How to make a land surveying project. Preparation requirements

Greetings, friends! Today's article was not written for you by me. It was written by my colleague, a great specialist in the field of urban planning and architecture. I think she will appear on the blog and answer your questions in the comments.

Friends, her articles and articles by other specialists will continue to appear on the blog. Since I cannot reveal all the intricacies of urban planning alone, I will try to attract specialists from different fields to the blog for this.

So, I present to you an article on the topic: “Territory planning project and territory surveying project”:

“How to properly use such an important resource as territory? How to ensure its development if various objects are placed on it? These and other issues can be resolved by territorial planning.

The main provisions on territory planning are given in Chapter 5 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Documentation on territory planning is divided into territory planning projects (hereinafter - PPT), territory surveying projects (hereinafter - PMT) and urban planning plans land plots(hereinafter referred to as GPZU).

The composition of the PPT is given in Article 42 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation:

I will not dwell in detail on the contents of the drawings, diagrams and explanatory notes; I will note that the territory planning project consists of the main approved part and materials for its justification.

You can find examples of territory planning projects prepared at the initiative of municipalities of the Chuvash Republic on the website Ministry of Construction of Chuvashiaand on municipal websites.

Territory survey project

The composition of the PMT is given in Article 43 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation:

Click on the picture to enlarge

PMT is developed on the basis of PPT and can be performed both as part of it and separately from it.

Urban planning plan of the land plot

The GPZU can be developed as part of the PMT, but most often it is prepared in the form of a separate document, which will be discussed in the next article.

Who prepares the territory planning documentation?

According to Part 8 of Article 45 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the preparation of PPT and PMT can be carried out directly by executive authorities or bodies local government or other persons who may be involved by them on the basis of a state or municipal contract:

Exceptions are specified in Part 8.1, they are cases when there is an agreement on the comprehensive development of the territory or an agreement on the development of a built-up area:

Preparation of territory planning documentation can be carried out by individuals or legal entities at their own expense.

The specifics of preparing documentation for the planning of a territory, developed on the basis of a decision of a local government body, are set out in Article 46 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

I would like to note an important fact - for such projects of planning and land surveying before their approval public hearings are required.

The exception is the cases given in Part 5.1 of Article 46 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation:

The procedure for preparing planning projects and land surveying projects is long and labor-intensive, because it is necessary that the documentation be carried out on the basis of territorial planning documents and land use and development rules, and also that the requirements of technical and urban planning regulations, urban planning standards must be complied with.”

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When starting to draw up a real estate planning project, first of all, you should understand what it is and why such a document is needed. The project is an integral part of the planning package land plot, on which there is or is planned development. Also, this document is drawn up if it is necessary to clarify the boundaries of the territory, regardless of development or lack thereof.

A land surveying and planning project for built-up areas is a legal document that has a schematic representation and serves to simplify the process of constructing buildings, taking into account existing buildings.

Land surveying project, according to the Town Planning Code Russian Federation, is an auxiliary document that establishes the border of the territory, and is provided to individuals as well as legal entities. If the planning and surveying project may affect any historical settlements, the preservation of important objects and elements of the site will be taken into account when designing and drafting it.

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Documentation development The creation of a planning project for developed land plots occurs on the initiative of government bodies at all levels of government. The administration of the region where the property is located is responsible for the registration. Local government employees carry out all necessary work

regarding design. In some cases, a local government body may enter into agreements with a specialized private organization that has a license to carry out urban planning activities and is engaged in development. Permits for carrying out similar work from outside private organization is presented in a package of documents permitting this activity. For legal entities

licensing documents must have a whole list of certificates established by Russian legislation, as well as certificates of admission. Without them, the organization does not have the right to carry out activities related to urban planning.

What is The land surveying and planning project for built-up land plots is an important urban planning document that is developed simultaneously with the work. At the management level, there are a number of mandatory details and points of this document , constituting its structure. The planning and surveying project includes drawings and information about road lines, infrastructure elements, buildings capital construction

, location of premises in built-up areas, as well as engineering, technical and social support of the site. An explanatory note must be attached to the project, which indicates the data of individual provisions on the protection of the territory in case of emergency incidents, provisions fire safety

, as well as a civil defense action plan. The explanatory note contains information about the clear parameters of future buildings with all communication systems and transport access routes.

