Why do I dream that I was baptized? Why do you dream of being baptized in a dream?

The cross that appears in a dream should be taken as a warning of an approaching misfortune into which others will involve you.

If in a dream you kissed the cross, then you will accept this misfortune with due fortitude.

A young woman who sees in a dream that she is holding a cross in her hands will observe modesty and goodwill in behavior, thereby winning the love of others and arousing the favor of fate.

If you dreamed of a person holding a cross in his hands, do charity work and show concern for your loved ones.

Nostradamus considered the cross a symbol of salvation, trials, and hope. He gave the following interpretations to dreams about crosses.

If you saw a cross in a dream, get ready for long and difficult trials.

If you dreamed of a church crucifix, your unseemly actions will cause your mental suffering.

If in a dream you clutch a cross in your hand, then you are choosing not the easiest, but worthy path in life.

A dream in which you saw an eagle carrying a cross in its talons means that someone is very aggressive towards you.

To dream of a cross outlined in a circle is a sign of trouble; you and your loved ones are under threat.

If in a dream you put a cross around your neck, then in reality one of your neighbors will ask you for help. If you do so, you will incur losses.

A burning cross is a warning of danger.

The cross, which looks like an anchor, means spiritual rebirth.

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga believed that in a dream the cross is a symbol meaning forgiveness, protection from evil, renewal. This is how she interpreted these dreams.

The dream in which you saw a cross with a chain on your neck symbolizes repentance, forgiveness and love for your neighbor.

Seeing in a dream how a priest baptized you and put a cross on you is a sign that in real life your guardian angel will protect you from misfortunes.

In a dream you saw a golden, shining cross - in reality you have such a necessary character quality as the ability to forget and forgive insults.

You dreamed that you were standing in a cemetery and in front of you was a grave on which you saw a large cross - this dream means that in reality you should do more good deeds, since bad deeds will certainly be punished by higher powers. In reality, you have lost faith in the justice of this truth.

And D. Loff wrote: “This powerful religious symbol represents comfort, condemnation, healing, pain or the need for protection. Of course, it is important to analyze how this object appears in a dream and what impact it has on the entire plot of the dream.

The cross can also evoke completely opposite feelings: attraction, disgust, or a desire to avoid it. Avoiding the cross is an indicator of condemnation, shame, and an inadequate attitude towards eternal human values. This is an attempt to ignore the memory, which is a kind of defense mechanism to help you forget about the consequences of a choice or event associated with religious symbolism in your life. The crucifixion, of course, also has a positive beginning - it brings salvation and a sense of security. Many religious icons are a “positive” taboo for us. Just as we avoid association with dark symbols or taboo images, we experience the good power of positive symbols. The power of a symbol gives us a sense of security.

Christians who see a crucifix in a dream can achieve inner purification, renewal and reconciliation.”

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

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Often I have almost the same dream (the very essence of sleep). It all started about 5 years ago. In the dream I am in a room. At first it was my parents' house (the building changes, but it's always a room). I'm alone in the room, doing something. Then a strange silence sets in and I feel someone’s presence, then I feel something like breathing (I try hard and seem to start watching who is watching me). It is watching me and I feel it, it is always behind me. Then it becomes somehow gloomy in the room and I begin to see shadows, silhouettes, in general, something of an indefinite shape moving through the air, sometimes I don’t see this in a dream, but I feel strength and energy, and sometimes it’s as if I touched something soft and fluffy, then I see a black silhouette (the size of a cat) and it becomes invisible again. At first there is one, then there are many of them, they begin to attack me, I feel and see them. I start screaming, but I can’t say a word, I can’t move, but in my dreams I know for sure that they need my soul (I feel the flow of their energy on my chest). I try to pray, but I can’t raise my hands to cross myself, I begin to read the Lord’s Prayer mentally. Then with effort I begin to cross myself (some force is holding my right hand), I cross myself with my right hand, trying to move it at least a little, then with my left hand I help my right hand to make a cross, as soon as I make the cross on myself once, it becomes easier to lift my right hand, but they begin to attack even more strongly, after the third cross everything becomes quiet, but I still feel them, I still continue to pray and cross myself, then some flies appear, they begin to fly out of the ceiling, wall or carpet (in different ways), the room becomes brighter, for some reason I lie on the sofa (or bed), a feeling of security comes, then I wake up. Moreover, in a dream I see myself lying in reality. That is, I wake up in this exact position. I wake up in wet sweat. At first, in my dreams, I tried to call my mother, and I knew that she was in the next room, but I could not scream, it turned out that all the screaming was reduced to a whisper. And it happens that I try to turn on the light in the room, but I cannot reach out to the lamp, a terrible force seems to paralyze me. These are dreams.


