How to beautifully plant petunia in a flowerbed. DIY petunia flower beds

Petunias bloomed in the garden
And they bent down to the ground.
Decorating the flower garden with a rainbow
And they made me happy
Such beauty is blooming
Why are people surprised?

Large multi-colored “bells” and delicate double “roses” are all varieties of the popular plant - petunias. With its help you can decorate an apartment, house, terrace, balcony and even a yard. There is nothing overly complicated in growing this flower, but certain rules must still be followed. Let's take a closer look at the main ones.

1. Petunia: growing from seeds

Can be used as tableware wooden boxes or plastic bottles. You need to cover the bottom of the boxes with a layer of newspapers and fill them with soil. Using a popsicle stick dipped in water, shallow grooves are made in the soil and the seeds are placed in them. There is no need to fill them, just lightly moisten them with a spray bottle.

After this, the boxes are covered with thick film and placed under a lamp for germination. daylight. Recommended temperature: +20 °C. It usually takes 10 to 20 days before the first leaf appears.

After the first leaf appears, the film can be removed and the temperature reduced to +15 °C. Seedlings should be watered no more than once every three days: this way the root system will work and develop better.

When the plants get stronger, they can be transplanted into cups. Petunia grown in this way grows strong and is practically not affected by cold weather. If it is not possible to illuminate the seedlings, then you need to sow the seeds early - around January.

2. Growing petunia in tablets

An alternative way is to grow petunia in peat tablets. They help reduce the loss of seedlings, which is important given the fairly high cost of individual varieties and hybrids. Medium-sized tablets are suitable for growing. A couple of hours before sowing, they need to be soaked in water until completely swollen. It is especially convenient to spread the seeds using a pre-moistened match or a cotton swab.

After finishing, each seed needs to be treated with water from a spray bottle or simply dripped from a pipette. The crops need to be covered with film and placed in a warm place for germination. At a temperature of +25 °C, seedlings will appear in about a week.

While the seedlings are germinating, you need to carefully monitor the moisture level. Before transplanting into pots, petunia does not need to be fertilized, since high-quality peat tablets already contain a set of necessary minerals.

3. Ampelous petunias: growing features

The main condition successful cultivation is to follow the following rules:
1. Use of quality seeds from European producers;

2. Use of special soil: it must be sufficiently loose and retain moisture well;

3. Compliance with sowing dates, taking into account the fact that the minimum period required for development young plant, is 3 months;

4. Abundant watering in the first week after sowing;

5. Maintaining temperature at +20-+25 °C;

6. Use for illumination of fluorescent lamps;

7. Application of water-soluble mineral fertilizers.

If you follow these simple rules, you can grow amazingly beautiful flower garden, which will delight you until the coldest weather.

4. Growing terry petunias

Terry petunia can rightfully be called the queen of the flower garden. The range of colors is more than diverse: snow-white, bright yellow, soft purple, pink and lilac, rich blue, deep purple with spots, stripes and a border framing the petals. Suitable for both planting in flowerpots and decorating a terrace, gazebo or balcony.

Those who are just starting to grow terry petunias need to know that this plant is quite capricious and does not tolerate heavy rain and wind.

Hybrids, as a rule, are not capable of producing seeds suitable for propagation: of the total amount, no more than ¼ will be double, and the rest will be simple. Therefore, for propagation you will have to resort to cuttings.

After wintering, cuttings are cut and planted in containers filled with soil mixture. This method allows you to grow strong, abundant flowering plants. In the first year after planting, they will bloom in August, and the next year - in May.

5. Simple beauty: DIY petunia flower bed

If funds allow, a petunia tree can be made from beautiful pots and a forged stand. Unusual and original in their simplicity, petunias are unpretentious, drought-resistant and easy-to-care flowers that can be used to decorate a garden, flower bed, front garden, yard or balcony.

Luxurious multi-colored cascades will delight you, from the arrival of warmth to late autumn. For landscape design This is an ideal plant because it looks equally good on its own or in combination with other flowers.

6. Original flower beds for your favorite flowers: the main types of petunia flower beds

It’s not for nothing that this variety is considered a classic. You can choose a discreet option, involving monochrome colors, or a brighter one, combining flowers of different shades, sizes and shapes. In any case, the composition will look impressive.

2. Creative accent: flower bed with a coniferous center

This method of design will give the composition geometric laconicism and completeness. Flowers can be used in several shades. This, for example, could be pastel shades closer to the central part and deeper and more saturated at the edges. Juniper, cypress or thuja are ideal as an accent when decorating a flower bed.

3. Towards the sun: rules for designing a raised flower bed

Formatted using vertical walls, due to which the structure is raised above ground level. In most cases, it does not have a day, so the plants develop in the same way as in the case of planting in open ground, without experiencing a lack of minerals.

4. Miracles in a pocket or mini-flower bed

Such mini-flower beds will fit perfectly into the design of a small yard paved with tiles or decorative stones.
Best friends. Petunias go well with other types of ornamental plants, so choosing companion flowers for them will not be difficult. Ideally, marigolds and coleus are suitable for this, but the scope for experimentation in reality is much wider.

By the way, using a method from ascending to descending and reducing the height of plants from the center to the edges, you can achieve the unusual effect of raising the flowerbed above the ground.

5. Something about cascades

Since petunias grow equally well both in open ground and in flowerpots, using them you can create an original airy multi-tiered flower bed. To do this, you will need to secure containers with flowers to a wooden screen.

They can be arranged either symmetrically or in a free order. Petunias also look good in high vertical flower beds, which are not so difficult to make. You only need metal carcass from twigs, a bag and earth.

6. Apply arcs

If you make a frame from arcs, you will get a fabulous top of petunias.

