Where to play table tennis. Various sports sections are open for pensioners in the Southern Administrative District

is not only a fun game, but also a healthy one. She is providing positive impact on many systems of the body and gives a powerful psychotherapeutic effect.

Physical benefits

1. Dexterity, speed of reaction. 120–170 km/h - this is the speed a table tennis ball can reach, and the trajectory changes after each hit. The opponent has to make decisions almost every second and manage to make the necessary movement. Professional table tennis players have the best coordination of movements, second only to tightrope walkers. It is no coincidence that boxers regularly play table tennis in order to develop a high reaction speed.

2. Training of the vestibular apparatus. To move clearly and constantly monitor the ball, which changes direction and moves at incredible speed - best exercise for the development of the vestibular apparatus. Table tennis is recommended for everyone who suffers from motion sickness in transport.

3. Good vision. One of the most useful exercises for the eyes is to alternately look at an object near you and then at a distance. When playing ping-pong, a person constantly follows the ball with his eyes, which is either close or far away. At the same time, the ball also moves in different directions. This eye training helps maintain excellent vision and relieves fatigue after working with a computer for a long time. Ophthalmologists recommend table tennis for both myopic and farsighted people, as well as after eye surgery.

4. Healthy heart, endurance. The fast pace of play and intense, even load help strengthen cardiovascular system, bring the pressure back to normal. Blood circulation increases already in the second minute of training, so oxygen consumption also increases. This effect is given different types aerobic exercise, but only in table tennis does the volume of oxygen consumption reach so much high performance(higher – only in water polo).

5. Development of gross and fine motor skills. Playing table tennis hones your wrist movements to jewelry perfection. During one set, the player changes the position of the hand holding the racket several hundred and even thousands of times. Table tennis contributes to the formation of neat calligraphic handwriting and helps in the development of artistic abilities. Table tennis lessons are especially recommended for children who have difficulty writing and reading.

6. Strengthening muscles. When playing table tennis, the athlete keeps his legs in a semi-bent position and is mainly on his toes - this helps to use the leg muscles especially effectively. And each blow is accompanied by a quick turn of the body, sometimes even very sharp. It is this movement that develops the oblique abdominal muscles well and forms a beautiful abs.

7. Losing weight. In terms of energy costs, table tennis takes 5th place (located between tennis and breaststroke swimming). Aerobic exercise, a fast pace and the absence of long pauses help you quickly lose extra pounds.

8. Flexibility. Table tennis develops and maintains high joint mobility. Involved wrist, elbow, shoulder and hip joints, spinal column. Flexibility helps the player react with lightning speed to the movement of the ball and respond with an accurate shot. And in life, flexibility makes it possible to maintain an active lifestyle into old age.

Psychotherapeutic benefits

1. Self-control. In table tennis, split seconds make all the difference. Therefore, even momentary irritation can lead to defeat. Table tennis players are able to control their emotions at a level similar to everyday life rarely lose their composure.

2. High concentration. The player constantly keeps the overall picture of the match in his head, remembers the score, and goes through possible techniques. However, at the same time, he still continuously monitors the ball, not losing sight of it even for a split second. And the game runs at incredible speed. Extreme concentration is a necessary component of success in table tennis. Therefore, specialists who work in areas where people’s lives are involved (dispatchers, operators of dangerous equipment) are recommended to regularly play table tennis.

3. Development of analytical and operational thinking. A table tennis player, like a chess player, must think several moves ahead. But at the same time, in table tennis there are no pauses to think. In addition, in table tennis it is important to “catch” your opponent in time and outsmart him. Solving such problems at a fast pace helps develop thinking, the game teaches you to predict.

4. Relief of chronic fatigue syndrome, treatment of stress. While playing table tennis, it is impossible to think about anything other than the game itself. There is simply no room left for all other thoughts. After completing a set, problems do not seem so serious, and often the most suitable solution appears. Intensive exercise stress also helps relieve stress, and the joy of victory lifts your spirits.

Table tennis is a game for those who care about their health.

Children's table tennis school

In the children's table tennis section, we do not produce world or European champions. We teach the basics of table tennis, develop reaction, discipline, quick thinking, coordination... In short, all those areas that are inherent in table tennis!

Classes are held in the afternoon on weekdays for free.

Table tennis for pensioners

Table tennis is one of the most exciting, interesting and accessible sports games. It has virtually no contraindications, and anyone can learn to play it, starting from any age. By enthusiastically hitting the ball, you will not only feel incomparable pleasure, but at the same time you will be able to strengthen your physical and mental health.

Classes are held in the morning on weekdays for free. Three times a week you can get advice from a professional trainer.

Table tennis is a type of sports game. The point of the game is to throw a tennis ball with rackets over a table with a net. Here, as in any sports game, there are rules. The goal of the game is to hit the opponent's ball. The game teaches coordination and requires a lot of concentration. The sport is quite universal and has no age limit. Therefore, table tennis schools are open to everyone.

