Why do they spoil a dead body? Damage to poor health

Official medical statistics do not take into account the deaths of patients from damage to death, the symptoms of which resemble acute systemic diseases. When suddenly a young man, full of energy, passes away, burning from an aggressive form of cancer or acute heart failure, the first thought that comes to mind is: “someone did a fatal damage to him.” People most often die prematurely due to negative program, which contained information on the closure of chakras, damage to the psyche and internal secretion organs, which leads to death. Ordinary people often refuse to believe the symptoms indicating the infliction of fatal damage, try to treat emerging diseases with the help of traditional medicine and lose this battle for their happy life, despite the fact that signs of black damage can be seen and neutralized.

What is damage?

Damage to death is one of the most dangerous types of negative programs that are introduced into a person’s biofield using magical rituals. Since the very beginning of civilization, irrational fear of magical manifestations has been in the human subconscious. A bunch of different stories about supernatural beings living in the Lower Astral and devouring the energy of a spoiled person, cause fear of incomprehensible phenomena in people far from esotericism. All incomprehensible incidents related to demonism and causing negative emotions, stimulate the instinct of self-preservation and promote the production of adrenaline. Every inexplicable incident that has occurred in a person’s life forces one to analyze the current situation in search of signs of damage caused to death.

Black magic has mechanisms with which you can break through any energy protection. To work on a given task, one master or a group of magicians can work, who decided to join forces to prove to themselves and people what energy power they possess. To inflict fatal damage, the following are used:

  • things and objects taken from the world of the dead;
  • binding a living organism to a deceased person;
  • dolls with organic inclusions of the victim;
  • runic formulas;
  • linings;
  • rituals involving the Lower Forces;
  • zombification;
  • conspiracies of the victim's things.

The introduction of a demon from the Lower Astral that pushes a person to commit suicide refers to professional work black magician Such a ritual cannot be performed elderly woman, who had read various recommendations and decided to take revenge on her neighbor.

As a result of the work of a black magician with corrupt people, accidents occur with fatal, suicides caused by unexpected clouding of reason, terrible accidents. The magician who cast the spell must be strong enough and know all the intricacies of the process, because such work is difficult to apply. It requires summoning the spirits of death using magical instruments, which not everyone is allowed to do with impunity.

How to determine the presence of fatal damage

The evil caused by the Lower Forces has many faces, but where there is death that did not occur from old age, everywhere one can suspect the negative impact of damage done to death. Black magic always affects the psyche, which leads to inhibition of personal development, degradation and suicide, as the final chord of a destructive program.

A person suffering from such vices as greed, deceit, and fierce hatred of other people is possessed by demons. Such personal characteristics indicate that he suffered from a death spell done while he was still in the womb. Negative programs imposed on the fetus greatly influence the development of personality. Pathologies of mental development are often observed in children whose mothers tried to get rid of the fetus, but they did not succeed for reasons beyond their control.

Accidental murder in everyday life often occurs due to damage done to death. A corrupted person attracts robbers, thieves, hooligans, whose consciousness has long been enslaved by the Lower Forces and is in an altered form.

Important: A person who has pure, well-pumped energy and actively believes in God will always escape from mortal danger, because his inner strength is felt from a distance and stops the villains.

In order not to allow the mechanism of fatal damage to completely destroy the body systems responsible for the vital functions of the body, you need to learn how to diagnose negative programs with the introduction of larva based on the primary symptoms.

Signs of damage caused to death

The presence of fatal damage can only be determined if a person is accustomed to listening to his intuition, inner voice, and leading a healthy lifestyle. Anyone who monitors the state of his body and soul will not be able to ignore the initial attack of an unknown disease that has affected the body.

Negative programs most often cause diseases resulting from damage to the chakras responsible for the functioning of the endocrine system. A person's biochemical processes are disrupted, and he experiences severe torment from this. One of the signs indicating fatal damage is the absence of a confirmed diagnosis during the onset of acute symptoms of an unknown disease. Doctors suspect several diseases, but gradually rule them out because the main symptoms do not correspond to the preliminary diagnosis.

The use of traditional treatment regimens for such diseases is useless, and the person gradually fades away until someone thinks to send him for diagnosis and treatment to a proven magician. He diagnoses magical effects and selects a method for removing damage to death. With a strong biofield, which is difficult to immediately hit, which happens in men of reproductive age, insomnia is observed. It is accompanied by periodic lapses into sleep, where a person is haunted by the same type of nightmare visions.

You can suspect that damage has been done to death by the sudden appearance of suicidal thoughts. If depressive thoughts were previously absent, then their presence can be explained by the negative impact of the inhabited entity. Constant failures in everyday affairs should alert you. These may be signs of the evil eye, which should be distinguished from damage caused to death. The evil eye can be washed off with holy water by washing your face. It is removed after listening to the mantra, or the sound of the sound “Om”.

Damage to death cannot be gotten rid of so easily. With it, a situation arises when everything that has been done previously falls apart, there is a feeling that the created world is collapsing, and a feeling of hopelessness is so deep that thoughts appear that push towards suicide. The loss of a loved one who suddenly ends the relationship and leaves without explanation can also indicate damage. If a relationship between a woman and a man was dear to her, and everything suddenly turned bad, this may be the intervention of a negative force that is trying to lead the person to death by any means.

Emotional outbursts, usually unusual for humans, must be analyzed. Under the influence of damage, the psyche always becomes unstable, because disrupted metabolic processes interfere nervous system work with signals correctly. A corrupted person experiences inexplicable outbursts of rage or fear.

How to confirm or refute doubts

To understand how true the suspicions about existing damage are, you need to conduct a diagnosis. The first method is very simple. With its help, you can find out whether mortal damage has been cast on you. To work, you need to take a glass of salted water and put out three burnt matches in it. They are thrown into the water and observed: if they drowned, then damage has been caused, or there have been attempts at negative interference in the biofield.

