Where will the festival of times and eras take place? Festival "Times and Epochs"

Trench creativity - Guignol Theater. The project proposes the creation of a mobile puppet theater, one of the most interesting aspects of leisure in the military and peaceful life of French society in the 19th century, and the staging of ancient plays in a historical atmosphere.

Semyan Ivan,

Center for Historical Projects "Archeos". The center's researchers study paleotechnology, ancient warfare, and ancient communications. The project is to create a laboratory for applied archaeology.

Bedenko Evgeniy,

Savchenko Dmitry,
Moscow city.

Reconstruction of the horse artillery crew of the 76-mm divisional gun mod. 1902. Literally miraculously, in 2016, near Novgorod, Dmitry managed to find the front part of a 76-mm divisional gun of the 1902 model, suitable for complete restoration. The legendary weapon of the Russian army, which was harnessed to four horses, will become a striking exhibit for exhibitions and history festivals.

Zheltov Pavel,
Saint Petersburg.

Historical and cultural park Medieval settlement "Ushkuy". Reconstruction of a fortified settlement-settlement of the 12th-14th centuries in the south-eastern Baltic: recreation of crafts and construction, costumes and cuisine, educational and entertainment programs.

Rumyantsev Valentin,
Moscow city.

Historical fishing. Creation of a series of films about one of the most ancient forms economic activity people fishing.

Alekseev Alexander Viktorovich,

Barbarian enamels of Eastern Europe reconstruction of the complex of decorations and equipment. The project is carrying out unique work to restore an interesting layer of ancient art of “barbarian champlevé enamels”, widespread from the end of the 2nd to the beginning of the 5th century across a large part of Eastern Europe.

Frolov Dmitry,

Publication of the book “City on the Notch Line: Saransk in the 17th Century.” The book will become a popular science textbook for reenactors. She will tell you how to document and materially recreate a typical Russian city of the 17th century using the example of Saransk.

Markov Yaroslav,

Mobile photo film laboratory. The creative laboratory “Red Lamp” has been restoring the traditions of Soviet photography for ten years. She has a lot of retro costumes and backgrounds, photographic equipment and deep knowledge about the history of photography! The problem with logistics that arises when a photo studio participates in festivals, photo and film shoots, its workers proposed to solve by creating a mobile laboratory based on a Soviet truck gas-51!

From August 10 to 22, Moscow will host the eighth festival of historical reconstruction “Times and Epochs” with the participation of reenactors from 16 countries. All festival events are absolutely free.

In parks, squares, on the central streets and squares of Moscow, events from Everyday life people of different eras, grandiose fights and luxurious balls. Authentic costumes, household items, and authentic entertainment will take you on a historical journey prepared by reenactors from all over the world.

Guests can expect performances by wandering fencers on Pushkin Square, the secrets of alchemy at the Medieval University on Kamergersky Lane, the construction of a medieval castle on Nikitsky Boulevard in the role of a mason, blacksmith or carpenter, a dance party from the “Thaw” times on Tverskaya Square - 30 venues throughout Moscow have prepared a program for any age, taste and interest.

The festival will also host the finals of an international competition of historical projects. The participants' projects will be presented on Revolution Square, and nine winners of the competition will receive one million rubles each for their implementation.

Main festival venues:

Pushkinskaya Square

Pushkin Square will become one of the centers of attraction for the festival - medieval knightly tournaments will be held here. Guests of the festival will be able to see fencing matches and even take part in training battles. You can also try on armor and become a warrior of the 15th century at the school of knights in Friendship Park, where lovers of medieval history will find fascinating lectures, an exhibition of knightly equipment, a stable and a forge.

Nikitsky Boulevard

On Nikitsky Boulevard, life at the beginning of the 20th century will be presented as it is described in the works of the outstanding Russian writer Anton Chekhov. A series of performances based on his stories and plays will be shown here. The scenes will be performed by re-enactors in period costumes.