Institutions (schools, clubs) in the table tennis, ping pong, tennis section with free sections for adults in Moscow

This section presents free table tennis sections, tennis clubs and schools for adults. Finding a suitable place for free classes Table tennis can be played directly on the map or according to the list of represented sports organizations. You can choose a suitable sports section near your home and work. For each of the sports sections the following are available: telephone numbers, addresses, prices, photos, descriptions and conditions for subsequent free registration of men and women for table tennis in Moscow.

Which sports club in Moscow offers the lowest prices for table tennis? Where is it cheaper to play ping pong in Moscow?

The following sports clubs took part in the review: “Roll Hall”, “Likhobory”, “Sokolniki”, “Neskuchny Sad”, “Tagansky Park”, “Izmailovsky Park”, sport school"Nagornaya", "Sviblovo", "Aleko", "On Kaluzhskaya", "Voskhod", "NaTen", "Sokoros", "Iskra", "Voskhod on Baumanskaya".

Table tennis is sport game with a ball on the table. It is generally accepted that table tennis originated in Great Britain at the end of the 19th century. In the 20s In the 20th century, it became widespread in many countries, first as entertainment and only then as a sports game. In the early years it did not have a single name; at the beginning of the 20th century. the generally accepted one was established - “ping pong” (which probably arose from the characteristic sound of the ball hitting wooden table). Modern name received in 1926, when the International Table Tennis Federation was founded.

You can play table tennis in Moscow on both outdoor and indoor courts. Indoor courts are, of course, more convenient, since weather conditions do not affect the game in any way. In addition, indoor areas usually have better flooring. However, playing table tennis indoors costs more than outdoors.

As for the places where you can play table tennis in Moscow, these can be parks, special tennis clubs, entertainment centers, as well as gyms and other premises where there are tables for playing table tennis.

In the review, I looked at places where there are tables for playing table tennis. The cost of an hour of play is not much different, but nevertheless, during the review, certain leaders were identified.

The review did not include the famous Sports Complex "Chertanovo", as well as many other game centers, where ping-pong training and table tennis tournaments are mainly held, since it is not always possible to just come and play there without any problems.

And in addition, in the review I indicated only paid places. There are also places in Moscow where you can play table tennis for free. For example, the yard sports complex "Syromyatniki". There are several table tennis tables in the open air area. I would also like to mention the free table tennis club “Concordia”. And of course, table tennis tables are installed in many courtyards in Moscow, but the condition of many of them is depressing.

In the review, I compared, first of all, the cost of one hour of play, paid attention to the number of tables, the possibility of renting equipment and the possibility of pre-booking.

“I Live in Sports” explains how to spend your leisure time if you are retired.

In Japan, after retirement, people begin to new life. In Russia, people often remain alone and think only about negative things. Active rest will help you overcome melancholy. A selection of places where older people are always welcome and will not be allowed to get bored.

Pilates for those over 55

Pilates - system physical exercise, which allows you to practice at any level physical training. If you have never been interested in sports in your entire life, that’s okay! Pilates is available at any age.

The system includes exercises for all parts of the body. When performing exercises, the main concentration is on the breathing rhythm.

In Moscow, since February 2018, the program “ Active longevity" Within its framework, a Pilates group has been opened, aimed at people over 55 years of age. You can view the program via this link.

Qigong 50+

If you want to get inspired by Buddhist psychopractice and learn the mystery of Taoist monks, then hurry up and sign up for the “Qigong Complex” program. Qigong is a system of breathing and movement exercises.

In the center of "EZO. Fitness" has developed a special program for men and women who have crossed the threshold of 50 years. As part of it, experienced instructors conduct therapeutic exercises taking into account the individual characteristics of each client. In addition, already in the first lesson you will learn the “Tree Standing” meditation technique.


  • Joint activity with peers;
 According to the organizers, getting rid of headaches;

  • Unique meditation techniques that you can use on your own.

Table tennis in Moscow is quite popular not only among Muscovites, but also among guests of the capital. Therefore, tennis tables in Moscow are rarely empty. And fans of this sport, like all others, do not really like to be in queues, waiting for a place to become available. In addition, Moscow is a fairly large metropolis and you don’t really want to drive through the entire city with its traffic jams, so the question of where to play table tennis in Moscow is often quite acute. It is also important to take into account all the circumstances when deciding on a place for active recreation.

Where to play table tennis in Moscow

To start the game you need certain inventory, without which your wish will not come true. Of course, first of all you need a table tennis table complete with an appropriate net. In many places in Moscow there are sites that anyone can use for free. But often for such a game you will have to bring your own racket and balls.

In those places where tennis tables are offered for a reasonable fee, all necessary sports equipment is provided by the playground organizers. Particular attention should be paid to the clothes and shoes that are necessary for such a game, since playing in heels is not very comfortable. Therefore, the athlete must worry about appropriate equipment on his own. Therefore, the question of where to play table tennis in Moscow is of paramount importance.

And depending on the cost of a subscription or ticket, the player will have to bring equipment with him, which is not always convenient, or pay for the pleasure. Of course, everyone will choose for themselves which option suits them best.

Places to play in Moscow

IN summer time Every year, table tennis courts appear in Moscow like mushrooms after rain. Let's look at the most popular places most often used by Muscovites and guests of the capital.