The second method gives a more complete picture of the state of the energy shell. To obtain the information you will need 1 fresh fertilized egg and a stable glass of salt water. Take a container and fill it two-thirds with salted water, then crack the egg into it, making sure that the yolk remains intact. After this, sit upright with your spine straight. The head is held as if someone had hung it from the top of the head to the sky. This pose promotes the most complete circulation of energy throughout the body.

Place a glass of water and an egg on the crown of your head and sit there for three minutes without moving. During this time, the protein must absorb information from the upper chakra, which, in the event of fatal damage, is blocked by a curse. Next, the glass is removed from the head and its contents begin to be examined:

  • A clean, transparent white and an unbroken yolk can be considered an excellent result, since this indicates that no magical effects were performed.
  • Columns in a glass mean manipulations with subtle bodies.
  • Weakly visible vertical columns indicate minor magical effects.
  • Volumetric dark pillars indicate a strong negative program.
  • Cobwebs speak of weak magical effects, including the infliction of damage by a weak, incompetent magician.
  • Bubbles in the protein indicate that the energy field has been manipulated, which can lead to illness or business failure.
  • Black spots in the yolk of an egg are a bad sign. It can be assumed that a type of death damage was used using cemetery paraphernalia, and the ritual was performed by an experienced and powerful magician. The effect of such damage is delayed in time, but it can lead to death if left unattended.
  • If the protein forms many threads and bubbles, then the person being tested has several negative programs, one after another, introduced to enhance the damage to death. The thicker the threads, the more slander was made.
  • When the white covers the yolk with a dome, it can be assumed that there is a generational curse that overlaps life paths and prevents you from achieving your final goal. With such damage along the cursed line, in men or women, there are always deaths that occurred for one reason.
  • Green and gray spots in the protein are a cause for serious concern. We need to sound the alarm and contact specialists. The damage could be caused by a very powerful dark magician who specializes in curses and the whole mechanism of damage to death is well known to him.

This diagnostic method allows you to determine the source of damage and its strength, which makes it possible to quickly contact a specialist for qualified help. If you try to remove damage done to death on your own, you will waste time.

Removing damage to death

There are many rituals used to remove damage. They differ in methods and methods of application, but real damage with the infusion of entities can only be removed if complex treatment. Lower Powers can be driven out not only with the help of ritual fire, conspiracies, traps, but also with the use of Christian prayers, the sign of the cross and the pectoral cross.

The clergy support the common people in the opinion that there is damage to death, and the entities that become attached to a person who is far from Faith and God’s Arbitrary are to blame for this. Liberation from the negative attachments of damage to death requires a lot of time and long work to cleanse the aura and return to the protection of the Almighty.

Rituals for removing severe damage to death exist in black and white magic, as in all religions. A corrupted person must choose between a black magician, a healer and the church. Christian religion declares that only within the walls of temples can a person be completely freed from demonic obsession. The Holy Fathers believe that a frightened but not expelled demon will bring with him several more like him, which will worsen mental condition person. Then the person affected by the damage begins to develop symptoms of split personality, strange visions, and an increased tendency to drugs and alcohol.

White magic rarely helps in eliminating an entity. The job of a white magician is to normalize energy flows using various methods. He is unable to fight aggressive larvae. Success in treatment will be achieved if the healer has several well-developed gifts and knows the basics of black and white magic. Then he will be able to solve all the tasks assigned to him.

Black magicians believe that their experience in working with evil spirits allows them not only to release evil spirits and drive them to the right person, but also to remove it and expel it back to the Underworld. Fighting deadly damage at home is difficult and dangerous. A person who does not know the intricacies of work can transfer the damage to himself and then get sick. When cleaning yourself, it is not enough to remove the damaged aura like a stocking and burn it in the fire. You need to break the ties and transfer them to the one who did it. If the master is hiding in the shadows and it is impossible to identify him, then the negative program must be transferred to a dry tree, a black animal, or your enemy. Often mortal damage is driven away to the swamp with the help of a conspiracy, but all this can be done by a knowledgeable person.

If you have energetically strong man who knows the secrets of black magic will have an increased interest in the victim, he will constantly repeat his ritual, increasing the number of negative connections, returning the damage. In this case, a person must energetically hide, and he can only do this himself, using special techniques that are used when working with chakras.

If you discover symptoms of damage done to death, decide as soon as possible who you need to turn to for help. If you use the contact information on our website for this, you will receive qualified assistance in getting rid of entities and you will have best protection from returning damage.

Damage is a negative impact on a person, which is the result of a black magic ritual. Purposeful negativity is very dangerous and, if it is not removed in time, a person’s life can be completely destroyed. Exists great amount different types of damage. These are, for example, impacts that lead to loneliness, career destruction and even death. But the signs of damage on a person are always very similar and recognizable. Therefore, diagnosing the presence of negativity on your own will not be difficult.

The presence of a negative program on a person can be indicated by various everyday signs that are difficult to miss. It should be remembered that damage is often caused through the lining. Therefore, a variety of objects found at your doorstep, or at spring cleaning in the house should give rise to the idea of ​​an energy attack. You should also know that damage to the house leads to the fact that holy water spoils in the home and a huge number of insects appear.

The fact that a believer has stopped visiting the temple should also be alarming. This usually happens when severe damage. In addition, it begins in people under the influence of someone else's negative energy, there is discomfort from the cross on the body.

Main symptoms

Despite the fact that the evil eye and damage are significantly different in their power of influence, they manifest themselves with similar signs on the physical and psychological levels. The stronger the negative impact, the more pronounced the signs of damage and the evil eye. Therefore, in cases where the victim herself tries not to notice them, close people should pay attention to the change in the character and condition of the person and try to help him.

Damage is classified:

    By the direction of its impact; By the essence of the impact; By the frequency of impact.

In terms of direction, negative programs can be:

    Total, which affect the entire human body and affect all spheres of life. As a rule, such effects destroy the human immune system and his psyche. Developing diseases against their background affect several internal organs and destroy the energy protective field. Local, which affect a specific organ, they affect the energy field in terms of creating protection for a specific area of ​​​​life activity.

