What's wrong with the governor of Sakhalin now? Diamond Governor of Khoroshavin

MOSCOW, 6 Feb— RIA Novosti, Viktor Zvantsev. A fountain pen worth 36 million rubles, 195 expensive watches, 800 pieces of jewelry, luxury apartments and cars - the total cost of all this would amount to the annual budget of a small country. But it belonged to one person - the former governor of the Sakhalin region, Alexander Khoroshavin.

The court found him guilty of bribery and sentenced him to 13 years in prison to be served in a maximum security colony and a fine of 500 million rubles. RIA Novosti looked into one of the most high-profile corruption criminal cases of our time.

Bentley and luxury real estate

Alexander Khoroshavin, who served as governor of the Sakhalin region for eight years, was detained on March 4, 2015 by FSB operatives arriving from the capital. After searches that lasted all night, the official was taken to Moscow. There the inventory of his property continued. Eight hundred expensive jewelry, a collection of watches from the world's leading brands, cash worth about a billion rubles... But that was not all.

“For example, a seemingly ordinary writing pen. But it costs 36 million rubles,” the Investigative Committee of Russia told reporters. “We still have to evaluate the real estate, and these are three apartments in elite buildings in Moscow, a dacha in the Moscow region. Only repairs are required.” and the landscaping of the dacha cost 130 million.” True, the accused himself later stated that he never owned any expensive fountain pen.

Three weeks after the arrest, the official lost his position as governor with the wording “loss of confidence.” A year and a half later, in September 2016, the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk City Court granted the claim of the Russian Prosecutor General's Office for the seizure of property of the Khoroshavin family in favor of the state for a total amount of 1.1 billion rubles. Four apartments worth more than 240 million rubles, six cars worth a total of 42 million rubles, including a Mercedes, two Bentleys and two Lexuses, were confiscated. None of the ex-governor’s relatives could explain with what funds the assets, real estate and cars were purchased.

Dead Witness

The official was accused of receiving a bribe on an especially large scale. According to investigators, in 2011-2013, local businessman Nikolai Kran gave him $5.5 million for the fact that the Sakhalin company Energostroy freely entered into a contract for the construction of the fourth power unit of the Yuzhno-Sakhalin Thermal Power Plant.

Kommersant: an attempt to get rid of an FSB general led to the arrest of the head of SakhalinThe arrest of Sakhalin Governor Alexander Khoroshavin followed attempts by local businessmen to use bribes to achieve the removal of the head of the FSB Directorate for the Sakhalin Region, General Igor Struchkov, from his post.

Crane himself came under investigation a year earlier - in 2014. According to one version, he came to the attention of the security forces when he was going to pay two million dollars for the removal of the head of the FSB Directorate for the Sakhalin Region, Igor Struchkov, from his post. The fact is that FSB officers checked information about problems that arose during the construction of the fourth power unit of the Yuzhno-Sakhalinskaya Thermal Power Plant. They could find out about the bribes, and Crane, having connected the capital’s connections, hoped to transfer Struchkov to another region.

The central office of the FSB found out about this, and soon the businessman was detained and charged under the article “Mediation in bribery.” Crane immediately agreed to a plea deal, telling how Khoroshavin extorted money from him. Thanks to this, the operatives reached not only the governor, but also his adviser Andrei Ikramov. It was through him, according to the investigation, that the head of the region regularly received money from the businessman. Crane did not live to see the court hearings; he died of a heart attack in December 2015. However, the death of a key witness did not in any way affect the further investigation of the criminal case, since he managed to give all the necessary testimony.

In addition to the multimillion-dollar bribe, other criminal episodes of the activities of the governor’s bureaucracy have surfaced. For example, according to investigators, deputy ex-head of Sakhalin Sergei Karepkin and regional agriculture minister Nikolai Borisov took 15 million rubles from local entrepreneurs for allocating subsidies to support agribusiness. After their arrest, they immediately testified against their boss. As a result, investigators identified ten criminal episodes in the ex-governor’s case. According to their version, the total amount of bribes from local entrepreneurs exceeded 522 million rubles.

Sasha Fifty Percent

Businessmen nicknamed Khoroshavin Sasha Fifty Percent - that’s how much he took as a kickback. But the defendant never admitted his guilt. “I am not ashamed of my years of work as mayor of Okha (a city in the Sakhalin region - Ed.), for the governorship and for my life,” he said in his last word. “I did not compromise, did not choose easy paths, I tried to defend your personal principles, to defend the interests of your native land. How this happened is for people to judge. I really hope that those eight years will not be the worst and most difficult in the history of the region.”

Immediately after Khoroshavin’s arrest, residents of Sakhalin organized an online petition asking for an investigation into this matter and the release of the governor. However, the petition did not meet with much response - over several years, only a little over a thousand people signed it.

State prosecutor Denis Shtunder requested 13 years in a maximum security colony for Khoroshavin with a fine of 500 million rubles. As a result, this is exactly the sentence that was handed down to the ex-governor. His former adviser Andrei Ikramov was sentenced to 9.5 years in a maximum security colony and a fine of 171 million rubles, Sergei Karepkin to eight years in prison and a fine of 4 million rubles, Nikolai Borisov to a fine of 2.5 million rubles. Like Khoroshavin, none of them admitted their guilt.

MOSCOW, 6 Feb— RIA Novosti, Viktor Zvantsev. A fountain pen worth 36 million rubles, 195 expensive watches, 800 pieces of jewelry, luxury apartments and cars - the total cost of all this would amount to the annual budget of a small country. But it belonged to one person - the former governor of the Sakhalin region, Alexander Khoroshavin.

The court found him guilty of bribery and sentenced him to 13 years in prison to be served in a maximum security colony and a fine of 500 million rubles. RIA Novosti looked into one of the most high-profile corruption criminal cases of our time.

