So that the matter turns out to be a conspiracy of Vanga. The most powerful money ritual

Everyone needs luck in life. If you have a streak of bad luck and it lasts for a long time, it is necessary to carry out special rituals to get rid of bad luck. After this, you can already attract luck and happiness into your life and fill your days with joy.

Vanga's conspiracies for money and good luck have helped many people who gratefully pronounce the name of the great clairvoyant.

To prevent the machinations of evil spirits from having power over you, you need to enlist the support of your Guardian Angel, prayers to whom will protect you from any evil and misfortune. And if there is no evil on your way, then the road will be clean, your health will be good, money will not go any other way, and wealth will come your way. According to Vanga's advice, fill it in the evening glass jar

some water and leave it on the window all night. At dawn, get up and go out with this jar onto the street or onto the balcony. To read the prayer, you need to look at the sky and hold the jar. First, cross yourself, and then cross the water in the jar.
“My holy angel, guardian of body and soul!
I sign myself with the cross, and in pure prayer I turn to you.
I pray to you for repentance: forgive my sins committed in ignorance and delusion.
Bright angel, do not leave me either in a good moment or in a hard moment, always be with me on all my paths and paths.
Guide me on a righteous path, pleasing to God, drive away evil from me, and attract good luck.
Protect me from troubles and give me happiness, so that I may glorify the name of the Almighty God in my deeds and help my neighbors with a pure soul.
Confirm the will of God in everything, teach me a righteous life.

Amen." After you read it three times this prayer
on water, drink a few sips. The rest of the water needs to be sprinkled throughout the house, starting from the threshold. Take a bunch of dill or parsley, dip it in water and sprinkle the room.

Then leave the room, pour some of the water in front of your feet, and splash the remaining water in front of you so that it sanctifies your path.

This prayer from Vanga will bless your path for the whole day, attract good luck, maintain health, and protect from any evil.

How to attract good luck

This spell from Vanga for good luck will make any person lucky in life.

According to Vanga’s advice, at dawn, wash yourself with running water, pour water into a basin and read a special spell over it for luck and good fortune:
You flowed through mountains, underground paths, dark forests, wide fields, where there were lowlands and meadows, steep banks, pebbles and sands, mother earth and clear skies.
You met the dawns, saw off the nights, washed your face with the dawns, wiped yourself with the sun, cleansed yourself with the white light.
Cleanse me too, some water, wash away the dirt and filth, wash my soul, fill me with purity.
So that my deeds are pure, shine with light, are filled with goodness, develop, argue, and are filled with luck.
Confirm the will of God in everything, teach me a righteous life.

You should wash your face with the charmed water. You cannot wipe with a towel: the water must be absorbed into the skin. Place a few drops of water on your crown. This spell for good luck is read on days full moon, and never tell anyone about why they became lucky in life. You can say that you read prayers for wealth and money every day.

Prayer to the saints for help

This prayer from Vanga is very powerful. If you perform the entire ritual correctly, it will cleanse you of sins, protect you from evil spirits, promote well-being in your life, attract good luck, health and wealth, and fill your heart with love and joy.

Keep a fast for three days, do not consume dairy and meat products. Eat only grains, vegetables and fruits, drink blessed or defrosted water. Do not drink alcohol, coffee or smoke cigarettes. Try to direct your thoughts to good deeds, read prayers.

After this spiritual preparation, go to church in the morning. Before leaving the house, read a prayer from Vanga, standing on the threshold. On the way to church, do not engage in long conversations with anyone; it is better to walk in silence. Before church, read Vanga’s prayer again.

Buy 7 candles in the church and place them next to any icons. Pray and read any prayers you know, ask in your prayers for health for yourself and your loved ones, good luck, happiness and wealth. After all, being happy and secure for the glory of God is not considered a sin! And money, sanctified by prayer and by the word of God, they bring only joy.

After visiting church, read Vanga’s prayer again and continue this day with fasting.

Vanga’s prayer sounds like this:

“God's saints, patron saints!
I humbly ask you for protection and help.
Bring your holy prayers to Jesus Christ for me, the sinful servant Ivan (or your name).
Beg him for repentance for my sins, for a good share and earthly happiness.
Through your prayers, I will receive my share, protection from sorrows and illnesses.
May my heart be filled with heavenly love and my soul filled with joy.
My steps will follow the path of the righteous, and will lead my heavenly father to the heavenly abode.
Do not reject my humble request in the name of our Lord and Savior.
Confirm the will of God in everything, teach me a righteous life.