7. New life old things

Since petunias are unpretentious, if desired, you can use unnecessary things as a flower bed - car tires, baskets, the backs of old metal bed, barrels and even old shoes. This method of planting will give a second life to things and make the garden unique.

Or you can cut out a thick rubber tape and decorate a flowerbed

Petunias also look organic in a flower bed, for the fencing of which a sidewalk border is used, as well as in a gravel garden, where sections with flowers alternate with gravel ones.

7. Preserving beauty: basic rules for caring for a flower bed

However, decorating a flowerbed beautifully is only half the battle. In order for plants to delight with lush flowers until the coldest weather, they need to be provided proper care. However, there is nothing complicated about it. First of all, the soil should not be allowed to dry out. During hot months, deep watering should be done in the morning or evening to prevent sunburn.

In addition, petunias are known “gourmets”, so you need to take care of timely feeding. Both organic and mineral fertilizers are suitable for this. During growth, petunia needs nitrogen, and during flowering it needs potassium and phosphorus. By following these simple recommendations, you will enjoy an oasis of beauty in your own yard or front garden until the cold weather.

Among flowers, as among people, there are very different “individuals” with similar and dissimilar habits. There are capricious ones who are very demanding of care, and there are “lovers” of extreme sports, for whom the worse the better. Therefore, you should select flowers to each other especially carefully.

Tip: remember that plants placed in the same flower garden must have the same requirements for light, humidity, and soil quality.

The most luxurious perennials - roses, peonies and clematis - prefer to bathe in the sun's rays, but for complete comfort they need fertile soil, proper fertilizing, and sufficient and timely watering. And yet, even under such conditions experienced flower growers It is advised to plant them separately - separately from each other and from other plants (the distance for peonies is at least 1 m, for roses - 0.5 m).

These kings and queens of the garden will look especially impressive in tapeworm plantings against the background of a lawn growing at a distance from conifers or ornamental shrubs, provided that the latter bloom at different times with our heroes. Peonies do not bloom for long, but they lush bushes gorgeous even after flowering. Therefore, at some distance from them (but not in their shade), you can plant later-blooming annuals that love the sun and can easily tolerate moderate drought.

If your soul longs to diversify such a flower garden, choose a discreet, discreet frame for it. For example, the beauty of roses and peonies the modest lace of gypsophila paniculata, graceful lavender or spectacular leaves of silver wormwood are emphasized. Not far from the rose garden, you can plant protective plants that can drive away insidious pests. Perfect option - marigolds and sage .

These sun worshipers are drought-resistant and do not pretend to feed others. Advice: keep in mind that the abundance of different and simultaneously flowering plants in one flower garden looks at least ridiculous - such diversity dazzles the eyes.

Royal people, whose quirks we have already talked about, are far from the only candidates for a “sunny” flower garden.

In spring, the clearing, flooded with generous rays, will be decorated with mixed plantings of bulbs: tulips, hyacinths and daffodils. Decorative onions and gypsophila paniculata will gladly keep tulips company.

But remember: tulips should not be dug up or cut off until their leaves have accumulated in the bulbs. nutrients. The signal for “removal” will be completely dried foliage.

Don’t worry about the beauty of the landscape; by that time, the bulbous plants will be hidden by a “screen” of tall, drought-resistant annuals or perennials, which in our climate have “re-qualified” as annuals.

This verbena and high varieties of marigolds and lacfiol (yellow gillyflower). In similar conditions, lilies and phloxes, chrysanthemums and asters, dahlias and decorative sunflowers, gladioli and zinnias, cannas and daisies feel good.

However, the demands of plants extend not only to light, but also to humidity and other soil characteristics. And this will also have to be taken into account when arranging flower beds and flower beds.

Many sun-loving plants prefer moderate watering and good drainage.

Many ornamental grasses are quite drought-resistant, for example elymus, two-brown fescue and gray fescue. But there are also plants that equally love both sun and water. These are irises and decorative onions, sapling and paniculata phlox, autumn helenium and rudbeckia, gladiolus and purple coneflower.

Flowers and flowering plants usually prefer rich, neutral soils and readily accept fertilizing. Ground cover and some representatives wildlife accustomed to poor, not very generous land: this yaskolka, young, wormwood(and other plants with silver-gray leaves), they often get sick from feeding.

Advice: if possible, avoid dense planting; many plants occupy an increasing area over time and interfere with each other, so it is important to maintain distance and cover the “naked” soil with decorative mulch.

Secrets of the Twilight.

The shade can be different: solid or impenetrable shade is provided by outbuildings, fences and dense plantings, light shade is provided by trees and shrubs with lacy foliage. Plants react differently to too little or too much light. Shade-loving animals show their beauty only where there is little sun.

Shade-tolerant plants prefer sunny places, but agree to put up with varying degrees of shading, although with such a compromise they partially lose their attractiveness. There is no point in combining plants with different tastes.

When choosing “tenants” for a shady corner of the garden, you need to pay attention to whether they are shade-loving or shade-tolerant.

Moderately shade-tolerant plants tolerate slight shading, which can be created by taller “neighbors” in one flower garden: cornflowers, saplings, daylilies, pyrethrum and dicentra .

Great option for shade - “wild” perennials, which natural conditions adapted to the lack of sunlight.

Miniature groundcovers - small periwinkle, parsley, pachysandra, ivy bud - will cover the rows and voids in the garden, driving away weeds. You can create magnificent carpets even where shade-tolerant ones cannot survive lawn grass, - under the fir trees or with north side At home, the shade-loving European hoofweed, yellow greenleaf, apical pachysandra and cordifolia tiarella will take root here well.