Bentley and luxury real estate

Alexander Khoroshavin, who served as governor of the Sakhalin region for eight years, was detained on March 4, 2015 by FSB operatives arriving from the capital. After searches that lasted all night, the official was taken to Moscow. There the inventory of his property continued. Eight hundred expensive jewelry, a collection of watches from the world's leading brands, cash worth about a billion rubles... But that was not all.

“For example, a seemingly ordinary writing pen. But it costs 36 million rubles,” the Investigative Committee of Russia told reporters. “We still have to evaluate the real estate, and these are three apartments in elite buildings in Moscow, a dacha in the Moscow region. Only repairs are required.” and the landscaping of the dacha cost 130 million.” True, the accused himself later stated that he never owned any expensive fountain pen.

Three weeks after the arrest, the official lost his position as governor with the wording “loss of confidence.” A year and a half later, in September 2016, the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk City Court granted the claim of the Russian Prosecutor General's Office for the seizure of property of the Khoroshavin family in favor of the state for a total amount of 1.1 billion rubles. Four apartments worth more than 240 million rubles, six cars worth a total of 42 million rubles, including a Mercedes, two Bentleys and two Lexuses, were confiscated. None of the ex-governor’s relatives could explain with what funds the assets, real estate and cars were purchased.

Dead Witness

The official was accused of receiving a bribe on an especially large scale. According to investigators, in 2011-2013, local businessman Nikolai Kran gave him $5.5 million for the fact that the Sakhalin company Energostroy freely entered into a contract for the construction of the fourth power unit of the Yuzhno-Sakhalin Thermal Power Plant.

Kommersant: an attempt to get rid of an FSB general led to the arrest of the head of SakhalinThe arrest of Sakhalin Governor Alexander Khoroshavin followed attempts by local businessmen to use bribes to achieve the removal of the head of the FSB Directorate for the Sakhalin Region, General Igor Struchkov, from his post.

Crane himself came under investigation a year earlier - in 2014. According to one version, he came to the attention of the security forces when he was going to pay two million dollars for the removal of the head of the FSB Directorate for the Sakhalin Region, Igor Struchkov, from his post. The fact is that FSB officers checked information about problems that arose during the construction of the fourth power unit of the Yuzhno-Sakhalinskaya Thermal Power Plant. They could find out about the bribes, and Crane, having connected the capital’s connections, hoped to transfer Struchkov to another region.

The central office of the FSB found out about this, and soon the businessman was detained and charged under the article “Mediation in bribery.” Crane immediately agreed to a plea deal, telling how Khoroshavin extorted money from him. Thanks to this, the operatives reached not only the governor, but also his adviser Andrei Ikramov. It was through him, according to the investigation, that the head of the region regularly received money from the businessman. Crane did not live to see the court hearings; he died of a heart attack in December 2015. However, the death of a key witness did not in any way affect the further investigation of the criminal case, since he managed to give all the necessary testimony.

In addition to the multimillion-dollar bribe, other criminal episodes of the activities of the governor’s bureaucracy have surfaced. For example, according to investigators, deputy ex-head of Sakhalin Sergei Karepkin and regional agriculture minister Nikolai Borisov took 15 million rubles from local entrepreneurs for allocating subsidies to support agribusiness. After their arrest, they immediately testified against their boss. As a result, investigators identified ten criminal episodes in the ex-governor’s case. According to their version, the total amount of bribes from local entrepreneurs exceeded 522 million rubles.

Sasha Fifty Percent

Businessmen nicknamed Khoroshavin Sasha Fifty Percent - that’s how much he took as a kickback. But the defendant never admitted his guilt. “I am not ashamed of my years of work as mayor of Okha (a city in the Sakhalin region - Ed.), for the governorship and for my life,” he said in his last word. “I did not compromise, did not choose easy paths, I tried to defend your personal principles, to defend the interests of your native land. How this happened is for people to judge. I really hope that those eight years will not be the worst and most difficult in the history of the region.”

Immediately after Khoroshavin’s arrest, residents of Sakhalin organized an online petition asking for an investigation into this matter and the release of the governor. However, the petition did not meet with much response - over several years, only a little over a thousand people signed it.

State prosecutor Denis Shtunder requested 13 years in a maximum security colony for Khoroshavin with a fine of 500 million rubles. As a result, this is exactly the sentence that was handed down to the ex-governor. His former adviser Andrei Ikramov was sentenced to 9.5 years in a maximum security colony and a fine of 171 million rubles, Sergei Karepkin to eight years in prison and a fine of 4 million rubles, Nikolai Borisov to a fine of 2.5 million rubles. Like Khoroshavin, none of them admitted their guilt.

Lawyer reported the whereabouts of ex-governor of Sakhalin Khoroshavin ... Ex-governor of the Sakhalin region Alexander Khoroshavin is in the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk pre-trial detention center, his lawyer told RBC... in relation to departments in the region. In February 2018, the court sentenced Khoroshavina to 13 years in a maximum security colony for bribery and money laundering. December 18 relatives and lawyers Khoroshavina told reporters that they had been unable to... Relatives and lawyers of the ex-head of Sakhalin spoke about his disappearance ... The Federal Penitentiary Service stated that Khoroshavina They were brought to the detention center from Khabarovsk on December 17. Relatives and lawyers of the former governor of the Sakhalin region Alexander Khoroshavina, sentenced to... at the end of October. The ECHR awarded €5 thousand to the former Sakhalin governor Khoroshavina“The investigation plans to transfer the materials of this criminal case to the prosecutor’s office for verification... The main witness in the case of ex-governor Khoroshavin was given a suspended sentence ... the court, Gorbachev, who, at the request of the ex-governor of the Sakhalin region Alexander Khoroshavina found businessmen to negotiate a bribe with them, in his... as the main witness during the trial in relation to Khoroshavina. The latter was found guilty in 2018 on eight counts...