Help from the Master of Water

This mighty spirit has incredible powers and great power. On Vanga’s advice, you can turn to him both in difficult times and in days of prosperity in order to preserve and increase wealth and money, attract good luck, and improve health. Conspiracies to appeal to the spirit of water can be read at any time, but not too often: two or three times a lunar month.

At dawn, pour water into a glass bowl and place it in direct sunlight. Water should remain on the street from dawn until noon.

At noon, read a special spell on the water:

“Mighty water spirit!
Save me from trouble!
By your great mercy, save me from illness and disease.
Give me health, strength, luck, and incomparable beauty, so that I may be loved by God and all people.
Confirm the will of God in everything, teach me a righteous life.

Take seven sips from the bowl and pour the rest of the water on the top of your head. To do this, go to the bath, undress and pour the water over yourself. There is no need to dry yourself.

Vanga's advice is always aimed at goodness and well-being, at opening roads along which health, wealth and money come. Bright prayers, strong conspiracies powerful channels are opening from Vanga heavenly prosperity that sweep away evil spirits from a person’s path, and help to attract good luck in everything.

Hex on the front door

Good luck also comes through the door of our house. Therefore, entrance doors and thresholds should always be clean. A dirty threshold repels good luck and does not allow it to settle in the house.

Therefore, always keep the door and threshold clean. The ritual for good luck, prosperity and wealth is carried out on the days of the waxing moon.

Pour spring water into a glass vessel and recite the spell on it:

“How many people will enter my door, so many helpers will be there.
But non-humans and enemies are not allowed to enter my door.
The more times the door opens, the more good will come into my home.
But grief and misfortune have no way through this door.
Luck - to the house, happiness - to the house, health - to the house, wealth - to the house, money - to the house.
Let it be so.
Confirm the will of God in everything, teach me a righteous life.

Spray the door with the charmed water in a cross shape from the outside and inside. The conspiracy will attract all good things and drive away evil.

Ritual with bread

To ensure that your family is always well-fed, wealth does not leave the house, and money flows like a river into the house, perform the following ritual from Vanga.

After waking up, take a piece of bread, look at it and read the plot:

“Lord Christ, you fed the hungry with five loaves, so feed my family too.
Make our life well-fed, prosperous, happy.
Open the road to prosperity, turn money into the house.
I promise to use money for good, spend it wisely, glorify the Lord, and help the poor.
Confirm the will of God in everything, teach me a righteous life.

After reading the plot three times, eat a piece of bread and drink some holy water. Money and wealth will not leave your home if you lead a righteous life.

To get the required amount of money

This conspiracy is not for wealth, but for attracting the required amount of money. If you need a certain amount, but the money does not come, do this ritual from Vanga. Go outside before dawn, face east and wait for the first rays of the sun.

As soon as they illuminate the earth, read the plot:

“I got up in the morning to greet the sun, to fulfill my cherished thoughts.
On the eastern side there live three wise men: the first wise man knows what I should get, the second wise man knows where to find it, and the third wise man knows how to get it.
I will reveal my secret to the sages: I want such and such (name your desire).
I ask you to give me wisdom so that I can get what I want.
Confirm the will of God in everything, teach me a righteous life.

When you receive the money, spend it on exactly what you intended it for. If you spend money for other purposes, you will lose what you purchased. Wealth and money do not like deception, and next time no conspiracy will help. You need to listen to the advice of the great Vanga.

Take something you wear often (coat, dress, etc.). Sew a small coin into the hem or under the floor.

When you sew, repeat in a whisper (you can look in a book):

“Thread with a needle, and money with me. Just as a thread follows a needle, money is drawn to me. I hem the hem and sew the money onto me. Come to me, money big and small, copper, silver, gold, paper, all kinds, to buy, to sell, for your joy, for God’s grace. Amen".

Repeat without stopping or getting distracted the entire time you sew.

Do not wear the item on this day; let it hang at home among other things. Co next day wear as usual.

So that the money comes as often as possible.

Buy poppy beans at the market. Wait for the new moon, and at the very hour when the new moon rises, take a handkerchief, spread it on the table, pour a poppy seed in the center of it, and, drawing a cross on it with your finger, say the words of the spell out loud or in a whisper (you can look into the book at the same time, without learn by heart):

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Most Holy Theotokos, save and preserve! I am baptized with the cross, I bow to you. Mother of God, You know all my needs, how much money I need, without a coin in my wallet I can neither get dressed, nor put on shoes, nor a piece of bread, nor a sip of water. Give me as much poppy in your scarf, as much money in your wallet. Amen".

