the concept of a “French” coffee shop. The main idea is to organize a cozy space for relaxation. The emphasis is not on speed, but on the quality of customer service. The waiters and baristas are excellent consultants on all the drinks and dishes offered.

Opening your own coffee shop can be very profitable investment resources if you have competently developed the concept and are ready to offer the client quality products and a high level of service.

When opening your establishment, you must first determine your target audience. Depending on this, you will develop a product line, as well as the company’s pricing policy. In addition, a clear understanding of your customers' needs will allow you to make a choice marketing strategy and tools to attract customers.

The process of opening your own coffee shop is quite expensive in terms of time and financial resources. This is due to the need to carry out repair work, coordination of the finished premises with the SES and fire supervision services, as well as obtaining permission from Rospotrebnadzor.

However, the main difficulties will begin when you start running your own business. The fact is that organizing a coffee business requires the owner to pay close attention to new trends and market changes, since the market environment itself in this area is highly competitive. This interesting business with great development opportunities. But it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to relax by putting your work on stream. But if you conduct market analysis regularly and competently, then your business will bring you high profits.

The payback period is from 15 months.

The initial investment will be equal to 3 114 072 rub.

The break-even point is reached at 6 month of operation of the establishment.

2. Description of the business, product or service

A good coffee shop has a rich selection of coffee drinks, as well as several types of coffee. Some establishments offer visitors beans of various roasts, as well as flavored varieties of coffee. Customers also have the opportunity to choose coffee by country of origin and price category.

In this business plan, we are considering opening a coffee shop with a large selection of coffee. In addition, the establishment is expected to have a full kitchen with cold, hot and confectionery shop. The menu is regularly updated with seasonal offerings.

The range of drinks should include not only classic items such as espresso, cappuccino, latte, ristretto, Americano, but also a variety of signature coffee cocktails. You can invite visitors to choose their cup size and experiment with adding syrups and toppings. To develop a menu, it is advisable to find an experienced barista who will help you replenish your assortment with exclusive drinks.

The kitchen menu is developed by the chef. It is preferable to introduce European cuisine, which includes a wide dessert menu. As a rule, people prefer to take light food with coffee, so the main part of the menu should consist of snacks and salads.

The establishment’s services are provided in two areas:

  • In-house service is the main service;
  • Providing drinks and some items from the takeaway menu is an additional service.

If the project is successfully implemented, it is possible to introduce your own food delivery service or cooperate with companies that specialize in delivery.

The unique selling proposition of the coffee shop is the presence mobile application, with which the client can book a table, make a reservation and leave a review. The client can also see what kind of staff is working that day. Thus, both waiters and cooks have the opportunity to develop their own client base. This, in turn, affects the ability to receive good compensation in the form of tips.

The project is also unique due to its interior. The main idea of ​​creating a coffee shop is to organize a cozy space for relaxation. Leaving behind all the unnecessary fuss, the client gets the opportunity to enjoy a flavorful drink and signature cuisine in pleasant company. This is precisely what the unique interior of the establishment contributes to. When choosing furniture, you should take into account the comfort of the chairs, the height of the tables, and the size of the sofas. These little things really play a big role for visitors, so in matters of furnishing it is better to immediately seek the advice of a professional designer.

When choosing a location, you should rely on the proximity of business centers, educational institutions, shopping complexes. The coffee shop should be located in such a way that a large traffic of the target audience passes by. However, the most favorable thing is to open a coffee shop in a busy area, but on a quiet street. This is due to the fact that most often a client comes to a coffee shop not to eat, but to spend time.

The coffee shop's opening hours are on weekdays from 8.00 to 22.00. On weekends from 10.00 to 24.00

3. Description of the sales market

If you are considering opening a full-fledged coffee shop with a kitchen and a wide selection of different dishes, then the target audience of the establishment is quite large. In general, these are people from 20 to 45 years old with an income of 30,000 rubles. and higher. You can conduct a narrower segmentation of consumers:

  • Students from 20 to 25 years old. The main traffic of clients from this category occurs in the morning hours (from 8.00 to 10.00) and during the business lunch period (from 12.00 to 16.00);
  • Office workers from 25 to 35 years old. Come for business lunches from 12.00 to 16.00. Sometimes they come in for dinner after work, i.e. after 19.00;
  • People working for leadership positions and combining lunch with business negotiations. Visiting hours: from 12.00 to 18.00;
  • Housewives who come to a coffee shop with company to relax and escape from everyday worries. Their attendance increases from 11.00 to 15.00.