Society, 12 Sep 2019, 04:05

The lawyer announced the cancellation of the Supreme Court's decisions on the timing of the arrest of the ex-head of Sakhalin ... canceled decisions to extend the arrest of the former head of the Sakhalin region Alexander Khoroshavina. The ex-governor's lawyer Olga reported this to the Sakhalin.Info portal...). “The Presidium of the Supreme Court of Russia overturned the decision to extend Alexander’s arrest Khoroshavina. ... Khoroshavin will remain in custody under the current sentence,” the department told RBC... The ex-governor of Sakhalin was transported back to the Yuzhno-Sakhalin pre-trial detention center ... a week's trip was called Khoroshavina to a maximum security colony, as well as his return back to the island,” Balabas said. Khoroshavina transported to the colony... force passed two months and according to the law Khoroshavina They can no longer keep them in pre-trial detention. Protector Khoroshavina Olga Artyukhova argued that there is a second... the governor of Sakhalin is now getting acquainted with his materials. In 2018 Khoroshavina Ex-governor of Sakhalin Khoroshavin was transferred to a colony ... two months have passed and according to the law Khoroshavina They can no longer keep them in pre-trial detention. Advocate Khoroshavina Evgeny Balabas told RIA Novosti that... there is a second case - about bribes, and, according to Article 217 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, Khoroshavin Now he is getting acquainted with materials on it. “There are a lot of examples in... lawyers and get acquainted with the materials,” Artyukhova said. In 2018 Khoroshavina accused of receiving bribes (Article 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and legalization... Two defendants in the case of ex-governor Khoroshavin were sent to a colony ... to file an appeal to the Primorye Court of Cassation against decisions of regional courts. Khoroshavin, according to Syuzyumov, remains in the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk pre-trial detention center and gets acquainted... sentenced to 13 years in prison for bribery In 2018 Khoroshavina found guilty of receiving bribes (Article 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and... .1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) as part of a criminal group. According to investigators, Khoroshavin received bribes in the amount of 522 million rubles. Ikramov and Karepkin... The court upheld the sentence of ex-governor of Sakhalin Khoroshavin ... the regional court upheld the sentence of ex-regional governor Alexander Khoroshavina, who was sentenced to 13 years in a maximum security colony and fined... agency. The ECHR awarded €5 thousand to the former Sakhalin governor Khoroshavina In 2018 Khoroshavina found guilty of receiving bribes (Article 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation... .1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) as part of a criminal group. According to investigators, Khoroshavin received bribes in the amount of 522 million rubles. The ex-governor then...

Politics, 06 Mar 2019, 09:57

The ECHR awarded €5 thousand to the former Sakhalin governor Khoroshavin ... (ECHR) ruled in the case of the former governor of the Sakhalin region Alexander Khoroshavina and ordered Russia to pay him €5.1 thousand in compensation. Decision... duration of pre-trial detention Khoroshavina was excessive.​ From Yukos to gay pride parades: the ten most unpleasant decisions of the ECHR for Russia Alexander Khoroshavin was arrested... by the regime. The court found it proven that from 2009 to 2015 Khoroshavin and other high-ranking officials of the Sakhalin region received large sums from businessmen...

Politics, 25 Feb 2019, 03:18

The lawyer of the person involved in the case of ex-governor Khoroshavin recuses himself ... in the morning I continued to consider the appeal in the case of ex-governor of Sakhalin Alexander Khoroshavina, reports SakhalinMedia news agency. The consideration began two weeks after the break... chest pain, so I ask the court to call an ambulance,” said Khoroshavin. His request was supported by the rest of the defendants in the case and their defense attorneys. Prosecutor..." Bentley of a convicted ex-governor Khoroshavina sold for 6 million rubles. On February 9, 2018, the court sentenced Khoroshavina to 13 years in prison... The main criminal cases of 2018 In 2018, court decisions were made in several high-profile criminal cases. RBC followed the verdict of crime boss Shakro Molodoy, anti-corruption purges in Dagestan and other high-profile processes. Some sentences have been overturned, some cases continue to be tried and investigated. The main criminal cases of the year are in review... Lexus Khoroshavin was put up for auction for the third time at a reduced price ... the Lexus LX 570 car of the former regional governor Alexander is up for auction Khoroshavina, sentenced to 13 years in prison for accepting bribes. About this... -for lack of applications during previous auctions. Originally Lexus owned Khoroshavina, cost 2.64 million rubles. In May it was reported that belonging to... he was sentenced to 13 years in prison. Accounts and assets Khoroshavina were arrested and then transferred to state ownership. According to the prosecutor's office... The Investigative Committee charged the ex-governor of Sakhalin with receiving 20 more bribes ... official representative of the Insurance Company Svetlana Petrenko. According to her, in the created Khoroshavin the criminal group also included the head of the governor’s secretariat, Vyacheslav Gorbachev, deputy... and property Khoroshavina were arrested and then, at the request of the prosecutor's office, transferred to state ownership. The total value of the seized Khoroshavina property of the Prosecutor General of Russia... The Bentley of the convicted ex-head of Sakhalin went under the hammer for 6.7 million rubles. ... issue previously owned by the ex-governor of the Sakhalin region Khoroshavina", the message says. Bentley of a convicted ex-governor Khoroshavina sold for 6 million rubles.​ Starting... another confiscated from Khoroshavina automobile. The Bentley Continental of the ex-head of Sakhalin was sold for 5 million 962 thousand rubles. Alexandra Khoroshavina detained in March... The Bentley of convicted ex-governor Khoroshavin was sold for 6 million rubles. ...found. The media reported that the watch was seized during a search of Khoroshavina, however, the department stated that this was not the case - the goods were confiscated from a trading company for violating the rules for moving across the border. Khoroshavina detained on suspicion of accepting bribes in 2015. In... also expensive watches, phones and jewelry. Accounts and property Khoroshavina were arrested and then, at the request of the prosecutor's office, transferred to the state...