Then the poppy should be tied in a scarf and stored in a secret place in the house.

For great wealth.

Weld fish soup, and when you cut and cook the fish, pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

"Great earthly waters, the seas and oceans are full of them. How much water there is in the seas and oceans, how many fish there are in that water, that is how much wealth I have. Amen, amen, amen."

You need to repeat it continuously all the time while cooking. It is necessary that no one distracts you, so it is better to do this when no one is at home. The soup should be eaten the same day, and everyone living in the house should taste at least a little.

So that goodness comes to the house.

On a new moon, pour water into a glass and place it on the window so that moonlight falls there. Let it stand until the moon becomes full. On a full moon, take the glass in your hands and say out loud to the water:

“The moon was thin, but became full. So may my house become full of all good things, and gold and silver.”

Then you need to wash your face and hands with this water.

If you want neither bad person, and no evil could cross the threshold of your house, but luck became a frequent guest - hang elderberry branches crosswise over the front door.

If you want prosperity and good luck in everything, in the morning, getting out of bed, put on your right foot first, and then your left. And never look for a second slipper if the first one is already on your foot, first find both and then put them on.

If you want good luck to come to your home, keep it in your house like coins from other countries, but only silver ones.

To start a new, happy streak in your life, wait until the new moon and rearrange the furniture in your home. Luck will not keep you waiting.

Never leave uneaten pieces of bread on the table if you don’t want to leave your happiness behind. Pieces of bread, even if dried or spoiled, cannot be thrown away, otherwise wealth will leave the house. Better feed it to birds and animals.

If luck has turned against you, sprinkle salt on all the window sills in your house. Let the salt lie until luck returns. Afterwards, you will need to carefully sweep away all the salt without touching it with your hands, put it in some kind of bag and take it away from the house, where it will be buried in the ground.

If you are telling someone about your luck, knock three times on something wooden and spit on it three times. left shoulder so as not to jinx it.

If you stumble with your right foot, this portends trouble. To avoid them, you need to stamp your right foot on the ground three times and say: "Go into the ground, trouble, away from me" . If you trip with your left foot, it portends good luck and happiness.

If you want to have money all year round, count it large sums on New Year's Eve.

If she turns away from you money luck, put some moss or algae on the floor under the carpet in your home, the money will start coming.

You can count money, as well as borrow and lend only in the morning (before noon). If you do this in the evening, you won’t have any money.

If you give someone a wallet, be sure to put a coin or a bill in it - only then will your gift bring goodness to the person you are giving it to, and there will be money in his wallet. And your well-being will grow. Likewise, empty bags, suitcases, vases and other containers, as well as dishes, are not given as gifts. If you borrow a bag, a pot, or a frying pan from someone, don’t return it empty, put something in as a thank you for letting them use these things. Then it will come to you too.

After sunset, you cannot transfer money from hand to hand, otherwise you may become poor. You need to put the money on the table or, even better, throw it on the floor so that the person you give it to can pick it up.

In order for money to be found, wait until the new moon appears in the sky after the new moon, go outside and show the money to the month by taking it out of your wallet or pocket.

When the dough is rising in the house and pies are being baked, under no circumstances should you swear or even think bad things. Otherwise, the pies will not work and will do harm, and trouble will come to the house.

If you want to get out of poverty, carry a green quartz stone in your wallet.

You can attract money if you constantly carry turquoise in your wallet. You just need to take it out from time to time to warm it in your hands.

Rings made of eye quartz - tiger's eye or cat's eye in a gold or silver frame - attract wealth.

Wealth can be attracted by constantly wearing any jewelry made of topaz or carnelian in a frame made of precious metals.

Never put your keys or hat on the table, or sit on the table - this means poverty.

If a mirror breaks in your home, to avoid any trouble, wash the broken pieces with water and then bury them in the ground. If in the room where the mirror hangs someone was sick for a long time, or there was a quarrel, or some kind of trouble happened, you need to wipe the mirror with holy water.

Never leave a knife stuck in bread if you do not want to experience poverty, need and hunger.

Never give the beggars the money you were given as change after buying bread or salt - otherwise you yourself risk ending up in poverty. Also, do not give the last change that is left in your wallet.

When you bought a new wallet, put your expensive stuff there for a while gold decoration. There will be big money, wealth will come.

If you want to always have money with you, and do not want to put yourself in need, never roll up money into a tube, do not count the money in the piggy bank until you are going to spend it, and do not put a bag on the floor with a wallet with money in it.