In the evening, people from all of the above categories come to the coffee shop. Breakfasts from 8.00 to 10.00 are attended by those whose workday starts later or who work a flexible schedule.

On weekends, families with children often come to the coffee shop, as they are attracted by the wide selection of desserts.

And a random passer-by who wants to drink a cup of coffee in a coffee shop or take it with him can stop by at any time.

In order to reach the maximum number of consumer segments, it is necessary to support average level prices, as well as regularly introduce special offers.

At a stationary coffee shop big competition On the market. The coffee shop's competitors are not only the same establishments that, along with European cuisine, offer a wide range of coffee drinks. These include cafes, restaurants, and even canteens during business lunches. Mini-coffee shops located in shopping centers are not competitors, since they are aimed at a different audience. “Coffee to go” points are competitors only for a separate service of the establishment - takeaway coffee. However, this is an additional service of the coffee shop, so it is not advisable to take special measures to reduce competition for this type of service.

In order to stand out among huge amount establishments, it is necessary to develop a unique trade offer, as well as maintaining a consistently high level of quality of food and service. As for the company's pricing policy, in this segment the elasticity of demand has high value. That is, even a small increase in price will significantly affect the decrease in demand. Accordingly, price increases must be treated very carefully. Your customers need to understand why they are paying more than before.

The advantages and disadvantages of the project can be presented in the following table:

Strengths of the project:

Weaknesses of the project:

  • A team of highly qualified specialists - waiters, managers, cooks. Regular training and certification of employees;
  • Bright interior creating a unique atmosphere;
  • A democratic coffee shop format that allows you to reach a wide range of audiences;
  • Favorable location;
  • Unique cuisine complemented by regular seasonal specials;
  • Variety of coffee drinks, the best varieties coffee;
  • Regular monitoring of feedback from clients through a book of reviews and suggestions, prompt elimination of deficiencies;
  • Providing business lunches and breakfasts at reduced prices;
  • Discount on all takeaway menus.
  • Possibility of unsuccessful promotions and marketing campaigns;
  • Reduced quality of staff work.

Project capabilities:

Project threats:

  • Development of a network of coffee shops in the city and in the region;
  • Introduction of delivery service;
  • Development of a mobile application that allows you to make a reservation or reserve a table.
  • High competition in the market;
  • Increase in prices for coffee and food;
  • Promotion rent/ termination of the lease agreement;
  • Declining purchasing power of the population and decreasing demand for coffee shop services.

4. Sales and marketing

5. Production plan

It is necessary to approach the choice of location of a coffee shop very responsibly. You should evaluate the traffic flow of the premises, and also determine how convenient it is for customers to get to your establishment. The area of ​​the room is calculated based on the number of seats. For a coffee shop for 40-50 people, renting 180 sq.m. is sufficient.

At the stage of creating a design project for a coffee shop, it is advisable to turn to professionals working in the HoReCa field, who can create high-quality engineering and technological projects. This is necessary, first of all, so that all communications carried out can withstand the power of restaurant equipment and ensure the uninterrupted functioning of the restaurant. Also, a professional project is a guarantee that the repair will be carried out taking into account all the requirements of regulatory authorities and you will not have to redo anything in the future.

You should not save on installing alarms and CCTV cameras. This will allow you to monitor the work of staff and compliance with discipline in the workplace, and will also help in resolving conflicts related to property damage.

