How to choose a baguette: rules for ideal framing. How to choose a baguette for a painting Baguette is stylish

The paintings attract with their uniqueness. Exhibitions of paintings in art museums and galleries never cease to attract the public. Brush strokes, skillfully applied one on top of another by the master, transform the canvas into a real work of art.

The painting, dressed in a baguette and professionally, under the right angle illuminated, as if saying: “This is art. This is the lasting value." And a visitor to the exhibition buys paintings to decorate the interior of his home with it or give it to a loved one and to a loved one. But the picture, like gem, requires framing. It is the baguette that serves as “clothing” for painting. It will emphasize its depth and beauty.

But only if you choose the right baguette for the picture.

The frame is for painting, not for furniture

When choosing a baguette, you should keep in mind that it is not matched to the interior and certainly not to the furniture, but to the painting. Otherwise, again and again, after renovation, buying new furniture, moving, you will need to change the frame of the painting.

The right frame complements the picture. They don't compete with each other. To achieve this, you need:

  • combine the color scheme of the painting and the baguette;
  • choose a baguette with an ornament and texture that complements or repeats the motif of the painting;
  • choose a frame onto which the plot of the picture smoothly transitions.

Each picture has its own baguette! design recommendations

The choice of baguette depends on the size of the painting, the prevailing color scheme, the motif of the image and many other factors. Here are some tips on how to choose a baguette for different paintings

For a small picture – a wide baguette

Most often, wide baguettes are selected for small paintings. total area The frames are larger than the area of ​​the painting canvas.

Tone on tone

For paintings warm colors– baguettes in warm colors, cold tones – in cold colors. Painting work with predominance simple lines requires a simple frame. When choosing a baguette, do not forget that the frame is the connecting link between the interior and the picture. The picture plays a predominant role.

It is better to choose a baguette half a tone lighter or darker than the main color of the painting. As an option, you can choose a frame whose shade matches some non-dominant color of the painting.

Almost every painting can be framed to look like natural wood.

Baguette is stylish

Rococo, Baroque, Palladian, Neoclassicism... There are many styles that framers master. Contrary to the prevailing opinion that you should not design a picture in different styles, mixing is allowed if done with taste. There are many examples of this. However, everything should be within reason, and you should not frame a classic painting with a narrow colored frame.

An important parameter is the depth of the frame. The subframe will not be noticeable if the baguette is more than one and a half centimeters deep.

Wood, metal, plastic?

When choosing a baguette, the material from which it is made is important. It can be wood, metal or plastic.

A painting with a wooden frame will highlight the merits of the master’s work. The baguette should be attractive in itself, while focusing attention on the work of art placed in it. Even a dull picture will become bright if you choose the right frame. A wooden molding will tone down the too flashy painting work. Caring for such a frame is more difficult, but the effect it gives to the entire ensemble is worth the expense and effort.

Very durable and at the same time easy to clean metal baguette. The market offers a wide variety of cheap plastic frames. It is worth warning that, regardless of quality, such a baguette cannot stand on a par with wooden ones, being much inferior in durability. For example, under the influence sun rays The corner of the plastic frame is deformed and cannot be restored.

Passepartout: achieve color balance between the painting and the baguette

In artistic design, passe-partout solves a decorative problem. It has a rich color palette and gives the ensemble “air”.

A wide mat will be a continuation of the painting work depicting movement. You need to choose a mat with a wider bottom edge than the top and sides. For a vertical picture, the top is wider than the sides, for a horizontal picture, vice versa. A square painting will look better framed in a mat with a wide bottom and equal sides and top.

The picture will become even more beautiful if you put a very narrow strip of baguette on the edge of the mat. They just shouldn't merge.

Painting - baguette... Painting - mat - baguette... Choose, create your own little masterpieces for the interior. And if you need a portrait, order a baguette to go with it from our studio right away. Believe me, decent work really needs decent image

The Framing Workshop company is always ready to advise you on how to choose a frame for a picture, because the integrity of the perception of the picture and the harmony of the interior design depend on the correct combination of the image and the frame. If the baguette is chosen incorrectly, then the picture either “gets lost” against the background of a flashy frame, or seems bare, or even makes you want to turn away from the dissonant color spot. Therefore, it is very important to know how to choose a frame for a picture, and the Framing Workshop company fully masters this art. We are engaged in the selection and production of baguettes self made for many years, so we are well versed in all the intricacies of the question: how to choose a baguette for a painting. For the right choice You will need the following basic parameters:

  • size;
  • key;
  • color;
  • stylistics.