Ontopsychology recognizes that behind the images of these “silhouettes” and “shadows” are hidden the dynamic actions of “other entities,” representatives of a “reality alien to us.” After an attack, it is recommended to turn on the light and strengthen your personal presence through the rituals closest to you. You can cross yourself, you can say: “This is my home, my reality, let’s all get out!” Some “unpopular” information on this topic is in Meneghetti’s book “The Image and the Unconscious”, chapter 12, night incubations and images of the dead.

Many people at night see themselves making the sign of the cross. Waking up, believers try to understand why they dream of being baptized in a dream. Sometimes they perform these actions so often throughout the day that they even observe them again at night.

And yet it is very important to keep track of what exactly accompanied such a gesture. Various dream books agree that such a vision tells a person: he is too deeply immersed in the bustle of everyday life. He needs to remember the eternal and pray to the Lord.

Why dream of being baptized with your hand in a dream: interpretation of the dream

It is very important to clarify who exactly the warning was sent to:

  • This dream tells the girl that any of her undertakings will receive a favorable continuation;
  • For a married woman, a dream when she happens to be baptized speaks of an imminent addition to the family;
  • He appears to representatives of the stronger sex to ask for a blessing from above. Such a symbol appears before them in difficult moments and gives them strength to cope with problems. Usually a vision testifies: a person is under the protection of Heaven and may not be afraid of anything;
  • For family people, such a vision means finding happiness in their own home;
  • A single person, when he is baptized, understands that he needs to make a choice. He should not fear anything, since he has already been approved from above.

If a person sleeping in a dream watches himself cross himself, then a sign is sent to him: he pays too much attention to his well-being and has already lost touch with spiritual values. In pursuit of finances or promotion, he should not forget about those around him. Conscience signals to the sleeper that a mistake has been made somewhere.

If in a dream you cross your hand and pray fervently, then the dream book reports that all problems will soon end in complete well-being.

Important! If such actions are carried out alone with oneself, then the person is completely confused among the difficulties that have arisen. He must find a way out of it on his own.

If a panic attack is felt in a dream and that is why someone turns to Heaven, then he is tormented by subconscious fear. However, the fact that the ritual took place suggests that his affairs will soon improve.

Dreaming of being baptized in church

Various collections of interpretations indicate that seeing oneself being baptized in a temple in a dream means that difficult times will soon come. To be baptized in this case indicates a request for help. But the person will have nowhere to wait for her, so he will have to cope with problems completely on his own.

However, if help does appear unexpectedly, it must be accepted. The one who offers it is a true friend and was sent from above so that the sleeper can cope with life’s adversities.

It is also necessary to mention what major dream books write about what one sees being baptized for.

  1. A large collection of wanderers indicates: a person who overshadows himself with his right hand will soon receive a sign from above. It is possible that a sign will be sent to him so that, after looking around, he will be able to find a true friend. If the hand was left, then betrayal awaits the person.
  2. Vanga says about this: if a sleeper sees himself being baptized inside the temple from the outside, then he should think about his relationships with others. It is possible that they are offended. The dream speaks of a person’s excessive categorical attitude towards his loved ones. Lack of understanding brings them grief, destroying love and harmony.
  3. Ivanov also indicates why one dreams of being baptized in a church. If a person has done this inside a large church, then unconsciously he feels great anxiety and depression. Perhaps such actions are an echo of stress that has already ended, from which the believer was unable to recover.
  4. Miller clarifies that the vision is a symbol of the fact that a subconscious request for help is raised to the Almighty. The affairs of man came to a complete decline. Feels very anxious. Therefore, the believer seeks advice or sympathy. The interpreter also points out that when the dreamer is an atheist in his worldview, then he is given a sign that he cannot trust people who are considered his friends and well-wishers.
  5. A modern collection says: a person who had to be baptized experiences strong internal tension.
  6. Freud believes: if someone crosses himself in a dream, then he is too tense and is not able to express his feelings in reality. He feels himself mired in sin and this feeling interferes with the construction of his full-fledged relationships with the opposite sex. It is possible that the one who had to be baptized in the church experiences pangs of conscience and is trying to free himself from them. Why else do you dream about being in a temple? In such a case, there is an urgent need to repent and apologize to those who were offended. If the offended person has already died or is out of reach, forgiveness must be asked from God.