Tverskoy Boulevard

The atmosphere will be recreated on Tverskoy Boulevard Patriotic War 1812. The tents of the armies of Napoleon and Alexander I will be erected there. They will be guarded by soldiers and officers in uniform early XIX century. Visitors to this site will visit the field kitchen and watch the work of the regimental forge master.

Strastnoy Boulevard

Lectures on the work of the legendary Moscow Criminal Investigation Department (MUR) in 1945-1953 will be held on Strastnoy Boulevard. In the post-war period, gangs operated in the capital, including juvenile criminals. Guests of the site will learn how the offenders were caught and what tricks the Murovites had to resort to.

Kamergersky Lane

A Medieval University will be opened here, where guests will learn the secrets of alchemy, understand the structure of medieval machines and get acquainted with the discoveries of Leonardo da Vinci.

Novopushkinsky Square

In Novopushkinsky Square, young festival visitors will be able to take part in games from different eras and see toys in the old style. Near the Krasnopresnenskaya metro station, everyone will visit the atmospheric Moscow courtyard of the 1970s-1980s, and the Presnya Museum will host the exhibition “Eclecticism of the Revolution,” dedicated to uniforms and military equipment during the revolutionary events of the early 20th century in Russia.

Profsoyuznaya street

The site on Profsoyuznaya Street will be dedicated to the capital’s railway stations. There you will be able to get acquainted with the life of railway workers of the mid-19th and 20th centuries - conductors, engine drivers, telegraph operators.
Tverskaya SquareThe atmosphere will be recreated on Tverskaya Square Khrushchev's thaw and the appearance of a typical dacha of that period. Here, festival guests will be able to relax, listen to jazz, and attend an antique auction and an exhibition of vintage cars.

Chistoprudny Boulevard

An early medieval Viking shipyard will open on Chistoprudny Boulevard. It will be guarded by reenactors in chain mail, armed with swords and large painted shields. There you can see a medieval Viking boat. During the festival, guests of this site will be able to participate in the construction of two more smaller vessels - a copy of a fishing boat that was found by archaeologists in southwestern France, and a Scandinavian dugout boat from the 10th century, made from a solid tree trunk.

Revolution square

On Revolution Square will be presented best works participants in the competition of historical projects, which is held as part of the “Times and Epochs” festival for the second time. 21 participants made it to the finals of the competition. They proposed projects for new museums and exhibitions, websites, books, multimedia products and historical and cultural parks.


30 Moscow venues

Date and time of the festival/event

Fri, 10/08/2018 - 00:00 - Wed, 22/08/2018 - 23:59

Ticket prices

Free admission

The organizers of the festival "Times and Epochs 2018" promise that the festival will unfold at 30 sites in the city, where history from the Stone Age to the Soviet Thaw will be presented.

Watch the performances of wandering fencers on Pushkin Square, learn the secrets of alchemy at the Medieval University on Kamergersky Lane, take part in the construction of a medieval castle on Nikitsky Boulevard as a mason, blacksmith or carpenter, go to a dance party during the “Thaw” on Tverskaya Square - 30 venues across throughout Moscow we have prepared a program for every age, taste and interest! The festival will also host the finals of an international competition of historical projects. The participants' projects will be presented on Revolution Square, and nine winners of the competition will receive one million rubles each for their implementation.

On all days of the festival, you can admire the exhibition of historical costumes at this site. Reenactors from Russia and France brought reproductions and originals of costumes from the 18th to early 20th centuries to Times and Epochs. Reproductions of outfits are hand-sewn from materials similar to the original. The work was carried out on the basis historical sources, albums and photographs. The costumes of civilians of different classes have been recreated: walking, evening and court dresses, children's suits, men's daily and formal looks, as well as swimwear.

Live broadcasts of the festival "Times and Epochs 2018"

August 19 at 20:30 live broadcast from the site of the festival "Times and Epochs 2018" - myths ancient Greece and a fire show on Pokrovsky Boulevard.

August 19 at 19:00 live broadcast from the site of the festival "Times and Epochs 2018". The program includes historical fencing and a medieval fair on Pushkin Square.