Point one: how to choose a baguette for a painting by size

If the picture is small, then you should take a closer look at the wide frames, but it is important to maintain the proportion; the baguette should not “overlap” the image in size. It should also not distract attention from small parts a small canvas, therefore, the baguette should be minimalistic. For a large painting, you can choose a more elaborate and thinner baguette, again taking into account the size of the painting itself and the details of the canvas.

Point two: how to choose a baguette for a painting based on tone and color

Tonality and color play huge role in choosing a baguette. First of all, it is necessary to determine which tone is predominant in the image - warm or cold. It is very rare to find paintings made in a multi-tone format. In this case, you can do it simply: choose one of the neutral options. Interesting solution is a contrast that highlights certain accents of the canvas. The same goes for color: it is important that it exactly matches the basic colors of the picture or is in harmony with them.

Point three: how to choose a baguette for a painting according to style

The style and material of the baguette also matter. In most cases, wood is chosen - a classic of the genre, but some characteristic images (modern, abstract, monochrome) can be decorated in metal or plastic. The architectural style of the baguette is chosen in strict accordance with the style of the painting.

Framing paintings and reproductions in baguette frames Framing embroidery in baguette Frames for photographs and posters Baguette frames for icons


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A frame is essential for painting - it enhances depth, fixes the eye on the canvas and gives a complete idea of ​​the artistic concept. Let's learn how to choose frames for paintings.

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On the picture:

How to buy a baguette and not make a mistake?

By glass. For paintings that require glass protection, a traditional high or reverse profile is suitable. True, some oil paintings work well without glass, as they are coated with a protective varnish.

In the photo: Green City model from the Roommy factory.

Pay attention to the profile. This is the name given to the relief of the wooden, plastic or aluminum slats from which the frame is made. Any profile option can be decorated with gilding, patina or stucco.

  • Reverse profile. Has a high inner edge. With its help, the painting seems to come out of the frame.
  • Straight (classic) profile. A high hem that tapers towards the image. The classic profile “collects” the eye on the canvas and exists in many variations: varnished, tinted, stained, painted, gilded.
  • Concave profile. It shows a noticeable difference in the thickness of individual sections and decorative processing.

The concave profile of the baguette emphasizes the depth of the picture.

  • Cassette or cabinet. A variation of the classic profile with a flat strip in the middle or closer to the inner edge of the frame. In this profile, ancient engravings or maps look especially impressive.

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On the picture:

Cassette (cabinet) baguette is well suited for engravings and black and white photos.

Consider the style and dynamics of the image

Modern devices for hanging pictures, they allow you to move works of art along the walls without touching the finish. The pendants can be painted, and the canvases can be accompanied by individual lighting.

Pictured: Discreet Picture Hanging Solution track system from Slimline.

Abstract paintings require a laconic design: a modest frame will assemble fragments of the canvas into a single whole.

For classic stories will do wooden frame, decorated in an antique style, or a high-quality molding made of plastic (indistinguishable from wood by eye) in one of the classic styles. It is not difficult to find authentic baguettes made of Karelian birch, oak and mahogany. Some European antique stores specialize only in such products. It is worth remembering that the price of a baguette should be reasonably related to the price of the canvas.

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On the picture:

A high-quality plastic baguette with embossed decor can be decorated in any classic style(Empire, Baroque, Art Nouveau or Classicism), and plastic successfully imitates wood.

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One of the modern trends in interior design is the use of paintings, including modular ones, as well as posters and placards to create an accent on the wall. In this case, images are usually framed in baguettes. This can be done in our inexpensive framing workshop Ru-cafe. But such important points, like the selection of style, color and material from which the baguette is made, remains entirely up to the customer. It is he who must make the choice of what the frame should be.