Society, 30 March 2018, 15:56

The Federal Property Management Agency has denied information about the sale of Khoroshavin’s watches ... The Federal Property Management Agency for sale watches from a limited edition belong to the collection Khoroshavina. “From a marketing point of view, we are, of course, pleased with the excitement that has arisen in... watch sales, only to the ex-governor of the Sakhalin region Alexander Khoroshavina they have nothing to do with it,” he said. According to Lazarev... investigations of the case in the Investigative Committee stated that during searches Khoroshavina A large amount of rubles and foreign currency was discovered, and...

Society, 26 Feb 2018, 04:28

The lawyer named the deadline for consideration of the appeal of ex-governor Khoroshavin ... Appeals in the case of the ex-governor of the Sakhalin region Alexander Khoroshavina and his subordinates will be considered no earlier than April. About this "RIA... . Earlier, on February 19, the ex-governor’s defense appealed the court’s verdict. Alexander Khoroshavin was found guilty of accepting bribes and money laundering, receiving...

Society, 19 Feb 2018, 05:53

The defense of ex-governor Khoroshavin appealed the court verdict ... Defense of ex-governor Alexander Khoroshavina and two of his subordinates appealed the verdict of the Yuzhno-Sakhalin City Court. ... court verdict. Earlier, on February 9, the defense of Sergei Karepkin and assistant Khoroshavina Andreya Ikramov promised to appeal the verdict. The judge sentenced Andrei Ikramov to... a fine of 4 million rubles. By court decision, their former boss Alexander Khoroshavin

Society, 12 Feb 2018, 00:02

Experts spoke about the impact of high-profile arrests on the election campaign ... regions received quite severe sentences. Former head of the Sakhalin region Alexander Khoroshavin On February 9, he was sentenced to 13 years in a maximum security colony... the verdict of Alexey Ulyukaev Who was imprisoned Ex-governor of the Sakhalin region Alexander Khoroshavin on Friday, February 9, he was sentenced to 13 years in a strict penal colony... and one count of money laundering obtained from crime. Two subordinates Khoroshavina from the government of the Sakhalin region sentenced to eight and nine years...

Society, 09 Feb 2018, 05:03

The defense of those convicted in the Khoroshavin case promised to appeal the court verdict ... Defense of two former subordinates of the ex-governor of the Sakhalin region Alexander Khoroshavina intends to challenge the court verdict. The lawyers of the convicts stated this, reports “... the end, they are ready to go to the European Court,” said Syuzyumov. Lawyer himself Khoroshavina left the hall without talking to reporters. Ex-governor of Sakhalin... fine 4 million rubles. By court decision, their former boss Alexander Khoroshavin received 13 years in prison. The former head of the region was found guilty...