Since the planning and surveying project for a plot of land are two different documents, they must be coordinated with each other, since the determination of boundaries is carried out on the basis of the territory planning scheme.

The planning and land surveying project for built-up areas consists of several documents and diagrams. The following information is entered into the analytical part:

  • Research information that influences construction;
  • Features of a site of social significance;
  • Available environmental, technical and cultural values ​​and elements.

This information is important for arranging the boundaries of the territory, which is necessary for correct drafting urban development plans. In connection with the above, the drawings should contain the following displays:

Preparation of documents and issues

After preparing a draft plan for the land, you will need to collect the following documents:

For real estate objects that were transferred into ownership more than a decade ago, there is such a problem as conditional definition boundaries of the territory. In this regard, quite often conflicts and disputes arise between the owners of neighboring plots who have contradictory friends paper friend. To resolve such issues, a planning and surveying procedure should be carried out before submitting statement of claim to court.

Disposition and development

The process of planning built-up real estate may have nuances, but it necessarily includes certain stages. The first is a direct order on the development of the project, which is issued government agencies, that is, this issue is dealt with by the head of local government. The initiative for this can be an official appeal from local government institutions, a written request on behalf of the land tenant, as well as a statement from other interested citizens or organizations. After the decision is made, the order must be published on the official portal within three days.

After its publication, the development of the planning project begins. Performer this process the cadastral engineer acts on behalf of government agency or a similar specialist from a licensed organization, by concluding an appropriate agreement with the municipality. In some cases, it is allowed to enter into an agreement between specialists and the tenant of the land, which is intended for construction work.

Deadlines and requirements

Approximate preparation time project documentation– from two weeks to one month. To do this, you need to provide time in advance. At the legislative level, the correctness of all necessary papers is checked, whether they meet the requirements, whether they include necessary calculations on construction materials, whether all diagrams and drawings are available, whether boundaries are marked, whether technical parameters are taken into account, etc. The drawn up projects must be agreed upon by all interested parties, who were notified of this in writing before the boundary determination procedure was carried out.

The main criteria for a planning project for built-up areas: providing information about the customer and the contractor, attaching an explanatory note, recording the original as well as newly created land information, data on access to the property and the presence of a schematic plan. There must be notes indicating the absence of objections from other interested citizens and legal entities, as well as the conclusion of the cadastral engineer regarding the existing objections or their absence. In addition, certified copies of documents confirming land ownership, as well as copies of notifications about land surveying, will be required.

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In accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 13.1 Federal Law dated July 24, 2002 No. 101-FZ “On the turnover of agricultural land” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation 2002, No. 30, Art. 3018; 2003, No. 28, Art. 2882; 2004, No. 27, Art. 2711, No. 41, art. 3993, no. 5276; 2005, no. 758, no. 3098; 2008, no. 2251, no. Art. 5748; 2009, Art. 5, No. 19, Art. 2011, Art. 47),

Approve the attached requirements for the land surveying project.

Acting Minister I. Manylov

by order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia

REQUIREMENTS for the land surveying project

I. General provisions

1. Requirements for the land surveying project (hereinafter - Requirements) establish the rules for drawing up a land surveying project (hereinafter referred to as the Land Survey Project).

2. The land surveying project is prepared in relation to the land plot (land plots) allocated on account of the land share (land shares), taking into account the requirements of the Federal Law of July 24, 2002 No. 101-FZ “On the turnover of agricultural land”.

3. The land surveying project is approved:

1) decision general meeting participants in shared ownership of a land plot (land plots) of agricultural land;
2) by decision of the owner of the land share or land shares.

4. The land surveying project determines the size and location of the boundaries of the land plot or land plots that can be allocated to account for the land share or land shares (hereinafter referred to as the land plots being formed).

The Land Survey Project, subject to approval by a decision of the general meeting of participants in shared ownership of a land plot (land plots) from agricultural land, also includes information about land plots allocated on account of land shares located in municipal property(if any), and about the land plot or land plots, the right of common ownership to which is retained or arises.