Place a mint leaf and a whisper of cinnamon in your wallet, as well as where you keep your money. Money will begin to attract to you.

Many life problems can be solved with magic. Anyone can read Vanga's spells for good luck and money; you just need to prepare items spelled in the correct phase of the Moon.

The power of conspiracies

CONSPIRACY - magic words, which must be read in a certain order under certain conditions. The attributes often used in rituals are: magic items, which help maintain the correct energy charge. Good luck rituals work through amulets, which should always be near the conspirator: they are kept in the house or worn as jewelry.

The famous healer Vanga used simple attributes in her rituals - water, sugar, food.

So that after the ritual there is no negative consequences, you need to resort to the help of white magic. Additionally, for the effectiveness of the plot, you can clean the house of accumulated negativity.

Areas of influence of conspiracies

The conspiracy works through vibrations that are created by sounds and words. Good luck rituals help:

  • get a raise;
  • get a raise;
  • win the lottery or defeat competitors;
  • save accumulated money (in times of crisis such conspiracies are the most effective);
  • strengthen your position in society;
  • avoid danger.

Money or other benefits appear in the life of a person who trusts magic. Before carrying out the ritual, the text of the conspiracy must be memorized - it is important not to change the order of words and not to add your own edits.

Duration of spells for good luck

Each magical ritual has a working period - a period that will allow the magic to work and benefit a person. The ritual does not work for too long without additional nourishment. The duration of the work depends on the attributes that were used and on the subsequent actions of the person. The good luck spell works for several weeks, and the most powerful rituals last for a year.

The charmed amulet must be carried with you and protected from prying hands, otherwise luck will quickly turn away from the conspirator. When attracting money, a person must install additional protection, which will ensure the long-term operation of the ritual. It will not be possible to attract good luck for the whole family for a long time: the more a person is under the protection of magic, the weaker the attributes, and the ritual must be repeated every 2-3 months.

Spells for money

Money conspiracies are one of the most popular. Material stability helps in solving other problems: health, housing and everyday problems. Vanga’s spells for money and luck work instantly - immediately after reading the text, dramatic changes occur in a person’s life.

Conspiracies change not only the material conditions of life, but also the moral state: how less problem monetary plan, the more the family grows and develops. Charm magic for good luck in professional growth helps.

Conditions for reading conspiracies

The conspirator should be comfortable and comfortable in the place where the ritual is performed, which is why many conspiracies for money are read at home. At home, the attributes are also prepared. The right time for attraction rituals is the period of the waxing Moon, which promotes new beginnings and projects. Conduct money rituals on the days of the waning moon, it is impossible to avoid losing even more Money. The Full Moon and New Moon are also an unfavorable period for attracting money. Rituals that coincide with major Orthodox holidays are effective: during this period a person receives the blessing of higher powers.

Vanga's conspiracies

Vanga's conspiracies use white and black magic. The power of the ritual directly depends on who the conspirator addresses. Rituals that use the power of nature and specific attributes are effective: water, food, flowers and amulets made from spikelets or dried grass.

Vanga's spells for getting rich quickly or attracting good luck:

  • universal - they respond quickly and do not require many attributes to read them;
  • to sugar – as a universal attribute that stores energy;
  • for water and bread - this type of ritual is carried out for the well-being of the whole family, and not an individual.

During her lifetime, Vanga worked with lumps of sugar, which can be used to effectively read spells for good luck. At refined sugar, she told fortunes about the future and charmed sugar to change a person’s life.

Universal conspiracies

Universal conspiracies help a person of any position and age. Such rituals are used when urgent help is needed and a person does not have time for lengthy preparation. For rituals, simple objects that can be found at home will be useful. Magical actions are performed at night, when the waxing moon is visible in the sky. If the conspirator cannot wait, a male day of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday) or Orthodox holiday. The ritual performed must be kept secret even from relatives.

Ritual to the Moon

Moon rituals are tied to lunar calendar. Each lunar cycle allows you to improve a certain area of ​​life and destroy negativity or radically change your destiny. You need to read conspiracies only in the moonlight, so the ritual is not performed in cloudy weather. Vanga used the power of the Moon to attract money as the basis for future success. Strong prayers for a universal ritual are read 3 days in a row before the Full Moon.

The ritual to the moon will help:

  • attracting quick money is not a constant income, but a reward or bonus;
  • attract attention the right people– business partners, potential clients;
  • protect from danger - a person is not in danger of financial problems or the machinations of enemies.