They also feel good in intense shade. wood anemone, lily of the valley, ferns, liverwort and some varieties and species of hosta. For shaded borders, rockeries and alpine slides creeping tenacious, variegated varieties are suitable brunners, bergenia and lungwort. Among the beautiful flowering perennials that tolerate light shading without loss, it is worth paying attention to volzhanka, elecampane, rogersia and solidago. Can be planted in partial shade anemone, aconite, meadowsweet, dicentra and astilbe.

A lot of former weeds that have turned into light hand gardeners in ornamental plants, are accustomed to extreme conditions and grow quite successfully in acidic soils.

Slightly increased acidity will be easily tolerated daylilies and primroses, pachysandra apex, tiarella and armeria. Slightly acidic soil is preferred by saplings, aconite, delphinium, different varieties sedges, anemone, lily of the valley, gentian and cereals. Strongly acidic soils “to my liking” ornamental shrubs and some herbaceous perennials: fern, dicentra, bergenia and multileaf lupine .

Friends or enemies?

Plants with similar tastes do not always get along together, and opposites push each other out of the occupied territory. Options good neighborhood may be the most unexpected, but most often they have to be determined by trial and error.

It happens that plants whose requirements for comfort coincide cannot grow side by side. For example, tree peonies- bad neighbors not only for perennials, but even for trees and shrubs planted closer than 1.5 m.

Roses wither from close proximity to carnations and mignonette, and peonies have a depressing effect on the queen of the garden herself. Lily of the valley makes you suffer when growing nearby peonies and violets, and dahlias noticed to “destroy” almost all competitors - after all, there are fewer weeds next to them than with other plants.

Representatives are particularly aggressive Ranunculaceae family. they suck moisture from the soil and that's it useful material, thoroughly

depleting the soil, so those around them have to sit on a starvation diet. Along the way, the roots of representatives of this family release substances that can poison the lives of their green “brothers”.

And if you plant buttercups on a clover lawn, even hardy clover will die. Ground cover plants love to conquer other people's territories, and bulbous plants that overwinter in the ground especially suffer from them: it is difficult for them to break through the powerful interweaving of “tops and roots.” If, contrary to the habits of plants, you nevertheless decide to combine bulbous and ground cover crops in one flower garden, aggressive impulses should be limited by rigid frames made of tin or metal, both in the ground and above the ground.

Flowers and their neighborhood - choosing candidates: photo

1. Marigold Perfection1 F1. The bush is compact or spreading with a clearly defined main shoot and completely round, densely double inflorescences up to 15 cm in diameter. The bush is powerful, strong, well branched, 35-40 cm high, 30-35 cm wide. Plants look great in borders, flower beds and flower beds , go well with phlox, dahlias, asters, and geraniums. Flowering from late June - early July until frost.

2. BRACHICOMAannual plant 15-25 cm high. The bushes contain numerous inflorescences with flowers 3-3.5 cm in diameter. Reed flowers are white, blue, purple or lilac-pink; tubular (smaller) - blue or almost black. Flowering is abundant, from mid-June to September or October depending on the weather. Loves open sunny places and light and nutritious soil. Watering is necessary only in dry weather, for abundant flowering complete fertilizing is recommended mineral fertilizers. Planting after return frosts, the distance between plants is 15-20 cm.

3. Cornflower– two- or one-year herbaceous plant height from 60 to 80 cm. Flowers of garden forms can be white, pink, purple, red. Unpretentious, but loves sunlight, blooms from June to September. They are grown in open ground in a sunny place, the distance between individuals is 20-50 cm. When grown in a group of plants or flower beds, plant on the south side in the first row so that sunlight evenly falls on the leaves. Loves fertile, humus-rich soil with neutral acidity.

4. Diascia bearded– most often an annual crop up to 30 cm high, strongly branches, forming a spherical bush. The flowers are small, up to 2 cm in diameter, pink in color, of different shades, often with a yellow spot in the neck. Tolerates lack of moisture well. Therefore, it is quite suitable for planting in containers, and is widely used to decorate the borders of mixborders, the edges of flower beds and garden paths.

5. NEMESIIA GOITTER- an annual plant 30-40 cm high. The flowers are bright orange, yellow, pink, red or variegated, up to 2.5 cm in diameter. This is one of the best annuals for borders or groups in prefabricated flower beds, as well as for planting in flowerpots and balconies boxes. Flowering continues until the end of September. To provoke a second wave of flowering, cut off faded stems at a height of 15-20 cm from the ground

Petunia flowerbeds: how to beautifully plant petunia in the garden.

Petunia looks very good in containers and is also used for growing in front gardens and flower beds. We must admit that growing these flowers in the garden will help you create bright spots that every now and then will attract the admiring glances of all passers-by.

Petunia flower beds

- division summer cottage to zones.

The second point is especially interesting. Just imagine how unusual and, most importantly, beautifully, your site will be divided into different sectors, each of which will have its own purpose. Each zone, in theory, will have a different size, which in turn will affect the length of the petunia “strips”. Everything depends only on your imagination, therefore, it is best to try yourself as a landscape designer on the lawn.

Of course, you certainly won’t plant flowers at random in a chaotic order. First, you should be struck by the idea of ​​how to plant petunia beautifully. It is advisable to sketch out all interesting ideas, that is, make some kind of sketch and only then transfer all the data to the site. Just remember to keep the scale in mind.

How to plant petunia beautifully?

Gramophone petunias can be of a wide variety of colors - lilac, yellow, purple, white, red, cream and even bicolor. In short, the choice of colors is simply huge. So listen to your taste preferences and choose those shades that will combine most successfully with each other.