Politics, 09 Feb 2018, 03:49

The ex-governor of Sakhalin was sentenced to 13 years in prison for bribes ... - the governor of Sakhalin made the last word Lawyers of two former subordinates Khoroshavina- Karepkina and Ikramova, as Interfax writes, have already expressed their readiness to challenge... for state ownership. Khoroshavin tried to appeal this decision, but the court refused to consider the ex-official’s complaint. Total Khoroshavina more than... The ex-governor of Sakhalin, accused of bribery, made his last word ... persons involved in the case: former deputy chairman of the regional government Sergei Karepkin, former adviser Khoroshavina Andrei Ikramov and the former Minister of Agriculture, Trade and Food... the prosecutor's office asked to transfer it into state ownership, the court granted the claim. Khoroshavin tried to appeal this decision, but the court refused to consider the complaint. U... The ex-governor of Sakhalin asked the court to acquit him in a bribery case ... there are no defendants, and the accusation is “built on conjectures and assumptions.” Myself Khoroshavin did not speak and said that he agreed with the defense’s arguments. Under escort to the West: why the governor was arrested Khoroshavina On November 28, the state prosecution asked the former governor to be sentenced in the form of... governors are being arrested in Russia The investigation believes that in 2009 Khoroshavin created a criminal group that received bribes from entrepreneurs for a total... The prosecutor's office requested 13 years in prison for the ex-governor of Sakhalin ...requested 13 years in prison for the former governor of the Sakhalin region Alexander Khoroshavina, Interfax reports. “We ask the court to impose a sentence of imprisonment...,” said Denis Strunder, a representative of the Prosecutor General’s Office, during the hearing in the case Khoroshavina in a court. In addition, the prosecution demanded a fine in the amount... of the transfer of property Khoroshavina into state ownership. This claim was considered separately from the criminal case. The supervisory authority considered that Khoroshavin and him... The ex-governor of Sakhalin again denied the presence of “a billion under the bed” ... form a “negative assessment”, “urgently drag me into the mud, launch incriminating evidence.” Khoroshavin noted: “Black PR has formed around me about a pen for 36... The Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk City Court satisfied the claim of the prosecutor’s office for the transfer of property Khoroshavina into state ownership. The prosecutor's office considered that the cost of real estate, transport... Ex-governor of Sakhalin's arrest extended for three months ... Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk left ex-governor of the Sakhalin region Alexander under arrest Khoroshavina, accused of corruption. TASS reported this in court. “The court granted the prosecutor’s request to extend the period of detention Khoroshavina, Sergei Karepkin and Andrei Ikramov for another three months, until... 2017, he stated that Khoroshavina Property worth 1.8 billion rubles was seized. At the same time, protection Khoroshavina repeatedly appealed against the seizure of property. The trial of the ex-governor of Sakhalin was postponed due to his health problems ... the court reports TASS. As the agency’s interlocutor said, during the process Khoroshavina and Ikramova was called for an ambulance due to her high blood pressure. Doctors... will not be able to take part in the meeting. At the beginning of August the lawyer Khoroshavina Olga Artyukhova reported that the ex-governor of the Sakhalin region was...whether the court would consider the case on that day or postpone it. Except Khoroshavina and his former adviser, there are two more defendants in the case... The court extended the arrest of the ex-governor of the Sakhalin region ...extended the term of imprisonment for the ex-governor of the Sakhalin region Alexander Khoroshavina, suspected of corruption. RIA Novosti reports this with reference... for the next three months, until November 9,” ​​the agency’s interlocutor said. Alexandra Khoroshavina arrested in March 2015. During the investigation, he... this is a defense Khoroshavina repeatedly appealed against the seizure of property. hidden treasures Khoroshavina and Putin’s daughters: what we learned about the elite in 2015 In addition Khoroshavina V... The ECHR accepted Khoroshavin’s complaint about the illegality of his detention ... The ECHR saw violations of the European Convention,” the lawyer emphasized. She clarified that Khoroshavin complained “about the illegality of the detention and subsequent extensions of... the accused. ​Earlier, on August 3, Olga Artyukhova reported that Alexander Khoroshavin suffered a stroke. Khoroshavina arrested in March 2015. During the investigation... the amount was 1.8 billion rubles. Protection Khoroshavina She has repeatedly appealed against the seizure of property in the courts. Besides Khoroshavina and Ikramov, the deputy chairman also appears in the case... The ex-governor of Sakhalin Khoroshavin, accused of corruption, suffered a stroke ... the brain,” said his lawyer Former governor of the Sakhalin region Alexander Khoroshavin, involved in a corruption case, suffered a stroke. He was arrested in... the lawyer told RIA Novosti Khoroshavina Olga Artyukhova. “Computer tomography of the brain revealed that Alexander Vadimovich [ Khoroshavin] suffered a stroke, he has vascular... United Russia spoke out against the ban on governors spending on PR ... movements Alexander Brechalov told Putin about the state order of the Sakhalin governor Alexander Khoroshavina under the article “Improving the image of the governor” by 680 million rubles. We're talking about spending for three years. After criticism from the ONF Khoroshavin became a defendant in a criminal case on receiving a bribe and laundering funds obtained by criminal means. According to the prosecution, Khoroshavin and other officials of the Sakhalin administration in the period from 2009 to... The Supreme Court recognized the legal seizure of property from the Khoroshavin family ... the court did not consider the complaint of the ex-governor of the Sakhalin region Alexander Khoroshavina to confiscate his property. Previously, the prosecutor's office achieved the transfer of property to the state... they began to confiscate property Khoroshavina and his family. In January 2017, the Presidium of the Sakhalin Regional Court did not consider the complaint Khoroshavina to confiscate him... that property was confiscated from an adult son Khoroshavina. The court recognized that, according to the law, Khoroshavina-Your property cannot be confiscated, at the same time...

Society, March 22, 2017, 05:00

The court refused to release ex-governor Khoroshavin under house arrest ... -Governor of the Sakhalin Region Alexander Khoroshavina to change the preventive measure, leaving him in custody. The lawyer reported this to TASS Khoroshavina Olga Artyukhova. By..., Advisor to the Governor Andrei Ikramov and Minister of Agriculture Nikolai Borisov. Khoroshavina are charged with accepting a bribe and laundering funds obtained by criminal means...

Politics, 09 Mar 2017, 04:02

The court refused to close Khoroshavin's trial after the prosecutor's request ... Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk refused to consider the case of the former governor of the Sakhalin region Alexander Khoroshavina in closed mode, RIA Novosti correspondent reports from the courtroom... economy, trade and food of Sakhalin Nikolai Borisov, as well as adviser Khoroshavina Andrei Ikramov is suspected of ten counts of corruption. Investigators believe...

Politics, 19 Feb 2017, 23:32

The Investigative Committee denied the complete seizure of Khoroshavin’s property ... "said the official representative of the department, Svetlana Petrenko. As the agency’s interlocutor recalled, “ Khoroshavin repeatedly made statements that he and his members... "to law enforcement agencies, this apartment during the consideration of the family's complaint Khoroshavina for the alienation of property for the benefit of the state at the end of 2015... Ivan Mironov, among the seized real estate was also the “only home” of his son Khoroshavina Ilya. According to the defense lawyer, Ilya was not the subject of the law on... A criminal case against the ex-governor of Sakhalin was sent to court ... Sakhalin region Alexandra Khoroshavina to court. The Prosecutor General's Office reports this. The cases of the deputy were also sent to the court Khoroshavina Sergei Karepkin, adviser... proposed to confiscate the property of the ex-governor. The court granted the prosecutor's request. Myself Khoroshavin tried to challenge this decision in the Court of Cassation, but his complaint... In the case of the former governor of Sakhalin, there was no pen worth 36 million rubles. ... million rubles,” Markin wrote a few days after the arrest Khoroshavina.​ Items of property Khoroshavina are listed in the annex to the prosecutor's office's claim to appeal... the trial, which is due to begin soon, will evaluate evidence of guilt or innocence Khoroshavina. And everything else is just husk, surrounded by lawyers... and luxury goods Khoroshavina at a cost “many times the total income” of his family. The court satisfied the prosecutor's claim. Lawyers Khoroshavina and his family members... The ex-governor of Sakhalin was unable to challenge the seizure of property worth 1 billion rubles. ... The Sakhalin Regional Court did not consider the complaint of the ex-head of the region Alexander Khoroshavina to confiscate his property. Previously, the prosecutor's office achieved the transfer of property to the state... year. But official earnings Khoroshavina allowed him to purchase real estate and cars. From 1997 to 2009 Khoroshavin and his wife declared about... such purchases. Lawyers insist that as a result of the actions of the bailiffs, the son Khoroshavina lost his only home: in the executive documents, FSSP employees named the procedure...