For the universal ritual, Vanga used coins - metal stores energy better and wears out less. The simplest amulets are made from coins, which you can carry with you in your wallet or jacket pocket. Strangers will not recognize such an amulet, and the spell will work for several months. It is better to use a coin from another country or a beautiful collectible one.

It is better to choose light metal and coins from everyday use, otherwise prayers will not help. To carry out the ritual, you need a window sill facing the moon (the conspirator needs to see the moonlight while reading the plot). The window sill must first be rinsed well with holy water. Strong rituals carried out in semi-darkness with closed doors.

Reading the plot

When the moon appears in the sky, you need to open the windows wide and let the night air into the room. The stronger the wind, the faster the ritual will work. You should leave a coin on the windowsill, onto which the moonlight is directed. A person calling for luck and success must repeat three times:

“My queen, you shine with a silver light, turn golden, grow and grow. So give me money with your light, give me a lot, so that it grows and grows in my wallet. Moonlight nourishes money, hour by hour it grows, gains strength, fills my house and wallet. Amen".

After this, the coin must be left on the window until the morning. You cannot touch it after reading the plot. It is important to pick up the attribute from the windowsill before dawn and hide it in your wallet.

Every day the enchanted object will attract new money to its owner. You cannot pay with a coin, otherwise your luck will run out. The conspiracy is valid until the next full moon, so the ritual will have to be repeated every month.

Ritual with a candle

Attracting from candles brings not only wealth, but also success. For the attraction to go well, you need to think through your path to success and decide on the benefits you need. Invokes a ritual with candles for trusted colleagues, assistants, and clients. Magic works comprehensively, and therefore a person’s success is not accidental. The long-term result of the ritual is determined by an integrated approach. Attracting with candles is effective for people who are trying to settle in new field activities.


The universal ritual can be performed at any time of the day if a person needs urgent help. To read the plot you will need:

  • church candle;
  • transparent container;
  • Holy water.

On the eve of the ritual, you need to visit the church and ask the icon of the saint whose name the conspirator bears for help and blessings. It would be useful to confess and repent of all sins. Enrichment does not occur without spiritual cleansing. Only after freeing oneself from grievances and negativity is a person ready for a new life. Prosperity is attracted for yourself or for your family (the presence of household members at the ceremony is optional).

Reading the plot

The ritual for an influx of money or new partners should be read in a secluded place. You need to light a candle, pour holy water into a glass and read over it:

“How many people come through my door, the number of assistants I will have. But non-humans, enemies have no entry into my door. As soon as the doors open, goods will pour into the house. Evil and bad weather, no matter how it begs, will not pass through the door. Trouble has no way here. Happiness - to the house, goodness - to the house, goodness - to the house! Amen".

Spoken water should be used for cleaning front door in the apartment. If wealth comes from the conspirator’s place of work, the office should also be sprinkled with water. Water must be charged separately for each room.

Ritual for victory

Quick wealth comes to a person only through Lucky case. For fast money use a ritual to win the lottery.

While reading the plot, it is necessary to use visualization - to imagine how to manage the wealth received. Strong images will enhance the work of the hex.


To attract wealth, you will need a set of attributes - the first coin you come across, a new sewing needle, red thread and any item from the conspirator’s wardrobe. During the ritual, the coin must be hemmed to a piece of clothing so that it is not noticeable to others.

Reading the plot

Before performing the ceremony, the selected coin must be washed with holy water. The item to which the amulet will be sewn must also be washed and dried well. After sunset, you can start sewing, saying:

“Together they will forever be - needle and thread, together they will not bother - needle and thread. So let money always be with me, like eternal helpers, and ringing coins. Just as a thread follows a needle, so wealth will follow me. I hem my hem, prop up my pocket from unreasonable spending. Let different coins come to me: copper, gold, silver. And let the paper money go: big and small. If only it would bring joy to me and God.”

The coin must be sewn in discreetly so that no one sees the amulet, and securely so that the coin will last for several months. After the ritual, clothes should be left in the closet for a day - during this time the item cannot be taken out or touched. On the second day you need to put it on and wear it all day. The more often the conspirator puts on an item with a coin, the faster the winnings will come to him. After receiving a monetary win (fulfillment of a wish), the coin must be sewn off and stored as an amulet in the wallet.

Vanga's spells for water and bread

A complex prayer to the Guardian Angel and the magic of calling good luck is used for:

  • attracting stable profits;
  • proper interaction with new management;
  • eliminating competitors;
  • minimal losses in a risky enterprise.