  • Recreation park "Northern Tushino", usually in the park you can find about twenty tennis tables. Equipment rental costs 150 rubles per hour, but if a player comes with his own equipment, he can use it for free. Moreover, the tables are at the disposal of players from ten in the morning to eleven in the evening.
  • A club for playing ping-pong is regularly organized in Neskuchny Garden, at which there is a fee. The cost of an hour of play is 150 rubles. On Saturday the club holds competitions, and on Sunday classes with a professional trainer for 300 rubles.
  • Players also visit quite often. The rental price is the same as in previous places, but the number of tables is not so large, only four.
  • Tennis in Sokolniki is quite interesting. The tables can already be used at eight o'clock in the morning, while showers and changing rooms are provided for the players.
  • The Iskra educational and sports complex offers active recreation lovers an indoor hall, and the cost of equipment there is slightly higher and starts from 250 rubles . A table tennis table must be ordered by phone, and you can also arrange for the help of a coach. But such a service can cost up to 1000 rubles.
  • The Voskhod table tennis club offers its services seven days a week and twenty-four hours a day, and playing at night costs several times more. True, the closed hall and excellent lighting will allow you to enjoy the process in any weather and season.
  • "Roll Hall" offers the cheapest table tennis of all in Moscow, only 120 rubles per hour, although there is one table and a live queue. But there is an opportunity to watch someone else’s game and spy on some secrets.

Free sites

If you are wondering where to play table tennis in Moscow for free, then you should pay attention to the following places.

  • The courts in the 50th Anniversary of October Park on Vernadsky Avenue are loved by many athletes, but the problem is that there are only three tables, and all the equipment, including the net for the game, must be brought with you.
  • Table tennis is available free of charge at Gorky Park. For fans of this sport there are fifty tables, and the only limitation is the opening hours, this is from Monday to Friday from 11 to 20 hours, and on weekends - until 22 hours.
  • And finally, the Hermitage garden with six play areas. Moreover, equipment rental is free, but the security deposit for it is 250 rubles.

Table tennis school

For those who want to take their first steps in this sport, a school with the services of a specialist is best suited. There are a huge number of such establishments in Moscow. It is, of course, worth remembering that classes with a professional trainer will cost you a certain amount. There are many schools in the capital for different categories students. Therefore, it is important to choose one that suits you completely.

So you can find a place that offers table tennis for schoolchildren, and training for young people is completely free, and in the future young athletes are offered participation in various city competitions. There is also a table tennis school in Moscow for older people.

Sports complexes in Moscow

In addition to sites that specialize in table tennis, there are quite a lot of complexes in Moscow that have no specialization and are universal. Here you have the opportunity to work with professional trainers. Among such buildings one can note the Palace of Team Sports “Commonwealth”. This complex is located in the southwest of the capital, in Yasenevo. Moreover, the tennis section invites children from 12 to 17 years old.

In addition to tennis, it hosts football, basketball and volleyball classes.

Table tennis clubs in Moscow

Unlike schools that specialize in beginners, clubs are focused more on players who are already quite proficient in this sport. Of course, in such places there are professional trainers, but the level of training of club members is much higher than that of school students.

In such clubs, players need partners more than teachers, and it is in such establishments that table tennis competitions most often take place. Currently, there are about two hundred clubs of various levels in Moscow.

Moscow table tennis competitions

Every year, dozens of tournaments in this sport of varying difficulty are held in Moscow, intended for players of various age categories. Usually such tournaments are timed to coincide with some holiday or some club holds its own closed championship. But most often an open championship is held and players from other places are invited to it. The purpose of such competitions is not only to popularize table tennis, but also to make the club famous throughout Moscow.

Requirements for competition participants

To participate in competitions, an athlete must submit an appropriate application, unless, as previously stated, the person receives a personal invitation. Each tournament determines the rating of participants who can take part in it. Everyone is welcome to participate in entry-level competitions.

But it is advisable to register on the website in advance so that you do not find out that when you arrive at the tournament, you will not be able to take part in it, since the number of players is limited. Often, competition organizers offer to fill out such an application online. If a player has a certain rating, then he is obliged to confirm it.

Equipment for competition participants

When playing with friends in the park, it is not at all necessary to have the appropriate sportswear. But when a person goes to more high level table tennis, then it should also look accordingly. Beginning athletes, as well as children participating in competitions for the first time, do not yet have professional equipment. But it is best to teach young people from childhood to look appropriate for the sport to which the player wants to devote his life.

In the recent past, choosing the necessary equipment was real problem. But in today's world of commerce and trade relations with various countries of the world, solving this problem is not difficult. Moreover, some sports tennis clubs provide assistance to their members in purchasing suitable equipment. Also, with the development of online trading, any player can purchase the necessary uniforms in any specialized online store.


If you love active recreation and are looking for a place to play table tennis in Moscow, then you can easily find one for both training and competition, and with it an opponent worthy of your rating. The only thing that needs to be taken into account: without first coming to an agreement with a player of your level, it will be quite difficult to find a worthy opponent in the park area of ​​Moscow.

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