“Komsomolskaya Pravda” is a specific publication. While all media outlets are publishing the opinions of political scientists regarding the arrest of the Governor of the Sakhalin Region, Alexander Khoroshavin, they interviewed a psychic. The psychic explained everything to them.

An evil fate has been hanging over the Sakhalin governors for more than 20 years,” says Vladimir Belyakov, a Sakhalin psychic, participant in the “Battle of Psychics” casting. - The first governor, also known as professor-economist Valentin Fedorov, resigned from his post ahead of schedule in 1993. I left a cross on the table in my office. When asked what this meant, he laughed it off, saying that a holy place is never empty.

After this, a series of troubles began. It turns out that the first governor placed a curse on this post, because the governor’s term does not end with anything good.

Jokes aside, but really - not a single Sakhalin governor left his post on time. Each time there were, at a minimum, scandals, and at a maximum, tragedies.

Valentin Petrovich Fedorov

Position held: from 1990 to April 1993.

The first governor of the Sakhalin region was Plekhanovka professor Valentin Petrovich Fedorov. In his first days as head of the island region, he issued Resolution No. 1, in which he proclaimed himself governor. He was full of reform ideas for the economic revival of the island region, but it was not possible to implement them in full. The politician promised the creation of a special economic zone on the territory of the region with the right to dispose of its own natural resources and independently conduct foreign economic activity. He promised prosperity for everyone. He is also famous for writing poetry. And even along with a number of articles and monographs on economics, he published five collections of poems, songs and romances. He considered it inappropriate to outsource the development of the Sakhalin shelf to foreign companies. He insisted that it was better not to allow foreigners onto the shelf at all than to enter into an agreement on conditions unfavorable for the country. However, it only spoiled relations with both the center and local elites. And, ultimately, he was forced to resign.

Evgeniy Alekseevich Krasnoyarov

Local fishing industry leader Evgeny Krasnoyarov was appointed the next head of the island region. This is a completely mysterious figure - we don't even have a photograph of him. He was at the helm of the Sakhalin region for less than his colleagues - only two years. However, he left a significant mark on the history of the region. In June 1994, he signed a production sharing agreement that allowed a consortium of investors led by Royal Dutch Shell to extract almost $46 billion in oil and gas from the Sakhalin shelf on favorable terms. The governor did not note anything more significant, except, perhaps, for the fact that he not only resigned from the governor’s post, but literally disappeared, leaving a statement “of his own free will” on the table. We were unable to trace his tracks further.

Igor Pavlovich Farkhutdinov

Igor Farkhutdinov, who at that time served as mayor of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, was appointed acting head of the region. However, already in 1996, the “appointee” not only won the election of the head of the administration and entered the Federation Council, but also formed a pro-governor majority in the regional Duma. He managed to quickly establish good relations with the political and economic elite of Sakhalin, and achieve a very high level of popularity in the region. Not surprisingly, in 2000 he easily won the second gubernatorial election, gaining 56% of the vote in the first round. Under his leadership, the decline and upheavals of the early 90s were replaced by stability and economic growth began, which was greatly facilitated by the start of oil and gas production on the Sakhalin shelf. However, Igor Farkhutdinov was not destined to see the fruits of his labors. On August 20, 2003, an Mi-8 helicopter, on board which was a group of senior officials of the Sakhalin region administration, headed by the governor, crashed in Kamchatka. The region overnight lost the head of the region and heads of departments and offices.

Ivan Pavlovich Malakhov

After the death of Igor Farkhutdinov, the region was headed by Ivan Malakhov. And in December of the same year, he was elected governor in early elections. The years of his leadership are notable for the fact that it was then that the practice of appointing “imported personnel” to posts who poorly understood and took into account the local mentality began and continued, which gave rise to loud conflicts. The official also left his post loudly - he was accused of delaying the response to the earthquake in Nevelsk and was summarily dismissed. On August 7, 2007, by decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Ivan Malakhov was relieved of his post as head of the island region.

Ivan Malakhov then emerged as the head of the All-Russian Exhibition Center/VDNKh. He prepared a plan for the modernization of the All-Russian Exhibition Center, with a budget of several billion rubles, but Ivan Malakhov did not stay in this position for long.

Alexander Vadimovich Khoroshavin

Alexander Khoroshavin, who at that time held the position of mayor of Okha, was appointed acting governor of the Sakhalin region. And already on August 9, 2007, the politician was approved by deputies of the Sakhalin Regional Duma as governor. Four years later - on August 9, 2011, on the proposal of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, he was again vested with the powers of governor of the island region. However, it has already become clear that his career has ended ahead of schedule.

This is how it turns out to be a terrible story with a damned cross. However, this is unlikely to scare the contenders for the position of head of the region.

The ex-official complained to Putin about the lack of yachts, villas and hotels by the sea

There are four apartments. The total cost is more than 240 million rubles. There are six cars. Including a Mercedes, two Bentleys and two Lexuses. The total cost is 42 million rubles. Hours - 195 pieces. The cost of the collection is 602 million rubles...

Do you still think this is the beginning of an article about a bachelor sheikh from Saudi Arabia? You are wrong. This is only a small part of the property that belonged to the former governor of the Sakhalin region, Alexander Khoroshavin.

The most notorious corruption case in modern Russia. An exemplary process that is designed to show everyone exactly how to deal with corrupt officials. The Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk court will soon consider the charges against Alexander Khoroshavin.

The accused wastes no time. The former governor writes and writes complaints. Like, they took away everything they had acquired through backbreaking labor! And most importantly, they drive the family out onto the street!

MK found out what was actually happening with the ex-governor’s property. The result of our investigation was truly shocking.

The ex-governor's luxurious cars went to the state.