The attraction of wealth should be carried out in the early morning before dawn (the ritual is not performed at night).

Ritual at dawn

Dawn marks new beginnings. Before reading the plot, you need to wake up before dawn and go outside with a large container of warm water– the ritual is not carried out in the house. A basin or large saucepan is suitable for the ceremony.


The spoken water should be used for washing. You should also douse yourself with water outside while the sun is rising. A ritual is suitable for constant hardening of the body if a person radically changes his own life. To attract well-being, the ritual can be repeated no more than once every 3 months.

Reading the plot

“Water-sister, water, my little water, you ran through the mountains and through the valleys, landed along the paths and through the forests. Where those fields and meadows and steep banks are, there you were. Many times, sister water, water, my water, you met a new dawn, you saw off the dark night, and with each dawn you had to wash your face, you had to be illuminated by the sun, you had to cleanse yourself with white light. So cleanse me, wash away the trouble from my soul, wash away other people’s evil, cleanse my body, water, water, my sister. So that everything in my life shines with light, goes well, is filled with success! Amen".

In winter, this ritual must be carried out outdoors, but you need to douse yourself with water at home. If well-being needs to be attracted to the whole family, water is used for evening washing of all family members.

Ritual with fresh bread

A spell for fresh bread helps to attract not only good luck, but also peace of mind. Better bake some bread with my own hands. Bread with additives or seasonings cannot be used for the ceremony.

A ritual at work to promote a position or raise your salary helps. At work, you should treat your colleagues and superiors to the enchanted bread in order to put them in a favorable mood.


A ritual for success at work should be performed if the family is in poverty. To improve the quality of life, it is better to use simpler rituals with water or a coin. Early in the morning, before sunrise, you need to go outside with a loaf or a piece of bread and, while it is dark outside, read the “Our Father” prayer 4 times, bowing after each time to the side of the light.

Reading the plot

“Lord our God, Jesus Christ, as you fed the poor with five loaves, so feed me, feed my family. Give me satiety, give me joy. Now turn luck to me, free me from all troubles. If grief comes to me, turn it away. Let the path of satiety and joy open to my home, let the money come to me, and I promise to spend it wisely. Good comes to me, good comes to my family. To my words the key and the lock. Amen".

The charmed piece of bread must be eaten immediately. The enchanted loaf should be distributed to household members or those whose favor you want to gain.

To attract constant income to the family for dinner in the evening, you should put pieces of meat on the charmed bread.

To attract prosperity to your home and save accumulated money, you can use a spell for refined sugar. You need to select fresh sugar that has not spoiled or lost its snow-white color.

Popular and effective conspiracies for sugar:

  • to attract clients;
  • to attract monetary luck;
  • to attract quick money.

Rituals with refined sugar can only be performed on a waxing moon. In case of an urgent ceremony, sugar can be replaced with homemade honey from your own apiary or from the apiary of relatives and friends.

A ritual to attract new clients

A money plot for entrepreneurs is closely related to a plot to attract clients. Fulfill magical effect it needs to be late in the evening in a sparsely populated place (if success is touted to the enterprise, you need to wait until it closes). You can repeat the ritual no more than 2 times a year.


For the ritual you will need a pinch of sugar or a spoon of honey. The attribute must be charged at the workplace during the day. When the sun rises, you need to find a secluded place from which most of the room can be seen.

Reading the plot

“Just as sugar is sweet on the lips, so my life will become sharply sweet. Where I leave sugar, new people will come, hurry up and part with their money - for my good. And with each new day there will be more of them, and the money that comes will bring me happiness. Amen".

After the ritual, sugar should be scattered in corners and walls and left there for a day. When using honey, you must carefully coat the walls with it so that no one notices the stains.

The conspiracy begins to work from the first day - new clients and potential partners will appear at the enterprise.

Ritual to attract money

For this ritual, you need to pour granulated sugar into a jar and leave a spoon in it. During the ritual, the sugar must be stirred well in a clockwise direction - this will charge it with the necessary energy. The spell must be repeated at least 3 times: the more a person says the magic words, the more powerful the ritual will work.

Reading the plot

You can perform the ritual at home. Once alone, you need to read the words of the conspiracy:

“Like white sugar is sweet, so is my friend, my assistant. Make my life just as sweet, protect it from bitterness, sweeten all difficulties. Amen".

After the ritual, the charmed sugar should be used to prepare treats or added to coffee or tea. Sugar should be used as often as possible.