At their core, negative programs are divided into two groups:

    Organic. In this case, the body's immune system is destroyed. Activators are bacteria and viruses. Inorganic. In this case, destruction of the human psyche occurs. Such negative programs lead to the destruction of the individual and disruption of his mental balance.

According to the frequency of exposure to damage, they are divided into:

    One-time, which appear after a one-time ritual and act long time.Multiple, which are carried out over a certain time period, and each time the ritual provokes the development of a new disease in the victim.

With any type of damage and the household evil eye, the disorder of the human nervous system becomes noticeable. These are the ones you need to pay attention to.

These are symptoms such as:

    Development of causeless phobias; Insomnia and nightmares. Strange dreams are exhausting and do not allow you to fully rest, which naturally has a negative impact on a person’s well-being; The occurrence of difficulties when concentrating on a specific object, which leads to errors in work; The occurrence of problems during a conversation related to something that does not work out directly look into the eyes of the interlocutor (the effect of shifting eyes). In addition, the repulsive effect occurs due to the fact that the person cannot concentrate on the topic of the conversation; The appearance of visual and auditory hallucinations. Often they appear in the form of the voices of loved ones who have died. Voices suggest certain ideas and actions; The appearance of intolerance to the taste and smell of once-favorite dishes and products; The emergence of hostility towards one’s own reflection in the mirror and complete dissatisfaction with one’s appearance; Depressive state and apathy towards the entire world around; Constant desire to drink alcohol; Desire is in the dark and the emergence of a feeling of irritation from bright light; Problems with others, due to conflict and lack of desire to find a compromise.

A person who cares about his well-being can easily identify the symptoms of damage. But, of course, only a professional can accurately diagnose damage and help get rid of the negative impact.

Psycho-emotional signs of damage are always more pronounced in women. Under the influence of a negative program, representatives of the fair sex always deteriorate relationships with loved ones. Quarrels and conflicts begin at empty space, and there are no explainable reasons for them. In addition, women who are damaged are always dissatisfied with their appearance. They don't like looking at themselves in the mirror.

In the case of the evil eye, these symptoms become less noticeable over time, but with damage they get worse.

Almost at the same time as disturbances in the nervous system due to damage or the evil eye, a significant deterioration in health is observed, which is expressed, first of all, by an inexplicable loss of strength. In addition, with normal nutrition, significant weight loss occurs. A sign of the presence of a negative effect is also the fact that when contacting doctors, no changes in the body are detected. And when health is damaged, diseases develop latently and are diagnosed at a late stage, when treatment turns out to be useless.

The following should be on your guard:

    Poor blood clotting; Sudden attacks of suffocation or difficulty breathing; Sudden destruction of all teeth at once; Rapid weight loss or gain with a moderate and normal diet; Appearance in large quantities warts or pigment spots on the skin of the body; Rapid growth of body hair in women or baldness in men; Lack of pregnancy for a long time, despite good tests from spouses.

A sign of the presence of a negative program is a loss of strength. When a person feels energetically exhausted, we can conclude that there has been a strong black influence, which is aimed at causing health problems and even death. Loss of vitality is also characterized by love damage.

Often a sign of damage is strong and constant headache, which cannot be removed by any means medicines. It is so exhausting that a person becomes indifferent to everything that happens around him.

Signs of various types of damage

There are many different types of negative influences of directed action, but for all negative programs there are general signs, which allow one to suspect damage. First of all, a prolonged streak of bad luck should alert you. A person can be consumed by troubles that haunt him every day. With severe damage, problems affect all areas of life.

In addition, the consequences of negative influence are various phobias. The person becomes paranoid and experiences auditory and visual hallucinations. In addition, he cannot cross the threshold of the church and pick up any church attributes.

Against the background of corruption, a person’s character changes. This leads to the fact that his relationships with the people around him deteriorate. There is also a revision life values, which causes bewilderment among loved ones.

Black magic rituals are very widely used, with the help of which damage to health is caused. The peculiarity of this negative program is that it starts working immediately. As a rule, it is expressed in a sharp deterioration in health, but the cause cannot be established even with the help of the most modern methods traditional medicine. Usually doctors in this case attribute all complaints to your suspiciousness. Damage to health leads to the development of various oncological diseases or heart diseases, which are determined only at a late stage, when nothing can be done.

Pay attention to the following physical signs:

    Diseases develop quickly and take a person by surprise; The use of classical treatment methods does not give positive results; The person is pessimistic and does not strive to overcome the disease; Reluctance to live and the appearance of thoughts of suicide; The occurrence of attacks of aggressiveness towards loved ones.

Also, if you suspect that your health has been damaged, you should pay attention to the following symptoms:

    Shifting pupils and the inability to concentrate on looking at one point; Sharp weight loss; A feeling that the body is “drying out” from the inside; Feelings of acute loss of strength after minor physical exertion.

Damage to health is one of the most dangerous negative programs. If it is not removed in a timely manner, it can be fatal.

Another common negative impact is money damage. Signs of damage to a person in this case are noticeable at first glance. The negative impact, as a rule, is of people who, despite all the attempts made to get rich in all their endeavors, suffer complete failure.

Other symptoms of money damage are:

    The emergence of difficulties in finding a job, despite high qualifications; Internal insurmountable fear of promotion; Constant scandals in the family due to financial difficulties.

Very often, a negative program leads to the fact that a prosperous person begins to have problems with work, which is the main source of his income. For example, this could be dismissal, a significant decrease in the number of clients, and for private entrepreneurs - bankruptcy.

The life situation develops in such a way that a person cannot get out of debt. Moreover, this may be due to various reasons, and not just due to the lack of regular income. It’s just that situations constantly arise that require a large investment of money. This may be the need to purchase expensive medications or urgent car repairs. In addition, against the backdrop of a negative program, a person is haunted by frequent accidental losses. For example, this could be losing a wallet or meeting a pickpocket.

Against the background of damage to money, a person’s character can change. He becomes wasteful and spends money on absolutely unnecessary and useless things. In addition, he loses interest in work, and all new endeavors end in complete failure.

