Fortune telling on a ring with a thread. The most effective and truthful fortune telling on the ring

Fortune telling with a ring will help you find the answer to your question. This fortune telling is universal. With its help, you can find out both about love affairs and a specific situation and about your future in general.

For this fortune telling you will need your ring, which you constantly wear. If you are wearing wedding ring, then this will do. The fortune telling ring must be made of silver or gold. You cannot tell fortunes on someone else's ring, since there will be no energetic connection between you and them. You will also need a transparent glass with clean cold water.

How to tell fortunes on a ring

It is recommended to tell fortunes in the evening, after sunset. Tie your ring to a thin thread and hold it in your left hand for a few seconds. At the same time, you need to think about the problem of interest.

Slowly lower the ring on a string into the water so that the ring does not reach the bottom of the glass by about 2-3 cm. After this, ask your question out loud and begin to observe the movement of the ring. Try not to move your hand.

If the answer to your question involves any numbers, then count how many times the ring hits the wall of the glass. This will be your answer.

If the answer to your question is “yes” or “no,” then watch how the ring moves in the water:

  • In fortune telling, the ring moves in a circle - the answer is positive.
  • If it goes back and forth, then the answer is no.
  • If it stands still and does not move, then your fate will not change in the near future and the thing you have planned will not budge for a long time.

If your question is abstract, for example, you just want to tell fortunes for the near future, then the prediction should also be read from the movement of the ring. Standing still is a bad sign. Walking in circles - success awaits you. Moving back and forth - there will be many obstacles and problems along the way.

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They have been telling fortunes in Rus' since time immemorial. Various methods were used for this; people passed on the essence of each ritual to each other. One of them is fortune telling on a ring. With its help they tried to find out and predict the future. And now this popular and truthful method of our ancestors has not been forgotten to console curiosity and look into the eyes of one’s fate.

Prophet Ring

What did our glorious ancestors want to know when fortune telling on the ring? How many years do you have left to live? To be rich or not? Probably, they wanted to find out this too, but still, it was recognized that fortune telling on a wedding ring was the best way to learn about your spouse and love.

It is not difficult to perform a fortune-telling ritual using this method, but, nevertheless, there are rules, non-compliance with which can distort the information. Fortune telling with a wedding ring and a glass and a thread is not difficult. But it also requires compliance with the rules. And to be completely sure, when fortune telling on a ring, you should strictly adhere to the norms and recommendations given below.

What and how to do when fortune telling on a ring.

Monday has always been and is considered a “heavy” day. This is probably why when fortune telling on a ring the first day of the week should be excluded. Fortune telling will not bring the desired result on Monday. On other days, be it Tuesday or Thursday, you can guess. But still, Friday is considered the most suitable day to look into the future. Try to guess on this day.

So, we have decided on the day of the week, now all that remains is to choose the most appropriate time. Considered the best evening time. But here too there are certain rules. In order to get the most truthful result possible, you should try to perform the ritual late at night. In this case, there is no light, you should forget about light bulbs - only candles, and made of natural wax.

If you wear various jewelry, then before starting fortune telling you need to temporarily remove them all. You should not be wearing earrings, rings, bracelets, or any other valuables. Even religious items are recommended to be removed during the ritual.

Before you begin fortune telling, you need to free yourself from any surrounding objects, for example, remove a belt if you are wearing one.
Hair must be loose and combed.

You have to concentrate extremely hard. And devote yourself to meditation for a few minutes. Focus on what interests you most.
Particular attention should be paid to the ring on which you are going to tell fortunes. It's not
It must be engraved and have some kind of patterns on it. It is better for the ring to be gold, but it must be made of precious metal.

If an unmarried woman is going to tell fortunes, she can borrow an engagement ring from a close relative. It is not forbidden to take your girlfriend's ring. When this is not possible, it is not forbidden to guess on a simple (not wedding) ring. The main thing is that all other requirements are met.

When using the ring of a friend or close relative, it must be rid of foreign energy. There is a special ritual for this. Pure water also purifies. The ring should be lowered into it for an hour or two.