If someone who happens to be baptized with his hand in a dream listens to a priest’s sermon, the dream book reports that this sign indicates the universal recognition of the person. His affairs are in perfect order, and in the near future they will take an even more prosperous turn.

If the person praying finds himself in an empty cathedral, then he will face difficulties in his marital relationship. They will be temporary, but you definitely need to pay attention to them. The meaning of the dream should be interpreted depending on the details. Everything that appears in him will lead at such a time to a significant strengthening of close relationships.

Dreaming of being baptized in front of a church

Almost everyone signs themselves with a sign in front of the temple. Many people try to cross themselves even when they just see it. Therefore, such actions very often appear before them during night visions.

Attention! Any believer strives to comprehend the meaning of the signs that are sent to him from above. Therefore, it can be very important to understand why you dream of being baptized in front of church. Most often, the symbol says: a person is trying to cleanse his soul and heart. He is a true Christian. In many ways, the dream indicates that the Orthodox is under the protection of Heaven.

A large collection of wanderers reports: a dreamed vision appeared to mean that clouds had gathered over a person and he was seeking protection from above.

Why else do you dream of being baptized in a dream in front of a church? The one who made such a gesture is a truly pure-hearted follower of religion. He fears God and lives in accordance with his conscience.

If a person crossed himself while passing by a temple, then he needs to pay attention to his health or property. It is possible that a serious illness or robbery is looming.

An interesting dream that can have several different meanings. If it is quite natural for a Christian to put the sign of the cross on himself, then a dream with such a sign puzzles a Muslim or Jew.

This action has another meaning: a person plunges into water, accepting Christianity. To understand what this dream means, remember your feelings and emotions. This is how the modern dream book interprets such a dream most often.

For a Christian

There is a proverb: “until the thunder strikes, a man will not cross himself.” In a dream, the dreamer can put a cross on himself, feeling fear, fright, and negative emotions. In extremely rare cases, a person thanks God with the sign of the cross during a night's rest.

To be baptized with one's hand in a dream means fear, illness and mortal danger. Passionate prayer, putting a cross on oneself, tears and lamentations indicate disasters and grief.

But if you hear a fake cry, this is a dream with the opposite meaning, which the dream book interprets in the opposite way. Unnatural tears, hysterical screaming and screaming predict joy, happiness, and a pleasant surprise for the dreamer.

Seeing someone else falsely crying and hysterically crossing themselves is a sign of deception. Any evil plan of this person will be revealed.

If you dream of an unclean spirit and the dreamer makes the sign of the cross to get rid of it, this is a sign of fear. Sometimes this is how negative magical influence, damage, and the evil eye manifest themselves.

People often see such dreams after a funeral or shortly before the death of a loved one. In such a situation, contact a priest, bless the apartment, or remember the deceased several times.

E If magical rituals took place in the house - fortune-telling, divination, damage, a love spell or a lapel, you need to throw away all the ritual things and turn to the priest. Especially when nightmares begin to occur regularly.

If after you crossed yourself in a dream, the monster disappears, the troubles will go away. Miller points to life's trials that will end happily.

Crossing yourself near the temple means sorrow. Especially if you did it in front of the icon and put a candle. To experience fear at the same time means expect misfortune.

A dream in which there is a ritual of baptism indicates renewal. To baptize a child is to take responsibility for something. Sometimes such a dream symbolizes an imminent pregnancy or a new business.

Seeing the baptism of an adult means a change in relationship with him. To be baptized yourself means a promise, an oath, sorrow or illness.

Simply making the sign of the cross over a child in a dream means advice and blessing.

If in a dream you blessed an adult son or daughter, this means marriage, marriage or another important step. To baptize a Christian again means you will have to participate in a wedding or funeral.

Holiday Epiphany

It is celebrated in January. On this holiday, it is customary to plunge into an ice hole to gain health for the whole year.