Program of the festival "Times and Epochs 2018"

The most interesting from the program of the festival "Times and Epochs 2018" for the coming days:

On Thursday and Friday, August 16 and 17, everyone will be able to attend the “reception at the Elector” with Peter I and travel from Tver to India following Afanasy Nikitin. And also - watch a bright show performed by reenactors from Italy, take a photo with an Olympic bear and ask questions to a specialist ancient history humanity! Participation in all festival events is free!

Quest “Police against banditry”, (Strostnoy Boulevard, 16)

12:00, 15:00 and 18:00

To help the police catch the bandits, teams of festival guests will need to infiltrate the “Black Cat” gang. And to do this, go through the checkpoints of the quest, collect the series keywords and guess the passphrase (password). Evidence of implementation will be a photo of the team with the “gang leader”!

  • Awarding the winners of the competition of historical projects, (Revolution Square). 19:00

During the “Times and Epochs” festival this year, free walking tours will be organized for Muscovites and guests of the capital!

Quest "Trail of Stories" festival "Times and Epochs 2018"

As part of the "Times and Epochs 2018" festival, the capital launched an educational multi-day citywide quest "Trail of Stories". This is an exciting game, an educational excursion, and a way to rediscover Moscow. On this moment, there are already 502 teams that have set off on an exciting journey throughout Moscow: by completing thematic missions, players will learn even better about the past and present of our city, and will be able to compete for prizes in the final game!

You can join the quest participants at any time: registration will continue on the website until August 13 inclusive, and the qualifying round of the quest will last until August 17. You can participate either individually or in teams of up to 4 people.

Venues of the festival "Times and Epochs 2018"

Gogolevsky Boulevard, 4 - MUR, M. Kropotkinskaya

Historical interactive exhibition dedicated to the post-war period of Moscow 1945-1953.

The site is located in Ustinsky Park throughout its entire area. The setting and animation of the site tell about the struggle of MUR employees against banditry in the post-war period. All the animators are in period costumes. Moreover, each location of the site separately tells about the life and realities of that period:

  • Moscow apartment
  • Thieves' "raspberries", forms of organized crime after the war
  • Formation of the police after the war, methods of fighting crime, employees.
  • Transport
  • Weapon
  • Post-war fashion
  • Street life of the post-war period: street trading, entertainment, music, games.

Gogolevsky Boulevard, 33 - Moscow courtyard

The site is dedicated to socialist Moscow of the period 1970-1980. The main emphasis is on the integration of modern residents into the life process of that historical era. The basis of the site will be one or several retail outlets designed in the style Soviet period. Retail outlets will sell entourage products and manufactured goods of the USSR, to Moscow residents and tourists who came to the festival. Locations and interactives located throughout the boulevard, made in the style of the era, will be filled as decorations with products sold in retail outlets, or will use these products as interactive props.

Tverskoy Boulevard, 2, Tverskaya metro station

Historical period: 1812

Tverskoy Boulevard, 19, Tverskaya metro station

Historical period: 1812

The site clearly and in detail illustrates the confrontation between the Russian and French armies during the Patriotic War of 1812. In the center of the site is the “front” - military reviews, maneuvers, and performances. Military life will be recreated in the marching camps of the Russians and French: drill on the parade ground, regimental forge and kitchen, sutlers, simple soldier entertainment. The theme of the people's war is revealed: partisans, people's avengers and militia will talk about their role in the Napoleonic wars

Tverskoy Boulevard, 28, Tverskaya metro station

Historical period: 1812

The site clearly and in detail illustrates the confrontation between the Russian and French armies during the Patriotic War of 1812. In the center of the site is the “front” - military reviews, maneuvers, and performances. Military life will be recreated in the marching camps of the Russians and French: drill on the parade ground, regimental forge and kitchen, sutlers, simple soldier entertainment. The theme of the people's war is revealed: partisans, people's avengers and militia will talk about their role in the Napoleonic wars

Tverskaya Square, Tverskaya metro station

Visitors to the "Times and Epochs 2018" festival on Tverskaya Square will be introduced to the entertainment of young people of the "Thaw" era. Guests of the festival on Tverskaya Square will be able to attend jazz concerts, learn how to dance a jive, and enjoy ice cream and soda from a real retro buffet. Here they will spend time in the spirit of youth entertainment of the 1950s-1960s, as if they were in the movie "Hipsters"!