Ritual for attracting quick money

An effective Vanga conspiracy can be carried out with paper money. This ritual uses visualization - a person imagines future profits and calculates them for specific purchases. You need to write down your wishes on a piece of paper, then fold the sheet and put it in a new concert along with a banknote of any denomination. At the end, you need to pour a little granulated sugar into the envelope.

Reading the plot

You need to say the magic words on the sealed envelope:

“As my life will be sweet, as my life will be smooth, so there will be a lot of prosperity in it. White pure sugar – white clean life. Abundance awaits me. Amen".

Until the wish is fulfilled, the enchanted envelope should be carried with you or kept at home in a place where the conspirator often visits. When the wish comes true, the envelope must be burned on the street and the ashes scattered.


Rituals for attracting money and success can be used for yourself and for the whole family. For effective results, magical attributes are used. Vanga's rituals are considered the most powerful. Best time for their implementation - the period of the waxing moon.

Vanga, without a doubt, was a real clairvoyant with very powerful energy. Many Vanga's prayers and spells still help people find happiness(both moral and material) in life. In this article I will talk about strong prayer, thanks to which you can achieve good luck and get a lot of money. This prayer is suitable for any person, regardless of his religion. The main thing is to tune in to the right wave, to penetrate and ask not only in words, but also with your soul, with every cell of your body. And when you read the prayer exactly like this, having tuned in and prepared for it, luck will definitely turn its face towards you and you will find the money you want. And I will teach you how to do it right.

Text of prayer for money and luck

Vanga’s prayer to the “Bright Angel” is short, just a few sentences, so don’t be lazy and learn it by heart. You should not read it from a piece of paper, it will not increase your chances of success. So, let's move on to the texts of the prayer:

“Angel of Light, looking at us from above. I bow before you, I will turn to you with a request. Help me find luck and get rich, I am not looking for wealth for the sake of evil, but to live a calm and prosperous life. Angel of Light, my fate depends on your help, Just as the sun is important for light, so is your help important to me. Bring good luck to me, for the sake of everything, I ask, bring it, amen.”

As you can see, the prayer is simple, it is also very easy to learn, just read it several times.

Now let's talk about how to pray to be heard and helped with your request.

How to pray?

As I wrote above, it is very important to tune in. Think about the good, the bright, about what good things you will spend the money you receive on. Don’t think about anything bad, you need to feel this state when you think about good things. Feel the energy that permeates your entire body, feel your condition. It is with this state and energy that you need to read Vanga’s prayer.

But this is not just reading a prayer; you will need to read a prayer on the water (ordinary pure water). To pray, you need to get up in the morning, preferably early in the morning. Pour a glass of water and go out onto the balcony (or onto the veranda if you live in individual house). Stand for a few minutes, breathe in the fresh air, look at the sun, feel the energy and the state that I wrote about above. And when you are ready, read the prayer three times, holding a glass of water in front of you. After you read it three times, you can drink the water.

Very important: you need to pray immediately after you wake up (wash, have breakfast, and also do other morning routine needed after prayer).

According to the effectiveness of Vanga’s prayer, the result is usually a sudden arrival big money comes a few weeks after you start praying. It is advisable to pray every day, this will speed up getting a positive result. Money can come to you from any direction. Perhaps you will win the lottery, or make a successful bet on sports. Or maybe some very distant relative will leave you a large inheritance. In general, the ways in which money comes in can be very different, don’t worry about this - if good luck comes to a person, then everything will be fine.

The self-fulfilling prophecies of the great Bulgarian healer and seer Vanga still do not leave anyone indifferent. Especially if these are conspiracies from Vanga carried out with money and aimed at attracting and increasing wealth and material well-being.

Strong spells for money and luck from Vanga

At the very beginning, let’s imagine Vanga’s money plot, which will allow you to attract material well-being. They recite the words of the conspiracy in the morning, without eating anything before the ritual - they perform it over a piece of black bread.

You are our Lord, Almighty Jesus Christ - you fed the people with 5 loaves, satisfy me and my family, turn me to good luck, turn away the bitter grief of people. Let the path of satiety, let money flow like a river - I promise to spend it wisely, increasing it to our Lord and for the glory.

After reading it, it’s worth eating - they do everything in silence and always alone, preferably during the week and not on a major church holiday.

To bring prosperity into your home and make your life well-fed, they perform the following ritual. They cast a spell on a tuft of wool or fur and say over it:

“You are a sheep, you walked around the white world - you wore a warm fur coat. A warm and rich fur coat came to my house - it brought me prosperity, to everyone’s surprise, but to my benefit. The words are strong and light.”