If you dreamed of baptism and swimming in an ice hole, then such a dream predicts recovery, improvement of affairs, and sometimes coldness and indifference.

Dipping a friend into cold water means a scandal. Such a dream may indicate a cooling of relationships.

Jumping into an icy pond feeling pleasure is a good sign.

This means that the patient will recover, and things will get better and go uphill.

Swimming in icy water means perseverance and patience, but in relationships with loved ones dryness, cruelty, and misunderstanding are possible.

Sleeping and feeling the Epiphany frosts is a disappointment. The dream book writes that your relationship with a loved one will collapse. Coming out of cold water and warming up is a joy.

Dreams of Gentiles

If a Muslim, a Jew or a representative of another religion begins to be baptized, suffering and fear await him. Seeing a church and crossing yourself in front of it is a sign of an event that will get out of control.

The road to the temple, the entrance to it predicts danger, suffering, illness. Reading prayers in front of the icon and periodically making the sign of the cross means converting to Christianity or trying to learn this faith.

Crying and moaning in church, falling to your knees - to great grief. Especially if you heard funeral singing.

The icon means a problem, fear, experience. Sometimes she points to the dreamer's heavenly patron. Try to remember it to find the answer to the question.

Find the description and history of the icon you dreamed of in order to understand the essence of the problem and disaster. Each of them means a miracle or trouble that the face depicted on it helps to resolve.

If an inveterate atheist was baptized in church, expect changes. This dream means a change in worldview, life principles and priorities. Sometimes a dream predicts surprise for you.

For the atheist himself, prayer and the sign of the cross in church foreshadows suffering and sorrow. Some people have such a dream to great fear and surprise. Often such night pictures predict trouble in the house.

Often people try to understand why they dream of being baptized. In a dream, this action can take place in a church, but sometimes it is carried out in a different setting. This image is considered ambiguous. He can tell about the mental turmoil of the sleeping person or that he needs the support of loved ones. Therefore, you should recall in great detail all the details of the dream in order to figure out what it means. Then you can consider various interpretations from dream books.

There are several interesting explanations for what this image symbolizes on an unconscious level. First, it should be noted that this is a component of a religious ritual directly related to spiritual life. If in reality the dreamer is a believer, then the image he sees testifies to his desire for internal development. He tries to fulfill the commandments and does not even doubt that good deeds are rewarded, and evil ones entail retribution.

Atheists or agnostics are also recommended to open the dream book. Even an unbeliever can cross himself with his hand in a dream. In this case, interpreters believe that the action in question symbolizes some kind of threat in reality. A person experiences anxiety and cannot get rid of the premonition that real danger hangs over him. Subconsciously, he asks for support and help from God.

People's dream book

This is a very good book that has long been helping people interpret the images that appear in night dreams. It contains a lot of interpretations of all kinds of plots. It is worth finding out the opinion of the classic dream book regarding the sign of the cross:

  1. A person has made a revelation to himself in the wrong way (with his left hand or in the wrong order) - this is a warning. There is an enemy in his circle who pretends to be a good friend.
  2. If you dreamed of such an action after a difficult day filled with experiences, it means that the sleeper is unable to achieve mental balance and get what happened out of his head.
  3. The dreamer crosses himself while standing in a church in front of an icon - in reality something worries him. He feels nervous and cannot find peace. Perhaps he needs the support of others because he himself is not able to cope with the overwhelming experiences. Don't be upset - soon someone will guide him on the right path. This will happen unexpectedly.
  4. If a person undergoes a wedding ceremony together with his chosen one and is baptized during the process, then in reality his relationship with his life partner will be very strong. An enviable harmony in the sexual and spiritual spheres awaits them.
  5. If a sleeping person makes a gesture while he is in a cemetery, when someone is being buried, then in reality he will soon forget about what has upset him for a long time.
  6. Signing oneself with the sign of the cross while taking communion means that in reality the dreamer will never encounter misfortunes or financial problems.
  7. A person carries out an action at the moment when the choir’s chants echo throughout the temple - his long-standing desires will soon certainly come true. This will be a joyful surprise for him.
  8. Offering prayers and being baptized at the same time is a good symbol. He predicts that the sleeper will get rid of sad thoughts that do not allow him to find harmony.
  9. If something happened in the kingdom of Morpheus that frightened the dreamer, and for this reason he began to be baptized, then in reality he doubts his capabilities and cannot make a decision.