6. Organizational structure

For the coffee shop to operate fully, you will need to recruit staff for the following vacancies:

  • Manager. He organizes the work trading floor, supervises the performance of duties of waiters and baristas. Monitors the coordinated work of the kitchen and hall, and the timely delivery of dishes. Together with the chef, he organizes banquets and major events. Hires and trains waiters and baristas. Opening hours: daily from 10.00 to 22.00.
  • Chef. The main responsibility is to control the preparation and timely delivery of all dishes. The chef creates the menu, trains the staff under his supervision, and ensures that the kitchen runs smoothly. Also selects suppliers and work schedule: daily from 10.00 to 22.00.
  • Cook. There are two cooks on staff, but one cook is in the kitchen per shift. He fully prepares and delivers dishes from the kitchen. Work schedule: 2 working days every 2 days off. Subordinate to the chef.
  • Pastry chef. His area of ​​responsibility is the preparation of all desserts in required quantity. Subordinate to the chef. Opening hours: daily 10.00 to 19.00. If desserts are made in sufficient quantities to meet demand for the next two days, you may leave work early. If there is an influx of guests, you must stay late, since if the kitchen is idle, the cooks are punished with a fine.
  • Barista. Prepares all types of drinks: coffee, teas, cocktails. He is well versed in types of coffee and knows many methods of preparation. He has a pleasant appearance, is friendly and sociable. Reports directly to the manager. Working hours: 2 working days after 2 days off from 10.00 to 22.00.
  • Waiter. The waiter's responsibilities include setting the table, serving and paying the client. The waiter must know about each dish on the menu: ingredients, taste, cooking time, method of serving. The waiters of the coffee shop are attractive in appearance, have good memory and serve every customer politely. Working hours: 2 working days after 2 days off from 10.00 to 22.00.
  • Cleaning woman. The main responsibility is to maintain cleanliness in the hall, office premises, kitchen, and at the entrance to the coffee shop. Working hours: daily.
  • Accountant. Conducts document flow, submits reports to regulatory authorities, removes cash balances, issues wages etc. Opening hours: from 10.00 to 19.00 daily.

Employees' wages take the form of a salary. Additional motivation at work service personnel is receiving tips. Tips are divided among shift members at the end of each working day.



Salary per 1 employee (RUB)

Salary Total (RUB)



Pastry chef


Cleaning woman


General salary fund

The full calculation of the payroll with insurance premiums is presented in the financial model.

When choosing staff, you should remember that service is the most important component of the restaurant business. People return to places where they were well served. Besides, distinctive feature The nature of your employees should be stress-resistant. All employees who directly interact with the consumer must be able to resolve any conflict situations in favor of the client. This is due to the fact that quality service is taken for granted by the visitor. His expectations for a high level of service are justified, but this does not motivate the client to write rave reviews about your establishment. However, in a situation with poor service, the visitor tends to spread negative reviews about your coffee shop as far as possible. Sometimes it's cheaper to give an extra dessert as an apology than to lose several potential customers at once. Take this fact into account when forming a team and training staff.

7. Financial plan

The largest costs when opening a coffee shop are the purchase of kitchen and coffee equipment, as well as repairs and decoration of the premises.

The equipment will cost you at least 1,000,000 rubles. This amount may vary depending on the type of kitchen and the number of dishes provided, as well as equipment suppliers. You can see the list of kitchen equipment with a European menu and a separate confectionery shop in the financial model.


Modern man is constantly in a hurry, not having time not only to rest, but also to eat. Therefore, the business of creating small coffee shops where anyone can be in peace while enjoying wonderful coffee has become widespread. Therefore, many new entrepreneurs want to open a small, cozy coffee shop from scratch, rightly considering it in a great way investing your money in a way that promises constant income in the future.

If you are a beginning businessman or just want to know what you need to organize a coffee shop, then we have collected the necessary data. The profit from even a small establishment like this can be high.

Choosing a location

The place where you plan to establish your own establishment is of great importance. The placement space should:

  • be very crowded;
  • be located near roads;
  • be where people linger for a long time (stops, educational institutions, hospitals).

A business such as a small coffee shop is a very profitable enterprise in any city. Best places, for establishing an establishment:

  • city ​​center;
  • intersection with a lot of traffic and pedestrians;
  • bazaar;
  • Train Station;
  • large shopping complex;
  • higher education institution.

Criteria for choosing premises

Before you set up a coffee shop from scratch, you need to decide how small your premises will be. For an ordinary establishment for fifty to sixty people, a room with an area of ​​one hundred to one hundred fifty is suitable square meters. If you are thinking about how to open a mini coffee shop, then first decide what you mean by this. The small stall with an area of ​​three square meters is more like a micro coffee shop.

The mini is an establishment of approximately twenty-five to thirty-five square meters in area, accommodating up to sixteen people.