“With my salary, it’s an unaffordable luxury to be stuck in traffic jams.”

These or similar words are attributed to Alexander Khoroshavin by his fellow countrymen. Do you want to know how people remember Khoroshavin? Check out social media.

“The end of the world” - that’s what Sakhalin residents called what cars belonging to the head of the region set up on the roads. The governor was absolutely not shy about showing off his luxurious personal fleet of vehicles, alternately driving either several luxury Lexus cars (local car enthusiasts immediately valued them at no less than 5 million each) or an expensive Toyota Land Cruiser. And wherever Khoroshavin rushed, his passage was always accompanied by howling, quacking and flashing special signals, which meant: everyone who was in the way should immediately make way.

It is not surprising that citizens filmed this entire circus on wheels with their cameras and posted them on social networks. The videos were actively commented on. Some were indignant at the behavior unworthy of the head of Sakhalin, others openly laughed at the “inflated ego of the local king”, running around “with lights and music,” as they were sure, “to and from lunch.”

And those who are familiar with the laws have noticed that Khoroshavin’s car is equipped with special signals, including blue-red flashing lights (like on the cars of the traffic police and operational special services). But the governor is entitled to only one special signal, installed on a car with the AMP series number 97, and it must be blue. Khoroshavin, of course, also had a luxury executive class company car with the same number.

But what does the head of the island region care about laws that are written somewhere there, in Moscow? In Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, 9 thousand kilometers away from the “center,” this is the law.

All of the above refers to 2012, when Khoroshavin sat in the governor’s chair for the second term in a row. He began to lead Sakhalin in 2007. And in 2009, he published his income declaration for the first time. And he immediately became famous for his primacy among the richest governors of Russia. But then he indicated that he earned only 5.3 million rubles in a year. He owned no cars or real estate. Next to the entry “apartment with an area of ​​56 sq. meters” there was a modest note: “in use.” Khoroshavin’s wife was indicated in the declaration as a housewife who has only one apartment of 100 square meters. m and one car - Toyota Land Cruiser...

The residence in which Khoroshavin lived cost the regional budget 200 million rubles annually. Photo: base-sakhalin.ru.

If you want to work, pay

According to the investigation, it was in 2009 that Khoroshavin organized an organized crime group in Sakhalin, which included ex-deputy chairman of the regional government Sergei Karepkin and ex-adviser to the governor Andrei Ikramov. Until 2015, when they were caught by the hand, officials under the leadership of the governor, according to investigators, received colossal bribes from entrepreneurs engaged in the most important economic sectors of the region. They put more than 522 million rubles “on the paw” of the accused. The officials were paid, as the Investigative Committee claims today, “for general patronage of the service, the commission of actions within the powers of members of an organized group and the promotion of such actions on the part of officials of the executive authorities of the Sakhalin region.”

In the dock in the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk court, next to the former head of the region and his subordinates, the regional Minister of Agriculture, Trade and Food Nikolai Borisov will sit. As the Investigative Committee explains, Borisov was not a member of the organized group and was not aware of its activities, but only once, at the direction of Khoroshavin, was involved in accepting a bribe. He is also the only one of the defendants who admitted his guilt and gave testimony incriminating Khoroshavin and Karepkin.

If the verdict is guilty, the defendants face long sentences and fines that are many times (up to 70 times) greater than the amount of bribes.

Jewelers valued Khoroshavin’s jewelry cross at $50–100 thousand. Photo: RF IC

The governor covered himself with a chinchilla blanket worth tens of thousands of dollars. On the blanket is part of a watch collection worth more than 600 million rubles. Photo: RF IC

Everything that has been acquired...

Let us recall that the “cleansing” of Sakhalin from corrupt leaders was preceded by criticism voiced by the ONF, whose activists drew attention to dubious government procurement in the region. The social activists backed up their words with documents that they handed over to the Prosecutor General’s Office, the Accounts Chamber and the president. In January 2015, inspections by regional ministries began on the island. And on March 4, operatives were already conducting a search in the government building of the Sakhalin region, after which Khoroshavin was detained: for the first time, the governor was arrested right at his workplace.

Searches took place at Khoroshavin’s dacha and residence. It’s worth saying a few words about the Uyun residence, where Khoroshavin preferred to live in the last years of his governorship. It was a carefully guarded area on which a cozy mansion, a winter garden and a utility building were located. According to deputies of the Sakhalin Regional Duma, up to 200 million rubles were allocated from the budget annually for the maintenance of the residence.

In total, during searches in the places where Khoroshavin lived, investigators found and seized about a billion rubles in cash in various currencies and several hundred pieces of jewelry. And soon the Basmanny Court of Moscow arrested Khoroshavin’s bank accounts and real estate in Moscow and the Moscow region, registered in the name of his son and wife. These are three plots with mansions in one of the villages on Rublyovka, as well as four apartments in elite residential complexes in the southwest and in the very center of Moscow.

The general list of the governor's property turned out to be impressive. The Prosecutor General's Office immediately appealed to the court with a request, within the framework of the anti-corruption law, to turn the confiscated property of the Khoroshavin family in the amount of more than 1.1 billion rubles into state income. And on May 20, 2016, the Yuzhno-Sakhalin City Court granted this petition.

Among the confiscated items were 4 apartments with a total cadastral value of over 240 million rubles, 6 parking spaces with a total value of more than 2.9 million rubles, 6 cars worth at least 42.3 million rubles, including a Mercedes-Benz worth 11 million rubles, “ Bentley Continental GT and Bentley Mulsan with a total value of more than 23.3 million rubles, two Lexuses valued at at least 6 million rubles. A residential building, non-residential premises, land plots, funds in rubles and foreign currency in the amount of more than 700 million rubles, jewelry and other valuables are also turned into state income, - said “MK” acting. Svetlana Petrenko, Head of the Media Relations Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

Alexander Khoroshavin.