Petunia also goes well with other flowers, which will allow you to create more complex flower arrangements. However, there are several secrets that you need to know so that such mixed flower beds meet all your expectations:

— corrugated and double varieties of petunia should not be planted together with plants with simple flowers, since the latter bloom profusely, which will make the petunia rather faceless;

— petunias of the “Celebrity” series are best planted in a recreation area, this will allow you to enjoy their extraordinary aroma after numerous daily worries.

Color compatibility in design is a whole science. Briefly, the tips are below.

However, these brief examples will give you at least a minimum in the initial selection of colors for your interior. There are classical laws of compatibility of colors and color schemes. You can play with contrast at first, but then it turns out that living in this room is unbearable, and how easy it would have been to listen to at least minimal advice.

So, if you are thinking about color combinations and gamma, then... .

What should be immediately excluded until you decide - Black, Orange and Blue (light blue).

The “hottest” color is orange.

The coldest is blue, always associated with cool water and ice.

Even if it seems to you that you don’t react to color in any way (you don’t care at all what color the objects around you are), your eye catches its slightest shades (up to one and a half million!), and your subconscious and genetic memory record all the color “messages” .

As a result, being in a certain color scheme of rooms invisibly guides your emotions and actions.

“Unfavorable” colors and color combinations

Black (and also purple) “eats up” space.

Blue – a feeling of cold and discomfort.

Favorable colors

Shades from yellow to green are a calm and optimistic range that relieves fatigue.

Pastel shades from yellow to beige are “reconciling” and comfortable colors.

Dark blue – “cools” space and ardor (for example, at the negotiating table), is considered a serious and business-like color.

White - can cause a feeling of cold and discomfort, on the other hand - “ Blank sheet" - the ideal background for any design solutions. Red or terracotta as accents are invigorating and uplifting.

Black as accents gives the interior a graphic and special style.

Light gray in a “mix” with other colors is a business environment.

Conversely, warm shades will help make an overly spacious and therefore empty room more comfortable. They will also add a little sunny mood if it is lacking natural light, and fluorescent lamps are used. While the abundantly lit hall with large windows can be “dressed up” in cool colors.

Rules for color combinations.

Of course there are fashionable combinations flowers in every season. But when you select color combinations, you should still rely on the color combination table and your own feelings.

Does not exist the right combination flowers, there are only good combination colors.

For red: pink - purple and orange - egg yellow

For yellow: orange - egg yellow and lime - light green

For green: lime – light green and color sea ​​wave- blue

For blue: green - sea green and lilac - purple

Orange - sea green

Decorating flower beds of petunias in the garden: photos and examples

Petunia is a beautiful flower that exudes a delicate honey aroma. Very often they are used in the design of decorative landscapes in gardens, summer cottages and city parks. With this option there is a large number of thanks to the huge number of varieties of petunias.

Few people know that petunia belongs to the category of nightshade plants, which also includes potatoes. Long time petunia grew like a wild plant and had no decorative effect . and only in the 19th century it was noticed by breeders who made hybrid ornamental varieties based on it.

There are more and more of them every year; gardeners love both old and new types of petunias. The most popular petunias for growing in gardens are ampelous varieties. In the photo you can see what they look like, their description is as follows:

  • on the shoots there are flowers with a diameter of about 5 cm;
  • Mostly petunias have simple funnel-shaped flowers, but there are also double varieties with corrugated or wavy edges of the petals;
  • flowers in some varieties resemble stars.
  • The color range of petunias is striking in its diversity. So, their flowers are:

  • white;
  • purple;
  • coral.
  • Due to the presence of a huge number of varieties, many hobbyists often use them to decorate their gardens. For example, arrange beautiful flower beds based on them. In the photo you can see examples of creating such compositions.

    How to choose planting material?

    Petunia seedlings can be grown independently or purchased from finished form. If there are difficulties with the purchase, then growing it with your own hands will not be easy:

  • strictly observe the temperature;
  • carry out picking and pinching in a timely manner.
  • Selection of location and soil

    For petunias you need to choose neutral or fertile soil. It is best to have sandy or loamy soil. But if the soil is heavy and clayey, this will not be very good for the plant: growth and flowering will slow down. The soil can be improved by loosening. To do this, it is dug up and fertile soil from another area or peat is added to it. Also, when planting in a hole, you can add a little baking powder, for example:

    Remember that petunias, especially ampelous ones, tend to grow. They have a developed root system, That's why for creating beautiful flower bed no need to plant densely. This can lead to plants fighting for space, as a result of which some will begin to oppress others. In addition, such planting density can provoke the appearance powdery mildew and other fungal diseases.

    To prevent this from happening, you need to maintain the following distances in collective plantings of petunias:

  • large-flowered – 20–25 cm, respectively;
  • What plants can be combined with planting petunia?

    To create a beautiful and attractive garden composition, petunias can be combined with each other by variety, or with other plants.

  • calendula;
  • pelargonium;
  • Snapdragon;
  • marigold;
  • ageratum.
  • cineraria;
  • chlorophytum;
  • irezine and others.
  • In the spring, petunias can be combined with bulbous flowers, which dry the leaves for the summer:

  • narcissus;
  • tulip;
  • crocus;
  • hyacinth and others.
  • In case of drought, they should be dug up and replaced with other flowers, or these areas should be temporarily covered with decorative leaves or ground cover plants.

      Design options for flower beds


      The monoflower is the simplest composition, but very attractive. In its most strict version it means planting petunias of one variety. such a flowerbed will look like a monochrome spot. But if you place petunias on it different forms and shades, despite its name, it will look varied.

    • juniper;
    • cypress
    • Raised flower bed

      This composition gets its look due to the vertical walls. It has no bottom, but petunias are able to develop, just like in open ground. Ampelous plants are planted inside. The soil for a raised bed can be improved depending on the type of flower. To do this, it can be fertilized with such components as:

    • peat;
    • vermicompost.
    • Planting pocket or mini-flower bed

      Round flowerbed

      The height of the flowerbed plants decreases from the center to the periphery; the composition itself has the shape of a dome and looks slightly raised above the ground.