When damaged by loneliness, all its signs, to one degree or another, relate to personal life. This:

    An inexplicable sudden loss of interest by the victim in people of the opposite sex; Casual acquaintances stop very quickly; Constant apathy and reluctance to communicate with people.

Among the physical signs of damage to loneliness, the following can be noted:

    The appearance of age spots on the face; Infertility, the causes of which are not explained by traditional medicine after diagnosis; The feeling that you are having an intimate relationship during a dream; Dissatisfaction after sex.

As a rule, people with the curse of loneliness do not have permanent partners, despite the fact that they do not have any physical defects. Chronic failures in their personal lives make them complex. They have low self-esteem, which only worsens the condition. The curse of loneliness is not easily removed, so for this it is better to turn to professionals.

Signs of damage to death

The most dangerous and difficult to remove is damage to death. Such a negative program can be removed without consequences only by early stages. Therefore, it is important to know what signs may indicate its presence.

Under the influence of damage to death, a person’s health condition sharply deteriorates. If you have any chronic diseases, they all get worse. The person feels very tired and weak, although he does not find reasons that could explain his condition.

Black-directed effects on death can also provoke the development of serious diseases that cannot be treated by modern traditional medicine. Such diseases are usually associated with severe pain that cannot be relieved by any medications.

When spoiled to death, a person often finds himself in situations that pose a threat to life. So, he can become a participant or witness an accident almost several times a month.

Damage to a family is in many ways similar to damage to relationships; it leads to a person becoming lonely. Therefore, you need to know the special symptoms of such a negative program in order to diagnose it in a timely manner.

You can suspect damage to the family based on the following basic signs:

    Constant quarrels and scandals that arise for any reason and cannot be resisted; Frequent nervous breakdowns in spouses; Increased irritability of partners; Suspiciousness, mistrust, intolerance and suspicion of spouses towards each other; Acute jealousy on the part of one of the spouses, against the background of which conflicts arise ;Aggression and assault; Frequent infidelity; Problems arising in the family budget.

All of the above manifestations of damage to the family sooner or later lead to divorce. There comes a time when, under the influence of negativity, even in the most strong family Between sincerely loving partners, a wall of complete misunderstanding of each other arises. Aggression, jealousy, as well as other ugly and unpleasant feelings completely destroy relationships and leave no hope for the return of feelings and restoration of relationships. People cannot understand each other, moreover, they do not even make attempts to establish relationships. As a result, after a certain time they become complete strangers.

Damage to a family is also accompanied by various everyday signs.

Among them, the following symptoms are obvious:

    In the living areas of the house, indoor flowers begin to disappear, and newly planted plants do not take root; Pets behave very aggressively; cats react especially sharply to damage to cats, whose behavior becomes very aggressive; bad smell mold, dampness appears; From time to time, sounds of unknown origin are heard in the house.

Signs of damage and the evil eye can also appear in everyday life. Very often, various insects and rodents appear in the house of a person who has been subjected to an energy attack. Moreover, it is very difficult to lime them.

There are a lot of options for the manifestation of damage. It often happens that a person, having recovered from one disease, becomes ill again. Moreover, the secondary disease in this case is more serious. This is evidence of the presence of a negative program, and also indicates that the ill-wisher does not let you out of sight and seeks to seriously harm you. He is next to you and collects information about how much your natural energy can resist damage. Once he realizes that she is weakened, he will attempt a strong energy strike.

Remember that any strange objects thrown under the door or a rusty nail driven into the jamb front door, cannot be an accident. They are a lining that exudes negative energy that destroys the protective energy field. You should also pay attention if one of your guests forgets or compulsively leaves something as a gift that is not dedicated to any event.

It is very important, having discovered signs of negative influence, to diagnose damage and the evil eye. For self-diagnosis, you can use different methods. The most informative are the rituals using fresh chicken egg or natural wax. But if you doubt your own abilities, then it is better to turn to professional magicians to determine damage. They will not only diagnose the presence of a negative program, but will also suggest the most suitable method for removing damage or the evil eye in a particular case.

It is necessary to remove damage, since a negative program takes away positive energy from a person and causes irreparable harm to health. You should know that damage must be removed using special magical rituals. Even a weak negative impact of a targeted action can, over time, lead to irreversible consequences and completely destroy a person’s life.

There are many ways to remove negativity that can be used at home. But in very severe cases, you need to contact professionals.

Simple ways to clean up spoilage

If the damage was caused by an enemy without the help of a professional, then it can be removed quite simply. But with a powerful negative impact, which was directed by an experienced magician, any independent magical actions can only worsen the condition. Therefore, to remove negativity, you will definitely need to use the services of a white magician.

To remove light damage, you can use the following simple methods:

    For seven days, drink a glass of holy water and wash your face with it morning and evening. After which, read the well-known prayer “Our Father” several times; Every morning, stand under running cold water; If health allows, then winter time You must take all precautions to swim in an open ice hole.

To enhance the effect of the above methods, you should first fast for several days. This will lead to additional cleansing of the body and will contribute to the speedy restoration of the protective functions of the energy field.

After the damage is removed, positive changes occur in a person’s energy aura. Negativity is removed from the energy shell, and it restores its protective functions. The resulting voids are filled with good energy. You should know that if damage has already damaged certain organs, then recovery is slow.

After removing the damage

If the damage was successfully removed, then for a person such an action does not happen without a trace. Symptoms of removing a negative program are as follows:
    Dizziness and nausea; Weakness; The desire to go to bed, accompanied by yawning; Blood pressure surges; Stomach upset; Some internal emptiness.
The stronger the damage, the more acutely the above symptoms will appear. You should be aware that symptoms may take several days to become apparent. During this period, a person who has gotten rid of the negative program will see the world in gray colors. After this time, the world will again be painted in bright colors and the person will begin to understand that the world around him is beautiful. After the damage is removed, you must try not to communicate with any strangers for three days. You must remember that the energy shell has not been fully restored and you are still very vulnerable. It is recommended to be in a calm state and get plenty of sleep, as sleep fills the body with strength. Under no circumstances should you drink alcoholic beverages, as they will delay recovery. If you are a believer, then you need to pray, and after three days you should definitely visit the temple and light a candle for your own health. To prevent the energy attack from happening again, you need to take care to put up protection. You can do this yourself by performing special rituals. But if you are not confident in your own abilities, then you need to seek help from a professional.