Strastnoy Boulevard, Chekhovskaya metro station

Historical period: 1853–56

Life in Sevastopol at the end of the Crimean War. The site presents iconic objects, events and characters this period, reconstruction of the life of participants in the Crimean War: soldiers and officers of the Russian Imperial Army and allied forces

Kamergersky Lane, Okhotny Ryad metro station

On Kamergersky Lane, festival guests will immerse themselves in the atmosphere Medieval University. Something unusual will appear here" educational institution", created in the image of the famous University of Turin. Students of Paracelsus and Leonardo da Vinci, followers of Erasmus of Rotterdam, the rector of the university, as well as their assistants will help “students” to comprehend medieval science.

Pushkinskaya Square, Tverskaya metro station

Visitors can enjoy performances by traveling fencers.

Petrovsky Boulevard - Stone Age, Trubnaya metro station

Historical period: Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic

The site tells about the ancient history of mankind and covers the entire Stone Age. It combines an educational and entertaining format for presenting historical material: the development of tools, ancient art, migration of communities, climate change, animals that inhabited different areas, their domestication, the emergence of crafts, trades and wars

Rozhdestvensky Boulevard, Trubnaya metro station

Historical period: 1877–78

Glorious Events Russian-Turkish War and the peaceful life of Moscow during this period. In the military camps of the Russians and Turks, camping tents, artillery positions, and infirmaries were set up. Visitors will see how Russian soldiers and their opponents lived, and will walk short course soldier training (drill techniques, bayonet fighting), listen to soldiers' songs, study the history of weapons of the Russian and Turkish armies. The peaceful camp will show the urban life of Moscow at the end of the 19th century, open to guests English club, billiard room, tavern, fashion studio, ancient outdoor games area

Novopushkinsky Square, Tverskaya metro station

In Novopushkinsky Park, children will explore the past in the most exciting way possible - with the help of toys. They will find here games and toys from different historical periods, varying degrees mobility and designed for different ages. The playground will be divided into zones for boys and girls, but both will have toys that will appeal to everyone without exception!

Sretensky Boulevard, Turgenevskaya metro station

Historical period: 1920–30

An interactive platform dedicated to the era of the 1920-30s and the idea of ​​​​educating the masses in the young Soviet republic: educational campaigns, educational posters, cooperative bank of the NEP era, propaganda poems and cinema. And much more, of course

Chistoprudny Boulevard, 2 - Seven in the past, Chistye Prudy metro station

Historical period: X century

Presentation of the non-profit project “Seven in the Past”, during which seven people will live for 9 months on an ancient Russian farm in the realities of the 10th century, using only authentic tools, household items, food and clothing. Each guest will be able to help in the production of useful things for the farm, personally meet the heroes of “Seven in the Past”, learn more about experimental archeology

Chistoprudny Boulevard, 11 - Tales of Princess Olga, Chistye Prudy metro station

Historical period: 10th century

A performance venue with the participation of historical reconstruction clubs and professional actors, based on The Tale of Bygone Years. All costumes, sets and props are historically accurate. The performance takes place next to a medieval camp, craft workshops and shopping arcades

Pokrovsky Boulevard, 4, metro station Chkalovskaya

Historical period: Antiquity

The Age of Antiquity in general and on the territory of our country. Reconstruction of the brightest manifestations of the classical ancient culture and the peoples who inhabited the steppes from the Black Sea region to Altai - the so-called Great Scythia of Herodotus

Pokrovsky Boulevard, 18, metro Kitay-Gorod

Historical period: XVIII–XIX centuries

Significant episodes of history North America– European settlers, the Revolutionary War, Civil War North and South, Indian tribes, the Wild West - are widely represented in photographs, films, books, school textbooks, works of historians and publicists. The site is a living photo album of the history of North America half of the 19th century century, reconstruction of clothes, weapons, life and architecture of people of that time

Yauzsky Boulevard, Kitay-gorod metro station

Historical period: 1697-98

The site is dedicated to the journey of Peter the Great at the end of the 17th century to Europe, which went down in history as the “Great Embassy of 1697-1698”, and shows the culture of Europe through the eyes of a Russian person. Guests of the boulevard will briefly return back to the 17th century and plunge into the culture of several European countries, they will attend lessons and classes that Peter the Great himself attended, and see overseas wonders.