5. The size of the land plot allocated for the land share or land shares is determined on the basis of the data specified in the documents certifying the right to this land share or these land shares in the manner established by Article 13 of the Law on Turnover.

6. The land surveying project consists of text and graphic parts, which are divided into sections.

In cases provided for by the Requirements, an appendix is ​​included in the Land Survey Project.

7. The text part of the Land Survey Project includes the following sections:

1) explanatory note;
2) initial data;
3) a list of owners of the land plot or land plots from which land plots are allocated on account of land shares (hereinafter referred to as amended land plots);
4) information about the land plots and their parts being formed;
5) information about the changed land plots and their parts;
6) information on ensuring access to newly formed or changed land plots.
The text part of the Land Survey Project also includes a title page and contents.

8. The graphic part of the Land Survey Project includes the “Project Plan” section.

9. The survey project is completed in the following sequence: title page, contents, sections of the text part, sections of the graphic part, appendix.

P. General requirements for the preparation of the Land Survey Project

11. The land surveying project is drawn up on paper in at least two copies.

At the request of the customer, the land surveying project is additionally drawn up in the form of an electronic document.

12. The land surveying project must be stitched and sealed with the signature and seal of the cadastral engineer. The signature and stamp of the cadastral engineer are affixed to title page Land Survey Project, on the Project Plan and on the back last sheet Land surveying project.

13. The land surveying project is drawn up using computer graphics. When preparing a land surveying project, it can also be applied combined method. Entering text information manually (by hand) is done legibly with ink, ink or paste of blue color. Typos, erasures, additions, crossed out words and other unspecified corrections are not allowed. All corrections in the Land Survey Project must be certified by the signature (indicating the surname and initials) and the seal of the cadastral engineer.

Drawing up the Land Survey Project in pencil is not allowed. All entries, with the exception of specified cases, are made in Russian. Numbers are written in Arabic numerals.

The survey project is drawn up on A4 sheets. The “Project Plan” section can be drawn up on larger format sheets.

14. The numbering of the sheets of the Land Survey Project is continuous within the document. Documents included in the application are not numbered.

If the information does not fit on one sheet of any section, it is allowed to place it on several sheets or on the back of the corresponding sheet. In this case, the following information is reproduced on each sheet or on each page of the corresponding section: the words “Land Survey Project” and the name of the corresponding section of the Land Survey Project.

If the sections of the Land Survey Project are placed on sheets of paper with the back, when filling out the details “Sheet N ___” of the corresponding section of the Land Survey Project, the page number is additionally given, separated by a comma.

The total number of sheets of the Land Survey Project, including the number of sheets of application documents, is indicated on the title page.

15. Unfilled details of sections of the text part of the Land Survey Project are not excluded; such details are marked with a “-” (dash).

16. The land surveying project is drawn up on the basis of a cadastral extract of the relevant land plot or a cadastral plan of the relevant territory.

17. If necessary, to prepare the Land Survey Project, cartographic materials and (or) land management documentation stored in the state fund of data obtained as a result of land management can be used.

18. The annex of the Land Survey Project, approved by the decision of the owner of the land share or land shares, includes:

1) all objections received by the cadastral engineer who prepared the Land Survey Project regarding the size and location of the boundaries of the land plot allocated on account of the land share or land shares (if any), drawn up in accordance with paragraph 13 of Article 13.1 of the Law on Turnover;
2) the conclusion of the cadastral engineer on the removal of objections regarding the size and location of the boundaries of the land plot allocated on account of the land share or land shares (if there are objections specified in subparagraph 1 of this paragraph);
3) the conclusion of the cadastral engineer on the absence of objections regarding the size and location of the boundaries of the land plot allocated on account of the land share or land shares, presented in accordance with paragraphs 13 and 14 of Article 13.1 of the Law on Turnover (in the absence of objections specified in subparagraph 1 of this paragraph);
4) copies of documents certified by a cadastral engineer certifying the rights to the land share or land shares for which the land plot is allocated;
5) a copy of the notice of the need to approve the Land Survey Project, provided for in paragraph 10 of Article 13.1 of the Law on Turnover (if such a notice was sent to the participants in shared ownership);
6) a copy of the page of the printed publication containing the notice of the need to approve the Land Survey Project, provided for in paragraph 10 of Article 13.1 of the Law on Turnover, and a copy of the first sheet containing the details of the printed publication (if such a notice was published in the media mass media, defined by the subject of the Russian Federation).