The selected premises in which you plan to open a small establishment must satisfy the basic conditions:

  • if it is in a residential building, then the walls and ceiling must be made soundproof from vibration-proof materials;
  • compliance with fire safety rules;
  • compliance with sanitary standards;
  • ventilation equipment (prohibit smoking in the hall).

Interior decoration

In order for a coffee business to flourish, the interior of the place is important. Coffee is considered an aristocratic drink, as a result of which an appropriate setting is required. It’s easiest to choose a specific theme when designing, for example, oriental fairy tale, English style. In any case, it is necessary that the design of furniture, walls, and cutlery be mutually compatible.

The lighting should also be in harmony. It is better to give preference to small lamps than a huge chandelier. Soft diffuse light from a variety of lamps will create a cozy intimate atmosphere. In order to create a unique atmosphere, you need music. Ideal - live music.


Visitors should be comfortable in the coffee shop. As a result, you need to take the choice of furniture seriously. Under no circumstances should you purchase hard chairs for your coffee shop. Its furniture should not force visitors to quickly leave. On the contrary, her soft sofas, soft ottomans, comfortable chairs should contribute to the longest presence of people in the coffee shop, and, consequently, to more orders that will be placed during this time.

The bar counter and showcase are integral elements of the place.


If the decision to decorate a coffee shop, even a small one, has been made, then it is important to think about the dishes. It should be in harmony with general style places and suitable for certain of her dishes. Different types of coffee are poured into different cups. Mulled wine should be served in a special glass.

Don't forget that many people who drink coffee often may be experts in preparing this drink. They can figure out what kind of container to serve it in. Not having the right cup can negatively impact the coffee shop's image.

Before starting a barista, consult with an experienced barista to select the right glassware and read books on the topic.


Before opening a coffee shop, you need to think about its equipment. You should start by choosing the appropriate machine. There are semi-automatic and automatic coffee machines. In order to get by minimal investment you need to buy a semi-automatic. Moreover, for such a coffee shop there is no point in buying a machine. Such a device is expensive and will not work at full capacity, and, therefore, will not pay for itself. The use of an automatic unit is justified for a large coffee shop with an average capacity of one hundred people.

In addition to the coffee making device, you will need other equipment. To open an institution from scratch you will also need:

  • refrigeration equipment;
  • device for grinding coffee beans;
  • mixer, maybe small;
  • juicer;
  • microwave oven;
  • water purification device;
  • cash register equipment.

Other equipment can be purchased as needed. But the main equipment must be of high quality and reliable, because the amount of income that the coffee business will bring if you decide to open it depends on how good the coffee you make is.

Many companies sell excellent quality equipment. If you don’t understand this topic at all, then find an expert. It can easily be found among store sellers selling the necessary equipment. Employees of companies involved in the repair of coffee equipment can also help you.


It is impossible to get a complete picture of how to open an institution without solving the personnel problem. A decent coffee business cannot be imagined without highly qualified employees. You need to start by looking for a barista who should be able to make high-quality coffee. To open an establishment you need personnel:

  • two to four baristas;
  • several cooks;
  • from 2 to 5 waiters;
  • driver;
  • accountant;
  • cleaners;
  • manager, unless you manage personally.

To establish a mini coffee shop, two baristas, two waiters, one cleaner and one accountant are enough.

Employees must be polite and tactful with visitors. If customers begin to receive rudeness in exchange for their own money, then the cafe’s reputation will be hopelessly damaged. No amount of advertising will help if rumors spread that waiters are rude to visitors. When selecting personnel, try to find worthy people.

Advertising is not a luxury, but an urgent necessity

In order for people to know about the new coffee shop that you decide to open, and for it to start generating good income, you will need to actively advertise it. Moreover, advertising of the place should occur not only in the media.

In order for its advertising to be successful, it is necessary to give the place a memorable beautiful name, come up with an interesting logo, dress the staff in original uniforms. Advertising should start about two months before the opening. Then that day will be full of customers.

Cost of a coffee shop

Let's estimate how much it costs to establish an institution. Let's make an approximate calculation for a small coffee shop with an area of ​​fifty square meters. m. for twenty seats. Let's calculate the expenses (in thousands of rubles):

  1. rental of premises – 50 for 1 month;
  2. equipment – ​​150;
  3. furniture – 50;
  4. raw materials – 60;
  5. associated goods – 10;
  6. advertising expenses – 11;
  7. other expenses – 10.