Revolution Square - Project Competition, Teatralnaya

A large-scale exhibition of historical projects will open on Revolution Square. Here you will be able to get acquainted with the projects of the 20 finalists of the competition organized as part of the festival - from books and albums on history to historical parks! The authors will talk about their works, plans for implementing projects, and demonstrate models and exhibitions dedicated to the era under study or the recreation of ancient technologies.

St. Profsoyuznaya, 41, New Cheryomushki

On Profsoyuznaya Street, festival guests will get to the historical railway station. The site will tell about the whole century Russian history– from the 1850s to the 1950s – through the prism of travel and railway professions: conductor, station attendant, driver, signal operator, accountant, restaurateur, telegraph operator. You will learn everything about operating trains, you will be able to validate an “old” ticket, and you will learn how to send and receive telegrams. This rich excursion will help you understand the complex mechanisms that make up the life of the station. Dance lessons will also be held at this site.

From June 1 to June 12, Moscow will host the grandiose historical festival “Times and Epochs,” which will bring 10 thousand reenactors and participants from all over the world to the capital.

12 eras will be reenacted at 30 street and park venues in different areas of the city. Among them - Iron Age, Antiquity, Peter's time, 1812, Crimean War. At the beginning of summer, everyone will be able to see that Moscow is the center of international historical reconstruction.

Shopping arcades

At the Times and Epochs shopping arcade, guests will find copies of historical artifacts, dishes and delicacies of the past. It is curious that in the Middle Ages few people knew how to read, so instead of the usual text signs in front of each shop or shop, distinctive signs were hung: a horseshoe meant a forge, a green bush meant a tavern, and scissors meant the place of work of a barber.

Podmoskovnaya station

On June 1, an ancient coal-powered train will arrive at Podmoskovnaya station, carrying guests from different eras. This will open the historical festival “Times and Epochs. Meeting". At Podmoskovnaya (this is the only operating railway complex of the early 20th century in the capital), travelers will be met by the station manager. Together with the reenactors, he will make a memorable entry in the festival’s “Book of Times” with a quill pen.

New Arbat

Throughout the festival from June 1 to 12 on New Arbat, everyone will be able to witness reconstructions of medieval battles, appreciate the skill of fencing with long swords, rapiers and rapiers, as well as hear the history of military codes and tournament rules. You can plunge into history on weekdays from 16:00 to 21:00 and on weekends from 12:00 to 21:00.

Kuznetsky Bridge

Lovers of Russian cinema are welcome from June 1 to 12 on Kuznetsky Most Street. The “Bauer” zone of the “History of Cinema” site will be opened here. Everyone will be able to visit the festival costume room and try on the outfits of film stars, stylized in the 20s of the last century. Here you can learn how to do hair, apply professional makeup, and then audition for the role of a silent film hero. All this and much more awaits Muscovites and guests of the capital at the address: st. Kuznetsky Most, property 6/3.

Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve

On June 2, at the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve, you can plunge into the eras of the rulers who made Russian Empire one of the leading European powers - Peter the Great and Catherine II. The main event will be a large-scale costume performance with horse quadrilles. The program was based on Catherine the Great's lush historical Carousel of 1766. Also on the site, guests will be able to learn more about the military affairs and exploits of the early 18th century, plunging into the atmosphere of Peter the Great’s times.

  • 17:00–18:00 — Theatrical performance “Carousel”
  • 20:00–20:30 — Theatrical performance “Gangut Action”
  • 21:00–22:00 — Reconstruction with the participation of Russian and European armies of the 18th century
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