      Vertical flower bed based on petunias

      Petunia is a crop that grows well not only in open, but also closed soils, so they can be grown in pots and containers. Thanks to this, they can be used to create vertical multi-tiered compositions that are assembled based on different elements.

      A vertical flower bed is made from a wooden screen; containers with flowers are mounted vertically on it. Another variant - creating a flower tower, which consists of planting sections piled on top of each other. And the third method is to create an arched metal frame, which serves as the main one for attaching several large flowerpots with petunias.

      For ampelous flower varieties, containers should be as spacious as possible and have drainage holes.

      Of course, a beautifully designed composition in the garden based on petunias is far from the end of the work on it. Naturally, it requires self-care in order to delight you with its flowering and beauty.

      Correct design of a flower bed

    • Other factors influencing the creation of a flower bed
    • A flower bed is one of the main elements of landscape decoration of any personal plot.

      It is a special flower garden, geometrically regular in shape, planted with flowers that harmoniously coexist with each other, which most often form regular patterns. You need to approach their design creatively, using such natural materials, like stone, sand, gravel, tree bark, grass and, of course, flowers. The flower bed is static and is usually the center of the whole landscape composition plot.

      Flower compatibility by flowering time

      Scheme of a flower bed of annual flowers.

      According to the timing of flowering, flower beds are distinguished between regular and irregular. When creating a regular flower bed, you need to ensure that the plants bloom at the same time. The successive flowering of plants all summer long forms an irregular flower bed. When choosing flowers at your own discretion, it is imperative to study the timing of their flowering. Let's name the flowering times of some of the most popular flowers:

    • daffodils, primroses, tulips, saxifrage, pansies- bloom in May-June;
    • phlox, bells, garden daisies, petunia, marigolds, calendula - will bloom in July-August;

    Color compatibility by color and size

    Scheme of a rectangular flower bed.

    It is clear that the flowerbed should, first of all, correspond to the personal preferences of the gardener, but some useful recommendations in design flower beds will never interfere.

    Recently, monoflower beds have often been created from flowers of the same color. It should be noted that such flower beds look very impressive.

    Flowers should be planted in the flowerbed depending on their size, so that tall plants do not interfere with or shade short ones. In free-standing flower beds, the tallest flowers, for example, poppies, delphinium, are planted in the center, and low plants along the edges. In one-sided flower beds, tall flowers are planted in the background; as they approach the edge, their size decreases, and even creeping plants can be planted in the foreground.

    Flowers located in the same flower bed must have the same requirements for soil moisture, its composition, their relationship to sunlight, be light-loving or shade-loving plants. Usually, many of them simply need drainage, and to get rid of the acidity of the soil, you should add wood ash. Some of them need some kind of fertilizer more than others. It is very important to know the depth of the roots of flowers, and also that the roots will protect their territory by releasing phytotoxins into the soil. In this regard, some flowers may be suppressed by others. Before planting plants, all these factors should be taken into account in order to ensure that they optimal conditions existence and proper care.

    A flower bed, compiled according to the proposed recommendations, will decorate the garden plot until autumn, as well as delight, create high spirits and charge its owners with positive energy.

    Repair - compatibility of colors in design.

    Firstly, the color scheme should not strain or irritate you in any way, but, on the contrary, restore the harmony lost during the day.

    Actually, choosing a color scheme begins with deciding what you really want from a color design. This is the only way you can choose the optimal color combination.

    Red – creates nervous tension (can even cause hypertension).

    Brown (including wood-like finishes) - causes melancholy and can lead to depression.

    Gray - sadness and despondency.

    Turquoise – gives a feeling of freshness (suitable for the bathroom).

    Light blue - calms, causes drowsiness - ideal for bedrooms and rest rooms, but is contraindicated in offices and work areas.

    Yellow and orange – stimulates and tones (not suitable for a bedroom), suitable for a room with windows facing north.

    Moving from blue through green and yellow tones, the colors warm up and hold “ high temperature” on red, burgundy, brown and some shades of pink and purple, and then again “descend” to the cold through lilac and blue. However, the presented gradation is very arbitrary, since the boundaries between cold and warm are barely perceptible. For example, lime is more of a yellow color, but is a cool color. Conversely, deep, rich purple can be either warm or cool, depending on whether it is dominated by red or blue.

    And yet, it is warm or cold palettes that can transform a room. So, for example, in order to expand the walls small room, it is advisable to use not just light, but light, cold tones.

    They are distinguished by their particular breadth color schemes kitchen interior. If you are decorating a kitchen, you should take into account that rich warm colors - orange, grass green, egg yellow - increase appetite, while blue and white help to keep yourself within limits and eat food in moderation.

    The bedroom - be it a corner for relaxation from the harsh everyday life or the very embodiment of romance - also requires a special approach. In the first case, it is better to paint it in cool colors that take you far from the problems that need to be solved. In the second, of course, the first roles belong to red and all its various shades, or any other color that you like and belongs to the warm range. This color will allow you to quickly restore strength, as if transferring its energy and warmth to you.

    In order to select color combinations, there are several approaches.

    The first type is plain.

    The color range varies within the main color, it only becomes darker or lighter. For example, dark blue, blue, light blue. However, a room decorated in this way can be slightly diluted with “splashes” of a different color that does not attract too much attention. For example, a room in blue and blue tones can be complemented by white and light sand.

    The second type is harmonious.