The calculation does not take into account registration costs and employee salaries, as these amounts can vary greatly. Data on the cost of renting a hall are highly variable. Depends on the place where you decide to establish a coffee shop.

Mobile coffee shop

Recently in major cities you can see cars with pictures of coffee selling it and other drinks right on the street. Due to the great popularity of mobile coffee shops, we cannot help but talk about how to set up one. In this case, everything is quite simple:

  • register as an individual entrepreneur;
  • obtain the necessary permits to run a small business;
  • take a spacious car, painting it so that any passerby knows that it is a coffee shop;
  • buy utensils, equipment and necessary materials for making coffee.

Having the above, you can start selling the drink.

Advantages of business on wheels:

  1. minimum financial investment;
  2. no need for employees. You can open and do this business alone;
  3. big profits, especially in the summer;
  4. simplified registration;
  5. primitive requirements for this type of business


  1. among goods, only drinks and dishes that a person can take with him;
  2. you can open and work in a certain season, mainly summer;
  3. small incomes.

Creating a coffee shop can be recommended for beginning entrepreneurs. Compared to other types of business, this one does not require huge investments, knowledge and experience. Anyone can open a “small coffee shop” business that serves wonderful coffee with a unique atmosphere, with a little effort.

First of all, you need to draw up a business plan for a coffee shop. Calculate all expense items, select a source of funds for opening (investors, bank loan, own investments), study competitors. An oversaturated market of competitors poses a great danger of failure in building a business, and also entails large expenses on advertising that will set you apart from your colleagues.

The next step to open a coffee shop is tax registration. You can choose any form - individual entrepreneur or LLC. The activity code for a coffee shop is 55.30, which includes the activities of cafes and restaurants. To reduce the cost of an accountant’s work, it is better to choose a simplified taxation system (15% income minus expenses).

Selecting a room

For a coffee shop, its location is very important. Visitors should not use a navigator to look for an establishment in the courtyards and park their car three kilometers from the coffee shop. Therefore, the place should be passable, preferably in the central part of the city or near universities, offices, shopping centers. It is advisable that there are parking spaces nearby; 5-7 spaces will be enough.

It must be remembered that for public catering premises there are a number of rules and requirements from the fire service and the SES. Therefore, before settling on one of the visits, invite specialists to assess suitability. Most often we are talking about ventilation, the presence of an emergency exit and noise level.

Tip: Try to avoid premises on the first floors of residential high-rise buildings. Most often, residents are not happy to be next to entertainment venues and periodically write complaints to the district police officer.

To provide a coffee shop with 50-60 seats, you will need a room with an area of ​​120-150 square meters. For the main hall you need 100-120 meters, for the kitchen and toilets about 30 square meters is enough.

Interior of the establishment

People come to a coffee shop not only for a hot drink and dessert, but also for the atmosphere. The atmosphere of the coffee shop should help to relax visitors: quiet, calm music, dim lighting, the color of the walls and furniture in neutral tones.

In order to add individuality to the project, hire professional designers who can choose the ideal style for decorating the room. Without a special twist, it will be difficult for a beginner to compete with experienced competitors.

Coffee shop menu

The coffee shop menu should contain all types of invigorating drinks loved by potential customers: cappuccino, mocha, Americano, latte, espresso, etc. In addition to drinks, any coffee shop offers a wide selection of desserts: cakes, donuts, buns. It would also be a good idea to offer various syrups for coffee and alcoholic additives (everyone knows coffee with cognac).

You should not include hot dishes and snacks on the menu; this will increase the costs of the project and entail the loss of the atmosphere of the establishment.


For the smooth operation of the coffee shop, it will be necessary to purchase the following equipment:

A refrigerator in which the purchased dessert will be stored. It is advisable that it be large in volume or you will need two medium ones;

A coffee machine that will delight visitors with their favorite drink. It will be good if you have two or three cars at once, so as not to keep customers waiting;

Capsules for coffee machine;

Several coffee grinders, for each type of coffee;

A showcase in which demonstration desserts will be stored;


For furniture you will need:

Bar counter;

Tables for visitors. Fifteen tables are sufficient for the planned sixty seats;

Chairs, 60 pieces;

Hangers, 30 pieces;


Trays, dishes, knives, spoons, forks;

Interior items (paintings, posters, floor lamps).