Hide the charmed wool in a place hidden from everyone - keep it there for a year, then repeat the spell again.

Prayer for water - no less strong ritual from Vanga. To carry it out, at dawn, pour water into a glass and leave it in the sun until lunchtime - at noon you should say the following words over it:

“You are a great spirit of water - save me from evil misfortune. Show me a bright favor - save me from illness, give me good luck, and love from God and people.”

Afterwards, take 7 sips and pour the rest on your head..

Friday money plot

The ceremony is performed on the night from Friday to Saturday - go to bed, visualize the amount of money you need for this moment. While visualizing money, say the following phrase out loud 9 times:

“So my desire is strong, as I want, so it will be.”

After that, go back to bed and set your alarm for the earliest possible time, before sunrise. When it rings, go out into the street and when the first ones appear sun rays, at dawn say:

“I got up in the morning so that the sun would give me strength. Rays of the sun from the east - fulfill my wishes. I need…..a sum of money… - I’m sure you’ll tell me where to get it.”

They say the words three times, and soon you will definitely receive the amount of money you need - this ritual can be repeated, but not earlier than after 3 months.

Conspiracy with holy water for money

For this conspiracy, you need to collect holy water in the temple and perform the ritual itself the next morning. The main thing is not to eat or drink anything before performing it - perform the ritual on an empty stomach. They put bread and water on the table and say:

“Since the Lord has already fed the hungry people with bread, he can help me too. I want to not need anything - show me the path to prosperity, so that I will accept it wisely.”

They read the words three times and after the third time they drink water and divide the bread among all family members - they must eat it, but at the same time it’s not worth saying that he’s a talker.

Doorway spell for good luck

So that luck and success in finance literally enters your home - conduct magic ritual on doorjamb. The conspiracy helps to protect the house from financial collapse and lack, poverty - to carry it out on the waning Moon, it is worth saying the following words three times so that they do not hear you:

“In my house there will be only luck - as many people cross my threshold. From now on the evil one will not pass, and wealth will visit my house.”

Wet your hand in water and cross the door three times And be sure to sprinkle the threshold a little, which will protect your home from evil, leaving positive energy in it.

If you want constant success, especially in financial matters, start your morning by waking up and get up on your right foot, and only then put your left foot on the floor. To increase financial wealth– keep small money from other countries as talismans, preferably silver or silver-colored.

Do not leave it in especially overnight. dining table half-eaten, broken and bitten bread, do not throw away dried or spoiled crust. It's better to feed them to animals. But if prosperity has turned away from you, sprinkle salt on the windowsill and leave it until things improve, then sweep it into a bag with a broom, but not with your hands, and bury it away from home.

IN New Year- count the big money. But if luck does not favor you, put moss or algae under your carpet. So that money does not leave your home - after the full moon, on the new month, go outside and show the Moon a large amount of money, taking it out of your pocket or wallet. And so that the money stays in your wallet for a long time, put a green mineral in it as a talisman, for example, quartz or turquoise. As an option, wear jewelry with topaz, carnelian and always be framed in precious metal.

You should not put your hat and keys on the table - this promises poverty for your home. Also, you should not leave a knife stuck in the bread - this promises, in addition to poverty, great losses and illness. You should not give the money you received as change when buying bread and salt to the poor - you are bringing poverty upon yourself. You shouldn’t even give away the last little thing left in your wallet as a sacrifice - this is how you give away your luck.

If you bought a new wallet for money, put some expensive gold jewelry or a coin in it for a while, which will attract wealth and good luck. You should never roll a paper bill into a tube and store it in your wallet - it should lie flat in your wallet or bag. Besides, great Vanga I always said that there should be objects in the house that serve as a magnet for money. And these include:

  1. Felt boots - they serve as a container for happiness and gifts of fate and simply attract abundance into the house.
  2. Fish scales - in their shape and color they resemble small coins and therefore attract money with this appearance.
  3. Specially charmed money is like an amulet that anyone can make. Just put the money under the light of the Moon, and then leave the room so as not to see how the magic works. You should carry them in your wallet without spending them for a month - at the end of the period, buy candles with them in the temple.

As we see, everything is simple and easy, but the wisdom of our ancestors will always allow us to live in abundance and not know poverty, while helping ourselves and loved ones. And the main thing is sincere help to the disadvantaged - the benefit returns doubly and to your own home and wallet.

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