19. The annex of the Land Survey Project, approved by the decision of the general meeting of participants in shared ownership of a land plot (land plots) of agricultural land, includes an act of the relevant local government body confirming the authority official local government body specified in paragraph 10 of Article 14.1 of the Law on Turnover, or a duly certified copy of such an act.

20. In the conclusion of the cadastral engineer on the removal of objections regarding the size and location of the boundaries of the land plot or land shares allocated in the form of a coherent text, information is provided about the person who submitted the relevant objections, the reasons for his disagreement with the proposed size and location of the boundaries of the land plot being formed, as well as information on how to eliminate such causes.

The conclusion of the cadastral engineer on the removal of objections regarding the size and location of the boundaries of the land plot allocated on account of the land share or land shares is signed by the person who lifted the previously submitted objections (indicating his surname, initials and the date of signing), and the cadastral engineer (indicating his surname, initials and date of signing). The cadastral engineer's signature is certified by his seal.

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The land plot planning project is an annex to the PMP and is carried out on its basis, in compliance with the same requirements. Focused on development planning, taking into account:

  1. nuances of territory zoning;
  2. elements included in the project structure;
  3. planning purposes;
  4. urban planning context beyond boundary boundaries.

Why are PMT and PPT needed?

Land surveying and planning projects serve as documentation necessary for the construction of capital buildings and linear infrastructure facilities. Include:

  1. land surveying drawings;
  2. elements of structural objects;
  3. text description app.

Topographic information and standards for construction and other work are focused on. In accordance with it, the territory of the site fits into the general context of the development settlement. You can read the instructions for filling out the GPZU at.

An important nuance are architectural calculations carried out in relation to objects under construction. Based on them, acceptable standards for development are established that correspond to the state of the soil and reduce the risk of overloading the land with erected buildings and structures.

Difference between PMT and PPT

The land surveying project is focused on the procedure for zoning the territory according to established shares or marking out the territory for the construction of a building. Accordingly, the main information here is data on boundary boundaries:

  1. highlighting memory from the general context;
  2. dividing the memory into established parts.

The planning project draws up these parts in accordance with the customer’s goals, designing geodetic layouts for them:

  1. building elements;
  2. transport lines;
  3. engineering communications.

Drawings of capital construction projects taken outside the boundaries of the land plot are also drawn up here.

Planning is carried out on the basis of a drawn up survey project, taking into account compliance with construction standards and required offsets from.

Situations for using PMT and PPT

The designated documents, based on, are interconnected both in function and in content and are regulated by Article 11.3 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation. Applies to lands that are in shared ownership.

For example, for those located in the dacha area of ​​SNT, DNT and others. In this case general territory, placed under a single structure, allows for division based on the land surveying project and territory planning. The project establishes the boundaries of the dachas, and the layout presents a picture of the location of transport lines, water supply and energy systems throughout the entire territory of the dacha community.

For lands intended for individual housing construction, documentation is drawn up in the same way for shared ownership of a plot. In other cases - if the area of ​​the plot is large and requires additional division through conditional fragmentation of the territory. As a rule, this requirement is relevant for multi-storey buildings that include a planning project both in relation to the building and in relation to the design elements of the local area.

Territory surveying projects: sample gas pipeline diversion from the city of Ustyuzhna and from Chusovaya

This is what one of the sheets of these projects looks like:

Step-by-step instructions for preparing PMT and PPT

We have familiarized ourselves with the land plot planning projects (your samples are available) and have an idea of ​​what it is. Now let's move on to receiving them.

You can prepare documentation in two different instances, the specifics of whose activities provide for a number of nuances and a difference in the algorithm that must be followed when applying. The document's standards are based on SNiP No. 30-02-97.