Qualitative modern equipment Now they are produced by companies from Italy. If you are not well versed in this industry, consult with experts, they will tell you where it is better to buy coffee machines, what kind of cookware to choose and give some tips on running a business.

The coffee shop should have plastic cups and branded packaging so that the customer can take the drink and dessert with them. You also need to purchase several types of cups

under different types coffee.


It is impossible to open a truly worthy establishment without professional staff. Therefore, the owner of a coffee shop needs to ensure that he has trained and responsible employees.

Experienced entrepreneurs advise hiring a barista (coffee preparation specialist) without work experience to work in a coffee shop; it will be easier to train him in the necessary skills, and his salary will increase along with his skill.

Remember: The taste of coffee does not depend on the coffee machine, but on the professionalism of the barista!

In addition to the barista, you will need 4-6 waiters who will work in two shifts, as well as a manager. The manager must monitor the order in the establishment, the work of the barista and waiter; it is best to hire an employee with management experience.

An accountant and a lawyer can be outsourced, and a cleaner is needed for several hours a day for wet cleaning of the premises.

Business profitability

The markup in the coffee business is incredibly high. On average, one kilogram of coffee produces one hundred and forty servings of the drink. If you consider that a kilogram of espresso costs one and a half thousand rubles, and a cup of espresso costs ninety rubles, then the income will be equal to 800%!

Let's calculate the expenses and income for the year for the coffee shop, which we took as the basis for the article.

Table 1.1

One-time expenses.

Name Amount, rub
1 Registration of individual entrepreneur800
2 Obtaining licenses and permits10000
3 Installation of air conditioners and fire alarms30000
4 Coffee machine, 3 pcs.150000
5 Coffee grinder, 4 pcs40000
6 Microwave4000
7 Tables, 15 pcs.60000
8 Chairs, 60 pcs.48000
9 Bar counter80000
10 Hangers, 30 pcs.24000
11 Cupboard, 2 pcs.20000
12 Kitchenware50000
13 Refrigerated display case60000
14 Refrigerators, 2 pcs.100000
15 Paintings, floor lamps, interior products40000
16 Cash machine2000
17 Musical equipment40000
18 Menu, badges, employee uniforms80000

Table 1.2

Monthly expenses.

The average check in a coffee shop is 180 rubles, the traffic is 150-200 people per day. Based on this, we get a monthly income - from eight hundred to a million rubles. This means that it costs about nine million rubles per year to maintain a coffee shop (650 thousand X 12 months = 7.8 million plus 818 thousand at a time = 8.6 million rubles).

The payback period will be from ten months to one and a half years. As we were able to make sure, opening a coffee shop is a profitable business. However, do not rush to invest money in an area you are not familiar with. This type of business requires accurate calculations of costs in the kitchen, a good marketing plan

and studying the competitive landscape. If this doesn’t scare you, and the funds allow you to open a mediocre establishment, then hurry towards your millions!

How to open a coffee shop from scratch? Video

Study the demand and competition situation in your city. Perhaps objective circumstances simply will not allow you to make money selling takeaway coffee. The choice of varieties and drinks depends on the purchasing power of the population. Based on the data obtained, you can create a real business plan. The next stage is the selection of suppliers. It's worth doing this in advance. A significant portion of your current expenses depends on their proposals. Compose is possible only after determining the target audience and purchasing prices for coffee ingredients.

Before we begin

Organizing a good coffee shop from scratch requires a substantial investment. If you do not have the required amount, inquire about franchises. There are many offers in this area on the market, perhaps one of them will suit you. You can also find a way out with expensive equipment - large coffee suppliers often offer professional machines for preparing it using preferential terms. It is also worth finding out about these possibilities in advance.

Main risks

The main danger lies in the typical mistakes of a novice entrepreneur:

  1. Incorrect assessment of the target audience and its purchasing power.
  2. Choosing a location for a coffee shop.
  3. Price policy.
  4. Low level of service.