    If you want variety, but not so radical as to talk about contrasts, “color” the room according to harmonious combination colors. The most winning examples of color combinations that can be safely combined with each other:

    For orange: red - pink and egg yellow - yellow

    For purple: blue - lilac and pink - red

    The third type is a game of contrasts

    For lovers of original and bright design - a game of contrasts. Each color on the palette has its own “antipode”:

    Red Green

    The flowerbed, first of all, should consist of flowers that will get along with each other and have similar growing conditions.

    You can correctly distribute the flowers you like in a flowerbed with the help of specialists, or you can do it yourself, guided by the recommendations below. Depending on the flower arrangements, flower beds are various types: traditional, raised, vertical, chameleon, carpet, monoflowers and others. In a flower bed, flower compatibility is determined by several indicators: flowering time, flower color, size, shape of petals and leaves, degree of their growth and some others.

  • peonies, delphinium, cornflowers, carnations, irises - bloom in June-July;
  • different types of asters, chrysanthemum, sedum - will bloom in August-September.
  • You should know that some varieties of flowers, for example, garden geraniums, bloom all summer. A little advice for beginning gardeners: when organizing a flower bed, plants with a short flowering period should be planted between the flowers that will replace them. The result is a flower garden that adds variety to the landscape of the site. Constantly changing, he will not have time to get bored.

    There are some rules when designing flower beds based on color. The center of attention will always be red, yellow and orange colors, a harmonious complement, a calm background to them will be blue, violet, indigo, and green shades. Flowers white will look great in any composition. Color combinations such as yellow and purple, blue and red, blue and orange, and green and red go well together. You should not try to plant too many different flowers in a flowerbed; its individuality and originality will immediately be lost.

    A combination of small and large flowers, as well as leaves. Diluting the flower arrangement with greenery will only decorate the flowerbed.

    A flowerbed is the most common design element for a summer cottage. It has the following features: a raised surface, a clear, most often geometric shape, a closed contour. It is customary to divide flower beds into regular and irregular. The former are characterized by strict geometric patterns and clear lines. Flowering of plants should be simultaneous and continuous. Beautiful regular flower beds can be made from marigolds, salvia, begonias, petunias, and tulips. Most often, they require a considerable area and are more suitable for parks with their large areas. But there are also chamber options that are quite appropriate in a country house or in a garden near a private house. Applying simple circuits, you can make a stylish and original flower bed.

    Most suitable flowers to fill the flower bed - annuals. Bright colors, unpretentiousness and long flowering are their distinctive features.

    There are many options here: alyssum, petunia, salvia, drummond phlox, ageratum, snapdragon. But the palm undoubtedly belongs to marigolds. There is perhaps no other flower that so successfully combines excellent decorative qualities and unpretentiousness. Marigolds are not picky about soil, do not need frequent watering, and take root well when transplanted even in a flowering state. uncomplicated. The only condition for their comfortable existence is the presence of light most day. In the shade there will be more greenery than flowers.

    Marigolds are very diverse both in height and in the shape and size of flowers. Color palette these plants are not very wide, they come in yellow, orange, red and brown. But inside it there is a huge variety of shades and color combinations. There are many hybrid forms that surpass their parents in flower size and decorativeness. Varieties with creamy and pure white flowers have been bred. Flowerbeds of these sunny and bright flowers will be appropriate in a garden decorated in any style of landscape design.

    Rose is without a doubt one of the most beautiful flowers. Therefore, you can meet her in almost every garden. Here…

    Marigold flower beds and stylistic design of the garden

      • It would seem that in the garden of stones Japanese style there is no place for a flower bed with marigolds. But a bright spot irregular shape can further enhance the beauty of a rocky landscape.
      • In the skillfully created naturalness and ease of the English landscape style flower beds - rare guests. But even there, a well-thought-out arrangement of such a flower garden will add brightness to the garden and create a sunny mood.
      • For strict geometric shapes of the garden in french style Marigold beds are a real find. Monoflowers made up of marigolds of different colors and shades or mixed plantings with correct selection companions will allow you to create real masterpieces from regular flower beds.
      • For an Italian-style garden with its riot of colors, flowerbeds of bright and elegant marigolds are perfect. The sunny colors of these plants will decorate the Italian garden and make it unique.

    • In a country garden, a flowerbed of marigolds will not only be an appropriate element of landscape design, but will also bring undoubted benefits. These plants heal the soil and repel pests of garden plants well.

    There are a great many options for marigold flower beds. The main difference is in the set of plants. The design of flower beds with marigolds can have two options.


    They consist only of marigolds. This flower garden is the best option for a beginning gardener. Any simple flower bed geometric shape they are planted with Chernobrivtsy, as they are affectionately called in Ukraine, of the same variety. Preference is given to low flowers with large inflorescences. When planted densely enough, at least twenty-five centimeters between plants, they give the effect of a flower carpet. Varieties of low-growing marigolds for such a flower garden: “Lemon Miracle”, “Orange Snow”, “Eskimo” with white flowers. All of them have a height of 35 centimeters and inflorescences with a diameter of 6 to 8 centimeters. The work of creating such a flower bed is simple, but the result is impressive. You can shade a single-color flowerbed with a border of marigolds in a contrasting color or alternate plants of two colors.

    It is quite easy to break a round monoflower bed. It can consist of regular concentric circles, then the center of the composition coincides with the center of the flowerbed. You can move it and get a traditional flower garden original design.

    Scheme of a round monoflower of marigolds

    Floral design, options

    The flower beds are one color. Varieties of marigolds.


    • Highs: “Solar Giants Orange”, “Sierra Orange”.
    • Middle: "Golden Giant".
    • Low: “Taishan F1 orange”, “Marvel orange”, “Apricot Primo”.
    • High: “Marie Helen”, “Yellow Solar Giants”.
    • Medium: “Citronenprince”, “Sierra yellow”, “Lemon giant”.
    • Low: “Taishan F1 yellow”, “Ekinoks yellow”, “Khokhloma yellow”, “Petit Gold”.