The question of how to spoil death periodically interests many of us. It should be said that this is a very dark section of magic and many people are not able to perform such a ritual. In addition, do not forget that in the end you may experience a rollback of black magic, which will hit you as a performer. Therefore, we advise you to think carefully about whether you hate a person so much as to wish him death and yourself retribution for witchcraft.

Hatred rightfully ranks second among the most powerful human emotions, second only to love. A person is ready to do anything just to win the heart of a loved one or cause trouble for an enemy. Love spells are a relatively harmless thing, which cannot be said about damage to death.

Damage to death is the highest point of black magic; there is no witchcraft stronger than it. It is applied to an enemy for only one purpose - to kill a person, and this is equivalent to murder. Such rituals do not go unnoticed on your energy field, leaving an indelible mark on it. In addition, you may suffer from kickback, which overtakes you if all the conventions of the ritual were not met or your death spell was successfully removed.

Types of damage

There are many ways to spell death on your enemy. Some of them are less painful, others involve death in agony. Many ancient rituals of such a curse have already been lost to our generation, but they are being replaced by conspiracies using modern technologies.

The most common types of damage to death include the following types of rituals:

  • Damage to death from a photo.
  • Damage using cemetery elements.
  • Damage to death over the phone.

Damage from a photograph

Damage to death using photography has long been considered the easiest ritual to perform, but at the same time the most effective. Also, get a photo of your enemy in modern world There will be absolutely no difficulty, which greatly simplifies the curse process.

The most a simple ritual for death, which does not require additional knowledge and skills from you, is considered a ritual during which a photograph of your enemy is placed in the coffin of the deceased, right during the burial ceremony. This method is most often used by beginners in magic.

Such a photograph can be placed anywhere in the coffin, but the greatest effectiveness is achieved if it is placed near the heart of the deceased. It will be quite difficult to remove such a curse.

Another way to create damage to death from a photo is to bury a photograph of an enemy in the ground at the grave.

To perform the ritual you will need the following items:

  • Black headscarf.
  • A photo of your enemy, preferably a recent one.
  • New needle.
  • Wax candle.
  • A few coins.

You will need to find a recent grave in the cemetery of a deceased person whose name matches the name of your enemy. Such a burial should not be older than one month, otherwise its power dries up significantly.

Take a handful of earth from the grave mound and pour it into the scarf you brought with you. Using a needle, make an odd number of punctures in the victim's photo. It is not necessary to accompany them with spoken words, but it is worth putting all your hatred for the person into each blow.

Now you need to fill the entire photo with melted wax, as if sealing the photo along with the soil in a scarf. Tie all the items in cloth and bury them on the same grave. Now you need to leave the cemetery without looking back and without talking to anyone. Choose a different road than the one you came here on.

Count three intersections along the way and throw them out at the last one. left shoulder prepared coins and say one word:

“I paid myself off.”

Thus, you will inflict severe damage on your enemy with a fatal outcome, but at the same time protect yourself from a negative return blow.

Damage through the cemetery

All methods that involve the use of cemetery and burial elements have long been considered the most powerful in Rus'. Ribbons, water used to wash the deceased, or bread from a ritual burial can be used as such linings.

More experienced magicians use more strong ritual, during which an icon from the hands of a recently deceased person is placed in the enemy’s bed. The most important thing is to follow the rule so that the object of the conspiracy does not discover this lining.

The spirit of the deceased will haunt your enemy, driving him crazy and dragging him along with him. But if a person susceptible to damage manages to find this thing and return it to the deceased’s grave, then the damage will automatically transfer to the performer.

Such damage to death is most effective if the name of the deceased coincides with the name of your victim. After such a ritual, the destinies of the deceased and your enemy are closely connected and, if this connection is not broken, the person will rot alive along with the coffin.

Another ritual of causing damage to death through the grave can be the ritual with an abandoned burial, which is carried out over three weeks.

To do this, you need to go to the cemetery and notice a grave that no one has looked after for a long time. It is advisable that even the nameplate is not preserved on it. Now you will need to visit it again on Friday evening, bringing with you a wooden stake made of aspen.

Drive it into the very center of the grave and say these words:

“Friday-Friday, the guide to all unlucky affairs. This is her plan, and the nameless one. I drive a stake at the murderer, I drive death with a stake. Through a nameless suicide bomber, through an aspen stake, I bring trouble to the slave (name of the enemy). Everything is done. Amen".

The phrase is pronounced at least three times, after which the stake is left in the grave for a week. You will have to repeat similar rituals two more Fridays in a row, after which the same stake, cursed to death, is driven into the ground, as close as possible to the home of your enemy.

The effect will be achieved quickly and efficiently.

Modern methods

The technological progress of our time allows us to use previously inaccessible methods in magic. One of them was mobile phone. With its help, you can easily achieve the same thing as with a photograph of a person: unity with his energetic essence. The availability of this approach to inducing damage provides new horizons in the magical sphere.

To carry out the ritual, you will have to prepare in advance. Buy two candles, it is better that they are made of black wax, but this is not important, any will do. In addition, before the ritual, you should go to the cemetery and find the grave of a deceased person whose name matches the name of the curse victim. This burial must include a photo of the deceased. You will need to borrow it for a while. To do this, you should leave a payoff (for example, money or food) at the grave itself, and say the following phrase for the deceased himself:

“I will soon return what I took from you.”

Now you can carefully remove the photo and take it with you. You will also need a lot of land in the same grave. Take a small handful. In order to take it without consequences, you must also leave the ransom and say the following words:

"Take this for yourself."

It should be noted that you should not skimp on the ransom: the deceased must like it, otherwise he will pester you, and getting rid of him is not so easy.