So, there are quite a lot of interpretations in the People's Dream Book, and everyone can find a plot from their dream here. Perhaps this is the best publication devoted to interpretations of night dreams.

Freud's opinion

The famous psychiatrist can provide several explanations for this plot. Depending on what a person feels during the action, the interpretation can be good or bad. If the sleeper experienced a painful feeling, then the dream indicates that he is experiencing embarrassment. Perhaps, on an unconscious level, he perceives his own erotic dreams as unacceptable. But it is not at all necessary that this is actually something shameful. Due to the presence of negative emotions, a person tries with all his might not to show interest in the opposite sex.

The good meaning of the symbol is associated with the fact that the dreamer experiences satisfaction with sexual relations. But, according to the dream book, if a young free girl dreamed that she was being baptized in a temple, then they would try to tarnish her good name. And, probably, the enemies will achieve what they want.

If a married lady dreams of a similar situation, then this may mean fantasies about sex on the side. You cannot follow your desires, because once you stumble, you can worry about it until your death.

Miller's book

The interpreter believes that dreams with such actions, as a rule, symbolize the pronounced internal turmoil that is characteristic of the sleeper. To put it mildly, you cannot envy a person in such a situation. He is probably experiencing:

  • concerns;
  • fear;
  • horror.

All these emotions are caused by what is happening in reality. The dreamer’s soul is heavy, and he constantly thinks about how to overcome the troubles that have arisen. If he realizes the reason for what is happening to him, then he must try to eliminate it as soon as possible.

Perhaps the person is tormented by something he did many years ago. If he does not have the opportunity to make amends, then it is advisable to simply throw the mistakes of the past out of his head. But if you ever get the chance to apologize, you need to do it. Since a person reproaches himself for sins, this already indicates a desire to change everything.

For people who doubt the existence of the Creator, the dream warns that among their acquaintances there are false witnesses and enemies. They try to annoy the sleeping person with all available means.

People often dream that they overshadow themselves during the rite of baptism. This is indeed a very common plot. Here's what Miller thinks about this:

  1. Being an outside observer is a warning that enemies are trying to slander the sleeping person. If he wants to preserve his good name, then he should take the necessary steps to do this.
  2. To participate in baptism yourself - ill-wishers will try to denigrate the dreamer, but they will not succeed.
  3. Jesus Christ is involved in the ritual - the person will reflect on what to prefer. He can follow the path of helping others or become concerned about his own enrichment.

If any of the first two points are relevant, then it is recommended not to sit idly by, but to act to prevent trouble. You cannot allow your enemies to mock you.

Interpretations of Vanga

The seer believes that images associated with religion, as a rule, have a good meaning for the sleeper. If he is baptized, he will be able to overcome the obstacles and threats placed by fate. Go to church and overshadow yourself with a sign - in reality the person is extremely self-centered. You should think about the need not only to satisfy your own needs, but also to support your loved ones. The dreamer does not realize this, but incorrect attitudes do not allow him to find harmony.

If you dreamed that you crossed yourself in a church along with many parishioners, then you have the opportunity to achieve recognition from others. The sleeper probably expects respect in the workplace. If such a plot occurs to a young representative of the fair sex before a planned wedding, her family life will be cloudless.

Ivanov's opinion

The interpreter believes that diligently being baptized in church is a symbol of the fact that a person is under the power of unbearable horror. A certain incident had a negative impact on him, and now he is unable to overcome his anxiety.

Modern Oracle

When someone dreams of such a plot, it symbolizes doubts in one’s abilities or anxiety about the future. For this reason, the dreamer is constantly subject to experiences. However, now that he dreamed that he was being baptized, he can stop being upset. A dream, as a rule, indicates that stress will remain in the past, and the person will achieve what he wants. Probably God himself will help him with this.

What does Tsvetkov think?

If in a dream a person saw his friend standing in a church and overshadowing himself with a sign, then this means that he should not be trusted. When something bad happens in the life of a sleeping person, he will not support him in any way.

The sign of the cross can be interpreted in different ways. But even if the interpretation is not encouraging, you should not be upset, but rather pull yourself together and start acting.

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