Using a ring and thread

For those who are going to find out when they are lucky enough to walk down the aisle, how many children await them in marriage, best way- fortune telling on a ring with a thread. The ritual is also simple. To complete it you need a crystal glass clean water, black thread and gold ring. Fill the glass a quarter full. Then take a gold ring in your hand and tie a black thread to it. It should be no more than 20 centimeters long.

Fortune telling with a wedding ring and a glass requires maximum concentration. When performing this ritual, you must try to catch every slightest movement of the ring. This is whether you can feel his response. Otherwise, fortune telling with a ring and a glass of water will not bring the desired result.

Holding the glass in one hand, slowly lower the ring tied on a thread into it to the maximum depth, but only so that it does not touch the water. The ring will begin to spin, it will hit the vessel.

The main thing here is how many hits the glass will receive. The quantity will determine the result of fortune telling. One hit against the wall - one year until your marriage. The same applies to the number of children.

Fortune telling methods

There are several methods of fortune telling. Each has its own specifics. Let's try to dwell on some of them.


For this we need to have, of course. The most important attribute of fortune telling is the wedding ring. And also two pairs of small pieces (pieces) of fabric, preferably made of natural fiber, and two pairs of deep plates. And for the purity of fortune-telling, you need to invite your friend. This ritual is only possible in tandem with someone you completely trust.

After all the stipulated conditions are met, you will need to temporarily leave the room in which you are going to tell fortunes. During your absence, your friend will have to perform a number of simple actions: put a ring in one of the plates on the table and cover it with a cloth. When you return, you must guess where the ring is. Your marriage depends on whether you guess right or not.

To do this, make your first attempt and choose a plate. If you are lucky - there is a ring in the plate - it means that fate is giving you a sign, and you will get married in the very near future. If the first attempt is unsuccessful, then do not despair. Luck on the second try is not bad either. Because marriage is quite likely. Only the third unsuccessful attempt postpones the wedding indefinitely, and certainly, you should not count on this event in the near future.

Condition and four rings

To tell fortunes this way, you also need to invite a friend whom you completely trust and ask her to help you perform the ritual. But here you will already need 4 rings. Two of them must be made of precious metals. The third ring will be copper, and the fourth with any semiprecious stone.

Prepare the rings and place them on the table. A friend will blindfold you with a thick cloth, through which you cannot see anything, and take you away from the table. When this is done, your friend should turn you around at least three times. This must be done clockwise. Then she takes you back by the hand to the table, on which the rings are already lying, ready for fortune telling.

You should bring it up and place your hand parallel to the table, slowly lower it and take the ring that comes to hand. Each of the four rings portends something.

If you have a gold ring in your hand, it means something awaits you. great fortune. You will no longer have needs, money problems will leave you forever.

A silver ring will not bring immediate wealth, but, nevertheless, it will give hope for it. By choosing this ring, you will get a great chance to get rich. At the same time, we must remember: the chance will need to be used skillfully and not be wasted.

A copper ring does not promise wealth, but also any serious financial problems you won't have any in the near future. So, there is no need to worry about the copper ring you choose. There is even hope that there will be positive points in financial matters.

It's another matter if your choice falls on a ring with a stone. This is a sign that you need to be careful with money. Material losses are almost inevitable.

The ring will tell you who your groom is

In this fortune telling you will only need the ring of those who are close to you by blood: mother, grandmother or sister and a glass with crystal clean water. You need to throw a ring into it and wait a little. When everything calms down in the glass, you will have to look carefully into the ring. If all the steps are performed correctly, fortune telling with a ring and a glass will bring results - the image of your future husband should appear to you.

There is another option for fortune telling. Here you will need for the ceremony - a wedding ring, thread and the names of the candidates for your hand and heart, written down on small pieces of paper. These sheets of names must remain closed. Direct the thread with the ring onto each sheet. If it is motionless on any of them, it means that the relationship with this gentleman will not work out. Where the “pendulum” swings the most is your destiny.