When you arrive home, you should prepare workplace. To do this, set up a table in an empty room and place both lit candles on it. Between them, place a photograph taken from the cemetery, and fill the soil from there. Place your phone next to the photo. Suitable for both mobile and landline. The main thing is that you know for sure that it is the victim of the ritual who will pick up the phone, and not a stranger. The telephone receiver must be directed so that the voice of the person cursed to death is heard directly at the photograph of the deceased.

Say the black words of the conspiracy:

“With mighty and secret forces, in the name of the Spirit of Death, I turn to the Soul (the name of the deceased whose photo is shown). Take to you the one whose voice you hear after mine. Call him over! End this life for him! Suppress his will! Carry out my Will! Let it be so!".

Immediately dial the phone number and, while the beeps are ringing, quickly swap the burning candles, saying the following phrase:

“I don’t send it, but you take it.”

You should not hang up the phone until the interlocutor hangs up the call. There is also no need to talk to him, just as there is no need to turn the phone away from the photo.

Now you need to correctly complete the damage to death. To do this, you need to extinguish the candles in any way other than blowing them out. Cemetery land must be taken out of the house and scattered at any intersection. Actions should be accompanied by a mental image of the victim and the words:

The next step is to return the photograph of the deceased to its place. Securely attach it back in place; you shouldn’t spare any money for this either. When finished, say the words of redemption:

“I’m returning it!”

The candles that remain from the ritual must be divided: leave one of them on the grave of the deceased whose spirit was used in the ritual, and take the other to the church and place it in front of the corresponding icon for the repose of the victim’s soul. If black candles were used, then it is best to let them burn to the ground during the ritual of the death curse itself.

To eliminate possible consequences for yourself, order a magpie in the church in your name.

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you today what to do if enemies, envious people, or rivals have caused damage to death? Fair question. People, having learned from a real magician about the damage caused to death, fall into frenzy and despair. Horror, that’s what ordinary people feel at such news. It was as if the sentence had been read to them. And, meanwhile, even the most powerful and strongest damage to death can be removed and neutralized. And professionally practicing magicians know how to do this.

In the old days, those who actually practiced witchcraft had in reserve a clip of far from good rituals, black conspiracies for the quick death of a person. Not only magicians who devoted themselves entirely to magic knew about such matters, but also those who were from ancient, strong families. Those were troubled times, restless, hungry and restless. Human life was worth little. So they defended themselves as best they could. A black sorcerer could do damage to death through a candle, so much so that the offender burned out like a wax candle, and there was no salvation for him.

Now times are different. But ancient, witchcraft rituals for the death of an enemy are not forgotten by everyone. They use black rituals out of resentment, pain and powerlessness, and often to achieve their goals at any cost. And there is no need to talk about morality and ideology. If it's too much, every person will find an excuse. But, just as there are conspiracies for quick death in black witchcraft, there are also protective ones. conspiracies against mortal damage. They are known and used by powerful sorcerers. I will give one such magical text of the conspiracy in this article - on the ace of spades, protection from mortal damage done by a black sorcerer.

How to accurately determine whether there is damage to death on a person

Inflicting black damage on death. What do ordinary people, ignorant of witchcraft, feel when they hear these words? A chill down the spine, confusion, fear, and... curiosity, and a sinking heart. What today is resoundingly called black magic was preserved and practiced by powerful Russian sorcerers. There were rituals for the good in the arsenal of every magician. But there were others magical rituals, which people shunned and feared more than fire - strong curses for the death of a family, powerful curses for the death of a family, or for the destruction of one person. Black witchcraft is a weapon. Great and elusive, like a word, like an intention, like spirits set on the trail of a victim.

You can determine damage to death by independently resorting to the same rituals as during diagnosis:
  • damage to poverty,
  • to take away health,
  • fading of youth and beauty.

When read, Tarot cards will tell you about the true state of things. The magician you come to with, believe me, will really be able to find out if there is damage to death, and what exactly weighs on the person who comes to him.

However, my articles by the magician Sergei Artgrom are for those who themselves learn to cast magic. Who studies the theory and practices magical rituals independently at home. And now is the time to talk about what symptoms a person may experience of damage to death - a strong curse that shortens a person’s earthly days.

How to find out who made damage to death

Unfortunately, there are no strictly defined signs and signs that will definitely indicate the presence of damage to the death of a person. A person with damage caused to him does not perform any standard actions; in the event of mortal damage, he can behave in the same way as in the case of a sorcerer-induced illness, failure, or when material wealth is taken away magically. And yet, independently, intuitively, without diagnostics, you can more or less find out for sure whether there is damage to death in a patient suffering from some strange and sudden illness. But it is the totality of these signs, and not one taken separately, that gives reason to seek a detailed diagnosis of the damage caused to a person for a quick death.

Here is a list of signs of a fatal curse on a person:

  • apathy and loss of interest in life
  • obsessive thoughts of suicide
  • constant anxiety
  • insomnia or poor sleep
  • fear and nightmares
  • sudden relationship problems
  • sudden deterioration in health
  • ineffective medical care

It happens that fatal damage also affects blood relatives. In general, everything related to magical curses is individual. On different people the negative witchcraft program of damage is worked out in different ways. Hence the different external manifestations. The symptoms of a curse on the death of a person are also very similar.

How does a curse differ from damage to death, do you know?

A curse is a type of damage. It differs in that it is aimed at several people at once. The generational curse is widely known, although you can curse, say, work colleagues. This is not the case with damage; damage to death is directed at one specific person. There are a lot of types of damage inflicted on people, all are different, and have... Some people definitely want to find out who did the damage to death. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, consider this point to be secondary. The main thing is to diagnose fatal damage in time on yourself or another person, and clean out all the negativity without a trace. Save a person.

There are purges that simply destroy the negativity, and there are special ones - with a return, inflicting retribution. In any case, the one who initiated the damage will seriously suffer. If it does not have reliable protection. And those, by the way, who go to sorcerers for magical help, but do not practice themselves, have no protection.