    Marigolds "Marvel Orange"
    Marigold "Marie Helen"

    From these varieties you can create both a single-color and a combined flower bed.

    The composition consisting of three flower beds looks interesting. They can be either at the same level or at different levels. Each flowerbed is populated with marigolds of the same color and height.

    Scheme of three marigold flower beds

    The following marigold varieties are suitable for the flowerbed:

    1. "Golden Giant";
    2. "Marvel F1 orange";
    3. “Honeycomb”, red with a brownish tint, or “Eskimo”, vanilla-white in color;
    4. Lawn.

    Mixed beds with marigolds

    This sunny flower goes well with other flowers, annuals and perennials. Flowers with contrasting colors are suitable: all shades of blue and purple, red, white. A single-color combination is possible, but the flowers must have a different structure.

    Most suitable options annuals: alyssums of all colors, blue and white ageratums, red and blue salvias, gaillardias, red and nasturtiums yellow color, blue nemesia, nolana, blue nemophila, snapdragons in burgundy, red, yellow and white shades, petunia purple, blue, yellow and white, asters purple, blue, blue, white, red, as well as small ones and which should be started in March. Silver leaves Cineraria will perfectly set off bright colors.

    A simple flowerbed of two types of annuals

    In a flower bed with a laconic floral design and a star, the following plants coexist perfectly:

    1. Yellow Chernobrivtsy variety “Aura yellow” 40 cm tall;
    2. Red salvia sparkling variety "Dwarf" 25 cm high.

    Difficulties in creating this element garden design will only be when marking. The best option- make a drawing on paper and transfer it to life in the required scale. Floral decoration will not cause any difficulties. Planting density: for marigolds - 30 cm, for salvia - 20 cm. These crops are planted with pre-grown seedlings.

    To decorate a mixed flowerbed with your own hands, you can use the following perennials: German irises in blue and purple shades, cornflowers, various bells, low phloxes in white and purple shades, blue aquilegia, silver woolly chickweed.

    Flowerbed of multi-colored sectors

    For such a flower bed we can recommend the following plants:

    1. German iris with purple flowers or bearded iris variety "Fred and Ginger" of lilac color, Siberian Coronaition Anthem with bright lilac flowers (can bloom repeatedly);
    2. Ageratum "Blue Mink" with blue flowers, "Leda" - blue and white;
    3. Pansy or viola with yellow flowers of the "Golden Yellow" variety;
    4. Lobelia erinus erecta variety "Cambridge Blue" with blue flowers cold shade;
    5. Marigolds "Petite Golden" are yellow in color;
    6. Snapdragon dwarf pink;
    7. Terry calendula "Candyman yellow" yellow, height 30 cm.

    The design of the flower bed is simple: it is divided into sectors, each devoted to one annual flower crop, with perennial irises making up the center. They do not bloom for very long, but the beautiful sword-shaped leaves will serve as decoration all summer.

    You can decorate your plot with a vertical flowerbed when minimum costs and with beneficial use free space.

    Vertical petunia beds take up little space and look absolutely stunning.

    We will tell you in detail how to make a vertical flowerbed yourself in this article.

    Types of vertical flower beds

    Vertical flower beds are divided into several subtypes depending on the type of structure and the method of its attachment:

    • ground
    • near-wall
    • wall-mounted
    • hanging.

    Shape and general form vertical flower beds may differ slightly, since each of their creators is guided mainly by his own imagination.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Vertical flower beds have some advantages:

    • they are quite beautiful, you can decorate with them;
    • take up little space;
    • they can be moved;
    • minimal effort for tillage.

    There are also some disadvantages:

    • the need for frequent watering;
    • due to the limited amount of soil, plants need regular additional feeding;
    • The soil freezes heavily during the cold season.

    Be that as it may, vertical flower beds are excellent design solution for the garden, they harmonize wonderfully with the landscape.

    Suitable varieties of petunias

    To buy excellent petunias for a vertical flower bed, you need to be guided by such criteria as abundance of flowering and disease resistance, as well as resistance to aggressive environmental conditions.

    Pay attention to the following new varieties:

    • "Blue Spark Cascadia" - purple flowers;
    • “Supertunia Silver” – light lavender color;
    • “Prism Sunshine” – lemon color;
    • "Lavender Storm" - large pink flowers;
    • “Pretty Much Picasso” is an unusual specimen, the colors of which combine green, pink and purple, and has silvery foliage.


    Let's consider the most popular options for making vertical flower beds for petunia:

      1. From containers. Special containers for vertical flower beds have been on sale for a long time. All you need is to choose the appropriate color options.

      1. From mesh, or rather from mesh and agrofilm. A frame is bent from a metal mesh and a cylindrical pot with the appropriate diameter is inserted into it. The inside of the frame is covered with agrofilm and secured. Before filling the substrate, the frame is equipped with a hose with holes for watering from the inside. Sprinkle the resulting structure with earth. Water the soil with water, let it settle and fill the almost full pot, then plant the plants.

      1. From car tires. In this case, there is no need for a frame, and the tires themselves can be painted for greater decorative effect.

      1. From construction mesh and stones. The manufacturing principle is similar to the version made from mesh and agrofilm.

      1. From PVC pipes . Take two tubes and drill holes in them. The outer pipe will grow petunias, and the inner pipe will be used to supply water and fertilizer. The irrigation tube must be wrapped on one side with electrical tape and completely covered with non-woven material.

    Note: such a flower bed is the best option for growing petunias.