Find out the gender of the child

Using this method, you can determine who your mother will have, a boy or a girl. For this, in addition to the ring, you will need a thread made of natural fiber. We tie the ring to a thread and hold it over the belly of the expectant mother. The sex of the child will be indicated by the action of the “pendulum”. If a pregnant woman is expecting a boy, the ring will spin, if she is expecting a girl, it will swing left and right.

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Many people resort to magic to achieve love or achieve happiness in relationships with loved ones, without really knowing what it is. Magic is an unpredictable thing, and sometimes scary and cruel. She is very far from love and happiness. Love spells that are elements black magic, carry unpleasant consequences for everyone involved, and not only for them. People close to them suffer, health and well-being are lost, the ground disappears from under their feet. It is impossible to find love with the help of a love spell, but you can only get suffering and unhappiness.

The ring has long been a symbol eternal love. It also means infinity, since it has neither beginning nor end. Rings are worn by those getting married to each other, swearing an oath of eternal love. The ring is given as a gift to loved ones as a symbol of goodwill towards the person. This item can become a strong amulet and an effective amulet. In magic, the ring is a symbol of perfection and immortality. With its help, you can look into the future, as well as cause damage and bewitch.

You should not accept a ring as a gift from someone you barely know. You can run into such troubles that it doesn’t seem like much. A ring is something that you need to be very careful with.

A love spell on a ring is in demand and is considered very effective, but it is worth remembering that not a single love spell ritual takes place without consequences, even though it is carried out out of sincere motives. By subordinating a person to your will against his desire, you cannot achieve his love, but you can only cause harm to both him and yourself. You should think carefully before bewitching someone; retribution will definitely come at the most inopportune moment. You should also know that you won’t be able to bewitch your beloved man without consequences, no matter what they tell you.

Since ancient times, rings have been attributed magical properties. This jewelry was worn as a talisman or talisman, and was also used for fortune telling. Ring fortune telling is the most common and effective way find out your future. Let's look at some types of fortune telling with a ring that can answer any of your questions.

Fortune telling with a ring on a string

This ritual is suitable for those who want to find out the answer to any question. You will need a ring, woolen thread and paper with a pen. Divide a sheet of paper into two parts. Write “yes” at the top of the sheet and “no” at the bottom. Then hang the ring on a thread, the length of which should be about 30 centimeters, light two candles and tune in to fortune telling. Write in advance the questions you will ask the ring. They must be clear and understandable. Questions should be formulated in such a way that they can be answered either yes or no.

Lift the ring by the thread and hold it above a piece of paper, preferably in its center. Try not to move your hand. Ask your question and watch what answer the ring leans toward. If it moves towards “yes”, then the answer is positive, if towards “no”, then the answer is negative.

Fortune telling with a ring and a glass

This fortune telling is similar to the previous ritual. It can also answer any of your questions in a yes/no format. Pour water into a transparent glass, take the ring and hang it on your hair. Dip the ring into the water and then lift it up to the level of the edge of the glass. Ask your question. If the ring moves back and forth or left and right, then the answer will be negative, if it moves in a circle, then the answer will be positive. If it stands still, then this is a sign of the uncertainty of your fate on this issue.

Ring fortune telling for marriage

This ancient fortune telling was usually carried out in big company. Single girls Those who wanted to know when they would get married poured grain into a small bag and buried a ring in it. After this, each girl took turns taking a handful of grain from the bag. The one who has the ring in her hand along with the grain will be the first to get married.

There is another way of fortune telling for marriage. This ritual can tell about future family life. Take your ring and place it in a small, deep saucer. Add a teaspoon of any cereal there. The saucer with all its contents must be taken out into the cold overnight or placed in the freezer.

In the morning you need to take out the saucer and take a close look at the surface of the water. If the ice has formed smoothly, then family life will have a long and happy life. If dents are clearly visible on the surface, the marriage will be unsuccessful and will bring a lot of trouble. If the ice on the surface of the saucer is covered with tubercles, there will be a lot of money and children.