So, who can carry out a land surveying project? Let's look at the options further.

The first option is to contact the administration

To do this, you should contact the department of urban planning and architecture, under the administration. In Moscow and St. Petersburg - to the Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture. Receive technical specifications for design and place an order for the preparation of PMT. They contact the head of the administration or another authorized person, for example, the head of the land management department.


When applying, you should submit an application to an authorized person, accompanied by documentation:

  1. (or other form of law);
  2. sketch of the General Plan of the ZU, with a communication diagram;
  3. about the presence (absence) of permanent buildings;
  4. with the designation of communications.

Preparation of a land surveying project

Based on the received documentation, the project is prepared. The documentation submitted by the applicant and the documents available in the administration are examined. Please note:

  • to analyze the soil structure in the development area;
  • specifics of the architectural context;
  • analysis of the environmental friendliness of the work being carried out;
  • technical support for the work being carried out;
  • analysis of development results.

On this basis, the admissibility of the declared work on the site is considered.. If the administration’s decision is positive, a technical specification is drawn up, on the basis of which the indicated ones are made.

Development of a planning and land surveying project

The development of a land surveying project and a territory planning project includes a mandatory condition for the execution of the topographic part, which is copying the cartographic basis from cadastral map Land plot located in the information bank of Rosreestr, with the current boundaries already highlighted, framing the site. Lines of internal boundaries corresponding to the purposes of land surveying are drawn on the designated base. When preparing the PPT, linear and other objects that are planned to be built are also drawn.

Approval of PMT

After drawing up a drawing and a textual basis with applications, the document must be approved by the local administration. For approval, an extract from the General Development Plan of the zone in which the designated land plot is included is attached. Consent is carried out at public hearings.

Timing and cost

It takes at least two months, one of which is spent on obtaining permission to carry out work.

The administration provides this service free of charge.

The second option is to contact commercial companies

This is allowed on the basis of local regional orders and local acts. In this case, you need to contact local architectural companies licensed for the relevant type of work.

Preparation of land surveying project and documents

In this case, the same thing happens, but ordering development is allowed terms of reference and its coordination with the administration, through the efforts of the work contractor.

In this case, there may be no sketch of the master development plan, which the company will receive under its own authority.

Development of PMT and PPT

The company’s specialists independently make a copy of the cadastral map, on which they apply design elements, according to the terms of the technical specifications.

Timing and cost

In this case, the time frame can be reduced to one month.

Depends on the terms of the contract and the scope of work. Each element of work is calculated individually. For small plots it costs from 30 thousand rubles, which only includes project preparation. To prepare a project for construction multi-story building, the cost can reach 400 thousand rubles and exceed it.


The same is carried out at public hearings. Responsibility for presenting the project at hearings is established by the terms of the contract.

The presence of this documentation at the start of work on the construction of a capital structure allows for the replacement of other documentation required for a construction permit.

More information about surveying can be found in.

A territory surveying project, as a form of expressing the characteristics of a site, is necessary document. What is a land surveying project? A schematic plan that approves the result of the work of specialists examining a particular plot. All this is necessary, first of all, so that each owner understands where his territory is located and can exercise full ownership of it. A territory surveying project always has a certain structure, composition, as well as requirements, without compliance with which the document will not be valid. In addition, there is a connection between documents such as territory planning projects and territory surveying projects. Such papers serve as the basis for maintaining and processing cadastral papers and technical information of the site.

When registering a particular plot of land for full ownership, a citizen has to deal with big amount actions related to the designation and characteristics of the allotment. What is a land surveying project? This is a document that is necessary, first of all, for a person who wants to register a plot of land, since such a project reflects the exact location of its boundaries. At the same time, it is possible to draw up such a land surveying project if you have special equipment, which includes signs that establish the boundary in kind.

The development of a territory surveying project and the land surveying project itself are drawn up exclusively by specialist engineers.

An important point development of a planning and land surveying project is advocated, since these two concepts are directly related to each other. A land surveying project always aims to define boundaries, while a territory planning project allows you to reflect the structural elements of the site. This is how the PPT (territory planning project) differs from the PMT (territory surveying project). However, at the same time, planning projects and land surveying projects have common features, namely, both of them act as urban planning documents and can be applied to both built-up and empty areas.