      1. . Pots are placed on a reinforced base through a drainage hole in a checkerboard pattern.

      1. From plastic bottles . All you need to do is cut them lengthwise, attach them to the wall, and fill them.

      1. Out of the bag. Handles are sewn to the bag and it is filled with soil. On one side, cuts are made where the plants are planted. The bag is hung, and its bottom is covered with oilcloth so that water does not leak out when watering.

    Remember: in a vertical flower bed, petunias grow in conditions of a minimal amount of substrate, so they need to be fed and watered in a timely manner, otherwise the plants will quickly die.

    1. From old pallets. The base should be made of boxes made of wood or plastic. Burlap, netting and straw are laid at the bottom of the box, then soil is filled in and petunias are planted.

    Caring for petunias in vertical flower beds

    To grow beautiful petunias in a vertical flowerbed, it is not enough to simply make the flowerbed itself and plant the flowers; it is also important to properly care for these seemingly not too whimsical flowers.

    • pamper your flowers with special long-lasting fertilizers rich in minerals and microelements (read about feeding petunias at home). From the beginning of summer, you need to feed petunias with complex fertilizers in liquid form, which are diluted in water intended for irrigation;
    • place a flowerbed in the sunny part of the garden;
    • water generously;
    • to avoid chlorosis and others, fertilizer with iron should also be added to too hard water;
    • systematically remove faded leaves and flowers so that new buds form faster;
    • pinch long shoots up to the fourth bud;
    • during rainstorms, it is advisable to hide the pots under a canopy;
    • for planting petunias, select capacious containers with drainage holes;
    • Watering should be done once a day, in the morning or evening.

    Petunias are fairly unpretentious colorful flowers that are easy to grow even in small vertical beds. Even a beginner can do this.

    From this video You will learn how to make a vertical petunia flowerbed with your own hands:

    Wanting to set up a flowerbed, every gardener will devote enough time to selecting suitable plants. What are the requirements? This will depend on the task that this seating area is supposed to perform.
    For example, if you plan to have tea parties and meetings with friends here both in autumn and winter, then it is worth planting evergreen bushes and trees on the site. Summer holidays mean that hot days will not be a hindrance lush flowering flowerbed plants.
    Is there a flower that is not afraid of the scorching sun, wind, or even sudden changes in temperature? Yes, I have.

    Rarely a flowerbed or flowerpot is complete without the beautiful petunia. Gradually, this plant is gaining the respect of all flower growers. Why is this modest flower so popular among experienced landscape designers and amateur gardeners? What are the varieties in the family of this botanical genus? What care is required for petunia to bloom all summer? These questions are worth considering in more detail.

    Petunias on the balcony look great. The brightness of the colors and the riot of flowering will decorate any balcony and make it stand out from others. How nice it is to have a tea party on the balcony surrounded by flowers and enjoy their aroma and beauty! Check out these ideas for petunias on your balcony!

    Petunia in the garden

    Planning a flower garden is about caring about both the beauty and practicality of planting. Petunia satisfies both of these needs.
    For example, thanks to the variety of its colors and shapes, it harmonizes perfectly with any flowers in the flowerbed. But he can also perform solo. Wherein appearance the area will not be damaged in any way. When planting flowers, you need to think about such an important point as their ability to get along in the neighborhood. After all, plants that need different conditions, will not be able to coexist normally. The consequences are sometimes very sad. Being an unpretentious flower that grows happily even next to roses, petunia deserves its place in the most sophisticated flower beds. At the same time, it does not stop blooming generously.
    We have selected photos, after looking at which you can be inspired by ideas for decorating a garden with petunias and choose for yourself interesting options petunia flower beds

    It would be good to calculate the flowering time of flowerbed plants. Some gardeners prefer staged flowering. When some blossoming buds come to replace others. Then the constantly blooming petunias will serve as an excellent background for the changing pattern of colors and shapes of other plants.

    To understand how popular this flower is, you need to get to know it better. This summer plant is a representative of the Solanaceae genus. And even though he himself is from South America, the cultivation area for petunias is almost the entire Earth.

    New varieties are being created. Thanks to this, it became possible to grow petunia of different colors and shapes. Plant growers note tape, terry and cold-resistant varieties, and surfinia and ampelous hybrids have also received recognition.

    The color range of the plant is so wide that it includes both primary colors and their shades. There are white, salmon, yellow, blue and pink petunias, and there are also dark purple and bright red ones.
    The size of the flower also adds variety to the characteristics. decorative features petunias. The diameter of the funnel-shaped flower is from 4 cm to 13 cm, and the diameter of small-flowered varieties is 2.5-4 cm.

    There are 4 groups of petunias:





    All varieties and groups contribute to the decoration of both sophisticated and simple flower beds.

    You can buy petunia already in bloom in pots, or you can also try growing petunia from seeds.

    Petunia care

    This unpretentious plant does not require special care. It grows even where there is no constant watering, where the hot summer sun will dry out the remaining flowers.

    Gardeners advise planting petunia in open ground still in late autumn or in early spring, as soon as the snow melts. But often the flower itself can reproduce by self-sowing.

    It is advisable to water the petunia abundantly so that the ground is saturated with moisture by 10-15 centimeters. The bright rays of the summer sun will not be scary for the flower if it is watered in the morning and evening.

    Abundant flowering is guaranteed by timely feeding of the plant and its cutting. How to fertilize petunia? Any complex nutrition with added potassium will do. Shortening the cuttings to 10 centimeters will be especially important on hot days.

    The beautiful petunia will always thank the one who cares for her. Its luxurious flowering will give you many positive emotions. Any flower seduces with its beauty. But a simple petunia can turn a flowerbed into a masterpiece that captures attention.

    Useful video for you. Look!

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