Bring corruption back!

The Khoroshavins filed a cassation appeal, but it did not help them: the higher court agreed with the decision. Then they went not just anywhere, but straight to the Constitutional Court with a demand to declare illegal the very norm of the anti-corruption law adopted in 2012, which made it possible to confiscate all the property found on them before a guilty verdict was passed.

The essence of their complaint is that the law is flawed: it contradicts the basic principles of the Constitution, which protects the right to property, since it can be applied to the wife of an official and his minor children. Khoroshavin’s son was an adult at the time of his father’s assumption of office as governor, and he had his own declared property. But the Constitutional Court itself previously prescribed that only property that requires state registration is subject to confiscation - that is, real estate, transport, shares, shares of enterprises. Or money received from its sale, which the official did not declare. But other money, valuables, and items of use cannot be taken away. According to them, everything was confiscated from the Khoroshavins, including memorable gifts from law enforcement agencies, jewelry inherited from their grandmother, and even gold crowns.

While this complaint is just waiting to be considered by the Constitutional Court, Khoroshavin wrote a letter to the president, who at one time, we recall, removed him from the post of governor due to loss of confidence. Guess what worries Khoroshavin most?

“Not everything that was reported to you and is being reported regarding me and my property corresponds to reality,” he writes. - In particular, my wife and my adult son were arrested, and now not part of the property, but all the property, including the only home of my wife and son, was confiscated before the court verdict to the state... As I understand, with the light hand of the Investigative Committee, a lie was launched about my untold wealth, which was expressed in the statement that I had “a pen worth 36 million rubles. and a billion under the bed.” (...) Now that the case materials have established that there is no pen for 36 million rubles. (...) I didn’t have, I think this information was not brought to you, and also that neither I nor my son have yachts, villas in Switzerland, or hotels on the Mediterranean coast...”

These words made me want to cry. Of course, the Sheikh of Dubai has untold wealth. And it’s a shame to call this little thing - apartments, cars, houses - wealth...

I remember when the former head of the press service of the Investigative Committee, Vladimir Markin, spoke about the pen - gold, encrusted with diamonds, the ex-governor was terribly indignant: they say, what nonsense - he is sure that the pen costs no more than 1.3 million!

During the investigation, it became obvious that Khoroshavin was very fond of expensive accessories, says Svetlana Petrenko. - Apparently, the governor felt the greatest need for expensive watches. In his collection there were 195 copies worth a total of 602 million rubles. The most expensive of them cost 700 thousand US dollars.

A watch for 700 thousand dollars... Think about it. For some reason, only boots made of human skin come to mind to pair with such an accessory.

And more than 36 million rubles, as the Investigative Committee clarified today, cost the next watch, which Khoroshavin ordered shortly before his arrest...

Who “turned” an apartment in Sakhalinsk and into what?

The Investigative Committee believes that the amounts at which the seized property was valued “speak for themselves and refute the words of the accused about the absence of untold wealth.” And that “hiding such a large amount of property from the tax authorities is also not accidental.”

Here's what else Svetlana Petrenko said:

The arrest was not imposed on the apartment owned by the son of the former governor, located in the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, in which Khoroshavin was registered at his place of residence. Thus, Khoroshavin’s statements about the alleged deprivation of the only housing of his family members is another deceit and a game with public opinion.

So where did the Yuzhno-Sakhalin apartment go, since the Khoroshavins claim that they remained on the street? According to our source in the region’s law enforcement agencies, in December 2015, when the Khoroshavins’ property was being seized, the governor’s son...sold an apartment he owned in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk to his father’s former driver.

At the same time, Khoroshavin did not check out of this apartment, and this may indicate that the deal was imaginary, our interlocutor said.

Meanwhile, on February 2, the Gagarinsky Court of the capital considered five claims of the Khoroshavins against the bailiffs, who were evicting them from their Moscow apartments.

As MK was told in the Gagarinsky Court, these were claims to invalidate the FSSP decision on the transfer of converted property into state ownership, to deny the FSSP the plaintiffs’ application, and also to recognize the actions and inactions of bailiffs as illegal.

The court refused to satisfy all the stated claims, the court press secretary told MK.

In making the decision to refuse, the Gagarinsky court apparently took into account the fact that Ilya Khoroshavin’s apartment was left to him. The logic is quite clear: if you sell your apartment, buy yourself and your mother a new home. And if you pretended to sell it, who’s stopping you from returning it?

And, by the way, when the issue of Khoroshavin’s son’s property was being decided in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, the prosecutor provided the court with the following data: 28-year-old Ilya Khoroshavin earned more than 8 million rubles in 8 years, but his property includes a residential building worth 59 million rubles, non-residential premises for 4 million rubles, four land plots worth from 1 to 4 million rubles, an apartment worth more than 132 million rubles, two parking spaces for 600 thousand rubles, a garage for 300 thousand rubles, three cars with a total cost of more than 10 million rubles .

Khoroshavin Jr., by the way, always insisted that he earned everything himself, and did not receive any money from his father.

“Vladimir Vladimirovich, I am turning to you with my last hope for the opportunity to be heard and asking for your help not for myself, but for my family,” Khoroshavin appeals in a letter to the president. I would like to ask him: is it worth worrying so much when such a capable son has grown up? The family will certainly not be lost with him...

The Sakhalin region is famous throughout the world for its abundance of fish, so its residents know firsthand which part of the body begins to rot.

A region is also a kind of organism. And an organism such as the Sakhalin region, given its size and geographical location, coupled with its leadership in oil, gas and seafood production, simply must be healthy.

Now that the head, which was rotten, was cut off from power by investigators from the Main Directorate for Investigating Particularly Important Cases of the Russian Investigative Committee, there is hope that the process of decomposition has at least been stopped.

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