Since the use of a planning project has a direct connection with the execution of a territory surveying document, the meaning of these papers is determined in their entirety, despite the different display objects.

So, why is it necessary to draw up the documents in question:
  • clarification of what structures exist on the territory, which may have a direct impact on the establishment of site boundaries;
  • organization of roadways, sidewalks and streets in general, which requires both planning and a land surveying project for the block as a whole;
  • determining the places where they can be located utility networks, buildings, structures and other objects, the land surveying process helps not to violate other people's borders.

The land surveying project directly influences the determination of the site for construction, and also primarily indicates the limits of possible actions in a particular territory. That is, without a land surveying project it will be impossible to accurately determine the site planning project.

In addition to direct registration of a plot of land in full ownership, a person may need to carry out land surveying in situations where disputes arise about the right to a particular part of the land. A land surveying project and a planning project will allow you to determine exactly where someone’s property begins. And in the event of alienation through the conclusion of any civil transaction, the mandatory provision of technical documentation of the allotment will be required to establish the possibility of transferring the specified area of ​​​​land. That is why land surveying as a form of boundary allocation should be carried out immediately upon acquiring a plot, and changes should be made subsequently, if any, or the procedure should be completed from the very beginning to eliminate inconsistencies and violations of the interests of the owners of neighboring plots.

The projects under consideration always reflect only shared ownership, since they involve displaying the boundaries of part of one common territory.

It is also important to pay attention to the architects’ calculations. They are drawn up when construction work is planned on the site in the future. Such projects are necessary in order to determine building standards that are directly related to what type of structure is being built. The construction will directly depend on the quality and condition of the soil, as well as its resistance to the loads that will be placed on it during construction. All this should be taken into account when forming projects at the initial stage.

The territory surveying project is determined a large number of important information about the site. It is prepared by a specialist, and accordingly, the requirements for the land surveying project are highlighted, which include the precisely defined composition of the land surveying project. It must be remembered that the requirements for preparing a land surveying project, including when changes are made to the land surveying project, are enshrined exclusively in legislative acts, and their violation will lead to the invalidity of the document.

The land surveying project is regulated by the town planning law, as well as orders issued by the ministry economic development.

Speaking about the requirements that must be observed when drawing up a land surveying project, we mean establishing conditions that relate specifically to the content of the document.

The project form may include information entered and displayed only in specific ways:
  • You cannot use a pencil; only blue or purple ink should be used;
  • It is necessary to observe the scale of the image, as well as the A4 sheet format;
  • You can only use Russian letters and corresponding signs;
  • it is necessary to follow the rules for transferring information to the next sheets, adhere to numbering and other numerical designations;
  • maintaining the proper amount of text.

Violation established rules will lead to the fact that the project will require changes, and in some cases, redevelopment and new studies of the site are possible.

Separately, the legislator pays attention to the composition of the project site, both as a whole and allocated as part of the land share. The content of any version of such a document should include two parts, one of which is textual, reflecting all characteristics and calculations, and the second is graphic, which will approve each designation on the territory in a schematic version. Moreover, such a plan may immediately contain information about several parts of the territories and their structural elements, and also concern one plot allocated for the land share.

The boundary design is made by a specialist based on the planning project. It is possible to receive land survey documents remotely based on the planning project.

According to the town planning law, the form of the land surveying project must comply with certain rules. A sample that serves as an example, a project and its form can be found on electronic resources. In this case, you should pay attention to the fact that it is necessary to separate it into text and graphic parts, and each of them must include certain information.

The text part includes:
  • information on the area of ​​the plot allocated for the land share;
  • information about methods of education;
  • information about the territory that will be classified as public places, their area and methods of formation;
  • type and purpose of the allotment, for example, for gardening purposes.

Regarding types of land, such information is required. If the purpose of the allotment is horticultural, then it is included in the SNT (horticultural non-profit partnership), and accordingly, the mode of use and disposal of it changes.