But it is possible to find out who caused the damage to death.

If the task is tough and targeted retribution, it is possible to determine who caused severe damage to death. In addition to diagnosing with Tarot cards and runes, there are also ways to identify the enemy - prophetic dreams, rituals the purpose of which is to force the person who ordered or caused damage to death to prove himself. There can be no mistake here. Having identified your enemy, you can take revenge on him, especially if man died from damage, which was once initiated by that same ill-wisher.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

How to find out whether damage has been caused to death or a negative effect of a different nature?

Everything is done using magical diagnostics of the presence of damage on a person. If the fatal damage is professional, induced, getting rid of it will not be easy. But probably. Any magical negative, even the most dangerous ones, the most powerful spells for death, can be removed. If you turn to the sorcerer in time. It happens that a person with the presence powerful damage falls into the hands of a magician when nothing can be done. Can't help. That's what's offensive.

What else do you need to read about damage to a person’s death?

Having evil, restless ill-wishers, or strong enemies who interfere with your business, or even a rival who, at will, destroyed your relationship with your loved one, and thereby ruined your life, you need to learn to defend yourself from them and put up powerful defenses. And witchcraft damage to death is one of the types of defense, an attack. Today find rituals of corruption for death possible in different books. Many independent rituals of causing damage to death on the Internet are open to public use. People who have little experience in such matters do the most severe damage on their own. And here there is real danger harm yourself. But, there are also true magicians, in whose hands even a seemingly simple witchcraft ritual of causing damage to a serious death can turn out to be a serious weapon of harm or retribution.

And immediately the main question: do they die from damage?

My answer, from the magician Sergei Artgrom: yes. A person in whose field there are hungry ghosts, harmful astral entities, a person who bears the mark of damage and curses may die. It is important, and sometimes simply vital, to be on time recognize damage to death, and thereby save the life of yourself or a loved one.

What are the consequences of damage done to death?

So, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will say right away that I have more than once had to deal with people who are wary, over-trusting and suspicious, who came to me shouting: help, damaged I'm dying! However, in my practice of cases when mortal damage was actually done, and even strong magician, units. Not everyone who uses black rituals of inflicting the most powerful damage on the death of a person is given the ability to quickly put a person in a coffin by conspiracy. And not everyone will do that. Because it's a serious matter.

However, there are precedents, and therefore it would not hurt you to know How long does it take for death damage to appear?. Some signs of severe damage to a person can appear quite quickly, and are no different from damage to health or affecting relationships or financial affairs. Damage done to the death of a person can be realized within a period determined by the magician himself. But here the point is so subtle and quite complex - a person, however, is in some ways stronger than any ordinary person, but still a person. A person who carries damage to imminent death may become seriously ill, but may find himself in situations that threaten his life. But whether the ritual will have time to reach its maximum and be implemented depends on how attentive a person is to himself and those around him, as well as on whether reality allows both the power of witchcraft and the possibility of manifestations of the supernatural, something that is difficult to explain based only on laws physics. And again, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will emphasize that you can die from damage. It is absolutely possible if you miss the time.

Strong damage to death on a needle with wax volt

Here's what you need to prepare for carrying out a ritual of bringing damage to the death of an enemy:

  • piece of natural wax
  • binding the enemy
  • photo of the enemy
  • 3 needles
  • black candle
  • black box

On the waning moon, make a wax figurine of the person on whom they decided to inflict mortal damage. Add natural bindings to the volt. If they are not there, the photo of the enemy is burned, and the ashes are added to the volt. Name it and present it to the world in any way you know how. Before the beginning independent conduct ritual damage to death through needles summon the Dark Forces.

Light a black candle, take the enemy’s volt, read the words of a strong conspiracy to cast a spell on the death of the offender:

“I do not pierce the wax with a point, but I plant a mortal needle in (name)’s heart (insert the needle into the area of ​​the heart). I don’t pierce the wax with a point, but I plant a mortal needle in (name)’s lungs (pierce the lungs). (Take a black candle in your hand and drip needles and volts with melted wax in the place where the needles pierce it). Let (name) wheeze, let his chest hurt, let him find no place for himself, swallow, let him lose his life. Stuffiness, hoarseness, suffocation, death. I seal it with a black seal, in the name of Asmodeus and Astaroth. My word is strong. The mortal needle is sharp, the wax is hot, death (name) is inevitable.”

Volt put in a black box. Look at the candle flame, visualizing the enemy in the coffin, with all the details and external features dead person. A candle in severe damage to death on a needle and volts must burn out. Throw the cinder into the box and say the words of the spell:

“What is extinguished is dead, dead to dead.”

Close the box and hide it in dark place. Don't forget to release the summoned Dark Ones. A payoff for help is needed. Preferably the same night. On day 9, take the box to the cemetery. Work according to witchcraft rules - this is a truism. The grave where the ceremony will be completed must be of the same name. Make a hole in the grave soil and put a volt in it (without a box).

Read the words of an independent conspiracy to cause damage to the death of a person:

“I renounce God and His Life-giving Cross, I surrender myself into the hands of the devils. I bow to the graves, coffins with flowers, coffins with nails, with grave worms, the dead, cold hands, cold feet, closed eyes. Slave (name), lying in the ground (name), take to you the slave (name), walking on the ground. So that it dries up, so that it dies. Powers of Hell, I commend it to you for endless torment. From now on, let her falter, bend over, swear by my word, and the Guardian Angel will retreat from her, and he will not be her deliverer. As this volt will smolder and rot, so will the slave (name) smolder and rot. Beelzebub, Satan, you have been given freedom over her soul. My word and spell are tenacious and molding. Let it be so".

Magical protection against damage to death - cast a spell on the Ace of Spades

There are many protections against damage to the death of a person in the rituals of black magic. There are narrowly targeted ones, but there are more of those that work comprehensively, protecting the wearer from a whole range of witchcraft rituals and conspiracies. Allowing also protect yourself from death damage. And everything is very individual. No one magical ritual never works the same for everyone. Strong protection against causing damage to death is demonic, so I don’t recommend using it with white protections. The conflict will be obvious. There is no conflict with black defenses, but there is no universal recipe.