There are several options for how you can design an image (painting, reproduction, poster, poster):

  • You can simply print the image on canvas, leave it without a frame, but continue the drawing on the ends;

  • Choose a baguette of a standard color, usually silver or black, regardless of what is depicted in the picture and in what style it is made;

  • Choose the color of the baguette in such a way that it emphasizes the advantages of the image composition and its color palette. In addition, the type of baguette is selected in this case depending on the image. For example, for modern graphics or posters, you should not choose a classic, bulky wooden frame. A thin metal or plastic frame looks more correct.

When choosing the color of a baguette, follow the following rules. If the image is decorated in warm colors, then the baguette is taken in warm shades, for example, gold, bronze or ocher. For images in cool colors, a baguette of neutral shades, such as metallic or silver, is better suited. In this case, you need to choose the color of the baguette so that it does not merge with the picture. Ideally, a difference of several tones in the light or dark direction. In this case, it will not blend into the background.

For paintings and reproductions in a classical style, in most cases, carved baguettes made of wood or plastic “like wood” are chosen. But for modern abstractions, pop art or other options for modern graphics, simple baguettes are better suited, and it is possible that not even made of wood, but metal or, if necessary inexpensive option, then it’s made of plastic.

These are the basic tips for choosing a suitable baguette for interior printing. Of course, all of them must be used taking into account your personal taste preferences, so that the resulting result is constantly pleasing to your eye.

A baguette is a necessary design element that cannot be separated from the painting. It serves as a natural continuation of the image, without being cut out from the overall composition, and harmoniously emphasizing its style and color scheme. If you choose a baguette not according to the features of the picture, but according to the surrounding interior and furniture, you may make a mistake. An inappropriate baguette will make the picture look unattractive or awkward in the space around it.

The baguette and the painting must have interconnecting features, these are:

— General or compatible colors;

— The style of the painting and frame belongs to the general direction in art and design;

— Continuation of lines and roundness from the picture to the frame.

Another important condition- this is the dominance of the picture over the baguette. This means that the frame must be chosen so that it does not overshadow the picture.

Basic principles for choosing a baguette


Small paintings look better in wide baguettes. When choosing a baguette, it is important to pay attention to the proportions: a baguette that is too large will attract more attention than the painting. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to simple plain options, no frills. Another important parameter- this is the depth of the baguette, which should hide the stretcher of the picture. The baguette should highlight the image, creating it best conditions For advantageous view, therefore, the width of the frame may vary depending on the background created by the wall on which the finished product will hang. For example, a light picture on a light wall of the same tone may simply get lost and not look like an independent element of decor; to prevent this from happening between them, you should use a baguette of the right size.


IN color scheme painting, it is necessary to determine the prevailing tone, which will be warm or cold. The baguette is selected in the same tone. But you can also highlight the main object, element, color, which can be emphasized by the shade of the frame. For example, paintings with a nautical theme often have a cool tone coming from the water and sky, but a warm wooden frame matched to the ship depicted in the painting can reveal its details, continuing the contrast.


The baguette is selected only half a tone darker or lighter from the main shade of the color of the painting. In rare cases, contrasts can be used, but this requires professional skill and is usually acceptable for special, non-traditional painting styles.


Wood-look baguette is suitable for decorating most paintings. For black and white images in a graphic style, you can select plaster or metal baguettes. But of course, these are only superficial recommendations, since the picture may have its own specificity, which will either be suitable only for one material, or will give the opportunity to select any version of the baguette.


The baguette is selected depending on the style and materials used to paint the picture. Many possibilities in the production of baguettes and the wide use of various techniques allow you to fully reflect the style of the picture in the frame.


Sometimes, to prevent the painting from getting lost on the wall or in the frame, they use this design option as a passe-partout. He is able to create the necessary balance between the frame, the picture and the wall. It is almost always used for watercolor painting. Also, with the help of wide or narrow fields, a passe-partout can enliven movement or emphasize the static shown in the picture. The baguette should not merge with the passe-partout.

Despite the fact that the baguette belongs only to the painting, if there are other images and photos in the room, it is worth considering their baguettes. Thus, the ideal choice begins with taking into account all the features of the picture, and then other interior elements.

Video on the topic “How to choose a baguette”

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