The second part in the boundary project is graphic. It refers to an element of a document that includes various drawings and diagrams.

It should also contain specific information:
  • when approving the layout, red lines are always indicated;
  • the boundaries defined by the site are marked;
  • red lines to indicate construction locations in the order in which the project was created;
  • boundaries of new or converted plots, as well as the allotment allocated as part of the land share;
  • designation of places where any public easement operates.

The absence of certain information will require revision of the project, which may lead to refusal of its approval.

When it is necessary to justify a land surveying project, you should take drawings that primarily reflect the boundaries of the sites, the objects on them, as well as protected areas. In most cases, it is the drawings that serve as evidence, since they represent a miniature display of the site, but preserving all its characteristics.

In order to receive a site design, it is necessary to send an application to the appropriate structure. Today, there are two options: the administration of a particular locality, which is not possible in every city; this should be clarified in a specific municipality, as well as special companies that perform similar work. In the case of an authority, you should contact the head of the department directly, and if the application is submitted to the company, then it will be accepted by an authorized employee.

The application must always be accompanied by a technical specification, which is issued to the applicant. Its form is established by the companies and bodies providing this service.

Initial stage When preparing a project, the applicant himself collects documents. It is not enough to submit an application; you must provide papers that will reflect a number of characteristics of the site and determine the possibility of its surveying and further development of the project.

Required information includes:
  • need to get full analysis, reflecting the condition of the soil in the area where buildings will be erected;
  • research into the specifics of the existing architectural context;
  • analysis of the level of environmental safety of work to be carried out on the site;
  • documents confirming the availability of technical support for future work;
  • analysis of all construction results.

Based on the above information, the administration or the company receiving applications issues a decision to carry out cadastral work.

When making a decision on the part of the authorized entity, it is important to pay attention to the availability of technical specifications, which will serve as the basis for planning and carrying out the necessary cadastral activities. It is issued exclusively by an authorized body or organization, after which it must be sent to specialists, namely cadastral engineers.

Only this group persons can perform the work in question, as they have the necessary knowledge and skills. In addition, they have at their disposal necessary equipment and other technical equipment.

The next stage is project development. If the application for land surveying was accepted by the city administration, then it requests a cartographic image of the site, which is in the register of the information bank and has all the necessary designations of the current boundaries. All boundary lines of the land survey, as well as important objects of the site, should be placed on such documents. If a company operating under a license participates, it independently makes a copy of the cartographic image of the plot and puts all the necessary marks on it.

If it is necessary to install any utility networks, then in addition to the above information, you should obtain situational plans for the placement of such communications.

After developing projects, it is necessary to go through the procedure for their approval. Regardless of who the performer is, the administration or a licensed company, the project can only be approved by submitting it to a public hearing, where it will be reviewed and evaluated. In addition to the project, an extract from a previously drawn up master plan for the development of the territory should be provided. Such hearings give permission for cadastral activities if the project meets all requirements and contains comprehensive information. All documentation should be sent to the gas, water and electricity supply services if the project involves the installation of such communication networks.

The procedure for preparing boundary documents is carried out within the time limits established by law. If the administration is involved in the issue, then the entire procedure takes about two months, since the procedure for obtaining a development permit takes half the time. When it comes to companies providing the service in question, the period here can be half as long. Everything will depend on the terms of the agreement, which describes in detail each stage of the entire process, calculating the time and necessary costs.

The cost of the project will also differ from situations where the authorized entity is the administration or a licensed company. If assistance is provided by a government agency, it will be free of charge. As for assistance from a licensed company, the cost of the work will be determined by agreement. Moreover, her responsibility only includes preparing the project, for which a fee is charged. Today, such a service can cost from thirty to four hundred thousand rubles. The price will depend on the volume and duration of work.

Thus, the land surveying project is a mandatory document that must reflect all the necessary characteristics of the land plot, from the area to an accurate depiction of the boundaries. It is always important to comply with the rules for the composition of project information, as well as the requirements for its design. Any violation entails the invalidity of the document and the need for modifications.

Its preparation can be carried out by both government authorities and private companies, and the procedure as a whole will not have significant differences in the first and second options.

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