In the morning you should make this black amulet to prevent deadly damage. Stand on the Ace of Spades card with your right foot, clasp your fingers, and read the spell against damage to the death of a person three times. It will be a good amulet, it will protect you from all witchcraft:

“I trample the black ace, I assert the black power under me. Yes, now I command her with a word, I tell her in a conversation, then if you lie under me, then if you stand under my heel, then you will create a talisman for me, then you will pray to the devil for me, then you will bless the hell for me. Then you can conquer the sky for me, yes, for everything. Yes, you will protect me for all days and years, and protect me with a talisman. That's right. That's strong. Amen".

Read protective spell from damage to death, keep the card with you for 7 days. Then store it among your things. The amulet helps well if you have contact with forces and a predisposition to magic.

Removing damage to death is a complex and painstaking magical process. It will help stabilize a person’s state of mind and return him to normal life.

Have you ever witnessed a complete collapse? human life? Failures in all endeavors, illness, betrayal - it seems that a person is cursed. In such a situation, one thought comes to mind - about an extraneous negative magical influence.

If everything goes badly and there is not a hint of a successful resolution, then we can confidently talk about the evil eye or damage.

Signs of damage

If you are wondering how to get rid of damage, then first you need to make sure that it exists. Exist different kinds negative influences, and damage can be removed different ways using a variety of techniques.

However, there are general signs of the presence of black magical influence, which will initially help in determining it:

Damage to death

a sharp deterioration in health.
Regardless of whether the damage is done to health, luck or death, a clear symptom will be a sharp deterioration in well-being. It can all start with a mild cold due to interference in a person’s energy, and continue with an exacerbation of chronic diseases, which will result in new diseases.

constant fatigue, lethargy, lifelessness.
The person seems tired even if they have not done anything at all or have just woken up. It seems that everything vitality he was abandoned. If the magical effect is not removed, this state will turn into prolonged depression.

loss of interest in life, sudden change of priorities.
If previously a person was distinguished by activity and initiative, then the induced mortal damage can turn him into a weak-willed person who is indifferent to everything.

feeling of approaching death and thoughts of suicide.
Damage can manifest itself in a reluctance to live and in anticipation and anticipation of an imminent end. This is especially true for death rites. That is why the question of how to remove damage to death is quite common and very important, on the answer to which human life may depend.

General signs of the evil eye or damage

strong unreasonable fear.
Sharp manifestations of panic, unreasonable fear of everything, increased suspicion are signs characteristic of magical influence.

nightmares or insomnia.
Sleep problems of various types are clear signs of black magic. They can be expressed in constant drowsiness, when a person sleeps more than expected, insomnia and nightmares.

sudden changes in temperature.
As a rule, this happens suddenly and there are no signs or other symptoms of any disease.

problems with potency and conception.
When an absolutely healthy woman cannot get pregnant or a man suddenly becomes inactive in the sexual sphere, these signs are the first bells of black magic.

fear of church attributes.
It is believed that damage to death causes fear of the church and other symbols of faith. Removing damage helps solve this problem.

constant bad luck in all areas, problems at work and with money.
Even if the ritual was done for death or health, luck always suffers and financial well-being. Since a person cannot concentrate on anything, troubles begin at work, which can lead to dismissal.

We examined the main signs of damage, although when it is done to a specific area of ​​a person’s life, then greatest number troubles happen there. If you remove the damage in time, you can avoid a variety of consequences, the worst of which is the death of a person.

The attitude of animals towards “spoiled”

Pets usually refer to an owner who has been subjected to black magic in a certain way. At first they caress, and then they suddenly run away, hissing and biting. And if street dogs often start barking at you for no reason and mice and cockroaches suddenly appear at home, these are also signs of black magic.

The simplest and most effective method of combating black magic is reading Orthodox prayers. And since removing black damage is a rather lengthy process, which directly depends on the strength of the impact and the experience of the ritual performer.

For this ritual, you need for forty days in a row, without missing a single day, to read the Lord’s Prayer three times before going to bed.

After this period, the damage should recede. Therefore, to the question of how to remove damage, the answer is simple - pray. This is what will help remove any black impact.

How to remove damage with holy water

If you want to learn about how to get rid of damage, then you have probably discovered signs of this black influence in yourself or your loved ones. Removal of damage can be done using holy water. To do this, you need to read the spell on water and spray and give the “spoiled” one to drink for twelve days.

“Holy water, God’s water.
Help remove everything black and evil from the servant of God (name).
So that everything goes away from him and from him into the abyss, into the distant distance,
So that he returns to his old self.
Take away from him severe illnesses, quick death,
Help me.

Removing damage this way will not be difficult. It is enough for the person himself to believe in a speedy recovery and hope for the best.

How to remove spoilage with salt

The powerful energy of salt contributes to the effectiveness of many rituals, and removing damage to death is no exception. For the ritual you will need a grain of salt, for which you need to read the plot at noon:

“White salt, pure salt.
Make sure that the malicious damage recedes
From the servant of God (name), so that she leaves him forever.
So that illnesses and forebodings leave the young body,
Take away bad luck, failure, curses and death from him.
Give him back his life.

After reading the plot, salt must be used in all dishes that are prepared “spoiled”. The removal of damage to death will be possible after a few weeks. If the charmed salt runs out, repeat the ritual.

If it so happens that the question of how to remove damage to death is extremely important for you, the following ritual for removing damage to an egg will completely solve this problem.

To complete this you will need one fresh chicken egg.

To remove damage, you need to run this egg over a person’s body, rolling out all the negativity. At this time you need to read the plot:

“Damage and evil - march into the egg!”

You need to circle the human body with an egg about thirty times, after which the egg, which has collected all the negativity and damage, must be buried in the ground.

Having correctly identified the presence of black magical influence, you can get rid of it quite simply. It is enough to choose the necessary ritual and damage and all misfortunes will remain in the past.

Removing damage - video

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