Fortune telling on a wedding ring

For fortune telling, you must use only a wedding ring. Place it in a saucer of water and light two candles. Then lean a small mirror against the edge of the saucer so that you can see the ring in its reflection. After that, ask your question and look closely at the reflection. In a few minutes, clear outlines of your future may appear there.

We hope that our fortune telling on the ring will tell you about future events and answer all your questions. Believe only in the best and don’t forget to press the buttons and

In this article:

Fortune telling or predicting the future on a ring - ancient rite, which people have been using for many centuries. The technique is very popular due to the effectiveness and truthfulness of the information obtained with its help.

Fortune telling with a ring

This fortune telling technique is simple, but in order to be sure of the veracity of the information received, you will need to follow a number of rules.

Basic rules for fortune telling:

  • You can tell fortunes with a ring on any day of the week except Monday. The best day is Friday.
  • It is best to perform the ritual in the evening.
  • Before fortune telling, you need to remove all jewelry (rings, bracelets, earrings), as well as religious attributes, for example, crosses.
  • Before fortune telling, be sure to loosen and comb your hair, and also remove your belts; there should be nothing encircling you.
  • To achieve maximum effect, the ritual should be performed only at night.
  • The only light source should be natural wax candles.
  • Before you start, you can spend some time meditating, concentrate on a question or topic that interests you.
  • The ring used should not have any engravings or patterns; it should be made of precious metal (preferably gold).
  • An unmarried woman can tell fortunes on an engagement ring borrowed from a friend or relative. If this is not possible, a simple ring made of precious metal that satisfies other requirements will do.

A simple way of fortune telling

For this technique you will need a wedding ring, four pieces of natural fabric and four deep plates. In addition, this ritual can only be performed in pairs with a friend whom you trust unconditionally.

When all the items are prepared, you need to leave the room. At this time, the second woman should place the wedding ring in one of the prepared plates, and then cover all the plates with pieces of cloth. After some time, you need to return to the room and choose one of the plates on the table.

If you choose a device in which a ring is hidden, this is a clear sign that you are destined to get married in the near future. If the ring can be found on the second try, then the wedding is also very likely. But if you haven’t found the ring the third time, it means that in the foreseeable future you are unlikely to be able to walk down the aisle.

Ritual with a ring on a thread

This method is suitable for you if you want to find out when you will get married, how many children you will have, and when these events will take place. For fortune telling, fill a clean, transparent glass a quarter full with water. When this is ready, pick up a gold ring tied to a black thread about 20 centimeters long.

Take a glass of water in left hand, and the end of the thread to the right. Slowly lower the ring into the water as deep as possible so that it does not touch the surface of the water. At this time, the ring will begin to swing and hit the walls of the glass.

This method is very popular due to its simplicity and similarity of results.

Carefully monitor the movements of the ring and count the number of times you touch the walls of the vessel. It is in the number of touches that the answer to your question lies. Each touch is one year, in the matter of time, and one child, in the matter of the number of children.

Fortune telling with four rings

This is another way of fortune telling with a ring, in which you will need the help of a friend. An important point is that you must completely trust this person.

Prepare 4 rings in advance: gold, silver, copper and with any semi-precious stone. Place all the rings on the table and turn away from it. At this time, your friend should blindfold you tightly with an impenetrable black cloth through which you cannot see anything. Now your friend spins you three times clockwise around her axis, takes you by the hand and leads you to the table on which the prepared rings lie.

After that, raise right hand parallel to the table and, slowly lowering it, take the first ring you come across from the table.

  • Golden ring - great wealth awaits you in the future, you will forever forget about money problems and need.
  • Silver ring - in the near future you will get a chance to get rich. How you take advantage of this opportunity will determine your future financial situation.
  • Copper ring - no major changes are expected in your life soon financial situation. It is possible that positive changes will occur, but later.
  • Ring with semi-precious stone – bad sign, it can warn of imminent material losses. Be careful with your money and learn to save, it can be very useful to you in the future.

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