The demand for coffee is growing and this trend will continue to develop. All the risks of this business lie solely in the approach to business management and the financial side.


A coffee shop can only be profitable in places with a large flow of people. Pay close attention to business districts - office workers are your target audience. The point near the university will bring a decent profit; students are happy to buy takeaway coffee.

A good choice would be the intersection of busy streets, proximity to a metro station or stops of other types of public transport. If you have the opportunity to rent a room in a large shopping or business center, also consider these options. Try to get to the airport or train station - rent here is very expensive, but the profit will cover all costs.

The requirements for the premises should be obtained in advance from the fire department and the sanitary-epidemiological service. It is necessary to comply with them, since your field of activity relates to sales food products. Your coffee shop will be inspected at least once a year. There is a rule according to which the area of ​​the coffee preparation area must be at least 20 m². If you are planning to open a cafe with a full hall and tables, 150 m² is enough for 50 visitors. If your coffee shop will look like a small kiosk where only take-out drinks are prepared, you must provide space for equipment in accordance with the requirements of the above inspections.


In every city there are a lot of outlets offering tonic drinks and instant coffee bags. The number of coffee machines is constantly increasing. But coffee shops that offer quality takeaway drinks made from... good varieties using professional equipment, not enough yet. You should fill this niche. Let's consider what set of equipment is needed for this specialization:

  1. Coffee maker. Better buy professional models Italian made. The approximate cost is 190,000-300,000 rubles.
  2. Coffee grinder. The price depends on the power and ranges from 25,000-40,000 rubles.
  3. Filter for water purification – 18,000-20,000.
  4. Special glasses that close and maintain the temperature of the drink.

You can't limit yourself to selling coffee. Adequate profitability is achieved by selling baked goods, sweets and other related products. To store them you will need special display cases and refrigeration equipment. The minimum set costs 60,000-80,000 rubles.

In total, about 400,000 rubles are needed to equip a small point selling coffee to go.


For shift work in a stall, 2 sellers are enough. For a full-fledged coffee shop, you need to hire at least 2 professional baristas. The recruitment of additional personnel to work with clients (bartender, waiters, salespeople) depends on the assortment and capacity of the hall. If you plan to sell snacks, you will need a chef. Common mistake newcomers opening takeaway coffee shops - the desire to save on labor costs. If you plan to sell a high-quality and therefore more expensive cafe, hire professionals who have undergone special training.

The ability to serve customers is important the highest level, quality service in this direction is a prerequisite for success. Consider providing additional training to new employees so that they understand the types of coffee and provide customers with advice on choosing a particular variety.

On initial stage for maintaining financial statements You can hire a part-time accountant. The owner of the coffee shop can take on the work with suppliers, but in the future it’s worth thinking about finding a manager.

Documents and licenses

At the tax office you can choose individual entrepreneur or LLC. It all depends on the size of your business and subsequent plans for its development. There is no need for a special license to sell coffee, but the sanitary and epidemiological service puts forward a solid list of requirements for the ingredients from which coffee is prepared, confectionery products, equipment, premises and the availability of medical books for all employees. Everything you work with must have certificates of conformity and the necessary documents.


The quality of the drink and the popularity of the brand are the most important factors for the success of a coffee shop. That is why beginners are advised to pay close attention to franchise offers. A franchise of a well-known brand gives access to the best suppliers, effective advertising and staff training.

If you organize your business on your own, immediately think about creating your own brand. An original name, logo and a unique idea will be a powerful factor in attracting new customers. The quality of coffee and the best service will help retain them.

Use any advertising methods you can afford. The choice of how to distribute information about your coffee shop depends on the target audience. If you are counting on office workers, think about advertisements and banners in business centers located nearby, drink delivery, discounts for regular customers.

If you are targeting young people, advertise yourself in in social networks, create a page or website for your coffee shop. Offer interesting, perhaps funny promotions - not only students really like originality and the opportunity to have fun.


The profitability of a coffee shop ranges from 40-60%. This high rate, although in reality it is influenced by many variables. A successful approach to the purchase of raw materials and choice of location, competent marketing and pricing policies, the quality of work of your employees - everything will matter for your profits and the payback period. Statistics say that some coffee shops achieve it in 1 year, others can work for 3-4 years and close without achieving the expected result.

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